Pokémon Corviknight

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There are a TON of options, but one of the options I consider pretty noteworthy is 210 Speed (252 HP, 96 SpDef, and 160 Speed with a Careful nature) so you can creep neutral Crawdaunt, uninvested Rotom appliances, SpDef Kommo-O, and the Arcto- fossils. You could also run 185 Speed (60 EVs) to outpace neutral max-Speed Araquanid and defensive Seismitoad.
seismitoad seems to be the only relevant one, what other speed values are there?

edit: I now run 80 speed to outspeed max speed Togekiss when Corviknight is at +1. Yes I just lose a match because of that
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I know Mirror Armor isn't as recommended as Pressure, but if you find a weakness to Hatterne on your team, I would totally switch.

Mirror Armor bounces back the guaranteed -1 SpA from Mystical Fire, meaning it actually gets weaker every time you use it. As you resist its other STABs, you can effectively stall it out with Roost and Brave Bird. Even if it's CM, it needs to boost after every attack and since it has no recovery moves, you still just win because each time it hits you, it basically loses the CM (since you're not attacking it with special moves on Corviknight).
So people DO typically run at least some speed on corvi? My conk has 180 speed EV to outspeed and 2hko max hp/def corvi with thunderpunch after leftis but if it's still slower than a majority of them I feel like I should reallocate those EVs, maybe towards more bulk than now. Or more speed if that's useful and people run mainly <80 speed on corvi.
Felt good to clap a pelipper turn 1 though. He did not expect it whatsoever, but that's low ladder for you I suppose.
So people DO typically run at least some speed on corvi? My conk has 180 speed EV to outspeed and 2hko max hp/def corvi with thunderpunch after leftis but if it's still slower than a majority of them I feel like I should reallocate those EVs, maybe towards more bulk than now. Or more speed if that's useful and people run mainly <80 speed on corvi.
Felt good to clap a pelipper turn 1 though. He did not expect it whatsoever, but that's low ladder for you I suppose.
BU Corv tends to run 88 Speed EVs, resulting in a Speed stat of 192. I don't think Conk would want to forgo an Adamant nature just for that and would be better off running just the 180 Speed EVs you were using unless uninvested Mr. Rime takes off. Conk shouldn't exactly be your answer for it though.

Welcome to Smogon! :)
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not sure if offtopic, but how can i breed a corviknight with roost ablity or there is actual TM i could get, cause i have correct nature and IV just realize roost is not in corviknight skillset
So this can 1v1 dd ttar at least if you start behind a sub... or could he have played better?
Don't mind the poor plays, I was super scared of dracozolt and will improve that team...

Ttar didn't strictly 1v1 Corviknight, knight had two free turns of setup.

But generally 1v1 Corviknight will win most of the time. Tyranitar might break through with Dynamax or crits. Depends on EV spreads and items as well.
i really liked this pokemon, can i ask i am playing a 6 choose 3 format with dynamax avalible, in the current playstyle, any suggestions avalible, i am currently using pressure (should i go mirror armour) and with a Impish nature , what should my spread of EV be?
Current skill set is
Iron Head
Body Press
is there any suggestions if i want it to be tank sustaining damages and also hitting others hard too?
The set I'm currently running is
Impish, Mirror Armor
Iron Defense
Body Press
Brave Bird

Iron Defense+body Press let's you do insane damage to most things that fighting hits neutrally. Let alone mons that are weak to it. Brave bird is still brave bird lol.
The set I'm currently running is
Impish, Mirror Armor
Iron Defense
Body Press
Brave Bird

Iron Defense+body Press let's you do insane damage to most things that fighting hits neutrally. Let alone mons that are weak to it. Brave bird is still brave bird lol.
I feel like you would rather use Bulk Up, especially in conjunction with a SDef spread. This allows for you to handle special attackers and also do damage with your secondary attack against common Fighting resists!
I feel like you would rather use Bulk Up, especially in conjunction with a SDef spread. This allows for you to handle special attackers and also do damage with your secondary attack against common Fighting resists!

