Super Smash Mods

Pulla (Evos for Everyone)
Great Nailsage Sly (Crossover Chaos v2)
Flygon (Sylvemons)
Sigilyph (Megas for All)
Nihilego (Clean Slate)
Baloon (Roulettemons)

Safety Socks
Mulp Berry
Gastrodon (Choonmons)
Lopunny (AbNormal) (SV)
Baloon (Roulettemons)
Alolan Gengar (Regional Variants)
Manectric (Mega Mirrors)
Eternal Anorith (Eternal Pokemon)

Combat Vest
Eviolith (Note: If certain Evos for Everyone or Fourth Frontier Pokemon get subbed and win, fully evolved Pokemon will become NFE and we'll regret this really fast)
I don't think a fully evolved "prevo" from another mod would be Eviolith capable. I think you'd have to sub something like "Evos for Everyone Skarmory" for that to happen.
I was under the impression that the entire line would be added, seeing as Stitch98 submitted the entire Alolan Gengar line and Aquatic didn't quote him in the "stuff that has to be changed" post. So if the Skarm Evolution from Evos for Everyone won, Evos for Everyone Skarm would also be added and it could abuse Eviolith. You might be right though, we'll have to wait for Aquatic's clarification.
Voting will close in a few hours. Regarding Gengar, only Gengar(+mega) is being voted on here, sorry for having missed that

I vote for Nihilego (Clean Slate) and Flygon (Sylvemons)
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Baloon (Roulettemons)

137 / 124 / 142 / 102 / 12 / 83
Refrigerate / Contrary / Symbiosis


Alolan Gengar (Regional Variants)

70 / 45 / 70 / 120 / 100 / 95


70 / 45 / 90 / 160 / 120 / 115



Nihilego (Clean Slate)

101 / 82 / 67 / 89 / 121 / 101
Levitate / Unnaware


Flygon (Sylvemons)

80 / 100 / 80 / 80 / 80 / 100
Levitate / Tinted Lens / Sand Stream


Lopunny (AbNormal)

65 / 76 / 84 / 54 / 96 / 105
Cute Charm / Klutz / Limber


65 / 136 / 94 / 54 / 96 / 135

As for the items, our winners are Safety Socks, allowing the holder to avoid being affected by hazards, and Eviolith, allowing species that can still evolve to get a 50% boost in offense.

Discuss a few possible sets for the mons. The next slate opens Friday.
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Lopunny-Abnormal @ Lopunnite
Ability: Limber
EVs: 252 Atk / 4 SpD / 252 Spe
Jolly Nature
- Play Rough
- High Jump Kick
- Frustration [Dark]
- Fake Out [Fighting] / Quick Attack [Electric]

Lopunny-Abnormal @ Lopunnite
Ability: Limber
EVs: 4 HP / 252 Atk / 252 Spe
Jolly Nature
- Fake Out [Fighting]
- Return [Fairy]
- High Jump Kick
- Healing Wish
Baloon @ Life Orb
Ability: Refrigerate
EVs: 252 Atk / 4 Def / 252 SpD
Careful Nature
- Amnesia
- Darkest Lariat
- Play Rough
- Heal Order

Baloon @ Normalium-Z
Ability: Refrigerate
EVs: 252 HP / 4 Atk / 252 SpD
Careful Nature
- Volt Tackle
- Return
- Conversion
- Heal Order
Nihilego-Clean Slate @ Black Sludge
Ability: Levitate
EVs: 252 HP / 4 SpD / 252 Spe
Timid Nature
IVs: 0 Atk
- Stealth Rock
- Toxic Spikes
- Recover
- Rapid Spin

Nihilego-Clean Slate @ Leftovers
Ability: Unaware
EVs: 252 HP / 252 Def / 4 SpD
Bold Nature
- Recover
- Haze
- Toxic / Toxic Spikes
- Venoshock / Sludge Wave / Knock Off
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Table based on the tables on SmashWiki

in Super Smash Mods

Universe: SylveMons
Availability: Slate 1
"Tier" (Viability Ranking): N/A
"Final Smash" (Best Move): Twineedle

Flygon is a great all-round pick, with balanced stats, a decent typing offensively, and 2 amazing abilities in Sand Stream and Tinted Lens. Compared to the other Pokemon already in the metagame, Flygon looks to be the Pokemon that can patch up wallbreaking cores by abusing weakened walls with Tinted Lens boosted STABs or be a great offensive utility Pokemon with U-Turn and Defog.

