Monotype Community Create-A-Pokemon

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Nothing personal, I protect my people
MCCAP Project Title 2.png

Approved by scpinion and Dream Eater Gengar / Modeled after CAP Project / Banner by iLlama
Welcome to the Monotype Community Create-A-Pokemon Project. The concept behind this project is to see your ideas and knowledge of not only the Monotype metagame but also each type and their specific needs in order to give them more success and viability. The overall goal is to see how creative you can be with giving different types something they lack or are in severe need of and how this new Pokemon would change a given type and the metagame as a whole. Anyone can participate. Discussion and feedback is highly encouraged as it stimulates conversation and brings forth more theories and suggestions. Because of this, you can contribute to this project without actually submitting anything but ideas and/or information regarding types, match-ups, calculations, etc. The main point of this is to have fun and for the Monotype Community to design a Pokemon that pushes the tier and certain types forward.

The project itself will begin on October 7th and end on November 11th. The time frames for each week will be run mostly through JST (Japanese Standard Time). This means this project will last 5 weeks, ending 1 week before the release of Pokemon: Sun and Moon on November 18th. Each week will have a separate topic or subject as the main guideline for conversation and discussion. The general topics for each week will be as follows:
  • Week 1: Create a concept for a Pokemon or Niche that is severely needed for a certain type. What type's viability are you trying to further, why and how? Vote on concept and type.
  • Week 2: Discuss the Secondary typing as well as Threats to the concept. What help does this other typing provide? How do you beat this Pokemon? Vote on Secondary typing.
  • Week 3: Provide ideas for a Primary and Secondary Ability and discuss how they help both of its typings. How will said Ability make a difference for the given type? Vote on each Ability respectively.
  • Week 4: Suggest Stat Spreads, Movesets and general Movepools for the Pokemon. What about this Pokemon makes it necessary and viable on teams of its type? Vote on each category respectively.
  • Week 5: Name the Pokemon! Make it creative and relevant to the concept of the Pokemon. Vote.

Rules and Tips:
  • The beginning of each phase will be announced via a post in this thread with explanations and examples of how to post ideas and/or concepts with regards to the topic line for said week.
  • Depending on how much information is established and if a general consensus for a certain criteria occurs, there will be a 5 day discussion on each topic followed by a 2 day voting period to round out each week.
  • When submitting beginning concepts, try to design Pokemon that aren't too similar to any already within their typing. This project wants to focus mostly on ideas that would improve types and to improve their viability in Monotype in ways that are not currently accessible to said type.
  • There will be no reservations for ideas since we are creating a Pokemon from scratch.
  • Make sure your ideas don't include extreme buffs at any stage of this discussion. Please use reasonable discretion when designing your Pokemon as well. If you think that your design may be broken, it probably is.
  • When creating a concept, don't focus only on making something incredible. How it improves its type, covers weaknesses or provides more options should come first and foremost.
  • When submitting an idea, make sure you give the required submission for that week. Nothing more and nothing less. If you have ideas for upcoming topics, just save your thoughts for those discussions.
  • The point of this Project is not to crown a winner, but to have an in-depth meta-game discussion with the Monotype Community.
  • Give a description on how this new Pokemon changes its type and what it provides.
  • Don't insult other people for their ideas even if you think it's bad. Let the voting period decide that.
  • Editing your idea is allowed as long as it is done before the Voting Period.

Week Specific Rules and Tips:
  • Week 1: You may not create a concept that is very similar to that of another person. If you like their concept or also want something nearly identical, simply like their post and vote for them at the end of the week.
  • Week 2: If you want to discuss the same secondary typing as another person, make sure to add points that the previous user hasn't mentioned. If you cannot add anymore information, wait for the voting period.
  • Week 3: All abilities must be already within the ORAS meta-game. Similar to Week 2, only post the same type as another user if you are providing additional information that was not established. If you cannot add anymore information, wait for the voting period.
  • Week 4: All submissions may be similar to other users. The Stat Spread requires explanation as to why each stat is what it is, i.e. why have 101 Speed and not 100? Movesets must make logical sense for the concept of the Pokemon being created. Don't give a Pokemon 4 Attacking Moves if its role is Utility. If a person happens to somehow post the same concept as you, simply wait for the voting period.
  • Week 5: When submitting a name for the Pokemon, explain why you decided to use that name. Nothing obscene or too complex.
If you have any questions feel free to PM me on PS! or here on Smogon.
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Week 1: Create a Concept

Structure mostly taken from CAP Project

Welcome one and all to Week 1 of the Monotype Community Create-A-Pokemon Project. As you may have seen from the original post and the title, Week 1 is focused on you, the community, creating and posting your concepts for Pokemon that are vital to teams within Monotype. Now, before posting, there are guidelines that need to be laid out to maintain some order and structure to ideas. The reason behind this is to avoid short, incomplete, poorly written posts as much as possible. So, with this in mind, here are the rules and formatting:

