Tournament Random Battles Classic Open - Round 1

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Opponent has not responded on his profile after 24 hours. Next step?
It's only Tuesday, so please be patient; not everyone can check Smogon every day. If the week progresses and they still never reply, you'll get an act win and move onto round/week 2.
My opponent hasn´t been online since Thursday and i already contacted him.
As I already told you, you must schedule on Smogon to be able to provide proof that you attempted to schedule. This policy is also noted in the OP.
that's a legitimate attempt to schedule. yeah it looks like a 12 year old stole the keyboard in the middle of the sentence, but the essential information is there. between studying for finals and preparing to transfer to a new location at my job, i would prefer not to section out 45+ minutes for generation one through five random battles if i don't have to (for perspective, i'm writing this while on the toilet in between studying for finals and reading new protocols for my job). it's early enough in this week that i can plan around this bo5 next week, so my times are pretty flexible. if my opponent suddenly logs on again and is unavailable next week, i'll begrudgingly try to work something out. otherwise, this is a totally legitimate request for activity/for a substitute.

Indeed, we ask for every scheduling attempt or act request to be legitimate, but also we expect for our participants a minimum of decorum and respect to their opponents, so please abide to that while solving your scheduling issues.

If you have any other inconveniences on the matter, please continue this conversation directly speaking with a host of this tour or a Rands Slam host
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