Super Smash Mods

Malaras (Fusion Evolution)
Steve (Crossover Chaos)
Camerupt (Mega Mirrors)
Magmovire (Fusion Evolution)
Lileep-Eternal (Eternal Pokemon)
Kirby-Rock (Crossover Chaos)

Graduation Scale (Sylvemons)
Hot Chocolate (G-Luke's Ideal World)
Big Root (G-Luke's Ideal World)
Assault Shield (Sylvemons)
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I honestly want as many mods as possible to be represented (same reason why I didn't submit anything this slate / might not next slate) so I'm gonna vote for things that aren't from the five mods that are included here...

Banette (Mega Mirrors)
Steve (Crossover Chaos)
Lileep-Eternal (Eternal Pokemon)
Silly Putty (Fusion Evolution)
Rapidash (Metamons)
Sthyndra (The New First Gen)


Alolan Doublade (Regional Variants)

59 / 110 / 130 / 35 / 79 / 35



Steve (Crossover Chaos V2)

95 / 95 / 95 / 95 / 95 / 95
Battle Armor / Hunger / Miner



Trapinch (Clean Slate)

65 / 100 / 65 / 45 / 65 / 50
Hyper Cutter / Arena Trap / Mold Breaker



Banette (Mega Mirrors)

64 / 115 / 65 / 83 / 63 / 65
Insomnia / Frisk / Cursed Body


64 / 165 / 75 / 93 / 83 / 75


64 / 135 / 85 / 83/ 93 / 95



Silly Putty (Fusion Evolution)

110 / 60 / 60 / 70 / 50 / 50
Ultimate Scout



Camerupt (Mega Mirrors)

70 / 100 / 70 / 105 / 75 / 40
Magma Armor / Solid Rock / Anger Point


70 / 150 / 90 / 105 / 75 / 70


70 / 120 / 100 / 145 / 105 / 20
Sheer Force

As for the items, our winners are:
Mulp Berry, which activates at low HP and sets Stealth Rocks on the foe's field when eaten
Hot Chocolate, which heals the user by 1/8 under Hail
Assault Shield, which gives a 50% boost to defense but makes the holder unable to use status moves
Graduation Scale, which makes Wishiwashi permanently stay in School form while it holds it, along with getting its ability changed to intimidate and gaining a 20% boost to its Water moves.

Due to the last item, vanilla Wishiwashi gets added on to the meta, but will be replaced instantly if any Wishiwashi from another mod wins. The new slate will begin tomorrow evening, in the meantime you can post sets.

in Super Smash Mods

Universe: AbNormal
Availability: Slate 1
"Tier" (Viability Ranking): N/A
"Final Smash" (Featured Move): Return

Mega Lopunny has a lot of people worried and may be shaping up to be a top tier, so let's look at some calcs with this set
Lopunny-Abnormal @ Lopunnite
Ability: Limber
EVs: 252 Atk / 4 SpD / 252 Spe
Jolly Nature
- Return [Fairy]
- High Jump Kick
- Dizzy Punch [Psychic]
- Fake Out [Fighting]

Green = Lopunny beats it, Yellow = Lopunny might beat it, Red = Lopunny loses to it
VS Baloon:
252 Atk Lopunny-Mega Return vs. 0 HP / 0 Def Mew: 127-151 (30.6 - 36.3%) -- 53.7% chance to 3HKO
252+ Atk Mew Play Rough vs. 0 HP / 0 Def Lopunny-Mega: 330-390 (121.7 - 143.9%) -- guaranteed OHKO

Y'all lucky we have this

VS Gengar:
252 Atk Lopunny-Mega High Jump Kick vs. 4 HP / 0 Def Fluffy Gengar: 296-350 (104.9 - 124.1%) -- guaranteed OHKO

Even with Fluffy is base, Lopunny is one of the few things in the tier, if not the only thing, that consistently beats Gengar

VS Nihilego:
252 Atk Lopunny-Mega Fake Out vs. 252 HP / 4 Def Nihilego: 93-111 (22.9 - 27.3%) -- 55.4% chance to 4HKO
252 Atk Lopunny-Mega High Jump Kick vs. 252 HP / 4 Def Nihilego: 303-357 (74.6 - 87.9%) -- guaranteed 2HKO

252 Atk Lopunny-Mega High Jump Kick vs. 252 HP / 252+ Def Nihilego: 204-240 (50.2 - 59.1%) -- guaranteed 2HKO

0 SpA Nihilego Sludge Wave vs. 0 HP / 4 SpD Lopunny-Mega: 192-228 (70.8 - 84.1%) -- guaranteed 2HKO

Nihilego is fine if it runs Phys Def, but SpDef better hope that Lop already used its Fake Out before it comes in. Unfortunately, you need a lot of SpA investment or give up a Defense boosting nature to OHKO Lop back

VS Flygon:
252 Atk Lopunny-Mega Fake Out vs. 0 HP / 0 Def Flygon: 41-48 (13.6 - 15.9%) -- possible 6HKO after Stealth Rock
252 Atk Lopunny-Mega Return vs. 0 HP / 0 Def Flygon: 208-246 (69.1 - 81.7%) -- guaranteed 2HKO
252 Atk Flygon Earthquake vs. 0 HP / 0 Def Lopunny-Mega: 144-171 (53.1 - 63%) -- guaranteed 2HKO

Scarf Flygon wins usually, Setup Flygons need a boost and a Z-Move to win. Lopunny if rocks are up and it gets high rolls on Fake Out and Return.

