Resource Crown Tundra SS Ubers Viability Rankings


Everything under A- is out of order.
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Here's my take.


These are mostly ordered but gets kind of grey C-Tier and lower? I've used quite a few of the mons but some I've only had used against me with mixed results. A few of these takes are pretty spicy so I'll explain myself.

Calyrex Shadow in S-?? It's is easily one of the most threatening Pokemon overall in the Tier! The problem with it I find is that it has a very hard time getting in safely, usually only coming in after U-Turn or a KO. While the same could be said of a lot of threatening sweepers who are relatively frail, I find that in particular it's most problematic for Calyrex-S. Unlike other difficult to handle mons, there's no single button it can press that says "Yveltal can't beat me now". It's difficult for it to force progress outside of Tricking away a valuable choice item, and then immediately needing to switch out. Where as things like Kyogre can by click T-Wave on Eternatus and potentially cripple it for the rest of the game. The most problematic set you can run is Sash+Webs Support because a lot of scarfed Pokemon that could normally revenge kill it are outsped. It also actually threatens to beat Yveltal with Plot+Draining Kiss. It can be really hard to keep your Focus Sash in tact however since it's not uncommon for hazards to be a response to Webs due to how reliant Calyrex-S is on its Sash and how impossible it can be to try to Defog vs Offensive Yveltal. And that's literally only discussing Yveltal. That's nothing to say of how Tyranitar dominates it outside of Pollen Puff and Grass Knot, and how easily it can be checked by Marshadow and Giratina-O. Pressure is also really annoying for it. While it may be a crime to suggest it, I think Pressure Ho-Oh is a very dangerous Pokemon for it to encounter. Specially Defensive SubRoost + Toxic/TWave is a set I think hasn't seen a lot of play which I honestly think could be very strong vs it. And there's always the problem of this thing being the biggest Ditto Bait out there. Even with Webs you're now in a 50/50 game over scenario and I don't think anyone should want to rely on that.

"So why does Yveltal stay in S?"

While Specially Defensive Yveltal is by far its most common set, with variants running more or less speed based on what you're wanting it to take on, that is not its only set. Not by a long shot. Offensive Yveltal is hands down one of the most dangerous things to try to switch into. And unlike Calyrex-S who has multiple good checks and one Pokemon we could consider a hard counter. Yveltal has approximately 3 in Zamazenta Crowned and Eternatus, with Magearna coming in at a distant third place. Zamazenta-C really hates Life Orb Oblivion Wing and the rare Heat Wave. Support and Offensive Eternatus both really hate losing their items. Magearna can potentially lose to the rare heat wave and generally has to also worry about taking on Xerneas on a lot of the teams it appears on. Yveltal is Web's most important member as it can protect those all important webs and also becomes way more difficult to switch into the instant Zama and Etern no longer outspeed it. Its defensive sets are also not without their own different perks as well. Foul Play suddenly makes Yveltal a great check to a bunch of dangerous things that would otherwise set up on it. If you choose to go up to 310 Speed you can actually deal a huge amount of damage to Zekrom who otherwise could potentially set up on many of Yveltal's other moves. Choice Scarf is also a decent option to scout things out early on and is extremely irritating if you have chosen a different defogger. The fact that it checks one of the most deadly special threats while also being threatening despite how prepped everyone is for it, along with its ability easily force progress is what keeps Yveltal in S for me.

The last big difference I have is Calyrex-Ice. I definitely consider it A- material at minimum and that's me being conservative with my placement. It's just as dangerous if not more dangerous than G-Darm. The number of Pokemon this monster can set up on is disturbing. And I'm not talking weak support hits. I mean Boosted Strong Offensive Pokemon! Unlike G-Darm who is reliant on its item to enable it to do its job, Calyrex Ice has a very flexible item slot. Weakness Policy ensures that NDM loses to you if you Trick Room on the switch. I've been enjoying Heavy Duty Boots as well as Leftovers to increase it's survivability and keep the number of mons it can set up on as wide as possible. Choice Band is equally hellish to take on if your main checks are something like Ogre or Spdef NDM. Leech Seed+ID fits quite nicely for a more defensive spread that dominates NDM. The ease at which you can set up a game state that actually ensures either a full sweep or a mini-sweep is staggering. Even just 1 Moonblast from Xern is all it takes to now put NDM into +2 High Horsepower range even without Life Orb. No joke you can actually just turn 1 Geomancy and throw your Xern away Moonblasting NDM, go into Yveltal after it's died to two iron heads and attack, then find a way to get Calyrex-Ice onto the field and now the 20~30% NDM actually just loses. And unless they also have a few protects in the back you can get another 2 or 3 KOs before Trick Room ends. Calyrex Ice+Magnezone is absolutely terrifying too and giving up Leftovers for Shed Shell makes it that much more likely that Calyrex can come out on top in scenario where NDM has to switch in. It's also INCREDIBLE insurance against Webs teams who often times only have very frail NDMs who just crumble against a +2 High Horsepower. For god's sake it can tank a modest +2 Moonblast from Geoxern almost 2-3rds of the time. It takes 94% max from +1 Life Orb Zekrom Bolt Strike. It can Set Up ON G-Darm Flare Blitz and KO it back with Glacial Lance if it's full at full HP if G.Darm has taken ANY prior damage! That's how bulky it is. It pairs so well with so many offensive Pokemon it's difficult to really talk about it in much greater detail without rambling. The Meta right now is so incredibly kind to Calyrex-Ice that it just doesn't make sense to leave it in the same tier as things like Excadrill and Buzzwole and it makes even less sense to drop it lower than where it already is at B+.
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Personal noms after SCL:

