Megas For All: V4! (Voting - Lickilicky, Togekiss, Dusknoir)

Would you guys be interested if I had MFA include Gen 8 mons when it comes out?

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We can send them into ubers? MUAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH!!!

Let's start with the ability that will be common on the this birds: Gale Force (raise the power and the accuracy of the move Hurricane of the 50%)


Mega Zapdos
Electric / Flying
Ability: Pressure / Static ---> Gale Force
HP: 90
Attack: 90 ---> 80 (-10)
Defense: 85 ---> 105 (+20)
Special Attack: 125 ---> 175 (+50)
Special Defense: 90 ---> 110 (+20)
Speed: 100 ---> 120 (+20)
Movepool Additions: Focus Blast, Hurricane, Overheat


Mega Moltres
Fire / Flying
Ability: Pressure / Flame Body ---> Gale Force
HP: 90
Attack: 100 ---> 120 (+20)
Defense: 90 ---> 90 (+0)
Special Attack: 125 ---> 175 (+50)
Special Defense: 85 ---> 85 (+0)
Speed: 90 ---> 120 (+30)
Movepool Additions: Focus Blast, Thunderbolt, Thunder


Mega Articuno
Ice / Flying
Ability: Pressure / Snow Cloak ---> Gale Force
HP: 90
Attack: 85 ---> 65 (-20)
Defense: 100 ---> 110 (+10)
Special Attack: 95 ---> 165 (+70)
Special Defense: 125 ---> 135 (+10)
Speed: 85 ---> 115 (+30)
Movepool Additions: Focus Blast, Thunderbolt, Thunder

Description: I tried to adapt the birds to the Ubers metagame, adding them enough spa to allow them to hit like a train. Movepool additions are just come coverage that I think they should have

Mega Articuno

Ability -
Pressure / Snow Cloak
Artic Veil (renamed Magic Guard)

HP - 90
Atk - 85
Def - 100
125 (+25)
SpA - 95
110 (+15)
SpD - 125
160 (+35)
Spe - 85
110 (+25)
BST - 580
680 (+100)

Movepool Additions - Flamethrower, Thunderbolt
Competitive Analysis - Mega Articuno is extremely bulky, it is also immune to Stealth Rocks and can get rid of them with Defog. It also has reliable recovery, a convinient Speed tier and some offensive presence. Articuno's only weaknesses is its terrible defensive typing and its crippling weakness to Rock-type moves.

Mega Zapdos

Ability -
Pressure / Static
Zap Boost (Renamed Adaptability)

HP - 90
Atk - 90
110 (+20)
Def - 85
SpA - 125
160 (+35)
SpD - 90
110 (+20)
Spe - 100
125 (+25)
BST - 580
680 (+100)

Movepool Additions - Flamethrower, Ice Beam
Competitive Analysis - Mega Zapdos hits extremely hard thanks to Zap Boost and its massive SpA stat. In can perform even better on a rain team thanks to Thunder/Hurricane spam. Mega Zapdos is also considerably fast and somewhat bulky too.

Mega Moltres

Ability -
Pressure / Flame Body
Molt Madness (Renamed Berserk)

HP - 90
Atk - 100
125 (+25)
Def - 90
110 (+20)
SpA - 125
160 (+35)
SpD - 85
Spe - 90
110 (+20)
BST - 580
680 (+100)

Movepool Additions - Thunderbolt, Ice Beam
Competitive Analysis - Mega Moltres is a very potent Special attacker, and can heavily punish its opponents for attacking Moltres thanks to Molt Madness, making it a huge threat to deal with: 0 SpA Toxapex Scald vs. 0 HP / 4 SpD Moltres: 120-144 (37.3 - 44.8%) -- guaranteed 3HKO - as you can see on this calc, Moltres can take Scalds all day and Roost on them just to get SpA boosts. After that, Mega Moltres can just proceed to destroy everything: +2 252 SpA Moltres Thunderbolt vs. 252 HP / 24 SpD Toxapex: 276-326 (90.7 - 107.2%) -- 43.8% chance to OHKO. Its only weaknesses are Stealth Rocks and faster opponents but with the proper team support, Moltres can be a huge threat

