Pokémon Bewear

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this is the day of the expanding man


Pokédex Number: #760
Type: Normal / Fighting
Base Stats: 120 / 125 / 80 / 55 / 60 / 60


Fluffy - This Pokemon takes 1/2 damage from contact moves, 2x damage from Fire moves.
Klutz - This Pokemon's held item has no effect, except Macho Brace. Fling cannot be used.
Unnerve - While this Pokemon is active, it prevents opposing Pokemon from using their Berries.


L1 - Bind
L1 - Tackle
L1- Leer
L5 - Bide
L10 - Baby-Doll Eyes
L14 - Brutal Swing
L19 - Flail
L23 - Payback
L30 - Take Down
L36 - Hammer Arm
L43 - Thrash
L49 - Pain Split
L56 - Double-Edge
L62 - Superpower
TM01 - Work Up
TM02 - Dragon Claw
TM05 - Roar
TM06 - Toxic
TM08 - Bulk Up
TM10 - Hidden Power
TM12 - Taunt
TM15 - Hyper Beam
TM17 - Protect
TM21 - Frustration
TM26 - Earthquake
TM27 - Return
TM31 - Brick Break
TM32 - Double Team
TM39 - Rock Tomb
TM40 - Aerial Ace
TM42 - Facade
TM44 - Rest
TM45 - Attract
TM47 - Low Sweep
TM48 - Round
TM52 - Focus Blast
TM56 - Fling
TM59 - Brutal Swing
TM65 - Shadow Claw
TM66 - Payback
TM68 - Giga Impact
TM75 - Swords Dance
TM78 - Bulldoze
TM80 - Rock Slide
TM87 - Swagger
TM88 - Sleep Talk
TM90 - Substitute
TM100 - Confide
Egg - Ice Punch
Egg - Thunder Punch
Egg - Force Palm
Egg - Endure
Egg - Wide Guard
Egg - Mega Kick
Egg - Stomping Tantrum


At first glance, Bewear seems like a decent Pokemon with good bulk, a good Attack stat, and decent offensive typing. However, its signature ability Fluffy halves the damage Bewear takes from contact moves and makes it a defensive monster. It can shrug off neutral hits and tank many super effective hits. Its Special Defense is not great, but it can be patched up with an Assault Vest or EV investment. Also, Bewear's great Attack stat, combined with a variety of strong STAB and coverage moves, allows it to be a heavy hitter that can beat a myriad of threats. Beware of this Pokemon's presence, as it may stuff your team to the ground!

Sample Sets

Assault Vest

Bewear @ Assault Vest
Ability: Fluffy
EVs: 92 HP / 252 Atk / 164 Spe
Adamant Nature
- Hammer Arm / Superpower
- Return
- Ice Punch
- Shadow Claw / Earthquake / Thunder Punch

While Fluffy boosts Bewear's Defense for contact moves, its Special Defense still leaves a little to be desired. With an Assault Vest, Bewear can easily take hits from both physical and special attackers. Hammer Arm is the preferred Fighting STAB because this set is focused more on bulk than sheer power, however Superpower can be used if you prefer more power. Ice Punch beats Pokemon like Landorus-T and Garchomp, Shadow Claw beats Ghost-types which Bewear otherwise cannot touch, and Earthquake and Thunder Punch are extra coverage options. The EVs and nature are to maximize Bewear's power and bulk while outspeeding uninvested base 80 Pokemon.

All-Out Attacker
Bewear @ Choice Band
Ability: Fluffy
EVs: 92 HP / 252 Atk / 164 Spe
Adamant Nature
- Superpower / Hammer Arm
- Return / Double-Edge
- Ice Punch
- Earthquake / Shadow Claw / Thunder Punch

This set takes advantage of Bewear's high attack stat, boosting it to even higher levels. Fluffy allows Bewear to take a hit most of the time, so it can dish out hard hits regardless of whether Bewear outspeeds the foe. Like the Assault Vest set, the EVs and nature are to maximize power and bulk and outspeed uninvested base 80s. For this set, however, Superpower is probably the preferred Fighting STAB because of its higher power and because this is more likely to function as a hit-and-run attacker. Double-Edge is also an option for a stronger Normal STAB, but it is less spammable because of its recoil.

Substitute + Bulk Up
Bewear @ Leftovers
Ability: Fluffy
EVs: 248 HP / 252 SpD / 8 Spe
Careful Nature
- Substitute
- Bulk Up
- Return / Shadow Claw / Pain Split
- Hammer Arm / Shadow Claw / Pain Split

This set takes advantage of Bewear's good bulk that gives it many opportunities to set up a Substitute. Then Bewear can set up with Bulk Up and clean up unprepared teams with its strong STABs. Shadow Claw is also an option so that Bewear isn't dead meat against Ghost-types. Pain Split can also be used as a form of recovery, but it isn't ideal because of Bewear's high HP stat.


