Pokémon Necrozma

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i just caught a bold necrozma and want to use either the calm mind or defensive set with stealh rock/t-wave, etc..mine has a crappy IV spread though (31/31/30/10/22/8), and i was wondering if i should keep or SR? What do you guys think? how important is it to have 0 atk IVs? if i calm mind, i know that crappy SpA can be mended a but should i just reset for another bold or stick with what i have?

I don't know if we've even decided on a good build for this guy yet. To answer your question though, I don't think 0 Atk IVs is important, unless I missed part of the conversation. And you can always raise your SpA IVs later, so the real question is what Nature you want your Necrozma to be.
I don't know if we've even decided on a good build for this guy yet. To answer your question though, I don't think 0 Atk IVs is important, unless I missed part of the conversation. And you can always raise your SpA IVs later, so the real question is what Nature you want your Necrozma to be.
thanks for this, i think i'm going with bold even though i'm intrigued by the weakness policy/stored power set as well..at worst think i'll just bottlecap the crappier IVs
thanks for this, i think i'm going with bold even though i'm intrigued by the weakness policy/stored power set as well..at worst think i'll just bottlecap the crappier IVs

Np, as much as I like the stored power set, it's pretty gimmicky and relies on getting multiple turns to set up, which probably isn't going to happen.

If you still want to try it out, you might try an Iron Defense/Stored Power set. It doesn't do as much damage, but it sets up safer if you're up against a physical attacker, as opposed to the Calm Mind set against a special attacker. I don't know if it actually works all that well, but its something I've had bouncing around in my head for the past day or so.

Necrozma @ Weakness Policy / Red Card
Ability: Prism Armor
EVs: 252 HP / 252 Def / 4 SpA
Nature: Bold?
- Brick Break
- Iron Defense
- Stored Power
- Moonlight / Rock Polish

+2 0- Atk Necrozma Brick Break vs. 0 HP / 4 Def Bisharp: 408-484 (150.5 - 178.5%) -- guaranteed OHKO
252+ Atk Life Orb Bisharp Knock Off (97.5 BP) vs. +2 252 HP / 252+ Def Prism Armor Necrozma: 119-142 (29.8 - 35.6%) -- 37.7% chance to 3HKO

+2 0- Atk Necrozma Brick Break vs. 100 HP / 0 Def Tyranitar: 380-448 (103.8 - 122.4%) -- guaranteed OHKO
252+ Atk Choice Band Tyranitar Crunch vs. +2 252 HP / 252+ Def Prism Armor Necrozma: 118-141 (29.6 - 35.4%) -- guaranteed 3HKO after sandstorm damage

+2 0- Atk Necrozma Brick Break vs. 0 HP / 4 Def Weavile: 580-684 (206.4 - 243.4%) -- guaranteed OHKO
252 Atk Life Orb Weavile Knock Off (97.5 BP) vs. +2 252 HP / 252+ Def Prism Armor Necrozma: 105-125 (26.3 - 31.4%) -- guaranteed 4HKO

+2 4 SpA Necrozma Stored Power (140 BP) vs. 0 HP / 4 SpD Gengar: 936-1104 (361.3 - 426.2%) -- guaranteed OHKO
252 SpA Life Orb Gengar Shadow Ball vs. 252 HP / 0 SpD Prism Armor Necrozma: 281-333 (70.6 - 83.6%) -- guaranteed 2HKO

Running Iron Defense means you can setup on a switch and survive SE effective hits pretty easily. Brick Break does a lot of damage post Weakness Policy, as does Stored Power. 252 HP gives you enough bulk to survive hits from most special attackers, surprisingly. Probably more actually, if optimized. I don't know if Necrozma needs all 252 points in Def to be effective.

Rock Polish might be enough to actually sweep since you should... outspeed things?? Everything up to +Spe Weavile, and speed tie with +1 Dragonite. And, because of Iron Defense, most priority should do relatively "negligible" damage, especially if you get more than one.

Or you can run Moonlight and out sustain most every physical attacker pretty comfortably after +2.

Brick Break for coverage, of course, because it does a lot more damage than I thought it would, and there's actually no dark/ghosts in OU?? According to Smogon's website.

*Edit: Does Knock-Off activate Weakness Policy/Red Card or remove it? Or both?
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Np, as much as I like the stored power set, it's pretty gimmicky and relies on getting multiple turns to set up, which probably isn't going to happen.

If you still want to try it out, you might try an Iron Defense/Stored Power set. It doesn't do as much damage, but it sets up safer if you're up against a physical attacker, as opposed to the Calm Mind set against a special attacker. I don't know if it actually works all that well, but its something I've had bouncing around in my head for the past day or so.

Necrozma @ Weakness Policy / Red Card
Ability: Prism Armor
EVs: 252 HP / 252 Def / 4 SpA
Nature: Bold?
- Brick Break
- Iron Defense
- Stored Power
- Moonlight / Rock Polish

+2 0- Atk Necrozma Brick Break vs. 0 HP / 4 Def Bisharp: 408-484 (150.5 - 178.5%) -- guaranteed OHKO
252+ Atk Life Orb Bisharp Knock Off (97.5 BP) vs. +2 252 HP / 252+ Def Prism Armor Necrozma: 119-142 (29.8 - 35.6%) -- 37.7% chance to 3HKO

+2 0- Atk Necrozma Brick Break vs. 100 HP / 0 Def Tyranitar: 380-448 (103.8 - 122.4%) -- guaranteed OHKO
252+ Atk Choice Band Tyranitar Crunch vs. +2 252 HP / 252+ Def Prism Armor Necrozma: 118-141 (29.6 - 35.4%) -- guaranteed 3HKO after sandstorm damage

+2 0- Atk Necrozma Brick Break vs. 0 HP / 4 Def Weavile: 580-684 (206.4 - 243.4%) -- guaranteed OHKO
252 Atk Life Orb Weavile Knock Off (97.5 BP) vs. +2 252 HP / 252+ Def Prism Armor Necrozma: 105-125 (26.3 - 31.4%) -- guaranteed 4HKO

+2 4 SpA Necrozma Stored Power (140 BP) vs. 0 HP / 4 SpD Gengar: 936-1104 (361.3 - 426.2%) -- guaranteed OHKO
252 SpA Life Orb Gengar Shadow Ball vs. 252 HP / 0 SpD Prism Armor Necrozma: 281-333 (70.6 - 83.6%) -- guaranteed 2HKO

Running Iron Defense means you can setup on a switch and survive SE effective hits pretty easily. Brick Break does a lot of damage post Weakness Policy, as does Stored Power. 252 HP gives you enough bulk to survive hits from most special attackers, surprisingly. Probably more actually, if optimized. I don't know if Necrozma needs all 252 points in Def to be effective.