Mega Zapdos

Ability -
Pressure / Static
Zap Boost (Renamed Adaptability)

HP - 90
Atk - 90
110 (+20)
Def - 85
SpA - 125
160 (+35)
SpD - 90
110 (+20)
Spe - 100
125 (+25)
BST - 580
680 (+100)

Movepool Additions - Flamethrower, Ice Beam
Competitive Analysis - Mega Zapdos hits extremely hard thanks to Zap Boost and its massive SpA stat. In can perform even better on a rain team thanks to Thunder/Hurricane spam. Mega Zapdos is also considerably fast and somewhat bulky too.
You are aware that Zapdos doesn't learn Hurricane?
I have been waiting for this slate >:)



Ability: Refrigerate

85 -> 85
100 -> 130 (+30)
95 -> 125 (+30)
125 -> 165 (+40)
85 -> 85
BST: 580 -> 680

Movepool Addition:
Hyper Voice
Description: Mega Evolution heightens the ice power inside of Articuno, causing the ice crystals on its head to grow longer, and the hair on its chest to crystallize. Spikes of ice grow on its wing and its tail becomes solid and spiky with ice. Being close to it will freeze you over.



Ability: Galvanize

90 -> 90
85 -> 115 (+30)
125 -> 165 (+40)
90 -> 90
100 -> 130 (+30)
BST: 580 -> 680

Movepool Addition: Hyper Voice
Description: Mega Evolution heightens the electrical power inside of Zapdos, causing that static electricity inside it to become stronger, its wings, tail and head have even more spikes. Electricity runs around its tail and wings. One touch of this can lead to life-threatening electric shocks.


Ability: Incinerate (-Ate clone, turns Normal type moves into Fire type moves)

100 -> 100
90 -> 110 (+20)
125 -> 155 (+30)
85 -> 105 (+20)
90 -> 120 (+30)
BST: 580 -> 680

Movepool Addition: Hyper Voice
Description: Mega Evolution heightens the fire power inside of Moltres, causing the fire on its, head, wings and tail to spread over the rest of its body, going down its neck, back and talons. Its wings are pure fire. Being within a couple of feet will burst you into flames due to the extreme heat.

Competitive Analysis: I'm doing one for all three birds as they have similar roles. They focus on using boosted Hyper Voices to destroy everything. They also have surprisingly good bulk which makes them deadly threats. Their high special attack makes them difficult to wall. Still don't like SRs though.
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I have been waiting for this slate >:)



Ability: Refrigerate

85 -> 85
100 -> 130 (+30)
95 -> 125 (+30)
125 -> 165 (+40)
85 -> 85
BST: 580 -> 680

Movepool Addition:
Hyper Voice
Description: Mega Evolution heightens the ice power inside of Articuno, causing the ice crystals on its head to grow longer, and the hair on its chest to crystallize. Spikes of ice grow on its wing and its tail becomes solid and spiky with ice. Being close to it will freeze you over.



Ability: Galvanize

90 -> 90
85 -> 115 (+30)
125 -> 165 (+40)
90 -> 90
100 -> 130 (+30)
BST: 580 -> 680

Movepool Addition: Hyper Voice
Description: Mega Evolution heightens the electrical power inside of Zapdos, causing that static electricity inside it to become stronger, its wings, tail and head have even more spikes. Electricity runs around its tail and wings. One touch of this can lead to life-threatening electric shocks.


Ability: Flariate (-Ate clone, turns Normal type moves into Fire type moves)

100 -> 100
90 -> 110 (+20)
125 -> 155 (+30)
85 -> 105 (+20)
90 -> 120 (+30)
BST: 580 -> 680

Movepool Addition: Hyper Voice
Description: Mega Evolution heightens the fire power inside of Moltres, causing the fire on its, head, wings and tail to spread over the rest of its body, going down its neck, back and talons. Its wings are pure fire. Being within a couple of feet will burst you into flames due to the extreme heat.

