Whats a Hack and What Isn't

I posted something about this earlier in SQSA but here it is again to get more opinions.

Hacking wild pokemon to EV train good or bad?
this doesn't seem like a big deal to me as it speeds things up for people who do not have a lot of time
I... don't know why you'd bother. It's easy enough to do it legitly with 'rus and a power item that hacking out wild pokemon for EVs seems like overkill.

Yah but u could hack something worth 3 EVs instead of 1 or 2 and make them the only type that shows up making it just a little bit smoother. :naughty:
Is this Considered a Hack or not?

Using Hacked Parents: This, IMO is just as bad as hacking the Pokemon itself. You may argue that "I still went through the process of breeding the Pokemon", but that argument just won't be registered as valid. You have an unfair advantage over someone who does it fairly. Having a godly parent highly effects how the offspring will turn out. So hacking yourself a godly parent IMO would be considered an illegit Pokemon in my view. It is just an attempt at being clever at getting around the fact that you didn't hack the Pokemon itself.

Quick hatch trick/step reduction: This trick basically cuts down the number of steps you have to take to hatch an egg from thousands to almost nothing (6, IIRC). This, in my opinion, does not ruin legitimacy. Yes, you are speeding up a process that would otherwise take much, much longer, but you are doing nothing more than speeding up the inevitable. You're going to get those eggs, whether you get them fast or slow. Yes, this indeed does give you an advantage over others. Though I don't think using this trick ruins legitimacy, I still think you should inform anyone you're trading with that you used this method to hatch your egg.
Whats the difference between these two? They BOTH speed up a process which is going to happen anyway. If I am going to hatch 1 000 000 eggs using the 6 step hatch trick until i get strait 31's, it takes the same amount of time as using strait 31 Parents and not using a 6 step hatch trick. IMO either both are fine or both aren't.
Yah but u could hack something worth 3 EVs instead of 1 or 2 and make them the only type that shows up making it just a little bit smoother. :naughty:
I suppose you could. It still seems like overkill for something that takes about 20 minutes or so anyway, unless you're aiming for complicated spreads, in which case re-inputting the codes might take the same amount of time as you're saving anyway.

IMO it's still technically hacking, but, like the breeding hacks, not something that's really detectable.
I suppose you could. It still seems like overkill for something that takes about 20 minutes or so anyway, unless you're aiming for complicated spreads, in which case re-inputting the codes might take the same amount of time as you're saving anyway.

IMO it's still technically hacking, but, like the breeding hacks, not something that's really detectable.

Actually you dont have to reput in codes just toss out a diff number of masterballs :pimp:
I don't see the point in all this bickering. "Within the confines of the game" alone isn't even an easily definable term.

The confines of the game could be what you can generate without using some 3rd party application or device, what you can reasonably achieve within the game or simply the maximum limits that you can reach (perfect IVs etc). Hell, within the confines of the game could simply be what Gamefreak intended people to be able to do.

If you're going to hack for your own purposes, feel free as long as you're honest about what you're doing with whoever you trade/battle. If you're using AR to speed up the process or Pokesav to completely bypass it, fine as long as you feel like telling me before you battle me. If you've gone and cloned your pokemon using in game glitches for some reason which benefits you, fine, as long as you are honest about it. You found a glitch which lets you get perfect IVs on any pokemon without using a 3rd party device? Go crazy etc etc etc.
Using Hacked Parents: This, IMO is just as bad as hacking the Pokemon itself. You may argue that "I still went through the process of breeding the Pokemon", but that argument just won't be registered as valid. You have an unfair advantage over someone who does it fairly. Having a godly parent highly effects how the offspring will turn out. So hacking yourself a godly parent IMO would be considered an illegit Pokemon in my view. It is just an attempt at being clever at getting around the fact that you didn't hack the Pokemon itself.

Quick hatch trick/step reduction: This trick basically cuts down the number of steps you have to take to hatch an egg from thousands to almost nothing (6, IIRC). This, in my opinion, does not ruin legitimacy. Yes, you are speeding up a process that would otherwise take much, much longer, but you are doing nothing more than speeding up the inevitable. You're going to get those eggs, whether you get them fast or slow. Yes, this indeed does give you an advantage over others. Though I don't think using this trick ruins legitimacy, I still think you should inform anyone you're trading with that you used this method to hatch your egg.

I am in favor of these two, because i hate to waste my life for trying to get a number, and even when you still work for it, it its not hacking a pokemon per se...

And if you apply the methods above; will the hatched poke be considered as hacked by:
2)Different tests run at tournaments

and, how can i check if a poke is hacked by myself?
Meh, I don't even have AR, but on the hacked parent subject, I could personally care less from a data standpoint. Technically the pokemon is created legally, just from illegal sources.

I'll use a metaphor... So lets say a child is born to two criminals wanted for, idk, robbing a bank. You don't arrest the kid just because their parents are bad, right?

Perhaps I choose to use that metaphor in a somewhat extreme point, but you still get my point. If the pokemon is created legally I consider it legal withen the game's limits, then its still legit. I know Smogon is quire strict about this, but I don't even own AR so I could care less really. As long as I don't get cheated in a battle/trade, I'm fine.