Rock Polish might be enough to actually sweep since you should... outspeed things?? Everything up to +Spe Weavile, and speed tie with +1 Dragonite. And, because of Iron Defense, most priority should do relatively "negligible" damage, especially if you get more than one.

Or you can run Moonlight and out sustain most every physical attacker pretty comfortably after +2.

Brick Break for coverage, of course, because it does a lot more damage than I thought it would, and there's actually no dark/ghosts in OU?? According to Smogon's website.

*Edit: Does Knock-Off activate Weakness Policy/Red Card or remove it? Or both?

Knock off activates Weakness Policy for sure and I think Red card will be removed and won't get activated.
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Knock off activates both Weakness Policy for sure and I think Red card will be removed and won't get activated.

Thanks for the reply. I'm not sure why I didn't think to check Bulbapedia/Serebii, but I guess it doesn't matter since neither of them mention Weakness Policy or Red Card, just items I was already aware of, like Mega Stones and Z Stones. Googling it doesn't give me any any hard answers either, but it seems to be that Knock Off will both activate and remove Weakness Policy/Red Card.

Something to note, which makes sense and isn't especially pertinent to this thread in particular, but also something I hadn't considered, is that Knock Off won't activate Weakness Policy if it's not a SE hit. Again, not relevant to Necrozma, but something I hadn't really thought about before, so definitely good to know.
Np, as much as I like the stored power set, it's pretty gimmicky and relies on getting multiple turns to set up, which probably isn't going to happen.

If you still want to try it out, you might try an Iron Defense/Stored Power set. It doesn't do as much damage, but it sets up safer if you're up against a physical attacker, as opposed to the Calm Mind set against a special attacker. I don't know if it actually works all that well, but its something I've had bouncing around in my head for the past day or so.

Necrozma @ Weakness Policy / Red Card
Ability: Prism Armor
EVs: 252 HP / 252 Def / 4 SpA
Nature: Bold?
- Brick Break
- Iron Defense
- Stored Power
- Moonlight / Rock Polish

+2 0- Atk Necrozma Brick Break vs. 0 HP / 4 Def Bisharp: 408-484 (150.5 - 178.5%) -- guaranteed OHKO
252+ Atk Life Orb Bisharp Knock Off (97.5 BP) vs. +2 252 HP / 252+ Def Prism Armor Necrozma: 119-142 (29.8 - 35.6%) -- 37.7% chance to 3HKO

+2 0- Atk Necrozma Brick Break vs. 100 HP / 0 Def Tyranitar: 380-448 (103.8 - 122.4%) -- guaranteed OHKO
252+ Atk Choice Band Tyranitar Crunch vs. +2 252 HP / 252+ Def Prism Armor Necrozma: 118-141 (29.6 - 35.4%) -- guaranteed 3HKO after sandstorm damage

+2 0- Atk Necrozma Brick Break vs. 0 HP / 4 Def Weavile: 580-684 (206.4 - 243.4%) -- guaranteed OHKO
252 Atk Life Orb Weavile Knock Off (97.5 BP) vs. +2 252 HP / 252+ Def Prism Armor Necrozma: 105-125 (26.3 - 31.4%) -- guaranteed 4HKO

+2 4 SpA Necrozma Stored Power (140 BP) vs. 0 HP / 4 SpD Gengar: 936-1104 (361.3 - 426.2%) -- guaranteed OHKO
252 SpA Life Orb Gengar Shadow Ball vs. 252 HP / 0 SpD Prism Armor Necrozma: 281-333 (70.6 - 83.6%) -- guaranteed 2HKO

Running Iron Defense means you can setup on a switch and survive SE effective hits pretty easily. Brick Break does a lot of damage post Weakness Policy, as does Stored Power. 252 HP gives you enough bulk to survive hits from most special attackers, surprisingly. Probably more actually, if optimized. I don't know if Necrozma needs all 252 points in Def to be effective.

Rock Polish might be enough to actually sweep since you should... outspeed things?? Everything up to +Spe Weavile, and speed tie with +1 Dragonite. And, because of Iron Defense, most priority should do relatively "negligible" damage, especially if you get more than one.

Or you can run Moonlight and out sustain most every physical attacker pretty comfortably after +2.

Brick Break for coverage, of course, because it does a lot more damage than I thought it would, and there's actually no dark/ghosts in OU?? According to Smogon's website.

*Edit: Does Knock-Off activate Weakness Policy/Red Card or remove it? Or both?
I don't run any Def investment on my build, instead piling points into SpD due to it being the lower of the two. Def becomes a non-issue after a single Iron Defense, and even before that, there's nothing that can OHKO it without a crit.

I've found that the magic number for being able to set up Iron Defenses is 66%. If a physical attacker cannot hit Necrozma for more than 66%, it can set up an Iron Defense on that turn, survive the next hit to pop Moonlight, continue alternating until Defense is maxed out and begin sweeping with Stored Power. If anything is hitting it harder than 66%, it's almost guaranteed to be a SE hit that will pop Weakness Policy, which means Stored Power on the same turn will immediately delete them if it isn't resisted - and anything that can hit defensive Necrozma that hard would be worth sacrificing it to bring down. And for niche cases like Pheromosa using U-Turn, it can tank the hit and use Moonlight on the same turn to lessen the sting and possibly set up on whatever comes in next. I've had a lot of opponents thinking they could throw a SE 'Mon out and KO Necrozma with ease, thinking it was a more offensive build, only to for it to eat most of their team alive in their conceit.

That's not to say it's without its flaws though: Stored Power is walled by Dark-types, so it must have a coverage move, which means it gets one moveslot for recovery/speed (Moonlight/Rock Polish) and one moveslot for Iron Defense or Calm Mind. You can't have both defense boosters, so you need to watch out for powerful mons hitting the unboosted stat. Necrozma also has no love for Roar (and its cousins), Foul Play post-Weakness Policy, Taunt, or Toxic. Thankfully these are easily fixable by teammates. Weather that isn't Sunny Day also needs to be avoided since it cuts Moonlight's/Morning Sun's recovery.

