Resource Simple Questions, Simple Answers UU Edition

The Mew thing is a bit complicated since the Light Clay discussion sort of came at a time where we were planning to deal with Mew, so it's kinda up in the air right now. The Mew test is likely to be delayed for a little bit until we reach a conclusion on how to best handle the screens issue, but after that it shouldn't be long.
What are some of the best, less used bulky pivots in the tier? (In your opinion)

I'm going to take this literally to mean a bulky pokemon that can pivot:

Chansey is probably the bulkiest pivot with Teleport, and I've been seeing an uptick of usage for it on balance teams instead of just being a stall staple.

Other than that, people have used bulkier Scizors with U-turn, bulkier Rotoms (wash and heat) with Volt, bulkier Moltres with U-turn, etc. There's also some rare usage of Mew using Teleport as well.

Finally, you can use some Regenerator mons like Amoonguss as pivots, and even give them Eject Buttons.

Obviously these are very specific to the type of team you have though, so if you wanted more help/suggestions building with them I suggest asking in the PS UU Room or visiting the UU Discord.
Guys, if excadrill were to drop to uu, how likely would it be banhammered?
Well, the tier has plenty of counters, namely both Rotoms, Buzzwole, Moltres, Celesteela, and Tangrowth. Crawdaunt and Azumarill can revenge kill it with Aqua Jet, as can Conkeldurr with Mach Punch. The bigger problem is that unlike in OU, UU only has a PU Pokemon to set sand.

I hope that in the event it did drop, Excadrill could be a healthy addition to the tier, mainly because an actually good spinner would solve most of the problems with hazard removal.
Guys, if excadrill were to drop to uu, how likely would it be banhammered?
This is getting into theorymon since it probably wont even drop this july so there shouldnt be any plans against it, but imo excadrill would be a fine addition, it wants a lot of moves (SD, EQ, Iron Head, Toxic, Spin, Rock tomb/slide) and it really wants mold breaker and sand rush at the same time which means it will always end up not being able to break at least on of washtom, moltres, kommo-o or krookodile.

Not to mention buzzwole, quagsire and celesteela which counter every set, and craw, azu and conk are always available to RK.
Exca would be a fine mon since we are desperate for good removal and exca can actually pressure rockers such as nihilego, jirachi, and nidoqueen and with mold breaker can pressure a lot of the meta with eq + toxic and it has its own stealth rocks so its the best Suicide lead there will be. We do not have a good sand setter and idk if gigalith will be used to set sand so exca can wreck havoc
dumb question but is swapping energy ball for dazzling gleam viable on np azelf
Hey Stormzy, not a dumb question at all! Yes, dazzling gleam is viable on azelf and can be swapped in for energy ball. It’s ability to hit umbreon and galarian Moltres super effectively is quite big. However, dropping energy ball leaves azelf vulnerable to Pokémon like rhyperior and quagsire. It’s up to you and what matchups you choose to forgo depending on what coverage you choose. Hope this helped!
Going by the current drops and what's viable, it looks like special sweepers are the ones to look out for this season. Does that sound accurate?
Going by the current drops and what's viable, it looks like special sweepers are the ones to look out for this season. Does that sound accurate?
While there are a lot of strong special threats in the tier, there are still plenty of physical ones you have to account for. Lycanroc-D is incredibly good right now for example. SD Kommo-o, Azumarill, and DD Mence to list a few more. There are both physical and special breakers/sweepers getting usage, so I wouldn't advise ignoring them if that is what your statement is implying.
I’m working on a trick room build and it’s nice because I can basically use my OU team without Melmetal. I have been testing both Copperajah and Stakataka in the Melmetal slot. Is there any consensus on which is actually better in practice? I have tried Stakataka and while the rock stab for rotom H is nice, I find that gyro ball in practice is hitting things for less damage than Heavy Slam from Copperajah. It’s also not hitting bulletproof Kommo-o which sucks. Elephant also has power whip for water types which is also quite nice. Thoughts?
I’m working on a trick room build and it’s nice because I can basically use my OU team without Melmetal. I have been testing both Copperajah and Stakataka in the Melmetal slot. Is there any consensus on which is actually better in practice? I have tried Stakataka and while the rock stab for rotom H is nice, I find that gyro ball in practice is hitting things for less damage than Heavy Slam from Copperajah. It’s also not hitting bulletproof Kommo-o which sucks. Elephant also has power whip for water types which is also quite nice. Thoughts?

