Gen VII: Pokemon Sun and Moon Discussion MKIII *Official Media Only*

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Weakness: Fire/Ice/Flying/Ghost/Dark
Inmunities: Fighting/Normal
Resistances: Water/Electric/Grass/Ground

Not bad at all.
The official website doesn't really say anything on why it's a Ghost now, so I assume instead of being fucking rekt and coming back to life, it's just that seriously good at stealth its literally become a ghost.

Decidueye - A sniper deprived of its words.
Battle Tree is a post-game feature like PWT, it seems, which is nothing to complain about. Red looks way more buff than the eternal 10-year-old I remembered him to be. And his silence is canon now - he was literally "..."-ing back in Mt. Silver.

The Japanese name for Decidueye's signature move is "kagenui", like Shikamaru's move from Naruto. Apt naming and nice concept. I guess this is the first time we got a damage-dealing trapping move that does not deal multi-turn residual damage?

I'm still wondering about the applications for Primarina's signature move. Unless it gets more powerful if the opponent is burned (like Smelling Salts does with paralysis), there is no reason to use this move over Scald is there? Otherwise Scald + Sparkling Aria would be fun in-game.

So Mt. Lanakila is the Mauna Kea of Alola. I wonder if it's a dormant volcano too. The interesting thing about Mauna Kea is that it is actually taller than Mt. Everest, but the base is just so deep underwater. In a way it's a mountain that acts like Embedded Tower in HGSS, connecting the land, the sea, and the sky. It remains to be seen how they are going to utilize this area, but I am kind of excited.

Cosmog is just... interesting.
You guys Ghost/Grass is nothing new. Gourgiest and the Tree were both Ghost/grass

The other "heal opponent's status" moves have their damage doubled, so if it has decent BP (unlike the previous ones) it won't matter much.

Plus, it can sort of work if the target doesn't mind burns :P

I was about to ask. So if it heals a burn it does double damage? And is this a water or fairy move? I see a great combination of Scald and that move for some massive damage.
Wow Rowlett evo and litter evo (sorry dunno they're names yet and am lazy) cover each others weaknesses super well. Which is great, since I'm gonna use both on my first play through
"Since Primarina controls its balloons using its voice, any injury to its throat can become a grave problem."

Throat Chop inbound. Starters will probably have multiple signatures, this time round.

"If a crowd watching it battle is pumped up, Incineroar’s fighting spirit will burn brighter. But a lackluster crowd can make it lose focus or fight shoddily. When it receives the admiration of young Pokémon and children, it may keep up its cold attitude on the outside, but in its heart of hearts, Incineroar is immensely happy. It loses the desire to fight when faced with a Pokémon that’s clearly weak or injured, and it sometimes gets taken advantage of as a result."

D'aww, Tiger Mask, you.
This was one of the best reveals! Decidueye has a nice typing (Grass/ghost) at least In my opinion is better than Grass/flying and also a good signature move, Incineroar is cool too Fire/Dark and a cool signature move, Primarina is awesome godly typing and the signature move I guess is the equivalent to Smelly salts but for Burns.

Incineroar (Tiger Mask!!) is so cool in this video, it looks so much more appealing now, Deciduaeye is cute being timid and Primarina is so composed and cool.

The Tapus are awesome too the best are Koko and Lele for me. Lulu has Horn Leech that is cool. Fini has a nice design (Lenny face).

Bulu uses Wood hammer on the japanese trailer!

Fini reminds me of the Birth of Venus.

That Signature move of the Tapus It looks really strong and awesome.

Now grass terrain halves the damage of Earthquake, magnitude and Bulldoze.

Cosmog has a nice ability but average typing let's hope it has decent stats. Official website says it was only known by the king and a select few is also known as Child of the stars, Aether Foundation wants to research it. This Pokemon is highly curious and friendly and also really light, it absorbs light so it can grow. This highly hints to the cover legends I wonder how.

Gladion has Type:Null/Sivally and ran away from Aether Foundation.