EDIT: I threw my Necrozma build into a Showderp team for fun, but with Charge Beam in place of Brick Break since I can't expect a Showderp team to always have synergy to cover Ghost-types. It worked better than I expected it to (Showderp is 4Chan based, so obviously there's a language warning):

There was another game where it decimated a whole team on its own, but sadly I didn't think to save it.

Prismurder McEdgy (Necrozma) @ Weakness Policy
Ability: Prism Armor
EVs: 252 HP / 252 SpD / 4 Spe
Sassy Nature
IVs: 0 Atk <- (this would normally be 31 for Brick Break)
- Stored Power
- Charge Beam <- (this would normally be Brick Break)
- Iron Defense
- Moonlight
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I suggested running max Def purely because I hadn't done calcs or tried to optimize the set. However, one benefit of running the Def spread is that it allows you to run Rock Polish and sweep much more safely, since at +2 Knock-Off becomes a 3HKO (with bonus damage from item) and sucker punch becomes a possible 3HKO/4HKO and, at that damage, there isn't as much of a necessity to run recovery, because you outspeed and OHKO just about everything else in the game.

At +2 Def with no investment, you're looking about about a 10% difference compared to +2 with maximum investment, at least when calculated against Bisharp, and honestly I don't even know if that's worth considering or not.

Ideally, you wouldn't try to set up with a Dark type alive anyway, but sometimes you just gotta go for the chance you've been given.

However, since you aren't running Brick Break, wouldn't Calm be a better choice for Nature? Or do you figure it doesn't matter because you aren't running Rock Polish anyway?

Also, I wonder how effective splitting the difference would be? I.e. running a +Def nature but with +SpD investment? I'm not sure what the relevant calcs are, but if we're looking at the 66% break point that you mentioned earlier (which sounds about right) for physical hits, but guaranteeing a minimum 2HKO with special hits, I ran some calcs.

252 SpA Life Orb Gengar Shadow Ball vs. 252 HP / 40 SpD Prism Armor Necrozma: 269-318 (83.8 - 99%) -- guaranteed 2HKO

252+ Atk Choice Band Huge Power Azumarill Knock Off (97.5 BP) vs. +2 252 HP / 0+ Def Prism Armor Necrozma: 132-156 (41.1 - 48.5%) -- guaranteed 3HKO
252+ Atk Choice Band Huge Power Azumarill Knock Off (97.5 BP) vs. 252 HP / 252+ Def Prism Armor Necrozma: 205-243 (63.8 - 75.7%) -- guaranteed 2HKO

252+ Atk Pure Power Medicham-Mega High Jump Kick vs. +2 252 HP / 80+ Def Necrozma: 162-192 (50.4 - 59.8%) -- guaranteed 2HKO
252+ Atk Pure Power Medicham-Mega High Jump Kick vs. 252 HP / 252+ Def Necrozma: 277-327 (86.2 - 101.8%) -- 12.5% chance to OHKO

252+ SpA Choice Specs Magnezone Flash Cannon vs. 252 HP / 252 SpD Prism Armor Necrozma: 276-325 (85.9 - 101.2%) -- 12.5% chance to OHKO

252 SpA Life Orb Latios Draco Meteor vs. 252 HP / 108 SpD Necrozma: 270-320 (84.1 - 99.6%) -- guaranteed 2HKO

232 SpA Pixilate Gardevoir-Mega Hyper Voice vs. 252 HP / 0 SpD Necrozma: 249-294 (77.5 - 91.5%) -- guaranteed 2HKO

252+ SpA Diancie-Mega Moonblast vs. 252 HP / 0 SpD Necrozma: 220-259 (68.5 - 80.6%) -- guaranteed 2HKO

252 SpA Charizard-Mega-Y Fire Blast vs. 252 HP / 252 SpD Prism Armor Necrozma: 402-474 (125.2 - 147.6%) -- guaranteed OHKO

252 Atk Tyranitar-Mega Stone Edge vs. 252 HP / 252+ Def Prism Armor Necrozma: 208-247 (64.7 - 76.9%) -- guaranteed 2HKO after sandstorm damage
252 Atk Tyranitar-Mega Crunch vs. +2 252 HP / 0+ Def Prism Armor Necrozma: 105-126 (32.7 - 39.2%) -- guaranteed 3HKO after sandstorm damage
252 Atk Tyranitar-Mega Stone Edge vs. +2 252 HP / 40+ Def Prism Armor Necrozma: 126-150 (39.2 - 46.7%) -- guaranteed 3HKO after sandstorm damage

252+ Atk Choice Band Teravolt Kyurem-Black Outrage vs. 252 HP / 252+ Def Necrozma: 282-333 (87.8 - 103.7%) -- 25% chance to OHKO
252+ Atk Choice Band Teravolt Kyurem-Black Outrage vs. +2 252 HP / 92+ Def Necrozma: 162-192 (50.4 - 59.8%) -- guaranteed 2HKO

136+ Atk Heracross-Mega Pin Missile (5 hits) vs. 252 HP / 252+ Def Prism Armor Necrozma: 300-360 (93.4 - 112.1%) -- approx. 37.5% chance to OHKO
136+ Atk Heracross-Mega Pin Missile (5 hits) vs. +2 252 HP / 208+ Def Prism Armor Necrozma: 155-185 (48.2 - 57.6%) -- approx. 91% chance to 2HKO

252 Atk Garchomp-Mega Earthquake vs. 252 HP / 112+ Def Necrozma: 162-192 (50.4 - 59.8%) -- guaranteed 2HKO

252+ Atk Life Orb Bisharp Knock Off (97.5 BP) vs. 252 HP / 252+ Def Prism Armor Necrozma: 236-281 (73.5 - 87.5%) -- guaranteed 2HKO
252+ Atk Life Orb Bisharp Sucker Punch vs. 252 HP / 252+ Def Prism Armor Necrozma: 172-205 (53.5 - 63.8%) -- guaranteed 2HKO

So, assuming I did my math right, and assuming we ignore the attacks that OHKO us regardless of investment, a possible spread might look like:

252 HP / 112 Def / 108 SpD
Extra EVs: 32

This amount of SpD would just barely guarantee a 2HKO against a Timid Latios Life Orb Draco Meteor, while also giving us enough Def to guarantee a comfortable 2HKO, if not a 3HKO, against a Mega-Garchomp EQ. At +2, 112 Def would also guarantee a 2HKO from a Banded Outrage from Kyurem-Black, a 3HKO from either Crunch or Stone Edge from Mega-Tyranitar after Sandstorm, a 2HKO from a Hi-Jump Kick from Mega-Medicham, and a 3HKO from a Banded Huge Power Azumaril's Knock Off.