Competitive Analysis: I'm doing one for all three birds as they have similar roles. They focus on using boosted Hyper Voices to destroy everything. They also have surprisingly good bulk which makes them deadly threats. Their high special attack makes them difficult to wall. Still don't like SRs though.
Conflagrate, Immolate or Incinerate all would be better than Flariate due to actually being words :P
Thematically, these birds share a theme. In my mind, they are the physical embodiment of the weathers in the Pokemon world, so that should be reflected. The Bird abilities all allow them to spam their STAB moves as well as their coverage moves with no worry whatsoever, while they also get a significant boost to their offensive power. Of course, on their own they aren't very powerful, so they borrow some strength from their brethren in the form of Blizzard, Thunder, and Fire Blast.

Ability: Bird of Hail (Summons Hail. As long as Hail is active, all moves used by or on this Pokemon cannot miss (Snow Warning + No Guard))
HP: 90 - > 90
Atk: 85 -> 75 (-10)
Def: 100 -> 125 (+25)
SpA: 95 -> 155 (+60)
SpD: 125 -> 125
Spe: 85 -> 110 (+25)
BST: 580 -> 680
Movepool Addition:
Thunder, Fire Blast


Ability: Bird of Rain (Summons Rain. As long as Rain is active, all moves used by or on this Pokemon cannot miss (Drizzle + No Guard))
HP: 90 -> 90
Atk: 90 -> 80 (-10)
Def: 85 -> 100 (+15)
SpA: 125 -> 185 (+60)
SpD: 90 -> 100 (+10)
Spe: 100 -> 125 (+25)
BST: 580 -> 680
Movepool Addition: Blizzard, Fire Blast

Type: Fire/Flying
Ability: Bird of Sun (Summons Sun. As long as Sun is active, all moves used by or on this Pokemon cannot miss (Drought + No Guard))
HP: 90 -> 90
Atk: 100 -> 90 (-10)
Def: 90 -> 100 (+10)
SpA: 125 -> 185 (+60)
SpD: 85 -> 100 (+15)
Spe: 90 -> 115 (+25)
BST: 580 -> 680
Movepool Addition: Blizzard, Thunder

Mega Articuno
Ability: Absolute Zero (Ice type attacks of this Pokemon do double damage; halves damage by fire attacks - Water Bubble clone)
HP: 90 ---> 90
Attack: 85 ---> 85 (0)
Defense: 100 ---> 120 (20)
Special Attack: 95 ---> 135 (+40)
Special Defense: 125 ---> 125 (0)
Speed: 85 ---> 125 (+40)
Base Stat Total: 580 ---> 680

Movepool Additions: Aeroblast, Earth Power
Description: With Ice-type moves doing double damage and coming off a 135 base SpA, any non-Chansey Pokemon that doesn't resist Ice will not stand more than 2-3 Ice Beams, which makes switching into this Pokemon very difficult. Earth Power deals with Fire and Steel types that resist Ice.


Mega Zapdos
Electric / Flying
Ability: Quick Spark (Electric type moves have a priority of +1; Gen 6 Gale Wings clone)
HP: 90 ---> 90
Attack: 90 ---> 90 (0)
Defense: 85 ---> 125 (+40)
Special Attack: 125 ---> 145 (+10)
Special Defense: 90 ---> 130 (+40)
Speed: 100 ---> 100 (0)
Base Stat Total: 580 ---> 680
New Moves: Aeroblast, Earth Power
Description: Quick Spark gives Zapdos priority T-wave, priority Volt Switch from a base 145 attack. Zapdos has the lowest BST of all the legendary birds but it's ability kind of nullifies it. Partner Zapdos with a rain setter for priority drawback free Thunder.


