NU Samurott (QC: 3/3) [GP: 2/2]

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Samurott is one of the best offensive Water-types in the NU tier. Thanks to its balanced attacking stats, it can effectively run physical, special, and mixed sets. Having access to near-perfect coverage with moves like Hydro Pump, Ice Beam, and Grass Knot, it rarely finds itself hard walled by any Pokemon. It also has access to Swords Dance and Aqua Jet, allowing it to perform as a sweeper, as well as another utility move in Taunt, which can give it the opportunity to break through Pokemon like Slowbro and Vaporeon by preventing them from recovering. It can also prevent status moves from the likes of Mega Audino and Stealth Rock from Pokemon like Druddigon. Samurott has quite a few checks, however, such as Heliolisk and Vaporeon, both of which tank Water-type moves with ease, preventing Samurott from spamming Hydro Pump and Liquidation. Heliolisk works especially well against Samurott, as it is faster and puts a stop to both the special and Swords Dance sets. Samurott is futher hindered by its mediocre Speed, meaning you'll have to keep it healthy so it can set up and sweep. This also makes it easy to revenge kill with Pokemon that are resistant to Aqua Jet, such as Sceptile and Whimsicott.

name: Special Wallbreaker
move 1: Hydro Pump
move 2: Grass Knot
move 3: Ice Beam
move 4: Taunt / Aqua Jet / Knock Off
item: Life Orb
ability: Torrent
nature: Timid
evs: 252 SpA / 4 SpD / 252 Spe


Hydro Pump gives Samurott a powerful STAB move that can easily break through Pokemon that don't resist it. Grass Knot is its main coverage move, allowing Samurott to hit Water-resistant foes like Seismitoad and Slowbro for more damage. Ice Beam provides additional coverage and consistent damage and is Samurott's main attack to hit the potent Heliolisk as well as various Grass-types like Sceptile and Whimsicott. Taunt can be run to prevent status and stop entry hazards from going up, effectively allowing Samurott to stay healthy longer. Another reason as to why Taunt is useful is to allow Samurott to beat Vaporeon one-on-one. Knock Off is an option over Taunt to remove items like Assault Vest on Slowbro and Eviolite on Type: Null. Aqua Jet can also be used over Taunt to give Samurott some kind of priority against faster Pokemon like Aerodactyl and Delphox. However, it is a bit weaker due to the lack of Attack investment. Finally, Surf can be run over Hydro Pump for a more consistent Water-type STAB move. However, it does worsen most matchups, as the power Hydro Pump gives off is irreplaceable.

Set Details

Maximum Special Attack and Speed EVs along with a Timid nature are run to make Samurott as fast and as powerful as possible. Life Orb effectively makes its attacks more powerful. Expert Belt can be used over Life Orb to deal decent damage with super effective hits while not taking recoil. Torrent is used to boost Samurott’s Water-type moves if it gets below 1/3rd of its HP. This can let Samurott pull off a clutch sweep with Aqua Jet.

Usage Tips

Make sure to play around Heliolisk effectively. It is Samurott's best counter, as it can be healed up by Water-type attacks. Try to avoid spamming Hydro Pump and Surf before Heliolisk and other Water-immune Pokemon like Seismitoad, which is susceptible to Grass Knot, are taken out. Instead, try using Ice Beam to catch Heliolisk on the switch. Try to take out all special walls such as Mega Audino and Type: Null before spamming moves with Samurott, as taking Life Orb damage just for the foe to soak up a hit and heal right up is not ideal. Thankfully, Samurott can prevent this in many ways, such as using Taunt on Audino to prevent Wish and getting rid of Type: Null's Eviolite with Knock Off. Knock Off can also hit Assault Vest users such as Slowbro and Slowking, allowing Samurott to muscle through them more easily. Be sure to Taunt Pokemon like Druddigon and Vaporeon to prevent entry hazards and status moves like Toxic. Vaporeon is also shut down by Taunt, as it prevents it from using Wish, effectively letting Samurott beat it one-on-one. Due to Samurott's low Speed stat, it's advised to send it in on Pokemon that are slower than it, like Diancie and Rhydon. This will allow it to get as much damage off as it can while taking less damage.

Team Options

Physical wallbreakers such as Incineroar and Medicham are great partners for Samurott, as they help break through special walls like Mega Audino and Cryogonal. Electric-types like Heliolisk also help Samurott, as they deal with the Water-types Samurott struggles with such as Assault Vest Slowbro and Vaporeon. Electric-resistant Pokemon such as Decidueye and Vileplume also make for good partners, as they can effectively deal with Samurott's biggest counter, Heliolisk. Grass-resistant Pokemon like Delphox and Incineroar can help weaken and even eliminate Grass-types such as Sceptile and Whimsicott, which resist Aqua Jet. Samurott can support physical Choice Scarf users such as Braviary and Passimian, as Samurott eliminates their checks. The same logic can also be applied to late-game sweepers like Comfey, as Samurott helps weaken its checks as well.

name: Swords Dance Sweeper
move 1: Swords Dance
move 2: Liquidation
move 3: Aqua Jet
move 4: Megahorn
item: Buginium Z / Waterium Z
ability: Torrent
nature: Jolly
evs: 252 Atk / 4 SpD / 252 Spe


Swords Dance gives Samurott the ability to break or sweep through teams effectively. Liquidation is the most powerful physical STAB move it has access to, allowing it to have consistent damage output throughout the match. Waterfall can be run over Liquidation for the flinch chance, although the extra power from Liquidation is nice to have. Aqua Jet is used for priority and helps with Samurott's low Speed stat. However, it can also make Samurott a potent revenge killer, being able to potentially OHKO Aerodactyl and Delphox. Lastly, Megahorn can target some of Samurott's easiest switch-ins such as Heliolisk and Slowbro, as well as being the strongest move to hit Vileplume with.

Set Details

Maximum Attack and Speed EVs along with a Jolly nature allow Samurott to be both as fast and as powerful as it can. Buginium Z is usually run to give Samurott the ability to OHKO Slowbro and Vileplume with a +2 Attack boost, but Waterium Z can be run as well for a consistent STAB Z-Move if you so wish. Lum Berry is also something to consider, as it can let Samurott easily beat Vaporeon one-on-one. Besides those three items, Rindo Berry and Wacan Berry are both options as well if Samurott is needed to take a Grass- or Electric-type hit. For example, it may be useful to take a Thunderbolt from Heliolisk if you need to hit it with a Megahorn. Torrent is used so Samurott's Water-type moves, specifically Aqua Jet, can do more at less than a third of its HP.

Usage Tips

Unless there is a clear opportunity early on, Samurott shouldn't try to sweep until late-game. Samurott will be better off if it waits until most Pokemon are chipped down to sweep. However, if there is an opportunity for Samurott to set up a Swords Dance and wallbreak, you should take that opportunity. A Swords Dance-boosted Liquidation is sure to do a ton of damage to anything that doesn't resist Water, and the foes that do resist it like Slowbro and Vaporeon are susceptible to Megahorn. Keep Samurott away from status moves like Will-O-Wisp from Incineroar and Toxic from Vaporeon, as they will ruin any chance Samurott had to sweep. If at all possible, try to get Samurott into Torrent range to maximize the power of its Water-type moves, specifically Aqua Jet, to help it sweep. Aqua Jet should be used to clean late-game to hit faster Pokemon that can KO Samurott. It can also be used throughout the match to simply KO weakened Pokemon.

Team Options

Consistent Heliolisk answers such as Decidueye and Togedemaru should be paired with Samurott, as they help eliminate one of its biggest threats. They can soak up Electric- and Normal-type STAB moves and almost always take every other coverage move with the exception of the rare Dark Pulse for Decidueye and Focus Blast in Togedemaru's case. Pokemon that deal with physical walls, such as Heliolisk and Vanilluxe, are welcomed. Not only do they easily eliminate some of Samurott's biggest checks, but they also help chip down the opposing team in general, making it easier for Samurott to sweep late-game. This makes Sneasel a good partner, as it can easily trap both of those Pokemon. Grass-resistant Pokemon such as Incineroar and Magmortar are helpful, as they can come in on some of Samurott's best checks like Sceptile and Whimsicott and use their Fire-type moves. Incineroar and Silvally-Steel are particularly good picks, as they can pivot around using U-turn or Parting Shot. Xatu can make a great partner for Samurott, as it can bounce back entry hazards and status, both of which can be detrimental to Samurott. Spikes and Toxic Spikes users such as Ferroseed and Garbodor can help chip down some of Samurott's bulkier checks like Seismitoad and Torterra, making it easier for Samurott to sweep late-game. Pokemon like Comfey and Heliolisk that enjoy the presence of a physical wallbreaker are great partners for Samurott, as it assists them in being able to clean or sweep.

Other Options

A mixed Choice Scarf set can be viable with Hydro Pump, Ice Beam, Grass Knot, and Superpower. Use this if your team lacks a way to check faster foes, although the fact that Samurott cannot switch moves and doesn't have any sort of item power boost means it may come up short. Superpower is run to surprise Heliolisk with an OHKO so Samurott can consistently spam Hydro Pump. Life Orb can be run on the Swords Dance set to give a slight damage boost if you already have a Z-Move holder. Specifically, this allows Samurott to OHKO specially defensive Vileplume after Stealth Rock damage and simply gives Samurott some power without having to boost. Superpower is an option on both sets, as it helps Samurott deal with Heliolisk.

Checks and Counters

**Heliolisk**: Heliolisk, regardless of whether Samurott is physical or special, is a good blanket check to Samurott. Immune to its Water-type attacks due to Dry Skin, Heliolisk prevents Samurott from spamming its STAB moves.

**Bulky Water-types**: Bulky Water-types such as Blastoise, Seismitoad, Pyukumuku, and Vaporeon are all problems for Samurott in some way. Blastoise has the ability to burn Samurott with Scald and potentially stall it out with Toxic, Seismitoad can completely block its Water-type moves, Pyukumuku completely invalidates both the physical and special sets due to Unaware and its lightness and low Base Power on Grass Knot, and Vaporeon is a general annoyance if Samurott is not running Taunt due to Toxic and Wish.

**Grass-types**: Grass-types like Sceptile and Whimsicott give Samurott trouble, as they are resistant to Aqua Jet, preventing Samurott from pulling off an effective sweep or clean until they are severely weakened. However, they are manageable thanks to Samurott's access to Megahorn and Ice Beam.

**Special Walls**: Specially defensive walls like Mega Audino and Type: Null can prove heavily harmful to special Samurott depending on its last move, as they can easily tank hits. While they are susceptible to Taunt and Knock Off, respectively, they will definitely prove difficult for special Samurott to deal with.

