Simple Questions/Requests - Mark 48 (Minor Pokemon Trades, Item Requests etc GO HERE) (NO HACKING)

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Does Pheromosa need a Hidden Power? I just caught a Naive one and was wondering if I should keep it (its Hidden Power is Ice...when it gets Ice Beam)
Is there anyone out there who can check eggs for mein Gen 7? Finally got 6IV egg versions of the 2 Pokemon I want shiny on my first team as I'm going for a color theme.

Can't seem to find help.

I can breed something from my trade shop (in an egg) for help if anyone can help me out.
So I have a couple 4 IV ditto, breeding with them is really annoying though since I caught them in this game.

Wondering if anyone wanted to trade their 4 IV ditto for my 4 IV ditto to make breeding quicker.
Hello everyone. I was directed here by a kind mod since my findings would be more relevant here.

This is regarding the different Egg RNG in SM than in XYORAS. In short: Time Machine method does not exist in Pokemon Sun and Moon.

I'll dump all my findings here, so please excuse me.

My original post:

"Some background; I'm MMing for a shiny Mimikyu. 40 boxes and still no shiny unfortunately. Out of sheer curiosity, I decided to test out if the breeding RNG in SM works the same why it did in XYORAS.

In XYORAS, once the daycare man/lad has an egg, everything about it is set in stone (IVs, gender, shininess). If you save before taking the egg, hatch it, then reset and do it again, it'll be the same pokemon, no question.

The catch is that after taking that egg, the NEXT egg generated will be random. For example, you take the first egg, hatch it, then take the second egg and hatch it. If you reset and do this process again, the second egg can have a different IV spread, gender, etc.

I've been testing this in SM, and I've come across some weird results. When I save before the first egg, take it, then hatch it, it will be the same pokemon if I do this process over and over.

HOWEVER, taking any subsequent eggs and hatching them is a different story. If you take the second egg and hatch it, then reset and take the first and second eggs and hatch them again, the second egg hatched will have the SAME IVs and gender as the second egg that was hatched before the reset! This happened with at least 3 other subsequent eggs, resetting about 3 times. It was very odd.

I reset again, but this time I refused to take the first egg. I took the egg that was generated after that, and it naturally had a different IV spread than the egg I refused. But this is the WEIRD part. When I took the second egg, it still had the same IVs and gender as the second egg I took in any of the previous resets! Same goes for any subsequent eggs.

Sorry for the long-winded mechanics anecdote, I just wanted to know if anyone else knew anything about this peculiarity."

Some more testing:

"Yes, my 6IV Japanese Ditto was holding a Destiny Knot, and my Mimikyu was holding an Everstone. I tested something else just now, if that helps:

I reset again, and rejected the first egg. Instead of generating a new egg right away, I took out Ditto and Mimikyu from the daycare, and put them back in, in a different order (Previously, Ditto was deposited first and then Mimikyu, so I reversed the order).

Lo and behold, I achieved the exact same results for what happened in the last part of my original post, with the EXACT SAME IVs as the first Mimikyu after the rejected egg for the first egg generated in this test. The second, third, etc. Mimikyu were the exact same as any of the tests I had done previously.

Now I'm testing for what would happen if I put a DIFFERENT Mimikyu but use the same Ditto to generate more eggs. I'll report back in a couple minutes."

Some MORE testing (and wishful thinking):

"I'm back. I tried it with the two different Mimikyus. However this is only raising more questions than answers....

I reset, reject the first egg as always. I take out the Mimikyu in the daycare and replace it with another Mimikyu. I generate and take 4 eggs after that exchange. The first two Mimikyu eggs are different, but then the last two ARE THE SAME AS ALL THE PREVIOUS TESTS.

I'm starting to think there's some sort of broken RNG with eggs. Perhaps we can see the return of RNG Manipulation or something akin to Instacheck in the near future?"

And the big kicker:

"I noticed this too.
I was MMing for a shiny Dewpider. After hundreds of eggs, one hatched shiny but my 3DS died. Not that I minded since it wasn't the gender I wanted.