Xerneas —> A

Xerneas has seen high usage througout SCL and defensively is able to wall Marsh and Zyg and ygod while checking Don and clericing, which is highly desirable. Even its offensive geo set has seen a bit more usage recently. It definitely deserves to be just as high as Marsh, and higher ranked than a mon like Lunala.

Landorus-Therian —> A-

Lando-T is a really splashable mon in this metagame. Being able to fit a rocker/defogger and a physical wall in one package is really great for teams that can’t fit a rocker ndm, and its able to pivot with u-turn while blanket checking a lot of mons, namely Don. However, it is let down by its lack of recovery and sometimes is let down by its mediocre stats uberwise.

Darmanitan-Galar —> A-

Darm-G is a fantastic wallbreaker as of now. Its the primary abuser of zone alongside Xerneas, and it being able to so easily threaten entire teams while being great speed control is pretty unique, as many other breakers of the same threat level are often much slower. Darm literally threatens an OHKO on 3/4s of the mons on each team, while being able to break through its few checks with prediction, or just clicking u turn for easy momentum. The only downside is that it quite vulnerable to rocks compared to many other offensive options.

Magnezone —> B+

Zone has definitely established itself as a very powerful option to easily break through traditional balance, by trapping the NDM on those balance teams to let its ice and fairy friends run wild. While zone teams are basically fishes, as they can struggle against teams with fast paced offensive teams like webs HO, alternate steels (see: Heatran), or a random shed shell NDM, that doesn’t take away from how effective it can be against the ever common YEN balance, something no other mon can claim.

Weavile —> B+

Laughed at for its ever frusterating lack of accuracy on its axels, Weavile has still continued to rise in usage as a potent option on offensive teams. It has a really limited pool of potential checks, such as defensive Xerneas, defensive Ho-Oh, and defensive Ogre, and all of these Weavile can break with some hazard support and a couple of turns. Once these checks are gone, better pray Weavile misses.

Rayquaza —> B+/B

CB Ray is a pretty cool breaker, pretty much being unwallable outside of defensive Lunala. Although it lacks defensive utility and is weak to rocks, Ray has a lot of great qualities, like being able to easily smash through many teams single handily with its two 180 bp moves in Dragon Ascent (with stab) and V Create that makes it hard to play around, as either move is equally as strong on neutral targets. Another nice quality of Ray is with its flying typing and powerful Espeed, it has solid utility against HO, something that other absurdly strong breakers like Dracovish can’t claim.

Heatran —> B

I really like where Heatran is at the moment. Both more defensive SR sets and offensive trapping sets have great utility against otherwise scary breakers like Darm-G, Ray, and Zone teams, and it has plenty of opportunities to get in because it walls Eternatus, defensive Xern, Ho-Oh (w/o eq), and Lunala. Its main issues is its lack of longevity and weakness to grounds and fblast geo Xern, but this is more than manageable on certain builds. Heatran is really awesome at plugging holes on specific teams that appreciate its utility and defensive qualities it brings to the table, and can be surprisingly splashable as an alternate steel to NDM.

Tapu Fini —> C-

Fini (waifu) exists and deserves to be on the VR at least. For those that don’t know, its main niche is being able to set terrain to stop Zyg from resting, which is useful for stuff like offensive Ho-Oh. A limited niche for sure, but probably more viable than something like Celebi (haha).

Zekrom —> A-

Zekrom is just facing a hostile metagame right now, as the prominance of Don leads to increased Lunala and Lando-T usage as well, which sucks for Zekrom. The ground happy metagame can lead to Zekrom being rather inconsistent at times as a DDer. However, DD Zekrom can still be strong against certain teams without a Don or a Lando-T, and other sets like life orb 3attack roost sets can also be quite threatening.

Zarude —> B+/B

Zarude really hates the increase in fire move Groudons, and does not appreciate the increased defensive Xern usage either. Its still a fine mon, being the best secondary dark type and still doing stuff against some Zygarde and Groudon sets, but its much harder to splash onto teams now.