Unless we are at +2 Def to begin with, we cannot live two Knock Offs from either Bisharp or Weavile, regardless of investment.

Idk if this would work, really, it would need a lot more calcs to be relevent imo, there were a lot of pokes that surprised me with the amount of damage they would do, so there are probably more break points out there that would justify putting the remaining EVs in either Def or SpD. Or maybe Spe/SpA

Something to consider with this, though, is that without Rock Polish, Necrozma stands a pretty good chance of being 2HKOd or OHKOd by faster pokes. Moonlight simply doesn't heal enough to nullify the threat pokes like Mega-Heracross, Charizard-Y, or Magnezone, to name a few. But, in most cases, being faster than those pokes would make the damage that the deal irrelevant.

(These calcs assume +6 on stored power, or +2 on either Brick Break or Charge Beam; Weakness Policy + Rock Polish / Iron Defense)

+2 0 SpA Necrozma Stored Power (140 BP) vs. 0 HP / 4 SpD Charizard-Mega-Y: 327-385 (110.1 - 129.6%) -- guaranteed OHKO
+2 0- Atk Necrozma Brick Break vs. 0 HP / 0 Def Charizard-Mega-Y: 63-74 (21.2 - 24.9%) -- guaranteed 5HKO
+2 0 SpA Necrozma Charge Beam vs. 0 HP / 4 SpD Charizard-Mega-Y: 158-186 (53.1 - 62.6%) -- guaranteed OHKO after Stealth Rock

+2 0 SpA Necrozma Stored Power (140 BP) vs. 168 HP / 0 SpD Magnezone: 201-237 (62.2 - 73.3%) -- guaranteed 2HKO
+2 0 SpA Necrozma Stored Power (180 BP) vs. 168 HP / 0 SpD Magnezone: 259-306 (80.1 - 94.7%) -- 6.3% chance to OHKO after Stealth Rock
+2 0- Atk Necrozma Brick Break vs. 168 HP / 0 Def Magnezone: 182-216 (56.3 - 66.8%) -- guaranteed 2HKO
+2 0 SpA Necrozma Charge Beam vs. 168 HP / 0 SpD Magnezone: 48-57 (14.8 - 17.6%) -- possible 6HKO

+2 0 SpA Necrozma Stored Power (140 BP) vs. 240 HP / 0 SpD Heracross-Mega: 710-836 (196.6 - 231.5%) -- guaranteed OHKO
+2 0- Atk Necrozma Brick Break vs. 240 HP / 0 Def Heracross-Mega: 45-54 (12.4 - 14.9%) -- possible 6HKO after Stealth Rock
+2 0 SpA Necrozma Charge Beam vs. 240 HP / 0 SpD Heracross-Mega: 85-101 (23.5 - 27.9%) -- guaranteed 4HKO after Stealth Rock

So for these pokes, you'd need to either predict the switch, i.e. not boost on the turn that they switch, or outspeed them to KO them before they KO you. Heck, in Magnezone's case, you'd need to do both to KO it first.

You'd barely be able to even get the possibility of OHKO on Magnezone using Stored Power with a +SpA nature.

+2 0+ SpA Necrozma Stored Power (180 BP) vs. 168 HP / 0 SpD Magnezone: 285-336 (88.2 - 104%) -- 62.5% chance to OHKO after Stealth Rock

So idk, but regardless of EV spread, I feel like Rock Polish should actually be the recommendation, not the suggestion, at least from me. I just don't think Moonlight does enough work without multiple boosts to justify not outspeeding as many potential switch-ins as possible.

Example: Switch in Necrozma to force out a switch from the opponent, Rock Polish on that turn. They've sent in something, let's say Bisharp. Bisharp has a couple of choices, it could Knock Off, Sucker Punch, or SD. With +2, Necrozma outspeeds Bisharp; if Bisharp goes for Knock-Off, we can set up Iron Defense first, both nullifying the damage and guaranteeing we can survive the follow up Sucker Punch next turn; if Bisharp goes for Sucker Punch, we get an Iron Defense for free, repeat until you either reach +6/+6 or until it uses Knock Off, at that point you can OHKO with Brick Break/2HKO with Charge Beam; worst case scenario it SDs in our face and we have to take the Knock Off / Sucker Punch to the face, if it SDs I'd recommend just switching out tbh, rather than wasting the Weakness Policy.

This scenario can't happen with Moonlight. Granted, Bisharp can still go for a Sucker Punch, but if it goes for a Knock Off you are taking the full damage. If it goes for SD, it outspeeds you naturally.

This is all theory crafting though, take from it what you will.
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I am almost certain you did those heavy hitter calcs wrong, because from the numbers I'm getting Necrozma can absolutely take most of these attacks and survive. Are you sure you didn't mistype the IVs or Levels?

252+ SpA Life Orb Gengar Shadow Ball vs. 252 HP / 252+ SpD Prism Armor Necrozma: 218-259 (54.7 - 65%) -- guaranteed 2HKO

252+ Atk Pure Power Medicham-Mega High Jump Kick vs. 252 HP / 0 Def Necrozma: 192-226 (48.2 - 56.7%) -- 89.1% chance to 2HKO

252+ SpA Choice Specs Magnezone Thunderbolt vs. 252 HP / 252+ SpD Necrozma: 187-222 (46.9 - 55.7%) -- 76.2% chance to 2HKO

252+ SpA Charizard-Mega-Y Fire Blast vs. 252 HP / 252+ SpD Necrozma: 268-316 (67.3 - 79.3%) -- guaranteed 2HKO

252+ Atk Choice Band Teravolt Kyurem-Black Outrage vs. 252 HP / 0 Def Necrozma: 391-462 (98.2 - 116%) -- 87.5% chance to OHKO

136+ Atk Heracross-Mega Pin Missile (5 hits) vs. 252 HP / 0 Def Prism Armor Necrozma: 410-495 (103 - 124.3%) -- guaranteed OHKO

232 SpA Pixilate Gardevoir-Mega Hyper Voice vs. 252 HP / 252+ SpD Necrozma: 177-208 (44.4 - 52.2%) -- 17.6% chance to 2HKO
252+ SpA Life Orb Gengar Shadow Ball vs. 252 HP / 108 SpD Prism Armor Necrozma: 275-324 (69 - 81.4%) -- guaranteed 2HKO

