What Blissey Moveset you use the most

What bliss set do you use?

  • Special Wall (s.toss,t.wave/sing,softboiled,ice beam)

    Votes: 37 23.0%
  • Cleric (aromatheraphy,s.toss,softboiled,ice beam/t.wave)

    Votes: 38 23.6%
  • WishBliss (wish, protect, s.toss, ice beam/toxic)

    Votes: 19 11.8%
  • CMBliss (calm mind,ice beam,thunderbolt, softboiled)

    Votes: 19 11.8%
  • CharmBliss (charm, ice beam, light screen, softboiled)

    Votes: 5 3.1%
  • ChargeBliss (chargebeam, icebeam,softoiled, sing/toxic/t.wave)

    Votes: 1 0.6%
  • CounterBliss (counter,icebeam, softboiled, chargebeam/toxic/t. wave/ sing)

    Votes: 13 8.1%
  • Other (if you select other please post the set you use)

    Votes: 29 18.0%

  • Total voters
Everybody hates blissey, but still everybody uses her, this thread its not to discuss your hate for the whore, but to tell us what blissey moveset do you prefer, for me i use 2 movesets, one for shoddy and other for the battle tower, for the battle tower i am currently using a serenge grace charge beam and charm set and for shoddy i use the standard bliss with s.toss,sftboiled,t.wave,ice beam.

I hope this thread inspires new ideas to use with bliss, both for online play or offline play.
I don't use blissey....
But probably I'd go with counterbliss, charmbliss, or cmbliss, as those are quite unexpected and can cause a lot of trouble.
Other. What I use depends on the team, but I pretty much never use any of those options.
I usually don't use it at all, but the set I'd use if I tried it on my team would definitely be CounterBliss. It has so much HP, anything that can't OHKO Blissey will go down.
CMbliss lol YAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH ya normaly when i use bliss i use cm i have tried one other didnt like that much as cm
Other, because I only use Blissey on my gravity team and that requires an odd set.

Actually I wanted to try CMBliss with Wish. Sounds decent, but then again, maybe Softboiled is better in that case. Bah.

Anyways, Standard Special Wall. Never really used the Cleric set. Actually I can't really use either in Real Life since I lack FR. That means no Seismic Toss. Wah. At least CM Bliss is usable.
Wish Blissey, because a Special Wall + Wisher is amazing to have in one pokemon. Unless my team is offensive (which nowadays it usually is), Wish Blissey is a staple.

I usually use Snorlax all the time though. He's underestimated.
Chargebliss is retarded. It has the same Special Attack as Cresselia but unlike the latter it cannot take repeated boosted Waterfalls. Charge Beam is a 3HKO without CH, and has to hit every time and boost at least once. If Blissey switches in it's toast.

Stealth Rock
Seismic Toss.

Only way I can get Stealth rock on my generic teams I use, Also, find it works with people trying to switch in on Bliss :D
My ubers Bliss.

Blissey @ Leftovers
Trait: Natural Cure
252 SpDef / 252 Def / 4 HP
Calm Nature (+ SpDef, -Att)
- Charm
- Sing
- Softboiled
- Toxic / Shadow Ball

After seeing SePh258 take out Jibaku's Arceus in one of the archived warstories with Sing, I thought about how useful it is. Sleep is just so handy to have in ubers, and besides Blissey the only common ubers with sleep moves are Mew and Darkrai, and Mew didn't suit my team very well and Darkrai was very frail (so I replaced it with Arceus, angering Obi, causing Colin to make th extended game clause).

Then I think of how many uber wall breakers (like Mixed Dialga) require physical attacks to take out Blissey, leading me use Charm. What happened was (let's use Mixed Dialga as an example) I would send Blissey into a Thunder or Draco Meteor, Charm the Brick Break that follows, Softboiled, and Charm again. Toxic is for it to, well, damage something, while Shadow Ball is for Safeguard Lati@s and Taunting Mewtwo (but it doesn't do a damn thing to either).
It depends on my team. The one and only time I used Blissey, however, I used the Counter/Protect/Seismic Toss/Wish set.
Where's the "I don't use Blissey" option.

But yeah, if I ever use it, it's probably a Calm one (for Ubers, mostly). But not the Special Wall version you suggested. So, other.
Blissey @ Leftovers
252 HP, 248 SpDef, 8 Spd

Ice Beam

I think Bliss needs to be Calm, its job is to wall Special Attackers and so many can get past it even WITH +SpDef nature, but so many more without. Sing is the best move on Bliss I don't care about accuracy.
I haven't used Blissey in ages, but the one I used last was CounterBliss. It actually took down a few things like Swampert, Steelix and Metagross (Yes, I stayed in against Metagross).
Chargebliss is retarded. It has the same Special Attack as Cresselia but unlike the latter it cannot take repeated boosted Waterfalls. Charge Beam is a 3HKO without CH, and has to hit every time and boost at least once. If Blissey switches in it's toast.

I use a Charge beam bliss with serene grace( ice beam/aromatheraphy or t.wave/softboiled) and has worked amazing for me, 20% freeze from ice beam and 100% from charge beam, and besides, u dont want to take repeated waterfalls...in a battle with skeptical on shoddy my charge bliss charged 3 or 4 times and beat 3 pokes, 2 of them were metagross and medicham