Flygon-SylveMons @ Groundium Z
Ability: Tinted Lens
EVs: 252 Atk / 4 SpD / 252 Spe
Adamant Nature
- Dragon Dance
- Earthquake
- Twineedle (SylveMons)
- Stone Edge

Flygon-SylveMons @ Soft Sand
Ability: Tinted Lens
EVs: 40 HP / 252 Atk / 216 Spe
Jolly Nature
- Earthquake
- Twineedle
- U-turn
- Roost / Defog

Also, have some super basic series symbols:
Roulettemons Universe

Regional Variants Universe

Clean Slate Universe

SylveMons Universe

AbNormal Universe
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Pokemon: Silly Putty (Wigglytuff + Ditto)
Mod of Origin: Fusion Evolution
Stats: 110/60/60/70/50/50
Type: Normal/Fairy
Abilities: Ultimate Scout (Imposter that also has Frisk effects. If the user is holding no item, copies the effects of the foe's item and applies it to the user.)
Additional Moves: Ditto movepool, Wigglytuff movepool
Overview: Silly Putty is a Pokemon from FE with the sole purpose of a scouting Imposter user. Its best stat is HP, which allows it to perform the role better than Ditto, and on top of that it can also scout for the foe's item. That way, it isn't caught off guard in various matchups due to an enemy's item choice (like Sash). What's more, you can forego your own item in order to gain the effects of your foe's item. Worried about Substitute turning you into setup fodder? Well unlike Ditto, you can use attacks like Hyper Voice, Dazzling Gleam, Fire Blast, or Perish Song to keep yourself in the game. Overall, a good transition of Imposter to an OU based metagame.


Pokemon: Gardevoir-Kalos
Mod of Origin: Regional Variants
Typing: Fairy/Fighting
Abilities: Pixilate/Anticipation/No Guard
Stats: 68/70/80/120/85/95
New Moves: Aura Sphere, Volt Switch, Play Rough, Vacuum Wave, Drain Punch, Brick Break, Feint, Meditate, Flail, Mat Block, Counter
Removed Moves: Destiny Bond, Healing Wish, Magic Coat, Zen Headbutt, Confusion, Draining Kiss, Dream Eater, Future Sight, Hypnosis, Magic Room, Stored Power, Synchronoise, Telekinesis, Teleport, Wonder Room
Overview: Faster Gardevoir with Fighting STAB, Volt Switch, and No Guard/Pixilate. At the cost of moves like Destiny Bond and Healing Wish. However, now you can decide which to use, Pixilate Hyper Voice or No Guard Focus Blast. Of course, there is a way to somewhat combine the two...

Pokemon: Gardevoir-Kalos-Mega
Typing: Fairy/Fighting
Ability: Pixilate
Stats: 68/100/95/150/95/110
Overview: This Mega version of Gardevoir-Kalos is a force to be reckoned with. Pixilate Hyper Voice, Focus Blast, Psychic/Psyshock for coverage and Volt Switch all combine to create a very tough to beat set. What's more, you can utilize the base form's No Guard to ensure Focus Blast hits the target you're aiming at, before going Mega to Hyper Voice what comes out next. Its defenses are still poor, though, so it needs to be mindful of how it goes about fighting.


Pokemon: Aquazelle
Mod of Origin: Roulettemons
Typing: Normal/Water
Abilities: Heatproof/Aerilate/Corrosion
Stats: 107/53/83/123/97/137
Moves: Strength, Return, Tri Attack, Revelation Dance, Surf, Waterfall, Liquidation, Steam Eruption, Mach Punch, Bullet Punch, Toxic Spikes, Gunk Shot, Roost, Fusion Flare, First Impression, Discharge, Thunderbolt, Play Rough, Grass Knot, Night Slash, Purify, Sweet Scent, Role Play, Frost Breath, Me First, Simple Beam, Supersonic, Forest's Curse, Noble Roar, Psych Up, Bide, Aromatic Mist, Self Destruct, Snatch, Ice Burn, Crush Grip, Rolling Kick, Iron Tail, Bone Club, False Swipe, other universal moves
Overview: Aquazelle is a fast Normal and Water type with a solid stat distribution and some very good moves to play around with. It has options like Steam Eruption, Fusion Flare, T-Bolt, and Frost Breath. Its abilities are also useful. Aerilate provides strong Flying coverage, and thanks to Revelation Dance, it doesn't have to sacrifice its Normal STAB to do so. It can also pull off a Corrosion set with Steam Eruption, Toxic, Purify, and Roost to spread the status ailments it wants, wherever it wants. Overall, a worthy representative of Roulettemons.