VS Doublade:
252 Atk Lopunny-Mega Fake Out vs. 240 HP / 0 Def Eviolite Doublade: 74-90 (23.1 - 28.2%) -- 100% chance to 4HKO after Stealth Rock
252 Atk Lopunny-Mega High Jump Kick vs. 240 HP / 0 Def Eviolite Doublade: 236-278 (73.9 - 87.1%) -- guaranteed 2HKO after Stealth Rock
+2 252+ Atk Eviolith Doublade Aqua Jet vs. 0 HP / 0 Def Lopunny-Mega: ~74.7 - 88.5% -- guaranteed 2HKO

If Lop already used Fake Out, you kill it with Gyro Ball

VS Steve:
I don't even have to show you this one

VS Trapinch:
Fake Out -> Return murders this thing and HJK flat out OHKOs. If Lop is Encored, it does get trapped quite easily though.

VS Banette:
252 Atk Lopunny-Mega Fake Out vs. 252 HP / 252+ Def Fluffy Banette-Mega-Y: 56-68 (16.8 - 20.4%) -- possible 5HKO after Stealth Rock
252 Atk Lopunny-Mega High Jump Kick vs. 252 HP / 252+ Def Fluffy Banette-Mega-Y: 176-210 (53 - 63.2%) -- guaranteed 2HKO after Stealth Rock
0 Atk Banette-Mega-Y Gunk Shot vs. 0 HP / 0 Def Lopunny-Mega: 236-278 (87 - 102.5%) -- 18.8% chance to OHKO

Either Banette wins if you have full physical defense investment and Gunk Shot (Shadow Sneak is also required for Banette Y)

VS Silly Putty:
Silly Putty destroys it since it's weak to its own STAB

VS Camerupt:
252 Atk Lopunny-Mega Dizzy Punch vs. 252 HP / 0 Def Camerupt-Mega-X: 172-204 (50 - 59.3%) -- guaranteed 2HKO after Stealth Rock
252 Atk Lopunny-Mega High Jump Kick vs. 252 HP / 0 Def Camerupt-Mega-X: 120-141 (34.8 - 40.9%) -- 63.7% chance to 2HKO after Stealth Rock
252+ Atk Camerupt-Mega-X Gunk Shot vs. 0 HP / 0 Def Lopunny-Mega: 506-596 (186.7 - 219.9%) -- guaranteed OHKO

252 Atk Lopunny-Mega High Jump Kick vs. 252 HP / 0 Def Camerupt-Mega: 220-259 (63.9 - 75.2%) -- guaranteed 2HKO after Stealth Rock
252+ SpA Sheer Force Camerupt-Mega-Y Fire Blast vs. 0 HP / 4 SpD Lopunny-Mega: 286-337 (105.5 - 124.3%) -- guaranteed OHKO

Camerupt X has to be fresh in order to beat Lop and can't directly switch into HJK if rocks are up. The same applies to Camerupt Y except that it can't switch in at all.

VS Wishiwashi:
-1 252 Atk Lopunny-Mega High Jump Kick vs. 252 HP / 4 Def Wishiwashi-School: 117-138 (39.7 - 46.9%) -- 34% chance to 2HKO after Stealth Rock
252+ SpA Choice Specs Wishiwashi-School Hydro Pump vs. 0 HP / 4 SpD Lopunny-Mega: 322-379 (118.8 - 139.8%) -- guaranteed OHKO

If you directly switch in, you might be fine

2 Red, 5 Yellow, 4 Green
Overall, Lopunny is extremely threatening, but with appropriate counterplay, it can be manageable.
But, we're gonna need some actual walls soon or run Protect
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Ok so some sets and initial thoughts before subs drop tomorrow lol


Base Camerupt is trash. Getting that out of the way, Camerupt's megas are a mixed bag. Its Y form will most likely have the same viability more or less as it does in OU, or even less thanks to a certain boi. Its Mega X form has a niche in checking the powerful Fairies in the tier, but it needs to keep off rocks to comfortably do so. Against most of the other threats, it should be more or less alright to bad, with Trapinch loling it and Alolan Gengar smacking it hard with Hydro Pump.

Canerupt @ Cameruptite X
EVs: 160 HP / 252 Atk / 96 Spe
Ability: Solid Rock
Adamant Nature
- Flare Blitz
- Gunk Shot
- Earthquake
- Rock Slide

96 speed to outpace 252 Speed Adamant Trapinch, 252 Atk points to maximize damage and the rest to pump up bulk.


I personally do not like the addition of an Imposter mon in such a small and tight metagame, but what you gonna do? Silly Putty is essentially the ultimate scout, and can put in work against opposing teams, but it's success will wildly change as more abd more Pokes are added in.

Silly Putty @ Choice Scarf
EVs: 252 HP / 4 Def / 252 SpD
Ability: Ultimate Scout (I didnt know this was the ability's name wtf)
Calm Nature
- Dazzling Gleam
- Transform
- Wish
- Heal Bell

Its basically supposed to serve as a revenge killer against set up sweepers of the future.


I have nothing to say about this. Its base form and X megas are next to useless, and its Y Mega has a cool defensive typing that isn't helping to do anything right now. Maybe as more mons join Banette will get stuff to check, but rn its looking bleak. Not to mention this mon practically is forced to always carry U-Turn lest it wants to lose against Trapinch. Speaking of which.....


leonard (from big bang theory). I love you. But why must you do this to us??????? Trapinch comes in, and invalidates the existence of the few Poison types in the tier that we want to use to wall the broken fairies. Camerupt's whole schtick was "check em Fairies", and now it has to do so carefully, as a skillful double switch puts it in fear. Scarf, Sash or thicc Pinch all successfully trap Camerupt X, pinch's existence invalidates Camerupt Y, and poor Nihilego is forced to Levitate and take boosted Pursuits or Knock Offs (these are still pretty strong), letting fairy bois chip it down alot easier. I just hope this lil guy gets squashed soon, for all our sakes

Trapinch @ Eviolith / Choice Scarf / Focus Sash / Eviolite
EVs: 252 Atk / 4 Def / 252 Speed or 252 HP / 4 Atk / 252 Def (thicc pinch only)
Ability: Arena Trap
Adamant or Careful Nature
- Pursuit
- Earthquake
- Knock Off
- Sucker Punch

Run this with AbNormal Lopunny and you will always win.


