Simple Questions/Requests - Mark 48 (Minor Pokemon Trades, Item Requests etc GO HERE) (NO HACKING)

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Looking for

Gen 6 :
Timid/Modest, 5 IV, Female Vivillon/Scatterbug with Sun pattern
Heavy ball female Mawile
Heal ball female Mienfoo with egg moves

Gen 7 :
Love ball Jangmo-o
Dream ball HA Torchic
HA Pikipek

I have an extensive ball collection and I can do breeding projects for those. PM me.
I have HA Pikipek in a Timer Ball with 4 egg moves. I can't trade tonight because I'm tired lol, so it is best to trade tommorow if possible.
Anyway, I'm looking for HA Larvitar and HA Cottonee.

And also, I was wondering if is it now possible to trade here the shiny tapu koko, because it is now release outside of japan.
If someone has a Japanese cartridge and a Japanese console, then that's perfectly fine since no manipulation was necessary in order to obtain the Marshadow.
It's advisable to have a couple of photos and screenshots to prove its legitimacy nonetheless.
Again, this post of mine should cover a plethora of potential questions.

If a clone is fine, then I can give you a flawless female Adamant Torchic in a Dream Ball with HA and 4 Egg Moves: Reversal, Endure, Baton Pass and Low Kick for free.
I can also provide you with a free Love Ball Jangmo-o. I don't have one in my repertoire yet myself but I can whip out my game now and go catch one for you.
I just traded for a Love ball Jangmo-o but, I would love to have the Torchic! :)

Thundersamurott , I'll gladly take the Pikipek. I can try to catch an HA Cottonee in AS for you.
I was wondering if is it now possible to trade here the shiny tapu koko, because it is now release outside of japan.

Yes you can trade the shiny Tapu Koko here on Smogon as long it's not one of the region-spoofed ones that were distributed on Pokémon Showdown in March.
As a rule of thumb: If an Event Pokémon was obtained on a console and a cartridge that matches the language of the Event in question, then you're allowed to trade it on Smogon.
Max. Optimizer what if I want to do a giveaway of the Marshadow I got on PS's ga on another pokemon website? Am I allowed to?

Sorry for OT

I'm only really familiar with the rules of Smogon's Wi-Fi section, so I can't tell you for sure.
However, what I can tell you is that you should always thoroughly read through the rules no matter the Pokémon website!
In order to make extra sure you can always ask a moderator or any other person with authority.

Further, though it should go without saying, you should also provide as much information about how and where you got it from.
You can for example include a link to the proof screenshots that were floating around on Pokémon Showdown.
If you have the Naive Marshadow with Hidden Power Ice that was RNG abused by my good friend LegoFigure11, you could use this link for example.
I unfortunately don't have the link for the other one(s) though, so you might want to ask the other distributors.
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I'm only really familiar with the rules of Smogon's Wi-Fi section, so I can't tell you for sure.
However, what I can tell you is that you should always thoroughly read through the rules no matter the Pokémon website!
In order to make extra sure you can always ask a moderator or any other person with authority.

Further, though it should go without saying, you should also provide as much information about how and where you got it from.
You can for example include a link to the proof screenshots that were floating around on Pokémon Showdown.
If you have the Naive Marshadow with Hidden Power Ice that was RNG abused by my good friend LegoFigure11, you could use this link for example.
I unfortunately don't have the link for the other one(s) though, so you might want to ask the other distributors.
Thank you for replying. Of course I would provide any proof I got from the ga in order to guarantee the legacy of what I'm trading. I have it, don't worry. Just wanted to know whether I could do the ga or not. :)
LF: Female perfect/spitbacks in rare/nice/matching balls in Gen 6
H: Female perfect/spitbacks in rare/nice/matching balls in Gen 6