- Written by: [[Yoshizilla315, 322194]]
- Quality checked by: [[Rabia, 336073], [quziel, 297859], [banks, 379208]]
- Grammar checked by: [[martha, 384270], [, ]]
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  • Samurott is one of the best offensive Water-types in the NU tier.
  • Thanks to its balanced attack stats, it can effectively run a physical, special, and mixed sets.
  • It has access to near-perfect coverage, with moves like Hydro Pump, Ice Beam, and Grass Knot.
  • Samurott also has access to Swords Dance and Aqua Jet, allowing it perform a sweeper role. these first four bullets can be made into one point tbh. Samurott's versatility and coverage make it threatening is the general idea that is being conveyed, and I don't think it needs 4 bullets to get across.
  • you list a whole lot of correct information above, and that's great, but as is I feel it lacks a certain umph. "samurott can run x, y, and z sets thanks to its versatility". great. so what? what does this mean?
  • Besides Aqua Jet, Samurott also has access to Taunt, which can stop moves like Toxic from Slowbro and Vaporeon, and Stealth Rock from Druddigon. Taunt is not important enough for an Overview point dedicated to it. Feel free to work it in in conjunction with another idea though.
  • Despite these positives, it is hindered slightly by its mediocre speed, meaning you’ll have to keep it healthy if you want to set up and sweep. sure, but I think you should also mention its really easy to revenge kill with anything that resists Aqua Jet (or is immune to it in the case of Lisk)
  • It also has quite a few checks, such as Heliolisk and Slowbro, both of which eat Water-Type moves with ease, preventing Samurott from effectively spamming Hydro Pump and Liquidation. personally I'd put more emphasis on Heliolisk. it stops the SD set from sweeping and prevents the breaker set from being as effective as it would like to be. I'd also mention Vaporeon > Slowbro, since it stops both sets much more reliably. I'd also make this the first negative listed, seeing as how Heliolisk is uber common, and Vaporeon just walling each set from hell until high water is just unfort.
  • To summarize, Samurott is a great breaker and sweeper, even having access to somet utility. However, its main downfall being its Speed and the commonplace of its checks. redundant. analyses don't need conclusions in the Overview.
name: Special Breaker
move 1: Hydro Pump
move 2: Grass Knot
move 3: Ice Beam
move 4: Taunt / Knock Off Taunt / Aqua Jet / Knock Off as discussed on Discord
item: Life Orb / Choice Specs deslash Choice Specs as discussed on Discord
ability: Torrent
nature: Timid
evs: 252 SpA / 4 SpD / 252 Spe

  • fix the order in which moves are listed in this section to match the set: Hydro Pump -> Grass Knot -> Ice Beam -> Taunt -> Aqua Jet -> Knock Off (and then mention Megahorn and Surf)
  • Hydro Pump gives Samurott a power STAB move that can easily break through Pokemon that don’t resist.
  • Grass Knot is its main coverage move, allowing Samurott to hit Water resists for some damage like Seismitoad and Slowbro.
  • Ice Beam provides some additional coverage and consistent damage, and is Samurott’s main attack to hit the potent Heliolisk. it's also Samurott's best move to hit Grass-types with
  • Lastly, Taunt can be run to prevent status and entry hazards from going up, effectively allowing Samurott to stay alive longer. If running Choice Specs, you should probably run a different move. tbh the biggest reason to run Taunt is to beat Vaporeon 1v1. put more emphasis on winning that matchup. also remove the Choice Specs mention.
  • Knock Off is an option over Taunt to get rid of items like Assault Vest on Slowbro and Eviolite on Type: Null.
  • Surf can be run over Taunt if you want a more consistent Water-type move. note though that Surf doesn't really improve any matchups for Samurott; hell, it worsens many just to get a more reliable STAB attack
  • You can also run Aqua Jet over Taunt if you wish, in order to give Samurott some kind of priority against faster Pokemon like Aerodactyl and Delphox. is weak though due to lack of investment. also move this above the surf mention, since it's actually slashed
  • do the Megahorn thing rozes talked about too
Set Details
  • Max Special Attack and Speed along with a Timid are run to make Samurott as fast and as powerful as possible.
  • Life Orb effectively makes its attacks more powerful, while also allowing it to switch moves. remove the bit about switching up moves
  • At the expense of switching moves, Choice Specs can be run for some additional power. remove
  • Torrent is used to boost Samurott’s Water-type moves in a pinch. this reads like the dex lol.. reword it to sound more natural; it powers up Samurott's Water-types moves when below 1/3 of its maximum health or something like that
Usage Tips
  • Make sure to play around Heliolisk effectively. It is Samurott’s number one enemy, as it can be healed up by Hydro Pump. Try to prevent yourself from spamming Hydro Pump and Surf before Heliolisk is taken out.
  • The same can be said about Seismitoad, although it is very threatened by Grass Knot. just merge this with the previous point. connect it with the last sentence ".. before Lisk and other Water-immune Pokemon like blah"
  • Try to take out all special walls such as Mega Audino and Type: Null before spamming moves with Samurott. Taking Life Orb damage just for the opponent to soak a hit and heal right up is not an enjoyable experience. Thankfully, Samurott itself can be prevent this in many ways, such as Taunting Audino for Wish and getting rid of Type: Null’s Eviolite with Knock Off. mention Slowking here imo with the Knock off bit
  • Be sure to Taunt Pokemon like Druddigon and Vaporeon to prevent hazard and status moves like Stealth Rock and Toxic respectively. This will be helpful not only for Samurott but for the whole team in the long run. address how Taunt prevents Vaporeon from using Wish and thus lets Samurott defeat it 1v1
  • Due to Samurott’s low speed, you should try to send it in on Pokemon that are slower than it, like Diancie and Slowking. This will allow it to get as much damage off as it can while taking less damage. tbh Slowking is a pretty meh mention seeing as how you only threaten it with Knock Off or Megahorn, neither of which are main slashes. replace with something like Rhydon.
  • something about using Ice Beam when predicting Heliolisk or a Grass-type to switch in
Team Options
  • Physical breakers such as Medicham and Passimian are great partners for Samurott as they help break through special walls like Mega Audino and Cryogonal. Passimian isn't really a breaker though; Incineroar would be a better example imo (and it beats some Grass mons which is nice)
  • Electric-types like Heliolisk also help Samurott as they can help it deal with the Water-types it can’t beat such as Assault Vest Slowbro and Vaporeon. I mean it can beat Slowbro even without Knock Off. Grass Knot has a fine shot to 2HKO after Rock damage.
  • Electric immunities such as Seismitoad and Steelix make good partners as well, as they can easily soak up the Electric-type hits Samurott hates. I'd rather you just mention Electric-resistant Pokemon considering both of these Pokemon just lose to Heliolisk. This opens up the possibility of mentioning stuff like Vileplume
  • Grass resists like Delphox and Incineroar are also helpful. explain to me why Grass-resistant Pokemon are beneficial to pair alongside Samurott
  • Be sure to run some form of speed control like Choice Scarf Braviary and Passimian, as without it Samurott will have a hard time cleaning teams. that's not the purpose of this set though; it's to wallbreak. if anything physical choice scarf Pokemon are good to pair with Samurott because it can break physical walls for them and let them clean
  • more emphasis on what Samurott can do for its team; you could mention that late-game sweepers like comfey like samurott softening up checks for them
name: Swords Dance Sweeper
move 1: Swords Dance
move 2: Liquidation
move 3: Aqua Jet
move 4: Megahorn
item: Buginium Z / Waterium Z
ability: Torrent
nature: Jolly
evs: 252 Atk / 4 SpD / 252 Spe

  • Swords Dance is the main move in this set, giving Samurott the ability to break or sweep through teams effectively.
  • Liquidation is the most powerful physical STAB move it has access to, allowing it to have consistent damage throughout the match.
  • Waterfall can be run over Liquidation for the flinch chance, although the extra power from Liquidation is nice to have.
  • Aqua Jet is used for priority, and helps with Samurott's low Speed stat. It can also make Samurott a potent revenge killer, being able to potentially OHKO Aerodactyl and Delphox from full health. I mean yeah, but Aqua Jet's main purpose is to let Samurott clean late-game with a Swords Dance boost. Makes it harder to revenge kill too.
  • Lastly, Megahorn is run as it can target some of Samurott's easiest switch-ins such as Heliolisk and Slowbro.
  • Knock Off can be run over Megahorn if you want to get rid of certain items, but Megahorn is still recommended. I don't see Knock Off being more useful in any situations
Set Details
  • Max Attack and Speed along with a Jolly nature allow Samurott to be both as fast and as powerful as it can.
  • Buginium Z is usually run to give Samurott the ability to OHKO Slowbro after hazard residual with a +2 Attack boost, but Waterium Z can be run as well for a consistent STAB Z-Move if you so wish.
  • Besides those two items, Rindo Berry and Wacan Berry are both options as well, if you need Samurott to take a Grass- or Electric-type hit respectively. paint the situation here; it reads currently like if you need to switch Samurott into a Thunderbolt from Heliolisk or something similar lol
  • Torrent is used so Samurott's Water-type moves, specifically Aqua Jet, can do more in a pinch. I'm gonna pinch you if you use this phrasing ever again
Usage Tips
  • Don't try and sweep until the late-game. If you set up a Swords Dance too early, the opposing team will not be chipped down enough as to where Samurott will pick up KOs. Instead, it is best to slowly chip down the team throughout the game, keep Samurott healthy, and when the time comes, shred through the opposing team after a Swords Dance boost.
  • Most importantly, don't try and sweep until all physical walls are eliminated, as they will easily prevent Samurott from breaking through the team. there are two "contradicting" ideas here. you address not wanting to setup because Samurott can't sweep with physical walls still present, but then address that they inhibit Samurott's ability to... wallbreak? if anything you could change this into mentioning how Samurott can be used as a wallbreaker, like I mention at the bottom of this section.
  • Make sure you Swords Dance up on Pokemon that won't KO Samurott while using it. This is self explanatory in that you want Samurott to be alive so that it is able to sweep. if it's self explanatory then why is it necessary to address
  • Try and keep hazards off the field for Samurott, as they will be detrimental to Samurott's success, effectively chipping it down so far as to where it cannot click Swords Dance. this bullet would make more sense for like, a Stealth Rock weak Pokemon, but not for Samurott. this falls into that category of "yeah this is true, but is it really important enough to mention?"
  • Keep it away from status moves like Will-o-Wisp and Toxic from Pokemon such as Incineroar and Vaporeon respectively, as they will ruin any chance Samurott had to sweep.
  • the usage tips rn don't address how Samurott can function as a breaker too instead of a cleaner. I mean versus offense you can sorta just fire off your z-move to nuke something since offensive builds usually lack good switch-ins to Samurott.
Team Options
  • Consistent Heliolisk answers such as Decidueye and Togedemaru should be paired with Samurott as they help eliminate one of its biggest threats. They can soak up Electric- and Normal-type STAB moves, as well as almost always being able to take every other coverage move, with the exception of Dark Pulse and Focus Blast respectively, both of which aren't too common.
  • Pokemon that deal with physical walls such as Heliolisk and Vanilluxe are welcomed as not only do they easily eliminate some of Samurott's biggest walls, but they also help chip down the opposing team in general, making it easier for Samurott to sweep in the late game.
  • Grass resists such as Incineroar and Silvally-Steel are helpful as they can come in on some of Samurott's best checks like Sceptile and Whimsicott and click their Fire-type moves. Incineroar and Silvally-Steel are particularly good picks as they can pivot around using U-Turn and Parting Shot respectively.
  • Xatu can make a great partner for Samurott as it can block hazards and status, both of which can be detrimental to Samurott, effectively preventing a sweep. However, this core will leave you open to Electric-type attacks. eh this second bit isn't all too necessary to mention.
  • Spikes and Toxic Spikes users such as Ferroseed and Garbodor respectively are good partners for Samurott as they can help chip down the opposing team with their hazards, making it easier for Samurott to sweep in the late-game.
  • something about Pokemon that appreciate Samurott's ability to wallbreak and open holes late-game for them to clean/sweep/whatever
Other Options
  • A mixed Choice Scarf set can be viable with Hydro Pump, Ice Beam, Grass Knot, and Superpower. Use this if you lack speed control on your team, although the fact that Samurott cannot switch moves and doesn't have any sort of item power boost, you may find that it comes up short. Superpower is run to surprise Heliolisk with an OHKO so you can consistently spam Hydro Pump.
  • Grassium Z is an option on the special set if you lack a Z-User. This allows you to consistently deal with Vaporeon, which is otherwise taking a 20 Base Power Grass Knot without the Z-Boost. it's 60 base
  • Life Orb can be run on the Swords Dance set to give a slight damage boost, if you already have a Z-User.
  • Superpower in general is an option on both sets, as it helps Samurott deal with Heliolisk. I think Superpower on any set other than a lure Scarf set is terrible, but if another QC told you to put this here then I'm aight
Checks and Counters

**Water Aborbers**: Heliolisk and Seismitoad, regardless of whether or not you are physical or special, will provide as good blanket checks to Samurott. Immune to its Water-type attacks due to Dry Skin and Water Absorb respectively. They prevents Samurott from effectively spamming its STAB Water-type moves.

**Vaporeon**: While Samurott beats most Water-types, Vaporeon gets a special mention, as it is the one Water-type Samurott can't deal with, unless you are running Grassium Z. While special Samurott has access to Grass Knot, it is only 20 Base Power versus it due to light weight. In terms of the physical set, Vaporeon is simply physically bulky, and can stall out Samurott with a potential Scald burn or Toxic. it's base 60, otherwise there is zero way Samurott has the chance to 3HKO with Grass Knot lol

**Special Walls**: When running special, depending on your last move, special walls like Mega Audino and Type: Null can prove heavily harmful to Samurott, as they can easily soak hits. While they are susceptible to Taunt and Knock Off respectively, they will definitely prove difficult for special Samurott to deal with.