Steve. I love you. Steve gives this meta well needed role compression and versatility, with the means of either being a hazard setter or a late game cleaner. It HATES AbNormal Mega Lopunny and may struggle to beat Doublade Alola, but Steve is coming in to whip this meta into shape.

Steve @ Iapapa Berry
EVs: 252 HP / 252 Def / 4 SpD
Ability: Hunger
Impish Nature
- Spikes
- Return
- Recycle
- Stealth Rock / Sacred Sword / Tipped Arrow

Steve @ Silk Scarf / Chople Berry
EVs: 252 Atk / 4 Def / 252 Spe
Ability: Hunger / Miner
Adamant Nature
- Swords Dance
- Extreme Speed
- Sacred Sword
- Diamond Pickaxe

The first set does its best to be a great hazard setter in a meta where Spikes will be very metagame defining, With Hunger + Recycle + Iapapa, Steve should be healthy throughout most of the match. The last slot is rather flexible and depends on what you want Steve to do, get up Rocks, have a means of damaging Nihilego and Doublade somewhat and Tipped Arrow because those are some crazy effects it has.

The secondary set is a cool set up sweeper. Normal + Fighting + Rock is perfect neutral coverage in this early developing meta, and after a boost, can threaten to clean up weakened teams. Look out for Silly Putty though.


Alolan Doublade is a decent Pokémon, with a fantastic defensive typing and great bulk coupled with Eviolite. It can set up on a few threats like Baloon and Nihilego and proceed to dish out alot of damage. Its ability Levitate, among other things, means that it can't be trapped by Trapinch, making it an effective check.

Doublade-Alola @ Eviolite / Eviolith
EVs: 240 HP / 252 Atk / 16 SpD
Ability: Levitate
Brave / Adamant Nature
- Swords Dance
- Gyro Ball / Iron Head
- Sacred Sword / Liquidation
- Aqua Jet

Much like its regular forrm, Doublade Alola commonly runs a Swords Dance wallbreaker set that can double as a check to Baloon and Physical Flygon. Its essentially the same as its base form, and Im tired so read that in order to know how to use it.
Starting with a bang


Pokémon: Meloetta
Mod of Origin: G-Luke's Ideal World
Typing: Base: Normal / Psychic
Pirouette: Normal / Fighting
Stats: Base: 100 HP / 77 Atk / 77 Def / 128 SpA / 128 SpD / 90 Spe
Pirouette: 100 HP / 128 Atk / 90 Def / 77 SpA / 77 SpD / 128 Spe
Abilities: Serene Grace / Melody Maestro*
*Transforms into its Pirouette forme right before using a Physical attack (same priority as Mega evolution).
New Moves: None
Notes - Elemental Punches - 85 BP.
Round - Normal type Stored Power clone.
Competitive Impact: Meloetta is a cool example of one thing - versatility. It can be a great Specs attacker breaking down walls with Psychic or it can be a great physical attacker. Its Pirouette form sets itself apart from Lopunny with a strong neutral STAB to hit Poison types that would want to take its Fighting STAB, but it still does not like the matchup against Ghosts, forcing it to rely on Knock Off for coverage. Even still, with its good coverage options it can serve the team well.


Pokemon: Aegislash
Mod of Origin: Choonmons
Typing: Steel / Ghost
Stats: 60 HP / 100 Atk / 150 Def / 55 SpA / 85 SpD / 50 Spe
Ability: Stance Change
New Moves: None
Competitive Impact: The metagame lacks plentiful defensive steel types, so what's the best addition? A OU scaled version of Aegislash ofc. Aegislash hardwalls almost any attempt from Baloon to try and break down walls in the metagame, and can beat AbNormal Mega Lopunny pretty comfortably, granted it has not switched directly into High Jump Kick, and even still, it can cripple it hard with King's Shield plays. Unlike in standard where it is virtually unkillable, in here its special bulk is greatly reduced, so most special attackers should not have much trouble against it. This also simultaneously eliminates any mixed or special sets that would otherwise cause havoc. So in conclusion, a good fairy check and a strong defensive Steel in general would do wonders here.


Pokémon: Crobat
Mod of Origin: OptiMons
Typing: Poison / Flying
Stats: 100 HP / 100 Atk / 80 Def / 70 SpA / 80 SpD / 130 Spe | BST: 560
Abilities: Merciless / Strong Jaw
New Moves: Vampire Fang*, Toxic Spikes, Crunch, Psychic Fangs, Fire Fang, Thunder Fang, Ice Fang
Vampire Fang |
| 80 BP | 100% Accuracy | 10 PP | Drains 50% damage taken by target. Biting move, makes contact. | 160 BP Acid Downpour
Competitive Impact: Another, more offensive option to check Fairies, introduce solid hazard control and be a fast revengekiller in general, we have Crobat form OptiMons. It would be the second fastest threat introduced into the meta, and work wonders as team's means of checking various threats, as can be shown in other metas, Crobat can customize its set to do what needs to be done. Thanks to having better bulk, Crobat can take Fairy and Fighting attacks much easier, and retaliate with its potentsuper effective STAB. It can also become a wallbreaker within its own right once it utilizes Toxic Spikes in combination with Merciless. Its a great mon to use and I hope yall consider it.


Pokemon: Swampert
Mod of Origin: Metamons!
Typing: Water/Ground
Stats: 103 HP / 105 Atk / 95 Def / 65 SpA / 108 SpD / 58 Spe
Abilities: Torrent / Water Absorb
New Moves: none
Competitive Impact: Not much to say here, its a great check to Alolan Gengar and its Mega form, which alone should guarantee its spot on the list, thanks to being immune to both form's secondary STAB, and being able to stomach a couple Dark Pulses with its great SpD. Swampert also doubles as a Rocks setter, and a Scald spammer, so it offers dones of utility. It notably lacks Recover however, so be sure to not let it get too worn down over the course of the match.