Bewear is definitely a threat, both offensively and defensively. However, I can't see it remaining in OU for much longer due to its low Speed and lack of recovery. Bewear may ultimately be too good for UU, as it can rip through many common offensive and defensive cores. All in all, I can see Bewear comfortably sitting in UU or BL and being an underrated threat in OU.
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You should really run enough speed to outrun uninvested base 80. Furthermore the AV set should be max sp.def.

Also on the BU set I'd really consider adding pain split as a possible option, and run hammer arm>brick break.
Choice Band is probably the way to go with this thing, you'd want to send it in on a physical attacker, thit the switchin strong banded attack and then switch out. Unfortunately, it seems very-prediction reliant due to both of its STABs having very common reistances. And even though it takes physical hits really, really well, there's only so many times you can switch in, and i really don't think it'll be able to outlast the rest of the team. It's not terrible by any means, but i'd be shocked if it makes OU.
SubToxic's been working really well for me. I've been slapping it on a bunch of teams. Struggles with bulky Poison types and Tapu Fini, but it's still a pretty good set with a lot of survivability.

Bewear @ Leftovers
Ability: Fluffy
EVs: 252 HP / 252 Atk / 4 SpD
Adamant Nature
- Substitute
- Toxic
- Hammer Arm
- Shadow Claw

https://replay.pokemonshowdown.com/gen7ou-478653532 - Nothing particularly special here, but the Toxic against Comfey was game-changing, Bewear walled Araquanid cold, and Substitute helped to wear down Xurkitree.

I love this thing.
Furfrou, but less stylish and with a worse ability and better movepool to do it's job.

Bewear @ Rocky Helmet
Ability: Fluffy
EVs: 252 HP / 252 Def / 4 SpD
Impish Nature
- Pain Split
- Toxic
- Bind
- Hammer Arm / Return

By no means the a great set, but a memey fun set to cheese bulky leads that are not steel, ghost or poison types.
Speaking of the speed tier, there should be a bulkier EV spread option on sets with Hammer Arm, since there is a Speed Drop anyway.
I figured I'd post it, here is every contact move that isn't fire Type. Should be noted that Fluffy also halves damage from contact special moves, like Grass knot. Highlighting the important/good ones.

Accelerock, Acrobatics, Aerial Ace, Anchor Shot, Aqua Jet, Aqua Tail, Arm Thrust, Assurance, Astonish, Avalanche, Bide, Bind, Bite, Body Slam, Bolt Strike, Bounce, Brave Bird, Brick Break, Brutal Swing, Bug Bite, Bullet Punch, Catastropika, Chip Away, Circle Throw, Clamp, Close Combat, Comet Punch, Constrict, Counter, Covet, Crabhammer, Cross Chop, Cross Poison, Crunch, Crush Claw, Crush Grip, Cut, Darkest Lariat, Dig, Dive, Dizzy Punch, Double Hit, Double Kick, Double Slap, Double-Edge, Dragon Ascent, Dragon Claw, Dragon Hammer, Dragon Rush, Dragon Tail, Drain Punch, Draining Kiss, Drill Peck, Drill Run, Dual Chop, Dynamic Punch, Endeavor, Extreme Speed, Facade, Fake Out, False Swipe, Feint Attack, Fell Stinger, First Impression, Flail, Fly, Flying Press, Focus Punch, Force Palm, Foul Play, Frustration, Fury Attack, Fury Cutter, Fury Swipes, Gear Grind, Giga Impact, Grass Knot, Guillotine, Gyro Ball, Hammer Arm, Head Charge, Head Smash, Headbutt, Heart Stamp, Heavy Slam, High Horsepower, High Jump Kick, Hold Back, Horn Attack, Horn Drill, Horn Leech, Hyper Fang, Ice Ball, Ice Fang, Ice Hammer, Ice Punch, Infestation, Iron Head, Iron Tail, Jump Kick, Karate Chop, Knock Off, Last Resort, Leaf Blade, Leech Life, Lick, Liquidation, Low Kick, Low Sweep, Lunge, Mach Punch, Malicious Moonsault, Mega Kick, Mega Punch, Megahorn, Metal Claw, Meteor Mash, Multi-Attack, Needle Arm, Night Slash, Nuzzle, Outrage, Payback, Peck, Petal Dance, Phantom Force, Play Rough, Pluck, Poison Fang, Poison Jab, Poison Tail, Pound, Power Trip, Power Whip, Power-Up Punch, Psychic Fangs, Pulverizing Pancake, Punishment, Pursuit, Quick Attack, Rage, Rapid Spin, Razor Shell, Retaliate, Return, Revenge, Reversal, Rock Climb, Rock Smash, Rolling Kick, Rollout, Sacred Sword, Scratch, Seismic Toss, Shadow Claw, Shadow Force, Shadow Punch, Shadow Sneak, Shadow Strike, Skull Bash, Sky Drop, Sky Uppercut, Slam, Slash, Smart Strike, Smelling Salts, Solar Blade, Soul-Stealing 7-Star Strike, Spark, Spectral Thief, Steamroller, Steel Wing, Stomp, Stomping Tantrum, Storm Throw, Strength, Struggle, Submission, Sucker Punch, Sunsteel Strike, Super Fang, Superpower, Tackle, Tail Slap, Take Down, Thief, Thrash, Throat Chop, Thunder Fang, Thunder Punch, Triple Kick, Trop Kick, Trump Card, U-turn, Vice Grip, Vine Whip, Vital Throw, Volt Tackle, Wake-Up Slap, Waterfall, Wild Charge, Wing Attack, Wood Hammer, Wrap, Wring Out, X-Scissor, Zen Headbutt, Zing Zap
Bewear @ Leftovers
Ability: Fluffy
EVs: 120 HP / 84 Atk / 68 Def / 232 SpD / 4 Spe
Adamant Nature
- Swords Dance
- Return
- Hammer Arm
- Ice Punch