The Concept will be a guiding force throughout the ensuing project, to ensure the the final result is a cohesive competitive Pokemon within the Monotype metagame. Any discussions, suggestions, or submissions in later topics, that do not support the spirit of the Concept, will be moderated and removed. Concepts must be presented as high-level descriptions of a general idea. They cannot be detailed Pokemon designs. Since we have voting polls to determine each aspect of the Pokemon, we cannot allow any specific features of the Pokemon to be determined by the details of the Concept. We intentionally have many rules regarding Concept Submissions. If you are not prepared to read and understand all the rules, then don't bother making a submission. These rules are made to help narrow the field of concepts down to those that have been carefully designed. This is not meant to be easy for everyone -- a good, legal Concept requires a lot of thought and careful wording. The following rules must be followed when submitting a Concept:
  • Concepts must work with the mechanics laid out in Pokemon XY/ORAS. A concept that requires a custom ability, move, or other element that cannot be found on a Pokemon from XY/ORAS is not allowed. A concept must be feasible with the gameplay mechanics that are currently available. The concept must be able to be fulfilled by a creation with access to only GameFreak created abilities, moves, etc. In short, "no customs." We are using GameFreak's toolbox.
  • One submission per person. You may edit your Concept, but you may not change the fundamental premise after it has been posted. If editing your concept, please edit the original post instead of posting a new revision. Do not bump your Concept after you have posted it. If people do not comment on it, so be it.
  • Do not duplicate or closely-resemble Concepts already posted by others. It is your responsibility to read through all previous submissions in this thread to ensure you are complying with this rule. Ignorance or laziness is not an excuse. All repeat posts will be removed.
  • Pokemon may have a Secondary Typing within the Concept if and ONLY if the Concept depends on it. Because this is a Monotype Project, it isn't practical to be limited to a single type sometimes. HOWEVER, the only exceptions to having one type must have enough reasoning/support to justify having two types. Reasons cannot include simple descriptions such as "This typing doesn't exist yet," or "Dragon with Steel typing would be helpful," or "Water and Fire for Shark Boy and Lava Girl." If they do, they will be automatically removed.
  • Specific Abilities are not allowed. This applies to existing abilities and new abilities. Do not attempt to circumvent this rule by mentioning specific battle effects that can only be achieved by the implementation of an ability. For example, the following phrases would be illegal:
    "This Pokemon should have a defensive ability like Intimidate or Marvel Scale..." "This Pokemon has an ability that steals the opponent's held item..." "When this Pokemon is switched in, all weather conditions are nullified..."
  • Movepools or lists of moves are not allowed. A specific move can be mentioned if it is the basis for the entire concept. For example, the Concept "Rapid Spinner" would obviously mention the move Rapid Spin.
  • Specific stat bias, base stats, or base stat ratings are not allowed. It is acceptable to use descriptive phrases like "fast", "bulky", "strong attacker", etc -- since there are a variety of ways a Pokemon can fit those descriptions without specifically requiring certain stats. But, do not use overly-specific descriptions that would narrowly constrain the Pokemon's base stat spread.
  • Indications of Physical/Special bias are discouraged, but acceptable if it is essential to the Concept.
  • A Concept Submission must be submitted in the proper format. The format is described below. If the proper format is not used, the moderators will not evaluate the submission, regardless of content.
Concept Submission Format Use this format for all concept submissions: Here is the format with tags. Just copy/paste this into your post, and fill it out:
  • Name - Don't get too clever with the name. If the essence of the concept is not intuitively obvious in the name, then you are hurting your chances of people understanding it. If the essence of your concept cannot be expressed in a few words, then you need to seriously re-evaluate your concept.
  • Description - This is the official description of the concept, and must follow ALL the content rules listed above. Do not make this a long description. Long descriptions are invariably too specific or too convoluted. Keep it short. Any more than a sentence or two is TOO MUCH. Do NOT include your Explanation of the concept in the Description. See "Explanation" below.
  • Justification Utilizing the CAP Concept Toolkit, craft a concept that can fit into at least one of the following categories: Actualization, Archetype, or Target. Please explicitly state the category names as applicable to your specific justification and explain.
    • Actualization: What is the feeling your Concept Pokemon INSPIRES when used properly in the metagame, do existing Pokemon come close to that, and why or why not?
    • Archetype: What does your Concept Pokemon DO - functionally - in the metagame, and why does the metagame need something with that role? Use Smogon's Pokemon Dictionary to assist with role definitions.
    • Target: What does your Concept Pokemon ADDRESS in the metagame, and why is addressing that target important?

