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Programming UPDATE Nov 20th: Updated with Sun&Moon sprites and Z-Moves!. Showdown App for Android (beta)

I'm having the same problem with return. It doesn't work on any pokemon, as selecting it doesnt use it. The menu dissapears like you selected a move, but never triggers unless you press back and select a different move. As I enjoy playing random battles, this issue is annoying as return is a common and important move to some pokemon.
I want to play Balanced Hackmons on the app but the team builder won't let me change the Abilities to the ones I want. Is this just not possible on the app or am I missing something?
In double battles there are a few malfunctions.
-Sometimes when I want to switch my left pokemon, it doesn't let me do anything with the other one so I must attack with the first poke to be able to continue battling.
-Also, when I'm left with only one pokemon, the app doesn't let me target my moves, which means I have had to give up about 50% of the battles I have had.
-When I have ditto for example and I get taunted, the game doens't let me struggle.
Any advice for how to handle the pop up ads? I literally just lost a match from timing out due to the pop ups. This is insane, certainly not the first time this has happened.
I keep having this really annoying bug(s) happening. So, this is in VGC mainly I've noticed. I only play OU and VGC. So, sometimes when I'm down to my last poke, it won't let me switch in. I just lose to the counter running out. Then sometimes I'll select my move, and it won't do anything, the timer runs out and I lose. I've lost at least 5-10 games like this today it's really annoying. I try reporting the bug but it won't let me.
I can't seem to log-in. It always says this:


May I know what may be the cause of this?
App works fine, the only thing I've noticed (sorry if it has been said, thread is too long to read) is that, when two pokémon faint at the same time in Random Triples Battles, you can't do anything. When that happens, you can click on any pokémon in your team and then click the switch icon, but nothing happens. You are supposed to make two switches since it's a triples battle and you've got just one pokémon battling, but even if you perform two switches, the game keeps waiting and the timer, if activated, keeps counting down. You can only forfeit.

Anyway, as I said, app works fine in general terms. It's a great job and I really like it.
App is brilliant, only been playing Random Ladder. But have noticed (as others have) that Return is not working. It seems like you have selected the move but it never triggers. (forced me to use Earthquake instead against a Carnavine with levitate :( )
Bump... has this died ? I mean this proyect is awesome and i would love if this keeps updating, since i found a cripling bug in doubles it wont let you switch your first mon it just wont let you pick your second mon move... please continue with this !
As someone who doesnt have the time to play showdown on my computer, i still use the mobile app, but its getting hard because i feel like nobody else cares about this. Critical bugs like return, not being able to switch in your first pokemon in double battles (I've been perish songed so much and rage quit) or simply being unable to choose moves, make it almost impossible to play sometimes. Theres an OMotM right now based around return fornchrists sake. I really want this to continue (not the bugs the app) so i hope somebody still cares enough to try and fix this
I fixed return. Start your app again to update

A new dev might be coming onto the project to make it alive again

Also if you need any backend bugs to be fixed i can take a quick look
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Glad to see there's still some work being done for this! Always thought it was an incredible effort. Looking forward to any info on that apparent doubles issue since I'm going to be practicing tons of VGC come Sun and Moon release.
Can you trigger the bug every time ? If yes, how ?

Man sun and moon is gonna mess the app I think :D
Otherwise I confirm a new dev is currently working on portrait mode
Version 20 Bug 1 null android.animation.PropertyValuesHolder.setupSetterAndGetter(PropertyValuesHolder.java:505) android.animation.ObjectAnimator.initAnimation(ObjectAnimator.java:487) android.animation.ValueAnimator.end(ValueAnimator.java:982) android.animation.AnimatorSet.end(AnimatorSet.java:357) com.pokemonshowdown.app.BattleFragment.endAllAnimations(BattleFragment.java:2213) com.pokemonshowdown.app.BattleFragment.access$100(BattleFragment.java:51) com.pokemonshowdown.app.BattleFragment$8.runWithNet(BattleFragment.java:619) com.pokemonshowdown.data.RunWithNet.run(RunWithNet.java:15) android.app.Activity.runOnUiThread(Activity.java:4713) com.pokemonshowdown.app.BattleFragment.startAnimation(BattleFragment.java:572) com.pokemonshowdown.data.BattleMessage.processMinorAction(BattleMessage.java:3569) com.pokemonshowdown.data.BattleMessage.processMajorAction(BattleMessage.java:50) com.pokemonshowdown.app.BattleFragment$5.runWithNet(BattleFragment.java:252) com.pokemonshowdown.data.RunWithNet.run(RunWithNet.java:15) com.pokemonshowdown.app.BattleFragment.processServerMessage(BattleFragment.java:254) com.pokemonshowdown.app.BattleFieldFragment.processServerMessage(BattleFieldFragment.java:264) com.pokemonshowdown.app.BattleFieldActivity.processMessage(BattleFieldActivity.java:548) com.pokemonshowdown.app.BattleFieldActivity.processBroadcastMessage(BattleFieldActivity.java:385) com.pokemonshowdown.application.BroadcastListener.onReceive(BroadcastListener.java:39) android.support.v4.content.LocalBroadcastManager.executePendingBroadcasts(LocalBroadcastManager.java:297) android.support.v4.content.LocalBroadcastManager.access$000(LocalBroadcastManager.java:46) android.support.v4.content.LocalBroadcastManager$1.handleMessage(LocalBroadcastManager.java:116) android.os.Handler.dispatchMessage(Handler.java:102) android.os.Looper.loop(Looper.java:136) android.app.ActivityThread.main(ActivityThread.java:5127) java.lang.reflect.Method.invokeNative(Native Method) java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(Method.java:515) com.android.internal.os.ZygoteInit$MethodAndArgsCaller.run(ZygoteInit.java:825) com.android.internal.os.ZygoteInit.main(ZygoteInit.java:641) dalvik.system.NativeStart.main(Native Method)
I think I fixed the doubles bug (when your 2 pokemons dies and you only have one left), still testing to check if i broke something