I hadn't saved and went back to hatching eggs. Turns out the exact same shiny reappeared. Curious, I soft reseted and after a bunch of identical eggs, the same shiny showed up again.

Then I changed the Dewpider in the nursery with another one: exact same result.
I was trying to SR to change the gender but absolutely none of the eggs change.

Since I didn't want a female Dewpider, I SR again and replaced the Dewpider in the nursery with a Mimikyu since I did want a female Mimikyu.
Exact shiny hatched again (same nature, IV spread, even characteristic) but this time it was a Mimikyu.

Though I didn't reject any eggs because I was lucky enough to save my game when the lady's sister didn't have any eggs to give me.
It seems as if eggs are fixed no matter the parents."

Can anyone tell me what's going on? Is Egg RNG broken in S/M?

Edit: Formatting

Sorry to dig this up, but this actually is a thing and I can verify as it has happened to me just now. My last 4 eggs are the exact same no matter how many times I SR. If i rrject the first egg, then that egg is the only one to change and the next 4 are the same as they have always been. Really weird egg rng. Anyone know of any research going on about this?
Sorry to dig this up, but this actually is a thing and I can verify as it has happened to me just now. My last 4 eggs are the exact same no matter how many times I SR. If i rrject the first egg, then that egg is the only one to change and the next 4 are the same as they have always been. Really weird egg rng. Anyone know of any research going on about this?
Hello there, thank you for bringing up my findings.

If you'd like to see the rest of our findings, you can go here

tl;dr eggs are always gonna be in the exact same sequence for each specific gender ratio. This includes shininess, IVs, and gender (abilities unconfirmed, natures are confirmed to be the same however using the everstone only carries over nature and doesn't manipulate anything else).

Essentially, I hatched around 10 boxes of Mimikyu (50/50 gender ratio) with a shiny Japanese Ditto holding the Destiny Knot and Mimikyu holding an Everstone, as I was MMing for a shiny Mimikyu. Unfortunately no shiny Mimikyu hatched from any of the eggs, so I decided to reset back to when the 10 boxes worth of Mimkyu eggs were never generated/taken/hatched.

This time I replaced Mimikyu with a Genderless pokemon, Minior. I got a shiny in 6.5 boxes of hatching eggs!

This all seems like drivel to people whom have not participated in the thread listed above, but I can guarantee you that this is true to some degree. Somebody tested it with PkHex, generating loads of Mimikyu eggs by breeding Mimikyu with JP Ditto holding Destiny Knot and identifying two eggs that were shiny. He then reset, generated loads of eggs using Bounsweet (100% female) with the same Ditto. The eggs that were shiny were no longer shiny. He reset again, this time using Magikarp (50/50 gender ratio, same as Mimikyu) as the other parent with the same Ditto, and behold! The exact eggs that were shiny when breeding with Mimikyu were also shiny when breeding with Magikarp.

Now were currently seeing what can manipulate this sequence to generate more randomized results and such. Make of this what you will.
Question about Hidden Power:

I was finally able to get a Magnemite with Hidden Power Fire, its IVs are a meh, so I was wondering if it's HP type changes if I were to use bottle caps on it.
Hello there, thank you for bringing up my findings.

If you'd like to see the rest of our findings, you can go here

tl;dr eggs are always gonna be in the exact same sequence for each specific gender ratio. This includes shininess, IVs, and gender (abilities unconfirmed, natures are confirmed to be the same however using the everstone only carries over nature and doesn't manipulate anything else).

Essentially, I hatched around 10 boxes of Mimikyu (50/50 gender ratio) with a shiny Japanese Ditto holding the Destiny Knot and Mimikyu holding an Everstone, as I was MMing for a shiny Mimikyu. Unfortunately no shiny Mimikyu hatched from any of the eggs, so I decided to reset back to when the 10 boxes worth of Mimkyu eggs were never generated/taken/hatched.

This time I replaced Mimikyu with a Genderless pokemon, Minior. I got a shiny in 6.5 boxes of hatching eggs!