**Physical Walls**: On the other side of things, some physical walls will prove difficult for Swords Dance Samurott to deal with. Such Pokemon include Blastoise and Slowbro, but these are more ineffective than special walls would be, as moves like Z-Mega Horn can do huge chunks of damage or even take them out in some cases.

grass types should get a bullet; they're resistant to Aqua Jet (so SD set can't sweep as easily) and can obviously threaten Samurott with an OHKO

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tell me when you've implemented this; there is a lot to look at.
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  • Samurott is one of the best offensive Water-types in the NU tier. Thanks to its balanced attack stats, it can effectively run physical, special, and mixed sets. Having access to near-perfect coverage with moves like Hydro Pump, Ice Beam, and Grass Knot, it rarely finds itself hard walled by any Pokemon. It also has access to Swords Dance and Aqua Jet, allowing it perform a sweeper role.
  • Besides Aqua Jet, Samurott also has access to Taunt, which can stop moves like Toxic from Slowbro and Vaporeon, and Stealth Rock from Druddigon. something about it improving its mu against stuff like vaporeon and maudino due to it preventing wish recovery too, could prob just work in a maudino mention alongside the other two. ofc address the ramifications of being able to prevent their recovery.
  • Despite these positives, it has quite a few checks, such as Heliolisk and Vaporeon, both of which eat Water-Type moves with ease, preventing Samurott from effectively spamming Hydro Pump and Liquidation. Heliolisk especially works well against Samurott as it is faster and puts a stop to both the special and Swords Dance sets.
  • Samurott is hindered slightly by its mediocre speed, meaning you’ll have to keep it healthy if you want to set up and sweep. This also makes it easy to revenge kill with Pokemon that are resistant to Aqua Jet, such as Sceptile and Whimsicott.
name: Special Breaker
move 1: Hydro Pump
move 2: Grass Knot
move 3: Ice Beam
move 4: Taunt / Aqua Jet / Knock Off
item: Life Orb
ability: Torrent
nature: Timid
evs: 252 SpA / 4 SpD / 252 Spe

  • Hydro Pump gives Samurott a power STAB move that can easily break through Pokemon that don’t resist.
  • Grass Knot is its main coverage move, allowing Samurott to hit Water resists for some damage like Seismitoad and Slowbro.
  • Ice Beam provides some additional coverage and consistent damage, and is Samurott’s main attack to hit the potent Heliolisk.
  • Lastly, Taunt can be run to prevent status and entry hazards from going up, effectively allowing Samurott to stay alive longer. Another big reason as to why Taunt is useful is so that Samurott can beat Vaporeon 1v1.
  • Knock Off is an option over Taunt to get rid of items like Assault Vest on Slowbro and Eviolite on Type: Null. personally i'd go with slowking > slowbro just because av bro is slightly trending downwards, but that's not necessary at all
  • You can also run Aqua Jet over Taunt if you wish, in order to give Samurott some kind of priority against faster Pokemon like Aerodactyl and Delphox. However, it is a bit weaker due to the lack of Attack investment.
  • Megahorn is usable if you want to ease the match up versus Assault Vest Slowbro. A Megahorn into Grass Knot is a 2HKO, meaning you are able to effectively beat both Slowbro variants.
  • Finally Surf can be run over Taunt if you want a more consistent Water-type move. However, it does worsen most match ups, as the power Hydro Pump gives off irreplaceable
Set Details
  • Max Special Attack and Speed along with a Timid are run to make Samurott as fast and as powerful as possible.
  • Life Orb effectively makes its attacks more powerful.
  • Torrent is used to boost Samurott’s Water-type moves if it gets below 1/3rd of its HP. This can let Samurott pull a clutch sweep with Aqua Jet.
Usage Tips
  • Make sure to play around Heliolisk effectively. It is Samurott’s number one enemy, as it can be healed up by Hydro Pump. Try to prevent yourself from spamming Hydro Pump and Surf before Heliolisk is taken out and other Water-immune Pokemon like Seismitoad, which can be susceptible to Grass Knot. Instead, try using Ice Beam to catch Heliolisk on the switch-in.
  • Try to take out all special walls such as Mega Audino and Type: Null before spamming moves with Samurott. Taking Life Orb damage just for the opponent to soak a hit and heal right up is not an enjoyable experience. Thankfully, Samurott itself can be prevent this in many ways, such as Taunting Audino for Wish and getting rid of Type: Null’s Eviolite with Knock Off.
  • Knock Off can also hit Assault Vest users such as Slowbro and Slowking, allowing you to muscle through them more easily.
  • Be sure to Taunt Pokemon like Druddigon and Vaporeon to prevent hazard and status moves like Stealth Rock and Toxic respectively. This will be helpful not only for Samurott but for the whole team in the long run. Vaporeon gets a special mention as Taunt prevents it from using Wish, effectively letting Samurott to beat it 1v1.
  • Due to Samurott’s low speed, you should try to send it in on Pokemon that are slower than it, like Diancie and Rhydon. This will allow it to get as much damage off as it can while taking less damage.
Team Options
  • Physical breakers such as Incineroar and Medicham are great partners for Samurott as they help break through special walls like Mega Audino and Cryogonal.
  • Electric-types like Heliolisk also help Samurott as they can help it deal with the Water-types it struggles with such as Assault Vest Slowbro and Vaporeon.
  • Electric resists such as Togedemaru and Vileplume make good partners as well as they can effectively deal with Samurott's biggest counter, Heliolisk.
  • Grass resists like Delphox and Incineroar are also helpful, as they can help weaken and even eliminate Grass-types such as Sceptile and Whimsicott which resist Aqua Jet and threaten Samurott with their Grass-type moves.
  • Samurott can help support physical Choice Scarf users such as Braviary and Passimian as Samurott helps eliminate their walls. The same logic can also be applied to late-game sweepers like Comfey, as Samurott helps weaken down its checks as well.
name: Swords Dance Sweeper
move 1: Swords Dance
move 2: Liquidation
move 3: Aqua Jet
move 4: Megahorn
item: Buginium Z / Waterium Z
ability: Torrent
nature: Jolly
evs: 252 Atk / 4 SpD / 252 Spe

  • Swords Dance is the main move in this set, giving Samurott the ability to break or sweep through teams effectively.
  • Liquidation is the most powerful physical STAB move it has access to, allowing it to have consistent damage throughout the match.
  • Waterfall can be run over Liquidation for the flinch chance, although the extra power from Liquidation is nice to have.
  • Aqua Jet is used for priority, and helps with Samurott's low Speed stat. Mainly, it allows Samurott to sweep in the late-game. However, it can also make Samurott a potent revenge killer, being able to potentially OHKO Aerodactyl and Delphox from full health.
  • Lastly, Megahorn is run as it can target some of Samurott's easiest switch-ins such as Heliolisk and Slowbro.
Set Details
  • Max Attack and Speed along with a Jolly nature allow Samurott to be both as fast and as powerful as it can.
  • Buginium Z is usually run to give Samurott the ability to OHKO Slowbro after hazard residual with a +2 Attack boost, but Waterium Z can be run as well for a consistent STAB Z-Move if you so wish.
  • Besides those two items, Rindo Berry and Wacan Berry are both options as well, if you need Samurott to take a Grass- or Electric-type hit respectively, in the event that it needs to take one. However, they should be avoided if at all possible. "if you need otter to take a hit in the event it needs to take one" is really not specific. be more explicit; when are you aiming to lure in Heliolisk/friends with the Berry? what is the goal? right now this can read like you're trying to switch samurott into a tbolt directly, which is obvs not the plan
  • Torrent is used so Samurott's Water-type moves, specifically Aqua Jet, can do more at less than a third of health.
Usage Tips
  • Don't try and sweep until the late-game. If you set up a Swords Dance too early, the opposing team will not be chipped down enough as to where Samurott will pick up KOs. Instead, it is best to slowly chip down the team throughout the game, keep Samurott healthy, and when the time comes, shred through the opposing team after a Swords Dance boost.
  • You should also try and use it as a wallbreaker. A combination of Swords Dance and Liquidation is sure to do a ton of damage to anything that doesn't resist and the things that do resist like Slowbro and Vaporeon are susceptible to a Megahorn.
  • Keep it away from status moves like Will-o-Wisp and Toxic from Pokemon such as Incineroar and Vaporeon respectively, as they will ruin any chance Samurott had to sweep.
  • something about how ajet can be used both to clean but also just to pick off weakened threats

Team Options
  • Consistent Heliolisk answers such as Decidueye and Togedemaru should be paired with Samurott as they help eliminate one of its biggest threats. They can soak up Electric- and Normal-type STAB moves, as well as almost always being able to take every other coverage move, with the exception of Dark Pulse and Focus Blast respectively, both of which aren't too common.
  • Pokemon that deal with physical walls such as Heliolisk and Vanilluxe are welcomed as not only do they easily eliminate some of Samurott's biggest walls, but they also help chip down the opposing team in general, making it easier for Samurott to sweep in the late game.
  • Grass resists such as Incineroar and Silvally-Steel are helpful as they can come in on some of Samurott's best checks like Sceptile and Whimsicott and click their Fire-type moves. Incineroar and Silvally-Steel are particularly good picks as they can pivot around using U-Turn and Parting Shot respectively.
  • Xatu can make a great partner for Samurott as it can block hazards and status, both of which can be detrimental to Samurott, effectively preventing a sweep.
  • Spikes and Toxic Spikes users such as Ferroseed and Garbodor respectively are good partners for Samurott as they can help chip down the opposing team with their hazards, making it easier for Samurott to sweep in the late-game. this is a really meh point; any offensive Pokemon appreciates hazard support. any notable rolls that turn in Samurott's favor with the support of spikes/rocks/tspikes? like you can keep this regardless, but I'd look to try and expand on it in some way
  • Pokemon that enjoy the presence of a physical wallbreaker, like Comfey and Heliolisk, are great partners for Samurott as it assists them in being able to clean or sweep in the late-game.

Other Options
  • A mixed Choice Scarf set can be viable with Hydro Pump, Ice Beam, Grass Knot, and Superpower. Use this if you lack speed control on your team, although the fact that Samurott cannot switch moves and doesn't have any sort of item power boost, you may find that it comes up short. Superpower is run to surprise Heliolisk with an OHKO so you can consistently spam Hydro Pump.
  • Grassium Z is an option on the special set if you lack a Z-User. This allows you to consistently deal with Vaporeon, which is otherwise taking a 60 Base Power Grass Knot without the Z-Boost.
  • Life Orb can be run on the Swords Dance set to give a slight damage boost, if you already have a Z-User.
  • Superpower in general is an option on both sets, as it helps Samurott deal with Heliolisk.
Checks and Counters

**Water Aborbers**: Heliolisk and Seismitoad, regardless of whether or not you are physical or special, will provide as good blanket checks to Samurott. Immune to its Water-type attacks due to Dry Skin and Water Absorb respectively. They prevents Samurott from effectively spamming its STAB Water-type moves.

**Vaporeon**: While Samurott beats most Water-types, Vaporeon gets a special mention, as it is the one Water-type Samurott can't deal with, unless you are running Grassium Z. While special Samurott has access to Grass Knot, it is only 60 Base Power versus it due to light weight. In terms of the physical set, Vaporeon is simply physically bulky, and can stall out Samurott with a potential Scald burn or Toxic.

**Grass-types**: Grass-types like Sceptile and Whimsicott give Samurott trouble as they are resistant to Aqua Jet, preventing Samurott from pulling off an effective sweep or clean until they are severely weakened. However, they are manageable thanks to Samurott's access to Megahorn.

**Special Walls**: When running special, depending on your last move, special walls like Mega Audino and Type: Null can prove heavily harmful to Samurott, as they can easily soak hits. While they are susceptible to Taunt and Knock Off respectively, they will definitely prove difficult for special Samurott to deal with.

**Physical Walls**: On the other side of things, some physical walls will prove difficult for Swords Dance Samurott to deal with. Such Pokemon include Blastoise and Slowbro, but these are more ineffective than special walls would be, as moves like Z-Mega Horn can do huge chunks of damage or even take them out in some cases.