Staka is generally better than Copperajah, but neither are that great. Gyro Ball just isn't that reliable in current UU meta. Marowak-A will probably give you more power for what you're looking for. For UU TR teams, you have a lot of options in setters and abusers, including Hatterene that does both (and deals with Kommo), as well as Teleport TR with Porygon2 or Lunar Dance TR with Cresselia. You can get creative with different abusers also like Azumaril, Aegislash, Torkoal w/ Eruption (works great wtih Marowak-A), etc. Staka is a decent setter though.
I’m working on a trick room build and it’s nice because I can basically use my OU team without Melmetal. I have been testing both Copperajah and Stakataka in the Melmetal slot. Is there any consensus on which is actually better in practice? I have tried Stakataka and while the rock stab for rotom H is nice, I find that gyro ball in practice is hitting things for less damage than Heavy Slam from Copperajah. It’s also not hitting bulletproof Kommo-o which sucks. Elephant also has power whip for water types which is also quite nice. Thoughts?
I trully think Stakataka is better due to Beast Boost which allows it to snowball way more than a Copperajah. Sure Bulletproof Kommo-o deals with Stakataka but Trick Room teams have things to pressure it such as Conkeldurr or Crawdaunt which are able to weaken it for Stakataka. Not to mention things like Hatterene basically counters defensive sets of Kommo-o which are the only good sets that can take hits from Stakataka (offensive variants will be pressured by EQ or Superpower).

Edit : sniped by bfm F.
Who are sum nice users that are good to talk with about the meta and under rated mons?
If you're solely looking for active discussion you can probably find such users in the PS! room (albeit probably not during the dead hours, ie usually US late nights/mornings) and in the UU discord (link should be somewhere in the forums and in the Roomintro on ps). I could be namedropping a couple of friends who are famously known for using garbage heat but you'll probably notice them in no time if you hang around the discord. Guzzlord discussion should be a good bait for them.

There are also projects being held in the UU subforum you can partake in, that tackle the metagame through different angles (matchmaking, luring, checking/countering threats ect) and general threads for posting thoughts on the metagame.
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What does defensive bulu tend to mainly counter/check best? What are the more popular sets, and who did he pair best with in terms of defensive partners? And what is the common set?
What does defensive bulu tend to mainly counter/check best? What are the more popular sets, and who did he pair best with in terms of defensive partners? And what is the common set?

Tapu Bulu @ Heavy-Duty Boots
Ability: Grassy Surge
EVs: 252 HP / 80 Def / 176 Spe
Impish Nature
- Horn Leech
- Dazzling Gleam
- Toxic
- Synthesis

Here's the main defensive bulu set! Its main niche over other bulky grasses like Amoonguss and Tangrowth is its ability to outspeed and offensively threaten Pokemon like Primarina and Crawdaunt that otherwise threaten a lot of bulkier builds. Also, you generally want to run it with things that benefit from grassy terrain (mons like Diancie that don't have reliable recovery, for instance). This set is still unable to touch a lot of pokemon, like opposing Amoonguss, so it's good to pair it with things like Safety Goggles CM Glowbro that can benefit from the things it lures in.
Hi I have a question for those in high ladder. If you see someone using an untiered Pokémon that's not even listed in the viability rankings, how likely are you to remember your opponent's team and the sets they are using? I don't really mind if people remember the moves of the off-meta Pokémon I'm running, but if they remember the rest of my team, especially if that Pokémon has multiple viable options like Jirachi, that's when it starts becoming annoying.
Hi I have a question for those in high ladder. If you see someone using an untiered Pokémon that's not even listed in the viability rankings, how likely are you to remember your opponent's team and the sets they are using? I don't really mind if people remember the moves of the off-meta Pokémon I'm running, but if they remember the rest of my team, especially if that Pokémon has multiple viable options like Jirachi, that's when it starts becoming annoying.

if I fought it recently, I will remember all of the sets. If I fought it like a week ago I won’t initially, but I could remember if I see something familiar. People change teams all the time though and change subtle things about them though, so even if I remember the sets I still plan for the possibility of something being different for this particular fight.
Speaking of an UUBL mon, is there any plan/intention of re-testing some banned mons?
Generally speaking, re-tests wouldn't really occur during a major tournament such as SCL. As Monkey25 mentioned, there is an upcoming tier shift. Best to let the tier acclimate to the differences before we discuss any retest.