Also, I hatched a 4 IV shiny Skiddo in XY, how do I check what the other 2 non-31 IVs are? Also if anyone wants to make me a couple copies, I'm sure we could work something out.
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Also, I hatched a 4 IV shiny Skiddo in XY, how do I check what the other 2 non-31 IVs are? Also if anyone wants to make me a couple copies, I'm sure we could work something out.
Go to the Battle Institute in Lumiose City, engage in a battle with your Skiddo. Your Pokemon will be auto leveled to level 50 temporarily, so just go into the summary and check the stats. Then, use a calc like Serebii's here to determine what your IV's are. Or you can use Showdown to create the Pokemon, and then just fiddle with the IV's until they fit. You'll generally get within a range of 1-2 IV difference for each stat at level 50. The only way to be more precise is to actually level up your Pokemon, and do the same check at a higher level.
Go to the Battle Institute in Lumiose City, engage in a battle with your Skiddo. Your Pokemon will be auto leveled to level 50 temporarily, so just go into the summary and check the stats. Then, use a calc like Serebii's here to determine what your IV's are. Or you can use Showdown to create the Pokemon, and then just fiddle with the IV's until they fit. You'll generally get within a range of 1-2 IV difference for each stat at level 50. The only way to be more precise is to actually level up your Pokemon, and do the same check at a higher level.
Perfect, I got it. 31/31/31/0/22/31. Not bad for a random egg I guess.
Hey all. I'm asking around too, but I thought I'd toss a quick request in here for a spare Galladite if anyone has one they can very graciously share. Thanks in advance!

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Is there anyone who has a non-English (foreign) game they could hatch an egg in for me? It should take maybe 50 steps or something, but it's a Smeargle I'd like to have as a breeder for Field group eggs.
Is there anyone who has a non-English (foreign) game they could hatch an egg in for me? It should take maybe 50 steps or something, but it's a Smeargle I'd like to have as a breeder for Field group eggs.
An egg will keep the Language tag of the game in which it was generated. So if someone of another language hatches your egg, it'll still count as an English Pokemon, just with a nickname of that language. On the other hand though, if someone generates an egg on their foreign Language version and you hatch it on your file, it'll count as a foreign language Pokemon, though that is pretty pointless since all it would do is make your eggs generate slower.
An egg will keep the Language tag of the game in which it was generated. So if someone of another language hatches your egg, it'll still count as an English Pokemon, just with a nickname of that language. On the other hand though, if someone generates an egg on their foreign Language version and you hatch it on your file, it'll count as a foreign language Pokemon, though that is pretty pointless since all it would do is make your eggs generate slower.
Huh, I was told otherwise. Thanks~
Looking for:
Modest Lunala IV's don't matter
Trade for my Adamant Solgaleo
For completion of Pokedex
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LF: Level Ball Pidgey female, matching ball females in Gen 6
Have: matching ball females in Gen 6
I can send you a Level Ball female Pidgey for free. Normally I'd tell you to deposit something on GTS, but since Pidgey is so easy to snipe with, I'd prefer to trade it to you in a Normal link trade. I've registered your friend code, mine is in my signature, IGN: Sondre. Let me know when you've added me back and you're online
I can send you a Level Ball female Pidgey for free. Normally I'd tell you to deposit something on GTS, but since Pidgey is so easy to snipe with, I'd prefer to trade it to you in a Normal link trade. I've registered your friend code, mine is in my signature, IGN: Sondre. Let me know when you've added me back and you're online
I'm adding you now and will be on in a second. Thanks! :)
For Gen 6
LF: Ditto with 31 IVs in everything but Attack (which should be 0).
Reason: To give Whimiscott minimal Beat Up damage output. Sure, it means that it can't be used outside of raising Terrakion's Attack, but I want Terrakion to survive as many hits as possible.
For Gen 6
LF: Ditto with 31 IVs in everything but Attack (which should be 0).
Reason: To give Whimiscott minimal Beat Up damage output. Sure, it means that it can't be used outside of raising Terrakion's Attack, but I want Terrakion to survive as many hits as possible.

Check here:

Eisen has a couple of such Dittos and might have one in Gen 6 (he had a diff Ditto in 6 for me recently).
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