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didnt include too many changes this time around, tho I would suggest you look into being more direct in some places with your meaning. sometimes you skirt around the point/take too many words to get the idea across. 1/3 once done. also do credits
  • Samurott is one of the best offensive Water-types in the NU tier. Thanks to its balanced attack stats, it can effectively run physical, special, and mixed sets. Having access to near-perfect coverage with moves like Hydro Pump, Ice Beam, and Grass Knot, it rarely finds itself hard walled by any Pokemon. It also has access to Swords Dance and Aqua Jet, allowing it perform a sweeper role.
  • Besides Aqua Jet, Samurott also has access to Taunt, which can stop moves like Toxic from Slowbro and Stealth Rock from Druddigon. It can also prevent Pokemon like Mega Audino and Vaporeon from spamming Wish. Rephrase this, emphasize that Taunt can be used to block bulky walls from recovering, allowing it to effectively break fat stuff, and that it stops Toxic and SR secondly.
  • Despite these positives, it has quite a few checks, such as Heliolisk and Vaporeon, both of which eat Water-Type moves with ease, preventing Samurott from effectively spamming Hydro Pump and Liquidation. Heliolisk especially works well against Samurott as it is faster and puts a stop to both the special and Swords Dance sets.
  • Samurott is hindered slightly by its mediocre speed, meaning you’ll have to keep it healthy if you want to set up and sweep. This also makes it easy to revenge kill with Pokemon that are resistant to Aqua Jet, such as Sceptile and Whimsicott.
name: Special Breaker
move 1: Hydro Pump
move 2: Grass Knot
move 3: Ice Beam
move 4: Taunt / Aqua Jet / Knock Off
item: Life Orb
ability: Torrent
nature: Timid
evs: 252 SpA / 4 SpD / 252 Spe

I'll be straight, I don't see a reason to use special rotter without Taunt. That said, consider the strikethrough optional, as I need to get confirmation from other QC members about this.

  • Hydro Pump gives Samurott a power STAB move that can easily break through Pokemon that don’t resist.
  • Grass Knot is its main coverage move, allowing Samurott to hit Water resists for some damage like Seismitoad and Slowbro.
  • Ice Beam provides some additional coverage and consistent damage, and is Samurott’s main attack to hit the potent Heliolisk.
  • Lastly, Taunt can be run to prevent status and entry hazards from going up, effectively allowing Samurott to stay alive longer. Another big reason as to why Taunt is useful is so that Samurott can beat Vaporeon 1v1.
  • Knock Off is an option over Taunt to get rid of items like Assault Vest on Slowbro and Eviolite on Type: Null.
  • You can also run Aqua Jet over Taunt if you wish, in order to give Samurott some kind of priority against faster Pokemon like Aerodactyl and Delphox. However, it is a bit weaker due to the lack of Attack investment.
  • Megahorn is usable if you want to ease the match up versus Assault Vest Slowbro. A Megahorn into Grass Knot is a 2HKO, meaning you are able to effectively beat both Slowbro variants. Honestly, I am taking this out cause Knock Off is better, especially when Malamar is an unmon.
  • Finally Surf can be run over Taunt Hydro Pump if you want a more consistent Water-type move. However, it does worsen most match ups, as the power Hydro Pump gives off irreplaceable.
Holy hell this is long,
Set Details
  • Max Special Attack and Speed along with a Timid are run to make Samurott as fast and as powerful as possible.
  • Life Orb effectively makes its attacks more powerful.
  • Expert Belt is pretty amazing, as it means you don't KO yourself trying to beat Vaporeon, I'd like at least a mention here.
  • Torrent is used to boost Samurott’s Water-type moves if it gets below 1/3rd of its HP. This can let Samurott pull a clutch sweep with Aqua Jet.
Usage Tips
  • Make sure to play around Heliolisk effectively. It is Samurott’s number one enemy, as it can be healed up by Hydro Pump. Try to prevent yourself from spamming Hydro Pump and Surf before Heliolisk is taken out and other Water-immune Pokemon like Seismitoad, which can be susceptible to Grass Knot. Instead, try using Ice Beam to catch Heliolisk on the switch-in.
  • Try to take out all special walls such as Mega Audino and Type: Null before spamming moves with Samurott. Taking Life Orb damage just for the opponent to soak a hit and heal right up is not an enjoyable experience. Thankfully, Samurott itself can be prevent this in many ways, such as Taunting Audino for Wish and getting rid of Type: Null’s Eviolite with Knock Off.
  • Knock Off can also hit Assault Vest users such as Slowbro and Slowking, allowing you to muscle through them more easily.
  • Be sure to Taunt Pokemon like Druddigon and Vaporeon to prevent hazard and status moves like Stealth Rock and Toxic respectively. This will be helpful not only for Samurott but for the whole team in the long run. Vaporeon gets a special mention as Taunt prevents it from using Wish, effectively letting Samurott to beat it 1v1.
  • Due to Samurott’s low speed, you should try to send it in on Pokemon that are slower than it, like Diancie and Rhydon. This will allow it to get as much damage off as it can while taking less damage.
Team Options
  • Physical breakers such as Incineroar and Medicham are great partners for Samurott as they help break through special walls like Mega Audino and Cryogonal.
  • Electric-types like Heliolisk also help Samurott as they can help it deal with the Water-types it struggles with such as Assault Vest Slowbro and Vaporeon.
  • Electric resists such as Togedemaru and Vileplume make good partners as well as they can effectively deal with Samurott's biggest counter, Heliolisk. I want a mention of Decid, as imo its one of rotter's best partners.
  • Grass resists like Delphox and Incineroar are also helpful, as they can help weaken and even eliminate Grass-types such as Sceptile and Whimsicott which resist Aqua Jet and threaten Samurott with their Grass-type moves.
  • Samurott can help support physical Choice Scarf users such as Braviary and Passimian as Samurott helps eliminate their walls. The same logic can also be applied to late-game sweepers like Comfey, as Samurott helps weaken down its checks as well.
name: Swords Dance Sweeper
move 1: Swords Dance
move 2: Liquidation
move 3: Aqua Jet
move 4: Megahorn
item: Buginium Z / Waterium Z
ability: Torrent
nature: Jolly
evs: 252 Atk / 4 SpD / 252 Spe

  • Swords Dance is the main move in this set, giving Samurott the ability to break or sweep through teams effectively.
  • Liquidation is the most powerful physical STAB move it has access to, allowing it to have consistent damage throughout the match.
  • Waterfall can be run over Liquidation for the flinch chance, although the extra power from Liquidation is nice to have.
  • Aqua Jet is used for priority, and helps with Samurott's low Speed stat. Mainly, it allows Samurott to sweep in the late-game. However, it can also make Samurott a potent revenge killer, being able to potentially OHKO Aerodactyl and Delphox from full health.
  • Lastly, Megahorn is run as it can target some of Samurott's easiest switch-ins such as Heliolisk and Slowbro. Also its your strongest move vs Plume.
Set Details
  • Max Attack and Speed along with a Jolly nature allow Samurott to be both as fast and as powerful as it can.
  • Buginium Z is usually run to give Samurott the ability to OHKO Slowbro after hazard residual with a +2 Attack boost, but Waterium Z can be run as well for a consistent STAB Z-Move if you so wish. Again, note that it does this: +2 252 Atk Samurott Savage Spin-Out (190 BP) vs. 252 HP / 0 Def Vileplume: 395-465 (111.5 - 131.3%)
  • Mention Lum Berry, its good at turns vap into 100% setup fodder.
  • Besides those two items, Rindo Berry and Wacan Berry are both options as well, if you need Samurott to take a Grass- or Electric-type hit respectively, in the event that it needs to take one. For example, it may be useful to take a Thunderbolt from Heliolisk if you need to hit it with a Megahorn. However, they should be avoided if at all possible.
  • Torrent is used so Samurott's Water-type moves, specifically Aqua Jet, can do more at less than a third of health.
Usage Tips
  • Don't try and sweep until the late-game. If you set up a Swords Dance too early, the opposing team will not be chipped down enough as to where Samurott will pick up KOs. Instead, it is best to slowly chip down the team throughout the game, keep Samurott healthy, and when the time comes, shred through the opposing team after a Swords Dance boost.
  • You should also try and use it as a wallbreaker. A combination of Swords Dance and Liquidation is sure to do a ton of damage to anything that doesn't resist and the things that do resist like Slowbro and Vaporeon are susceptible to a Megahorn. This disagrees with the previous bullet: IMO something like: 1) If Samurott looks like it has a chance to sweep, try to preserve it until the late game, but if it needs to wallbreak, set up early and KO everything.
  • I'd like a mention of how to use torrent, as like, intentionally getting into torrent range to get your aqua jet to max power is a huge part of using SD rotter.
  • Keep it away from status moves like Will-o-Wisp and Toxic from Pokemon such as Incineroar and Vaporeon respectively, as they will ruin any chance Samurott had to sweep.
  • Aqua Jet should be used to clean in the late game to hit faster Pokemon that can KO you. It can also be used through out the match to simply KO weakened Pokemon.
Team Options
  • Consistent Heliolisk answers such as Decidueye and Togedemaru should be paired with Samurott as they help eliminate one of its biggest threats. They can soak up Electric- and Normal-type STAB moves, as well as almost always being able to take every other coverage move, with the exception of Dark Pulse and Focus Blast respectively, both of which aren't too common. Mention Sneasel here'; trapping Lisk lets you win the game.
  • Pokemon that deal with physical walls such as Heliolisk and Vanilluxe are welcomed as not only do they easily eliminate some of Samurott's biggest walls, but they also help chip down the opposing team in general, making it easier for Samurott to sweep in the late game.
  • Grass resists such as Incineroar and Silvally-Steel are helpful as they can come in on some of Samurott's best checks like Sceptile and Whimsicott and click their Fire-type moves. Incineroar and Silvally-Steel are particularly good picks as they can pivot around using U-Turn and Parting Shot respectively. Mention Mortar.
  • Xatu can make a great partner for Samurott as it can block hazards and status, both of which can be detrimental to Samurott, effectively preventing a sweep.
  • Spikes and Toxic Spikes users such as Ferroseed and Garbodor respectively are good partners for Samurott as they can help chip down the opposing team with their hazards, making it easier for Samurott to sweep in the late-game by helping chip down some of its bulkier checks like Seismitoad and Torterra.
  • Pokemon that enjoy the presence of a physical wallbreaker, like Comfey and Heliolisk, are great partners for Samurott as it assists them in being able to clean or sweep in the late-game.
Other Options
  • A mixed Choice Scarf set can be viable with Hydro Pump, Ice Beam, Grass Knot, and Superpower. Use this if you lack speed control on your team, although the fact that Samurott cannot switch moves and doesn't have any sort of item power boost, you may find that it comes up short. Superpower is run to surprise Heliolisk with an OHKO so you can consistently spam Hydro Pump.
  • Grassium Z is an option on the special set if you lack a Z-User. This allows you to consistently deal with Vaporeon, which is otherwise taking a 60 Base Power Grass Knot without the Z-Boost. This is done better by just running Taunt.
  • Life Orb can be run on the Swords Dance set to give a slight damage boost, if you already have a Z-User. Note the increase in power vs Vileplume (lets you KO spdef plume after rocks) and general pre-boost power.
  • Superpower in general is an option on both sets, as it helps Samurott deal with Heliolisk.
  • Specs.
Checks and Counters

**Water Aborbers**: Heliolisk and Seismitoad, regardless of whether or not you are physical or special, will provide as good blanket checks to Samurott. Immune to its Water-type attacks due to Dry Skin and Water Absorb respectively. They prevents Samurott from effectively spamming its STAB Water-type moves. Seis is shat on by the special set, and the physical set just uses SD. Change this bullet to just Heliolisk.

**Vaporeon**: While Samurott beats most Water-types, Vaporeon gets a special mention, as it is the one Water-type Samurott can't deal with, unless you are running Grassium Z. While special Samurott has access to Grass Knot, it is only 60 Base Power versus it due to light weight. In terms of the physical set, Vaporeon is simply physically bulky, and can stall out Samurott with a potential Scald burn or Toxic. Taunt Beats this mon, and SD spams SD until it OHKOs with bug-z (it only needs +4). Move this further down to at least below grass types. I'd change this to bulky water types; Toise is also worth mentioning, and Seis annoys the physical set a bit, even if it is complete setup fodder. Also note that the physical set is completely useless when pyukumuku is around.

