Jirachi Giveaway [Gen7] ("Offline")

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IGN: Kial
Requested: Magnemite
Deposited: Lv. 17 Tentacool (M) in a Net Ball
MSG: I want to trade for a Pokemon that is strong in battles.

Thanks as always! Not sure if I'm understanding this correctly but can I change Poke Ball and "seed"? If so please different.
IGN: Kial
Requested: Magnemite
Deposited: Lv. 17 Tentacool (M) in a Net Ball
MSG: I want to trade for a Pokemon that is strong in battles.

Thanks as always! Not sure if I'm understanding this correctly but can I change Poke Ball and "seed"? If so please different.
Sent. The seed is just proof of them being RNGs.
IGN: Kial
Requested: Kangaskhan
Deposited: Lv. 18 Tentacool (F) in a Net Ball
MSG: I want to trade for a Pokemon that is strong in battles.

Thanks as always! And I see
IGN: yyy
Requested: magnemite
Deposited: Lv. 21 Tentacool (male) in a pokeball
MSG: I want to trade for a Pokemon that is strong in battles.

Thanks as always!
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IGN: Andre
Requested: Magnemite
Deposited: Tentacool (Lv. 21, male, Ultra Ball)
Message: I want to trade for a Pokémon that is strong in battles.
Thanks again!
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IGN: Aravagantos
Requested: Kangaskhan
Deposited: Tentacool Lv. 24, Female, Quick Ball

Hurray for Para-hax 2-hit Seismic KO Kanga! Thanks!

Re: sniping of Tentacools, do you guys think it'd help if we put up tentacools outside of the 21-30 lv range, or would we get trolled just the same?
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IGN: Aravagantos
Requested: Magnemite
Deposited: Tentacool Lv. 24, Male, Quick Ball

Also wow, the Ability Capsule is taking generosity to a whole new level. Thanks!
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Wanted: Magnemite
Deposited: Level 1 male tentacool, quick ball
Message: I want to trade for a Pokémon that is strong in battles

Thank you!

E: reposited
I redeposited this, sorry for posting a second time but it was back a few pages. Sorry for the delay, thank you!

E: redeposited again.
Wanted: Magnemite
Deposited: Level 1 female tentacool, quick ball
Message: I want to trade for a Pokémon that is strong in battles

E2: redeposited yet again. This is like my sixth tentacool :/

Wanted: magnemite
Deposited: Level 1 Male tentacool, quick ball
IGN: Vivian
Message: I want to trade for a Pokémon that is strong in battles
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IGN: Jaime
Requested: Magnemite
Deposited: Tentacool Lv. 23 male ultra ball
Message: I want to trade for a Pokémon that is strong in battles

Again, thank you!
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Ign: Andr3w
Requested: Kangaskhan
Deposited: Tentacool, Lv 23, Female, Ultra Ball
MSG: I want to trade for a Pokemon that is strong in battles

Thanks so much :)
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Somebody take my tentacool, I deposit other in the GTS

Tentacool: level 22 female in quick ball
Want: Kangaskhan
Ign: Rob

IGN: Chloe
Pokemon Deposited: Tentacool, Male, 23, Net Ball
Pokemon Wanted: Magnemite
Message: I want to trade for a Pokemon that is strong in battle.

Thanks in Advance <3
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I also redeposited, FYI! Sorry to be a pest.

Wanted: magnemite
Deposited: Level 1 Male tentacool, quick ball
IGN: Vivian
Message: I want to trade for a Pokémon that is strong in battles
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I also redeposited, FYI! Sorry to be a pest.

Wanted: magnemite
Deposited: Level 1 Male tentacool, quick ball
IGN: Vivian
Message: I want to trade for a Pokémon that is strong in battles
You did it wrong, its magnemite not magneton.
Got it this time
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