252+ Atk Pure Power Medicham-Mega High Jump Kick vs. 252 HP / 112+ Def Necrozma: 156-185 (39.1 - 46.4%) -- guaranteed 3HKO

252+ SpA Choice Specs Magnezone Thunderbolt vs. 252 HP / 108 SpD Necrozma: 237-280 (59.5 - 70.3%) -- guaranteed 2HKO

252+ SpA Charizard-Mega-Y Fire Blast vs. 252 HP / 108 SpD Necrozma: 337-397 (84.6 - 99.7%) -- guaranteed 2HKO

252+ Atk Choice Band Teravolt Kyurem-Black Outrage vs. 252 HP / 112+ Def Necrozma: 319-376 (80.1 - 94.4%) -- guaranteed 2HKO

136+ Atk Heracross-Mega Pin Missile (5 hits) vs. 252 HP / 112+ Def Prism Armor Necrozma: 335-405 (84.1 - 101.7%) -- approx. 6.3% chance to OHKO

232 SpA Pixilate Gardevoir-Mega Hyper Voice vs. 252 HP / 108 SpD Necrozma: 220-261 (55.2 - 65.5%) -- guaranteed 2HKO
+2 0 SpA Necrozma Stored Power (100 BP) vs. 0 HP / 4 SpD Gengar: 666-786 (257.1 - 303.4%) -- guaranteed OHKO

+2 0 SpA Necrozma Stored Power (100 BP) vs. 0 HP / 0 SpD Medicham-Mega: 303-357 (116 - 136.7%) -- guaranteed OHKO

+2 0- Atk Necrozma Brick Break vs. 168 HP / 0 Def Magnezone: 182-216 (56.3 - 66.8%) -- guaranteed 2HKO

+2 0 SpA Necrozma Stored Power (140 BP) vs. 0 HP / 4 SpD Charizard-Mega-Y: 327-385 (110.1 - 129.6%) -- guaranteed OHKO

+2 0 SpA Necrozma Stored Power (140 BP) vs. 0 HP / 4 SpD Kyurem-Black: 402-474 (102.8 - 121.2%) -- guaranteed OHKO

+2 0 SpA Necrozma Stored Power (100 BP) vs. 240 HP / 0 SpD Heracross-Mega: 510-600 (141.2 - 166.2%) -- guaranteed OHKO

+2 0 SpA Necrozma Stored Power (220 BP) vs. 16 HP / 0 SpD Gardevoir-Mega: 224-264 (79.7 - 93.9%) -- guaranteed 2HKO
All of these things hit hard, but in most cases where you pop Weakness Policy and Iron Defense, Necrozma can hit back harder. The bulky special attackers (like Magnezone and Gardevoir) are the biggest problems since they can reliably 2HKO, but they're not insurmountable with teammate help.

I do like the idea of Rock Polish for Speed boosts, but to come at the cost of Moonlight might be a bit much since IMO the healing (even if not the most reliable) allows you to scout potential threats and tank recoil attackers. Replacing Iron Defense/Calm Mind with it might work if you want to blitz things down though.

Honestly, I'm feeling some 4MSS here. A combination of Stored Power + Autonomize + Iron Defense/Calm Mind + Moonlight would be the bee's knees if only Dark-types wouldn't laugh at it. It needs a coverage move, which means eschewing one of the boosting moves, and the move you drop determines Necrozma's advantage and shortcoming.

EDIT: You are right about the Calm nature working better than Sassy for that Charge Beam set though. Oversight on my part. Though even on a -Atk nature Brick Break does what it needs to; I like that the two moves are interchangeable.
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Hell, I don't know. I might be doing the calcs wrong but even now I'm trying to replicate the numbers and I'm getting shit like this:

252+ SpA Life Orb Gengar Shadow Ball vs. 252 HP / 252+ SpD Necrozma: 291-346 (73.1 - 86.9%) -- guaranteed 2HKO

252+ Atk Pure Power Medicham-Mega High Jump Kick vs. 252 HP / 0 Def Necrozma: 384-453 (96.4 - 113.8%) -- 75% chance to OHKO

Which, while different from what I got earlier, is I think what I calculated yesterday, so I guess that was the weird feeling I was having about all of this. Still, it's different from your calcs, and I'm not sure why.

I'm using Showdown's damage calculator, what are you using? This is weird.

Although, somehow, it looks like my EV spread was mostly accurate??? Somehow? This is like taking a math test and using the complete wrong formula but still getting the right answer. Judging by those numbers, if you put some more points into Def you should be able to live a Pin Missile from Heracross. I managed to get the same calc for Heracross that you got, so this should be accurate.

136+ Atk Heracross-Mega Pin Missile (5 hits) vs. 252 HP / 136+ Def Prism Armor Necrozma: 320-390 (80.4 - 97.9%) -- guaranteed 2HKO

Still not sure what I'm doing wrong with the others. BUT, if I did get those numbers right, that would give us 8 extra points to put somewhere else. It's not a whole lot, but it might help something.

+Def Nature
252 HP / 136 Def / 108 SpD
Extra EVs: 8

*Edit: Sunova- Necrozma is (or was) set as a Psychic / Ice for some god awful reason. I'm not sure why, but that probably threw off a lot of those stupid calcs. What a silly reason.

Assuming that was actually the problem, with a +SpD nature, Necrozma can live a Charizard-Y Fire Blast with 0 SpD investment and a Heracross-Mega Pin Missle with 244 Def.

+SpD Nature
252 HP / 244 Def / 0 SpD
Extra EVs: 8

Not sure if putting those 8 points into anything else would allow Necrozma to survive or OHKO something it wouldn't otherwise. If I'm looking at this right, this spread can even survive hits from Mewtwo-Y and Deoxys-Attack, which, if I'm not mistaken, have two of the highest SpA values in the game, if not the two highest.

252+ SpA Mewtwo-Mega-Y Hyper Beam vs. 252 HP / 0+ SpD Necrozma: 244-288 (61.3 - 72.3%) -- guaranteed 2HKO
252+ SpA Life Orb Deoxys-Attack Hyper Beam vs. 252 HP / 0+ SpD Necrozma: 300-354 (75.3 - 88.9%) -- guaranteed 2HKO
252 Atk Life Orb Deoxys-Attack Giga Impact vs. 252 HP / 244 Def Necrozma: 214-253 (53.7 - 63.5%) -- guaranteed 2HKO

The +Def Nature set can live a Deoxys Giga Impact comfortably, as well, etc.

