SPOILERS! Pokemon Sun and Moon Full Game Datamine General Discussion Thread

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I was ranting and complaining about Raikou not getting any moves and having its HA changed to Inner Focus, but thinking about how prominent Fake Out is in doubles and it having nice speed it will have less trouble setting screens first turn, snarl spamming, dealing with Jirachi and Togekiss, so I am hoping this turns into a hidden gem on doubles.

I am happy about Fire types getting some new toys like Burn Out, I would be hyped of Typhlosion had 10 more base speed, specially since Inferno Overdrive from Eruption has like 200 BP.

Also, Torkoal getting Drought could be a thing, it can provide good support, havind a SR weakness does suck however, but seems better than Ninetales.
Unless Drizzle gets banned high up the ladder Pelipper is gonna BW Politoed part deux. Politoed only had dual-STAB Water attacks to its name alongside some niche utility moves. Pelipper on the other hand has a second STAB option in 100% accuracy Hurricane, U-turn (!) to pivot, and Roost (!!) for reliable recovery. No weather mon prior has had a pivoting move and only Hippowdon has had recovery to its name. It may not be as bulky as Politoed, but with Roost and better defensive typing it'll stick around longer.
Unless Drizzle gets banned high up the ladder Pelipper is gonna BW Politoed part deux. Politoed only had dual-STAB Water attacks to its name alongside some niche utility moves. Pelipper on the other hand has a second STAB option in 100% accuracy Hurricane, U-turn (!) to pivot, and Roost (!!) for reliable recovery. No weather mon prior has had a pivoting move and only Hippowdon has had recovery to its name. It may not be as bulky as Politoed, but with Roost and better defensive typing it'll stick around longer.
It also gets defog, you know one of the best moves in the game.
Torkoal getting Drought feels so random. At least Magcargo is hotter than the sun, would've been nice for him flavor wise. I'm guessing they wanted sun teams to still have an option to set up in VGC 2017 with Megas gone and regular Ninetales not [I'm assuming] in the regional dex? Can't see him getting much play still, let alone in singles.

Unless Drizzle gets banned high up the ladder Pelipper is gonna BW Politoed part deux. Politoed only had dual-STAB Water attacks to its name alongside some niche utility moves. Pelipper on the other hand has a second STAB option in 100% accuracy Hurricane, U-turn (!) to pivot, and Roost (!!) for reliable recovery. No weather mon prior has had a pivoting move and only Hippowdon has had recovery to its name. It may not be as bulky as Politoed, but with Roost and better defensive typing it'll stick around longer.
But is he as cute as Politoed?
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Torkoal getting Drought feels so random. At least Magcargo is hotter than the sun, would've been nice for him flavor wise. I'm guessing they wanted sun teams to still have an option to set up in VGC 2017 with Megas gone and regular Ninetales not [I'm assuming] in the regional dex? Can't see him getting much play still, let a lone in singles.
Torkoal had an open Ability slot. Magcargo didn't. Not that it couldn't have had a replaced Ability like Gengar, but you know.

Speaking of Gengar, why is everybody treating this like an intentional nerf? I think it's mostly a flavor thing. Gengar doesn't float, so it's very strange that it had Levitate all this time. Now that's fixed.
Torkoal getting Drought feels so random. At least Magcargo is hotter than the sun, would've been nice for him flavor wise. I'm guessing they wanted sun teams to still have an option to set up in VGC 2017 with Megas gone and regular Ninetales not [I'm assuming] in the regional dex? Can't see him getting much play still, let alone in singles.

But is he as cute as Politoed?
Gigalith under Sandstorm is hilariously bulky, having pseudo dual base 130 defenses. While its probably gonna remain outclassed by Tyranitar in OU, I think it will be a great Sand Setter in the lower tiers, supporting Stoutland, Sandslash, Lycanroc, and maybe Aerodactyl in these tiers.
Does Sandstorm still give a SpDef boost to rock types? I always felt like that was something that should either be stated directly in the game or be taken out entirely.
Torkoal getting Drought feels so random. At least Magcargo is hotter than the sun, would've been nice for him flavor wise. I'm guessing they wanted sun teams to still have an option to set up in VGC 2017 with Megas gone and regular Ninetales not [I'm assuming] in the regional dex? Can't see him getting much play still, let alone in singles.

But is he as cute as Politoed?

Torkoal has some things going for it, access to SR, Rapid Spin allows for a good role compression in Sun Teams, its speed means it will always be the ''winning'' weather on first turn, it also can work pretty well against/in TR teams since it has Eruption, mixes well with Tapu Grass since it pseudo loses its weakness to Ground and can set up for Chlorophyll sweepers, I think the lava turtle can have good potential.
That's what I've been asking, but no one has said anything about it. At this point I don't think it's real.
Old Pokémon that received changes (abilities, stat boosts, held item) are marked with a " (!)" in the move data that was datamined. Sadly Crobat is not, so I think that was just a rumor.
Any idea when we're getting correct alolan form egg moves?
this learnset https://paste.ee/r/zYMUr is from the dataminers who datamined the demo marill still has drum and jet in it's egg pool.

there are folks going about saying that azumarill line lost drum and aqua jet.

This is the incorrect listing for the movepools. All the new Pokemon/Alola mons now have threads here with the correct data. This list has some copy pastes of egg moves which are wrong (most of the Alola mons). I don't know how many other things are incorrect in it. I don't know about the old mons and if those have changed, but I would not have thought so. The listing I have doesn't have either Aqua Jet or Belly Drum listed for Azumarill/Marill. I don't know 100% which listing is correct as of yet, so there is still a high chance of error. TheMantyke updated his movepool link in the Miner thread (which I linked below).

Can anyone here confirm or deny the Crobat buff? It's been asked a couple times already and been ignored.
That's what I've been asking, but no one has said anything about it. At this point I don't think it's real.

As far as I am ware, the image that TheMantyke posted here: http://www.smogon.com/forums/thread...e-thread-most-info-here.3586425/#post-7067887 Has all the old mon changes/updates to BSTs. Crobat is not on this list. So I would assume there are no changes to Crobat. Sorry :(
Flygon gets Defog, though, can be useful. Levitate to avoid spikes/toxic spikes, resists stealth rocks, defogs.
Dragon dance, even if it wont make it A or S-rank, will add a nice option. Don't forget it has good recovery with roost too, unlike garchomp.
I read it here but I can't see it on the Mine Resource thread; was Knock Off nerfed to 45 BP?


Knock Off was not nerfed.
Dont know where to ask this and don't want any story spoilers, but now that we have a rough idea of what the generation has to offer competitively, it's time to wonder how we're going to actually get stuff in-game pre-bank, so:

Do we have any word on the method/availability of HA pre-bank? What about bottle caps?

Also, can we breed in the first half of the game like XY or only post-game like ORAS?

Edit: it would be nice to know as well if there's been any news regarding showdown's update!
Also, can we breed in the first half of the game like XY or only post-game like ORAS?

Don't forget about the original Daycare Centre on the route west of Mauville.

Why doesn't Zygarde have it's own discussion thread? Anyways does anyone know if 50% Zygarde still has Aura Break as one of its abilities?
is dragon hammer only exclusive to execcutor? can any dragon pokemon learn dragon hammer like salamence? is move tutor list data mined yet? also did the data miners figured out how much boost to water shuriken applies by battle bond?
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