    If you cannot justify your concept utilizing one (or more) of the three tools above, then your concept is illegal for the CAP project. (More at the end of the OP)
  • Questions To Be Answered - The purpose of the CAP project is to learn new things about the metagame, and each concept submission is a proposed "experiment". Each tool has its own specific set of questions, but good concepts often can explain other facets of competitive Pokemon. Use this section to pose those additional questions. Note that this is different from Justification where you are answering tool-related questions, in this section you are proposing questions.
  • Explanation - This can contain just about anything. This is where you can explain your concept without restraint. You may make suggestions, even specific suggestions, regarding the possible implementation of the Concept. This explanation should help facilitate discussion of the Concept -- but the Explanation is NOT part of the Concept and will be omitted from the polls and any future use of the Concept. Since your explanation is non-binding, regarding future polls and threads, it will not be evaluated for purposes of determining if your concept is legal or illegal. Although it is tempting, refrain from making too long of an explanation; it will deter readers from fully considering your concept.
It is the submitter's responsibility to figure out how to make a legal submission within the rules listed above. Do not complain about the difficulty of making a submission in this thread. There are many, many legal concepts that can be presented within the rules. Here are few examples of good and bad Concepts:

Good Concepts from Past Projects
"Pure Utility Pokemon"
"Anti-Ghost Rapid Spinner"
"True Garchomp Counter"
"Ultimate Weather Abuser"
"Status Counter Momentum"

Bad Concepts from Past Projects
"Ice-Resisting Dragon"
"Super Luck User"
"STAB Explosion Glass Cannon"
"Auto-Stealth Rock Remover"
"A Pokemon with Special Intimidate"
"Pyrokinetic Pokemon (Fire/Psychic)"
"Special Guts"
"Typing Means Nothing"

Note that all good concepts do not specifically dictate anything in later polls. Please try to remember that we are simply pointing the project in a general direction, we are not trying to decide anything right now. We have several weeks of polls ahead of us where EVERYTHING about this Pokemon will be dissected, discussed, voted, and decided. The concept is a very basic guide for the creation process. It is hard to provide solid concept descriptions without basically designing the entire Pokemon right off the bat. Submissions should be written and chosen very carefully to avoid these problems.

Here is a specific concept that you can work from as an example. Credit to Snobalt:
Name: Last Act of Defiance

General Description: A Pokemon that is defined by its use of the move Parting Shot.

Justification: Parting Shot is another move that's pretty amazing on paper, but its true usage has yet to be fully explored because it's only available to Pangoro. Pangoro is not the most viable Pokemon OU and is nearly unusable in CAP due to its 4x weakness to Fairy. Moreover, when I've used it in RU (prior it to being banned) and UU, I found myself clicking an attacking move more often than not. With the optimal Parting Shot user in the CAP metagame, we may be able to tap into this move's potential and figure out how it is best utilized. Maybe Last Act of Defiance will be a fast Pokemon that aims to keep up offensive momentum. Maybe it'll use the move like it would use Memento to help a teammate use a boosting move. Maybe it'll be a slow, bulky pivot intended to discourage switching. Maybe it'll do something completely different.

This falls under both actualization and archetype in terms of being a concept. In terms of actualization, it will teach us how to use Parting Shot "properly." Clearly, no other Pokemon, not even Pangoro, comes close to it. Well, users of U-turn, Volt Switch, and Memento come somewhat close, but even then, we'll be able to see what makes Parting Shot different from (and possibly better than) them. In terms of archetype, Last Act of Defiance will give not just the CAP metagame, but also the whole game of Pokemon, a utility Pokemon that we've never seen before, as Parting Shot was not (and still isn't) one of Pangoro's most important assets. Because Parting Shot has so many potential uses, a utility Pokemon such as this can be the ultimate team player for offensive and defensive archetypes alike.

Questions To Be Answered:
- Whether it's pivoting, offensive momentum, Memento-esque support, or something else, what is the "ideal" way to use Parting Shot? Why?
- Considering Pangoro rarely finds the time to use the move, how much should a Pokemon be willing to sacrifice another offensive option for Parting Shot?
- What makes Parting Shot different or similar from Volt Switch, U-turn, and Memento?
- Pangoro is definitely not the ideal Parting Shot user, so what does the ideal user look like?
- What strategies, whether they be certain Pokemon, playstyles, or other factors, will rise to prominence to combat a Parting Shot user?