Pokemon: Doublade-Alola
Mod of Origin: Regional Variants
Typing: Steel/Water
Ability: Levitate
Stats: 59/110/130/35/79/35 (Total: 448)
New Moves: Liquidation, Aqua Jet, Taunt, Shore Up
Removed Moves: Shadow Claw, Shadow Sneak, Destiny Bond, Shock Wave
Overview: This pair of cutlasses steals treasure and stores it in it's personal treasure chest. Because it can evolve, it is able to utilize Eviolite/Eviolith, and thanks to its high offenses/defenses, it happens to be very good at this. With Liquidation, Aqua Jet, and Swords Dance, it's a pirate's life for Doublade.
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Pokémon: Raichu-Alola
Mod of Origin: The Heart of the Cards
Stats: 60/85/50/95/85/110

Abilities: Surge Surfer / Voltage Increase (Electric Steelworker)
Additional moves: Power Short

Seeing what's already been added, Raichu can certainly have fun as a check to Baloon, seeing how both its Z-Conversion and Contrary sets are scary sweepers, as well as being able to scare Mega Lopunny and Nihilego. It has Flygon and Mega Alolan Gengar to fear, allowing it to settle into a nice middle road in the early metagame.

Pokémon: Lileep-Eternal
Mod of Origin: Eternal Pokemon
Stats: 104/39/104/104/104/39

Abilities: Suction Cups / Storm Drain
Additional moves: Algae Allure (90 BP Water-type Giga Drain clone)

Lileep-Eternal is mean to form a nice defensive core with Nihilego, as its typing allows it to take out future Steel and Water-types while Nihilego can beat Mega Alolan Gengar, Poison-types, and Flygon. Lileep also gives SSM more Stealth Rock support, which can also allow Nihilego to run Toxic Spikes if it wants to.

Pokémon: Genesect
Mod of Origin: Clean Slate
Stats: 71/105/95/105/95/99

Abilities: Overdrive (Boosts Attack and Special Attack by 1.5x in Electric Terrain)
Additional moves: Shift Gear, Techno Blast, Extreme Speed removed

This is a token Steel-type threat that Lileep-Eternal would be built to handle. With pretty good 105 Attack and Special Attack and oodles of coverage, Genesect is a great Choice item user, being able to dent teams when given the chance. It's checked currently by Alolan Gengar and Flygon mostly due its only okay speed tier, while it threatens Baloon and Nihilego and equally fears and loves Mega Lopunny.

Pokémon: Moltres
Mod of Origin: SylveMons
Stats: 90/100/90/125/85/90

Abilities: Pressure / Drought / Flame Body
Additional moves: Jetstream (Flying Vacuum Wave clone), Storm Strike (Physical Weather Ball)

Moltres Counters: N/A
Moltres Checks: Flygon, Baloon, Lopunny
Moltres is Countered by: Nihilego
Moltres is Checked by: Alolan Gengar

Pokémon: Banette
Mod of Origin: Mega Mirros
Stats: 64/115/65/83/63/65 -> Mega X: 64/165/75/93/83/75, Mega Y: 64/135/85/83/93/95
-> Mega X:
Mega Y:

Abilities: Insomnia / Frisk / Cursed Body -> Mega X: Prankster, Mega Y: Fluffy
Additional moves: U-Turn

Banette Counters: N/A
Banette Checks: Lopunny, Flygon, Baloon
Banette is Countered by: Alolan Gengar
Banette is Checked by: N/A

Item: Mulp Berry
Mod of Origin: SylveMons
Effect: When at 1/4 HP or less, consumes Berry and sets Stealth Rock on the foe's side
Item: Heavy Bracelet
Mod of Origin: Generation SD
Effect: If the holder moves last, its move will deal 33% more damage.
Item: Big Root
Mod of Origin: G-Luke's Ideal World
Effect: Boosts the power of Draining moves by 50% and the amount they drain by 25%.
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Pokémon: Steve
Mod of Origin: Crossover Chaos V2
Stats: 95/95/95/95/95/95 (570)

Abilities: Battle Armor / Hunger* / Miner**
*Hunger: For 10 turns, heals Steve by 1/8 of his max HP at the end of every turn. After 10 turns, damages Steve by 1/16 of his max HP at the end of every turn. Resets upon switching out, or if Steve eats a Berry or uses Swallow. When Steve has 1/2 or less of its maximum HP, it uses certain Berries early.
**Miner: Steelworker clone for Rock-type.
Physical: Diamond Pickaxe*, Tipped Arrow**, Explosion, Return, Extreme Speed, Stone Edge, Rock Tomb, Superpower, Sacred Sword, Waterfall, Aqua Jet, Acrobatics, High Horsepower
Special: Sludge Bomb, Thunder, Inferno, Surf
Status: Milk Drink, Stockpile, Swallow, Sticky Web, Stealth Rock, Spikes, Toxic Spikes, Curse, Swords Dance, Iron Defense
Flavor: Egg Bomb, Fire Charge, Block, Fly, Sand Tomb, Rock Throw, Rollout, Rock Slide, Incinerate, Recycle, Teleport
*Diamond Pickaxe: 80 BP | Rock | Physical | 100% Acc | 10 PP | Removes entry hazards and binding moves from user's side of the field, except Sticky Web, Magma Storm, Whirlpool and Lingering Potion (see below).
**Tipped Arrow: 70 BP | Normal | Physical | 100% Acc | 15 PP | Doesn't make contact | Type and effect depend on Steve's IVs. Effects are applied to the opponent.
Poison - Poison - Inflicts poison.
Bug - Harming - Deals 1/4 max HP damage.
Electric - Slowness - Lowers Speed by -1.
Fairy - Weakness - Lowers Attack by -1.
Dark - Decay - Deals 1/16 max HP damage for 5 turns and applies Heal Block.

