Advance Wars: Days of Ruin


Nice picture of the Box art from Ign.

Anyways I've always been an Advance wars fan, and this game is looking to be pretty great. The game has a more realistic war time feel apart from the other games in the series with the cartoon like characters. They have also added some new units and taken away some of the units that were to unrealistic to make the warfare more real to the times this game is related to which is pre world war 2.

StrangerDanger, describes the game with more detail so I edited it in here.

In a nutshell, this game is like Mad Max. There's a sort of apocalypse involving nukes or whathaveyou, and then rogue gangs and scrap armies made of survivors are vying for power in the vaccum while the older man in the picture leads an army that the younger man joins (his name is will iirc), and the girl is someone mysterious, idk.

Apparently, the CO powers are limited as to be balanced in regards to the previous DS title, however as far as i know there's no word on CO abilities, such as +X% on whatever terrain, etc.

Still, a darker take on one of my favorite series to date.

The game comes out in a week or two in the U.S and I plan on buying it, any other fans out there, or newcomers that plan on purchasing this?

Release dates:
US: Jan 21, 08
Europe: Jan 25, 08
AU: Jan 25, 08
Jap: TBA 08
Day. Freaking. 1.

And this game is not related to the time before world war 2 I don't think? Where'd you hear that.

For those wondering, the game's premise is that 90% of the world population has died due to a series of disasters. They seem to have gone away from the "WAR IS FUN LET'S SEE YOU NEXT TIME AND FIGHT AGAIN =D" feel of the old games.

According to the European website, the old COs died in the disasters =(
Looking at the screenshots on Gamespot, there's random Wi-Fi and voice chat.


Man, I can't wait for this game. No idea when it's coming out in NZ, though.
Day. Freaking. 1.

And this game is not related to the time before world war 2 I don't think? Where'd you hear that.

For those wondering, the game's premise is that 90% of the world population has died due to a series of disasters. They seem to have gone away from the "WAR IS FUN LET'S SEE YOU NEXT TIME AND FIGHT AGAIN =D" feel of the old games.

According to the European website, the old COs died in the disasters =(

No its not that it is set in the pre WW2 era, its meant to be like the pre world war two era as far as tech. Because of the worlds state supplies are low and they make do with what they have, and things like the motorcycle come into combat, now in our history when were motorcycles used? as well as propeller planes? well that would be WW2/WW1.

Anyways the game should be great, wonder if any of the old C.Os managed to survive that would be a cool surprise.

Man the wifi on this game should be pretty sick.
I think the OP should be edited a bit: In a nutshell, this game is like Mad Max. There's a sort of apocalypse involving nukes or whathaveyou, and then rogue gangs and scrap armies made of survivors are vying for power in the vaccum while the older man in the picture leads an army that the younger man joins (his name is will iirc), and the girl is someone mysterious, idk.

Apparently, the CO powers are limited as to be balanced in regards to the previous DS title, however as far as i know there's no word on CO abilities, such as +X% on whatever terrain, etc.

Still, a darker take on one of my favorite series to date.

EDIT: holy fuck firestorm the old CO's died? jesus christ that's heavy.
man ive never played adv wars (AW:DS is fucking impossible to find) and im def getting this o_O

holy fuck this is out a day before my birthday
Release dates:
US: Jan 21, 08
Europe: Jan 25, 08
AU: Jan 25, 08
Jap: TBA 08

Sweet. Just two weeks of over here. Didn't expect it to be this to be so soon after the US release.

EDIT: Crap. Just checked my local store's website and it says the 21st... of Feburary... Crap.
Sweet. Just two weeks of over here. Didn't expect it to be this to be so soon after the US release.

EDIT: Crap. Just checked my local store's website and it says the 21st... of Feburary... Crap.

Thats strange because according to Ign those are the release dates.

@gorm, its a great series AW:DS was awesome its to bad you can't find a copy, but this game doesn't seem to be a bad place to start.
They probably won't be in the campaign (wouldn't fit with the new style) but I expect them to be playable in VS and War Room.
The old COs didn't die - the whole game's basically set in a different universe from what I gathered. Hopefully they'll be back for war room or else I'll miss Kanbei :[

I'm really, really looking forward to this game. Less emphasis on CO powers should definately make the game more interesting, as itll be less about waiting for a CO power to charge and then overpower your enemy and more about a long, continuous war. I'm really glad they ''resetted'' the series too - they were kinda digging themselves into a hole where they had to make ridiculously overpowered units in each new campaign just as a way to show theyve made new units...

I'm going to miss the simple old Orange Star/Blue Moon/Green Earth/Yellow Commet/Black Hole storyline though...
This game looks bloody awesome.
I was never a fan of the "Hey guys lets have war for fun!11!!!" story-line or the "holy-flaming-crap-my-army-just-got-destroyed-in-one-turn" gameplay. I'm really looking forward to this installment.
veteren system, altered powers and "mobile workshop" units are most interesting

and yeah as D Force said there's basically no mention of the old COs at all so it's assumed that this is just an entirely different universe of some sort, especially since the factions are completely different etc etc. I also severely doubt that any old COs will be playable in any way, shape or form due to the simple fact that there just isn't room; we had a bunch of COs in the last game so expecting another 10-20 COs with completely different skillsets, and on top of that some of the old returning COs? Unlikely at best. We already know for example that Brenner (buff looking dude on the cover) is a repair-based CO (hello Andy).

edit: I see there hasn't been any specific talk about gameplay additions so I guess I should explain.