**Grass-types**: Grass-types like Sceptile and Whimsicott give Samurott trouble as they are resistant to Aqua Jet, preventing Samurott from pulling off an effective sweep or clean until they are severely weakened. However, they are manageable thanks to Samurott's access to Megahorn. Plume, while imperfect, at least deserves a mention here. This is also written purely with SD in mind; just note that they prevent it from safely clicking water moves until they're dead. Also standard Decid mention here. List Ferroseed here.

**Special Walls**: When running special, depending on your last move, special walls like Mega Audino and Type: Null can prove heavily harmful to Samurott, as they can easily soak hits. While they are susceptible to Taunt and Knock Off respectively, they will definitely prove difficult for special Samurott to deal with.

**Physical Walls**: On the other side of things, some physical walls will prove difficult for Swords Dance Samurott to deal with. Such Pokemon include Blastoise and Slowbro, but these are more ineffective than special walls would be, as moves like Z-Mega Horn can do huge chunks of damage or even take them out in some cases. This bullet is better covered by other stuff.

To Recap: Helio, Grass Types, Bulky Water Types, Special Walls, in order.

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Forgot to say, 2/3 once implemented
Last edited:

Samurott is one of the best offensive Water-types in the NU tier. Thanks to its balanced attack stats, it can effectively run physical, special, and mixed sets. Having access to near-perfect coverage with moves like Hydro Pump, Ice Beam, and Grass Knot, it rarely finds itself hard walled by any Pokemon. It also has access to Swords Dance and Aqua Jet, allowing it perform a sweeper role. Besides Aqua Jet, Samurott also has access to Taunt, which can prevent Pokemon like Slowbro and Vaporeon from recovering, giving it the opportunity to break through them. It can also prevent status and Stealth Rock users like Mega Audino and Druddigon respectively from using their moves. Despite these positives, it has quite a few checks, such as Heliolisk and Vaporeon, both of which eat Water-Type moves with ease, preventing Samurott from effectively spamming Hydro Pump and Liquidation. Heliolisk especially works well against Samurott as it is faster and puts a stop to both the special and Swords Dance sets. Samurott is hindered slightly just keep it at hindered, its speed sucks for an offensive mon by its mediocre speed, meaning you’ll have to keep it healthy if you want to set up and sweep. This also makes it easy to revenge kill with Pokemon that are resistant to Aqua Jet, such as Sceptile and Whimsicott.

name: Special Breaker
move 1: Hydro Pump
move 2: Grass Knot
move 3: Ice Beam
move 4: Taunt / Aqua Jet / Knock Off
item: Life Orb
ability: Torrent
nature: Timid
evs: 252 SpA / 4 SpD / 252 Spe


Hydro Pump gives Samurott a powerful STAB move that can easily break through Pokemon that don’t resist. Grass Knot is its main coverage move, allowing Samurott to hit Water resists for some damage like Seismitoad and Slowbro. Ice Beam provides some additional coverage and consistent damage and is Samurott’s main attack to hit the potent Heliolisk. add in for grass-types for clarity Lastly, Taunt can be run to prevent status and entry hazards from going up, effectively allowing Samurott to stay alive longer. Another big reason as to why Taunt is useful is so that Samurott can beat Vaporeon 1v1. Knock Off is an option over Taunt to get rid of items like Assault Vest on Slowbro and Eviolite on Type: Null. You can also run Aqua Jet over Taunt if you wish, in order to give Samurott some kind of priority against faster Pokemon like Aerodactyl and Delphox. However, it is a bit weaker due to the lack of Attack investment. Finally, Surf can be run over Hydro Pump if you want a more consistent Water-type move. However, it does worsen most matchups, as the power Hydro Pump gives off is irreplaceable.

Set Details

Max Special Attack and Speed along with a Timid are run to make Samurott as fast and as powerful as possible. Life Orb effectively makes its attacks more powerful. Expert Belt can be used over Life Orb to do decent damage with super effective hits while not taking recoil. Torrent is used to boost Samurott’s Water-type moves if it gets below 1/3rd of its HP. This can let Samurott pull a clutch sweep with Aqua Jet.

Usage Tips

Make sure to play around Heliolisk effectively. It is Samurott’s number one enemy, as it can be healed up by Hydro Pump. Try to prevent yourself from spamming Hydro Pump and Surf before Heliolisk is taken out and other Water-immune Pokemon like Seismitoad, which can be susceptible to Grass Knot. Instead, try using Ice Beam to catch Heliolisk on the switch-in. Try to take out all special walls such as Mega Audino and Type: Null before spamming moves with Samurott. Taking Life Orb damage just for the opponent to soak a hit and heal right up is not an enjoyable experience. Thankfully, Samurott itself can be prevent this in many ways, such as Taunting Audino for Wish and getting rid of Type: Null’s Eviolite with Knock Off. Knock Off can also hit Assault Vest users such as Slowbro and Slowking, allowing you to muscle through them more easily. Be sure to Taunt Pokemon like Druddigon and Vaporeon to prevent hazard and status moves like Stealth Rock and Toxic respectively. This will be helpful not only for Samurott but for the whole team in the long run. Vaporeon gets a special mention as Taunt prevents it from using Wish, effectively letting Samurott to beat it 1v1. Due to Samurott’s low speed, you should try to send it in on Pokemon that are slower than it, like Diancie and Rhydon. This will allow it to get as much damage off as it can while taking less damage.

Team Options

Physical breakers such as Incineroar and Medicham are great partners for Samurott as they help break through special walls like Mega Audino and Cryogonal. Electric-types like Heliolisk also help Samurott as they can help it deal with the Water-types it struggles with such as Assault Vest Slowbro and Vaporeon. Electric resists such as Decidueye and Vileplume make good partners as well as they can effectively deal with Samurott's biggest counter, Heliolisk. Grass resists like Delphox and Incineroar are also helpful, as they can help weaken and even eliminate Grass-types such as Sceptile and Whimsicott which resist Aqua Jet and threaten Samurott with their Grass-type moves. Samurott can help support physical Choice Scarf users such as Braviary and Passimian as Samurott helps eliminate their walls. The same logic can also be applied to late-game sweepers like Comfey, as Samurott helps weaken down its checks as well.

name: Swords Dance Sweeper
move 1: Swords Dance
move 2: Liquidation
move 3: Aqua Jet
move 4: Megahorn
item: Buginium Z / Waterium Z
ability: Torrent
nature: Jolly
evs: 252 Atk / 4 SpD / 252 Spe


Swords Dance is the main move in this set, giving Samurott the ability to break or sweep through teams effectively. Liquidation is the most powerful physical STAB move it has access to, allowing it to have consistent damage throughout the match. Waterfall can be run over Liquidation for the flinch chance, although the extra power from Liquidation is nice to have. Aqua Jet is used for priority, and helps with Samurott's low Speed stat. Mainly, it allows Samurott to sweep in the late-game. However, it can also make Samurott a potent revenge killer, being able to potentially OHKO Aerodactyl and Delphox from full health. Lastly, Megahorn is run as it can target some of Samurott's easiest switch-ins such as Heliolisk and Slowbro, as well as being the strongest move to hit Vileplume with.

Set Details

Max Attack and Speed along with a Jolly nature allow Samurott to be both as fast and as powerful as it can. Buginium Z is usually run to give Samurott the ability to OHKO Slowbro and Vileplume after hazard residual with a +2 Attack boost, but Waterium Z can be run as well for a consistent STAB Z-Move if you so wish. Lum Berry is also something to consider as it can easily beat Vaporeon in a 1v1 situation. Besides those three items, Rindo Berry and Wacan Berry are both options as well, if you need Samurott to take a Grass- or Electric-type hit respectively, in the event that it needs to take one. For example, it may be useful to take a Thunderbolt from Heliolisk if you need to hit it with a Megahorn. However, they should be avoided if at all possible. Torrent is used so Samurott's Water-type moves, specifically Aqua Jet, can do more at less than a third of health.

Usage Tips

Don't try and sweep until the late-game, even if it seems like there is an opportunity to sweep. this part is a bit oddly worded. instead, try and say something like "don't try and sweep until late game or unless there is a clear opportunity to win", it's kind of redundant saying don't setup even if you win. also below you say if there is an opportunity, take it, so maybe just do some editing to make it more coherent. Samurott will be better off if it waits until most Pokemon are chipped down to sweep. However, if you find an opportunity to wallbreak, take. A combination of Swords Dance and Liquidation is sure to do a ton of damage to anything that doesn't resist and the things that do resist like Slowbro and Vaporeon are susceptible to a Megahorn. Keep it away from status moves like Will-o-Wisp and Toxic from Pokemon such as Incineroar and Vaporeon respectively, as they will ruin any chance Samurott had to sweep. If at all possible, try and get Samurott into Torrent range to maximize the power of its Water-type moves, specifically Aqua Jet, to help it sweep. Aqua Jet should be used to clean in the late game to hit faster Pokemon that can KO you. It can also be used through out the match to simply KO weakened Pokemon.

Team Options

Consistent Heliolisk answers such as Decidueye and Togedemaru should be paired with Samurott as they help eliminate one of its biggest threats. They can soak up Electric- and Normal-type STAB moves, as well as almost always being able to take every other coverage move, with the exception of Dark Pulse and Focus Blast respectively, both of which aren't too common. Pokemon that deal with physical walls such as Heliolisk and Vanilluxe are welcomed as not only do they easily eliminate some of Samurott's biggest walls, but they also help chip down the opposing team in general, making it easier for Samurott to sweep in the late game. This makes Sneasel a good partner, as it can easily trap both of those Pokemon. Grass resists such as Incineroar and Magmortar are helpful as they can come in on some of Samurott's best checks like Sceptile and Whimsicott and click their Fire-type moves. Incineroar and Silvally-Steel are particularly good picks as they can pivot around using U-Turn and Parting Shot respectively. Xatu can make a great partner for Samurott as it can block hazards and status, both of which can be detrimental to Samurott, effectively preventing a sweep. Spikes and Toxic Spikes users such as Ferroseed and Garbodor respectively are good partners for Samurott as they can help chip down the opposing team with their hazards, making it easier for Samurott to sweep in the late-game by helping chip down some of its bulkier checks like Seismitoad and Torterra. Pokemon that enjoy the presence of a physical wallbreaker, like Comfey and Heliolisk, are great partners for Samurott as it assists them in being able to clean or sweep in the late-game.

Other Options

A mixed Choice Scarf set can be viable with Hydro Pump, Ice Beam, Grass Knot, and Superpower. Use this if you lack speed control on your team, although the fact that Samurott cannot switch moves and doesn't have any sort of item power boost, you may find that it comes up short. Superpower is run to surprise Heliolisk with an OHKO so you can consistently spam Hydro Pump. Life Orb can be run on the Swords Dance set to give a slight damage boost, if you already have a Z-User. Specifically, this allows Samurott to OHKO a specially defensive Vileplume after Stealth Rock damage and simply gives Samurott some power without having to boost. Superpower in general is an option on both sets, as it helps Samurott deal with Heliolisk.

Checks and Counters

**Heliolisk**: Heliolisk, regardless of whether or not you are physical or special, are good blanket checks to Samurott. Immune to its Water-type attacks due to Dry Skin and Water Absorb respectively. They prevents Samurott from effectively spamming its STAB Water-type moves.

**Bulky Water-types**: Bulky Water-types such as Blastoise, Seismitoad, Pyukumuku, and Vaporeon are all problems for Samurott in some way. Blastoise has the ability to burn with Scald and potentially stall out wit Toxic, Seismitoad can completely block its Water-type moves, Pyukumuku completely invalidates both the physical and special sets due to Unaware and it's lightness respecitvely, and Vaporeon is a general annoyance without Taunt due to Toxic and Wish.

**Grass-types**: Grass-types like Sceptile and Whimsicott give Samurott trouble as they are resistant to Aqua Jet, preventing Samurott from pulling off an effective sweep or clean until they are severely weakened. However, they are manageable thanks to Samurott's access to Megahorn.

