Pokemon Gold and Silver 3DS Virtual Console: Back to the Future 2(000)!

Changes in the animations don't really bother me. I was caught off guard when I watched a stream yesterday but I really don't care.
Got Gold. Probably gonna use Totodile since I used to go with Cyndaquil and Totodile is super good.

You can adjust the clock, right? I have no idea of it's Daylight Savings or not and would prefer to not be off by an hour (or two?) if I went with the wrong answer.
Got Gold. Probably gonna use Totodile since I used to go with Cyndaquil and Totodile is super good.

You can adjust the clock, right? I have no idea of it's Daylight Savings or not and would prefer to not be off by an hour (or two?) if I went with the wrong answer.
It's likely based off of the 3DS's time I'd think. Thus, you can't without hurting SM
Please correct me if I'm wrong, but can't you still set the clock to whatever you want at the start of GS, and change it later via the password system? All the 3DS time should do is let GS know how much time has elapsed.
Heads up for anyone interested in using a swarm pokemon (Qwilfish, Yanma (lol), Granbull, Azumarill, Octillery, Dunsparce): there's an exploit you can use to make getting a swarm easier. Getting a call from one of the trainers that notifies you about the swarm is based on time, and normally it takes at least 20 minutes to get a call. After 20 minutes have passed, there's a 50% chance to get one, and if you don't, it checks again after successively lower intervals. However, if you ask your mom to change the current DST setting so that the time goes back an hour, it thinks an hour has passed, which immediately gives you a 50% chance to get a call. You should be able to save in front of her and keep attempting it, though I got it on the first try so I can't say for sure.

Also, you should clear out any unnecessary contacts so you can guarantee a call from the trainer you want, though that call being about a swarm isn't guaranteed.

Thanks to Crystal's video for explaining the background knowledge, and a comment from said video for the exploit.
So question, the same method of transfer of nature's in gen 1 also applies here as well? Last two digits and boom it's that nature?
Does anybody now if the Mystery Gift works in the VC version? I wan't to try, but I didn't even started the games yet XD
I have tried my mad scientist experiment: I managed to trade a Ho-Oh from Pokemon Blue to Silver! Here's some photo proof:


So the jist of what I did was: I used 8f to catch a Missingno. with the same index number as Ho-Oh in GSC. Then I used 8f to change the Missingno.'s typing to Fire / Flying (otherwise Pokemon Silver would reject it). I even used 8f to give it the glitch move equivalent of Sacred Fire (TM21) and to make it shiny!

It worked perfectly. I tried to do the same with Lugia, but since Lugia's Missingno. constantly changes types, Silver rejected it. Still, I got Ho-Oh over, and I taught my old 18 year old Porygon and Scyther from Yellow (another long story, the Yellow on my VC is my original save from when I was a child) Curse via 8f as well!

So yeah, you can break the hell out of gen 2 with the time capsule lol. Funnily enough, my Ho-Oh was holding a Carbos, likely based off of Missingno.s catch rate.

Here's the beauty right here!

Does anybody now if the Mystery Gift works in the VC version? I wan't to try, but I didn't even started the games yet XD
It works for 3DS via IR, but I would want to know if it's possible to connect with GBC and with Pokémon Pikachu Color. That would be really interesting.
It works for 3DS via IR, but I would want to know if it's possible to connect with GBC and with Pokémon Pikachu Color. That would be really interesting.
I attempted this, and the Pokémon Pikachu 2 reports "Error." Sad!

Edit: I can take a video/pictures if anybody needs proof, but another person testing with another device would be cool. The Pokémon Pikachu 2 is quite old, but has a new battery... That should not be the issue!
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Uhh, such a good news! I'm really happy for that, I've never got to try the original Mystery Gift. It's a shame that all the devices that could be used with the old GB/GBC/GBA are not compatible with the IR and the 3DS in general.
do explain
Was just about to say the same thing.

Long story short, I had to use some ancient equipment to import my Yellow save.

I used:

A Monster Brain (an old cheat device for Red, Blue, and Yellow that could import saves)

A Gameboy smart card (an old out of print Gameboy flash card that you can still buy online)

A Windows XP computer (this thing has trouble working on newer operating systems.

A custom homebrew launcher to import the Pokemon Yellow Save to my 3DS (this may not be needed anymore, not up to date on homebrew advances)

So basically, I imported the old Yellow save onto the Monster Brain. I then uploaded said save onto the Gameboy Smart Card's save battery. I then hooked up the Gameboy smart card to my old ass computer, so then I could import the save in a flash format. I then went to an emulator to test out the save (it worked!), then I finally used the custom homebrew launcher with the save importer to put the save on my 3DS version of Yellow. And voila: my old copy of Pokemon yellow is saved!
BTW folks if you don't want to deal with the calendar for stuff like waiting a day to use the Time Capsule after meeting Bill, you can use this handy thing!


Just put in your name, trainer id, and the amount of cash you have currently, and you can time travel! It counts as a day passing too so you can use up all your Apricorns too!
So if I understand the shiny chain breeding properly, this is how the genders should match up?

Gyarados (Dragon, Water 2)-Male
  • Ekans (Field)-Female
    • Farfetch'd (Flying)-Male
    • Mareep (Monster)-Male
    • Psyduck (Water 1)-Male
      • Corsola (Water 3)- Female
    • Snubbul (Fairy)-Male
      • Hoppip (Grass)-Female
        • Paras (Bug)-Male
I haven't started yet, facing one of the hardest decisions of my life.

Pick Chikorita like I always did since GRASS MASTER RACE, but accept it's complete garbage and useless for play, plus missing the option to have HA totodile to move over, or actually pick a useful starter? :(
I don't actually remind the glitch to get the 3 starters, have a link / guide somewhere? Work PC is extremely obnoxious as far as finding things goes having to click 3 thousand times to open pages :P
I don't actually remind the glitch to get the 3 starters, have a link / guide somewhere? Work PC is extremely obnoxious as far as finding things goes having to click 3 thousand times to open pages :P

What many guides forget to mention, attach a Poké Ball to the first starter you clone.
This gives you a chance to catch something after you choose your second starter and before you unlock Poké Balls by getting it from the box in Cherrygrove, which can save you some time while doing this whole process.
Of course you'd only get one Poké Ball this way and if you fail to catch something with that, you'd still have to play with your second starter until you can actually get more Poké Balls.

The rival will end up with the starter that is strong against the last starter you pick up, so keep that in mind if you want him to have a certain one for some reason.
I haven't started yet, facing one of the hardest decisions of my life.

Pick Chikorita like I always did since GRASS MASTER RACE, but accept it's complete garbage and useless for play, plus missing the option to have HA totodile to move over, or actually pick a useful starter? :(

Chikorita holds its own vs the many ingame trainers. Where it doesn't do as well is in major battles (it does fine vs Whitney and Chuck in the main story but that's about it). I concede that it's the least of the starters but it's not useless.
I just like the lengths they go to make chikorita look good in the early game with a great stab in razor leaf (gets it way before cyndaquil and totodile see theirs and it's more powerful) and miracle seed right after the first gym. Just that the gyms and routes are unkind to it.
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