Explanation: Not a whole lot to say here. Parting Shot is relatively unseen, yet it still ostensibly has a variety of uses. We could make this Pokemon a fast offensive momentum builder that fits on VoltTurn teams. We can make it a supporter that can use Parting Shot to safely bring in your team's wincon. There are many, many ways to go about this concept using just this one move. It would teach us a lot about Parting Shot and introduce a brand new niche in the metagame, which are two things that the CAP Project strives for.
Posting will end at approximately Wednesday October 12th at 11:59 P.M. EST. All posts after will be ignored. Voting for Week 1 begins immediately after Posting ends and will continue until Week 2 starts on October 15th.

Again, if you have any questions feel free to PM me on PS! or here on Smogon. Other than that, happy posting!
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Name: Polarized

General Description: A Pokemon that has the ability to the facilitate difficult matchups for 2 lower-tiered types, and provide a plethora of amazing coverage, at a price.

Justification: This concept focuses primarily on buffing Fire and Ice, 2 types that are hindered by much more prominent types in the metagame. With this outstanding offensive typing combo, it is able to give Ice a reliable wincon against Steel (something that's good to note Ice has less than a 20% chance to win in that matchup), and give Fire an answer to Dragon. Although this is amazing on paper, this in itself is also a double-edged sword. While offensively this type combination is outstanding, defensively it is one of the worst on the spectrum, stacking 2x weaknesses against Fighting, Ground, and Water, and carrying a 4x weakness against Rock (which also means it'll lose half of its health to Stealth Rock). It's resistances are nothing to be amazed over either, only resisting Bug, Fairy, Grass, and Ice. This is why it is given the name it has, while having one of the best offensive type combinations out there, and the possibility to provide much needed buffs, it does come with weaknesses that cannot be overlooked, which is a good discussion point to talk about if this concept is the winner.

Out of the possible categories, this can fit into 2 of the 3! It definitely falls under Actualization since this inspires very offensive play on a risk vs reward basis. This allows us to explore what possible "rewards" could be given for bypassing these staggering weaknesses. Target would be arguably one of the biggest things this concept stands for, since the original purpose was to ease the Steel matchup for Ice, and the Dragon matchup for fire.

Questions To Be Answered:
-What type of "rewards" can be given in exchange for overcoming its crippling weaknesses?
-What would be the limit of coverage this Pokemon can be given, outside of its already fantastic natural STABs?
-Speed will probably play a big factor in this concept, given it does have awful defensive typing, how much speed would it need to eliminate the threats that plague Fire and Ice, without being overly fast for the rest of the metagame to handle?
-How will this change usage and viability of two types considered to be Low-Tier?
-How will teams this Pokemon is designed to beat handle this new threat?
-Because of the immense amount of coverage it'll potentially have, there needs to be a limit on how much offensive power it'll have, or else it'll be able to break nearly anything it wants in the metagame. What's the limit to how strong this Pokemon will actually be?

Explanation: I pretty much summed it up above. Balance is the most reliable playstyle to run since not only do you have plenty of offense, but you have plenty of walls to make for safe switch ins. This is meant to embellish Fire and Ice's heavily offensive nature as types, and rely greatly on the concept of risk vs reward. While in conjunction with that, it also has the ability to, if played with smartly, to buff Fire and ice's biggest weaknesses, and hopefully increase their viability as types as a whole.
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Name: In, Absorb, Out

Description: A Pokemon that can switch into and absorb incoming status moves and benefit from them, while being able to pivot into teammates as well.

Justification: This concept falls under Archetype. With status playing a much more significant role in the metagame among others, such a Pokemon would be invaluable, being able to switch into a variety of common status moves while not being hindered by them. Fighting teams usually have a problem with Burns, with the only fast Guts user being Heracross. Normal teams are crippled by Poison, and by Toxic even more. Due to the offensive natures of Fire, Ice and Dark teams, Paralysis is something that severely hinders their playstyle. In such a meta were certain status cripple teams as a whole, a reliable status absorber would be boon for most of them. Said absorber can either be a fast pivot meant to keep up offensive pressure, or a slow pivot meant to bring in a teammate while saving it from status. Its use would be further incremented if it gets utility moves like Rapid Spin, Heal Bell , or Defog, as types like Fire and Fighting lack reliable hazard removal, and types like Poison, Ice and Flying don't have much access to cleric support. With the large number of pivoting moves available, there is a possibility of such a Pokemon having more than two of those, giving it more ways of being used on a team.

Questions to be answered:
1. Would its pivotal role be hindered by the presence of hazards?
2. Would there be any status moves that it would be completely immune to?
3. Would it get any utility moves, especially a source of reliable recover, that go well with its pivotal role?
4. Does the Pokemon rely too much on being hit with status in order to be effective?