Positive (probably don't want to use these as coverage but still there):
Fighting - Strenght - Increases Attack by +1.
Flying - Slow Falling - Gives immunity to Ground-type moves and entry hazards.
Ghost - Regeneration - Heals by 1/16 max HP for 5 turns.
Steel - Night Vision - Next move can't miss unless it is a OHKO move.
Fire - Fire Resistance - Gives immunity to Fire-type moves.
Water - Water Breathing - Gives immunity to Water-type moves.
Grass - Healing - Heals by 1/4 max HP.
Ice - Swiftness - Increases Speed by +1.
Ground - Jump Boost - Increases critical chance by 1 and Speed by 33%.
Dragon - Luck - Next move is a critical hit.

Psychic - Invisibility - HP stops showing to the opponent.
Rock - Turtle Master - Increases Defense by 2 but lowers Speed by 1.

Pokémon: Sthyndra
Mod of Origin: The New First Gen
Stats: 135/65/70/85/130/50 (535)

Abilities: Regenerator/Prey-Stinging*/Suction Cups
*Prey-Stinging: Contact moves against this Pokemon give the Paralysis status to the Pokemon who hit it. Affects Ground-types.
Moves: Dragon Pulse, Sludge Wave, Sludge Bomb, Earth Power, Giga Drain, Surf, Calm Mind, Recover, Spikes, Toxic Spikes, U-turn, Explosion, Toxic, Dragon Tail, Gastro Acid, Agility, Stockpile, Spit Up, Swallow, Protect, Substitute, Hidden Power, Rest, Venoshock, Recycle
Competitive Use: Utility hazard setter that can paralyze contact user opponents, or just take hits with Regenerator.

Pokémon: Pikachu-Ash
Mod of Origin: Fusion Evolution
Stats: 35/75/40/50/50/110 (360)

Abilities: Friction Charge*
*Friction Charge: When hit by an Electric-type move or contact move, increases the power of own contact moves by 1.5x (similar to what Flash Fire does with Fire moves). Grants immunity to Electric-type moves.
Moves: Pikachu's movepool + Thunder Switch*
Thunder Switch (Physical Volt Switch with 75 BP)
Competitive Use: Cute Hyper-offense. Can use Light Orb due to how Fusion Evolution rules work. After taking a hit, has the equivalent of a +1 Attack to contact moves, with Huge Power from Light Orb, and 75 base attack makes it hit pretty hard.
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Hopefully these aren't as disgustingly broken

Pokémon: Rin
Mod of Origin: Crossover Chaos Expanded
Stats: 110/50/70/70/115/70 (485)

Abilities: Virtual Reality* (Comatose)
Notable moves: Yawn, Slack Off, Trick Room, Stealth Rock, Sticky Web, Defog, Spikes, Toxic Spikes, Reflect, Light Screen, Aurora Veil, Tailwind, Haze

*Virtual Reality: Sets any weather or terrain effect upon entry, specified in the ability box like so: Virtual Reality [Hail] / Virtual Reality [Misty Terrain]. This includes primal weather (not sure why you'd want to) and any weather or terrain created for the mod (though this doesn't apply here due to the lack of them). Ignores any negative effects of these weathers.

there you don't need to sub obligatory weather setters anymore. also she can set trick room (manually, thank god), screens, and hazards. she can also clear hazards. and put foes to sleep if they dont switch out. good special bulk but passive with iffy defense

Pokémon: Sayaki Miki (Evio user)
Mod of Origin: Crossover Chaos Expanded
Stats: 80/105/80/50/70/100 (485)

Abilities: Regenerator (Unaware)
Notable moves: Recover, Swords Dance, Sacred Sword, Close Combat, Liquidation, Leaf Blade, Play Rough, Dual Chop, Outrage, Psycho Cut, Night Slash, X-Scissor, Stone Edge, Rock Slide, Rapid Spin, Wish, Healing Wish

eviolith user. keep in mind that because she's running eviolith, she can't run another offensive item.


