NOC Nomination Mafia Game Thread

today is still an extra day of discussion sso dont waste it

everyone comment on the leet wagon and the fact he flipped scum

i, for one, although was a bit irritated that i was wrong, i am not super surprised or anything. it was more like "damn, so jalmont was right" rather than "WTF how??!??!"
So im going to gather my thoughts here on each player. Be prepared for things! This was a few hours later than i planned because... anime and chat mafia got in the way but w/e. This post actually took an hour and a half mfw.


Haruno: Not entirely sure why people are townreading haruno. Nothing haruno has really done has stuck out to me all too much aside of the "one of asek/zorbees is scum cuz policy". And that is pretty nai shitposting imo. Its my understanding haruno has a particular player meta but im not entirely sure what it is or how to read it so NULL


Zorbees: He got better throughout the day and looks especially good after the flip. Kinda sat back at first, aside of being a part of the mid-day tballz push. Then was a part of the push on hitmonleet (was on the wagon pretty early too). Also noteworthy is the fact that hitmonleet tried to deflect attention off himself by pushing this lynch. His push and hitmonleets defense and attention deflect to him felt real to me. His interactions with hitmonleet makes him a Town

Hawkie: Let me start off by saying I dont see too much wrong with hawkie's dismissal of granny. (Not sure if player meta transfers over from live mafia to forum mafia but im bringing this up regardless) At least in chat/live mafia hawkie puts a lot of emphasis on "Tonal Reads" reading somebody from the tone of their post. Its kinda an extreme nuance but that would explain Hawkie reading Granny as town here with the basis that her posts are "Pure". Not sure about the TR on haruno and the basis, as i dont know haruno's meta so im not really reading into this. And i do like the activity, along with the active scumhunting/gamesolving coming out of hawkie almost consistantly. (i can grab quotes if yall want em). The only thing that bothers here is that readflip i mentioned earlier that i asked him about. His response was fine, I got about what i expected when questioning him didnt really affect my real on him all to much, it still bugs me but if im being honest here probably just being paranoid. Probs Town tbh

Metal Sonic: I have never seen such a fidgety playstyle. But apparently this is the norm for him so im not going to read into that. He pushes on Hawkie and Tballz seemed realistic and had solid reasoning behind them. The flip from hawkie to tballz wasnt bad, as at that point he never said he instantly starting townreading hawkie and imo just decided there were more productive things he could be doing than pushing hawkie. (heck at this point im not sure what he thinks of hawkie, im guessing the SR has lightened up at least a bit considering he didnt start d2 with a push there) Its worth noting that at the point when he had 3 lynches (the highest count at that point) he lynched at a point where there were quite a few players with two votes marked on them and decided to stick his self preservation vote on a scum. Town

Granny Pie: I want to say town here. I mean sure the blatant hawkie buddy is a bad but it does feel like they are trying to contribute the best they can. And they have branched out away from hawkie more than people who SR this acknoledge. Advice to Granny: keep trying to branch away from sheeping others and draw your own conclusions. This will generally make you a more productive player regardless of faction. (plus its lowkey hard for me to read you like this). Town Lean

Earlio: Initially when spectating the game from a neutral stance i kinda overlooked earlio and kinda thought "I mean he is there, nothing special, hasnt really stuck out or done much for me to read him". But looking over his reads, content and contribution, while he doesnt really scream town, he was early on the hitmonleet wagon, given reasoning for his lynches (acknowledging that im kinda discounting the "meme" lynch on sonic here which i kinda read as a joke the first time i saw it from a neutral POV) and opinions. Hasnt really screamed town to me or anything but is definately not giving me a reason to SR him. Town Lean

ITS TIME FOR AN AUTHORS NOTE: How the heck am i only done with 6 of you nerds, i have been typing and finding evidence at this point for almost a half at this point in the post oml. UGH


Asek: They have been active and have done enough gamesolving imo, didn't particularly like his defense of tballz though. Gave no reasons of his own for actually believing he was town, merely refuting the points raised by others which could be read as him attempting to get towncred if the tballz lynch did go through. I personally defend the underdog quite a bit as scum (again at least in chat mafia as that is where most of my experience stems from) that way i can be like "YO I DEFENDED TOWN, IM TOWN NOW!" (This being said scumteam of Asek+tballz is unlikely given the avid defense of tballz (i doubt anyone experienced would make their associations that obvious)) Futhermore solidified reads d1 with little fluxuation within any of his reads is generally a scumtell imo.