Explanation: Overall, this kind of a Pokemon would fit perfectly in the current meta. With Volt Switchers and U-Turners being crippled by Poison and Burn/Paralysis respectively, a Pokemon that can perform the same role as other prominent pivots in the meta while not having to worry about getting hit by status would be invaluable. Gliscor is susceptible to Burns, which is why it is forced to hold a Toxic Orb. Electric's only hazard remover is Zapdos, who's longitivity is heavily crippled by Poison. Fire teams lack both reliable hazard removers and good status absorbers, making this Pokemon all the more useful for them.
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Name: Flame On

General Description: A mon that will boost the defensive capabilities of a poor defensive type, being fire, through being more defensive in base stat spread and ability/secondary typing.

Justification: This pokemon would fall under the category Target. It is specifically created to be able to make a core with fire types. Fire types lack a strong core and usually have to go a hyper offensive route as they have little switch ins to strong attacks. This would bring some popularity to fire types, who overall have strong performances in standard tiers, but fall short in the monotype tier.

Questions To Be Answered:
How will some of fire's other weaknesses be addresses?
How will this work to not completely shut down a water type mono team?
If it is balanced and defensive will it gain access to scald (like Emboar) to really be a wall and difficult to deal with for rock and ground types?
Will there be enough mons that can take this pokemon down even if they are burned?
Will it be too over centralizing to the fire type mono-type meta?
Does the secondary typing make the mon always used in a team primarily focused on the secondary typing?

Fire types especially have a lot of weaknesses leaving them to prioritize a quick hyper offense plan to get a victory. This concept would make the fire types grab a defensive mon to cover some weaknesses and grab an overall stronger core. The secondary typing is up for grabs but since fire types only have 1 pokemon (volcanion) having a water immunity or even a water neutrality it would be preferable for a secondary typing such as grass to counter the water or have an ability like water absorb or dry skin to switch into water type attacks and recover health to be a fire type wall. This differs in the fact that it is made to be a wall. To be annoying/stally while not having the best typing for being a wall. It needs a good ability and maybe even a decent (not poor) secondary typing to do so.
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Name: Swiss Army Ghost

General Description: A Pokemon that can provide utility for Ghost type teams, the most important ones being hazard removal, stealth rock, and functioning as a Knock Off absorber.

This concept falls under Archetype and Target. This Pokemon will be able to provide Stealth Rock for ghost types, and will face competition will Golurk. HOWEVER, this means Golurk doesn't have to be constricted to the mandatory sash lead it is right now, it can run sets such as Life Orb Rock Polish, Choice Band, or no Golurk on a ghost team at all. This can influence other builds of a Ghost monotype and other sets to be explored, as it frees up the roles of other Pokemon. As for hazard removal, Ghost type teams have to run Drifblim(extremely niche) if they want to be able to control the hazard game. The Pokemon described in this concept will be able to perform a better role of hazard removal, and give ghost teams a Pokemon that can do this without being dead weight otherwise, unlike Drifblim. This is the Archetype part of the concept.
As for the Target part of the concept, this Pokemon will be a Knock Off absorber for ghost teams. It will address threats that carry Knock Off, such as weavile and bisharp, and threaten them out, either by other utility moves than the ones listed above, or offensive presence. The ability to threaten these Knock Off users may even provide it opportunities to remove hazards. After elaborating of the how of being a Knock Off absorber, it is important to understand the why. Stomaching Knock Off a huge issue for any ghost team, as it super effective on most of the Pokemon, and even the Pokemon that are neutral to it, like Sableye, are greatly hindered by Knock Off(Sableye does not appreciate it's Leftovers being removed and it has a subpar defensive stat). The Pokemon described in this concept will provide a remedy, as it won't be drastically affected by the move.

Questions To Be Answered:
Should this Pokemon have some form of recovery to help prolong its longevity to continously control hazards?
Should this Pokemon have somewhat of an offensive presence to help it set up stealth rocks or be able to remove hazards, or should it have other utility moves to threaten the opposing Pokemon out for these opportunities?
How will this Pokemon fit onto a Ghost type team and synergize with it?
What weaknesses will this Pokemon cover and what can break it?
How will this Pokemon affect the viability and usability of Ghost monotype?
In what way will this Pokemon absorb Knock Off and will this Pokemon absorb other super-effective moves as well?
The Pokemon will be able to have to roles of stealth rocker, hazard remover, and knock off absorber all in one, providing role compression for a ghost team. This is fundamental, as it can provide other Pokemon that currently some of these roles to be able to explore other roles, such as Choice Band Golurk. Having another Pokemon receive access to Stealth Rock is just helpful in general, since Stealth Rock is a key part of the meta, for breaking sashes, wearing down switch-ins, etc against the opponent. The point made in the sentence previously also applies to ghost monotypes, therefore also having hazard removal on this pokemon will be beneficial. Lastly, the ability to absorb Knock Off's will greatly alleviate pressure on the team, as a ghost monotype is naturally weak to the move.