Pokémon: Aurorus-Harmo
Mod of Origin: The New First Gen
Stats: 130/80/80/105/95/31 (521)

Abilities: Refrigerate (Draconic Light*)
New moves: Thunder Shock, Shock Wave
Removed moves: Rock Throw, Ancient Power

*Draconic Light: Gains the resistances and STAB of the Dragon type, but also a weakness to Dragon

Bulky with STAB BoltBeam and decent Special Attack. Also has an alright defensive typing thanks to Draconic Light. (Don't expect to be abusing Draconic Light offensively, though, it doesn't get any new Dragon moves.)

Pokémon: Kirby-Rock
Mod of Origin: Crossover Chaos V2
Stats: 130/120/80/120/80/70 (600)

Abilities: Gluttony / Dancer
Moves: Star Spit*, Power Gem, All TMs/HMs and non-signature Tutors (from every generation, including Draco Meteor), Stockpile, Spit Up, Swallow, Cosmic Power, Tailwind, Wood Hammer, Dragon Dance, Teeter Dance

*Star Spit: Special Flying-type, 80 BP, 15 PP. 100% Accuracy. 1.5x power if the user moves after the target. Physical if Attack is higher than Special Attack (like Photon Geyser)

He's strong and bulky with an excellent movepool and good offensive type. However, he does have a lot of weaknesses (including to Stealth Rock), and isn't very fast at 70 Speed. His bulk, while good, also isn't that good.
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Pokemon: Avalugg
Mod of Origin: G-Luke's Ideal World V3
Stats: 95/117/184/44/46/28 (BST: 514) Unchanged
Type: Ice/Steel
Abilities: Regenerator / Ice Body / Sturdy
Additional/Changed Moves: Stealth Rock, Ice Shard, Icicle Spear, Heavy Slam, Round (Normal type Stored Power Clone), Water Pulse (75 BP), Ice Fang (70 BP)
Overview: A nice physical wall that can deal with Baloon and some Nihilego and Flygon variants reliably. It's balanced out by its very low Special Defense and Speed, meaning that Mega Gengar-Alola does very well against it. It benefits from having Regenerator, so it can become a good pivot. I can see either a RegenVest or a Stealth Rock set working out the best.

more to come
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Squawkerz Avalugg naturally learns Recover.

Pokémon: Decidueye
Mod of Origin: OptiMons
Typing: Grass / Ghost
Abilities: Overgrow | [HA] Mold Breaker
Stats: 88 HP / 112 Atk / 75 Def / 100 SpA / 125 SpD / 80 Spe [BST 580]
New Moves: Will-o-Wisp, Taunt, Focus Blast, Leaf Storm, Shadow Sneak, Leech Seed, Hex

Forms a great offensive core with Baloon, having decent special bulk and can trap and nuke checks to Baloon with Swirds Dance boosted Spirit Shackle and its Z-Move.


Pokémon: Salazzle
Mod of Origin: Metamons
Typing: Poison / Water
Abilities: Flash Fire / Corossion | Light Runner*
Light Runner - Takes 50% less damage from Ground type moves
Stats: 81 / 82 / 101 / 109 / 63 / 109
New Moves: +Hydro Pump, +Surf, +Scald, -Flame Charge, -Will-o-Wisp, -Overheat

Salazzle's big niche is to prey on the powerful Fairy types in the meta, and punish switchins with its useful utility moves and abilities. Its essentially an anti metagame threat.

No Sprite
Pokémon: Electrolyte
Mod of Origin: Monotype Gen 8
Typing: Electric / Psychic
Ability: Strong Jaw / Volt Absorb / Telepathy
Stats: 78 HP / 117 Atk / 80 Def / 60 SpA / 104 SpD / 91 Spe
New Moves: Thunder Fang, Psychic Fang, Fire Fang, Ice Fang, Knock Off, Rapid Spin, Gunk Shot, Volt Switch, Swords Dance, Coil, Taunt, Thunder Wave, Light Screen, Reflect, Crunch, Aqua Tail, Poison Fang

Electrolyte is a ferocious set up sweeper with a unique typing. Its good bulk and access to Coil lets it be a strong bulky set up sweeper, while it can utilize Swords Dance and be a straight up wallbreaker.


Pokémon: Rapipom
Mod of Origin: Fusion Evolution
Typing: Normal / Fire
Ability: Strike and Pass - All moves at 60 base power or below get boosted by x1.5 and gain a U-Turn switching effect
Stats: 80 / 110 / 78 / 80 / 83 / 120
New Moves: Fake Out, Flare Blitz, Double Hit, Flame Charge, Quick Attack, Pursuit, Return, Double-Edge, Will O' Wisp, Knock Off

The ultimate scout and pivot, Rapipom relies on its high speed and access to Strike and Pass Fake Out to keep up momentum. Its momentum tactics fail against Ghost types tho and its Attack stat is rather pitiful, but Rapipom is still a threat.