Pokémon: Sliggoo-Eternal
Mod of Origin: Eternal Pokemon
Typing: Dragon / Electric
Abilities: Sap Sipper / Hydration / Gooey
Stats: 110 HP / 89 Atk / 105 Def / 115 SpA / 100 SpD / 80 Spe
New Moves: Magnetic Charge

Magnetic Charge |Electric| Status| -- 10 -- |At the start of the turn, the user charges itself and, at -3 priority, restores 50% HP. If hit by contact before recovering, the attacker is burned
Competitve Impact: It is a decent check to a bunch of Pokés, and its ability to spread burns to contact attackers can also be seen as quite useful. It has solid bulk and has means of eliminating Trapinch, so it should be a great addition to the metagame.

Item: Umbrella
Mod of Origin: Itemized!
Effect: If the holder is a Nihilego, it is immune to water attacks at all times and takes 0.75x damage from all attacks under rain.
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Pokémon: Altaria-Sinnoh
Mod Of Origin: Regional Variants
New Typing:

New Abilities: Levitate / Snow Warning
New Stats: 75 HP / 50 Atk / 90 Def / 90 SpA / 95 SpD / 90 Spe | BST: 490 (-20 Atk, +20 SpA, -10 SpD, +10 Spe)
New Moves: Aurora Veil, Blizzard, Calm Mind, Discharge, Electroweb, Freeze-Dry, Hail, Icy Wind, Thunder, Thunder Wave, Thunderbolt, Volt Switch (+12)
Removed Moves: Draco Meteor, Dragon Claw, Dragon Rush, Fire Blast, Flamethrower, Heat Wave, Incinerate, Moonblast, Outrage, Play Rough, Solar Beam, Sunny Day (-12)

Pokémon: Altaria-Sinnoh-Mega
Mod of Origin: Regional Variants
New Typing:

New Abilities: Galvanize
New Stats: 75 HP / 60 Atk / 100 Def / 125 SpA / 120 SpD / 110 Spe | BST: 590 (+10 Atk, +10 Def, +35 SpA, +25 SpD, +20 Spe)
Competitiveness: Altaria-Sinnoh will probably never see use at all, save for the small niche of Aurora Veil, which can aid frail sweepers such as Alolan Doublade and Steve. However, its Mega is where it really shines, boasting a good base 125 Special Attack stat combined with Galvanize, and typing that gives it STAB BoltBeam coverage, will surely make it a threatening poke.

Pokémon: Archeops
Mod of Origin: Sylvemons
Typing: Unchanged
Abilities: Defeatist / Early Bird
Stats: Unchanged
New Moves: Meteor Shower (Rock-type clone of Draco Meteor), Dragon Dance, Brave Bird, Power Gem
Competitiveness: Archeops can now finally unleash its power the way it was meant to! It is able to pull off both physical and special sets to great effect, and increases its unpredictability against opponents. However, Levitate Nihilego walls this thing to no end, and it is also horribly frail with a Stealth Rock weakness.

Pokémon: Druddigon
Mod of Origin: Clean Slate

Abilities: Mold Breaker / Defiant
Stats: 90 / 120 / 90 / 75 / 90 / 55 (520 BST)
New Moves: Shadow Sneak, Spikes
Removed Move: Hone Claws
Competitiveness: Great hazard setter than boasts two great abilities, Mold Breaker to set rocks or spikes up in the face of Magic Bouncers, and Defiant to punish Defoggers, which works well in combination with its Ghost typing that allows it to spinblock. It can also act as a good wallbreaker with its Ghost typing giving it perfect neutral coverage. However, it is walled by Fairy-types such as Baloon and Lopunny-Mega, which can OHKO it easily.
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random picked 5 different mods


Pokemon: Florges
Mod of Origin: Fresh Takes
Typing: Grass
Abilities: Flower Veil
Stats: 85/60/75/145/130/75 (BST: 570)
New Moves: Leaf Storm, Power Whip, Strength Sap, Leech Seed
Overview: A grass type meant to take on Trapinch, Wishiwashi, and some Gengar-Alola variants. Thanks to Flower Veil, it has Status immunity, and Strength Sap can help it beat some Physical attackers such as Doublade-Alola. Both Mega Camerupts and Nihilego deal with it nicely, however.


Pokemon: Snorunt-Eternal
Mod of Origin: Eternal Pokemon
Typing: Ice
Abilities: Inner Focus / Ice Body / Moody (banned)
Stats: 110/109/50/110/50/50 (BST: 479)
New Moves: Pinpoint Smash (Ice, Physical, 110 BP, 100% Acc, 8 Max PP, Sets 3 Layers of Spikes, user takes full damage in recoil.)
Overview: A Strong but frail Ice Type attacker that is really good at setting up Spikes. It would most likely be used as a Suicide Lead. Pinpoint Smash can deal heavy damage to Flygon and Trapinch.


Pokemon: Chattakeet
Mod of Origin: Evos For Everyone
Typing: Psychic/Flying
Abilities: Parrot Voice (Flying Type Liquid Voice Clone) / No Guard
Stats: 116/85/65/132/62/91 (BST: 551)
New Moves: Chatot's Movepool + Psychic, Hurricane, Focus Blast
Overview: A Strong Special attacker with decent speed. It can use Parrot Voice to get STAB Boomburst, or it can use No Guard to get perfect Accuracy Hurricanes and Focus Blasts. With a Choice Scarf, it can easily deal with Mega Lopunny, even if it uses Fake Out + Quick Attack.


