My Art on Paper

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Deleted User 589082

Banned deucer.
Hello! I would like to share my art, so here it is. I like to draw everything on paper. Sometimes I color them, but not every time:


Baby Jackalope

Baby Raiju


Slime Kid

Panda Girl

My girl version of Bakura









Honestly, I don't even know what this is, I just wanted to practice my shading XD

Just a bunch of kawaii doodles I felt like doing

A mandala I tried to draw, but failed miserably

A poodle I decided to name Madame Pom

Pay no attention to the base lines on some of these; I don't know how to draw lightly ^w^


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Hey y'all! My fanfiction thread had to get deleted, so I figured I could put my story in this thread so that everyone who enjoyed reading it, can still do so! Again, if this is your first time reading my fanfic, this story is meant to be sorta a romance, so if that's not your thing, I don't recommend this story. Anyway, here it is:

Chapter 1
“You’re wrong. I know now, without a doubt, Kingdom Hearts… is LIGHT!”

“YEAH! You tell him Sora! Take that, ANSEM!”

A 12-year-old named Ronnie was playing video games in the living room of her 1-floor apartment, when her little puppy started barking.

“What is it, Marley?” Ronnie asked her pooch.

She muted the TV so she could hear better. Then, she heard tiny little clicking at the door. She immediately turned off the TV, grabbed Marley, and ran into her parent’s room and locked the door. Then she went into the closet and closed the door, but there was no lock. Ronnie heard the front door open and then slam closed, then a bunch of other doors open and close. She then heard the door to the bedroom open and close.

Shoot, the lock wasn’t strong enough! Ronnie thought, panicked. Please, please, please, don’t open the closet door!

Sure enough, the intruder opened the closet door and saw Ronnie clutching her tiny white puppy in her arms with a death grip. She was ready to scream at the top of her lungs, but he dashed forward and put his hand over her mouth.

“Please don’t scream. I’m Bakura; I’m not here to hurt you, I promise.” He pleaded desperately.

Though still a bit skeptical, Ronnie nodded, and he removed his hand from her mouth. She thought he looked kinda weird for a bad guy. He had white hair that was a little longer than shoulder-length, light tan skin, purple eyes, and a scar coming down from his left eye. He wore a long open robe that was red on the outside and yellow on the inside, navy blue shorts, and gold slip-on shoes. He also spoke with a British accent and looked about 16 or 17.

They both heard the front door open and slam closed again.

“Stay here.” Bakura said.

He stepped outside the closet and closed the door. Ronnie set Marley down on the floor and pressed her ear up to the closet door. She could hear people yelling, but she couldn’t figure out what they were saying. So, she quietly opened the door and tiptoed to the frame of the bedroom door and slightly peeked out. She saw Bakura standing over two people collapsed on the floor in a puddle of blood.

“You can come out now. It’s safe.” Bakura said without turning around.

Ronnie came out from behind the door frame and scurried to Bakura.

“Who are they?” Ronnie asked sympathetically.

“No one you need to worry about any more.” Bakura replied while patting Ronnie on the head.

“Why’d you save me?”

“Because you had nothing to do with this. Now, I’m going to clean up this mess.” Bakura said softly and then threw the bloody bodies over his shoulder. He threw them to the floor in the hallway and cleaned up the blood with one of the people’s shirt.

“I’m sorry about this.” Bakura said as he walked to the door to leave.

“Wait,” Ronnie said, grabbing the sleeve of Bakura’s robe. “Please don’t leave.”


“Because… I don’t like being alone…” She said with big puppy eyes. “Can you stay here just for a while? Please?”

Bakura looked at her for a long while and finally agreed.

Chapter 2
Ronnie moved her hand down from his sleeve to his hand and simply said, “Thank you.”

Bakura studied his hand in hers and then looked away. Ronnie looked up at his face and noticed that he had gotten wounded while fighting off the strangers. She let go of his hand and hurried back to the bedroom.

“Hold on.” She told him, turning to leave.