Mega Moltres
Fire / Flying
Ability: Contrary
HP: 90 ---> 90
Attack: 100 ---> 100
Defense: 90 ---> 110 (+20)
Special Attack: 125 ---> 125 (0)
Special Defense: 85 ---> 110 (+25)
Speed: 90 ---> 145 (+55)
Base Stat Total: 580 ---> 680
Movepool Additions: Superpower, Aeroblast
Description: Mega Moltes ties with Mega Sceptile for the third fastest mega, behind only Mega Alakazam and Mega Aerodactyl. Mega Moltes can spam Overheat and get a free Nasty Plot boost along with it. Mega Moltres can also go mixed now since Superpower increases its Attack and Defense by one stage. It's a faster Serperior with better offensive typing and hits harder.
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Ability: Pressure / Snow Cloak ----> Snow Shield (Negates weaknesses of the Ice type)
    "snowshield": {
        desc: "Negates weaknesses of the Ice type",
        shortDesc: "Negates weaknesses of the Ice type",
        onDamagePriority: 1,
        onEffectiveness: function (typeMod, type, move) {
            if (!this.activeTarget) return;
            let pokemon = this.activeTarget;
            if (move && move.effectType === 'Move' && type === 'Ice' && typeMod > 0) {
                this.add('-activate', '', 'snowshield');
                return 0;
        id: "snowshield",
        name: "Snow Shield",
        rating: 4.5,
Typing: Ice/Flying


HP: 90
Attack: 85 ----> 90 (+5)
Defense: 100 ----> 140 (+40)
Special Attack: 95 ----> 115 (+20)
Special Defense: 125 ----> 160 (+35)
Speed: 85
Base Stat Total: 580 ----> 680
Movepool Additions: Air Slash
Description: Basically the only way to salvage this typing without directly changing the type chart. If you can keep Rocks off the field for its initial entry and Mega Evolution, it should be fine, given it only has two weaknesses and it has helpful resistances to Fighting and Bug as well as an immunity to Ground.

Mega Moltres
Magic Guard
Typing: Fire/Flying
HP: 90
Attack: 140 (+40)
Defense: 90
Special Attack: 145 (+20)
Special Defense: 105 (+20)
Speed: 110 (+20)
New Moves: Brave Bird, Flare Blitz
Description: Mega Moltres is a brutal attacker on either side of the spectrum, with Brave Bird and Flare Blitz to complement its spike in Attack. Magic Guard lets it use its new toys without wearing itself out and dodge Stealth Rock damage and drives home the mythical phoenix theme. If physical attacks aren't enough then a mixed or Sun set is by all means usable. You can probably get away with no Roost now that you have Magic Guard, although the first switch-in might still be painful.


Mega Zapdos
Lightning Rod
Typing: Electric/Flying
HP: 90
Attack: 110 (+20)
Defense: 105 (+20)
Special Attack: 165 (+40)
Special Defense: 90
Speed: 120 (+20)
New Moves: Hurricane, Electric Terrain
Description: Hello original Hidden Ability how are you today? Zapdos makes a fine counter to Tapu Koko and Rain if their swimmer is down and can wreak havoc on just about anything else. Defense lets it play the defensive set better if shorting out the power grid isn't your jam. Might work in Ubers (where it stands a good chance of going), but it has to contend with Primal Groudon there. Hurricane and to a lesser extent Electric Terrain are new toys to play with.


Mega Articuno
Typing: Ice/Flying
HP: 90
Attack: 85
Defense: 110 (+10)
Special Attack: 125 (+30)
Special Defense: 135 (+10)
Speed: 135 (+50)
New Moves: Calm Mind, Surf
Description: This is a bit different from the standard Articuno in that it changes a defensive Pokemon into a more offensive Pokemon, but hey, you can use it defensively... you just have to pick your matchups very carefully. 135 Speed and Gen I tier Special Attack make it incredibly threatening, and you can pair it with weather to improve its best STAB's accuracy. Regenerator has the same premise as Moltres's Magic Guard, and the decision to give this one to Articuno was in part to keep Moltres's parallels to Ho-Oh down. Surf because this Pokemon roosts by the water, and ice is solid water so why the heck not. It's much needed coverage on a Pokemon with bad typing and coverage to begin with.

I wanted to make the birds form a rock-paper-scissors triangle with the birds, and for the most part it works. It goes Artiuno > Zapdos > Moltres > Articuno, and in most cases (rocks can dash the triangle) they beat one another by design.

