Data Usage-Based Tier Update for January 2018 (Feb @ #263) (Mar @ #696)

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Y'all complaining about Ambipom and I'm here like
Can this thread not be a pissing contest to see who can get the most likes by trashing another post? This whole experience could be discussion to making needed changes to the tiering system js

Agreed. Non unnamed monkey related stuff:

Some other stuff:
46 | Sableye-Mega | 3.774%

This would be way too good for UU. Stall's already a strong playstyle in the meta, this would push it over the top.

55 | Mantine | 4.043%

Was the best defensive Defogger in RU during its last stint, as it's not as reliant on its item as Gligar. Mandibuzz would give it stiff competition now, as the vulture has Taunt and Whirlwind to prevent itself being set up fodder, as well as STAB Foul Play.

56 | Mienshao | 3.493%

Very close. This thing would probably be too much for RU - good Speed, great power, pretty much no switchins.

| 63 | Goodra | 3.659% |

Oh good lord no, I don't want this thing in NU. Great special bulk and high attacking stats, this thing would be Samurott on steroids.
Sorry, but what are the pro-ambipom arguments outside of it having fire punch again? I'm geniunely confused by the amount of people who kinda just appeared to post in this thread about how great ambipom is? Like yeah we saw Aim top the ladder but plenty of ladders can be peaked with dumb shit, I did it with Wormadam Trash in PU once and I'm not asking for it to go to A- or whatever in the PU rankings, it's just a worse ferroseed
Threads like this show how Anti-Fun the Smogon Community has acted as of late. Sorry every UU team isn't Scizor, Latias, Gliscor, Azumarill, Serperior, and Mega-Manectric. God forbid anyone use anything different. Go back to OU and use your Lando-T, Toxipex, and Tapu-Kok if you want a stale metagame.

Ambipom may be 'sub-optimal' in some peoples eyes, but there is a charm in beating a team of cookie cutter top tiers with an underdog. Winning with Ambipom shows you demonstrate skill over what will largely be a bad matchup. I'll continue to use Ambipom because I like the mon and props to aim love the content and exposing the system/community for how petty it can be
Threads like this show how Anti-Fun the Smogon Community has acted as of late. Sorry every UU team isn't Scizor, Latias, Gliscor, Azumarill, Serperior, and Mega-Manectric. God forbid anyone use anything different. Go back to OU and use your Lando-T, Toxipex, and Tapu-Kok if you want a stale metagame.

Ambipom may be 'sub-optimal' in some peoples eyes, but there is a charm in beating a team of cookie cutter top tiers with an underdog. Winning with Ambipom shows you demonstrate skill over what will largely be a bad matchup. I'll continue to use Ambipom because I like the mon and props to aim love the content and exposing the system/community for how petty it can be
This. God forbid someone use a Mega Slowbro over a Toxapex amirite?? No. Showdown should be about using the pokemon you want to use and have fun with them rather than using mons you don't really like just to ladder. It gets boring when every single OU team is Toxapex, Lando-T, Magearna, Heatran, Kartana, and Ash Greninja. If you are high ladder OU, this is like the only team you will find. It's that bad. This has been the least fun generation for OU, UU, and PU imo. It's really sad to see Smogon become so cold and unwelcoming to any new ideas.
Threads like this show how Anti-Fun the Smogon Community has acted as of late. Sorry every UU team isn't Scizor, Latias, Gliscor, Azumarill, Serperior, and Mega-Manectric. God forbid anyone use anything different. Go back to OU and use your Lando-T, Toxipex, and Tapu-Kok if you want a stale metagame.

Ambipom may be 'sub-optimal' in some peoples eyes, but there is a charm in beating a team of cookie cutter top tiers with an underdog. Winning with Ambipom shows you demonstrate skill over what will largely be a bad matchup. I'll continue to use Ambipom because I like the mon and props to aim love the content and exposing the system/community for how petty it can be

Completely agree with you.
The main point of Smogon was to promote creativity as I said before, but people only want to turn it into a pretty staple metagame by always using the exact same Pokémon. If that happens, you're going to get a REALLY BORING tier like USUM OU.

I hate to say this, but the people who trashtalk Ambipom are indirectly proving the arguments that Smogon haters have in my humble opinion.
Guys, guys, calm down. As the guy who uses Parasect in OU and Wishiwashi in Monotype, I understand that some people use suboptimal mons for fun, and to showcase any mon can be good in specific circumstances. But does that mean those mons have to rise multiple tiers?

