Silly Things You've Seen In Other Metagames
The opposing Illumise used Bone Rush!
It's super effective! Corsola lost 14.0% of its health!
It's super effective! Corsola lost 14.9% of its health!
It's super effective! Corsola lost 14.0% of its health!
Hit 3 times!
Corsola used Blaze Kick!
It's super effective! The opposing Illumise lost 52.6% of its health!
The opposing Illumise fainted!
Corsola ate its Micle Berry!
★smellslikememe: gay

I don't understand what's so gay about this.

[L] Flareon / Vaporeon / Jolteon / Leafeon / Espeon / Snorlax
[R] Pikachu / Leafeon / Venusaur / Staraptor / Milotic / Ninetales
[R] Pikachu has Thunder
[L] Snorlax attempts to use Earthquake on Staraptor. (But it could have been holding a choice item)
[R] Staraptor knows Aerial Ace and Brave Bird
[L] Vaporeon knows Blizzard
[R] Venusaur has a set of this: Leech Seed/Power Whip/Giga Drain/Leaf Storm
[L] Leafeon is using special moves
[L] Espeon does not use Psychic (Or any psychic move it should know) on Venusaur
No, you can't use a FEAR here. He also only uses one.
Arceus-Fairy uses Iron Head and Dark Pulse, Palkia has what looks like No Guard Dynamic Punch and Hydro Cannon. I then put everyone to sleep and start sweeping the rest of the team.
Messing around with 6 Shedinja's caused this guy to ragequit, or lose connection due to his head exploding.
Four Final Gambit Blisseys.
[R] Keldeo. I mean, it's okay, but it's outclassed by kyogre and palkia; also, Ampharos-M is outclassed by Kyurem-W and Zekrom; it's too slow, and speed boost won't help.

Anyway, the battle goes fine until turn 10:
[R] Pulls out his answer to Mewtwo-Y: a Gengar-M with Spore, Hex, Nightmare, and Dream Eater. Seriously?
[L] Surf.
[L] Mold Breaker Chansey. Then Icy Wind Chansey.
[L] Attract.
[R] Apparently, he has a Magic Bounce Deoxys-A.
[L] Then he Shell-Smashes a Skill Link Mewtwo-X and sweeps the rest.
Oh, God.
Kyogre uses Hydro Cannon, and then Earthquake.
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I don't want to be rude, but this is the thread for silly things you've seen in other metagames. They used to have one for ubers (and OU too, for that matter), but it's shut down.
However, that still doesn't make this the right place to post that replay. Sorry!

So that this isn't a wasted post, I give you:
Giga drain Shedninja vs the world, which unfortunately has toxic.

Dragon pulse gyarados, ancient power groudon, and avalanche p-oger.

I don't usually see pain split FEAR... oh, and mono rayquaza. The chat here was noteworthy too

Pro tip: defog only works when there are hazards. It's not clear smog. Also, don't use flamethrower on mega salamence behind a sub or ground type judgement.[/hide]
I don't want to be rude, but this is the thread for silly things you've seen in other metagames. They used to have one for ubers (and OU too, for that matter), but it's shut down.
However, that still doesn't make this the right place to post that replay. Sorry!

So that this isn't a wasted post, I give you:
Giga drain Shedninja vs the world, which unfortunately has toxic.

Dragon pulse gyarados, ancient power groudon, and avalanche p-oger.

I don't usually see pain split FEAR... oh, and mono rayquaza. The chat here was noteworthy too

Pro tip: defog only works when there are hazards. It's not clear smog. Also, don't use flamethrower on mega salamence behind a sub or ground type judgement.[/hide]
Will this be added to Silly things you've seen in Silly things you've seen in other metagames? :D ;)

Forretress slowly Rapid Spins a Weedle to death... and that's only the beginning.
Oh no. Not one of these.

[L] Vespiquen, Vivillon, AND Yanmega. You don't really care about surviving rocks, do you?
[R] Weedle.
[R] Starts with Weedle, making hazards and a walking KOed Butterfree a reality.
[L] Slowly Rapid Spins the Weedle to death, receiving zero damage in the process.
[R] Defogs for 3 turns straight with the Butterfree, thinking it lowered its accuracy. With Rapid Spin. *facepalm*
[L] Keeps Foretress in against Scizor, causing it to Swords Dance up and begin a sweep...
[L] Sweeps with his own bug now, ruining any chance right had for victory.