Pokémon: Malaras
Mod of Origin: Fusion Evolution
Typing: Dark / Ice
Stats: 119/98/94/86/95/77
Ability: Advocate Scale - Weaknesses become resistances
Notable Moves: Negative Bits*, Knock Off, Scald, Whirlpool, Perish Song, Rest, Aqua Ring, Toxic, Ice Shard, Ice Beam, Dragon Dance, Thunderbolt, Flamethrower(!), Dark Pulse

Negative Bits


Base Power: 40
Accuracy: 100%
Power Points: 20 (max 32)
Effect: +1 Priority; multiplies target's stat changes by -1
Z-Effect: 100 BP
Target: Single Adjacent

A bulky pokemon with a generally horrible defensive typing that actually makes it better thanks to its ability. Advocate Scale makes Malaras resist 9 different types (Ice, Fire, Rock, Steel, Dark, Ghost, Bug, Fairy, and a x4 resistance to fighting) and have an immunity to Psychic type moves while being weak to a whole lotta nothing. Malaras is an absolute terror to Fighting and Fire type sweepers, able to take the strongest of hits as if they were nothing. What a shame that it has no recovery outside of Rest, but that may be all it needs in some cases.

Item: Ice Skates
Mod of Origin: G-Luke's Ideal World V3
Effect: Doubles holder's speed in Hail

Item: Ring Target
Mod of Origin: G-Luke's Ideal World V3
Effect: Pokemon holding this item ignores type based immunities when attacking.

Item: Hot Chocolate
Mod of Origin: G-Luke's Ideal World V3
Effect: Heal's Pokémon for 1/8 of their maximun HP under Hail.
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Pokémon: Mega Camerupt X
Mod of Origin: Mega Mirrors
Stats: 70 / 100 / 70 / 105 / 75 / 40 ----> 70 / 150 / 90 / 105 / 75 / 70 (+50 Atk, +20 Def, +30 Spe)

Abilities: Magma Armor / Solid Rock / Anger Point -----> Regenerator
Additional Moves: Flare Blitz, Gunk Shot
Description: A fantastic offensive pivot that is able to check pokes like Mega Lopunny and Baloon due to its typing. However, its typing leaves it with a horrendous 4x weakness to Ground, meaning Flygon can take advantage of it.

Pokémon: Mega Toxapex
Mod of Origin: Megas For All
Stats: 50 / 63 / 152 / 53 / 142 / 35 ----> 50 / 43 / 202 / 73 / 192 / 35

Abilities: Limber / Merciless / Regenerator ----> Unaware
Additional Moves: Metal Burst, Flash Cannon
Description: Defensive wall that can shrug off setup sweepers due to those massive defenses and Unaware, in addition to its amazing defensive typing. However, its offenses are ridiculously low, and it faces stiff competition from Nihilego from an Unaware wall due to it being able to hold Black Sludge.

Pokémon: Pitayattle
Mod of Origin: Evos For Everyone
Stats: 85 / 86 / 85 / 130 / 85 / 90

Abilities: Dancer / Drought / Storm Drain
Additional Moves: Flamethrower, Fire Blast, Heat Wave, Overheat, Petal Dance, Will-O-Wisp, Rapid Spin
Description: Fantastic sun setter and wallbreaker that can make weather a viable playstyle due to its unique defensive and offensive typing, as well as an amazing base 130 Sp. Atk that can skyrocket with Growth. If need be, it can even act as an emergency spinner, though that should not be the main role you should use it for.

Pokémon: Poipole (not Eviolite or Eviolith compatible)
Mod of Origin: Clean Slate
Stats: 87 / 123 / 67 / 123 / 67 / 78

Abilities: Adaptability
Additional Moves: Psychic, Psyshock, Psycho Cut, Future Sight, Earth Power, Earthquake, Calm Mind, Venostrike
Venostrike: Power doubles if any of the target's stats are lowered (Venoshock clone)
Removed Move: Nasty Plot
Description: A very powerful wallbreaker that can destroy defensive pokes like Nihilego and Baloon due to its typing and Adaptability. It even has coverage for Steels in Earth Power and Earthquake. The fact that it can run both physical, special, and possibly mixed sets mean it is unpredictable. However, it is held back by a medicore speed, low defenses, and a lack of coverage outside of EQ/EP and Hidden Power.

