Simple Questions/Requests - Mark 48 (Minor Pokemon Trades, Item Requests etc GO HERE) (NO HACKING)

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Look for suspicious things
What made me suspicious in the first place is that i put up a pokemon for a ditto trade with eisen,and i was sniped receiving a japanese 6iv HA shiny ditto with pokerus...the OT name is also a bit strange (AuSLove.Tv),but i cannot exclude the possibility that it's a legitimate ditto, hence my question
Sorry if this thread isn't meant for that kind of question,but is there any way to check if a pokemon i received from the gts is hacked or not?
You should probs ask here.

But other than looking for definitive markers, there's no real way to hack check. Just use some common sense, like does the ball match the gen, does it have 6 31 IVs when it doesn't need them, etc.

Edit: Oh, Auslove is a Twitch streamer, and known for hacking. Don't use that one XD.
(I just saw your new post)
What made me suspicious in the first place is that i put up a pokemon for a ditto trade with eisen,and i was sniped receiving a japanese 6iv HA shiny ditto with pokerus...the OT name is also a bit strange (AuSLove.Tv),but i cannot exclude the possibility that it's a legitimate ditto, hence my question
Anything from anyone with Auslove is hacked. He and his supporters hack a lot
LF any breedject Modest/Quiet/Rash Beldum or Metang, any other details irrelevant.

EDIT: All set, bred my own last night.
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Still looking for Adamant E Speed Linoone, Timid Female Sly (Sludge Bomb) Zoroark, Calm Tapu Fini, Jolly Kartana. If you have any of these tell me something in X or Or you'd like (or a breedable from any gen) and I'll get it for you.

A cloner also helps since I wanna open a trade thread but can't clone myself.

No cloner needed anymore
is it a good idea to run a ferrothorn without a damaging attack i.e: Running, Thunder wave, spikes, stealth rock, leech seed. I understand the risks of not having reliable damage output and relying on residual damage and leech seed but thunder wave is so useful to a team of fast sweepers.
is it a good idea to run a ferrothorn without a damaging attack i.e: Running, Thunder wave, spikes, stealth rock, leech seed. I understand the risks of not having reliable damage output and relying on residual damage and leech seed but thunder wave is so useful to a team of fast sweepers.
Not quite a good idea. If there is no damaging move, you will be taunted and mess up your play.
Can somebody help me register in the pokedex Buzzwole, Necrozma and Guzzlord. I'll trade them back immediately, I only need the entry in the pokedex.
Hi everybody, I just got Pokemon Moon. I was wondering if there are a few people that would like to give away some splitbacks so I can start getting back into breeding
Anyone willing to clone stuff for me when I start a trade thread on a decently regular basis (so I can keep stocks up)? You can clone a copy for you whenever I ask you to clone something, freely redistributable
Hi everybody, I just got Pokemon Moon. I was wondering if there are a few people that would like to give away some splitbacks so I can start getting back into breeding
I can give you a few things later today or tomorrow. I have a bunch of 4EM/imperfect 5IV stuff sitting around (Snivy, Carvanha, Grimer-A, Swinub, Bagon, Cubone, Magnemite, Mudbray, Tangela, probably a few others). Just send me a PM with what you'd want and we can set it up.
Could I run Jolly on Buzzwole and not have to choice band him? Or would it hamper him too much? I am not a huge fan of choice items, but I will do what is necessary
Anyone have a Lure Ball, Rough Skin Gible / Gabite / Garchomp?

To the shiny Trapinch that just Struggled himself into oblivion around 250 turns into my chain -- you have no heart, and I am displeased.
Could I run Jolly on Buzzwole and not have to choice band him? Or would it hamper him too much? I am not a huge fan of choice items, but I will do what is necessary
I've got no experience using Buzzwole so I can't say, but I just wanted to drop a comment about choice items. They can be difficult to get used to, but they're honestly really great. When I started playing Pokemon I avoided them like the plague, but now I usually have /at least/ a banded Pokemon on every team. They just require a lot of prediction to use - you have to read swaps and stuff accurately, and also have a Pokemon who you can swap into to sponge hits for whoever is choiced. It's worth it in the end, especially since you can punch through checks if they swap in to a coverage move.

That's all; not saying you have to use a band, just wanted to say why I like them. I used to think of them as a liability but now they're probably my favourite group of items save for lefties.
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