This all seems like drivel to people whom have not participated in the thread listed above, but I can guarantee you that this is true to some degree. Somebody tested it with PkHex, generating loads of Mimikyu eggs by breeding Mimikyu with JP Ditto holding Destiny Knot and identifying two eggs that were shiny. He then reset, generated loads of eggs using Bounsweet (100% female) with the same Ditto. The eggs that were shiny were no longer shiny. He reset again, this time using Magikarp (50/50 gender ratio, same as Mimikyu) as the other parent with the same Ditto, and behold! The exact eggs that were shiny when breeding with Mimikyu were also shiny when breeding with Magikarp.

Now were currently seeing what can manipulate this sequence to generate more randomized results and such. Make of this what you will.
If you want to get yet another result try comparing the results of random parent + ditto VS 2 parents of same species caught in a different ball. It's a completely separate kind of RNG like the genderless or 100% female ratio ones with their own set of results, also set in stone though.

I tested this with 2 Gyarados because they hatch pretty fast.
are ivs decided when you receive the egg already?

if for example I would have an egg with an 5 iv pokemon and I would trade the egg would the pokemon have the same ivs there?

also if I trade my english egg to an german language game for example and let it hatch there and trade it back would that work for the masuda method if I used that one to breed?
Sorry to dig this up, but this actually is a thing and I can verify as it has happened to me just now. My last 4 eggs are the exact same no matter how many times I SR. If i rrject the first egg, then that egg is the only one to change and the next 4 are the same as they have always been. Really weird egg rng. Anyone know of any research going on about this?
I tested a bit some time ago and the eggs I received were all identical even if I saved BEFORE even giving my mons to the daycare lady. Reset a lot of times and every time got the same results. Same natures, genders, ball order (the parents were caught in different balls) and abilities. I have no idea of how to make that change x.x
I tested a bit some time ago and the eggs I received were all identical even if I saved BEFORE even giving my mons to the daycare lady. Reset a lot of times and every time got the same results. Same natures, genders, ball order (the parents were caught in different balls) and abilities. I have no idea of how to make that change x.x
wel for me that doesnt change an lot but if thasts the case I doubt stuff like masuda method and shiny charm can still even work if all that stuff is decided already before you even gave the mons to them.

anyway can anyone help me with breeding an 5 iv NON ENGLISH beastball gible?

I give you an 5 iv male and female which you cna keep I just wnat 1 foreign language version with 5 max ivs back

im desperate enough to even give you an bottle cap for it as well ON TOP of the parents
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Can someone please help me? I need a espurr with hidden ability Own Tempo. I can offer some other pokemon with hidden abilities, just request it and i will see if i have that you are looking for.
wel for me that doesnt change an lot but if thasts the case I doubt stuff like masuda method and shiny charm can still even work if all that stuff is decided already before you even gave the mons to them.

anyway can anyone help me with breeding an 5 iv NON ENGLISH beastball gible?

I give you an 5 iv male and female which you cna keep I just wnat 1 foreign language version with 5 max ivs back

im desperate enough to even give you an bottle cap for it as well ON TOP of the parents

Im from spain. You want someone who breed it using those parents you give?
Im from spain. You want someone who breed it using those parents you give?
yes exactly when the child is of an differnt language I cna use it for masuda method but do you also play youre game in the spanish language otherwise it wont work.

if yes I give you the parents you breed me 1 5 iv child give me that and thats all I need
Anyone with a careful celesteela for trade? I've got Jolly or adamant kartanas FT, or a fair amount of different breedjects:

-Ha bold dive ball mareanie w/ haze
-Ha jolly beast ball gible w/ outrage
-Ha timid dive ball a-vulpix w/ freeze dry, moonblast, hypnosis
-Jolly Mimikyu (can breed adamant too)
-Adamant Bagon
-Adamant Beldum
-Adamant litten w/ fake out, nasty plot, heatwave
-Adamant lightning rod cubone
-Adamant technician scyther
-Jolly riolu
-Calm or modest turtonator (2Ivs only though)

Also looking for 5 lucky eggs, please PM if interested
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