Pikipek, Trumbeak, Toucannon Discussion

Did not expect it to turn into a toucan, but I guess it covers two bird species with one Pokemon (and whatever Trumbeak is suppose to be).

While its nice it got Bullet Seed, Fury Attack, and Rock Blast to use with Skill Link, I was kind of hoping its Signature Move would be a Flying-type multi-hit move (like a rapid pecking move). I don't know what to think of Beak Blast, on paper it sounds vicious IF it was a fast Pokemon. Also since its a charging move you can either protect yourself next turn or switch to something that'll resist it (though that high Attack + STAB should still cause a nice dent). (EDIT: So turns out its sort of a Focus Punch clone except you want it to get attacked while charging. So yeah, now it sounds really vicious if your using a Physical attacker.) Also nice they changed its Hidden Ability from Pickup to Sheer Force upon reaching its final evo, though not sure if it can use it much (or abuse Life Orb with it). Plus Skill Link Bullet Seed or Rock Blast off a high Attack is nothing to mess with.

Anyway, obvious STAB options and doesn't get much other coverage (Rock Smash and Steel Wing mainly). Egg Moves look nice though, Brave Bird and Boomburst. Also Roost for healing with its okay defense is always welcomed.

Hm, with its name and learning moves like Overheat, Flash Cannon, and Boomburst you'd think it would be at least a mixed attacker. Though I'm not sure if Toucannon will be like Talonflame and be OU tier.
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Toucannon @ Life Orb / White Herb / Normalium-Z
Ability: Skill Link / Keen Eye
EVs: 152 Atk / 104 SpA / 252 Spe
Naughty Nature
- Work Up
- Brave Bird
- Bullet Seed / Roost
- Overheat

The gimmickiest set of them all. Work Up buff both of your attacking stats, giving Toucannon some modestly respectable Mixed power. The EV's allow it to knock Physically defensive Skarm down to Sturdy, guaranteeing a KO if it has taken any prior damage. Brave Bird is your primary STAB, and Bullet Seed helps to round out your coverage, though Roost can replace it if you want to try for longevity. Life Orb is your weapon of choice thanks to the Mixed power buff it provides, and White Herb can help to offset the Overheat drop a bit. Normalium-Z can be used to give Work Up an additional +1 Attack, so that you can run the equivalent of Swords Dance + pre-Gen 5 Growth.
I'm curious: what does Normalium-Z do if used with Work-Up?
I don't know what to think of Beak Blast, on paper it sounds vicious IF it was a fast Pokemon. Also since its a charging move you can either protect yourself next turn or switch to something that'll resist it (though that high Attack + STAB should still cause a nice dent).
It sounds like you misinterpreted what this move does. Beak Blast works like Focus Punch in that it begins the turn charging and ends the turn by attacking, except it DOESN'T get interrupted if Trumbeak gets attacked during that time, and if you make physical contact while it's charging, you get burned. It's not a two-turn move.
It sounds like you misinterpreted what this move does. Beak Blast works like Focus Punch in that it begins the turn charging and ends the turn by attacking, except it DOESN'T get interrupted if Trumbeak gets attacked during that time, and if you make physical contact while it's charging, you get burned. It's not a two-turn move.

Oh, well now it sounds better. Let me edit my post.
What about like:

Toucannon @ Flylium-Z (Or whatever it's called)
Ability: Keen Eye
EVs: 252 Atk / 4 Def / 252 SDef
Impish/Careful Nature
- Feather Dance
- Beak Blast
- Roost
- Steel Wing / etc

Obviously not a very tanky poke, but with deep investment and in lower tiers, it could soak some hits. Max SDef, a defensive nature, and use Feather Dance, maybe even Z-Feather Dance for the extra Def boost you get. This let's you Beak Blast, possibly burn and further lower attack of opponent, and Roost when you need too, and whatever else you you want for the 4th slot.
lack of flying multi hit sucks but oh well.

Best Z-status might be tailwind, as it covers its speed and gives it a higher crit chance.
then bullet seed for rock coverage, or rock blast for ice cover or both if you arent running roost.
STAB? i guess return or brave bird.
Does anyone know the full mechanics behind Beak Blast? More specifically, if Toucannon uses the move but is knocked out by a Physical move before it can fully execute the attack, is the attacker still burnt?
I might use this in LC as a Fletchling replacement:

Pikipek @ Berry Juice
Ability: Skill Link
EVs: 176 HP / 176 Atk / 252 Spe
Adamant Nature
- Fury Attack/Brave Bird or Drill Peck
- Brick Break
- Bullet Seed
- Swords Dance/Thief

It's basically Fletchling minus priority, but with coverage. Fury Attack for STAB, Bullet Seed for Chinchou and Rock types (and a neutral hit vs. Fighting types if you don't have a Flying move), Brick Break for Steel types and either Swords Dance for boosting or Thief for snagging an Eviolite after using up your Berry Juice. Ponyta is a concrete check, especially if it's a bulky set with Flame Body, but that's what Mudbray and/or Dewpider are for, correct?

EDIT: U-Turn could also be tacked on. Where, I dunno, but it would be nice as a pivoting option.
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Skill Link is useless when the only two multi-hit moves it has don't get STAB. Even Fury Swipes/Attack would've been welcome.
"Useless?" I haven't paid attention to anything regarding this Pokemon, but getting 125 BP Grass and Rock coverage moves, with far better accuracy than Power Whip and Stone Edge, not to mention possible bypassing Sub/Sash etc. hardly seems useless (Just on a stand alone basis. If it gets something obviously better, then forgive me, but Skill Link really seems fairly good, even without STAB lol).
Does anyone know the full mechanics behind Beak Blast? More specifically, if Toucannon uses the move but is knocked out by a Physical move before it can fully execute the attack, is the attacker still burnt?

On a similar note, I've been wondering the same thing about Turtonator's use of Shell Trap. I assume they are similar. Seems important to know and definitely a good thing if it does activate even if the user gets KO'd.
Does anyone know the full mechanics behind Beak Blast? More specifically, if Toucannon uses the move but is knocked out by a Physical move before it can fully execute the attack, is the attacker still burnt?

Just got back from the mechanics thread. Beak Blast does burn the attacker even if user is KO'd, however, Shell Trap from Turtonator does not activate upon being KO'd. Which is disappointing to me, but hey at least the Beak Blast thing is good.