Pokémon: Celenitar
Mod of Origin: Fusion Evolution
Stats: 105 / 120 / 115 / 99 / 100 / 100

Abilities: Sand Spa (Sand Stream + Natural Cure) - Upon switching in or out, sets Sand and heals own status. Cannot have a status condition under Sand.
Notable Moves: Crunch, Dragon Tail, Earthquake, Fire Punch, Ice Punch, Pursuit, Stone Edge, Thunder Punch, Seed Bomb, U-Turn, Earth Power, Fire Blast, Ice Beam, Surf, Thunderbolt, Ancient Power, Energy Ball, Dazzling Gleam, Leaf Storm, Shadow Ball, Curse, Dragon Dance, Roar, Stealth Rock, Taunt, Leech Seed, Healing Wish, Nasty Plot, Recover, Swords Dance, Worry Seed
Description: Absurd 105 / 115 / 100 bulk plus sandstorm when switching in or out + no issues about status + decent 120 attack and 100 speed + a heap of coverage and utility moves, including access to recovery = a potent tank

No sprites for items sadly...
Item: Assault Shield
Mod of Origin: Sylvemons
Effect: Holder's Defense is 1.5x, but it can only select damaging moves. (Assault Vest clone)
Item: Graduation Scale
Mod of Origin: Sylvemons
Effect: If holder is a Wishiwashi, it becomes School Form and will not change back. Its ability becomes Intimidate rather than Schooling. Water moves are boosted by 1.2x
Pokémon: Contrunion
Mod of Origin: Monotype Gen 8
Stats: 62 / 112 / 42 / 112 / 42 / 132 | 502 BST

Abilities: Slush Rush / Solar Power | Magic Bounce (HA)
Custom Moves: Freezing Fire, Burning Ice,
Freezing Fire - 110 BP | Fire type | Physical | 85% Acc. | 5 PP | 10% Freeze Chance
Burning Ice - 110 BP | Ice type | Special | 85% Acc. | 5 PP | 10% Burn Chance
Additional Moves: Icicle Crash, Thunder Punch, Earthquake, Superpower, Fire Blast, Thunderbolt, Focus Blast, Calm Mind, Swords Dance, Nasty Plot
Description: I know the name is "contrary" + "union" but I always think of it as "contrary onion" and imagine it being a Celebi reskin. Fun glass cannon, a Magic Bounce user that isn't brainless to switch in, good mon for the tier I think.


Pokémon: Raichu
Mod of Origin: Clean Slate
Stats: 55 / 105 / 40 / 100 / 70 / 125 | 495 BST

Abilities: Static / Lightningrod | Magic Guard (HA)
Movepool Changes: Ice Shard, Ice Punch, Hail, Ice Beam, Blizzard, Icy Wind, -Volt Tackle
Description: Another pokemon from Clean Slate that can carve a niche for itself in other metagames; its Speed was mostly overkill in CS but 125 is high in any meta.


Pokémon: Rapidash
Mod of Origin: Metamons
Stats: 85 / 100 / 70 / 80 / 60 / 110 | 495 BST

Abilities: Flame Body / Rattled | Dazzling (HA)
Movepool Changes: +Earth Power, +Extremespeed, +U-turn
Description: Its stats are probably a bit low but with decent Speed, god tier offensive typing, and a speed control dominating combo of Dazzling and Extremespeed, it might carve a niche for itself.
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Pokemon: Goku
Mod of Origin: Crossover Chaos Expanded

Stats: 90 / 100 / 90 / 100 / 90 / 100 (570)
Abilities: Gluttony, Competitive
: Bite, Blaze Kick, Circle Throw, Close Combat, Dragon Hammer, Drain Punch, Double-Edge, Extreme Speed, Fire Punch, Fly, Focus Punch, Headbutt, Ice Punch, Karate Chop, Mach Punch, Outrage, Play Rough, Seismic Toss, Sky Attack, Throat Chop, Thunder Punch, Zen Headbutt
: Air Slash, Aura Sphere, Dazzling Gleam, Discharge, Dragon Pulse, Focus Blast, Hidden Power, Hyper Beam, Kamehameha, Vacuum Wave
: Bulk Up, Calm Mind, Defog, Double Team, Dragon Dance, Instant Transmission, Light Screen, Meditate, Protect, Reflect, Thunder Wave, Toxic

Instant Transmission: Normal type, 64 PP, switches user out
Kamehameha: 100 BP, 16 PP, Special, 90% accurate, type changes to user's secondary typing
Description: It's him, Goku. He starts out rather mediocre, but his 4 Mega Evolutions, each of which specialize in different roles, make him very hard to predict.