252 SpA Mewtwo-Mega-Y Hyper Beam vs. 252 HP / 108 SpD Necrozma: 217-256 (54.5 - 64.3%) -- guaranteed 2HKO
252 Atk Life Orb Deoxys-Attack Giga Impact vs. 252 HP / 136+ Def Necrozma: 214-253 (53.7 - 63.5%) -- guaranteed 2HKO
252+ SpA Life Orb Deoxys-Attack Hyper Beam vs. 252 HP / 108 SpD Necrozma: 292-344 (73.3 - 86.4%) -- guaranteed 2HKO

Unfortunately, even with max SpD investment, you can't get stuff like Charizard-Y Flame Blast down to a 3HKO, but 252 HP / 252 SpD + Iron Defense might be able to survive multiple physical and special attacks, at least from something that it wouldn't otherwise. It really depends on what you are trying to do with the set, I guess. Not sure what pokes to calc to know for sure.

136+ Atk Heracross-Mega Pin Missile (5 hits) vs. +2 252 HP / 0 Def Prism Armor Necrozma: 210-255 (52.7 - 64%) -- guaranteed 2HKO

Still, all that being said, with a lot of those numbers, running Moonlight is a lot more viable, I agree. You might say, I can see the light now. I do think Rock Polish will work as well, just maybe for a different strategy/team. Rock Polish is more about a hyper offensive sweep, despite the defensive investment, while Moonlight is more for the quintessential bulky sweeper.

It's cool that you can more or less reach the same numbers regardless of which defensive nature you chose, so long as you spend EVs correctly.
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Hell, I don't know. I might be doing the calcs wrong but even now I'm trying to replicate the numbers and I'm getting shit like this:

252+ SpA Life Orb Gengar Shadow Ball vs. 252 HP / 252+ SpD Necrozma: 291-346 (73.1 - 86.9%) -- guaranteed 2HKO

252+ Atk Pure Power Medicham-Mega High Jump Kick vs. 252 HP / 0 Def Necrozma: 384-453 (96.4 - 113.8%) -- 75% chance to OHKO

Which, while different from what I got earlier, is I think what I calculated yesterday, so I guess that was the weird feeling I was having about all of this. Still, it's different from your calcs, and I'm not sure why.

I'm using Showdown's damage calculator, what are you using? This is weird.

Although, somehow, it looks like my EV spread was mostly accurate??? Somehow? This is like taking a math test and using the complete wrong formula but still getting the right answer. Judging by those numbers, if you put some more points into Def you should be able to live a Pin Missile from Heracross. I managed to get the same calc for Heracross that you got, so this should be accurate.

136+ Atk Heracross-Mega Pin Missile (5 hits) vs. 252 HP / 136+ Def Prism Armor Necrozma: 320-390 (80.4 - 97.9%) -- guaranteed 2HKO

Still not sure what I'm doing wrong with the others. BUT, if I did get those numbers right, that would give us 8 extra points to put somewhere else. It's not a whole lot, but it might help something.

+Def Nature
252 HP / 136 Def / 108 SpD
Extra EVs: 8

*Edit: Sunova- Necrozma is (or was) set as a Psychic / Ice for some god awful reason. I'm not sure why, but that probably threw off a lot of those stupid calcs. What a silly reason.

Assuming that was actually the problem, with a +SpD nature, Necrozma can live a Charizard-Y Fire Blast with 0 SpD investment and a Heracross-Mega Pin Missle with 244 Def.

+SpD Nature
252 HP / 244 Def / 0 SpD
Extra EVs: 8

Not sure if putting those 8 points into anything else would allow Necrozma to survive or OHKO something it wouldn't otherwise. If I'm looking at this right, this spread can even survive hits from Mewtwo-Y and Deoxys-Attack, which, if I'm not mistaken, has two of the highest SpA values in the game, if not the two highest.

252+ SpA Mewtwo-Mega-Y Hyper Beam vs. 252 HP / 0+ SpD Necrozma: 244-288 (61.3 - 72.3%) -- guaranteed 2HKO
252+ SpA Life Orb Deoxys-Attack Hyper Beam vs. 252 HP / 0+ SpD Necrozma: 300-354 (75.3 - 88.9%) -- guaranteed 2HKO
252 Atk Life Orb Deoxys-Attack Giga Impact vs. 252 HP / 244 Def Necrozma: 214-253 (53.7 - 63.5%) -- guaranteed 2HKO

The +Def Nature set can live a Deoxys Giga Impact comfortably, as well, etc.

252 SpA Mewtwo-Mega-Y Hyper Beam vs. 252 HP / 108 SpD Necrozma: 217-256 (54.5 - 64.3%) -- guaranteed 2HKO
252 Atk Life Orb Deoxys-Attack Giga Impact vs. 252 HP / 136+ Def Necrozma: 214-253 (53.7 - 63.5%) -- guaranteed 2HKO
252+ SpA Life Orb Deoxys-Attack Hyper Beam vs. 252 HP / 108 SpD Necrozma: 292-344 (73.3 - 86.4%) -- guaranteed 2HKO

Unfortunately, even with max SpD investment, you can't get stuff like Charizard-Y Flame Blast down to a 3HKO, but you might be able to work a 252 HP / 252 SpD + Iron Defense and live multiple special hits that you might not otherwise, while also soaking physical hits. It really depends on what you are trying to do with the set, I guess. Not sure what pokes to calc to know for sure.

136+ Atk Heracross-Mega Pin Missile (5 hits) vs. +2 252 HP / 0 Def Prism Armor Necrozma: 210-255 (52.7 - 64%) -- guaranteed 2HKO

Those are old EV spreads,Ppl run max attack and speed Heracross-mega these days and also Heracrosite is unreleased in the first place.
Also no one uses Giga Impact and Hyper Beam competitively and the calcs u mentioned are of Ubers pokemon.
Also 0 SpD with a positive nature is bad. Investing In HP and SpD so that it can survive a FireBlast from Charizard-Y and putting the remaining Evs in Def along with a positive nature will give u more bulk than ur above mentioned Ev spread.And'i don't understand what Necrozma is gonna do by switching in/surviving a Fire Blast from Charizard.
Yeah, you definitely wouldn't throw a booster 'Mon in on something that can do well over half its HP with one hit. If Weakness Policy was triggered beforehand I'd take the hit and retaliate with Stored Power (nuking M-Char-Y in one turn is a good trade!), but if not I'd just switch Necrozma out.