**Special Walls**: When running special, depending on your last move, special walls like Mega Audino and Type: Null can prove heavily harmful to Samurott, as they can easily soak hits. While they are susceptible to Taunt and Knock Off respectively, they will definitely prove difficult for special Samurott to deal with.

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really well done, 3/3
amcheck, only implement what you want or unless qc say so.


Samurott is one of the best offensive Water-types in the NU tier. Thanks to its balanced attack stats, it can effectively run physical, special, and mixed sets. Having access to near-perfect coverage with moves like Hydro Pump, Ice Beam, and Grass Knot, it rarely finds itself hard walled by any Pokemon. It also has access to Swords Dance and Aqua Jet, allowing it to perform as a sweeper role. Besides As well as Aqua Jet, Samurott also has access to Taunt, which can prevent Pokemon like Slowbro and Vaporeon from recovering, giving it the opportunity to break through them. It can also prevent status and Stealth Rock users like Mega Audino and Druddigon respectively from using their moves. Despite these positives, it has quite a few checks, such as Heliolisk and Vaporeon, both of which eat tank Water-Type moves with ease, preventing Samurott from effectively spamming Hydro Pump and Liquidation. Heliolisk especially works especially well against Samurott as it is faster and puts a stop to both the special and Swords Dance sets. Samurott is hindered by its mediocre speed, meaning you’ll have to keep it healthy if you want to set up and sweep. This also makes it easy to revenge kill with Pokemon that are resistant to Aqua Jet, such as Sceptile and Whimsicott.

name: Special Breaker
move 1: Hydro Pump
move 2: Grass Knot
move 3: Ice Beam
move 4: Taunt / Aqua Jet / Knock Off
item: Life Orb
ability: Torrent
nature: Timid
evs: 252 SpA / 4 SpD / 252 Spe


Hydro Pump gives Samurott a powerful STAB move that can easily break through Pokemon that don’t resist it. Grass Knot is its main coverage move, allowing Samurott to hit Water resists for some more damage like Seismitoad and Slowbro. Ice Beam provides some additional coverage and consistent damage, (AC) and is Samurott’s main attack to hit the potent Heliolisk, as well as various Grass-types like Sceptile and Whimsicott. Lastly, Taunt can be run to prevent status and entry hazards from going up, effectively allowing Samurott to stay alive longer. Another big reason as to why Taunt is useful is so that Samurott can beat Vaporeon 1v1. Knock Off is an option over Taunt to get rid of remove (optional, but flows better) items like Assault Vest on Slowbro and Eviolite on Type: Null. You can also run Aqua Jet can also be used over Taunt if you wish, in order to give Samurott some kind of priority against faster Pokemon like Aerodactyl and Delphox. However, it is a bit weaker due to the lack of Attack investment. Finally, Surf can be run over Hydro Pump if you want a more consistent Water-type move. However, it does worsen most matchups, as the power Hydro Pump gives off is irreplaceable.

Set Details

Max Special Attack and Speed along with a Timid nature are run to make Samurott as fast and as powerful as possible. Life Orb effectively makes its attacks more powerful. Expert Belt can be used over Life Orb to do deal decent damage with super effective hits while not taking recoil. Torrent is used to boost Samurott’s Water-type moves if it gets below 1/3rd of its HP. This can let Samurott pull off a clutch sweep with Aqua Jet.

Usage Tips

Make sure to play around Heliolisk effectively. It is Samurott’s number one enemy, (RC) best counter as it can be healed up by Hydro Pump Water-type attacks. (clarity, should've mentioned this in qc but it can be healed by liquidation as well) Try to prevent yourself from spamming Hydro Pump and Surf before Heliolisk is taken out and other Water-immune Pokemon like Seismitoad, which can be susceptible to Grass Knot. Instead, try using Ice Beam to catch Heliolisk on the switch-in. Try to take out all special walls such as Mega Audino and Type: Null before spamming moves with Samurott. Taking Life Orb damage just for the opponent to soak up a hit and heal right up is not an enjoyable experience ideal. Thankfully, Samurott itself can be prevent this in many ways, such as Taunting Audino for to prevent Wish and getting rid of Type: Null’s Eviolite with Knock Off. Knock Off can also hit Assault Vest users such as Slowbro and Slowking, allowing you it to muscle through them more easily. Be sure to Taunt Pokemon like Druddigon and Vaporeon to prevent hazards and status moves like Stealth Rock and Toxic respectively. This will be helpful not only for Samurott but for the whole team in the long run. (fluff) Vaporeon gets a special mention as is also shut down by Taunt as it prevents it from using Wish, effectively letting Samurott to beat it 1v1. Due to Samurott’s low speed Speed stat, you should try it's advised to send it in on Pokemon that are slower than it, like Diancie and Rhydon. This will allow it to get as much damage off as it can while taking less damage.

Team Options

Physical breakers such as Incineroar and Medicham are great partners for Samurott as they help break through special walls like Mega Audino and Cryogonal. Electric-types like Heliolisk also help Samurott as they can help it deal with the Water-types it Samurott struggles with against, (AC) such as Assault Vest Slowbro and Vaporeon. Electric resists such as Decidueye and Vileplume also make for good partners as well as they can effectively deal with Samurott's biggest counter, Heliolisk. Grass resists like Delphox and Incineroar are also helpful, as they can help weaken and even eliminate Grass-types such as Sceptile and Whimsicott which resist Aqua Jet and threaten Samurott with their Grass-type moves. Samurott can help support physical Choice Scarf users such as Braviary and Passimian as Samurott helps eliminates their walls checks (such as..?). The same logic can also be applied to late-game sweepers like Comfey, as Samurott helps weaken down its checks as well.

name: Swords Dance Sweeper
move 1: Swords Dance
move 2: Liquidation
move 3: Aqua Jet
move 4: Megahorn
item: Buginium Z / Waterium Z
ability: Torrent
nature: Jolly
evs: 252 Atk / 4 SpD / 252 Spe


Swords Dance is the main move in this set, giving Samurott the ability to break or sweep through teams effectively. Liquidation is the most powerful physical STAB move it has access to, allowing it to have consistent damage throughout the match. Waterfall can be run over Liquidation for the flinch chance, although the extra power from Liquidation is nice to have. Aqua Jet is used for priority, (RC) and helps with Samurott's low Speed stat. Mainly, it allows Samurott to sweep in the late-game. However, it can also make Samurott a potent revenge killer, being able to potentially OHKO Aerodactyl and Delphox from full health. Lastly, Megahorn is run as it can target some of Samurott's easiest switch-ins such as Heliolisk and Slowbro, as well as being the strongest move to hit Vileplume with.

Set Details

Max Attack and Speed along with a Jolly nature allow Samurott to be both as fast and as powerful as it can. Buginium Z is usually run to give Samurott the ability to OHKO Slowbro and Vileplume after hazard residual with a +2 Attack boost, but Waterium Z can be run as well for a consistent STAB Z-Move if you so wish. Lum Berry is also something to consider as it can easily beat Vaporeon in a 1v1 situation. Besides those three items, Rindo Berry and Wacan Berry are both options as well, (RC) if you need Samurott is needed to take a Grass- or Electric-type hit respectively, in the event that it needs to take one. For example, it may be useful to take a Thunderbolt from Heliolisk if you need to hit it with a Megahorn. However, they should be avoided if at all possible. Torrent is used so Samurott's Water-type moves, specifically Aqua Jet, can do more at less than a third of health.

Usage Tips

Unless there is a clear opportunity early on, don't Samurott shouldn't try and sweep until the late-game. Samurott will be better off if it waits until most Pokemon are chipped down to sweep. However, if there is an opportunity for Samurott to set up a Swords Dance and wallbreak, you should take that opportunity. A combination of Swords Dance and Liquidation is sure to do a ton of damage to anything that doesn't resist Water, (AC) and the things that do resist it like Slowbro and Vaporeon are susceptible to a Megahorn. Keep it Samurott away from status moves like Will-o-Wisp Will-O-Wisp and Toxic from Pokemon such as Incineroar and Vaporeon respectively, as they will ruin any chance Samurott had to sweep. If at all possible, try and get Samurott into Torrent range to maximize the power of its Water-type moves, specifically Aqua Jet, to help it sweep. Aqua Jet should be used to clean in the late game to hit faster Pokemon that can KO you. It can also be used through out throughout the match to simply KO weakened Pokemon.

Team Options

Consistent Heliolisk answers such as Decidueye and Togedemaru should be paired with Samurott as they help eliminate one of its biggest threats. They can soak up Electric- and Normal-type STAB moves, as well as almost always being able to take every other coverage move, with the exception of Dark Pulse and Focus Blast respectively, both of which aren't too common. Pokemon that deal with physical walls such as Heliolisk and Vanilluxe are welcomed as not only do they easily eliminate some of Samurott's biggest walls checks, but they also help chip down the opposing team in general, making it easier for Samurott to sweep in the late game. This makes Sneasel a good partner, as it can easily trap both of those Pokemon. Grass resists such as Incineroar and Magmortar are helpful as they can come in on some of Samurott's best checks like Sceptile and Whimsicott and click their Fire-type moves. Incineroar and Silvally-Steel are particularly good picks as they can pivot around using U-Turn U-turn and Parting Shot respectively. Xatu can make a great partner for Samurott as it can block bounce back hazards and status, both of which can be detrimental to Samurott, effectively preventing a sweep. Spikes and Toxic Spikes users such as Ferroseed and Garbodor respectively (repetition) are good partners for Samurott as they can help chip down the opposing team with their hazards some of its bulkier checks like Seismitoad and Torterra, making it easier for Samurott to sweep in the late-game by helping chip down some of its bulkier checks like Seismitoad and Torterra. Pokemon that enjoy the presence of a physical wallbreaker, like Comfey and Heliolisk, are great partners for Samurott as it assists them in being able to clean or sweep in the late-game. (Heliolisk and Comfey aren't always necessarily cleaning or sweeping late-game only)

Other Options

A mixed Choice Scarf set can be viable with Hydro Pump, Ice Beam, Grass Knot, and Superpower. Use this if you lack speed control on your team, although the fact that Samurott cannot switch moves and doesn't have any sort of item power boost, you may find that it comes up short. Superpower is run to surprise Heliolisk with an OHKO so you can consistently spam Hydro Pump. Life Orb can be run on the Swords Dance set to give a slight damage boost, (RC) if you already have a Z-User Z-Move holder. Specifically, this allows Samurott to OHKO a specially defensive Vileplume after Stealth Rock damage and simply gives Samurott some power without having to boost. Superpower in general is an option on both sets, as it helps Samurott deal with Heliolisk.

Checks and Counters

**Heliolisk**: Heliolisk, regardless of whether or not you are physical or special, are is a good blanket checks to Samurott. (it's one heliolisk in game, not multiple) Immune to its Water-type attacks due to Dry Skin, (AC) and Water Absorb respectively. They Heliolisk prevents Samurott from effectively spamming its STAB Water-type moves.

**Bulky Water-types**: Bulky Water-types such as Blastoise, Seismitoad, Pyukumuku, and Vaporeon are all problems for Samurott in some way. Blastoise has the ability to burn with Scald and potentially stall out with Toxic, Seismitoad can completely block its Water-type moves, Pyukumuku completely invalidates both the physical and special sets due to Unaware and it's lightness respecitvely, and Vaporeon is a general annoyance without Taunt due to Toxic and Wish.

**Grass-types**: Grass-types like Sceptile and Whimsicott give Samurott trouble as they are resistant to Aqua Jet, preventing Samurott from pulling off an effective sweep or clean until they are severely weakened. However, they are manageable thanks to Samurott's access to Megahorn and Ice Beam.

**Special Walls**: When running special variants, depending on your last move, specially defensive walls like Mega Audino and Type: Null can prove heavily harmful to Samurott dependant on Samurott's last move, as they can easily soak tank hits. While they are susceptible to Taunt and Knock Off respectively, they will definitely prove difficult for special Samurott to deal with.

