SM OU OU gen 6 (No legends)

Hello everyone, hope your day is going amazing :D Im just curious if this team could do with any improving? Thanks and have a amazing day!


Blissey @ Leftovers
Ability: Natural Cure
EVs: 252 HP / 252 SpD
Calm Nature
IVs: 0 Atk
- Toxic
- Heal Bell
- Wish
- Protect

Role: So blisseys roll is to just heal pokemon, wish to heal its self and protect to heal blissey. Toxic to stall with protect and heal and natural cure to switch out if i get posioned or get any status conditions. The wish and toxic is very useful when you just wanna keep stalling pokemon like mega-sableye, and passing on hp to a skarmory or mega alakzam is pure. Then cant forget healing the rest of the team of its status conditions.

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Skarmory @ Leftovers
Ability: Sturdy
EVs: 252 HP / 128 Atk / 128 Def
Impish Nature
IVs: 0 Atk
- Roost
- Spikes
- Stealth Rock
- Whirlwind

Role: Skarmory, oh skarmory a amazing rocker and can take a hit without doubt. Setting up rocks and spikes to cause some extra damage to break sturdy or breaking sashes sure simple. But when its put with whirlwind oh man, you are in for a treat. Roost to heal skarmory. Lets just say this skarmory can take a beating and still cause damage. I do realise that my blissey and skarmory are taunt bait. But thats alright.

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Gyarados @ Choice Band
Ability: Moxie
EVs: 4 HP / 252 Atk / 252 Spe
Jolly Nature
- Crunch
- Waterfall
- Outrage
- Ice Fang

Role: Gyarados, Can cause a s*ht ton of damage with just a waterfall for a stab or ice fang to deal with those pesky gliscors. Outrage to deal with other dragon types sure easy. But when its put with a choice band and moxie, oh man this gyarados can sweep teams without a doubt. I dont even have to explain it just cm at me :D

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Alakazam-Mega @ Alakazite
Ability: Trace
EVs: 252 SpA / 252 Spe
Timid Nature
IVs: 0 Atk
- Energy Ball
- Psychic
- Focus Blast
- Shadow Ball

Role: Alakazam, What a amazing special sweeper, Trace... Just to deal with rain teams, speed boosts and anything that comes in its way with a amazing ability will be absolutely gone within seconds. Energy ball to deal with water types, psychic for stab. Focus blast to deal with normal types that shadow ball cant hit. And finally shadow ball to deal with gengar and ghost types.


Gliscor @ Toxic Orb
Ability: Poison Heal
EVs: 180 Atk / 252 Def / 76 SpD
Impish Nature
- Taunt
- Ice Fang
- Earthquake
- Roost

Role: Gliscor is mainly here to deal with pokemon like venasaur mega with pokemon like vena with Taunt, Roost to heal up, along with posion heal its like a porygon spamming recover man. Ice fang to deal with landours that trys to lower its attack stat or set up. Earthquake just for a stab move. I am looking for a better moveset but i really feel like taunt is helpful.

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Weavile @ Leftovers
Ability: Pressure
EVs: 252 Atk / 252 Spe
Adamant Nature
- Ice Punch
- Night Slash
- Poison Jab
- Low Kick

Role: Weavile, A fast sweeper with a amazing move pool, im open to a new moveset. Ice punch for dragon/flying/ground/rock coverage. Night slash for psyhic coverage and posion jab for coverage aswell. Then theres lowkick, Oh my lord. If theres a tyra in your way say good bye within seconds. A very underrated pokemon with huge power.

Requirements: Gen 6 ou no legends.
I would really love to keep most of these pokemon but im open to new movesets and suggestions, i have not tested any weakness's but i just wanna know what everyone else thinks before i take this into the competitive scence.

Hope you all have a good day :)


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Chansey > Blissey
Chansey with an Eviolite is overall bulkier than Blissey

Weavile: Lifeorb > Leftovers
Weavile is probably gonna go down in 1 hit anways, so there is really no reason to run Leftovers. Lifeorb boosts your overall damage while still letting you switch moves. Also, Knock off > Night Slash for more damage and utility and you might want to look into Ice Shard > Poison Jab for Revenge killing.

Those are just the obvious things I noticed. Most people also run Bold with 252 HP & 252 Def on Chansey, but that might be up to preference.

Have a nice day! :D
Chansey > Blissey
Chansey with an Eviolite is overall bulkier than Blissey

Weavile: Lifeorb > Leftovers
Weavile is probably gonna go down in 1 hit anways, so there is really no reason to run Leftovers. Lifeorb boosts your overall damage while still letting you switch moves. Also, Knock off > Night Slash for more damage and utility and you might want to look into Ice Shard > Poison Jab for Revenge killing.