Shoutout to iLlama for helping me with the Questions to be Answered Part and coming up with the concept name.
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Name: Swiss Army Ghost

General Description: A Pokemon that can provide utility for Ghost type teams, the most important ones being hazard removal, stealth rock, and functioning as a Knock Off absorber.

This concept falls under Archetype and Target. This Pokemon will be able to provide Stealth Rock for ghost types, and will face competition will Golurk. HOWEVER, this means Golurk doesn't have to be constricted to the mandatory sash lead it is right now, it can run sets such as Life Orb Rock Polish, Choice Band, or no Golurk on a ghost team at all. This can influence other builds of a Ghost monotype and other sets to be explored, as it frees up the roles of other Pokemon. As for hazard removal, Ghost type teams have to run Drifblim(extremely niche) if they want to be able to control the hazard game. The Pokemon described in this concept will be able to perform a better role of hazard removal, and give ghost teams a Pokemon that can do this without being dead weight otherwise, unlike Drifblim. This is the Archetype part of the concept.
As for the Target part of the concept, this Pokemon will be a Knock Off absorber for ghost teams. It will address threats that carry Knock Off, such as weavile and bisharp, and threaten them out, either by other utility moves than the ones listed above, or offensive presence. The ability to threaten these Knock Off users may even provide it opportunities to remove hazards. After elaborating of the how of being a Knock Off absorber, it is important to understand the why. Stomaching Knock Off a huge issue for any ghost team, as it super effective on most of the Pokemon, and even the Pokemon that are neutral to it, like Sableye, are greatly hindered by Knock Off(Sableye does not appreciate it's Leftovers being removed and it has a subpar defensive stat). The Pokemon described in this concept will provide a remedy, as it won't be drastically affected by the move.

Questions To Be Answered:
Should this Pokemon have some form of recovery to help prolong its longevity to continously control hazards?
Should this Pokemon have somewhat of an offensive presence to help it set up stealth rocks or be able to remove hazards, or should it have other utility moves to threaten the opposing Pokemon out for these opportunities?
How will this Pokemon fit onto a Ghost type team and synergize with it?
What weaknesses will this Pokemon cover and what can break it?
How will this Pokemon affect the viability and usability of Ghost monotype?
In what way will this Pokemon absorb Knock Off and will this Pokemon absorb other super-effective moves as well?
The Pokemon will be able to have to roles of stealth rocker, hazard remover, and knock off absorber all in one, providing role compression for a ghost team. This is fundamental, as it can provide other Pokemon that currently some of these roles to be able to explore other roles, such as Choice Band Golurk. Having another Pokemon receive access to Stealth Rock is just helpful in general, since Stealth Rock is a key part of the meta, for breaking sashes, wearing down switch-ins, etc against the opponent. The point made in the sentence previously also applies to ghost monotypes, therefore also having hazard removal on this pokemon will be beneficial. Lastly, the ability to absorb Knock Off's will greatly alleviate pressure on the team, as a ghost monotype is naturally weak to the move.
Shoutout to iLlama for helping me with the Questions to be Answered Part and coming up with the concept name.
I really like your concept, but I do have a question about it. Implying that it can absorb Knock Off, does that mean it'll have a Mea Evolution?
I really like your concept, but I do have a question about it. Implying that it can absorb Knock Off, does that mean it'll have a Mea Evolution?
It could have an ability like Solid Rock or Sticky Hold or even a typing that allows it to take neutral from knock off. However, I don't think I should be mentioning these in my concept post, since it is implying an undecided ability or move. imo there are different ways we can achieve this :P
There is 1 day left in the posting phase before voting begins. Please make sure to get all concepts in before the deadline.
Week 1: Voting
Structure mostly taken from CAP Project

Now we have come to the voting phase for concepts. Make sure to read through each concept thoroughly; it is imperative that you understand what you're voting for here. Bold your votes and nothing else! A typical vote might look like the following:

Who you are voting for

Any comments that the voter has would go below the votes in non-bold text. Bold text is used to determine what the user's votes are, so none of the supplementary text should be in bold.

Please post only your votes in this thread. Do not respond to other posts. You are allowed to say whatever you like in relation to your vote at the bottom of your post, but please do not look to begin a discussion. Asking for votes for your submission or for the submissions of others is not allowed.

IMPORTANT: When voting, use only the name of the author! The list of possible votes include:

Galvantula Tank

This poll will be open until October 14th. The concept submissions are quoted below in order of submission.