TBALLZ: If im being honest most of why i SR Tballz has been stated and restated, little to no PRODUCTIVE content, gamespec to make himself seem active, and when typically when tballz doesnt want to be active he just wont try at all (although the bolded is kind of a weak arguement based on i have only played one other forum game with him so idk how effective metaing him is here). Furthermore failure taking sides and cementing strong reads (see post 139)

Honestly i kind of SR them both but because of the bolded in Asek's part One Scum One Town here imo

KING: This guy pings the shit out of me tbh. Posting a bunch of easily posted comments, his response to jalmonts early day inactivity seemed fake and appeared to be going for towncred more than actually accomplishing much, generic filler (this doesnt bother me as much but its worth noting), mantaining a semi-neutral stance ("hey metal sonic bothers me but i dont want to lynch him"/sat on tbz lynch have the day while other pushes/wagons were going on and if he wanted the tbz lynch he shouldve kept pushing tbz even after the wagon faded), when wagon starts picking up on hitmonleet (namely soon after earlio put his lynch on hitmonleet) "hey is it just me or does earlio vote people without much explanation" (this is a direct quote).

Hey 3pik thanks for your reads

Can you explain this a bit more cause I don't quite understand it (please rephrase)

It's on the read on me
"Its worth noting that at the point when he had 3 lynches (the highest count at that point) he lynched at a point where there were quite a few players with two votes marked on them and decided to stick his self preservation vote on a scum. Town"

Of Asek tballs king can you help rank them who is the scummiest? There's only 2 scum left so a scumpool of 3 people definitely means that 1 is town :p
metal sonic(3): asek, earlio, granny pie
king_(2): hitmonleet, metal sonic
asek(2): haruno, hawkie
hitmonleet(2): king, zorbees
granny pie(2): jalmont, tbz

deadline is still 7 pm est

My vote is on tballz

7 hours? what the fuck -__--

mod, next time please put deadline in every VC, thanks

vote: hitmonleet

out of necessity

Ok Sonic. From these quotes king, asek, hitmonleet and granny pie all had 2 lynches. You said your lynch was "out of neccesity" aka self preservation. The fact you preserved yourself by lynching scum, which is a play i dont see scum making means you are town. (this probably makes more sense in my head than on the post tbh, let me know if you need me to further explain this)
Ok Sonic. From these quotes king, asek, hitmonleet and granny pie all had 2 lynches. You said your lynch was "out of neccesity" aka self preservation. The fact you preserved yourself by lynching scum, which is a play i dont see scum making means you are town. (this probably makes more sense in my head than on the post tbh, let me know if you need me to further explain this)
EDIT* Granny pie didnt have two because mod messed up VC, and king pointed it out, so remove granny from that two lynches list, but i stand by my point regardless
Hey 3pik thanks for your reads

Can you explain this a bit more cause I don't quite understand it (please rephrase)

It's on the read on me
"Its worth noting that at the point when he had 3 lynches (the highest count at that point) he lynched at a point where there were quite a few players with two votes marked on them and decided to stick his self preservation vote on a scum. Town"

Of Asek tballs king can you help rank them who is the scummiest? There's only 2 scum left so a scumpool of 3 people definitely means that 1 is town :p
For the reasons i said in my huge wallpost, i doubt an asek+tballz scumteam. So by that logic king is most likely to be scum. Also the SR there is quite a bit stronger than the other two.
I find it pretty weird when I'm always being scumread when I tried to take elements from dle's game by asking questions then people said that was scummy because I wasn't dle. Then people started saying they don't know what I'm thinking when I didn't attempt to "filler". So now I'm trying to take a little bit from empoofs gameplay by saying what I'm thinking most of the time even if it's "filler" and I still get scumread when other people would have not. At this point I might as well just adopt the jalmont/haruno style and just idle throughout most of the game.
I find it pretty weird when I'm always being scumread when I tried to take elements from dle's game by asking questions then people said that was scummy because I wasn't dle. Then people started saying they don't know what I'm thinking when I didn't attempt to "filler". So now I'm trying to take a little bit from empoofs gameplay by saying what I'm thinking most of the time even if it's "filler" and I still get scumread when other people would have not. At this point I might as well just adopt the jalmont/haruno style and just idle throughout most of the game.
You ignored like half my reasons for sring you and focused on the one reason I stated it in my post that it wasnt the filler that bothered me about you (direct quote from my post incoming): "generic filler (this doesnt bother me as much but its worth noting)"

Metal sonic rubs me the wrong way so I don't want to vote him based on emotion for now
> I played with a lot of emotions my previous game and it was really stupid
- I was the one pressuring people like leet/tballz/zorbees with my votes
-earlio is quite absent and has little presence so I don't remember everything he says if he does say anything at all
> I played with a lot of emotions my previous game and it was really stupid
- I was the one pressuring people like leet/tballz/zorbees with my votes
-earlio is quite absent and has little presence so I don't remember everything he says if he does say anything at all
> I played with a lot of emotions my previous game and it was really stupid
- I was the one pressuring people like leet/tballz/zorbees with my votes
-earlio is quite absent and has little presence so I don't remember everything he says if he does say anything at all
Im heading into work right now so i will argue/concede these points with you later depending on what i find reading back, but for now could you go back and search through earlio's posts. I know he isnt teeming with activity but just go check em out for me, tell me what you think of em. Also in general i would to hear who your current scumpool is.
Sorry for the low activity today, I've been traveling. I really don't have much to say about these three (it seems to be 3 town, Asek seems a bit risky for the Mafia to nom) but I'll go for Asek for now as they seem the scummiest (probably town though)
Vote Asek
hmm, hitmonleet never posted a single thing about asek, his posts about hawkie were generally saying that hawkie looks town. regarding people outside of today's lynchpool, he continously went after king_, way more than anyone else. I don't feel like he goes so strongly after one of his teammates like this.