Ronnie ran to the closet she was in, and opened the door to let Marley out. The tiny dog ran straight out of the bedroom and towards Bakura. He stumbled back slightly when the puppy jumped up onto his leg and started sniffing him crazily. After letting Marley out of the closet, Ronnie grabbed something from the bathroom, set it in her room, then came back into the living room, and grabbed Bakura’s hand and led him to her bedroom.

“Here, you can sit on my bed.” Ronnie said politely.

Bakura, still puzzled, sat on her bed delicately. She opened a box and pulled out a medium-sized square band-aid. Ronnie sat on her bed next to Bakura, peeled off the outside, and stuck it on his face gently as he winced.

“Are you okay?” Ronnie asked.

“Yes, I’m alright. I’ve dealt with worse than them before.”

“Who were those people?”

“Thieves. Very bad people. But, you shouldn’t have to worry about them anymore.” Bakura answered.

“Well, I’m so glad you’re okay.” Ronnie responded with a giant smile.

“You… care?” Bakura asked, sounding a little shocked.

“Of course I do.”

Ronnie studied his expression and noticed his scar. She put her hand on his face, touching the scar lightly.

“Did it hurt?” Ronnie asked quietly.

Bakura put his hand on top of hers and stared into her eyes for what seemed like forever, being reminded of someone he cared deeply for in the past.

*Ryou softly placed his hand on Bakura’s face.

“Did the scar on your face hurt?”


“Bakura?” Ronnie said, shocking him out of his flashback.

“Oh, um… no, not really.” Bakura replied affectionately, moving her hand to his lap, keeping it in his.

“Well, how’d you get it?”

Bakura told her the story of how he got his scar, suddenly smiling sweetly because he looked at her now and then. Ronnie listened to Bakura, her eyes wide in amazement the entire time.

Suddenly, they both heard someone unlock the door, open, then close it. They heard grocery bags being carried in. They looked to the bedroom doorway. Ronnie’s parents were home.

And, I was supposed to post the next chapter today, so here's chapter 3:

Chapter 3
After her parents gave in and let him stay, Ronnie and Bakura became as close as brother and sister. They’d do everything together. Although, Ronnie’s parents were a bit protective, so they would punish him for getting too close to her. He would come back into her room with bruises and cuts on his arms.

The first time this happened, Bakura was listening to Ronnie read her dragons book out loud to him on her bed. She was sitting in front of him with her back against him, while he was sitting behind her, looking over her shoulder, so he could read along.

“Starflight and Fatespeeker peered into the nightwing queen’s mouth, seeing that it was coated in ice from an Icewing’s ice beam…” Ronnie read.

Ronnie’s mom poked her head into the bedroom.

“What have you guys been doing?”

“I’m reading my Wings of Fire book to Bakura.” Ronnie answered innocently.

“Okay, well, can me and your dad talk to Bakura for a minute?”

While Ronnie had the most confused look on her face, Bakura got up from the bed and started walking toward the door. Ronnie got up and tumbled to the end of her bed just in time to grab him by the sleeve, as he was walking through the doorway.

“Should I wait until you come back to keep reading?”

Bakura backed into the room. “Why don’t you keep reading by yourself, and you can tell me everything that happened when I come back; alright?”

“Okay.” Ronnie agreed and sat back down to read her book.

Ronnie soon heard yelling, all coming from her parents. She wondered what was going on, but didn’t take action. A few minutes later, the yelling stopped, and Bakura walked back into her room. He walked in, avoiding eye contact with her.

“What happened?” Ronnie asked curiously.

“Oh, nothing.” Bakura tried to be as convincing as possible, but it wasn’t exactly easy.

“Then why is your nose bleeding?” Ronnie asked as she got up to get a tissue for him.

“Ronnie, please stop asking questions. You don’t need to know.” Bakura replied, immediately feeling bad because he sounded a bit rude, but not showing it at all.

Ronnie handed him the tissue, and he wiped his nose of the blood.

“I know. I just don’t want you getting hurt,” Ronnie said, taking the old tissue from Bakura and handing him another one.