Name: Polarized

General Description: A Pokemon that has the ability to the facilitate difficult matchups for 2 lower-tiered types, and provide a plethora of amazing coverage, at a price.

Justification: This concept focuses primarily on buffing Fire and Ice, 2 types that are hindered by much more prominent types in the metagame. With this outstanding offensive typing combo, it is able to give Ice a reliable wincon against Steel (something that's good to note Ice has less than a 20% chance to win in that matchup), and give Fire an answer to Dragon. Although this is amazing on paper, this in itself is also a double-edged sword. While offensively this type combination is outstanding, defensively it is one of the worst on the spectrum, stacking 2x weaknesses against Fighting, Ground, and Water, and carrying a 4x weakness against Rock (which also means it'll lose half of its health to Stealth Rock). It's resistances are nothing to be amazed over either, only resisting Bug, Fairy, Grass, and Ice. This is why it is given the name it has, while having one of the best offensive type combinations out there, and the possibility to provide much needed buffs, it does come with weaknesses that cannot be overlooked, which is a good discussion point to talk about if this concept is the winner.

Out of the possible categories, this can fit into 2 of the 3! It definitely falls under Actualization since this inspires very offensive play on a risk vs reward basis. This allows us to explore what possible "rewards" could be given for bypassing these staggering weaknesses. Target would be arguably one of the biggest things this concept stands for, since the original purpose was to ease the Steel matchup for Ice, and the Dragon matchup for fire.

Questions To Be Answered:
-What type of "rewards" can be given in exchange for overcoming its crippling weaknesses?
-What would be the limit of coverage this Pokemon can be given, outside of its already fantastic natural STABs?
-Speed will probably play a big factor in this concept, given it does have awful defensive typing, how much speed would it need to eliminate the threats that plague Fire and Ice, without being overly fast for the rest of the metagame to handle?
-How will this change usage and viability of two types considered to be Low-Tier?
-How will teams this Pokemon is designed to beat handle this new threat?
-Because of the immense amount of coverage it'll potentially have, there needs to be a limit on how much offensive power it'll have, or else it'll be able to break nearly anything it wants in the metagame. What's the limit to how strong this Pokemon will actually be?

Explanation: I pretty much summed it up above. Balance is the most reliable playstyle to run since not only do you have plenty of offense, but you have plenty of walls to make for safe switch ins. This is meant to embellish Fire and Ice's heavily offensive nature as types, and rely greatly on the concept of risk vs reward. While in conjunction with that, it also has the ability to, if played with smartly, to buff Fire and ice's biggest weaknesses, and hopefully increase their viability as types as a whole.
Name: In, Absorb, Out

Description: A Pokemon that can switch into and absorb incoming status moves and benefit from them, while being able to pivot into teammates as well.

Justification: This concept falls under Archetype. With status playing a much more significant role in the metagame among others, such a Pokemon would be invaluable, being able to switch into a variety of common status moves while not being hindered by them. Fighting teams usually have a problem with Burns, with the only fast Guts user being Heracross. Normal teams are crippled by Poison, and by Toxic even more. Due to the offensive natures of Fire, Ice and Dark teams, Paralysis is something that severely hinders their playstyle. In such a meta were certain status cripple teams as a whole, a reliable status absorber would be boon for most of them. Said absorber can either be a fast pivot meant to keep up offensive pressure, or a slow pivot meant to bring in a teammate while saving it from status. Its use would be further incremented if it gets utility moves like Rapid Spin, Heal Bell , or Defog, as types like Fire and Fighting lack reliable hazard removal, and types like Poison, Ice and Flying don't have much access to cleric support. With the large number of pivoting moves available, there is a possibility of such a Pokemon having more than two of those, giving it more ways of being used on a team.

Questions to be answered:
1. Would its pivotal role be hindered by the presence of hazards?
2. Would there be any status moves that it would be completely immune to?
3. Would it get any utility moves, especially a source of reliable recover, that go well with its pivotal role?
4. Does the Pokemon rely too much on being hit with status in order to be effective?

Explanation: Overall, this kind of a Pokemon would fit perfectly in the current meta. With Volt Switchers and U-Turners being crippled by Poison and Burn/Paralysis respectively, a Pokemon that can perform the same role as other prominent pivots in the meta while not having to worry about getting hit by status would be invaluable. Gliscor is susceptible to Burns, which is why it is forced to hold a Toxic Orb. Electric's only hazard remover is Zapdos, who's longitivity is heavily crippled by Poison. Fire teams lack both reliable hazard removers and good status absorbers, making this Pokemon all the more useful for them.
Name: Flame On

General Description: A mon that will boost the defensive capabilities of a poor defensive type, being fire, through being more defensive in base stat spread and ability/secondary typing.