Mega Zapdos
: Electric/Flying
Ability: Thundercloud (Traps all Pokemon that are not Electric or Ghost Typing; Arena Trap Clone)
HP: 90
Attack: 90
Defense: 120 (+35)
Special Attack: 140 (+15)
Special Defense: 120 (+30)
Speed: 120 (+20)
BST: 680
Movepool Additions: Aeroblast, Ice Beam
Description: Mega Zapdos is a very good trapper, as it can be offensive or defensive at the same time. Couple that with strong STABs, reliable recovery, and BoltBeam coverage, Mega Zapdos could be a very viable pokemon in OU or Ubers alike.


Mega Moltres
: Fire/Flying
Ability: Wildfire (Traps all Pokemon that are not Fire or Ghost type; Arena Trap Clone)
HP: 90
Attack: 100
Defense: 95 (+5)
Special Attack: 155 (+30)
Special Defense: 95 (+5)
Speed: 145 (+55)
BST: 680
Movepool Additions: Nasty Plot, Earth Power
Description: A very powerful setup sweeper and trapper with very good STABs and Earth Power Makes it even better.


Mega Articuno
: Ice/Flying
Ability: Snow Globe (Traps all Pokemon that are not Ice or Ghost type; Arena Trap Clone)
HP: 90
Attack: 85
Defense: 125 (+25)
Special Attack: 125 (+30)
Special Defense: 130 (+5)
Speed: 125 (+40)
BST: 680
Movepool Additions: Quiver Dance, Thunderbolt
Role Identification: Mega Articuno is meant to be a jack of all trades in terms of a special attacker. Thanks to it's amazing 90/125/130 bulk, it can safely setup Quiver Dances and fire strong BoltBeams or Hurricanes. It can also serve as a bulky quiver dancer, with access to support moves like defog, roost, heal bell and haze. It is also an amazing trapper, as it can trap and hit almost anything hard. But watch out for Stealth Rocks and Rock Types in general.

Articuno Mega
Ability: Technician

Stats: 90 / 85 (+0) / 130 (+30) / 130 (+35) / 145 (+20) / 100 (+15) [BST 680 (+100)]
Movepool Additions: Taunt, Calm Mind
Description (Competitive): Articuno is now a sort of fast and strong Pokemon with insane bulk. Technician is a cool ability for this mon, giving it boosted Frost Breaths and Air Cutters (If you don't want to miss Hurricane, although that is probably better) while giving it coverage options in the form of Ancient Power, Water Pulse, Ominous Wind, and Hidden Power. It also makes for one of the few special technician abusers, making it unique in that regard. With Taunt and Calm Mind, alongside its good bulk, it can act as a sort of stallbreaker.


Zapdos Mega
Ability: Mold Breaker

Stats: 90 / 90 (+0) / 110 (+25) / 155 (+30) / 115 (+25) / 120 (+20) [BST 680 (+100)]
Movepool Additions: Hurricane, Taunt, Nasty Plot
Description (Competitive): It now has a good 90/110/115 bulk, a usable 120 speed, and a high 155 SpA. With its access to Nasty Plot, it can work as a dangerous set-up sweeper, especially since it can bypass Unaware and Volt Absorb thanks to its access to Mold Breaker. Taunt lets it act as a decent stallbreaker as well, and it now has access to Hurricane like it probably should of since the beginning. Notably, Mega Zapdos can act as the electric-type for Rain Teams over Tapu Koko due to its higher power and access to STAB Hurricane, which becomes 100% accurate during Rain.


Moltres Mega
Ability: Regenerator

Stats: 90 / 100 (+0) / 90 (+0) / 175 (+50) / 115 (+30) / 110 (+20) [BST 680 (+100)]
Movepool Additions: Earth Power, Superpower, Taunt
Description (Competitive): Mega Moltres has a decent 90/90/115 bulk, letting it act as a mini Ho-oh for OU thanks to its Regenerator ability. What really stands out, however, is its huge 175 SpA, which paired with high BP STAB moves like Fire Blast and Hurricane leaves not a lot of things to switch in. This is further compounded by its access to Earth Power and Superpower for coverage - while Superpower might seem silly, keep in mind that its coming off of a respectable 100 base attack, and is mainly for TTar. Finally, it has a good base 110 speed, which allows it to stand apart from Mega Charizard Y.
bird bird bird bird
bird machine


Galeforce (automatically summons Tailwind upon switch-in)

Stats: 90 / 85 / 115 (+15) / 140 (+45) / 165 (+40) / 85
Movepool Additions: Discharge, Lava Plume, Earth Power, Aeroblast
Description (Competitive): More offense is always nice, and with Galeforce and its new coverage options, Mega Articuno can help support a team or attack on its own. Discharge and Lava Plume are its cousins' weaker STABs (no T-bolt or Flamethrower for you!), Earth Power is good coverage, and Aeroblast is a powerful STAB move that fits because Lugia is the master of this trio, so why not let them use its power when Mega Evolved?