“Yes, I’m sure. As long as you’re alright, I will always be okay.”
Hey y'all! My fanfiction thread had to get deleted, so I figured I could put my story in this thread so that everyone who enjoyed reading it, can still do so! Again, if this is your first time reading my fanfic, this story is meant to be sorta a romance, so if that's not your thing, I don't recommend this story. Anyway, here it is:

Chapter 1
“You’re wrong. I know now, without a doubt, Kingdom Hearts… is LIGHT!”

“YEAH! You tell him Sora! Take that, ANSEM!”

A 12-year-old named Ronnie was playing video games in the living room of her 1-floor apartment, when her little puppy started barking.

“What is it, Marley?” Ronnie asked her pooch.

She muted the TV so she could hear better. Then, she heard tiny little clicking at the door. She immediately turned off the TV, grabbed Marley, and ran into her parent’s room and locked the door. Then she went into the closet and closed the door, but there was no lock. Ronnie heard the front door open and then slam closed, then a bunch of other doors open and close. She then heard the door to the bedroom open and close.

Shoot, the lock wasn’t strong enough! Ronnie thought, panicked. Please, please, please, don’t open the closet door!

Sure enough, the intruder opened the closet door and saw Ronnie clutching her tiny white puppy in her arms with a death grip. She was ready to scream at the top of her lungs, but he dashed forward and put his hand over her mouth.

“Please don’t scream. I’m Bakura; I’m not here to hurt you, I promise.” He pleaded desperately.

Though still a bit skeptical, Ronnie nodded, and he removed his hand from her mouth. She thought he looked kinda weird for a bad guy. He had white hair that was a little longer than shoulder-length, light tan skin, purple eyes, and a scar coming down from his left eye. He wore a long open robe that was red on the outside and yellow on the inside, navy blue shorts, and gold slip-on shoes. He also spoke with a British accent and looked about 16 or 17.

They both heard the front door open and slam closed again.

“Stay here.” Bakura said.

He stepped outside the closet and closed the door. Ronnie set Marley down on the floor and pressed her ear up to the closet door. She could hear people yelling, but she couldn’t figure out what they were saying. So, she quietly opened the door and tiptoed to the frame of the bedroom door and slightly peeked out. She saw Bakura standing over two people collapsed on the floor in a puddle of blood.

“You can come out now. It’s safe.” Bakura said without turning around.

Ronnie came out from behind the door frame and scurried to Bakura.

“Who are they?” Ronnie asked sympathetically.

“No one you need to worry about any more.” Bakura replied while patting Ronnie on the head.

“Why’d you save me?”

“Because you had nothing to do with this. Now, I’m going to clean up this mess.” Bakura said softly and then threw the bloody bodies over his shoulder. He threw them to the floor in the hallway and cleaned up the blood with one of the people’s shirt.

“I’m sorry about this.” Bakura said as he walked to the door to leave.

“Wait,” Ronnie said, grabbing the sleeve of Bakura’s robe. “Please don’t leave.”


“Because… I don’t like being alone…” She said with big puppy eyes. “Can you stay here just for a while? Please?”

Bakura looked at her for a long while and finally agreed.

Chapter 2
Ronnie moved her hand down from his sleeve to his hand and simply said, “Thank you.”

Bakura studied his hand in hers and then looked away. Ronnie looked up at his face and noticed that he had gotten wounded while fighting off the strangers. She let go of his hand and hurried back to the bedroom.

“Hold on.” She told him, turning to leave.

Ronnie ran to the closet she was in, and opened the door to let Marley out. The tiny dog ran straight out of the bedroom and towards Bakura. He stumbled back slightly when the puppy jumped up onto his leg and started sniffing him crazily. After letting Marley out of the closet, Ronnie grabbed something from the bathroom, set it in her room, then came back into the living room, and grabbed Bakura’s hand and led him to her bedroom.

“Here, you can sit on my bed.” Ronnie said politely.

Bakura, still puzzled, sat on her bed delicately. She opened a box and pulled out a medium-sized square band-aid. Ronnie sat on her bed next to Bakura, peeled off the outside, and stuck it on his face gently as he winced.

“Are you okay?” Ronnie asked.

“Yes, I’m alright. I’ve dealt with worse than them before.”

“Who were those people?”

“Thieves. Very bad people. But, you shouldn’t have to worry about them anymore.” Bakura answered.

