2016 Facebook Art Thread!

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Hey! It's been a while.

The Facebook giveaways will restart this weekend and I wanted to bump this as a reminder to the people that are already working on art. Also to those looking to contribute we are still in need of Kabutops and Heatran art.

Thanks for all the contributions so far. I'm looking forward to what you guys make this month. :)
I can take Kabutops :)
[Haven't forgotten Machoke, rl stuff been happening]

Was a little mixed on this one since I realized what this weekend was like four days ago and had to rush due to IRL commitments but hopefully this works well enough.

EDIT: Also, not personally going to volunteer for Heatran since I've already spent a solid month working on a heatran piece for the facebook, but we can always reuse the art if no one steps up. That said, what other pokemon are available right now that haven't been claimed? I might be open for claiming a new one but the main post hasn't been updated in forever.
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Was a little mixed on this one since I realized what this weekend was like four days ago and had to rush due to IRL commitments but hopefully this works well enough.

EDIT: Also, not personally going to volunteer for Heatran since I've already spent a solid month working on a heatran piece for the facebook, but we can always reuse the art if no one steps up. That said, what other pokemon are available right now that haven't been claimed? I might be open for claiming a new one but the main post hasn't been updated in forever.
Fal, if the timing/Pokemon works for you, I'm open to taking Heatran so you can take Kabutops :)
Had to enlarge the frame to fit it all in, but as my first year arch professor said: "make the piece and then find the orientation" or something-something-14x8-inch-canvas.

Oh man that kabutops looks so cool.

Editing the frame to fit the art is fine, in fact that is preferred than croping the art and having it look wierd/incomplete. Also sorry to bother you with this but can you post the original art(without the frame) for latios and kabutops? just in case someone finds it useful in the future.

Thanks :)
Updated the OP

At this point, it's been so long that some of these reservations have been sitting in the OP that I'd like to just open up all pieces to be done by anyone that's willing. I'm sorry to those that have promised to do them and have been busy - these things are pretty time sensitive and need to be done just a smidge quicker if at all possible. Posts are quickly becoming outdated and in need of updating, which can be a vicious cycle if left too long.

So yeah, anyone that's eager to do some art, the reservation list is fair game.

This is the current reservation list:
  • Mega Gyarados
  • Mega Pinsir (priority)
  • Mega Heracross
  • Entei
  • Pyroar (priority)
  • Machoke (priority)
  • Grumpig
  • Stunfisk
The ones marked "priority" I've had for awhile and I'd like to go ahead and get out, so if those could get done first, that would be great.
  • ADV Vaporeon (priority)
  • ADV Cloyster (priority)
  • ADV Milotic (priority)
  • ADV Starmie
  • ADV Suicune
  • ADV Swampert
  • ADV Ludicolo
These are for the next Throwback Week, which I want to start at the end of the month. Vaporeon, Cloyster, and Milotic are highest priority because the others were given artwork last time and they can be reused if nobody else does them.
I might have some time to do some so if something is needed lemme know antemortem
well, you had a Pyroar reservation that was never done :(
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Part of me wants to make an extra large piece featuring mega hera fighting mega pisir and then sectioning it off for each entry. Either way, at least reserving Mega Pinsir since I just had another site priority get dropped. I'll update on Mega Hera later depending on what I end up doing.
Part of me wants to make an extra large piece featuring mega hera fighting mega pisir and then sectioning it off for each entry. Either way, at least reserving Mega Pinsir since I just had another site priority get dropped. I'll update on Mega Hera later depending on what I end up doing.
I needed something to post so I grabbed an old Mega Pinsir piece and posted it today, sorry. I'll put you down for Mega Heracross though, if you're interested?
I'm still working on Grumpig! I know i haven't updated or posted anything about it lately but I just started on it last week. I apologize for not being able to get it done when I said I would.

Current WIP:

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I'm still working on Grumpig! I know i haven't updated or posted anything about it lately but I just started on it last week. I apologize for not being able to get it done when I said I would.

Current WIP:

Given the time sensitivity, you made a bold choice to give it a background and additional Spoinks in the background, even though the Grumpig alone would work just fine. That said, even though you said it's a WIP, don't speed up your work process to the point where things get sloppy. The feet seem to be at a very uncomfortable position despite that it's trying to relax/sleep, and there are other small details that together shows that you made some hasty calls (orb on its belly is flat, arms are oddly bulgy despite having a constant thickness from shoulder to the wrists, small head). If you're rushed, don't overcomplicate it. A Grumpig in a battle ready/cute pose would have been enough, I'll take a general approach done well rather than an advanced picture falling short any day of the week.


Had to finish Cloyster today to get it off my mind, so here you go!
Actually liked your earlier WIP better, mainly because the bubbles weren't crowding the Cloyster completely, but also because the additional Cloysters around the edges doesn't add much to the view, having empty space is fine as long as the main focus is adequately detailed. The biggest concern is without doubt its face, the place everyone will look first. The eyes are crossed which gives it a derpy look, and the white "brows" makes its eyes even further odd, so just leaving its face the same as its usual one would be the safest but also best approach to take imo. Also, remember that the horn is pointing out of the space above its head, and not directly behind its head, see the official art for reference.
Oh yeah, just remembered about the links since my internet was down all weekend. These should be the full pieces without the border in case of future use.

Latios has two versions, the DA link with slightly more editing and the Tumblr version being uncropped.

And the Kabutops piece is on my DA as well.
Sorry I was unexpectedly without Internet and couldn't log on to Smogon until now. I had machoke reserved, which I started, but given that it's priority, if anyone would like to take it please feel free as I can't upload anything from my computer until next week at the earliest :(
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