However, I completely agree with high-ladder OU being extremely stale and boring--basically everyone has the same 3 teams, to the point where most matches are decided by RNG. It's why I deliberately stay low-ladder there.
yeah, low ladder is a lot more fun suprisingly, with more fun and innovative sets than high ladder. You get to see lower tier mons much more and see that they might actually put in work and have a nice niche, but go undiscovered alot because the meta focuses on only 15 mons when there are over 800 to try, while you cant use all of them because they may be banned or something, innovation is key in this game imo. Showdown needs to make changes soon imo.
Rain teams were on a hypetrain there and very viable. Kingdra was the best Swift Swimmer and was a really good mon. It continues to be viable nowadays, but rain teams just aren't common enough for it to reach 3.41% usage anymore.

You got my point then. Ambipom rose to UU because a lot of people used it but it eventually will fall (even Joey said it on his video). Ambipom's time in UU can be compared with Kingdra's time in OU. It showed that it is viable, but it will not stay that high.
yeah, low ladder is a lot more fun suprisingly, with more fun and innovative sets than high ladder. You get to see lower tier mons much more and see that they might actually put in work and have a nice niche, but go undiscovered alot because the meta focuses on only 15 mons when there are over 800 to try, while you cant use all of them because they may be banned or something, innovation is key in this game imo. Showdown needs to make changes soon imo.

Check Joey's last MamoTTT video. He got completely wrecked by a PU team in the OU lower ladder
You got my point then. Ambipom rose to UU because a lot of people used it but it eventually will fall (even Joey said it on his video). Ambipom's time in UU can be compared with Kingdra's time in OU. It showed that it is viable, but it will not stay that high.
Ambipom is """"""""Viable""""""""""", but terribly outclassed and not something that should be UU. Face it, if not for Pokeaim's acts, that thing would never rise to even RU. I understand that Joey mainly did this for fun and to amuse his fans, but people should not suddenly start praising Ambipom as something as meta-defining as Scizor or Megactric.

Well, if he only does this with irrelevant mons, I won't care as much. I'd even praise him if he would dispose RU of its D-ranks for even a month, that'd show them. But he should stay off actually good mons like Mamoswine.
So, this thread is little but cheap one-liner insults and complaining instead of actual discussion. Ah well, here's my input anyway:

I don't think Ambipom really "fits" in UU and expect it to fall quite soon, likely the next tiering update now that the meme is over. It simply doesn't contribute enough compared to an actual UU 'mon. Hell, in Aim's videos themselves you can see how inconsistent it was. However, there isn't much to do until that happens- tiering is based on usage, Ambipom has met that criteria. It's far from the only 'mon we've seen rise to tiers beyond it's estimated competitive value. In Gen 5(?) Charizard had more Ubers usage than actual Ubers because of low ladder, plus stuff like Donphan always seems to be tiered bizarrely highly. This is but the latest in a long list of memes.
I already feel the brain cells being lost responding to this thread, but I want to make one thing abundantly clear to every new player on the site, regardless of what you think:
Completely agree with you.
The main point of Smogon was to promote creativity as I said before, but people only want to turn it into a pretty staple metagame by always using the exact same Pokémon. If that happens, you're going to get a REALLY BORING tier like USUM OU.

I hate to say this, but the people who trashtalk Ambipom are indirectly proving the arguments that Smogon haters have in my humble opinion.

I believe it's high time to read more about Smogon's pages in regards to its actual point of the site. The main point of Smogon is to promote competitive battling, not creativity.

In Smogon the mentality to take forward is to play to win, not to purposely gimp yourself for the sake of having "fun" arbitrarily. Nothing wrong with having fun, but realize that doing things purposely like using Ambipom in UU is only hurting your chances of winning and putting you at a severe disadvantage. aim does well on the context of experience and skill in comparison to probably 90% of the other Ambipom users that used it in UU.

If you don't believe me, read Part 2 in the Philosophy, second paragraph:
The UU (and RU and NU) metagames exist to mitigate this problem by creating an arena where lesser Pokémon can be used while still following the competitive ideal, but this is not perfect, and many Pokémon simply find themselves never used.
Please do not misconstrue the focal point of Smogon in future posts.
Ambipom is """"""""Viable""""""""""", but terribly outclassed and not something that should be UU. Face it, if not for Pokeaim's acts, that thing would never rise to even RU. I understand that Joey mainly did this for fun and to amuse his fans, but people should not suddenly start praising Ambipom as something as meta-defining as Scizor or Megactric.

I have never said that Ambipom is not outclassed. Infernape is better than Ambi and I am fully aware of that.
And, at least in my comments, I have never said that Ambipom is a meta-defining Pokémon. It's never going to be one, but it is not complete trash like a lot of people have said in this lovely thread. It just has a niche in UU. That's it.
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