Mega Name: Goku-Super-Saiyan
Mega Stone: Gokunite S
Stats: 90 / 120 (+20) / 110 (+20) / 120 (+20) / 110 (+20) / 120 (+20) (670)

Ability: Levitate

Mega Name: Goku-Super-Saiyan-God
Mega Stone: Gokunite G
Stats: 90 / 100 / 135 (+45) / 100 / 135 (+45) / 110 (+10) (670)

Ability: Regenerator

Mega Name: Goku-Super-Saiyan-Blue
Mega Stone: Gokunite B
Stats: 90 / 140 (+40) / 90 / 135 (+35) / 90 / 125 (+25) (670)

Ability: Iron Fist
not official art, please support og artist and don't shoot me if that link is someone who stole it

Mega Name: Goku-Ultra-Instinct
Mega Stone: Gokunite U
Stats: 90 / 115 (+15) / 100 (+10) / 100 / 100 (+10) / 165 (+65) (670)

Ability: Divine Instinct
Divine Instinct: 0.75x Evasion in Misty Terrain (Sand Veil clone)

Pokémon: Magmovire
Mod of Origin: Fusion Evolution
Stats: 85 / 119 / 77 / 120 / 100 / 99 (600)

Abilities: Flame Drive
Additional moves: Electivire and Magmortar's movepool + Flaming Clothesline
Description: Fusion Evolution's mascot, he's strong for sure but not overly speedy or bulky. Should be a suitable addition power-wise, and it doesn't make sense not to include the mascot.


Pokémon: Audino
Mod of Origin: Cool Funky Mode
Stats: 114 / 67 / 76 / 67 / 86 / 50 (460, 114 / 77 / 86 / 107 / 126 / 50 in Mega)
Abilities: Healer, Regenerator, Klutz, Misty Surge in Mega
Additional moves: -
Other Changes: -Protect
Description: Solid Misty Surge tank.

Pokemon: Trapinch
Mod of Origin: Clean Slate
Stats: 65 / 100 / 65 / 45 / 65 / 50

Hyper Cutter / Arena Trap | Mold Breaker
Additional Moves: Sucker Punch, Punishment, Pursuit, Fire Fang, Knock Off
Other Changes: Can still use Eviolite and Eviolith
Description: Very bad stats, but hear me out- ARENA TRAP. That's all. If Trapinch has a positive matchup vs something, it will win that matchup. Also something that can actually feasibly abuse Eviolith for EQ+Sucker Punch fun. Eviolite still works however, cuz it is bulky enough to eat a few hits with it.

Pokémon: Chansey
Mod of Origin: AbNormal
Stats: 250 / 5 / 5 / 35 / 105 / 50

Abilities: Same as vanilla
Aditional moves: none that matter

Its Chansey but with a better defensive type that can take on Alolan Gengar


Pokémon: Roserade
Mod of Origin: Sylvemons
Stats: 60 / 70 / 65 / 125 / 105 / 90

Abilities: Grassy Surge / Poison Point / Technician
Aditional moves: Morning Sun, All-Terrain Blast (Terrain ver of Weather Ball), Fairy Lock, Leafage, Shed Leaves (Removes user's Grass type, heals status and clears negative stat changes)

Roserade is an amazing pokemon. The Sylve Technician boost allows it to run things such as Giga Drain and Venoshock as powerful moves with great added effects. It doesn't particularly make use of its new moves, aside from maybe priority with Leafage, but its stronges potential is on Venoshocking poisoned pokemon. A Life Orb variant is capable of 2hkoing even Blissey. Main issue is really getting the set up for that

Reminder that vote begins tomorrow
Doublade-Alola (Regional Variants)
Silly Putty (Fusion Evolution)
Goku (Crossover Chaos Expanded)
Chansey (AbNormal)
Banette (Mega Mirrors)
Pitayattle (Evos for Everyone)

Mulp Berry (Sylvemons)
Hot Chocolate (G-Luke's Ideal World)
Graduation Scale (Sylvemons)
Banette (Mega Mirrors)
Audino (Cool Funky Mode)
Trapinch (Clean Slate)
Camerupt (Mega Mirrors)
Roserade (SylveMons)
Aurorus-Harmo (The New First Gen)

Mulp Berry (SylveMons)
Heavy Bracelet (Generation SD)
Graduation Scale (SylveMons) (Does vanilla Wishiwashi get put in because of this?)
Assault Shield (SylveMons)
Doublade-Alola (Regional Variants)
Banette (Mega Mirrors)
Camerupt (Mega Mirrors)
Pitayattle (Evos for Everyone)
Silly Putty (Fusion Evolution)
Trapinch (Clean Slate)

Mulp Berry (Sylvemons)
Graduation Scale (Sylvemons)
Assault Shield (Sylvemons)
Hot Chocolate (G-Luke's Ideal World)
Banette (Mega Mirrors)
Chansey (AbNormal)
Steve (Crossover Chaos)
Sthyndra (The New First Gen)
Doublade-Alola (Regional Variants)
Trapinch (Clean Slate)