To make this not a wasted post, have some other battles.
A bad showing from Right, featuring mixed Typhlosion, no god, and Hidden Power regular Ampharos. And an itemless Garchomp, for some reason.
Left's team is just.... no. And then that Mr. Mime uses Drain Punch...
I... do NOT understand the plays either of you are making. Someone take this, for all the people that need to play well with good teams.
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Can someone cover this for me? I don't know how to respond to this

,,,I've seen Left's team before. But I didn't expect it to be so... bizarre.

[R] Seems to have forgotten a god. There are definitely worse choices than Celebi, but you should probably invest in Arceus sometime.
[R] Wigglytuff in the SpA slot. It would much rather have a higher defensive stat.
[R] This team seems to have severe allergies to 10 speed Gyro ball.
[L] Stays in to Trick the Wigglytuff, with predictable results.
[R] Seriously needs to invest in a Steel resistance.
[L] Iron Tail Salamence is strange.... I guess you really hate Faries.
[L] Also, that Ferrothron knew Explosion.
[Both] The final Meloetta versus Mega Sceptile showdown was really strange. Let's go over it...
[L] Calm Mind/Thunderbolt/Rest/Snore Meloetta. A strange way to both have recovery and be non-passive. Too bad the opponent is immune to Electric types.
[R] Doesn't seem to have Outrage or enough attack power to really smash the Meloetta. If the Celebi was an Arceus or the Sceptile used Outrage, this all would have ended far differently...
I... do NOT understand the plays either of you are making. Someone take this, for all the people that need to play well with good teams.
(L) Lucarionite Terrakion using Close Combat is fine. Doing so against Altarianite Noivern, however, is not.
(R) Said Noivern finishes off Terrakion with Dark Pulse instead of Boomburst. On a side note, TIL Noivern gets Dark Pulse.
(R) It should have saved Dark Pulse for Victini, instead of a resisted Boomburst. Does more damage and it would have won with a flinch.
(R) Pinsirite Zygarde thinks it can power through Charizardite X Archeops.
(L) And it does, thanks to Archeops failing to finish it off with Earthquake.
(R) Not learning anything, Zygarde then uses Earthquake on Skarmory a few turns later.
(R) Slowbronite Hoopa-U is acceptable, but it helps to use special attacks with it.
(R) Heatran uses Eruption. On Blissey. At 52%. And later at 9%.
(L) CroBlissey with Hyper Voice, anyone? At least it was Slowbronite. Also, on turn 22, it had issues counting sleep turns.
(R) Another Lucarionite Terrakion. This one, for some reason, does not use Close Combat on the Blissey. It still manages to win thanks to some luck.
So I was laddering...
Ok lets go over what the fuck is wrong with this team