This is the set I've been using. I prefer a bulkier spread over a fast spread to avoid KOs from big threats like Greninja and Pheromosa. I use this on a team with Alolan Muk to Pursuit trap Psychic- and Ghost-Types like Aegislash, Latios and Tapu Lele, and the Knock Off support from Muk is also great to get rid of Lando's and Toxapex' Leftovers.

With this EV spread:
- SpD is higher than Defense, so Genesect gets +1 Atk instead of +1 SpA (this is nice because a +1 banded Gene still doesnt 2hko Bewear, while a +1 Flamethrower does a lot because of Fluffy)
- Gunk Shot from Greninja doesn't 2HKO
- Ice Beam from Greninja doesn't 2HKO
- Earth Power Landorus only has a 22% chance to 2HKO
- Life Orb Hydro Pump from Kingdra in the Rain doesn't OHKO
- Adamant HJK from LO Pheromosa only has a 6% chance to OHKO
- Modest Flash Cannon from Aegislash doesn't 2HKO (+2 Ice Punch does +/- 45% do Blade Aegislash)
- Banded Tapu Bulu's Superpower doesn't 2HKO (s/o Grassy Terrain)
- Soul Dew Psyshock from Latios doesn't OHKO
- +2 Return always 2HKO's Toxapex, even with Baneful Bunker + Leftovers
- Mantine is OHKO'd by +2 Return after Stealth Rock damage
- outspeeds base 60s like Clefable
Do you guys think Bewear could be viable in a baton pass team? Say you stack up speed boost with Ninjask's ability and maybe 1 sword dance for its attack, could be really fun to watch.
So Bewear basically is neutral to fighting since almost all the fighting-type moves (except Focus Miss, Aura Sphere, Vacuum Wave, Secret Sword) is a contact move.
Yeah, the fact that many Fighting, Fairy and Flying moves are contact moves neuters its already few weaknesses almost completely. On the other hand, it doesn't take non-contact moves in general all that well, though still okay-ish. Its ability turns a lot of threatening moves into 2HKOs or less and it shrugs off utility damages like U-Turn completely, which is pretty awesome.

I have used an SD set + 3 attacks so far and it has done its job as a bulky attacker(and arguably wall breaker) VERY well. With leftovers and Grassy Terrain, its durability is very high, and every additional turn it can get means big damage. You can even use Double Edge with Grassy Terrain and not feel the recoil at all, which is VERY helpful coupled with the neutral coverage.

