Bug Reports v2.0 (READ OP BEFORE POSTING!!)

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Salazzle doesn't learn Fake Out until January because it can only breed with Blastoise and Scrafty to get Fake Out, so I suggest to remove it from the ladder for now.
Burn up isn't working
Yeah, that was my fault. I was trying to stop you using Burn Up twice without switching, but I had my variables back to front and instead it was only allowing you to use Burn Up if your target was Fire type. Will be fixed shortly, if not already.

(I was testing to see how Copycat & Z-moves work.)

  • I use the Z-move (All-Out Pummeling) initially: it deals 43.9%.
  • Upon using Copycat, the Z-move deals 0.4%.

Are we even able to Copycat Z-moves on cart., or does it just fail like Assist? Or is this just how it works in-game? I don't have Sun / Moon right now, so I won't be able to test anything.
There's a problem with using Pikachu in VGC2017. It says it can't learn volt tackle, but there's a move tutor that teaches it to you so idk what's going on.
I came up with a novel set for Lurantis on my Rain/Electric Terrain team. Weather ball would be a 100 BP water move, Nature Power would turn into Thunderbolt, and both would get boosts. Only, Nature Power shows up as a blank move in battle on the Pokebank OU Ladder for S&M, even with Electric Terrain up (also with Rain and Electric Terrain). Won't let you select it at all. However, I ran a test battle on the regular OU ladder and it allowed Nature Power to be selected and worked as it's supposed to (with Electric Terrain up and with both Electric Terrain and Rain up).

I really can't think why it would be different from ladder to ladder, but it's definitely not working as it should. It's a shame because this set is actually a perfect addition to my team and I can't take advantage of without nature power working. PLEASE FIX!
I didn't save my last match which I should have, but in running Gen 7 pokebank doubles, my oricorio got locked into petal dance. The situation was as follows:
Oriocorio uses revelation dance
[opponent's moves]
Lilligant uses petal dance
Dancer causes Oriocorio to use petal dance.
I think the issue is that because Oricorio moved first, the simulator read petal dance as Oricorio's last move, and locked it into a move which it should not do. In other situations where Oricorio went after the petal dance, it was not locked to a move.
dexsearching fails to search for multiple moves on gen 7 Pokemon.


(Last one is a Lurantis set I grabbed from in-game)
Ok so this is really annoying and has been relevant since gen 6.
As far as I know this is a bug and not an error on my end but I'll be glad if someone corrects me.
Basically whenever I try to run HP Rock Xerneas, I receive a message saying:


Even when I try to add 31 IVs back into its attack stat, a lot of time PS just automatically changes it back to 1 IV. A lot of the times I can't even accept a battle / ladder because this error message keeps popping up.

I'm pretty sure the same happens in the case for Ditto too, by which if I change the attack IVs to 31, it'll go back to 0 when I log off PS. This is quite burdensome to change every single time and a lot of times I can see myself entering battles with any attack IVs on Ditto.
Kindly let me know what to do to fix this error and / or fix the bug in this case.
Hi, I'd like to report that my Goliospod has Sitrus Berry and Emergency Exit activated before Sitrus did. Having a battle on wifi this isn't the case (it's like Wishiwashi's Schooling ability). Sorry I don't have a replay of my battle but I can post my wifi battle code if need be for confirmation.
So ZCelebrate can be used to break the baton pass clause. It's Gimmicky as hell and probably bad but still breaking the clause.
Guardian of Alola into Protect


guardian of alola (z move fairy madness) currently does 3/4 current hp through protect on ps but is only supposed to do 3/16. like other z moves it only deals 1/4 of its normal damage when used into protect.

Instruct Targeting


on ps instruct randomizes the target of the instructed attack, ingame targeting of the attack remains consistent with the original attack's targeting. every ember in that replay should hit chansey but 3/6 of the instructed embers hit blissey.

Targeting a Z Move Version of a Spread Attack


z moves based on spread attacks (heat wave, earthquake, etc) in doubles bypass the targeting screen on ps and are given a 50% chance to target either opponent slot. on cart, you can target those attacks and they are much more reliable.

Counter Returning Damage Dealt by A Special Z Move


i'm not sure this is a bug, it could just be a feature of the games, but it seems counterintuitive (no pun intended) so i'm going to post it. z heat wave is a special attack and so counter probably shouldn't have worked. if this is how the game works then ignore this.

edit: Figy Berry and clones heal 1/2 max hp when below 1/4 max hp, instead of 1/8 heal when below 1/2


they still confuse using the same mechanics as before
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Selecting a Minior color from the drop-down not only has no sprites (assuming they're not done/implemented yet) but also has no stats and tries to enter abilities into the item slot.
This has since been fixed.
dexsearching fails to search for multiple moves on gen 7 Pokemon.
It's still using Gen6 rules to determine move compatibility.
Even when I try to add 31 IVs back into its attack stat, a lot of time PS just automatically changes it back to 1 IV.
Have you tried selecting the spread from the drop-down menu? (I don't actually know whether that's a permanent fix.)
-ate abilities are nerfed in Gen VI, fown to the x1.2 that SuMo has insteas of the x1.3 it should be.
It's possible that the x1.2 display for Sun/Moon isn't live yet, so this is just showing the ORAS effect. (The actual power is correct, this is just a display issue on the client.)
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