1. They have no ubers, which is usually a red flag
2. The god they have is Diancie, which is another giant red flag
3. The Diancie and Pinsir are base form
4. The Pinsir doesn't have Moxie
5. The Pinsir gets 50 base speed from Diancie
6. The fact they even have an Exeggutor
7. Solar Beam and Leaf Storm on Exeggutor
8. Along with a Zard-X
9. Which they didn't Mega and used outrage
10. Along with a Celebii
11. Although, the Celebii had 50 special attack
12. Nice 50 base attack on your Kyurem
13. It's Crystal, not Cristal
14. And it's the only pokemon with a nickname
I have some of my suspect matches that make the above match look completely tame. And I'm still not done. (Solarbeam/Leaf Storm Exxeggutor is pretty bad, though.)
Someone brought what seems to be an in-game team to this format.
An Ash team... which fails miserably. Again.
The levels from the beginning instantly raise a red flag... but it's not complete incompetence, thankfully.
Nice gimmick that gets dunked by fast Chandelure.
Still no god, and there's a Sneasel here, too.
On the other end of the spectrum, I face an incredibly cool GotG team, which unfortunately couldn't win.
I nearly lose to a godless team, but someone forgot about Sleep Clause.
(L) Psycho Cut normal Mewtwo. I can justify that on MMX, though.
(R) Xerneas has both Moonblast and Dazzling Gleam.
(L) Hydro Pump Primal Kyogre when Origin Pulse outclasses it. It also continued to spam it against Arceus-Water.
(R) Said Arceus is spamming Earthquake, which at least allows it to not be PDon bait. But isn't it more of a defensive mon, anyway?
(L) PDon uses Fire Blast on said Arceus, but manages to burn it and force it to die to burn damage.
(L) Gengar clearly does not have anything to hit Xerneas SE, but I think there are better options than Energy Ball.
(L) Hydro Pump Gyarados. Stop that.
(L) Guess what else the Primal Kyogre had? Origin Pulse.
(R) Speaking of pulse, Volcanion uses Water Pulse to take out the pulse of left's team.
Air Balloon Eelektross (at least it wasn't Rotom-F) and Rhydon, Rocky Helmet Aggron, and a bunch of other really random (and bad) stuff.
Water Shuriken actually does something productive, for a change. In this case, it teaches someone that FEARnemite is garbage.
Right is on the wrong ladder. Left has some questionable sets. Both make some questionable plays. This one ends up being surprisingly close.
Someone please take this one.
Right shows us how not to use a Poison team. The Tentacruel set is particular is strange. Someone might need to take this one, too.
Come on now, one Minimize should not cause a forfeit. There's also a Diglett on left, for some reason.
Neither team is any good, but left's Arceus-Ghost is particularly bad.
Left has a level 55 Aron, although he didn't use it.
Left has a godawful team, and right learns the hard way that No Guard and Phantom Force on the same Golurk is not worth it.
Left's bad sets only win because right had a team of all Dunsparce with some weird sets of their own.
Two Hydro Pump misses (and one Hydro Pump hit, oddly enough) allow for a Crustle sweep.
Rattata everywhere vs. strange Chansey set by itself.

I'm on it.
[L] Slaking, but there's no Skill Swap to abuse it with.
[1, L] "Samurott" uses Dig. A bit more excusable in doubles, but this is still bad.
[1, R] Shadow Claw Mega Aggron. That's a strange coverage choice.
[2, L] ...The "Samurott" aimed towards the Gardevoir. Wow.
[2, R] An unwise Surf reveals the "Samurott" was a Zororark.
[3, R] Is continuing to KO his own Aggron with Surf, and Shaodw Claws Slaking for no damage.
[4, R] Sends in Manetric when someone is Digging. Also, Fire Punch Ludicolo. ...It gets that?
[5, L] Ice Beam Mega Glalie is suboptimal.
[6, L] You just Superpowered a Salamance with a water type. You should have some coverage for that...
[6,7 R] Still participates in friendly fire, this time with Earthquake.
[9, L] Uses Eruption when Goudon was obviously going into red health. Heck, Eruption Groudon period.

And, as per tradition, I have a few more things.
All of these godless teams are getting my goat, much less those with Fly Aerodactyl.
Oh my lord, the chat in this one. Also, stupid metronome luck at the start.

I can't.

So much wrong.

Someone take this one, please. It's a total disaster.
Here we go!

(L) 6 Shiny Greninjas (at least, they all seem to be Protean ones).
(L) Said Greninjas probably all carry Leftovers as their item.
(R) FEAR Rattata and non-Mega (probably) Absol.
(L) First Greninja has Rest, Snore, Sleep Talk...
(L) ... and uses them at the worst possible order: Rest (at full HP), then Snore (twice) and Sleep Talk while still being awake (that's gotta be one whole other level of stupid...).
(R) Absol with Pressure, Body Slam and HP Fighting.
(L) Second Greninja has Night Slash, Dark Pulse and... wait for it... FEINT ATTACK! *2Dark4me*
(L) Said Greninja almost haxes his way with Dark Pulse flinches against Absol, just before being para-ed by its Body Slam.

I think that's about it. Wished I could see the other Greninjas and how wrong their set were, haha!