Full-Time Pokemon Player

What results? Thats a bold claim

e. Winning one ROA tour doesnt mean shit.

ill play anyone in a bo5/7 and win. ill put my money where my mouth is and double what any opponent puts. and we can send it to a third party.

but i don't think you'll take me up on that offer will you.... so yeah don't be throwing shade unless you can back up what you saying. i suggest you focus on your spl record bro.

Okay not trying to be rude here this is a genuine question: are you a virgin still?

im not a virgin, no.
ill play anyone in a bo5/7 and win. ill put my money where my mouth is if the other player matches half of what i put and we can send it to a third party.

but i don't think you'll take me up on that offer will you.... so yeah don't be throwing shade unless you can back up what you saying. i suggest you focus on your spl record bro.

I don't really understand how you can be passive aggressive like this towards Sabella , when you actually almost backed up his point that you don't have any results as of now, you're merely stating you think you could beat anyone, which is not the same as having the results already :/
I don't really understand how you can be passive aggressive like this towards Sabella , when you actually almost backed up his point that you don't have any results as of now, you're merely stating you think you could beat anyone, which is not the same as having the results already :/

this post exuberates your ignorance of dpp in relation to tours.

dpp only has one official tour which is dpp cup. i started full time i’m january and dpp cup is in april. it is hard to show results when i haven’t been given the opportunity. however, what i have done is proved that whatever opportunities i have gotten, i can succeed. ruins of alph is the only place where i can play semi official dpp tours and i have thrived in all of them. i hold the number one spot with an insane record for the roa dpp ladder tour, and accumulated plenty of points for dpp tours while playing half the weeks.

but u know keep on talkin.
I'm a top 10 dpper atm. My results speak for themselves
ill play anyone in a bo5/7 and win. ill put my money where my mouth is and double what any opponent puts. and we can send it to a third party.

but i don't think you'll take me up on that offer will you.... so yeah don't be throwing shade unless you can back up what you saying. i suggest you focus on your spl record bro.
this post exuberates your ignorance of dpp in relation to tours.

dpp only has one official tour which is dpp cup. i started full time i’m january and dpp cup is in april. it is hard to show results when i haven’t been given the opportunity. however, what i have done is proved that whatever opportunities i have gotten, i can succeed. ruins of alph is the only place where i can play semi official dpp tours and i have thrived in all of them. i hold the number one spot with an insane record for the roa dpp ladder tour, and accumulated plenty of points for dpp tours while playing half the weeks.

but u know keep on talkin.
Sabella , i will bet you $100 to your $20 i will beat you in a best of 5 dpp. we can give a td the money.

u talk shit u finna get hit. let’s see it big man.
I don't mean to antagonise, because I truly think you believe in all the words you've said about your skill, and you're not just being cocky for the sake of it. However, you're being very naive in relation to your abilities. You have absolutely 0 tournament results in DPP (it doesn't matter that the DPP Cup hasn't happened ever since you joined, that doesn't mean you can take any random DPP tournament and claim it as a true display of the current DPP OU scene). That is not me saying you're bad, it's just me showing you that you do in fact have no results to back up your claims. Even a broken clock is right twice a day, so going somewhere in a handful of small DPP tours isn't really indicative of one's skill. I suggest you play some more, especially against actual good competition before saying something like "I'm top 10 in DPP right now", because you're real far from that at the moment, man.

I also don't mind you wagering your [parents'] money like that, especially since your current job is playing mons, so I'm okay with that part, because who am I to comment on what you do with your money? Don't go at Sabella just because he was vocal about your delusional claims, because he's actually got results to back up his game (the most recent one is being an OLT finalist). Also, you say you hold the number one spot on the roa dpp ladder with, and I quote, an "insane record". You have a 9-2 record on a ladder which has a handful of people playing seriously and 20 people just loading up random dogshit and hitting find a battle. I appreciate DPP ladder tours and I think they're good for the community, but don't take those 11 battles as an ultimate achievement, man (I've played 5 games on that, won 4 of those while only losing one to a last turn miss and I'm not gloating about that as if it were some sort of grand achievement).
I would like to apologize to Sabella and everyone else I was abrasive to. Making baseless claims is just that, baseless. There is no reason for me to be calling anyone out in an attempt to prove myself. Although I may think i’m a top dpper, it means nothing until I actually prove it. Everyone will just have to wait till the time of DPP cup for me to prove myself.

I’m still down to play Sabella, the deal stands, but after taking a step back to recollect myself, my actions were not appropriate. My sincerest apologies
Im not sure since there's no sticky or anything but isnt the point of Firebot Development Lab so people have a place for lower quality posts?
Feeding into this thread is plain stupid because you can read the OP and know the guy has some clear mental issues and lack of real responsibility and understanding of reality yet most of you are fine with continuing the narrative for the quick entertainment for a few shallow shits and giggles and sympathy likes.

Lower quality posts shouldn’t be what defines firebot but I’m not some firebot representative who should be establishing those guidelines anyways.
nobody intervened, and if you wish to destroy your life in a similar fashion, I invite you to do so and record your progress for my personal enjoyment. no one will stop you, unless someone in your real life loves you, in which case they will probably try to stop you.
fucking hell why did you ban him this kid was like the best gamble since btc. Willing to double anything his opponent put up? well shit I'd have put up 15k so he doubles to 30k, have my boy lady bug smash the fuck outta him and then give LB 5k for wasting his time.
did he ever reveal how he was able to work as an investment banker while in his first year of college and still rely on his parents for money?