Pokemon: Bisharp-Crestmaster
Mod of Origin: Twinmons
Typing: Dark/Dragon
Abilities: Defiant / Technician / Pressure
Stats: 80/125/100/60/100/80 (BST: 545)
New Moves: Outrage, Bulldoze, Earthquake, Power Trip
Overview: STAB Technician Dual Chop does a lot of damage, especially with a Swords Dance Boost. It does have a relatively low Speed stat, so sweeps will be difficult for this. Baloon and Mega Lopunny also deal with it quite well.


Pokemon: Kinesel
Mod of Origin: Roulettemons
Typing: Psychic/Fairy
Abilities: Unaware / Tangled Feet / Trace
Stats: 48/146/111/165/78/52 (BST: 600)
New Moves: Zen Headbutt, Psychic, Play Rough, Moonblast, Aqua Tail, Trick Room, Hex, Swords Dance, U-Turn, Leech Life, Blaze Kick, Shadow Claw, Explosion, Relic Song, Light of Ruin, Wild Charge, Shadow Bone, Fire Punch, Bullet Punch, Pain Split, Shock Wave, Stomping Tantrum, Horn Attack, Ally Switch, Mirror Shot, Heart Swap, Ingrain, Power Trick, Ion Deluge, Dragon Rage, Wring Out, Double Hit, Parabolic Charge, Dizzy Punch, Thunder Shock, Psybeam, Flower Shield, Spike Cannon, Thousand Waves, Dragon Rush
Overview: Kinesel's high attacking stats and low speed blend perfectly to make a good Offensive Trick Room Abuser. It can boost it's already high physical attack with Swords Dance.
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Pokémon: Musharna
Mod of Origin: Type Optimisation
Stats: 130/50/110/110/110/60

Abilities: Levitate / Unaware / Regenerator
Additional moves: Sludge Bomb, Haze, Toxic Spikes

As much as it personally pains me to sub a Musharna NOT from SylveMons, THIS right here is your Lopunny check. Its Poison/Psychic-typing means that it completely eats up Lopunny's terrifying STABs and its great 130/110 physical bulk allows it to easily shrug off Frustration when fully invested. Trapinch is still a bit of a problem due to Pursuit, but you'll be happy to now that it's an extremely extremely low chance that Musharna dies to Lopunny's Frustration + Trapinch's Eviolith Pursuit, so Musharna should be fine well played smart.
Also Musharna's existence makes both of Banette's Megas and Camerupt Y a little better, which is nice.

Pokémon: Lileep-Eternal
Mod of Origin: Eternal Pokemon
Stats: 104/39/104/104/104/39

Abilities: Suction Cups / Storm Drain
Additional moves: Algae Allure (90 BP Water-type Giga Drain clone)

Lileep-Eternal is mean to form a nice defensive core with Nihilego, as its typing allows it to take out future Steel and Water-types and Trapinch while Nihilego can beat Mega Alolan Gengar, Poison-types, and Flygon. Lileep also gives SSM more Stealth Rock support, which can also allow Nihilego to run Toxic Spikes if it wants to.

Pokémon: Porygon2
Mod of Origin: Spookdex
Stats: 85/80/90/105/95/60

Abilities: Trace / Download / Analytic / Levitate
Additional moves
: N/A

THIS is your Mega Gengar hard check. With the Eviolite and its typing, Porygon2 can eat up literally anything Mega Gengar does, forcing it to run Focus Blast to hit it when it might want to run Dark Pulse, Ice Beam, or Hydro Pump, which means that other Pokemon might have a shot at checking it as well. Even, Focus Blast doesn't even do 48.1% max, allowing P2 to switch in if there's no hazards and Recover up. Plus, thanks to having 4 abilities, P2 can't even get trapped by Trapinch.

Pokémon: Pidgeot
Mod of Origin: Mega Mirrors
Stats: 83/80/75/70/70/101 -> Mega X: 83/90/135/70/110/91, Mega Y: 83/80/80/135/80/121
(all 3)
Abilities: Keen Eye / Big Pecks / Tangled Feet -> Mega X: Pointed Plumage (Iron Barbs clone), Mega Y: No Guard
Additional moves: Beak Blast, Taunt

One bird, Two stones. Mega Mirrors' Pidgeot gives the meta another fast offensive mon and a much needed defensive mon all in one.

Pokémon: Abomasorus
Mod of Origin: Fusion Evolution
Stats: 95/125/90/105/90/80

Abilities: Petrify - When a Pokémon with Petrify enters the battle, it prevents all adjacent opponent from using sound-based moves for two turns.
Additional moves: Abomasnow + Landorus' Moves, Icequake*
Icequake - Ice-type Earthquake that lower's the target's Speed by 1

An all-around good offensive Pokemon, can pivot around Mega Gengar, beats down Trapinch and Flygon, and acts as nice Speed control. Overall nICE mon.

Item: Heavy Bracelet
Mod of Origin: Generation SD
Effect: If the holder moves last, its move will deal 33% more damage.
Item: Big Root
Mod of Origin: G-Luke's Ideal World
Effect: Boosts the power of Draining moves by 50% and the amount they drain by 25%.
Item: Adaptability Orb
Mod of Origin: The New First Gen
Effect: When Held by a Pokemon, increases the Power of STAB attacks by 10% and decreases the power of non-STAB attacks by 10%
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Pokémon: Probopass
Mod of Origin: Type Optimization
Stats: 75 / 55 / 145 / 105 / 150 / 40 (570)

Abilities: Magnet Pull | Levitate | Sand Force
Additional Moves: Shore Up, Rapid Spin, Spikes
Pokémon: Trevenant
Mod of Origin: Battle Ready!
Stats: 85/110/76/65/82/56 (474) [unchanged]
Rooted Stats: 85/120/126/65/132/56 (584)

Abilities: Frisk | Harvest | Natural Cure | Battle Bond*
Battle Bond changes Trevenant into Rooted Trevenant when it uses Ingrain. When in Rooted form, Leech Seed has 100% accuracy.
Pokémon: Dragon
Mod of Origin: Fusion Evolution
Stats: 88/100/100/121/116/81 (606)

