Resource SM RU Simple Questions, Simple Answers

Because its usage is too high in RU, plain and simple. Enough low-ladder people use it that it keeps it in the tier despite it being bad

Ohh. I mean I'm guilty of that too XD

That might change since Raikou dropped, but we'll see.

I think it's because the Eeveelutions are a fan favorite. I mean, I'm guilty of using them too. I loved the eeveelutions since I was little. But the low ladder players are probably using it because Jolteon is a fan favorite
That might change since Raikou dropped, but we'll see.
Sadly I still see Jolteon in the ladder, so it's a bit unlikely. Will those low ladder people ever realize that Jolteon is no longer the top tier force from ORAS?

And yes, I understand about the fandom, but remember that most favorites fail in competitive or the power creep catches them. (IMO it is the baton pass ban that killed Jolteon because it lost its clame to fame)
Does anyone have any replays of SubCM Raikou pulling off a late game sweep? I'm doing a facebook spotlight of that set, and would like to show it in action.
Few questions.

Feel like Seismitoad doesn’t rlly have the same viability as other A- mons or even B+ pokemon honesty. what makes it ranked so high, as I feel like Golisopod, Drapion and even Mismagius feel a lot more useful atm.

Is Slowking rlly B+ worthy? I barely see it in tournament and feel like people are leaning more towards using Slowbro anyway. What keeps it B+?

Last question. What things do I have to absolutely take into account while teambuilding (as in, what mons should I def have multiple checks to)?
Few questions.

Feel like Seismitoad doesn’t rlly have the same viability as other A- mons or even B+ pokemon honesty. what makes it ranked so high, as I feel like Golisopod, Drapion and even Mismagius feel a lot more useful atm.

Is Slowking rlly B+ worthy? I barely see it in tournament and feel like people are leaning more towards using Slowbro anyway. What keeps it B+?

Last question. What things do I have to absolutely take into account while teambuilding (as in, what mons should I def have multiple checks to)?

Solid counter for the likes of Raikou, Barb, Croak, TTrum, Arc, Lycanroc, Rhyp. Stops Tine/Milo dead in their tracks/trades Toxic.
Soft checks plenty of mons such as Zyg, Metagross, Regi, Lazzle (counters if non-hp grass), Gatr, Queen, Drag and Fabio to name a few. Decent SR setter.

The most important mons it counters are 9tales, Vern, Queen, Lazzle, Goodra, Swellow, Garde, Drag and Espy. It's also great at blanket checking (nearly) every special attacker. Even Modest Stoise, Specs Yan, Rose (unless Grass Z), Rotom-C and Raikou can lose 1v1 to it. It can also carry neat utility moves in Dtail/Future Sight to support its teammates. If anything, I'd say the only two things holding it back from seeing more usage would be the presence of Pursuit trappers and its 4MSS.

252+ SpA Mega Launcher Blastoise-Mega Dark Pulse vs. 252 HP / 80 SpD Assault Vest Slowking: 170-200 (43.1 - 50.7%) -- 3.9% chance to 2HKO
176+ SpA Slowking Grass Knot (100 BP) vs. 0 HP / 0 SpD Blastoise-Mega: 168-198 (56.1 - 66.2%) -- guaranteed 2HKO

252 SpA Choice Specs Yanmega Bug Buzz vs. 252 HP / 80 SpD Assault Vest Slowking: 234-276 (59.3 - 70%) -- guaranteed 2HKO
176+ SpA Slowking Fire Blast vs. 0 HP / 4 SpD Yanmega: 328-386 (104.7 - 123.3%) -- guaranteed OHKO

176+ SpA Slowking Psyshock vs. 0 HP / 0 Def Roserade: 320-378 (122.6 - 144.8%) -- guaranteed OHKO
176+ SpA Slowking Fire Blast vs. 0 HP / 4 SpD Roserade: 198-234 (75.8 - 89.6%) -- guaranteed 2HKO