90 / 130 (+40) / 85 / 140 (+25) / 85 (-5) / 140 (+40)
Movepool Additions: Frost Breath, Lava Plume, Earth Power, Aeroblast
Description (Competitive): SANIC SPEED. Seriously, with Galeforce, Mega Zapdos outspeeds EVERYTHING that doesn't have priority. And with that 165 SpA, it hits like a TRUCK. Too bad its defenses are comparatively meager (it even gets a SpD nerf!) and it got a useless Attack buff. Still, this thing takes some serious names.



90 / 155 (+55) / 85 (-5) / 165 (+40) / 85 / 105 (+10)
Movepool Additions: Discharge, Frost Breath, Earth Power, Aeroblast
Description (Competitive): Not as GOTTA GO FAST as Zapdos, but it makes up for it with PURE. UNBRIDLED. POWER. 165 SpA means this thing's Fire Blasts and Aeroblasts will hit like an 18-wheeler filled with uranium, Galeforce gives it GOTTA GO FAST potential to outspeed everything BUT Zapdos, extra coverage allows it to hit more stuff, and hell, it could even run a physical or mixed set with that 155 Attack! Too bad it's quad weak to Stealth Rocks and has comparatively meager bulk.
holy f*ck. The legendary birds?! WHY AM I NOT GETTING NOTIFIED GOD DAMNIT SMOGON

Mega Articuno
: Ice/Flying
Ability: Absolute Zero (Freezes the foes upon switch in ; Intimidate Clone)
HP: 90
Attack: 105
Defense: 150 (+50)
Special Attack: 120 (+25)
Special Defense: 130 (+5)
Speed: 85 (+0)
BST: 680
New Move: Calm Mind
Role Identification: Hmm, lets see. This pokemon has an ability that pretty much forces a switch, which allows it to fire off a calm mind, which adds to it's insane bulk. Then lets it sweep the opposing team. Or you could use it with a regenerator mon to freeze the whole opposing team to spread some salt around
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holy f*ck. The legendary birds?! WHY AM I NOT GETTING NOTIFIED GOD DAMNIT SMOGON

Mega Articuno
: Ice/Flying
Ability: Absolute Zero (Freezes the foes upon switch in ; Intimidate Clone)
HP: 90
Attack: 85
Defense: 150 (+50)
Special Attack: 140 (+45)
Special Defense: 130 (+5)
Speed: 85 (+0)
BST: 680
New Move: Calm Mind
Role Identification: Hmm, lets see. This pokemon has an ability that pretty much forces a switch, which allows it to fire off a calm mind, which adds to it's insane bulk. Then lets it sweep the opposing team. Or you could use it with a regenerator mon to freeze the whole opposing team to spread some salt around
that would probably be banned to anything goes tbh
holy f*ck. The legendary birds?! WHY AM I NOT GETTING NOTIFIED GOD DAMNIT SMOGON

Mega Articuno
: Ice/Flying
Ability: Absolute Zero (Freezes the foes upon switch in ; Intimidate Clone)
HP: 90
Attack: 85
Defense: 150 (+50)
Special Attack: 140 (+45)
Special Defense: 130 (+5)
Speed: 85 (+0)
BST: 680
New Move: Calm Mind
Role Identification: Hmm, lets see. This pokemon has an ability that pretty much forces a switch, which allows it to fire off a calm mind, which adds to it's insane bulk. Then lets it sweep the opposing team. Or you could use it with a regenerator mon to freeze the whole opposing team to spread some salt around
Most op pokemon ever lol. gg.