Resource Simple Questions, Simple Answers Thread (read the op before posting a thread)

So I've been having an off-site discussion regarding a matter and guess I'd like to get some legitimate information.

How is stall dealing with Hoopa-U this gen? Other than Dugtrio, I'm in the dark as to what their methods of counterplay are for this thing.
So I've been having an off-site discussion regarding a matter and guess I'd like to get some legitimate information.

How is stall dealing with Hoopa-U this gen? Other than Dugtrio, I'm in the dark as to what their methods of counterplay are for this thing.
As far as I'm concerned Duggy is the only real counterplay stall has for specs Hoopa-U, which is what makes it less effective against Stall than last gen because Dugtrio is on literally every single Stall team (or at least the ones I run into while laddering ~1500) and it's better this gen imo due to being able to trap Hoopa Twisted Spoon CM Lele (which would be really good against Stall if it wasn't for Duggy) and most threats to Stall.
Wasn't Alolan exeggutor slated to get an OU analysis? Could've sworn it was, but I can't find it on the original thread, and it's nowhere on the VR. What changed in the couple of weeks between the two threads?
Are there plans to make a SM OU Sample Team thread?

Also, I noticed that the ORAS OU Forum is gone, but it isn't in Ruins of Alph like the other old gens. Is it permanently deleted, or is it in the process of being transferred into R.o.A.?
Also, I noticed that the ORAS OU Forum is gone, but it isn't in Ruins of Alph like the other old gens. Is it permanently deleted, or is it in the process of being transferred into R.o.A.?
ORAS OU forum was moved to the thread archives way down on the bottom of the forum list, with all the other closed forums. RoA will take on ORAS on their timetable, which I guess would be fairly soon.
I don't post ever, but I would like to appeal directly to the OU council if possible. With the abundant rise in threats to include absurdly fast bug Pokemon, z-crystals, the mega buff etc.. To possibly suspect test shadow tag in this gen. I know something like this isn't priority but eventually. It's biggest abuser in OU was Goth who is irrelevant.
Personally I don't see stag coming back, at least not anytime soon, since the biggest issue was it being unhealthy and uncompetitive. If anything, the council is more likely to consider an arena trap suspect rather than promoting trapping with stag. I can't speak on their behalf of course, but that's the talk I've been hearing. Even if it were suspected I doubt many players would want it back, so it wouldn't get unbanned.
I don't know how to use the "rich text editor." Whenever I make a post I am unable to edit it (i.e. make bold print, add icons, etc.). I click the wrench in the corner and that allows me to make posts using standard text, but no italics or anything like that.

Is this a common problem? Does anyone understand what I am describing or know a possible solution?
Adamant with Moxie isn't really bad. You can just give it a choice scarf and do some shenanigans with that. The added power from Adamant Nature can catch certain threats off guard as well.
Yeah, I suppose. It just feels like the lack of speed with a scarf isn't that great. Well, at least it's not a hindering nature lol.

If you got it in ORAS or XY, you can tutor snatch onto it. Z snatch gives you +2 speed AND steals some of the opponent's moves (recover, swords dance, etc.). Really cool set.
Not an option, unfortunately. That would be really cool if it were, though!
How is Talonflame still viable in any capacity? Is the idea to bring it in after Lele and Rocks are dead and then fire off a single banded Brave Bird or something?
How is Talonflame still viable in any capacity? Is the idea to bring it in after Lele and Rocks are dead and then fire off a single banded Brave Bird or something?

Talonflame isn't viable (at all) in OU. In UU that's another story, but there is no reason to use it over staraptor or even dodtrio (due to the buffs) in OU. CB Brave Bird Talonflame is a bad set because brave bird causes recoil (interferes with gale wings). Flame body Talonflame is inferior compared to staraptor, dodtrio, and other flying types in OU. Talonflame will probably drop to RU.
Talonflame isn't viable (at all) in OU. In UU that's another story, but there is no reason to use it over staraptor or even dodtrio (due to the buffs) in OU. CB Brave Bird Talonflame is a bad set because brave bird causes recoil (interferes with gale wings). Flame body Talonflame is inferior compared to staraptor, dodtrio, and other flying types in OU. Talonflame will probably drop to RU.
I was mostly asking since I see it's in C- and generally had the same thoughts as you. I know that's the lowest of the low for viable but I was wondering how it even managed to get there.
I was mostly asking since I see it's in C- and generally had the same thoughts as you. I know that's the lowest of the low for viable but I was wondering how it even managed to get there.

Probably acrobatics gale wings. Oddly enough, I don't see staraptor anywhere. Probably staraptor will be C or C- and talonflame will drop to unranked once staraptor usage starts picking up. Staraptor doesn't have that x4 weakness to SR and hits harder.
Talonflame's ability still functions (at 100%) so if it hasn't taken any damage you can get off a priority Supersonic Skystrike, which hits pretty hard and OHKO's most of the tier after an SD boost. Obviously Z-BB doesn't have recoil, so you can boost, get off a priority kill with SSSS, and then possibly another priority kill with brave bird.

And even after take any damage (seriously why 100% needed, why not like >50%, lvl1 caterpie bug bite disables gale wings wtf) 126 speed isn't terrible. I've never used it or faced it, but I don't find it surprising for it to have very niche viability in OU.
What has caused Azumarill to fall in viability so much? It seems to be one of the largest drops in viability (other than obvious ones like Talonflame) in this gen compared to last.
What has caused Azumarill to fall in viability so much? It seems to be one of the largest drops in viability (other than obvious ones like Talonflame) in this gen compared to last.

The same reason Clefable dropped so much. The powercreep means that its bulk isn't enough. Mons that it used to check with its typing and bulk aren't in the tier anymore as they have been replaced. Common mons that were walled by it (Keldeo, Weavile, Dragonite) are barely used. Mons that do a shitload of damage to it with neutral moves are everywhere (Metagross, Lele). Clefable (Magic Guard) is useless if it doesn't avoid the 2HKO from a large portion of the metagame like it did in ORAS and the same can be said about Azumarill. Not to mention that Psychic Terrain renders its Aqua Jet useless, thus Belly Drum is countered completely by any team running Lele.
Is Latios any good nowadays? Influx of Fairies + Steels + mons who outrun him (is he really going faster than jet speed?) make me think otherwise – especially considering that some games, he doesn't really do anything.
Something Bludz said on the OU VR thread confused me a little.

While Tapu Fini and Landorus-T can come in, they don't particularly punish the Shadow Bone, especially because it dodges Rocky Helmet from Lando-T.

How does Shadow Bone not get Rocky Helmet damage? I couldn't find anything about this on Bulbapedia's Rocky Helmet and Shadow Bone pages; do Ghosts dodge residual damage from items or something now?
How does Shadow Bone not get Rocky Helmet damage? I couldn't find anything about this on Bulbapedia's Rocky Helmet and Shadow Bone pages; do Ghosts dodge residual damage from items or something now?

Interestingly, it's not a contact move.

None of the "bone" moves make contact, as a reference.