When you have a unit that destroys another unit, it "levels up" and gains what we theorize is a 20% firepower bonus or a stat bonus of some sort. There are three levels so you can theoretically get extremely powerful units if they last long enough (which is unlikely but leads to increased influence on larger units which wasn't the case in competitive play for AWDS).

COs can "board" units which I believe instantly levels them up to their maximum potential, and units surrounded by that unit gain a bonus as well (which corresponds with the CO's theme. An indirect CO gives indirects better range in a certain radius around a unit, etc)

I'm not too sure about this but I'm also fairly certain that you gain powers by destroying units with the unit your CO has "boarded"?

There's finally a new infantry unit, or rather a motorcycle unit which has 5 movement and can capture, it basically puts the APC out of business which is why the APC has been replaced by the Mobile Workshop, which can apparently establish temporary deployment properties of some sort.

Fortunately a lot of changes to the game on a more fundamental level instead of just adding 4 ridiculous expensive units
I have a long history of, rather than buying Advance Wars, mooching off of my friends that buy it once they are done with it, and appreciating it that way. However, I'm fairly sure that this game has just enough of the right stuff to be a sell for me.

Day one is not going to be possible for me as I need to save funds for the much more important Smash Bros., but I'll definitely be picking it up in the next few months, possibly before I leave for Europe in the summer.

I have mixed feelings about the tone change. While I feel that there can't be enough post apocalyptic strategy war games that are done as well as the Advance Wars series and that the change will translate into a totally awesome game, its also a pity that we're losing the old characters, who were certainly unique in a time where any game that deals with legitimate warfare feels the need to be as dark and gritty as possible.
I'm not too sure about this but I'm also fairly certain that you gain powers by destroying units with the unit your CO has "boarded"?

There's finally a new infantry unit, or rather a motorcycle unit which has 5 movement and can capture, it basically puts the APC out of business which is why the APC has been replaced by the Mobile Workshop, which can apparently establish temporary deployment properties of some sort.

Yeah, CO's power meters go up by when the unit they are in destroys another unit.

Has the APC actually been removed? I didn't see that anywhere. One of the good things about the APC was that you could restock eight units per day, and if this Mobile Workshop is like a normal property then you'll only be able to restock one unit per day. I suppose this will increase tactics, you'll have to pay more attention to ammo and fuel.

I'm glad that there is going to be more COs, but I'd still like to see some of the older ones available in the war room, maybe as unlocks for beating the game on different difficulty levels.
Wow, when I heard about days of ruin I had no idea it was out so soon.

Also wtf at all the old COs dying...ALL of them? They'll have to reinvent so much, I hope it's up to the same standard. There had better be some "surprise" return/s near the end-game, rather like Hawke and Lash's availability towards the end of AWDS.

EDIT: oh my god


It's generally assumed that the CO doesn't actually board the unit, he/she just "takes direct control" over it or some such. So when the unit dies the CO just waits to take direct control over another unit =/

Has the APC actually been removed? I didn't see that anywhere.
Well at the very least the Mobile Workshop is just the old APC with added features, but I wouldn't be surprised in the least if it lost its transport, or most of its resupplying capabilities.

It seems that they have surpassed the height of ridiculousness that was the mega tank. All the rest of the AW games were good so this one should be no exception.
Finally, the old COs are removed. Colin, Hachi, Grit, Kanbei, and arguably Kindle all needed the axe for the sake of balance, and perhaps eliminating the old COs altogether will revitalize the otherwise hackneyed Advance Wars storyline. The new, gritty unit sprites and landscapes receive nothing but praise from me.

I'm particularly interested in the rehashed Carrier, though. It seems to have lost its 3-8 range anti-air missiles, but gained an ability to manufacture up to four powerful "Sea Plane" aircraft. Assuming it does not cost a great deal to build Sea Planes, Carriers could actually become extraordinarily powerful units, especially parked in a Port.

I'd enjoy seeing Carriers become useful in Days of Ruin, unlike their AWDS counterparts were.

Infantry costing 1500 now could change the game entirely. More than anything, I anticipate seeing how this price change effects tactics, notably whether Infantry spamming is still as viable.
it's looking like you can't really abuse infantry unless you've got artillery or something to back them up due to the level system, so for example trying to prevent/stall your opponent from capturing a property by simply keeping a constant trickle of infantry moving towards it isn't going to work so well anymore since having my infantry picked off gives my opponent a firepower bonus, on top of the fact that I don't get any COP charge.

but yeah overall I think infantry will still end up the most-built unit, although motorcycles will add to diversity which is nice.
Yeah, with Grit and the rest of the overpowered roster out hopefully they won't fuck up and make newer versions of them. Infantry shouldve cost a little more imo (perhaps 2000-2500?), but 1500 should help stop a lot of infantry spam.
there is an indirect CO, I'm pretty sure she gives like +1 indirect range to units surrounded by the unit she "boards" or something like that.