Justification: This pokemon would fall under the category Target. It is specifically created to be able to make a core with fire types. Fire types lack a strong core and usually have to go a hyper offensive route as they have little switch ins to strong attacks. This would bring some popularity to fire types, who overall have strong performances in standard tiers, but fall short in the monotype tier.

Questions To Be Answered:
How will some of fire's other weaknesses be addresses?
How will this work to not completely shut down a water type mono team?
If it is balanced and defensive will it gain access to scald (like Emboar) to really be a wall and difficult to deal with for rock and ground types?
Will there be enough mons that can take this pokemon down even if they are burned?
Will it be too over centralizing to the fire type mono-type meta?
Does the secondary typing make the mon always used in a team primarily focused on the secondary typing?

Fire types especially have a lot of weaknesses leaving them to prioritize a quick hyper offense plan to get a victory. This concept would make the fire types grab a defensive mon to cover some weaknesses and grab an overall stronger core. The secondary typing is up for grabs but since fire types only have 1 pokemon (volcanion) having a water immunity or even a water neutrality it would be preferable for a secondary typing such as grass to counter the water or have an ability like water absorb or dry skin to switch into water type attacks and recover health to be a fire type wall. This differs in the fact that it is made to be a wall. To be annoying/stally while not having the best typing for being a wall. It needs a good ability and maybe even a decent (not poor) secondary typing to do so.
Name: Swiss Army Ghost

General Description: A Pokemon that can provide utility for Ghost type teams, the most important ones being hazard removal, stealth rock, and functioning as a Knock Off absorber.

This concept falls under Archetype and Target. This Pokemon will be able to provide Stealth Rock for ghost types, and will face competition will Golurk. HOWEVER, this means Golurk doesn't have to be constricted to the mandatory sash lead it is right now, it can run sets such as Life Orb Rock Polish, Choice Band, or no Golurk on a ghost team at all. This can influence other builds of a Ghost monotype and other sets to be explored, as it frees up the roles of other Pokemon. As for hazard removal, Ghost type teams have to run Drifblim(extremely niche) if they want to be able to control the hazard game. The Pokemon described in this concept will be able to perform a better role of hazard removal, and give ghost teams a Pokemon that can do this without being dead weight otherwise, unlike Drifblim. This is the Archetype part of the concept.
As for the Target part of the concept, this Pokemon will be a Knock Off absorber for ghost teams. It will address threats that carry Knock Off, such as weavile and bisharp, and threaten them out, either by other utility moves than the ones listed above, or offensive presence. The ability to threaten these Knock Off users may even provide it opportunities to remove hazards. After elaborating of the how of being a Knock Off absorber, it is important to understand the why. Stomaching Knock Off a huge issue for any ghost team, as it super effective on most of the Pokemon, and even the Pokemon that are neutral to it, like Sableye, are greatly hindered by Knock Off(Sableye does not appreciate it's Leftovers being removed and it has a subpar defensive stat). The Pokemon described in this concept will provide a remedy, as it won't be drastically affected by the move.

Questions To Be Answered:
Should this Pokemon have some form of recovery to help prolong its longevity to continously control hazards?
Should this Pokemon have somewhat of an offensive presence to help it set up stealth rocks or be able to remove hazards, or should it have other utility moves to threaten the opposing Pokemon out for these opportunities?
How will this Pokemon fit onto a Ghost type team and synergize with it?
What weaknesses will this Pokemon cover and what can break it?
How will this Pokemon affect the viability and usability of Ghost monotype?
In what way will this Pokemon absorb Knock Off and will this Pokemon absorb other super-effective moves as well?
The Pokemon will be able to have to roles of stealth rocker, hazard remover, and knock off absorber all in one, providing role compression for a ghost team. This is fundamental, as it can provide other Pokemon that currently some of these roles to be able to explore other roles, such as Choice Band Golurk. Having another Pokemon receive access to Stealth Rock is just helpful in general, since Stealth Rock is a key part of the meta, for breaking sashes, wearing down switch-ins, etc against the opponent. The point made in the sentence previously also applies to ghost monotypes, therefore also having hazard removal on this pokemon will be beneficial. Lastly, the ability to absorb Knock Off's will greatly alleviate pressure on the team, as a ghost monotype is naturally weak to the move.
Shoutout to iLlama for helping me with the Questions to be Answered Part and coming up with the concept name.
Voting has ended.

It was a very close race between all concepts, but the CAP concept has been decided on. Congratulations to Dece1t for having their concept chosen for this Project. Any and all discussion beyond this point will be directed to Dece1t's concept alone.​

Dece1t - 5
Rage.Spam.Quit - 4
Galvantula Tank - 3
Symphonii - 2

Week 2 will be post shortly.​
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