I find myself advocating Stored Power sets a lot more than I thought I would. Stored Power sweepers are usually the kind of things you'd only see as gimmicks or jokes, but Necrozma has all of the tools and natural bulk to make it work unironically, while also not being mind-numbingly slow-paced or completely busted. Now if only it wasn't flagged as Legendary so I could use it in official competitions!

And if setup sweepers aren't your thing, it can still fill a support role pretty comfortably. Stealth Rock, dual screens, and Trick Room are all in its movelist, among other things.
Those are old EV spreads,Ppl run max attack and speed Heracross-mega these days and also Heracrosite is unreleased in the first place.
Also no one uses Giga Impact and Hyper Beam competitively and the calcs u mentioned are of Ubers pokemon.
Also 0 SpD with a positive nature is bad. Investing In HP and SpD so that it can survive a FireBlast from Charizard-Y and putting the remaining Evs in Def along with a positive nature will give u more bulk than ur above mentioned Ev spread.And'i don't understand what Necrozma is gonna do by switching in/surviving a Fire Blast from Charizard.

I'm not aware of the most current sets, mostly because they aren't really gathered in one place yet, but I appreciate the information. Still, that being said, the current meta doesn't really exist yet, so old Smogon sets should work well enough for the time being. At the end of the day, I guess it doesn't matter how many calcs or test sets I run right now, because all of it could change at any moment. Hell, Necrozma could be banned to Ubers tomorrow, and it wouldn't matter how many OU threats I calc, as much as I doubt that will actually happen. All of it is theory crafting.

Giga Impact and Hyper Beam were meant to test the sets for "maximum damage," which is also why I used them in combination with Deoxys and Mewtwo-Y. They were meant to indicate the extreme upper end of the SpA/Atk bracket, i.e. if the EV spread can survive those, it should be able to survive most everything else. All I'm doing is trying to test hypotheticals.

That's also why I'm concerned about living things that Necrozma wouldn't want to soak anyway. Most of the conversation in the thread has been about a setup/Stored Power set. Ideally, you wouldn't just take a hit just for fun, but if you need to boost in order for the set to work, it can be pretty helpful to be able to survive hits, regardless.

I agree that running a positive nature with no SpD investment is probably not ideal, but a lot of the more recent conversation has been about Iron Defense, so the idea is to guarantee the ability to survive SpA hits with as little investment as possible, which is what +Nature / 0 SpA can do, if it wants to. That's also why I mentioned running a 252 HP / 252 SpA +SpA nature with Iron Defense, because Iron Defense allows it to survive a lot of physical hits quite comfortably as well, even without Def investment.

Yeah, you definitely wouldn't throw a booster 'Mon in on something that can do well over half its HP with one hit. If Weakness Policy was triggered beforehand I'd take the hit and retaliate with Stored Power (nuking M-Char-Y in one turn is a good trade!), but if not I'd just switch Necrozma out.

I find myself advocating Stored Power sets a lot more than I thought I would. Stored Power sweepers are usually the kind of things you'd only see as gimmicks or jokes, but Necrozma has all of the tools and natural bulk to make it work unironically, while also not being mind-numbingly slow-paced or completely busted. Now if only it wasn't flagged as Legendary so I could use it in official competitions!

And if setup sweepers aren't your thing, it can still fill a support role pretty comfortably. Stealth Rock, dual screens, and Trick Room are all in its movelist, among other things.

Personally, I just find the Stored Power set more compelling for some reason, although that might be because Necrozma can't really run anything else and still be a relevant threat, which would be a shame imo.

Style points ought to count for something, too.
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What kind of defensive EV's have people been liking on the defensive stealth rock set? Any particular benchmarks?
What kind of defensive EV's have people been liking on the defensive stealth rock set? Any particular benchmarks?

We've run quite a few calcs in the thread (some more accurate than others, unfortunately) so I don't know about a stealth rock set in particular, but that would probably be a good place to start. I don't imagine that the numbers or relevant threats aren't going to be significantly different.
What kind of defensive EV's have people been liking on the defensive stealth rock set? Any particular benchmarks?

In this meta, SpDef seems to be better, so just going 248 HP/ 8 Def / 252 SpDef is fine TBH. You still avoid the 2HKO from Standard Scarf Genesect at +1, Timid LO Tapu Koko can't 2HKO with Thunderbolt, etc. It's pretty solid.
The general consensus seems to be max SpD investment, with a side of Iron Defense if you want it to live after setting rocks. Even before +2 and with no EVs in Def, Necrozma is nigh-impossible to OHKO - we're talking "Banded Galvanize Explosion" levels of cheese needed to accomplish that, nothing else is capable until we get Pokebank access - so barring status shenanigans or double-targetting, it will get its primary job done. It's frankly hilarious how many people expect to OHKO Necrozma and fail.

On a sorta-related note, I'm starting to realize what Necrozma has over other bulky 'Mons and why it's a Legendary. As it turns out, 25% SE reduction on top of free healing is actually pretty damn strong! The few other 'Mons that have Solid Rock or Filter (which do the same thing as Prism Armor) don't have a recovery option outside of Rest, which means either being asleep for two turns or sacrificing their item slot for a Lum/Chesto Berry. Moonlight/Morning Sun allows Necrozma to avoid both of those restrictions so long as it isn't in unfavorable weather, and the difference in utility is staggering. The only way it would be better is if it had Recover, which causes me to look at its apparent UU placement a little more graciously, because having always-50% recovery with its bulk would've made it a dead ringer for OU teetering on the edge of Ubers.
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The general consensus seems to be max SpD investment, with a side of Iron Defense if you want it to live after setting rocks. Even before +2 and with no EVs in Def, Necrozma is nigh-impossible to OHKO - we're talking "Banded Galvanize Explosion" levels of cheese needed to accomplish that, nothing else is capable until we get Pokebank access - so barring status shenanigans or double-targetting, it will get its primary job done. It's frankly hilarious how many people expect to OHKO Necrozma and fail.