Abilities: Levipoison*
*If this Pokémon is hit with a Ground-type attack, the attacker is poisoned. Grants the Pokémon with this ability an immunity to ground.
Moves: Hydreigon and Dragalge's movepools
Aditional moves: Solar Eclipse (130 BP | Dark | Special | 90% Acc | 8 PP | -2 Special Attack after use.)
Pokémon: Crystal Crobat
Mod of Origin: All the Aces V1
Stats: 75 / 120 / 70 / 70 / 70 / 130 (535) [-10 HP, +30 Atk, -10 Def, -10 SpD]
Abilities: Crystal Type - If this Pokemon uses a Normal-, Poison-, Fire- or Psychic-type move, this Pokemon's type changes to match the type of the move it is about to use.
Aditional moves: Gunk Shot, Flame Charge, Fire Lash, Flare Blitz, Psychic Fangs, Extreme Speed
Pokémon: Harmonian Gliscor
Mod of Origin: The New First Gen
Stats: 75/95/125/45/75/95 (510)

Abilities: Dragon Slayer* | Unaware | Dew Drink**
Dragon Slayer: Deals double damage to Dragon types. Takes half damage from Dragon-type attacks.
**Dew Drink: Storm Drain but raises Attack instead of SpA.
Notable Moves: Swords Dance, Thunder Wave, Defog, Roost, Knock Off, Taunt, Toxic, Earthquake, Amp Slam*, Falling Skies**, U-Turn, Fly, Volt Switch
*Amp Slam (100 BP | Electric | Physical | 90% Acc | 16 PP | 10% chance to paralyze.)
**Falling Skies (25 BP | Flying | Physical | 100% Acc | 16 PP | Hits 2-5 times. Doesn't make contact.)
Item: Regirockium-Z
Mod of Origin: Z-Moves Everywhere
Effect: If held by Regirock with Stone Edge, it can use Armor-Build Blades (160 BP | Rock | Physical | +3 Defense and +1 Special Defense after use. Multi-target.)

Item: Regicium-Z
Mod of Origin: Z-Moves Everywhere
Effect: If held by Regice with Ice Beam, it can use Fortifying Frost Storm (160 BP | Ice | Special | +1 Defense and +3 Special Defense after use. Multi-target.)

Item: Registeelium-Z
Mod of Origin: Z-Moves Everywhere
Effect: If held by Registeel with Flash Cannon, it can use Ultimate Alloy Cannon (160 BP | Steel | Special | +2 Defense and +2 Special Defense after use. Multi-target.)
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Pokémon: Aurorus-Harmo
Mod of Origin: The New First Gen
Stats: 130/80/80/105/95/31 (521)

Abilities: Refrigerate (Draconic Light*)
New moves: Thunder Shock, Shock Wave
Removed moves: Rock Throw, Ancient Power

*Draconic Light: Gains the resistances and STAB of the Dragon type, but also a weakness to Dragon

Bulky with STAB BoltBeam and decent Special Attack. Also has an alright defensive typing thanks to Draconic Light. (Don't expect to be abusing Draconic Light offensively, though, it doesn't get any new Dragon moves.)

Pokémon: Kirby-Rock
Mod of Origin: Crossover Chaos V2
Stats: 130/120/80/120/80/70 (600)

Abilities: Gluttony / Dancer
Moves: Star Spit*, Power Gem, All TMs/HMs and non-signature Tutors (from every generation, including Draco Meteor), Stockpile, Spit Up, Swallow, Cosmic Power, Tailwind, Wood Hammer, Dragon Dance, Teeter Dance

*Star Spit: Special Flying-type, 80 BP, 15 PP. 100% Accuracy. 1.5x power if the user moves after the target. Physical if Attack is higher than Special Attack (like Photon Geyser)

He's strong and bulky with an excellent movepool and good offensive type. However, he does have a lot of weaknesses (including to Stealth Rock), and isn't very fast at 70 Speed. His bulk, while good, also isn't that good.

Pokémon: Regice
Mod of Origin: Optimons
Stats: 80/50/100/120/200/50 (600)

Abilities: Unmelting* / Ice Body
Added moves: Recover, Volt Switch

*Unmelting: Immune to Fire-type attacks and Burn, half damage from Water

Fuck, among other things, special attackers, Fire-types, and Trapinch.

Pokémon: Regirock
Mod of Origin: Optimons
Stats: 80/120/200/50/100/50 (600)

Abilities: Self-Repair* / Regenerator
Added moves: Recover

*Self-Repair: Heals 25% of max HP when hit by a Rock-type attack, or when switching Stealth Rock or Spikes. Clears Stealth Rock and Spikes on entry.

Fuck hazards and physical attackers.

Pokémon: Oktavia von Seckendorff
Mod of Origin: Crossover Chaos Expanded
Stats: 110/135/110/80/90/30

Abilities: Regenerator / Unaware
Notable Moves: Recover, Swords Dance, Sacred Sword, Close Combat, Liquidation, Leaf Blade, Play Rough, Dual Chop, Outrage, Psycho Cut, Night Slash, X-Scissor, Stone Edge, Rock Slide, Rapid Spin, Wish, Healing Wish

RegenVest or Unaware tank with good bulk and physical attack.