“Well, I’m so glad you’re okay.” Ronnie responded with a giant smile.

“You… care?” Bakura asked, sounding a little shocked.

“Of course I do.”

Ronnie studied his expression and noticed his scar. She put her hand on his face, touching the scar lightly.

“Did it hurt?” Ronnie asked quietly.

Bakura put his hand on top of hers and stared into her eyes for what seemed like forever, being reminded of someone he cared deeply for in the past.

*Ryou softly placed his hand on Bakura’s face.

“Did the scar on your face hurt?”


“Bakura?” Ronnie said, shocking him out of his flashback.

“Oh, um… no, not really.” Bakura replied affectionately, moving her hand to his lap, keeping it in his.

“Well, how’d you get it?”

Bakura told her the story of how he got his scar, suddenly smiling sweetly because he looked at her now and then. Ronnie listened to Bakura, her eyes wide in amazement the entire time.

Suddenly, they both heard someone unlock the door, open, then close it. They heard grocery bags being carried in. They looked to the bedroom doorway. Ronnie’s parents were home.

And, I was supposed to post the next chapter today, so here's chapter 3:

Chapter 3
After her parents gave in and let him stay, Ronnie and Bakura became as close as brother and sister. They’d do everything together. Although, Ronnie’s parents were a bit protective, so they would punish him for getting too close to her. He would come back into her room with bruises and cuts on his arms.

The first time this happened, Bakura was listening to Ronnie read her dragons book out loud to him on her bed. She was sitting in front of him with her back against him, while he was sitting behind her, looking over her shoulder, so he could read along.

“Starflight and Fatespeeker peered into the nightwing queen’s mouth, seeing that it was coated in ice from an Icewing’s ice beam…” Ronnie read.

Ronnie’s mom poked her head into the bedroom.

“What have you guys been doing?”

“I’m reading my Wings of Fire book to Bakura.” Ronnie answered innocently.

“Okay, well, can me and your dad talk to Bakura for a minute?”

While Ronnie had the most confused look on her face, Bakura got up from the bed and started walking toward the door. Ronnie got up and tumbled to the end of her bed just in time to grab him by the sleeve, as he was walking through the doorway.

“Should I wait until you come back to keep reading?”

Bakura backed into the room. “Why don’t you keep reading by yourself, and you can tell me everything that happened when I come back; alright?”

“Okay.” Ronnie agreed and sat back down to read her book.

Ronnie soon heard yelling, all coming from her parents. She wondered what was going on, but didn’t take action. A few minutes later, the yelling stopped, and Bakura walked back into her room. He walked in, avoiding eye contact with her.

“What happened?” Ronnie asked curiously.

“Oh, nothing.” Bakura tried to be as convincing as possible, but it wasn’t exactly easy.

“Then why is your nose bleeding?” Ronnie asked as she got up to get a tissue for him.

“Ronnie, please stop asking questions. You don’t need to know.” Bakura replied, immediately feeling bad because he sounded a bit rude, but not showing it at all.

Ronnie handed him the tissue, and he wiped his nose of the blood.

“I know. I just don’t want you getting hurt,” Ronnie said, taking the old tissue from Bakura and handing him another one.

“Yes, I’m sure. As long as you’re alright, I will always be okay.”
can be in the story
Hello everybody! Here's chapter 4! I'm not quite satisfied with how chapter 4 and 5 ended up; I tried to make it kinda like the other fanfics I've read, since this is my first one, but I don't think the story turned out that good. It felt really weird writing something like this... It might just be me, but let me know what you think of it. Chapter 5 will either be posted on thursday, or friday. I hope you enjoy!:

Chapter 4
Bakura and Ronnie prayed together every night. Every day, Ronnie would read Bakura some of her book out loud, and they would pray right before they went to sleep.

“…And thank you for having a great day today. Thank you for Bakura, and my family, and Marley. Thank you for keeping us all safe and together, and for giving us such a great life on your Earth. We love you soooooooooo much. Thank you for everything, amen.”

“Amen.” Bakura repeated.

