Smogon Simple Questions & Suggestions Thread

Hi, welcome to Smogon! We do collect stats from the simulator; tiers are usage based anyway. You may wish to refer to this thread . As stated in it, you won't be able to get raw logs and stuff. But you're free to use data from

Hope this helps you!

Thanks a lot sandshrewz, this is a pretty good place to start. I'm going over the thread now, and trying to understand it (raw:real etc)

I was wondering about the individual battle logs/ the engine itself. I see that there is a "privacy concern", but is that of the poster or the community at large?: I think I'm right in saying that I can host a server of showdown? If I do, is there capability there for the individual battle logs to be recorded for my personal use, or a guide to anonymising published stats? I'm assuming there is something like I see in many recordings that says "Unknown used some move. did X damage to some pokemon"?

Alternatively (sorry or all the n00b qs) is it possible to pull the source code from the program from somewhere (like from github) and run the simulations myself, randomising team match ups etc, and accelerate the running so I just build a large set of 'non-human, simulated' logs?
Question; so there's the Smeargle Studio for art, digital art and all that. What about for musicians? I'm a musician, and want to be able to share some of my work with y'all. Would I just post that in Smeargle as well? Also if musical contributions were needed for any of Smogon's media, I'd be happy to pitch in and assist.

From memory, yea you should be allowed. You may wish to double check with new Smeargle's mod Tikitik ;) hmm typically we hadn't needed any music related contributions, but Smogon YouTube might be something worth looking into that may interest you. I don't know what music they use but hey it might work! Pinging Aberforth antemortem

Thanks a lot sandshrewz, this is a pretty good place to start. I'm going over the thread now, and trying to understand it (raw:real etc)

I was wondering about the individual battle logs/ the engine itself. I see that there is a "privacy concern", but is that of the poster or the community at large?: I think I'm right in saying that I can host a server of showdown? If I do, is there capability there for the individual battle logs to be recorded for my personal use, or a guide to anonymising published stats? I'm assuming there is something like I see in many recordings that says "Unknown used some move. did X damage to some pokemon"?

Alternatively (sorry or all the n00b qs) is it possible to pull the source code from the program from somewhere (like from github) and run the simulations myself, randomising team match ups etc, and accelerate the running so I just build a large set of 'non-human, simulated' logs?

You can actually host your own server of PS yourself. Check out the github for more information. Regarding your other questions, sorry they're totally not noob at all xD I don't have the knowledge to answer you properly. If the previously posted threads don't answer your questions, you might want to approach Antar.
Why it is allowed for players to drag out matches for an eternity? On every single competitive game, stalling is considered a terrible balance flaw. WHY IS STALL ALLOWED ON THIS GAME?

At least, there should be a turn limit clause to force a draw. This is worse than Brawl's goddamn taunt parties!
Why it is allowed for players to drag out matches for an eternity? On every single competitive game, stalling is considered a terrible balance flaw. WHY IS STALL ALLOWED ON THIS GAME?

At least, there should be a turn limit clause to force a draw. This is worse than Brawl's goddamn taunt parties!
Stall is a viable strategy on Pokemon, if you have complain or anything you should post on the tier discussion but Stall is not going to be banned lol
Why it is allowed for players to drag out matches for an eternity? On every single competitive game, stalling is considered a terrible balance flaw. WHY IS STALL ALLOWED ON THIS GAME?

At least, there should be a turn limit clause to force a draw. This is worse than Brawl's goddamn taunt parties!
I'm afraid stall is part of the game just like Hyper Offensive and Balanced teams are. If the teams are causing such a problem for you, I suggest some you look towards adding some stall breakers but they're always going to be there. There is actually no way of removing 'stall' as a whole anyways.
I'm afraid stall is part of the game just like Hyper Offensive and Balanced teams are. If the teams are causing such a problem for you, I suggest some you look towards adding some stall breakers but they're always going to be there. There is actually no way of removing 'stall' as a whole anyways.
The problem precisely is that stalling forever SHOULDN'T be a part of a competitive game. Can you imagine a figthing game where playing keep-away forever is a viable strategy? Or a chess variant where blocking the entire position until neither player can pass giving you victory? I can't.

How to remove it? I just commented on chess, so why not take an idea from it? What about a X turn limit (let's say 50) with no KOs forcing a draw? Because from my point of view, stall teams clearly break the endless battle clause on MANY cases. For example In a stall vs stall, two regenerators switching between each other constantly are functionally inmortal, and stall vs balanced will go for 300 turns if both players knows what they are doing. Once the wallbreaker goes down, and it WILL go down sooner or later between entry hazards and a status on the switch, all the stall player needs to do is keep switching the walls until the opponent runs out of PP on all their pokemon, until it ragequits, or until someone runs out of battery if both are that stubborn.
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The problem precisely is that stalling forever SHOULDN'T be a part of a competitive game. Can you imagine a figthing game where playing keep-away forever is a viable strategy? Or a chess variant where blocking the entire position until neither player can pass giving you victory? I can't.

