G7 Miscellaneous Giveaways; Latest Update: Impish Skarmories

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Yeah, sure. Can I have your details, then?

Edit: Sorry, I just noticed that you traded with me previously, so I have your details. That said, didn't you already receive a Thundurus and Zapdos?
*headdesk* Ignore my idiocy. I read the HP Porygon and thought it was a HP Zapdos and was different. Been out drinking.
thank you so much for doing this thundurus would do well to replace vikavolt in my battle tree team.
wanted- thundurus
pokemon - exeggcute
gender- female
level- 40
IGN- roydinho
Requested: Skarmory 1
Deposited: level 1 Female Wimpod in Net Ball
IGN: Daniel
Message: I want to trade for a treasured Pokemon that has been raised from an Egg.

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Sorry about that you two, but I forgot to change my status to Offline... Looks like you were both sniped while I was asleep.
If you see my status as online feel free to do a direct trade with me!

Damn them snipers dude.I redeposited a lv 1 female Drowzee nicknamed 'Alakalando', cause maybe the name NOTRADE triggers wanna be snipers after all.
Requested:Reserved Porygon 3
Message:The requested one.
Requested: Skarmory 2 (female)
Deposited: level 12 male Spearow in Ultra BAll
IGN: Tailor
Message: Please trade pokemon with me. Thanks in advance.

Thank you! Have a good day ;)
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Requested Pokémon + Listing Number: Skarmory Female + Shiny Metagross
In-Game Name: Shawn
Friend Code (If applicable): 4914-4728-3785
Receiving Date: Friday 6am (6pm your time)
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Requested Pokémon: Thundurus
Pokemon Deposited: Lvl 1 male Shroomish
In-Game Name: Matt
Message: Please trade Pokemon with me. Thanks in advance.

Thank you!!
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