Calyrex-I —> B/B-

Non TR Caly-I is pretty much just outclassed by better ice types like Darm-G and Weavile at this moment. Being slow just really sucks right now, and while Caly-I’s bulk is much much better, its defensive typing is pretty horrible, which doesn’t allow it to actually abuse its bulk. The only real niche it has is on TR as a setter/abuser (SCL PTSD), which is a rather limited niche since TR isn’t that good.

Tyranitar —> C+
TTar hates the increase in ground types, especially Groudon. While countering Calyrex-S and setting rocks is a nice niche in theory, in practice, its liability to practically every other offensive mon makes its niche not worthwhile. Its outclassed in its rocker role by every other rocker like NDM, Groudon, and Lando T, and outclassed in countering Caly-S by Zarude.

Excadrill —> C+
If TTar is bad, then Excadrill is bad. WIthout sand, Excadrill has pretty much no other niche. Unfortunately for Excadrill and TTar, being both weak to ground and relying on the sand that Groudon resets is a recipe for disaster.

No change:
Necrozma-DM - S

While NDM still feels like a necessary evil at times, thats the point, NDM is necessary. No other mon can offer the defensive utility of fully countering Etern (otherwise irritating to counter outside of NDM) and Geo Xern, while checking ice types like Darm G. It can act as your rocker instead of forcing you to use Lando-T or Groudon, or it can be an excellent breaker with SD, and if you’re really worried about Zone teams, you can just use shed shell too if you’re desperate. Unlike Groudon, you can justify NDM on any single team, from balance to stall to HO. You have to take special consideration if you are not planning to use NDM on your team to cover the threats NDM usually keeps at bay.

Groudon - A+

While Groudon is certainly a very very good pokemon right now, I would disagree with the argument that Groudon deserves to be S- on the VR. The Groudon hype train has died down a lot since week 1 of SCL, as people have adapted to it through more Zygarde, Lunala, Lando-T, defensive Xern, and foul play ygod. Not to mention, Groudon still has a myraid of issues holding it back, like its lack of longevity, weakness to status, lack of defensive utility, and low speed. Unlike the big 4 in the S tier, Groudon can’t be slapped onto just any team, shown by its high but not that high usage, and needs more careful consideration into how to build around, which isn’t the mark of a S tier mon.

Thats probably it for the main ones I wanted to cover, I would nom a few more B and B- mons to drop but that would be a bit superfluous for this one post.

edit - PS: SuperEpicAmpharos wants everyone to know that confide blissey is a shitmon


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New VR shifts! Apologies for the delay, but it's a huge update so it took a bit of time to get everything sorted. For individual mons ranked within tiers I'm only mentioning if they move based on their own merit and not other mons moving up (ex. Kyogre + Zyg in A+, Ferro in A).

Before I get into it though, Manaphy is currently on a break and has been removed from the VR council for inactivity, as well as Icemaster has stepped down from all Ubers councils. Thank you for all your contributions in the past both of you. With that, Lunala and Aberforth have joined us, welcome!

Sheet can be found here with our individual votes, now onto the shifts:

:calyrex-shadow: S (3) --> S (4)
:necrozma-dusk-mane: S (4) --> S (3)

Very small, but these 2 swapped places among the S-ranks

:groudon: A+ --> S-
:marshadow: A --> A+ (3)
:xerneas: A- --> A+ (4)
:ho-oh: A- --> A+ (5)
:darmanitan-galar: B --> A+ (6)
:landorus-therian: B+ --> A (2)
:lunala: A- --> A (3)
:rayquaza: B --> A- (2)
:dracovish: B --> B+
:magnezone: C+ --> B+
:ditto: B- --> B
:shuckle: C+ --> B
:weavile: C --> B
:clefable: C+ --> B-
:heatran: C+ --> B-
:toxapex: C+ --> B-
:cloyster: C --> B-
:zamazenta-crowned: C --> C+
:solgaleo: C- --> C
:thundurus-therian: C- --> C
:tapu-fini: UR --> C
:abomasnow: UR --> C-
:arctozolt: UR --> C-


:zekrom: A+ (4) --> A- (1)
:blissey: A- (3) --> B+
:buzzwole: B+ --> B
:zarude: A- --> B-
:tyranitar: B+ -->B-
:excadrill: B+ --> C+
:dialga: B --> C+
:palkia: B --> C
:froslass: B- --> C
:tangrowth: B- --> C
:chansey: C+ --> C
:gastrodon: C+ --> C
:regieleki: C+ --> C
:suicune: C+ --> C
:galvantula: C+ --> C-
:reshiram: C+ --> C-
:skarmory: C+ --> C-
:dugtrio: C --> C-
:kyurem-white: C+ --> D
:Kyurem-black: C+ --> D
:porygon2: C --> UR
:amoonguss: C- --> UR
:celebi: C- --> UR
:corviknight: C- --> UR
:tapu-bulu: C- --> UR