still think jalmont->3P1K and Metal Sonic are very likely town

Haruno and Thunder~BALLZ are probably my top scumreads, I never really liked TBz yesterday and Haruno has not really contributed anything, this is also somewhat process of elimination. Earlio and Granny Pie in some order are probably my next scumreads.
I'm a vanilla townie and I am overjoyed by that fact
Posts like this will always ping me me a bit
Well if you wanted my reasoning, here I go. Firstly, you totally took Hawkie's bait by retaliating with even more vehemence (whether that makes you angry town or aggressive mafia awaits us) and your posts are generally sassy and not the nicest in the eyes (cringe!). I was gonna vote Jalmont to get him off his ass but you seem to be the better vote if only to see how you react under even more pressure.
This is after he votes metal sonic , this equates to his 3 post for 4 pages.
Good morning boys and girls! TBZ is doing what I tried to do day 1 on C++, which was to mostly stick to safe topics like game mechanics without making many reads until it's too late to undo the damage, so I'm thinking he's at least a better lynch than sonic (please nom him mafia)
Lynch Thunder~BALLZ
For me, this post basically describes what some village members had already said and it just felt to me that he wanted to follow the village. (4th post in 9 pages).
Mafia gotta go for the GOAT strat and nom themselves on the first cycle so the other 2 are town cleared
Him talking about the topic at the time , I never townlock anyone so him implying anyone that is nominated to be clear is not good in my eyes. (5th post 9 pages)
I'll just Unvote for now
This was after myself and and others unvoted tballz. (6th post 10 pages)
Actually, I'm sticking to my guns and Vote Thunder~BALLZ because he still hasn't really contributed and more so just defended himself and talked about game mechanics
Revote, I don't know what prompted him to unvote then Revote (7th , page 10)
Dude it wasn't that funny lmao

Anyhow Unvote
Memes? ( 8th , page 12)
I must admit I'm finding it increasingly difficult to not vote for you.
To elaborate, while your posting style most definitely doesn't, your general play and lack of commitment to any lynches, even on wagons you created, points a bit more to self-persevering town over mafia, which would typically take a wagon and run with it. lmao
Good post (9th, page 13)
thanks man
Vote Metal Sonic lmao
(10th, page 13)
The Sonic vote from me was mostly a meme, so Unvote Vote Hitmonleet
On the fence with Granny, they're coming off more as town but could be some sort of weird Granny Hawkie mafia scheme to exploit the first time player status
I didn't know his reasoning on leet at the time , this is his first post he interacts/talks about people other than tballz/metalsonic (11, 16)
My votes outside of leet have been explained (TBZ's posting habits and Metal Sonic's was a meme) and anything I had to say about hitmonleet was already stated by Jalmont
:/ he didn't say his reason. The part about Jalmont already in saying it is weird because the past few votes of his, people basically said his reason before him but he still went and said his reasoning. (12,17)
My vote's on leet not sonic
Uhhh I'll vote Hawkie and a 2 liter coke
I don't plan on seriously voting you, I just thought I might as well start the conversation with something minutely controversial.
(Could these nomination days be 48 hours instead?)
Probably gonna go for Asek, gotta go dig through some posts later
I'm not a thinking man
Sorry for the low activity today, I've been traveling. I really don't have much to say about these three (it seems to be 3 town, Asek seems a bit risky for the Mafia to nom) but I'll go for Asek for now as they seem the scummiest (probably town though)
Vote Asek
Okay, (17,19)

My conclusion after looking through is that earlio has interacted with only a few people, what comes to mind Is that maybe he's trying to avoid trouble. Also he seems to agree with town consensus alot.

2nd conclusion is that Haruno needs to start getting involved or get subbed out.
Current scum pool
I still think that at least 1 mafia was on ms early in the game because he got 3 on him fast.

Granny - Followed hawkie too much early on, iirc only started to talk about different opinions after I called him/her out. Seemed to follow town consensus a bit earlier on after.

Thunderballz - talked about game mechanics early on and put out basic statements. I don't remember much from him but when I was looking through earlios post I just saw glimpses of 1 liners.

Haruno - has barely said much, nothing that I remember. I think he's actively trying not to post.
I just want to put it out there that we still have roughly 2 days of discussion
Right now I'd be lynching Asek over zorbees because Asek has just disappeared and or doesn't seem to care
King_ is earlio in your scumpool or not, you seem to think he looks bad in your iso but stop short of calling him scummy. also, why do you think I'm scummier than Hawkie?
Earlio looks bad to me but I still want to see what he does, basically Earlio is my scumlean and the ones I put down are my scum reads I'd that makes sense