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going over the above add remove comments
GP 1/2


Samurott is one of the best offensive Water-types in the NU tier. Thanks to its balanced attacking stats, it can effectively run physical, special, and mixed sets. Having access to near-perfect coverage with moves like Hydro Pump, Ice Beam, and Grass Knot, it rarely finds itself hard walled by any Pokemon. It also has access to Swords Dance and Aqua Jet, allowing it to perform as a sweeper role. Besides As well as Aqua Jet, Samurott also has access to Taunt, (explain the link between aqua jet and taunt; it's not really clear) which can prevent Pokemon like Slowbro and Vaporeon from recovering, giving it the opportunity to break through them. It can also prevent status move and Stealth Rock users like Mega Audino and Druddigon, (AC) respectively, (AC) from using their moves. Despite these positives, it Samurott (fluff) has quite a few checks, such as Heliolisk and Vaporeon, both of which eat tank Water-type (formatted as x-type) moves with ease, preventing Samurott from effectively spamming Hydro Pump and Liquidation. Heliolisk especially works especially well against Samurott, (AC comma before as / since if meaning because) as it is faster and puts a stop to both the special and Swords Dance sets. Samurott is hindered by its mediocre Speed, meaning you’ll have to keep it healthy if you want to so it can (don't refer to pokemon as "you") set up and sweep. This also makes it easy to revenge kill with Pokemon that are resistant to Aqua Jet, such as Sceptile and Whimsicott.

name: Special Breaker
move 1: Hydro Pump
move 2: Grass Knot
move 3: Ice Beam
move 4: Taunt / Aqua Jet / Knock Off
item: Life Orb
ability: Torrent
nature: Timid
evs: 252 SpA / 4 SpD / 252 Spe


Hydro Pump gives Samurott a powerful STAB move that can easily break through Pokemon that don’t resist it. Grass Knot is its main coverage move, allowing Samurott to hit Water-resistant foes like Seismitoad and Slowbro resists ("resists" can't be used as a noun) for some more damage like Seismitoad and Slowbro. Ice Beam provides some additional coverage and consistent damage, (AC) (don't add here, only add commas before and if both clauses are independent) and is Samurott’s main attack to hit the potent Heliolisk, as well as various Grass-types like Sceptile and Whimsicott. Lastly, (not really lastly when there's 3 slashes) Taunt can be run to prevent status and entry hazards from going up, effectively allowing Samurott to stay alive healthy (pokemon don't die so alive doesn't really work in mons context) longer. Another big reason as to why Taunt is useful is so that Samurott can to allow Samurott to beat Vaporeon 1v1 one-on-one. Knock Off is an option over Taunt to get rid of remove (optional, but flows better) items like Assault Vest on Slowbro and Eviolite on Type: Null. You can also run Aqua Jet can also be used over Taunt if you wish, in order to give Samurott some kind of priority against faster Pokemon like Aerodactyl and Delphox. However, it is a bit weaker due to the lack of Attack investment. Finally, Surf can be run over Hydro Pump if you want for a more consistent Water-type STAB move. However, it does worsen most matchups, as the power Hydro Pump gives off is irreplaceable.

Set Details

Maximum Special Attack and Speed EVs along with a Timid nature are run to make Samurott as fast and as powerful as possible. Life Orb effectively makes its attacks more powerful. Expert Belt can be used over Life Orb to do deal decent damage with super effective hits while not taking recoil. Torrent is used to boost Samurott’s Water-type moves if it gets below 1/3rd of its HP. This can let Samurott pull off a clutch sweep with Aqua Jet.

Usage Tips

Make sure to play around Heliolisk effectively. It is Samurott’s number one enemy, (RC) best counter, (AC) as it can be healed up by Hydro Pump Water-type attacks. (clarity, should've mentioned this in qc but it can be healed by liquidation as well) Try to prevent avoid yourself from spamming Hydro Pump and Surf before Heliolisk is taken out and other Water-immune Pokemon like Seismitoad, which can be susceptible to Grass Knot, (AC) are taken out. Instead, try using Ice Beam to catch Heliolisk on the switch-in. Try to take out all special walls such as Mega Audino and Type: Null before spamming moves with Samurott. Taking Life Orb damage just for the opponent foe (opponent refers to human player and foe refers to the pokemon) to soak up a hit and heal right up is not an enjoyable experience ideal. Thankfully, Samurott itself can be prevent this in many ways, such as Taunting using Taunt on Audino for to prevent Wish and getting rid of Type: Null’s Eviolite with Knock Off. Knock Off can also hit Assault Vest users such as Slowbro and Slowking, allowing you it to muscle through them more easily. Be sure to Taunt Pokemon like Druddigon and Vaporeon to prevent hazards and status moves like Stealth Rock and Toxic, (AC) respectively. This will be helpful not only for Samurott but for the whole team in the long run. (fluff) Vaporeon gets a special mention as is also shut down by Taunt, (AC) as it prevents it from using Wish, effectively letting Samurott to beat it 1v1 one-on-one. Due to Samurott’s low speed Speed stat, you should try it's advised to send it in on Pokemon that are slower than it, like Diancie and Rhydon. This will allow it to get as much damage off as it can while taking less damage.

Team Options

Physical wallbreakers such as Incineroar and Medicham are great partners for Samurott, (AC) as they help break through special walls like Mega Audino and Cryogonal. Electric-types like Heliolisk also help Samurott, (AC) as they can help it deal with the Water-types it Samurott struggles with against, (AC) ("struggles with" is fine) such as Assault Vest Slowbro and Vaporeon. Electric-resistant Pokemon resists such as Decidueye and Vileplume also make for (optional; no real difference betwen make and make for in terms of partners) good partners, (AC) as well as they can effectively deal with Samurott's biggest counter, Heliolisk. Grass-resistant Pokemon resists like Delphox and Incineroar are also helpful, as they can help weaken and even eliminate Grass-types such as Sceptile and Whimsicott, (AC commas should be used around which clauses) which resist Aqua Jet and threaten Samurott with their Grass-type moves. Samurott can help support physical Choice Scarf users such as Braviary and Passimian, (AC) as Samurott helps eliminates their walls checks (such as..?). The same logic can also be applied to late-game sweepers like Comfey, as Samurott helps weaken down its checks as well.

name: Swords Dance Sweeper
move 1: Swords Dance
move 2: Liquidation
move 3: Aqua Jet
move 4: Megahorn
item: Buginium Z / Waterium Z
ability: Torrent
nature: Jolly
evs: 252 Atk / 4 SpD / 252 Spe


Swords Dance is the main move in this set, giving gives (fluff) Samurott the ability to break or sweep through teams effectively. Liquidation is the most powerful physical STAB move it has access to, allowing it to have consistent damage throughout the match. Waterfall can be run over Liquidation for the flinch chance, although the extra power from Liquidation is nice to have. Aqua Jet is used for priority, (RC) and helps with Samurott's low Speed stat. Mainly, it allows Samurott to sweep in the late-game. However, it can also make Samurott a potent revenge killer, being able to potentially OHKO Aerodactyl and Delphox from full health. (redundant with ohko) Lastly, Megahorn is run, (AC) as it can target some of Samurott's easiest switch-ins such as Heliolisk and Slowbro, as well as being the strongest move to hit Vileplume with.

Set Details

Maximum Attack and Speed EVs along with a Jolly nature allow Samurott to be both as fast and as powerful as it can. Buginium Z is usually run to give Samurott the ability to OHKO Slowbro and Vileplume after hazard residual Stealth Rock (optional but makes it clearer bc hazard can refer to spikes as well) with a +2 Attack boost, but Waterium Z can be run as well for a consistent STAB Z-Move if you so wish. Lum Berry is also something to consider, (AC) as it can easily beat Vaporeon one-on-one in a 1v1 situation. Besides those three items, Rindo Berry and Wacan Berry are both options as well, (RC) if you need Samurott is needed to take a Grass- or Electric-type hit respectively, in the event that it needs to take one. (repetition) For example, it may be useful to take a Thunderbolt from Heliolisk if you need to hit it with a Megahorn. However, they should be avoided if at all possible. (spoke with banks on discord. current wording implies they're bad and if it's set details worthy it's not bad. you can change to whatever is more apporpriate) Torrent is used so Samurott's Water-type moves, specifically Aqua Jet, can do more at less than a third of its HP health.

Usage Tips

Unless there is a clear opportunity early on, don't Samurott shouldn't try and sweep until the late-game. Samurott will be better off if it waits until most Pokemon are chipped down to sweep. However, if there is an opportunity for Samurott to set up a Swords Dance and wallbreak, you should take that opportunity. A combination of Swords Dance and Liquidation is sure to do a ton of damage to anything that doesn't resist Water, (AC) and the things that do resist it like Slowbro and Vaporeon are susceptible to a Megahorn. Keep it Samurott away from status moves like Will-o-Wisp Will-O-Wisp and Toxic from Pokemon such as Incineroar and Vaporeon, (AC) respectively, as they will ruin any chance Samurott had to sweep. If at all possible, try and get Samurott into Torrent range to maximize the power of its Water-type moves, specifically Aqua Jet, to help it sweep. Aqua Jet should be used to clean in the late game late-game to hit faster Pokemon that can KO you Samurott. It can also be used through out throughout the match to simply KO weakened Pokemon.

Team Options

Consistent Heliolisk answers such as Decidueye and Togedemaru should be paired with Samurott, (AC) as they help eliminate one of its biggest threats. They can soak up Electric- and Normal-type STAB moves, (RC) as well as and almost always being able to take every other coverage move, (RC) with the exception of the rare Dark Pulse and Focus Blast, (AC) respectively, both of which aren't too common. Pokemon that deal with physical walls, (AC) such as Heliolisk and Vanilluxe, (AC) are welcomed. (period; sentence is running on) as Not only do they easily eliminate some of Samurott's biggest walls checks, but they also help chip down the opposing team in general, making it easier for Samurott to sweep in the late game late-game. This makes Sneasel a good partner, as it can easily trap both of those Pokemon. Grass-resistant Pokemon resists such as Incineroar and Magmortar are helpful, (AC) as they can come in on some of Samurott's best checks like Sceptile and Whimsicott and click use their Fire-type moves. Incineroar and Silvally-Steel are particularly good picks, (AC) as they can pivot around using U-Turn U-turn and Parting Shot, (AC) respectively. Xatu can make a great partner for Samurott, (AC) as it can block bounce back hazards and status, both of which can be detrimental to Samurott, effectively preventing a sweep. Spikes and Toxic Spikes users such as Ferroseed and Garbodor respectively (repetition) are good partners for Samurott, (AC) as they can help chip down the opposing team with their hazards some of its bulkier checks like Seismitoad and Torterra, making it easier for Samurott to sweep in the late-game by helping chip down some of its bulkier checks like Seismitoad and Torterra. Pokemon like Comfey and Heliolisk that enjoy the presence of a physical wallbreaker, like Comfey and Heliolisk, are great partners for Samurott, (AC) as it assists them in being able to clean or sweep in the late-game. (Heliolisk and Comfey aren't always necessarily cleaning or sweeping late-game only)

Other Options

A mixed Choice Scarf set can be viable with Hydro Pump, Ice Beam, Grass Knot, and Superpower. Use this if your team lacks a way to check faster foes (speed control is more of a thing in doubles referring to tr / tailwind / icy wind and also twave in singles. scarf =/= speed control) speed control on your team, although the fact that Samurott cannot switch moves and doesn't have any sort of item power boost, you may find that it comes means it may come up short. Superpower is run to surprise Heliolisk with an OHKO so you Samurott can consistently spam Hydro Pump. Life Orb can be run on the Swords Dance set to give a slight damage boost, (RC) if you already have a Z-User Z-Move holder. (works but Z-Crystal over Z-Move because that's the held item) Specifically, this allows Samurott to OHKO a specially defensive Vileplume after Stealth Rock damage and simply gives Samurott some power without having to boost. Superpower in general is an option on both sets, as it helps Samurott deal with Heliolisk.

Checks and Counters

**Heliolisk**: Heliolisk, regardless of whether or not you are Samurott is physical or special, are is a good blanket checks to Samurott. (it's one heliolisk in game, not multiple) Immune to its Water-type attacks due to Dry Skin, (AC) and Water Absorb respectively. They Heliolisk prevents Samurott from effectively spamming its STAB Water-type moves.

**Bulky Water-types**: Bulky Water-types such as Blastoise, Seismitoad, Pyukumuku, and Vaporeon are all problems for Samurott in some way. Blastoise has the ability to burn Samurott with Scald and potentially stall it out with Toxic, Seismitoad can completely block its Water-type moves, Pyukumuku completely invalidates both the physical and special sets due to Unaware and it's its lightness and low Base Power on Grass Knot (to explain why that matters because it's not clearly linked) respecitvely, and Vaporeon is a general annoyance without if Samurott is not running Taunt due to Toxic and Wish.