If your going for all out attack power then yes. But body Press increases power based on defense stat. With Max defense boosts you can 2 shot ferrothorn and most other bulky stalls/setups.

Corv already resists a ton of special dominant types thanks to the steel typing. His only true weaknesses are fire and electric
If your going for all out attack power then yes. But body Press increases power based on defense stat. With Max defense boosts you can 2 shot ferrothorn and most other bulky stalls/setups.

Corv already resists a ton of special dominant types thanks to the steel typing. His only true weaknesses are fire and electric
Yes, but common special attackers (Clefable, Dragapult, Rotom forms, Hatterene, etc. use these type moves while Aegislash also can break through with Shadow Ball if you lack SDef investment. Running SDef invested Bulk Up is far more consistent than PDef invested Iron Defense. Your set is essentially walled vs Fighting resists and immune Pokemon, too, making Aegislash, Jellicent, non-Haze Toxapex, Xatu, Clefable, etc. walls to you when they really would not hold up as well against Bulk Up (especially Substitute + Bulk Up) variants. You are compromising consistency for a few very specific scenarios and limiting your sweeping potential drastically.
Would you still bother with bulk up sets now that dynamax is out ?
I like his ability stall a lot of mons with substitute but his real sweeping potential is kinda gone now that we cannot boost our speed anymore.
Would you still bother with bulk up sets now that dynamax is out ?
I like his ability stall a lot of mons with substitute but his real sweeping potential is kinda gone now that we cannot boost our speed anymore.
Yes, but it will not be nearly as good. It will still be a clear step above things like the Iron Defense variant mentioned above, but odds are utility sets will grow more common and Bulk Up sets will grow less common as time elapses and the metagame settles. Corviknight still will be a metagame staple regardless.
Yes, but it will not be nearly as good. It will still be a clear step above things like the Iron Defense variant mentioned above, but odds are utility sets will grow more common and Bulk Up sets will grow less common as time elapses and the metagame settles. Corviknight still will be a metagame staple regardless.

Yea, Corviknight still has plenty of solid utility options.

Roost/Defog are kinda mandatory since Corviknight is such a reliable Defogger and those are in short supply (Mandibuzz can also Defog but it's not likely that Corv/Buzz will be on the same team). U-Turn is great for a slow pivot, while Taunt is also good to stop stuff like Ferro or Pex from getting up hazards again.

For offensive moves, IMO Brave Bird isn't that good anymore-it was used for the Max Airstream speedboost and also checking Hawlucha, but without Dynamax, the former doesn't exist and the latter is less of a threat. The recoil isn't nice since Corviknight really needs all the HP it has. Iron Head is cool to nail Clefable/Hatterene/Grimmsnarl and at least put some pressure on them. Body Press is another (possibly straight better) option since it lets Corviknight beat Excadrill/Bisharp/Tyranitar (Bisharp is notable since that means Corviknight can emergency Defog and still beat Bisharp despite Defiant, assuming enough HP left) and even wear down Ferrothorn.

If running Taunt, U-Turn might be the better option since Corviknight still can't touch Toxapex in a good timeframe and taking unneeded chip against Ferrothorn with Body Press is meh compared to pivoting into an offensive threat. If no U-Turn or Taunt, Iron Head+Body Press is actually quite solid, but Body Press+U-Turn is probably fine too since Iron Head's really best for hitting Fairies on the switch.
Anybody have any replays featuring Corviknight PP stalling stuff? It seems like one of his major qualities but I don't know how to execute it properly
Anybody have any replays featuring Corviknight PP stalling stuff? It seems like one of his major qualities but I don't know how to execute it properly
Pressure + Spite could also work. Gimmicky for sure, but so unexpected that it might throw off certain players expecting a Defog wall or a Bulk Up tank set.
Pressure + Spite could also work. Gimmicky for sure, but so unexpected that it might throw off certain players expecting a Defog wall or a Bulk Up tank set.

wish I can get spite in cart, it’s only
Available thru decidueye and he’s not in game yet.

making a trickroom set with sassy 0 speed iV pressure, 252 hp 252 spdef 4 Def , sub, roost x,x still unsure on last 2 moves
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