Lilly has/hangs around with Cosmog (Japanese Trailer).

Alolan Persian with Fur Coat! That really is awesome is even better than I expected! offcial site says it is really hard to get along in battles plays dirty and understimates opponents which leads it to recieve a counterattack.

A League building is being built and we can fight with Champions and other strong trainers as a tag team.

I really like Red and Blue in this game. Blue has a smug face even more than before.

Red still doesn't want to speak...

Whoa this info made this game so much better for the end game.

We got the names of all the islands now the last 2 names are Ula Ula and Poni.

Highest peak of Alola is Mount Lanakila.
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My heart. Oh my lord. My heart. I think it stopped. Battle Tree is perfect. Its basically Pokemon World Tournament and Battle Frontier kinda. Its perfect.

Decidueye's typing really caught me off guard, though.
Ah the Sig move of Primarina is a water type... there goes my idea of Scald and that move combo if it was a fairy move. Having 2 water moves on 1 pokemon seems a bit silly...
"After the growth you achieve through completing the island challenge, will the day come when you also take on the Pokémon League to become the strongest Pokémon Trainer?"

It makes me wonder, will you actually get to face the Elite Four sometime during this game, or is this just "hopefully" hinting at a Sun/Moon 2?
Ah the Sig move of Primarina is a water type... there goes my idea of Scald and that move combo if it was a fairy move. Having 2 water moves on 1 pokemon seems a bit silly...

Choiced DPP-BW Kyogre says hi.

Still, not a good combo from what we know. Experience tells us that when we rely on Scald burns, they won't happen.
A little more observation: so Decidueye and Incineroar both have signature moves of their secondary type, but Primaria has a signature move of its primary type? They never did this before with any other starters AFAIK.

The number on Red's t-shirt is 96, the year the first Pokemon game ever was released in Japan, and presumably the year Red became champion. Liking the little touch there. Now that Red and Ash are officially separate entities, I wonder why Red is still stuck with a Pikachu.

Also not mentioned in the English trailer, but shown in the Japanese one is the fact that Red and Blue both seem to have been invited to become the "boss" of the Battle Tree, whatever that means.
Red has a 96 on his shirt. That's the same year Red and Green were released in Japan. Pretty cool
"After the growth you achieve through completing the island challenge, will the day come when you also take on the Pokémon League to become the strongest Pokémon Trainer?"

It makes me wonder, will you actually get to face the Elite Four sometime during this game, or is this just "hopefully" hinting at a Sun/Moon 2?

Uhh, no. Why would they include a 'tease' at Sun/Moon 2 if they state that Alolan Champions can partake in the Battle Tree? Alolan League = probably Post-game story.
"In the heat of battle, Incineroar shows no concern for its opponents—and sometimes even launches attacks that strike the opposing Trainer! As a result, many tend to dislike this Pokémon and keep it at a distance."

Holy shit. Don't let your rival pick Litten, lol.
I found a reason to not drop everything and go Team Popplio, thank you

I'd prefer to not be at the receiving end of an attack from a luchador cat
Choiced DPP-BW Kyogre says hi.

Still, not a good combo from what we know. Experience tells us that when we rely on Scald burns, they won't happen.

true. I just thought that would be a great way to get some massive damage in a combo. How else would Primarina be able to burn? Luckily I do plan to combine Her with the Fire/Poison Lizard, so maybe I can get some great damage combos that way, if the move has high BP already

A little more observation: so Decidueye and Incineroar both have signature moves of their secondary type, but Primaria has a signature move of its primary type? They never did this before with any other starters AFAIK.

The number on Red's t-shirt is 96, the year the first Pokemon game ever was released in Japan, and presumably the year Red became champion. Liking the little touch there. Now that Red and Ash are officially separate entities, I wonder why Red is still stuck with a Pikachu.

Also not mentioned in the English trailer, but shown in the Japanese one is the fact that Red and Blue both seem to have been invited to become the "boss" of the Battle Tree, whatever that means.

It is weird that it isn't a Fairy type, I would have assumed it was.
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