Simple Questions/Requests - Mark 48 (Minor Pokemon Trades, Item Requests etc GO HERE) (NO HACKING)

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Okay I've got a tough subjective (as opposed to objective) question that I just can't settle on.Latias is my favorite legendary, hands down. Thanks to Bottle Caps making legendaries from old games useable (without RNG abuse, which I never got the hang of), I decided to pull out my SoulSilver version and try to catch the Enigma Stone Latias in it (I got the event legitimately years ago and never used it). My goal was to catch Latias in a Love Ball, teach it Defog, then move it to Gen 7. Secondary goals were getting Hidden Power Fire, low attack stat, and/or one natural 31 IV.Its INCREDIBLY hard to catch Latias in a Love Ball, even with False Swipe and Sleep Condition. I threw roughly 293 Love Balls (I reset when I ran out of Love Balls) and only caught her twice. The first time was Timid, but I put my DS in sleep mode without saving and it ran out of battteries. The second time was not Timid. After an encounter of using up all my Love Balls, I decided to catch it in a Level Ball (easy catch, both times I've thrown a Level Ball got it on first try) just to see what the Latias was. Turns out it was Timid with Hidden Power Fire.A Latias with access to both Defog and Hidden Power Fire is fantastic, and a Level Ball IS a rare ball to get her in. It would take a ton of time to soft reset to get another Timid Hidden Power Fire Latias and manage to catch it in a Love Ball. I have a ton of things I want to/need to do Pokemon-wise to get where I want to be (SRing legendaries, breeding pokemon, etc.) but on the other hand Latias is my FAVORITE legendary, I'll never get another Love Ball opportunity (unless GameFreak makes her catchable in gen 7, or in a later gen while still granting access to Apricorn Balls, and even then its unlikely they'll bring back Defog), and the Love Ball animation looks SWEET.I guess the objective angle to this is: how useful is Hidden Power Fire to Latias at all, especially on a Defog set? I can see a Dragon Pulse/HP Fire/Recover/Defog set. What do you recommend? I guess the question is do I keep Level Ball Timid Defog Hidden Power Fire Latias, or should I go for Love Ball Timid Defog no-Hidden-Power Latias (more realistic than Love Ball And Timid AND Hidden Power)?
i have like 2 and a half full boxes of breedjects that im giving away for free over here. MODS PLS LEAVE ME ALONE (sf edit: /me poke) yeah i know this isnt the giveaway thread but this is only a quick one and it would be an eyesore to put a new thread in giveaways just so its over in an instant. i will be conducting it through my inbox to not clutter things so send a msg.
i hoarded these things in hope that i would be able to trade them for other breedjects on link trade fp but every guy i seem to encounter is like HUUR DUR TRADE ME YOUR BEST POKEMON FOR MY LV100 TOTALLY LEGIT SHINY ARCEUS OR PISS OFF so its either i give them away or they get thrown away which would be a shame.

now just a disclaimer just about all of them have random ivs but most of them have 4-5 flawless ivs so you got to be ok with that. some of them got HA, egg moves etc. basically whatever scraps didnt fit quality control.
just a quicklist of what i got not mentioning how many i got in stock:
  • leech seed ferroseed drifloon
  • HA magnemite morning sun growlithe (fast ball)
  • HA iron head outrage gible abra
  • fire/thunder fang sandile crunch hammer arm cranidos
  • spiritomb wailmer (heavy ball)
  • reversal alolan diglett HA dratini (lure ball)
  • snubbull cottonee
  • sewaddle aqua jet bellydrum marill
  • pancham after you mareep (love ball)
  • ddance outrage dpulse charmander PLENTY OF MAGIKARP
  • heliolisk wide guard roggenrola (level ball)
  • HA curse shadowsneak grimer joltik
  • drampa
  • pichu
  • morelull
  • porygon
  • shadowsneak destiny bond honedge
  • gastly
  • alolan meowth
also everyone is entitled to as many as they want idc i just want to give them away.

