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  • Let me know when you are ready. As of spitbacks, would you be interested in moonball adamant HA murkrow with missing IV in SpA?
    Trapinch is ready, going online
    Thanks, I've been looking so long for this mons and it feels great to finaly have them!
    No problem, thank you too!
    Hey there thanks for answering! I'm not ready this time cuz I'm in school. Could we discuss when we can trade? i'm available in about 9:00 PM GMT+8
    I added you earlier - mine is in my signature! Online now.
    Thanks for the starly!
    NP; thanks for the togedamaru (did I even spell that right? lmao) I didn't have a decent one until now! VuV
    First I want youth say thank you for helping me you can't imagine how hard it was to find someone nice enough to help.
    I would like to build a team that was hard hitting and good dense but I don't know what I'm doing . I already have a Krookodile and mega char X but I need to pick the other 4 then after I do that I need help picking the moves
    I'm answering your message in the convo you started; give me a second X3 It's no problem.
    omlll your latest post with the group of pokemon <3<3 though I haven't rly been keeping up with threads in general, I love your art so much. I remember first seeing the sketches on your thread and was totally sold, and I don't regret following you. ;c; <3
    your anatomy, proportions, and stylization are all sooo good, not to mention your colors!! that girafarig is SO good, and I really love the little textures in your latest post. I've also been following your comic as best I can (I have 1130 deviations in my feed rn lmao //dies) and aaa I'm really excited for Zoruark and Phantump—forgive me I'm horrible with names rip ;;—to interact some more with the, uh, blond boy. Also interested to find out about Zoru's and Arcanine's past. The comic seems to allude to zoruark bites being like werewolf bites without the insanity part, and I'm gonna guess that something similar happened in the past with Zoruark that got him cast out? >:^00c Oh also the holes on blond boy's arm in that one comic panel were top notch. >wo)b
    Ahhhhh thanks! ;;o;; I'm really glad you're reading and liking the comic, it makes me super happy people like it <3 It's gonna be a while before a lot of stuff is properly revealed, but it's coming! Hopefully it'll be worth the wait. (also zoroark is a girl >o>)

    //I feel like this is not a good enough response but seriously thanks; you made me super happy |D//
    nice avi
    Thanks! I thought it would work well <3
    also your art is fkn amazing i was wondering why i was following you
    Haha, thanks! ;o; Yeah, I don't do much else on here |D
    Actually, I've been trying to get my hands on a Reckless Starly for awhile now, so that would be awesome!

    And in case you're wondering why I didn't reply in the thread, I'm trying to conserve my posts so that my 1k can be a Sun/Moon reaction essay. :D
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