BDSP Dragon-Fairy-Steel BDSPOU. Peak ELO: 1568 (Rank 60)

This team has taken me from to the 1500s and has beaten top 50 players on the ladder (like Simmal 097, Keyblade Enjoyer, and Joy Bangla) including two who were in the Rank 1 spot at the times of their defeats (grossebaffe and Emma Roids). I am retiring this team to work on new ones and would like to archive it in an RMT to look back on. Please, do not be shy on ripping this team apart and suggesting new things. You may see some of my 4 different accounts I play this team with in the replays (BadPlayer59, WhatIsLadderin, GimmickyFun, and LowELOtest).
Proof of Peak LowELOtest

My Team
Matches that Influenced my Final Team Comp
grossebaffe victory My Garchomp used to be Jolly and grossebaffe's and Emma Roids' Clefables are the main reasons I stayed with Adamant Nature
Joy Bangla victory I messed around with stuff in the Azumarill slot but I eventually decided Azumarill is still better than Clef and Weavile for this team. This match shows how Heatran and Scizor can confuse opponents into sacrificing Crawdaunts and Feraligatrs. (incoming salt)
Emma Roids victory The final straw for deciding to keep Garchomp Adamant.



Nibble (Garchomp) @ Lum Berry
Ability: Rough Skin
EVs: 252 Atk / 4 SpD / 252 Spe
Adamant Nature
- Swords Dance
- Outrage
- Earthquake
- Iron Head/Poison Jab

The first of 3 Dragons in my Dragon-Fairy-Steel team is Garchomp. I gave Garchomp a Lum Berry so that it would be able to combat Rotom-W with Will-O-Wisp a lot better with its Ground Typing. Even with Adamant Nature, Garchomp can outpace Neutral-Natured Base 100s, and, just as importantly, Nidoking/queen, Rotom forms, and most Enteis and Arcanines, . Adamant deals better damage to walls as well, especially after a Swords Dance. Swords dance is there to increase the power and draw out Clefable/Togekiss to get some early damage. Outrage has intense power to deeply damage walls after an SD. One thing to note is that if you hit an Outrage and then they switch to a Fairy, you may easily switch out to Heatran or Scizor. Being locked in is expelled upon hitting the Fairy switch-in. Earthquake is there for hitting other pokemon you don't want to hit with Outrage or Iron Head/Poison Jab in the moment. Iron Head/Poison Jab is amazing for taking out nonScarfed Togekiss, and, in my experience, it will almost always leave Clefable dented before it KOs you IF it KOs you. That allows other pokemon on the team like Salamence to not be walled completely by Clefable later.

Zuzu (Azumarill) @ Mystic Water
Ability: Huge Power
EVs: 252 Atk / 4 SpD / 252 Spe
Adamant Nature
- Waterfall
- Aqua Jet
- Play Rough
- Superpower

I went with the Smogon-suggested Azumarill spread mostly to outspeed Skarmory, Clefable, Empoleon, Donphan, Machamp and other naturally-slow targets often flinching them with Waterfall. Mystic Water also helps me bluff a Choice Band which doesn't always happen, but can be nice from time to time. One thing to mention is Azu must be near-full HP to contend with Feraligatr if it decides to come in after my Azu KO's something, or my entire team gets swept after the DD. Play Rough is for Dragons, Dark Types, and Fighting Types mostly as well as a blanket move for low-health mons and hitting those that suspect Choice Band. Aqua Jet can be used to finish targets off as well as removing Focus Sash on an opponent before biting the dust. Superpower is mostly there for Empoleon, but can be used as coverage in certain instances where you're not sure whether your opponent will switch or stay. Azumarill's Typing can allow it to come in on Outrage-locked Dragons or Choice-Locked Draco Meteor Latias. Its powerful Attack stat with Huge Power can then seriously dent teams lacking Defensive Water/Grass if Latias switches, or Azumarill can take out the Outrage-Locked mon if that is the scenario instead.