On a sorta-related note, I'm starting to realize what Necrozma has over other bulky 'Mons and why it's a Legendary. As it turns out, 25% SE reduction on top of free healing is actually pretty damn strong! The few other 'Mons that have Solid Rock or Filter (which do the same thing as Prism Armor) don't have a recovery option outside of Rest, which means either being asleep for two turns or sacrificing their item slot for a Lum/Chesto Berry. Moonlight/Morning Sun allows Necrozma to avoid both of those restrictions so long as it isn't in unfavorable weather, and the difference in utility is staggering. The only way it would be better is if it had Recover, which causes me to look at its apparent UU placement a little more graciously, because having always-50% recovery with its bulk would've made it a dead ringer for OU teetering on the edge of Ubers.

Well, if UU sticks it'll probably be worthwhile to do some more calcs. I expect BL, tbh, since I can't imagine a lot of UU pokes being able to deal with it's bulk, but I could be underestimating the tier.

As far as EVs go, what's the benefit of running max SpD investment over mixed or Def? Is it just the fact that Iron Defense is so strong, or does 252 SpD allow Necrozma to live something it wouldn't otherwise?
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Your defensive investment should probably depend on which of Necrozma's weaknesses your team has bigger problems with. I prefer SpD+ and Iron Defense because Bug and Dark are mostly physical-based and thus covers more weaknesses, but if I were running a team that had issues with Ghosts, I'd probably switch it to Def+ and Calm Mind.

...Speaking of teams, I'd like to bring up a subject we haven't discussed: what are good teammates for offensively-based Necrozma? I'm thinking of a Sun team for Moonlight/Morning Sun and something with Parting Shot (Z preferable) for good setup chances, but I'm a little dim and can't think of good 'Mons to fill those roles yet still do other stuff.
Your defensive investment should probably depend on which of Necrozma's weaknesses your team has bigger problems with. I prefer SpD+ and Iron Defense because Bug and Dark are mostly physical-based and thus covers more weaknesses, but if I were running a team that had issues with Ghosts, I'd probably switch it to Def+ and Calm Mind.

...Speaking of teams, I'd like to bring up a subject we haven't discussed: what are good teammates for offensively-based Necrozma? I'm thinking of a Sun team for Moonlight/Morning Sun and something with Parting Shot (Z preferable) for good setup chances, but I'm a little dim and can't think of good 'Mons to fill those roles yet still do other stuff.

For Z-Parting Shot, either Silvally or Alolan Persian. Take your pick.
Your defensive investment should probably depend on which of Necrozma's weaknesses your team has bigger problems with. I prefer SpD+ and Iron Defense because Bug and Dark are mostly physical-based and thus covers more weaknesses, but if I were running a team that had issues with Ghosts, I'd probably switch it to Def+ and Calm Mind.

...Speaking of teams, I'd like to bring up a subject we haven't discussed: what are good teammates for offensively-based Necrozma? I'm thinking of a Sun team for Moonlight/Morning Sun and something with Parting Shot (Z preferable) for good setup chances, but I'm a little dim and can't think of good 'Mons to fill those roles yet still do other stuff.

As gimmicky as Necrozma is, I don't know that it needs a whole lot more than what most teams would probably already have. Like, you probably wouldn't want to run it on a Hyper Offense team, but beyond that, most teams have some form of utility. Other than maybe Trick Room, I think just about everything can benefit Necrozma somehow.

Sticky Web or Tailwind might be worth looking at, to help outspeed pokes that you wouldn't without Rock Polish, and screens are always good as well. I feel like the main issue with Necrozma is going to be living long enough to set up, if you can get your boosts at a decent amount of health, it shouldn't have many more problems.
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I'm surprised I see so many defensive SR sets as opposed to offensive ones on this pokemon.

Why would I use Specially defensive Necrozma over, say, Mew? Same typing, Mew has better move pool, better speed, better defenses, etc. I mean, his ability is nice on a defensive set but is it really worth losing so many utility options (Will-o-Wisp, U-turn)?

It has higher offenses than Mew and the ability is probably better, so I think WP sets are the way to go in my opinion.
This might be a total noob question, but is there any particular reason everyone seems to go with Moonlight over Morning Sun on the Stored Power sets? Not that it makes a difference to me, I've just always seen them as interchangeable and the dominance of one over the other just strikes me as curious.
This might be a total noob question, but is there any particular reason everyone seems to go with Moonlight over Morning Sun on the Stored Power sets? Not that it makes a difference to me, I've just always seen them as interchangeable and the dominance of one over the other just strikes me as curious.
Afaik it doesn't matter, they should be interchangeable, unless I'm missing something obvious. It's not worth mentioning both of them, so I guess we just took one over the other and ran with it.
This might be a total noob question, but is there any particular reason everyone seems to go with Moonlight over Morning Sun on the Stored Power sets? Not that it makes a difference to me, I've just always seen them as interchangeable and the dominance of one over the other just strikes me as curious.
There's no difference between those two moves. However, being the borderline-paranoid person that I am, I'd personally go with Morning Sun over Moonlight due to fearing a potential Imprison (Smeargle isn't the only one to learn both Moonlight and Imprison), even though it's ultra rare and stupid af.

Seriously though, it really doesn't matter which one you pick.
I absolutely love the Stored Power Set. Here is a replay:


Necrozma @ Leftovers
Ability: Prism Armor
Shiny: Yes
EVs: 252 HP / 252 SpA / 4 SpD
Modest Nature
- Calm Mind|Iron Defense|Rock Polish
- Stored Power
- Flash Cannon|Dark Pulse|Power Gem
- Moonlight

This set I use is geared towards dealing with Special attackers, with Prism armor helping shield Necrozma from super effective hits. I usually Calm Mind a few times, then when I'm sure It'll survive a hit with a sliver of health left, I heal with Moonlight. Leftovers also helps with recovery, though this is because I precisely Calculate how much damage Necrozma will sustain from certain attacks, suck as Shadow Ball and Dark Pulse. Anyway, I keep cycling between Calm Mind and Moonlight, and when Necrozma has attained enough boosts, proceed to sweep with Stored Power. In case the opponents tries to taunt, I use use the coverage move, in my case, Flash Cannon, for taking out fairy types. Of course, this set is easy prey to hard hitting physical attackers, but It does well everywhere else.
Iron Defense can be used in place of Calm Mind when dealing with physical attackers, and Rock Polish against faster threats, though the lack of boosts may hinder Necrozma's coverage capabilities.

P.S. I accidentally made this set because Tapu Lele is the bane of my existence.
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