Since when did Pokemon have rights? :P

I don't like the fast hatch code at all, it speeds up the process way too much. Normally, I wouldn't be complaining, but when I'm the one futilly competing against that person...
Since when did Pokemon have rights? :P

lol, not to go off topic, but I am tempted to sig that XD

And if you really want to "compete" with hatching eggs faster, then buy an AR yourself =P You are complaining about something being TOO good, lol
True, but as I said, judging from the games data, it is still considered legit.

I'm actually against hacking myself for the most part (cloning, getting items, etc. is fine), but if someone were to offer me a really good pokemon and say, "Oh, by the way, it turns out the quad-flawless parents of that pokemon were hacked, do you still care for it?", I would still gladly accept and consider it legit, as the pokemon itself wasn't directly hacked with AR.

I'm not saying it is not wrong, I'm just stating my opinion in saying I find it acceptable to a certain degree.
Hacked parents shows up in the hex data. If you got hack checked at an official nintendo event, you would probably be DQ'd.
Whats the difference between these two? They BOTH speed up a process which is going to happen anyway. If I am going to hatch 1 000 000 eggs using the 6 step hatch trick until i get strait 31's, it takes the same amount of time as using strait 31 Parents and not using a 6 step hatch trick. IMO either both are fine or both aren't.
One shows up if you check hex data, the other, as far as I know, doesn't.
Hacked parents shows up in the hex data. If you got hack checked at an official nintendo event, you would probably be DQ'd.

One shows up if you check hex data, the other, as far as I know, doesn't.
What if your pokemon's parent was one with EV's hacked onto it. As I am doing a breeding Project for TheMantyke and the parent he gave me had its EV's hacked onto it. Also when using this parent EVERY egg i get has the Dittos nature XD Ive hatched over 100 Jolly eggs in a row... :S
The second an AR, PokeSav, any external device or program, touches your game, it's a hack. I don't want to play with it. That's all.
If i used to have a hax ditto that i bred with a charizard which i then used that charmander to breed with monferno which i then evolved into inferape which i traded to my friend then he cloned it and traded it bak and i made a baby chimchar with it then is my shiny ho oh a hax? x_X >_> :p
Hacked parents shows up in the hex data. If you got hack checked at an official nintendo event, you would probably be DQ'd.

This can easily be avoided by breeding the hacked parents for the parents with good ivs then rebreeding this two parents to get your baby. Plus if you release the hacks before going to the tourney I don't think they'll ever find out the baby had hacked parents. Just saying though but IMO both should be considered hacked.

True, but as I said, judging from the games data, it is still considered legit.

I'm actually against hacking myself for the most part (cloning, getting items, etc. is fine), but if someone were to offer me a really good pokemon and say, "Oh, by the way, it turns out the quad-flawless parents of that pokemon were hacked, do you still care for it?", I would still gladly accept and consider it legit, as the pokemon itself wasn't directly hacked with AR.

I'm not saying it is not wrong, I'm just stating my opinion in saying I find it acceptable to a certain degree.

I read that analogy before(Hint hint: it was X-Act's).
HAcked parents/Quick hatch- LEgit as hell IMO. I use hacked parents sometimes (Not all the time, just when Im trying to get a specific set of IVs).
My personal opinion is that you should either not use any hacks at all, or use all of them.

If you, say, use the immediate hatching hack and not any other hack, then you could just as well hack your baby with perfect IVs, nature and moves, since you WILL eventually obtain such a baby given enough time. The same applies for any other hack, no matter how innocuous it looks.

So my stand is: either just hack your Pokemon straight away, or else don't use ANY hack.
My personal opinion is that you should either not use any hacks at all, or use all of them.

If you, say, use the immediate hatching hack and not any other hack, then you could just as well hack your baby with perfect IVs, nature and moves, since you WILL eventually obtain such a baby given enough time. The same applies for any other hack, no matter how innocuous it looks.

So my stand is: either just hack your Pokemon straight away, or else don't use ANY hack.
This sums up my thoughts.
I'm answering all the questions that popped up here:

@ goldemblem, the hack check might see it as legit, but most people would probably not want it. As for the Egg Trick, you need an AR to do it, but just like hacked parents, most people would probably not approve of it.

@ Lawman, thanks for clarifying.

@ Fennikusu, I didn't say quick hatch was completely allowed, I just said its not as bad as hacking a parent. And whoever you trade it to should be informed you used that method. Hacking a parent is much worse than quick hatch in my opinion, as your increasing your chances, not speeding up the inevitable.

@ Swampert1337, my point exactly.

@ Fenikkusu, you don't want to admit whats more than true. Having a flawless parent makes breeding a truckload easier. If it isn't that tedious, then why not just do it lol?

@ AltCtrlPwn, you, just like him ^, are ignoring my point. I'm said a hacked parent would make the child illegit. I also said speed-hatching in my opinion is ok as long as the person you trade with is informed. I wasn't trying to pass it off as anything (hell, I don't even have an AR).

@ LittleGreenYoda, just like the other two guys above. Speed hatching is just speeding up whats going to happen anyway. You're NOT increasing your chance of getting a good bred offspring.