OP will be updated shortly, if you have any simple questions about why things are ranked in certain places over the next few days myself or someone else with knowledge will be able to answer about the rankings, but later on please direct those questions to the SQSA thread. If there are any mistakes in this post or the OP please let me know, and have fun discussing!
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I’m curious, what made Rayquaza rise all the way to A-? Don’t get me wrong, I’m definitely not complaining I love the sky dragon and am happy to see it enjoying success after a lacklustre S/M, but what changed to make it so much more viable?

Distinct lack of Flying resists not named Necrozma-DM, a very good Speed tier for what it aims to do (most of the meta is either zooming past it like Eternatus and Calyrex-S or slow like defensive Kyogre and/or Zygarde). It also still has a ridiculous movepool that allows it to effectively deal with any and all of its defensive checks: Draco for Zygarde and Eternatus, V-Create/Earthquake for Steel-types and Extreme Speed to pick off weakened foes. It's still a bit prediction reliant and easy to revenge kill- not to mention weak to Stealth Rock. Still, it's an extremely dangerous threat that most people don't think about when building without a true "counter".
i agree with most but can anyone tell me why is magnezone so high up ?

It can pressure Necrozma-DM for Xerneas and its a great Steel-type which can trap other problematic Steel-types like Ferrothorn for its teammates such as Xerneas. Trapping and weakening or removing them with its Air Ballon set is pretty great and greatly appreciated by its teammates and it got shown in various tournament games, that this set is a great progress maker and helping factor for teammates like Xerneas. All of this combined makes Magnezone a really valuable asset and great Steel-type Pokemon alike with a good supportive tool. This is why Magnezone rose.

Hopefully this helped :)
It can pressure Necrozma-DM for Xerneas and its a great Steel-type which can trap other problematic Steel-types like Ferrothorn for its teammates such as Xerneas. Trapping and weakening or removing them with its Air Ballon set is pretty great and greatly appreciated by its teammates and it got shown in various tournament games, that this set is a great progress maker and helping factor for teammates like Xerneas. All of this combined makes Magnezone a really valuable asset and great Steel-type Pokemon alike with a good supportive tool. This is why Magnezone rose.

Hopefully this helped :)
Why is Reshiram higher than Kyurem-W and also why is Kyurem-B on D tier?

Fire-types are in a much better position than Ice-types when it comes to offensive coverage, especially so when paired up with Dragon as an offensive typing. Between Fire and Dragon coverage, nothing short of Blissey/Chansey walls Reshiram as Ho-Oh loses to Stone Edge and Tyranitar loses to one of Body Press or Focus Blast. On the other hand, Ice/Dragon coverage is completely shut down by the tier's best and most prominent Steel-type, Necrozma-DM; sure, you could argue Fusion Flare hits it for super-effective, but not even the Turboblaze can negate Prism Armor so NDM ends up being able to heal off all the damage. Moreover, Kyurem-W has 4 Moveslot Syndrome, not being able to handle both Tyranitar and Kyogre AND it still loses to Blissey/Chansey so the extra 5 base Speed is not enough to save it. If you wish to learn more about each Pokemon, you can always read their respective analyses in our Ubers dex since they are both uploaded.
Why is Reshiram higher than Kyurem-W and also why is Kyurem-B on D tier?

Kyurem-B is just outclassed by Zekrom. It has the advantage of better matchup against Groudon and Landorus-T but it struggles with NDM (Necrozma-Dusk Mane) which is much worse than struggling against Groudon. Plus, Zekrom's matchup against Groudon is much better than Kyurem-B's matchup against NDM since Zekrom can hit Groudon hard with Draco Meteor (and even more niche tatics like Magnet Rise and Shuca Berry) while Kyurem-B doesn't have much tactics against NDM. Not being weak to rocks is another point in Zekrom's favor.
Why is garmanitan so good?especially with Caly-Ice being only B+?
gdarm is p much better than caly i in almost every regard, the extra speed gdarm has is particularly relevant to let it outspeed stuff like hooh, ndm, yveltal, groudon, eternatus (with scarf) etc. Gdarm also has better coverage with rock slide and flare blitz, and also has u turn for momentum. The extra bulk caly-i has is not useful considering its SR weakness and its horrible defensive typing.

As for why gdarm is good in it of itself, Lasen’s post explains it succinctly.
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real answer: ice resists are scarce and if they are not named Kyogre they lose to Magnezone, Darmanitan-G's partner in crime. Also, great speed tier and Icicle Crash has a flinch chance alhamdulillah
plus u turn is broken