How to remove it? I just commented on chess, so why not take an idea from it? What about a X turn limit (let's say 50) with no KOs forcing a draw? Because from my point of view, stall teams clearly break the endless battle clause on MANY cases. For example In a stall vs stall, two regenerators switching between each other constantly are functionally inmortal, and stall vs balanced will go for 300 turns if both players knows what they are doing. Once the wallbreaker goes down, and it WILL go down sooner or later between entry hazards and a status on the switch, all the stall player needs to do is keep switching the walls until the opponent runs out of PP on all their pokemon, until it ragequits, or until someone runs out of battery if both are that stubborn.

Stall vs Stall is perfectly fine. If anyone wants to play with Stall on the ladder they better be prepared to be able to fork out the time in a Stall v Stall game. It's not uncommon for it to go many turns without a single kill and that could very well be the right play in the situation. Don't rob people of their right plays just because it takes that amount of time to execute. Stall v Stall essentially comes down to who can read further into the game, who makes the first mistake, etc. Stall vs Balanced, well if the way for Stall to win is to draw out the duration of the game and drain PP then so be it. If the balanced team isn't built to be able to handle stall then be prepared to lose by running out of PP if the Stall doesn't happen to do well in KOing.

Stalling is a perfectly fine playstyle in other games. Heck you can do things like park the bus or whatever in soccer, just sit and wait at choke in TF2 5CP without initiating, etc. There's a difference between infinitely dragging an unwinnable game and winning by dragging the battle long enough for the win condition to be fulfilled.

Also FWIW, 300 turns is nothing. If you don't want to play Pokemon with the potential of having very long dragged out games, try the VGC or Doubles formats where Stall is a much less viable style and typically takes less turns to complete.
Trying to search anything on Smogon (not the forums) takes me to "403 Forbidden", with the text "nginx" under it.
I believe this is a known issue; however, you can work around it via a custom Google search (by including "site:" with your keyword)

Also, I'm looking for The DefenseEffortValues Applet, as mentioned here, but that link is defunct.
I am not familiar with the applet you're looking for, but this tool says it's an improved version of it and should hopefully work as well. The instructions are in Italian, but there's nothing in them that shouldn't be fairly self-explanatory as is.
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I don't know where else to put this right now so I'm going to say it here. To anyone who works on Showdown, there is something that needs fixed. This is a legitimate error that differs from the game itself.

I have been running a mimikyu with weakness policy as a fast physical sweep in Showdown at it is phenomenal. My activation rate on it 50 games of it being used was 87%. Now, the problem lies in the fact that the weakness policy is always popped on the disguise. I went to use this in game and found in the first match that it didn't work. I tested it and it does not work in game. Showdown needs to be patched to fix that problem for the sake of simulating the actual game and for competitive play on showdown.
I have a question, but I feel the need to comment on the stall discussion. It all depends on your definition. If by stall, you mean toxic stalling, recover-spamming, that's fine. The answer is wallbreaking. You need fast mons for offense and balance to a degree, but sometimes you need to sacrifice speed for raw power, like in the case of Hoopa-U.

If they're time stalling, switch stalling, just deal with it on a case to case basis. Time stalling can be circumvented by starting another match while waiting. Switch stalling can be stopped by predicting what your opponent will switch to, if anything. Just make the obvious plays for a few turns, then get a read on your opponent.

Anyway, as for my question... when is theorymon coming to gen 7? While theorymoning, is one allowed to change stats, or make a mega evolution? What can you and can't you do (outside of overpowered changes)?
First post here and I'm not sure where to place this question, I guessed the safest place would be here.
Any tips on an easily obtainable Double Battle team for Sun/Moon?
Very new to competitive scene, started to breed some but find myself overwhelmed so any advice would be greatly appreciated.
Thanks in advance.
First post here and I'm not sure where to place this question, I guessed the safest place would be here.
Any tips on an easily obtainable Double Battle team for Sun/Moon?
Very new to competitive scene, started to breed some but find myself overwhelmed so any advice would be greatly appreciated.
Thanks in advance.
This might be a bit further than what you're looking for, but are you looking for VGC (official Nintendo format) or Doubles OU (Smogon format)? I would check out their respective subforums, Doubles OU and VGC, and ask in their Simple Questions, Simple Answers threads, as those will get more attention from those who could help you. Those forums usually contain resources to help beginners as well.
Hello! I was curious, what are the rules on profanity here?
Generally pretty lax, however use your judgement. The occasional fuck or shit is ok but a swearing tirade is probably not a great idea.
what if you have an idea for an OM, can you just post, or do you have to run it by somebody or do you just merely suggest it and hope it happens?
Hey all,

New to Smogon. Usually I play on Nugget Bridge, but with their recent downtime I'm looking for an additional competitive battling community. Just curious what the major VGC tournaments/competitions are on this website. I see lots of tournaments, but just curious which ones play with VGC circuit rules and where I should begin. Thanks in advance!