Those are just the obvious things I noticed. Most people also run Bold with 252 HP & 252 Def on Chansey, but that might be up to preference.

Have a nice day! :D
Thank you very much :D I was thinking psyshock on alakazam to deal with chansey, what do you think
Thank you very much :D I was thinking psyshock on alakazam to deal with chansey, what do you think
Pretty sure it‘s up to the players preference, but you could try playing around with Hidden Power Fire to bop Ferrothorn/M-Scizor or Recover for more longevity. Probably over Energy Ball. :D
Pretty sure it‘s up to the players preference, but you could try playing around with Hidden Power Fire to bop Ferrothorn/M-Scizor or Recover for more longevity. Probably over Energy Ball. :D
Alright, Well im also having a issue with psyshock with chansey....
Sorry to say but main mons of the meta have a field day with your team (like keld tar) Here are a few changes I would like to suggest n_n

1) Starting with Chansey > blissey. Chansey adds a lot of needed bulk with eviolite which is otherwise absent in blissey. Chansey doesn't need to run any spdef at all to tank special hits , because of it's natural bulk. Also there is no need for heal Bell in the team since most of them aren't really bothered but it (barring burn on weavile). You can always just switch in Chan's on an expected toxic / willo and cure it later by switching out. An attack is really needed on this month so stoss > toxic. Stall situation is helped tremendously by cm zam which literally tears apart stall with half a brain. Lastly soft-boiled > protect since Chansey isn't toxic stalling anymore , much more reliable recovery. Wish sort of helps the team since we running non lefties skarm and non pain split rotom.

2) change in skarm spread : DragMag literally eats your team alive , so I opted for shed shell > lefties. Rest of the spread is standard and self explanotory [Defog is for emergency use since you don't really do well against hazard stack ]

3) slight change to zam set: stab + fblast / dazzling gleam is a must for each set is a must so I plopped that on. Next was cm since I wanted a stall breaker. Last spot is a toss up between protect/sub, each having their own reasons. Scarf mons' choice move is a useful thing to know [ also helps against fake out ]

4) weavile's item was changed to cb since it doesn't appreciate recoil and it is more suitable for the team that way [ hazard stack + clean with weavile ]

5)Next comes the changing of the mons - changed water type from gyara to rotom-w and gliscor to amoonguss. Amoonguss is here primarily here as a keld counter which otherwise your team gets bopped. Adds a really nice spore option too. Opted for scarf > def rotom since I wanted a bit more speed control and offensive presence.

Welp that wraps it up , hope you like the changes and enjoy the team :)
btw you made it "sm ou" - gen 6 lmao
Sorry to say but main mons of the meta have a field day with your team (like keld tar) Here are a few changes I would like to suggest n_n

1) Starting with Chansey > blissey. Chansey adds a lot of needed bulk with eviolite which is otherwise absent in blissey. Chansey doesn't need to run any spdef at all to tank special hits , because of it's natural bulk. Also there is no need for heal Bell in the team since most of them aren't really bothered but it (barring burn on weavile). You can always just switch in Chan's on an expected toxic / willo and cure it later by switching out. An attack is really needed on this month so stoss > toxic. Stall situation is helped tremendously by cm zam which literally tears apart stall with half a brain. Lastly soft-boiled > protect since Chansey isn't toxic stalling anymore , much more reliable recovery. Wish sort of helps the team since we running non lefties skarm and non pain split rotom.

2) change in skarm spread : DragMag literally eats your team alive , so I opted for shed shell > lefties. Rest of the spread is standard and self explanotory [Defog is for emergency use since you don't really do well against hazard stack ]

3) slight change to zam set: stab + fblast / dazzling gleam is a must for each set is a must so I plopped that on. Next was cm since I wanted a stall breaker. Last spot is a toss up between protect/sub, each having their own reasons. Scarf mons' choice move is a useful thing to know [ also helps against fake out ]

4) weavile's item was changed to cb since it doesn't appreciate recoil and it is more suitable for the team that way [ hazard stack + clean with weavile ]

5)Next comes the changing of the mons - changed water type from gyara to rotom-w and gliscor to amoonguss. Amoonguss is here primarily here as a keld counter which otherwise your team gets bopped. Adds a really nice spore option too. Opted for scarf > def rotom since I wanted a bit more speed control and offensive presence.

Welp that wraps it up , hope you like the changes and enjoy the team :)
btw you made it "sm ou" - gen 6 lmao
Hey, do you have any other suggestions over rotom wash and amoognguss, i dont really enjoy those pokemon that much, also..... I dont battle legends since its for a pixelmon server
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