@ dirtybirdy, the carefree life, huh?

@ Obi+, so AR cloning isn't allowed (lol)? And as for the quick egg, see the few guys above and how I answered.

@ goldemblem, well then nobody would be asking or trading each other for parents if they could just hack themselves flawless parents. Breeding is supposed to be time consuming. You might say I'm contradicting myself when I say quick hatch is ok, and breeding is supposed to be time-consuming, but see, hacking yourself a parent is much worse than quick hatch. Just think about it for a while. Look at how long it took forbidden to get an HP Electric 70 Vaporeon.

@ Marix, I have no clue about that.

@ Blitzee, the section would be too small. If you read what you quoted from me, you'll see that I referred to WonderGuard as an ability.

@ Fenikkusu, thank you for answering his question.

@ Marix, again, I don't know.

@ Lord_Sunday, did you read them both completely? They both speed it up, but hacking the parents increases your chances of getting a good offspring. Quick hatch only speeds up whats going to happen anyway!

@ Aziraphale, ok....

@ goldemblem, you've stated that you agree with them quite a few times. It doesn't matter how the programs see them, it matters what the people you're trading with think. Most people, including myself, would probably not take a Pokemon with hacked parents, or quick hatch (quick hatch is not as bad as hacking the parent in my opinion).

@ kamikaen, welcome to Smogon, where Pokemon...have rights.

@ Lawman, go ahead and sig it lol

@ Kijin, thank you for answering his question.

@ Lord_Sunday, I never thought about that...hacked EV's? Maybe if you clear them everything will be fine...? I don't really know.

@ Firestorm, in your case, AR cloning would be illegal huh? So you're telling me nobody has AR cloned your Pokemon before?

@ blitzee, that made no sense. You're hacked Ditto, Charizard, Infernape, and then...Ho-Oh...? How did Ho-Oh get involved?

@ The_Rider, yeah, remember viper? He got past checkers.

@ Automatic, I don't agree with you.

@ Madcat, what prompted it was everyone asking is this a hack or is that a hack all over the place. So I decided to make this so that everyone could discuss it here.

@ PWNstar!, you're argument sounds exactly like viper's/BrentX's argument....

@ X-Act, think about it for a while...hacking the parent is worse than quick hatching, not that I do either, and would not accept a Pokemon in a trade that had a hacked parent or was quick bred. Just put it for other people's sake.

@ Calciphoce, same here.

Hope that helped lol.
OK, just putting in my small amount of non-denominational currency:

This is why I think think that quick hatch is 100% hacking. I am going to illustrate it with maths so if you don't care about that just skip to the bottom line.

To hatch a quintuple flawless poke from 2 triple flawless parents has AT BEST a 1/18189 chance, according to X-act and Peterko's excellent breeding guide.

From experience, hatching an egg takes roughly 3 minutes (minimum), assuming they're not Magikarp.

So, if you breed (starting from the appropriate parents) for 48 hours, you will be able to hatch 960 eggs. You have a roughly 5.15% chance of getting at least one quintuple flawless.

Our hacker has eggs that hatch in 6 steps. He takes roughly 10th of the time (as he still needs to walk around to generate eggs), so hatches 1 egg every 18 seconds. That means in that 48 hours of hatching, he can hatch 9600 eggs.

He has a 41.1% chance of getting at least one quintuple flawless.


So for 48 hours of non-stop hatching (or 2 and a bit hours per day every day for 2 weeks), which is about as much as most people can stand, our legit player has only a 5% chance of getting the poke he wants, whereas our hacker has over a 40% chance.

For the legit player, the idea of spending 2 weeks breeding for something where 95% of the time you will FAIL, means that it simply isn't an option for him. For the hacker, it is a very viable option - give him another two days and his chances go above 50%.

The flaw in all the pro-fast hatching arguments is that people do not have infinite amounts of time for egg hatching.

Most people have the patience to breed one poke for a few days, a week or two at the most. In that time, the hacker can achieve such better results than the legit guy it's not funny.

So fast egg hatchers: Just pokesave the damn thing and save us all your lame ass "it's legit really" excuses. It's not.

It's like a free lottery than each person can enter once a week, but you enter it 10 times a week.

"Oh, but anyone will win the lottery if they enter it enough times - I'm just speeding up the process".
^ No need to get all worked up. I have said myself that I wouldn't take a quick egg hatched Pokemon in a trade. I was merely stating that it is not nearly as bad as hacking the parents.
I think it's fine if other people want a guideline to see if there pokemon is hacked or not. If they don't feel right about hacked pokemon/parents/event items/whatever they by all means they should have a guideline.

Even if you are a hacker you should respect it if people want legit pokemon

Personaly thought I think legit pokemon are a waste of time. Why am I going to spend 830 hours like the mantyke (no offense TheMantyke nothing personal against you) to get statewise inferior pokemon, even if it's just by a few points when I can get the same amount of pokemon with perfect Iv's in like two hours?

I'm not trying to turn this into a hacking vs nonhacking right or wrong thread, Just wanted to state my opinion

Edit: I hope I didn't offend anybody with my post, I don't want to get banned