252 SpA Rotom-Mow Leaf Storm vs. 252 HP / 80 SpD Assault Vest Slowking: 210-248 (53.2 - 62.9%) -- guaranteed 2HKO
176+ SpA Slowking Fire Blast vs. 0 HP / 4 SpD Rotom-Mow: 194-230 (80.4 - 95.4%) -- guaranteed 2HKO

176+ SpA Slowking Psyshock vs. 0 HP / 0 Def Raikou: 144-169 (44.8 - 52.6%) -- 83.2% chance to 2HKO after Stealth Rock and Leftovers recovery
252 SpA Raikou Thunderbolt vs. 252 HP / 80 SpD Assault Vest Slowking: 156-186 (39.5 - 47.2%) -- guaranteed 3HKO

As for mons worth checking, the most important ones to be mindful of would be Stoise and Zyg in particular. However, having checks for
GolisoGOD, offensive grasses (Rose, Shay, Viriz), offensive fightings (Champ, Croak, Goro, Pass, Sawk, Bear), offensive fires (Lazzle, 9tales, Arc), offensive psychics (Necro, Espy, Garde, Sigi, Metagross), offensive dragons (Vern, Drag, Goodra, Ttrum, Fabio, Flygon) and not autolosing to set up mons like Barb, Linoone, Raikou and Lax is also pretty important; so is being able to break fatter mons like Regi, Milo, Cress, Mandi and Florg.
So, I'm working on a stall team, and I've only thought of two Pokemon that can defensively check Machamp well: Arcanine and Sableye. I was going to go with Arcanine, since higher-tier 'mons tend to be better, but I was wondering if there is a reason why I might want to choose Sableye instead.

I haven't played RU in a long time, so I'm not entirely sure what to prep for. Which of these two are better at checking other threats? They both seem equally good at checking Machamp.
So, I'm working on a stall team, and I've only thought of two Pokemon that can defensively check Machamp well: Arcanine and Sableye. I was going to go with Arcanine, since higher-tier 'mons tend to be better, but I was wondering if there is a reason why I might want to choose Sableye instead.

I haven't played RU in a long time, so I'm not entirely sure what to prep for. Which of these two are better at checking other threats? They both seem equally good at checking Machamp.
z cress is fine, it's a good way to prevent trick users from making any headway as well

sableye is pretty bad, arcanine stall is niche
How does Venusaur learn Weather Ball?

It was an event Bulbasaur a while back, but you cannot put Chlorophyll and Weather Ball together. It got released on Cartridge but it is only compatibel with Overgrow as the set ability from Game Freak, sadly not with Chlorophyll.
Was looking at the smogdex analysis for swellow. Is there a reason that it runs air slash over hurricane? Is it incompatable with another move? Just checking cause i thought hurricane and boomburst were egg moves from noivern
Was looking at the smogdex analysis for swellow. Is there a reason that it runs air slash over hurricane? Is it incompatable with another move? Just checking cause i thought hurricane and boomburst were egg moves from noivern
Most of the time you will just click Boomburst and U-Turn, so flying stab is alredy kinda useless. The only time you'll click the flying stab is to revengkill full hp Virizion, so its better to go with something more reliable then hurricane.
Is Hp Electric Floatzul a Good pokemon to counter Mantien/ Donfan along with Magmorter and slower Rock/Ground/Fire types too my knowledge being the fastest water type available?
Floatzel @ Life Orb
Ability: Water Veil
EVs: 4 HP / 232 Atk / 20 SpA / 252 Spe
Lonely Nature
- Waterfall
- Bulk Up
- Hidden Power [Electric]
- Taunt
With its low bulk and unremarkable typing, Floatzel isn't a viable counter to anything. Sure, it's fast, but it can't switch into attacks whatsoever. If you want a fast Mantine answer, use Raikou, which has the same Speed and the coverage to pressure Donphan.
I was thinking of using Forretress as a check to Rhyperior (among other Pokemon), and I was wondering which attack to use. The obvious and recommended one for Forretress in general is gyro ball. However, because of Rhyperior's equally terrible speed, it does very little damage. Not to mention, it has low pp, and leftovers heals a fair amount of the damage. I thought of flash cannon, but Forretress' SpA is rather low, and the damage output is not much better.