EZbake (Heatran) @ Power Herb
Ability: Flame Body
EVs: 248 HP / 60 SpA / 200 Spe
Timid Nature
IVs: 0 Atk
- Magma Storm
- Stealth Rock
- Taunt
- Solar Beam

Heatran is my Rocks setter as well as a trapper and check/counter for many different pokemon (Ground/Water Types, Grass Types, Grass/Poison, Skarmory, etc) . Power Herb allows Solar Beam to nail Water Types once and almost always once. It is imperative that it is used wisely especially if they have two or more Water Types. The EVs could use some adjustment if you have any suggestions. The reasoning behind the Nature and EVs is thus: 200 Speed EVs + Timid Nature allow Heatran to outspeed Max-Speed Jolly Breloom without Scarf. The remainder was to make Heatran bulky and bluff a bulk set against things like low-health Blissey. The remainder was thrown into Special Attack to finish off things like Water Types sitting on low HP a little better. Magma Storm traps and eases prediction, especially against Quagsire, Gastrodon, and Swampert. Solar Beam can immediately finish those lacking Protect. Taunt stops things like Clefable and Neutral-Natured-Speed Feraligatr from setting up. Having Heatran as the Stealth Rock Setter allows Garchomp to hit harder and allows a safer switch against Gliscor since you know they'll probably go for Defog or Earthquake instead of Knock Off or U-Turn. I don't mind whether this is a Flame Body set or a Flash Fire set. I think both have their uses. But there's something so satisfying about burning your opponent's Scizor. And I think this lets the other teammates sweep better when they dont have to worry about Scizor as much.

Fades (Scizor) @ Leftovers
Ability: Technician
EVs: 252 Atk / 40 Def / 216 Spe
Adamant Nature
- Defog
- U-turn
- Bullet Punch
- Swords Dance

Scizor is a bit of an odd set. I know that 216 Speed EVs allows Scizor to outpace Modest Choice Specs Magnezone which is why it's there. People tend to op for a more guaranteed KO with Modest + Choice Specs on Specs Magnezone while Scarf Magnezone won't KO full HP Fades. I can U-Turn into something like Garchomp during the attack or even threaten with Salamence and set up a DD. I then opted for Leftovers > Life Orb for passive recovery against Stall teams. The item Leftovers can also bluff a bulky set after hazard damage (or to the less damage-conscious), making Crawdaunt more likely to come in and get smashed. It's been working better than Life Orb for me, and the remaining 40 Defense EVs are there to help mostly against physical priority moves. There is no Roost on this set, instead opting for passive recovery on the many switches involved on both my side and my opponent's that comes with Scizor existing. Swords Dance allows power against Walls like Gliscor, Tangrowth, and Slowbro. Defog keeps the team fresh and alive. U-Turn keeps you moving into a better position, and Technician Bullet Punch keeps frail Offense Mons like Alakazam and Weavile at bay.

Salad Mix (Salamence) @ Yache Berry
Ability: Moxie
EVs: 252 Atk / 4 SpD / 252 Spe
Adamant Nature
- Dragon Dance
- Dragon Claw
- Earthquake
- Iron Tail

Salamence is the 2nd of my Dragons and is meant to sweep just like the other two Dragons. Adamant Nature gives Salamence the raw power it needs to pick up a weakened pokemon like Rotom-W or Gliscor. Yache Berry allows you to set up on Starmie of all things and begin sweeping as well as survive Ice Shard or Latias' Ice Beam if you're not damaged a lot. Salamence can also be used to raw finish a pokemon without Dragon Dance in some scenarios against slower teams or creating an opening for the other Dragons to have fun. Many may even believe you are Choice Scarf. Like Garchomp, Salad Mix has a Dragon move, Ground move, and a Steel move. Unlike Garchomp, however, it hits harder on Clefable to usually finish the job Garchomp started with Iron Tail. I imagine that Salamence can also set up Clefable for a Garchomp sweep too, but I haven't tried it yet.