Mod edit: Next time please ask to post, not to be left alone.
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I could use Growlithe, Sandile, Cranidos, Spiritomb, Rogenrolla, and Charmander. What nature/abiltiy is Porygon? I've been needing to breed Porygon2 (mainly for dex completion, but if I'm going to spend an Upgrade on it I may as well make it competitive.
I *may* have some leftover Lure Ball Mareanie and Dive Ball Alolan HA Vulpix but not sure. Need either of those?
i have like 2 and a half full boxes of breedjects that im giving away for free over here. MODS PLS LEAVE ME ALONE yeah i know this isnt the giveaway thread but this is only a quick one and it would be an eyesore to put a new thread in giveaways just so its over in an instant. i will be conducting it through my inbox to not clutter things so send a msg.
i hoarded these things in hope that i would be able to trade them for other breedjects on link trade fp but every guy i seem to encounter is like HUUR DUR TRADE ME YOUR BEST POKEMON FOR MY LV100 TOTALLY LEGIT SHINY ARCEUS OR PISS OFF so its either i give them away or they get thrown away which would be a shame.

now just a disclaimer just about all of them have random ivs but most of them have 4-5 flawless ivs so you got to be ok with that. some of them got HA, egg moves etc. basically whatever scraps didnt fit quality control.
just a quicklist of what i got not mentioning how many i got in stock
also everyone is entitled to as many as they want idc i just want to give them away.
I could use Growlithe, Sandile, Cranidos, Spiritomb, Rogenrolla, and Charmander. What nature/abiltiy is Porygon? I've been needing to breed Porygon2 (mainly for dex completion, but if I'm going to spend an Upgrade on it I may as well make it competitive.
I *may* have some leftover Lure Ball Mareanie and Dive Ball Alolan HA Vulpix but not sure. Need either of those?

i got porygons with trace and download
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Trace is the preferred ability for Porygon2 as well, so that's great. I'm guessing Modest Nature, though I was wanting Bold for Porgon2. I suppose it doesn't really matter since I caught a Bold Porgon in ORAS. I can trade for everything except Porgon. What's your FC? (just write on my profile)
porygon has trace so adaptibility if it evolves to porygon z no need for the vulpix or mareanie already got one
I'm looking for any male Charmander, Charmeleon, Charizard, Dragonite, Swablu, Altaria, Tropius or Salamence with the move Air Cutter and I would need it in Generation 6.
It is a PtHGSS Move Tutor move.

Not sure what to offer in exchange but I can RNG in Generation 6 and still have all my stuff there since I don't play Generation 7.

Helped by BlizzardHero.
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I'm looking for any male Charmander, Charmeleon, Charizard, Dragonite, Swablu, Altaria, Tropius or Salamence with the move Air Cutter and I would need it in Generation 6.
It is a PtHGSS Move Tutor move.

Not sure what to offer in exchange but I can RNG in Generation 6 and still have all my stuff there since I don't play Generation 7.
Picked up a Male Air Cutter Swablu on my cart for you Nelson and transferred it up. Let me know when you want to pick it up.
Ok, i have recently RNG abuse bred some 6iv female smeargles, and i was was wondering if i could trade them to someone with a NON-USA game so they can breed some foreign 6iv male ones. I want to be able to shiny breed some nidoran males, and getting all the egg moves i want requires a smeargle. I don't have any non-japanese games to breed in, nor am i able to rng abuse them at my current time. as for payment, i can do some custom breeding in return, and rng breeding for shinys and the like in exchange. i can supply both the smeargles and the ditto, though i might need to hold onto the ditto should the person want a specific breeding project.
I wanted to ask if someone could help me out in obtaining a Harvest Exeggcute or Exeggutor FROM GEN 6. I really want one, but I no longer have XY in my library. I can trade for an Exeggcute in ORAS or a Kanto Exeggutor in SM.

I'll offer some decent breejects and BRs depending on what people want.
I wanted to ask if someone could help me out in obtaining a Harvest Exeggcute or Exeggutor FROM GEN 6. I really want one, but I no longer have XY in my library. I can trade for an Exeggcute in ORAS or a Kanto Exeggutor in SM.

