EV trained mons [sun/moon]

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Requested: Mudkip
Deposited: Wingull (Lv. 15, female)
IGN: Andre
Message: Bluemew

Requested: Trubbish
Deposited: Wingull (Lv. 13, female)
IGN: Andre
Message: Bluemew

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Thank you for the Mudkip!

Ivs: 31/x/31/31/31/31
Ability: Water Absorb; Nature: Modest
Moves: Bubble, Super Sonic, Bubble Beam, Mud Sport
Deposited: Wingull, level 20, male
IGN: Sapphire
Message: Bluemew

Thank you in advance!
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Nice additions!

IGN: Tailor
Deposited: lv 5 male wingull
Kindly requesting: Mantine
Message: Bluemew

Thank you :)
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Pokemon wanted: Mantine
Pokemon deposited: Wingull (Lv 13, Male)
IGN: Joker
Message: Bluemew


Pokemon wanted: Trubbish
Pokemon deposited: Wingull (Lv 13, Female)
IGN: Joker
Message: Bluemew

Thanks :)
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Ivs: 31/31/31/31/31/31
Ability: Hyper Cutter; Nature: Adamant
Moves: Agility, Ally Switch, Tickle, Haze

Pokemon deposited: Wingull male lv 20
IGN: Spettra
Message: Bluemew

Thank You
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Hi there,

Regarding your previous "lucky 7" I requested a nidoran 1-3 days before the 7 random pokemon changed. I put a wingull on the gts stated its lvl and gender, and asked for a nidoran between lv 1 to 10. Admittedly i believe I put a message with it but not your username due to the fact that you didn't state that was necessary on the 1st page of this thread, although it would have been the smarter thing to do.

To clarify it didn't get sniped as the wingull is still available to view on the GTS. Would it be possible to still receive a hidden ability male nidoran? As I really wanted to nab one.

Hi there,

Regarding your previous "lucky 7" I requested a nidoran 1-3 days before the 7 random pokemon changed. I put a wingull on the gts stated its lvl and gender, and asked for a nidoran between lv 1 to 10. Admittedly i believe I put a message with it but not your username due to the fact that you didn't state that was necessary on the 1st page of this thread, although it would have been the smarter thing to do.

To clarify it didn't get sniped as the wingull is still available to view on the GTS. Would it be possible to still receive a hidden ability male nidoran? As I really wanted to nab one.

Is still there? Then you didn't put the male character on its name thats why I wasn't able to find it.
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