Pokémon: Swablu-Sinnoh
Mod of Origin: Regional Variants
New Typing:

New Abilities: Levitate / Snow Warning
New Stats: 45 HP / 30 Atk / 60 Def / 50 SpA / 65 SpD / 60 Spe | BST: 310 (-10 Atk, +10 SpA, -10 SpD, +10 Spe)
New Moves: Aurora Veil, Blizzard, Freeze-Dry, Hail, Thunder, Thunder Wave, Thunderbolt (+7)
Removed Moves: Dragon Rush, Heat Wave, Moonblast, Outrage, Play Rough, Solar Beam, Sunny Day (-7)

Pokémon: Altaria-Sinnoh
Mod Of Origin: Regional Variants
New Typing:

New Abilities: Levitate / Snow Warning
New Stats: 75 HP / 50 Atk / 90 Def / 90 SpA / 95 SpD / 90 Spe | BST: 490 (-20 Atk, +20 SpA, -10 SpD, +10 Spe)
New Moves: Aurora Veil, Blizzard, Calm Mind, Discharge, Electroweb, Freeze-Dry, Hail, Icy Wind, Thunder, Thunder Wave, Thunderbolt, Volt Switch (+12)
Removed Moves: Draco Meteor, Dragon Claw, Dragon Rush, Fire Blast, Flamethrower, Heat Wave, Incinerate, Moonblast, Outrage, Play Rough, Solar Beam, Sunny Day (-12)

Pokémon: Altaria-Sinnoh-Mega
Mod of Origin: Regional Variants
New Typing:

New Abilities: Galvanize
New Stats: 75 HP / 60 Atk / 100 Def / 125 SpA / 120 SpD / 110 Spe | BST: 590 (+10 Atk, +10 Def, +35 SpA, +25 SpD, +20 Spe)
Competitiveness: Altaria-Sinnoh will probably never see use at all, save for the small niche of Aurora Veil, which can aid frail sweepers such as Alolan Doublade and Steve. However, its Mega is where it really shines, boasting a good base 125 Special Attack stat combined with Galvanize, and typing that gives it STAB BoltBeam coverage, will surely make it a threatening poke.

Pokémon: Archeops
Mod of Origin: Sylvemons
Typing: Unchanged
Abilities: Defeatist / Early Bird
Stats: Unchanged
New Moves: Meteor Shower (Rock-type clone of Draco Meteor), Air Current (new weather, Flying-Types take 0.75* damage from Electric, Rock, and Ice-Type moves (kinda like Solid Rock), and the move Hurricane has perfect accuracy. Weather Ball doubles in power and becomes Flying-Type), Dragon Dance, Brave Bird, Power Gem
Competitiveness: Archeops can now finally unleash its power the way it was meant to! It is able to pull off both physical and special sets to great effect, and increases its unpredictability against opponents. However, Levitate Nihilego walls this thing to no end, and it is also horribly frail with a Stealth Rock weakness.

Pokémon: Druddigon
Mod of Origin: Clean Slate

Abilities: Mold Breaker / Defiant
Stats: 90 / 120 / 90 / 75 / 90 / 55 (520 BST)
New Moves: Shadow Sneak, Spikes
Removed Move: Hone Claws
Competitiveness: Great hazard setter than boasts two great abilities, Mold Breaker to set rocks or spikes up in the face of Magic Bouncers, and Defiant to punish Defoggers, which works well in combination with its Ghost typing that allows it to spinblock. It can also act as a good wallbreaker with its Ghost typing giving it perfect neutral coverage. However, it is walled by Fairy-types such as Baloon and Lopunny-Mega, which can OHKO it easily.
Small stuff, but Archeops won't carry over Air Current (Smash can't have new weathers) and you can't sub a whole evolutionary line (So you'd have to take swablu out (not that it matters much))

Pokémon: Goodra
Mod of Origin: Sylvemons
Stats: 90 / 100 / 70 / 110 / 150 / 80

Abilities: Sap Sipper / Thick Fat* / Gooey
* Now also makes it immune to Burn and Freeze, and ignores Hail damage
Aditional moves:
Dragon Rage - Dragon clone of Seismic Toss
Rinse Off - Rain version of Shore Up
Ice / Fire / Thunder Punch - 85 BP
Incinerate - Fire-Type Knock Off clone

Goodra offers a bulky attacker with a very varied movepool allowing it to use a few different sets. The naturally high Sp Def allows it to run HP invests + Assault Shield, at which point it can live 3 Returns from Mega Lop, and with few invests in Sp Attack it OHKOs back with Sludge Wave. However access to recovery also means it can opt to not run Shield. Dragon Rage and Incinerate give it defensive utility as well. Thick Fat also means you can run it on Hail teams with Hot Choclate and Physical Variants (if for some weird reason you wanted to do that) cannot be burned, as well as most importantly, loses a weakness.


Pokémon: Wishiwashi
Mod of Origin: G-Luke's Ideal World
Stats: 45 / 140 / 120 / 140 / 125 / 50

Abilities: Schooling
Aditional moves: +Swords Dance, +Aqua Jet, +Calm Mind, +Signal Beam, +Iron Tail, +Submission

Oh wow something that can actually use graduation scale

Pokemon: Waluigi
Type: Dark
Abilities: Prankster / Showoff (Increases the chance that a secondary effect will occur by 1.5x. Upon the activation of a secondary effect on the foe, they will also be subjected to Taunt and Torment.) / Outcheat (HA) (If a foe's secondary effect would activate, the foe's secondary effects are nullified, and immediately applied to the foe. Also, bounces back any Dark type support move.)
Liar Shot
- Type: Dark
- Classification: Physical
- Power: 80
- Accuracy: 100
- PP: 15 (max 24)
- Effect: This move does not make contact. This has a 30% chance to flinch the foe.
- Flavor: A sudden shot is thrown in a random direction, only to veer back at the foe, catching them by surprise.
Thorn Trap
- Type: Grass
- Classification: Physical
- Power: 35
- Accuracy: 95
- PP: 20 (max 32)
- Effect: This move does not make contact. The user whips the foe with a thorny purple vine, which traps them in for 4-5 turns, and it is affected by Grip Claw and Binding Band. Has a 20% chance to flinch the foe.
Stats: 89 / 105 / 85 / 101 / 91 / 122 (Total: 593)
Notable Moveset: Liar Shot, Thorn Trap, Torment, Liquidation, Power Whip, Rapid Spin, Swords Dance, Nasty Plot, Dark Pulse, Surf, Electro Ball, Spotlight, Fake Out, Foul Play, Poison Jab, Trick, Switcheroo, Charm, Teeter Dance, Taunt
Overview: Waluigi is meant to be a stallbreaker. Trapping defensive Pokemon with Thorn Trap, and then fishing for a secondary effect until the foe becomes affected by Showoff. Alternatively, Waluigi can punish certain Pokemon that like to utilize certain moves, such as Scald burners or Taunters, with Outcheat. His wacky and diverse movepool is thanks to his highly varied kit in the various Mario spinoffs, and Waluigi has the power to utilize it.
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Pokémon: Dragonair-Eternal
Mod of Origin: Eternal Pokemon
Stats: 91 / 114 / 94 / 90 / 109 / 101 (599)