I'll offer some decent breejects and BRs depending on what people want.
I can help you get a Harvest Exeggcute. If you have a HA Larvitar or a Rock Safari with Puptiar that would be lovely.
Is it worth soft resetting for the shiny event Tapu Koko or are there a lot of them floating around?
If you want a koko to use in battles, the shiny one is actually inferior to a non-shiny one, thanks to the fact that it's nature-locked. Sure, Timid may be the most useful nature for Koko, but with it being shiny, your opponent will know that it's Timid.

So pretty much the only reason to go for the shiny would be trade value, but then you have a lot of RNG abused flawless pre-HT IV spreads to compete with.
I'm looking for a Mudkip (or Marshtomp or Swampert) in a heal or dream ball. Ivs, nature, and gender don't matter, I'd just like the ball so I can finish breeding for a shiny. CMT if there's something you'd like in return.
I'm looking for a Mudkip (or Marshtomp or Swampert) in a heal or dream ball. Ivs, nature, and gender don't matter, I'd just like the ball so I can finish breeding for a shiny. CMT if there's something you'd like in return.

I have a Mudkip in a Dream Ball that I could trade to you. I don't need anything in return. Just deposit something in the GTS and I'll find you.
Does anybody have non-cloned/hacked Love Balls for trade? I'm trying to catch Timid Hidden Power Fire Tapu Lele in a Love Ball and with only one in my bag, its time-consuming to say the least.
Does anybody have non-cloned/hacked Love Balls for trade? I'm trying to catch Timid Hidden Power Fire Tapu Lele in a Love Ball and with only one in my bag, its time-consuming to say the least.
You could only ever get 2 legitimate Love Balls without trading so this might take you a while
I do have 1 Love Ball left if you want it though

Does anyone have a male HA adamant alolan Geodude they'rbe willing to give me? IVs and pokeball don't matter but please make sure he's nicknamed Blackbeard

I can breed you a HA aloan Geodude in a Heavy Ball, a HA Fletching in a Fast Ball or a HA Carvanha in a Lure Ball for it (Yes I could just breed one myself, but I want all my alolan forms to have an OT different than mine)
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You could only ever get 2 legitimate Love Balls without trading so this might take you a while
I do have 1 Love Ball left if you want it though

Does anyone have a male HA adamant alolan Geodude they'rbe willing to give me? IVs and pokeball don't matter but please make sure he's nicknamed Blackbeard

I can breed you a HA aloan Geodude in a Heavy Ball, a HA Fletching in a Fast Ball or a HA Carvanha in a Lure Ball for it (Yes I could just breed one myself, but I want all my alolan forms to have an OT different than mine)

Wait how do you get a second one? I thought you could only get one per playthrough. Does Professor Oak ask to see a second pokemon besides Alolan Persian?

And yes, the Love Ball from you would be greatly appreciated. Do you need anything in return? I have a couple things I can offer, the first off the top of my head being Infinite Battle Phantump (for shiny chain hunting) or Lure Ball Mareanie with all 4 available egg moves.
Wait how do you get a second one? I thought you could only get one per playthrough. Does Professor Oak ask to see a second pokemon besides Alolan Persian?

And yes, the Love Ball from you would be greatly appreciated. Do you need anything in return? I have a couple things I can offer, the first off the top of my head being Infinite Battle Phantump (for shiny chain hunting) or Lure Ball Mareanie with all 4 available egg moves.
You could get a second Love Ball as a prize from a Global Mission months ago

I'm looking for a male HA adamant alolan Geodude nicknamed Blackbeard, and I could just give you a HA adamant alolan Geodude for you to breed and nickname since I only really want a different OT (not looking for any IVs) but if that to much trouble I can give you the Love Ball for free
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You culd get a second Love Ball as a prize from a Global Mission months ago

I'm looking for a male HA adamant alolan Geodude nicknamed Blackbeard, and I could just give you a HA adamant alolan Geodude for you to breed and nickmae since I only really want a different OT (not looking for any IVs) but if that to much trouble I can give you the Love Ball for free

Ah, gotcha. I was on a hiatus around then.

That's fair. Can do.
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