**Grass-types**: Grass-types like Sceptile and Whimsicott give Samurott trouble, (AC) as they are resistant to Aqua Jet, preventing Samurott from pulling off an effective sweep or clean until they are severely weakened. However, they are manageable thanks to Samurott's access to Megahorn and Ice Beam.

**Special Walls**: When running special variants, depending on your last move, specially defensive walls like Mega Audino and Type: Null can prove heavily harmful to Samurott dependant on Samurott's its last move, as they can easily soak tank hits. While they are susceptible to Taunt and Knock Off, (AC) respectively, they will definitely prove difficult for special Samurott to deal with.

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Samurott is one of the best offensive Water-types in the NU tier. Thanks to its balanced attacking stats, it can effectively run physical, special, and mixed sets. Having access to near-perfect coverage with moves like Hydro Pump, Ice Beam, and Grass Knot, it rarely finds itself hard walled by any Pokemon. It also has access to Swords Dance and Aqua Jet, allowing it to perform as a sweeper, (comma) As well as Aqua Jet, Samurott also has access to as well as another utility move in Taunt, which can prevent Pokemon like Slowbro and Vaporeon from recovering, giving give it the opportunity to break through them Pokemon like Slowbro and Vaporeon by preventing them from recovering. (more to-the-point ordening) It can also prevent status moves from the likes of Mega Audino and Stealth Rock users like Mega Audino and from Pokemon like Druddigon, respectively, from using their moves. Samurott has quite a few checks, however, such as Heliolisk and Vaporeon, both of which tank Water-type moves with ease, preventing Samurott from spamming Hydro Pump and Liquidation. Heliolisk works especially well against Samurott, as it is faster and puts a stop to both the special and Swords Dance sets. Samurott is futher hindered by its mediocre Speed, meaning you’ll you'll (slanted apostrophe) have to keep it healthy so it can set up and sweep. This also makes it easy to revenge kill with Pokemon that are resistant to Aqua Jet, such as Sceptile and Whimsicott.

name: Special Wallbreaker
move 1: Hydro Pump
move 2: Grass Knot
move 3: Ice Beam
move 4: Taunt / Aqua Jet / Knock Off
item: Life Orb
ability: Torrent
nature: Timid
evs: 252 SpA / 4 SpD / 252 Spe


Hydro Pump gives Samurott a powerful STAB move that can easily break through Pokemon that don’t don't (same) resist it. Grass Knot is its main coverage move, allowing Samurott to hit Water-resistant foes like Seismitoad and Slowbro for more damage. Ice Beam provides additional coverage and consistent damage (RC) and is Samurott’s Samurott's main attack to hit the potent Heliolisk (RC) as well as various Grass-types like Sceptile and Whimsicott. Taunt can be run to prevent status and stop entry hazards from going up, effectively allowing Samurott to stay healthy longer. Another reason as to why Taunt is useful is to allow Samurott to beat Vaporeon one-on-one. Knock Off is an option over Taunt to remove items like Assault Vest on Slowbro and Eviolite on Type: Null. Aqua Jet can also be used over Taunt to give Samurott some kind of priority against faster Pokemon like Aerodactyl and Delphox. However, it is a bit weaker due to the lack of Attack investment. Finally, Surf can be run over Hydro Pump for a more consistent Water-type STAB move. However, it does worsen most matchups, as the power Hydro Pump gives off is irreplaceable.

Set Details

Maximum Special Attack and Speed EVs along with a Timid nature are run to make Samurott as fast and as powerful as possible. Life Orb effectively makes its attacks more powerful. Expert Belt can be used over Life Orb to deal decent damage with super effective hits while not taking recoil. Torrent is used to boost Samurott’s Water-type moves if it gets below 1/3rd of its HP. This can let Samurott pull off a clutch sweep with Aqua Jet.

Usage Tips

Make sure to play around Heliolisk effectively. It is Samurott’s Samurott's best counter, as it can be healed up by Water-type attacks. Try to avoid spamming Hydro Pump and Surf before Heliolisk and other Water-immune Pokemon like Seismitoad, which can be is susceptible to Grass Knot, are taken out. Instead, try using Ice Beam to catch Heliolisk on the switch-in. Try to take out all special walls such as Mega Audino and Type: Null before spamming moves with Samurott, (comma) as taking Life Orb damage just for the foe to soak up a hit and heal right up is not ideal. Thankfully, Samurott can prevent this in many ways, such as using Taunt on Audino to prevent Wish and getting rid of Type: Null’s Null's Eviolite with Knock Off. Knock Off can also hit Assault Vest users such as Slowbro and Slowking, allowing it Samurott to muscle through them more easily. Be sure to Taunt Pokemon like Druddigon and Vaporeon to prevent entry hazards (you can move SR here but shrug) and status moves like Stealth Rock and Toxic, respectively. Vaporeon is also shut down by Taunt, as it prevents it from using Wish, effectively letting Samurott beat it one-on-one. Due to Samurott’s Samurott's low Speed stat, it's advised to send it in on Pokemon that are slower than it, like Diancie and Rhydon. This will allow it to get as much damage off as it can while taking less damage.

Team Options

Physical wallbreakers such as Incineroar and Medicham are great partners for Samurott, as they help break through special walls like Mega Audino and Cryogonal. Electric-types like Heliolisk also help Samurott, as they deal with the Water-types Samurott struggles with such as Assault Vest Slowbro and Vaporeon. Electric-resistant Pokemon such as Decidueye and Vileplume also make for good partners, as they can effectively deal with Samurott's biggest counter, Heliolisk. Grass-resistant Pokemon like Delphox and Incineroar are also helpful, as they (repetitive phrasing) can help weaken and even eliminate Grass-types such as Sceptile and Whimsicott, which resist Aqua Jet. Samurott can support physical Choice Scarf users such as Braviary and Passimian, as Samurott eliminates their checks. The same logic can also be applied to late-game sweepers like Comfey, as Samurott helps weaken its checks as well.

name: Swords Dance Sweeper
move 1: Swords Dance
move 2: Liquidation
move 3: Aqua Jet
move 4: Megahorn
item: Buginium Z / Waterium Z
ability: Torrent
nature: Jolly
evs: 252 Atk / 4 SpD / 252 Spe


Swords Dance gives Samurott the ability to break or sweep through teams effectively. Liquidation is the most powerful physical STAB move it has access to, allowing it to have consistent damage output throughout the match. Waterfall can be run over Liquidation for the flinch chance, although the extra power from Liquidation is nice to have. Aqua Jet is used for priority and helps with Samurott's low Speed stat. However, it can also make Samurott a potent revenge killer, being able to potentially OHKO Aerodactyl and Delphox. Lastly, Megahorn is run, as it can target some of Samurott's easiest switch-ins such as Heliolisk and Slowbro, as well as being the strongest move to hit Vileplume with.

Set Details

Maximum Attack and Speed EVs along with a Jolly nature allow Samurott to be both as fast and as powerful as it can. Buginium Z is usually run to give Samurott the ability to OHKO Slowbro and Vileplume after with a +2 Attack boost, but Waterium Z can be run as well for a consistent STAB Z-Move if you so wish. Lum Berry is also something to consider, as it can let Samurott easily beat Vaporeon one-on-one. Besides those three items, Rindo Berry and Wacan Berry are both options as well if Samurott is needed to take a Grass- or Electric-type hit. For example, it may be useful to take a Thunderbolt from Heliolisk if you need to hit it with a Megahorn. Torrent is used so Samurott's Water-type moves, specifically Aqua Jet, can do more at less than a third of its HP.

Usage Tips

Unless there is a clear opportunity early on, Samurott shouldn't try and to sweep until late-game. Samurott will be better off if it waits until most Pokemon are chipped down to sweep. However, if there is an opportunity for Samurott to set up a Swords Dance and wallbreak, you should take that opportunity. A combination of Swords Dance-boosted and Liquidation is sure to do a ton of damage to anything that doesn't resist Water, (AC) and the things foes that do resist it like Slowbro and Vaporeon are susceptible to Megahorn. Keep Samurott away from status moves like Will-O-Wisp from Incineroar and Toxic from Pokemon such as Incineroar and Vaporeon, respectively, as they will ruin any chance Samurott had to sweep. If at all possible, try and to get Samurott into Torrent range to maximize the power of its Water-type moves, specifically Aqua Jet, to help it sweep. Aqua Jet should be used to clean late-game to hit faster Pokemon that can KO Samurott. It can also be used throughout the match to simply KO weakened Pokemon.

Team Options

Consistent Heliolisk answers such as Decidueye and Togedemaru should be paired with Samurott, as they help eliminate one of its biggest threats. They can soak up Electric- and Normal-type STAB moves and almost always take every other coverage move with the exception of the rare Dark Pulse for Decidueye and Focus Blast, respectively in Togedemaru's case. Pokemon that deal with physical walls, such as Heliolisk and Vanilluxe, are welcomed. Not only do they easily eliminate some of Samurott's biggest checks, but they also help chip down the opposing team in general, making it easier for Samurott to sweep late-game. This makes Sneasel a good partner, as it can easily trap both of those Pokemon. Grass-resistant Pokemon such as Incineroar and Magmortar are helpful, as they can come in on some of Samurott's best checks like Sceptile and Whimsicott and use their Fire-type moves. Incineroar and Silvally-Steel are particularly good picks, as they can pivot around using U-turn and or Parting Shot, respectively. Xatu can make a great partner for Samurott, as it can bounce back entry hazards and status, both of which can be detrimental to Samurott. Spikes and Toxic Spikes users such as Ferroseed and Garbodor are good partners for Samurott, as they can help chip down some of its Samurott's bulkier checks like Seismitoad and Torterra, making it easier for Samurott to sweep late-game. Pokemon like Comfey and Heliolisk that enjoy the presence of a physical wallbreaker are great partners for Samurott, as it assists them in being able to clean or sweep.

Other Options

A mixed Choice Scarf set can be viable with Hydro Pump, Ice Beam, Grass Knot, and Superpower. Use this if your team lacks a way to check faster foes, although the fact that Samurott cannot switch moves and doesn't have any sort of item power boost means it may come up short. Superpower is run to surprise Heliolisk with an OHKO so Samurott can consistently spam Hydro Pump. Life Orb can be run on the Swords Dance set to give a slight damage boost if you already have a Z-Move holder. Specifically, this allows Samurott to OHKO specially defensive Vileplume after Stealth Rock damage and simply gives Samurott some power without having to boost. Superpower is an option on both sets, as it helps Samurott deal with Heliolisk.

Checks and Counters

**Heliolisk**: Heliolisk, regardless of whether or not Samurott is physical or special, is a good blanket check to Samurott. Immune to its Water-type attacks due to Dry Skin, Heliolisk prevents Samurott from spamming its STAB moves.

**Bulky Water-types**: Bulky Water-types such as Blastoise, Seismitoad, Pyukumuku, and Vaporeon are all problems for Samurott in some way. Blastoise has the ability to burn Samurott with Scald and potentially stall it out with Toxic, Seismitoad can completely block its Water-type moves, Pyukumuku completely invalidates both the physical and special sets due to Unaware and its lightness and low Base Power on Grass Knot, and Vaporeon is a general annoyance if Samurott is not running Taunt due to Toxic and Wish.

**Grass-types**: Grass-types like Sceptile and Whimsicott give Samurott trouble, as they are resistant to Aqua Jet, preventing Samurott from pulling off an effective sweep or clean until they are severely weakened. However, they are manageable thanks to Samurott's access to Megahorn and Ice Beam.

**Special Walls**: When running special variants, Specially defensive walls like Mega Audino and Type: Null can prove heavily harmful to special Samurott dependant depending on its last move, as they can easily tank hits. While they are susceptible to Taunt and Knock Off, respectively, they will definitely prove difficult for special Samurott to deal with.

- Written by: [[Yoshizilla315, 322194]]
- Quality checked by: [[Rabia, 336073], [quziel, 297859], [banks, 379208]]
- Grammar checked by: [[martha, 384270], [, ]]
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