Abilities: Shed Skin, Marvel Scale
Additional moves: +Ardent Strike
Ardent Strike: Physical 90 BP, 15 PP, 100% accurate Dragon move, ignores immunities
Description: A menacing bulky sweeper with good stats and powerful moves that can check the almighty Gengar-Alola. Fairies are the key to taking it down: Mega Lopunny and Baloon do so nicely. Steel types such as Doublade-Alola are also bothersome for it.


Pokémon: Ledian
Mod of Origin: Logicmons
Stats: 55 / 35 / 50 / 55 / 110 / 85 (390)

Abilities: Swarm, Five-Star Fists, Iron Fist
Five-Star Fists: Punching moves are 30% less powerful and have all secondary effects (positive and negative) removed but hit 5 times.
Additional moves:
That Attack stat may look pathetic (it is), but when you have 140 BP priority and your standard punching attacks are more powerful than Explosion, it kinda doesn't matter anymore. Meme value aside, it's a great offensive check to Steve, Trapinch, Gengar-Alola and Doublade-Alola. Just watch out for Mega Camerupt X, Baloon and Mega Banette Y.


Pokémon: Roserade
Mod of Origin: Battle Ready!
Stats: 60 / 70 / 65 / 125 / 105 / 90 (515)

Abilities: Natural Cure, Poison Point, Technician, Battle Bond
Battle Bond: When used by Roserade, after a foe it transforms into Roserade-Forsythia.
Battle Bond Stats: 90 / 70 / 65 / 155 / 105 / 135 (625)
Modified moves: Petal Blizzard
Petal Blizzard: When used by Roserade-Forsythia, becomes a Special move and sets a layer of Spikes upon being used.
Description: Starts out from the beginning as a serviceable offensive Spikes setter, but when it gains its Battle Bond form it becomes an amazing role compressor with a surplus of firepower. Thankfully it's walled handily by Nihilego and Mega Camerupt X, and it might have a hard time getting to its final form in the first place with base stats that leave a bit to be desired.

Pokémon: Dragonair-Eternal
Mod of Origin: Eternal Pokemon
Stats: 91 / 114 / 94 / 90 / 109 / 101 (599)

Abilities: Shed Skin, Marvel Scale
Additional moves: +Ardent Strike
Ardent Strike: Physical 90 BP, 15 PP, 100% accurate Dragon move, ignores immunities
Description: A menacing bulky sweeper with good stats and powerful moves that can check the almighty Gengar-Alola. Fairies are the key to taking it down: Mega Lopunny and Baloon do so nicely. Steel types such as Doublade-Alola are also bothersome for it.
Dragonair was always more of an Extreme Speed bot compared to a bulky sweeper (not to mention 114 attack+weakish STABs isn't exactly powerful move-wise), but if strong priority is a thing this metagame needs so be it.

Anyways, here's a lop check that can't trapped


Name: Eelektrik-Eternal
Mod of Origin: Eternal Pokemon

New Stat distribution:
HP: 128 (+63)
Atk: 97 (+12)
Def: 64 (-6)
SpA: 64 (-11)
SpD: 64 (-6)
Spe: 97 (+57)
BST: 514 (+109)
Abilities: Levitate
Signature Move: Injection |
| 90 BP | 10 PP | 100 Acc | "The user bites it's prey and injects venom and electrifies it simmoultaneously" | Deals either Poison- or Electric-type damage, whichever is most effective. Either badly poisons, flinches, or paralyzes it's foe, 1/3 chance for each. | Z Move - 175 BP Acid Downpour
Design/Flavor: It's mouth becomes wider and venom can be seen dropping from it.
Competitive Analysis: Ol' Eelektrik is a classic case of "apparently Electric, Poison, and Water coverage is virtually perfect, so lets compress that coverage into 2 moves lol". Electric+Poison alongside Levitate makes Eel a lopunny check on offense that can't be trapped (and can even mirk Trapinch, which is only here because of yours truly). Electrophage is supremely hard to pivot around if you don't have a Ground-type, which will probably be statused regardless, and alongside Coil, Substitute, and Aqua Tail becomes truly a nightmare for some teams to play around. On the other hand, it's pretty weak when not set up and doesn't hit too much supereffectively, so offensive pressure is the way to go.
Yoshiblaze really hard

Dragonair-Eternal (Eternal Pokémon)
Florges (Fresh Takes)
Crobat (OptiMons)
Harmonian Gliscor (The New First Gen)
Meloetta (Ideal World)
Porygon2 (Spookdex)

Umbrella (Itemized)
Heavy Bracelet (Generation SD)
Big Root (Ideal World)
Dragonair-Eternal (Eternal Pokemon, SV)
Ledian (Logicmons, SV)
Regirock (Optimons)
Trevenant (Battle Ready)
Bisharp-Crestmaster (Twinmons)
Porygon2 (Spookdex)

Regirockium-Z (Z-Moves Everywhere)
All-Rounder Badge (The New First Gen)
Umbrella (Itemized)