Speaking of coverage, I have experimented a little with the coverage move besides Hammer Arm(helps durability better than Superpower) and Double Edge: Stomping Tantrum can deal with Toxapex and also the currently rampant Marowak-A, especially the latter when it switches into Hammer Arm/Double Edge, as that doubles Stomping Tantrum's power. However, it leaves Bewear helpless against ghosts that resist Ground. I personally think Shadow Claw should at least be considered on boosting sets, as it specifically hits ghosts. Bewear's STAB coverage shines because of its great neutral coverage and I feel it has the power to abuse that, when boosting, making a specific immunity snipe like Shadow Claw more desirable than other coverage moves.
I hate the design of this mon, but it's really good in battle. The amount of shit it can tank is amazing. Plus it's one of the few things that can brute force it's way thru Zygarde.
I've been using bulk up on a 252/252 bulky attack spread (hammer arm/ice punch/bulk up/[eq/t-punch/s-claw]), as it can set up on a lot of things, and if the opponent's special attackers are gone, it's basically gg w the boltbeam cause even thunder punch hurts after a few boosts.
hope it gets drain punch at some point.
This guy got fairly ignored during pre-release but having a bunch of "resistances" to any contact move is pretty nuts. Reminds me of Snorlax and his thick fat. I also tried Bulk up and rest talk just like Snorlax and it did some work. It's like curse lax without a speed drop... Until you use hammer arm. He will definitely want drain punch.

I hate the design of this mon, but it's really good in battle. The amount of shit it can tank is amazing. Plus it's one of the few things that can brute force it's way thru Zygarde.
I've been using bulk up on a 252/252 bulky attack spread (hammer arm/ice punch/bulk up/[eq/t-punch/s-claw]), as it can set up on a lot of things, and if the opponent's special attackers are gone, it's basically gg w the boltbeam cause even thunder punch hurts after a few boosts.
hope it gets drain punch at some point.

What's wrong with the design? I know at first people didn't like the lazy looking limbs, but it's supposed to be a giant stuffed animal, like the ones you can win at a carnival. So it's feet are plush-like. Also cleverly works with the ability (fluffy) which makes it clear it's filled with stuffing which makes it flammable but also lets him absorb physical hits like he was made of soft material.
Choice Band is probably the way to go with this thing, you'd want to send it in on a physical attacker, thit the switchin strong banded attack and then switch out. Unfortunately, it seems very-prediction reliant due to both of its STABs having very common reistances. And even though it takes physical hits really, really well, there's only so many times you can switch in, and i really don't think it'll be able to outlast the rest of the team. It's not terrible by any means, but i'd be shocked if it makes OU.
I've been running a band and it's honestly less effective than expected bulk up and assault vest sets have done a lot more work for me.

I'm honestly questioning if it'll make uu honestly.

This thing desperately needs drain punch for bulky sweeper sets
What's wrong with the design? I know at first people didn't like the lazy looking limbs, but it's supposed to be a giant stuffed animal, like the ones you can win at a carnival. So it's feet are plush-like. Also cleverly works with the ability (fluffy) which makes it clear it's filled with stuffing which makes it flammable but also lets him absorb physical hits like he was made of soft material.

I think the design itself of Bewear is fine personally, it's just the color palette it got isn't very aesthetically pleasing. I think GF did a better job with Stufful in that regard.
I've been running a band and it's honestly less effective than expected bulk up and assault vest sets have done a lot more work for me.

I'm honestly questioning if it'll make uu honestly.

This thing desperately needs drain punch for bulky sweeper sets

Yeah, it does have power, but not enough immediate power, and its bulk is deceptive because it's move dependent. I had a better time using it with a Swords Dance set, since it can use Fluffy to force switches and then has enough power to actually threaten things. I don't think it's well suited for long-term tanking, but rather the ability allows it breathing room to tear holes before it goes away again. I'd like to note that I also used Bulu on the same team, so Grassy Terrain + Lefties actually added to its bulk, but it still didn't take hits for long.
Yeah, it does have power, but not enough immediate power, and its bulk is deceptive because it's move dependent. I had a better time using it with a Swords Dance set, since it can use Fluffy to force switches and then has enough power to actually threaten things. I don't think it's well suited for long-term tanking, but rather the ability allows it breathing room to tear holes before it goes away again. I'd like to note that I also used Bulu on the same team, so Grassy Terrain + Lefties actually added to its bulk, but it still didn't take hits for long.

I think it's less about taking hits for long and more about what hits it can take. This thing uninvested in defense can take brave birds from a lot of things and fighting moves. Pretty much anything your opponent will think to throw at it on the physical side it will probably survive.

It needs drain punch to have any semblance of tanking potential tho
This is what I go with:

Bewear @ Quick Claw
Ability: Fluffy
Adamant Nature
- Return
- Hammer Arm
- Shadow Claw
- Swords Dance

Quick Claw is an odd choice but makes up for slow speed and gives it random priority which could be nice. Shadow Claw is for ghosts, obviously. Hopefully, we get Diamond and Pearl remakes with Move Tutors. In that case, I'd choose Drain Punch over Hammer Arm even though it's a weaker move.
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