Ronnie got into bed, and she pulled the blanket over herself, while Bakura turned off the light. He slept in Ronnie’s room, except he slept on the floor with nothing but a blanket. Ronnie’s parents only gave him the blanket, but she gave him one of her stuffed animals to use as a pillow.

Ronnie heard Bakura rustling in his blanket on the floor, struggling to get comfortable, and toss and turn for a long time.

“Bakura?” Ronnie said to the darkness.

“Sorry, am I keeping you awake?” Bakura asked guiltily.

“No, I was just gonna ask if you wanted to lay in my bed, because I can hear you sound uncomfortable…”

“No, It’s okay. I don’t think that’s a good idea.”

“Oh, it’s fine. And, it’s kinda cold anyway.” Ronnie assured him.

Bakura sighed and pulled the blanket off of Ronnie, and laid down beside her. As he was getting comfortable, she cuddled close to him, with her hands in fists against his chest, and snuggled her head into his neck. Bakura wrapped his arms around Ronnie and hugged her tight. She smiled and soon fell asleep.

Bakura stayed awake, while Ronnie was sound asleep. He felt her shiver slightly, so he wrapped his robe around her. He felt her rhythmic breathing on his neck, and finally fell asleep.

Later, in the morning, Ronnie’s mom checked into her room and found Bakura in her bed. Her eyes widened, and she stomped into Ronnie’s room without a thought that she might wake her up. She pulled Bakura by the hair, waking him up, although he wasn’t at all surprised. Ronnie woke up to him being dragged away by her mom out of the room.

Eeveelutions!! ^w^

1. Glaceon
2. Sylveon
3. Leafeon
4. Flareon
5. Vaporeon
6. Eevee
7. Jolteon
8. Espeon
9. Umbreon

*This is not my original work, this is someone else's fantastical drawing. I found it on google and thought it would be fun to try and draw it. I do not own this drawing!! :)
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Jirachi & Mimikyu

*This is not my original work, this is someone else's fantastical drawing. I found it on google and thought it would be fun to try and draw it. I do not own this drawing!! :)
right now I'm siding with Ronnie's mom. I don't think he should be sleeping with a 12 year old girl. also do they know about the murders? im really curious how they'll react when they learn he killed two people... something tells me the two people he killed are somehow related to her parents but I can't be certain. the anticipation is killing me!


I wanted to draw a ballerina Pokémon because I have a recital in a few days and I can't get my mind off it, so here it is :) Also, sorry the next chapter of my story is so late, I promise I'll get it posted soon!

Ryou Bakura

Hi everyone! Once again sorry I haven't yet posted the last chapter of my fanfic, I've been really busy. Luckily I have had time to finalize my sketches, so here's one of them. This is Ryou Bakura from Yu-Gi-Oh w/ some body gore. >u< I think it looks super cool and thank you to the person who first came up with the idea of drawing this! I'm gonna put a few more pictures of this below in a spoiler, so that the detail is more clear :)

*This is not my original work, this is someone else's fantastical drawing. I found it on youtube and thought it would be fun to try and draw it. I do not own this drawing!! :)


Top half

Bottom half


Hey y'all! Happy Monday! Yesterday I started watching K-On and I loved it!! I watched the entire first season in just one day XD I was up late at night, and I couldn't fall asleep, so I said to myself, "Self, why not draw the main characters of the new anime you're obsessed with?" So, I did. Here is the light music club: Yui, Ritsu, Mio, Mugi, and Azusa (and, yes, I did mess up on Azusa's name in the picture and accidentally spelled it Asusa. My bad! ^_^'). Since it's Monday, I also listed them as days of the week, based on their personalities:

Monday - Yui
Tuesday - Mugi
Wednesday - Mio
Thursday - Azusa
Friday - Ritsu

If you've ever watched K-On, you can probably understand why I assigned each girl to each day X) If you're wondering who Saturday and Sunday are, I'd probably say that Saturday is Ui, and Sunday is Nodoka. Sorry I couldn't get them into the picture!

Ryou x Bakura

Just a quick drawing I did of Ryou and Bakura. I was in the mood so :)

*This is not my original work, this is someone else's fantastical drawing. I found it on google and thought it would be fun to try and draw it. I do not own this drawing!! :)