Jirachi Giveaway [Gen7] ("Offline")

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Yes, I got usum very recently and am not there yet. I actually could just get them on moon, but I still need them reserved, can’t get on until tommorrow.
Requesting: Cutiefly
Deposited: Lvl 22 Tentacool (M) in Dive Ball named "don't trade"
IGN: Stephan

Edit: Had to re-upload since the first one got sniped ;_;
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I changed the giveaway, I been so busy so it's hard for me to distribute mons, specially lv. 1 (you gotta be 24/7 in order to evade snipes).
So I will mainly focus on lv.100 from now on. Sorry for any inconvenience.
Requested: Naganadel
IGN: Annine
Deposited: Miltank, lv 56
Message:I want to fill the pokedex
Thanks! :)
Requested: Naganadel
IGN: Yusaku
Deposited: Flaaffy male level 40
Message: I want to fill my Pokedex.
Thank you very much
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Hey Bluemew, exceptional giveaway as always!

Requested: Level 91-100 Naganadel
IGN: Fate
Deposited: Level 10 Female Hawlucha in a Great Ball
Message: I want to trade for a Pokemon that is strong in battles.

Thanks so much in advance!
Requested: Naganadel
Deposited: Lv 14 male Mudbray
IGN: Jonyeo
Message: I want to trade for a Pokémon that is strong in battles.

Pokemon Wanted: Naganadel
Pokemon Deposited: Lv 17 Male Stufful
IGN: Riannon
Message: I want to trade for a Pokémon that is strong in battles.
Deposited:lv23 male Tentacool
Message:I want to trade for a Pokemon that is strong in battles.

Thank you so much!
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Requesting: Naganadel
Deposited: a female lvl 16 Dewpider in a Sub Ball
IGN: Sabbio

Thank you very much. :]
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IGN: Andre
Requested: Naganadel
Deposited: Spearow (Lv. 10, male, Great Ball, NN: Bluemew.)
Message: I want to trade for a Pokémon that is strong in battles.
Thank you!
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Request: Naganadel
Deposited: Level 16 male Salandit nicknamed Bluemew (Pokeball)
IGN: Xin
Message: I want to trade for a Pokemon that is strong in battles

Thank you!
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Deposited:lv 14 M sableye
Requesting:lv 100 naganadel
Message:please trade Pokemon with me
Thank you
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