Lati (Latias) (F) @ Leftovers
Ability: Levitate
EVs: 252 HP / 4 Def / 252 Spe
Timid Nature
IVs: 0 Atk
- Calm Mind
- Stored Power
- Roost
- Energy Ball/Thunderbolt

Finally, I have Latias. Latias is the third and final Sweeper Dragon on my team capable of flipping an entire game on its head. Max Speed allows Lati to outspeed Choice Band Infernape and Adamant Weavile. Also, Clefable if Lati gets paralyzed. 252 HP and 4 Def is to be bulky with Leftovers and Roost. Calm Mind + Stored Power bypasses some Clefables somewhat as long as it takes its time switching in, and Latias annihilates even Blissey after enough Calm Minds. Suicune can also be hard-pressed. Energy Ball is there to stop Swampert with Roar, and Quagsire with Toxic. Although, Thunderbolt can be used for Skarmory and Empoleon with Whirlwind and Roar respectively. Advice for different EVs is appreciated for this set too. Maybe a full defense or boost in SpA would be good I wonder.
Overall Team Strategy: Study your opponent's team before choosing your lead. Often, Garchomp will lead. Scizor is good against Staraptor Leads. Heatran is better against Azelf Screener + nonJolly Feraligatr. Garchomp for Sun. Rain can come down to tricking your opponent into letting Latias set up Calm Minds so try to set up according to that with Azumarill as your lead possibly. Trick Room can be tricky, but typically involve you figuring out what sets they're running for a rematch with them on ladder. I always have trouble with Trick Room. When you decide what to lead with, it is a heavy-hitting team with good immunities and resistances. Try poking holes for one pokemon to sweep, taking out Focus Sashes, and weakening walls for a final sweep. I'm sorry if this is vague. It's very hard to describe any set plan with this team. I also don't follow my own advice when playing this team a lot.
Jolly Feraligatr - if it sets up against Heatran it can be all ogre
Trick Room - involves knowing what items and sets they are running which can be difficult.
Prankster Volbeat/Illumise with Rain Dance/Encore - makes it harder to predict and stop rain teams until they are dealt with

some other battles
Is magnezone in bdsp with magnet pull? If so wouldn’t that be good? Irl I don’t play bdsp
Magnezone is a good pokemon in BDSP OU, yes. Sometimes, it even runs a Choice Specs Analytic set. Latias is good for setting up on it though. Sometimes, I'll lure with Scizor and use U-Turn on a predicted Magnezone switchin. Another thing is that 1/3 (with rocks) or 2/3 (without) of the time, Garchomp can survive an Analytic Flash Cannon switching in at full HP which is something I try to keep track of. Even if Garchomp is sacrificed, I can still set up better with Latias. But if there are better suggestions, I'm all open to random suggestions and things to think about.
Magnezone is a good pokemon in BDSP OU, yes. Sometimes, it even runs a Choice Specs Analytic set. Latias is good for setting up on it though. Sometimes, I'll lure with Scizor and use U-Turn on a predicted Magnezone switchin. Another thing is that 1/3 (with rocks) or 2/3 (without) of the time, Garchomp can survive an Analytic Flash Cannon switching in at full HP which is something I try to keep track of. Even if Garchomp is sacrificed, I can still set up better with Latias. But if there are better suggestions, I'm all open to random suggestions and things to think about.
i meant using it on the teams
i meant using it on the teams
I would have to put Defog on Latias I think if I removed Scizor. Or I would have to move Stealth Rock to Garchomp if I replace Heatran. I could probably test this though as Magnezone could come into Togekiss (though fearing Fire Blast/Aura Sphere). Perhaps Magnezone would help against Skarmory, Scizor, and pivoting against Blissey as well.
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i meant using it on the teams
I just wanted to update you. I switched Heatran to an Modest Analytic Choice Specs Magnezone set with 252HP/252SpA/4SpD, and I replaced Iron Head on Garchomp with Stealth Rocks and it's cleanly gotten my StrokeOfHail profile into the 1400's with only a couple losses. I'm gonna see if it can continue to get me further. I thought you might like to hear
I just wanted to update you. I switched Heatran to an Modest Analytic Choice Specs Magnezone set with 252HP/252SpA/4SpD, and I replaced Iron Head on Garchomp with Stealth Rocks and it's cleanly gotten my StrokeOfHail profile into the 1400's with only a couple losses. I'm gonna see if it can continue to get me further. I thought you might like to hear
thats great :)