Challenge COMPLETE: Pokemon X: AZ's Floette Solo Run


formerly green_typhlosion
x logo.JPG

In a region full of spectacular and unparalleled biodiversity, one man will dare to do the unthinkable - a solo run with AZ's Floette.

AZ's Floette.JPG

Welcome, one and all, to my latest challenge.

Time for another self-imposed challenge run. This time, I'm stepping out into the wilds of Kalos accompanied solely by AZ's Floette, which I had some outside help obtaining and de-levelling so I could use it on my newly-downloaded copy of Pokemon X.

Pretty straightforward, really. AZ's Floette is the only Pokemon I am permitted to use in battle. As Surf is the only HM needed to complete the game, I will need an HM slave but this must be boxed if not in use.

Will the diminutive little flower-fairy be able to prevail? Will we foil the plot of Lysandre and the diabolical Team Flare? And will green_typhlosion finally develop a more favorable opinion of the Kalos titles? There's all to play for. Read on and find out.

Part One
Un vieux voyage a recommencé; un ancien lieu revisité avec de nouveaux yeux

Having never played X before, I watch as the opening credits roll, wondering if they're noticeably different from Y. I really like the way the camera focuses in on different parts of Xerneas's body in time with the beats of the music, but otherwise they're the same.

After that's done, Professor Sycamore welcomes me to the world of Pokemon and bids me choose a gender. Though I much prefer the girl protagonist, I already played as female in Y, so it seems fitting to be male for X (wait, that's backwards chromosomally, but never mind). I choose the blond boy, already planning to change my appearance at the first salon and/or boutique I can find. After quickly browsing "French boy names" on Google, I settle on the pleasant-sounding Elouan. With that settled, it's time to begin my adventure!

After being rudely awoken by my mother's Fletchling, I head downstairs and am admonished by my mother for not being properly dressed. Oh yeah, I need to go to the mirror and change. The screen fades to black while I get naked and change into my rather uninspiring outfit.

Heading outside, I'm met by my two neighbours, Shauna and Serena, and told to hurry over to Aquacorde Town, where I'm introduced to Tierno and Trevor, the two much more interesting but tragically underwritten members of the gang. All of their nickname suggestions for me are appalling, so I go with MagnificentE (damn character limit!). Tierno then presents us with our choice of starter along with a Pokedex. Given that we won't be keeping it for long, it doesn't make much of a difference, so I opt for Froakie. Shauna then demands a battle which, thanks to my newly-acquired Froakie having a STAB move, I easily win. Boooooring.

After delivering a letter to my mother, I'm allowed to progress onto Route 2 and an inexplicable mandatory encounter with a Pidgey. Weird. Serena then shows us how to catch a Pokemon... ugh, why is this the one thing I can't say "no thanks, I actually know this already" to? ...and I'm allowed to proceed into Viridian Santalune Forest.

I rush right through it without catching anything, though. Why? Because I want to get to Santalune City and access the PC! Yes, now that I have a Pokedex I can connect to Pokebank and retrieve my mission companion, which I promptly do.



Ain't she lovely.

Yes, she's here and she's looking good. The Floette of legend, with superior stats to others of her species but the same ability and overall moveset.

...being that she is level 1, however, I need to go and do some training. Easier said than done when your only moves are Tackle and Vine Whip and a level 5 Fletchling can OHKO you.

Luckily, however, Route 3 contains wild Azurill, whose only attacking move is Water Gun - so weak it can only 3HKO. I eventually find one and slowly chip it to death while it spams Splash, Water Sport, and Tail Whip, only once attacking directly, and that gets me powerful enough to take on all four of the trainers in the area and level up enough to learn Fairy Wind. It proves a powerful weapon so I return to Santalune Forest and clear out the two trainers I skipped previously.

Back to Santalune City we go. Not a particularly exciting place, but it's cool how the camera changes when you sit on a bench. That's something. But our first gym is here, and that's definitely exciting! We'll tackle that next time, though. Hopefully I've levelled up enough to be able to take on Viola's bugs...

Current team
Floette - level 10
Part Two
Notre première bataille de gym! Le défi de Viola et son armée d'insectes

I make my way to the gym but there's a girl on skates guarding it who won't let us pass until we beat her. Ah yes, the roller skates. I misremembered and thought you only got those after the first gym. No matter, as her sole Zigzagoon proves easy to defeat.

With that done, it's time to earn our first gym badge! I proceed inside and make my way down to the centre of the massive underground web. Three trainers lie in wait, but I defeat them all fairly quickly, getting poisoned by the last one. Right, before I fight Viola I'd better leave and heal...

...wait, how do I do that exactly? The wall behind Viola doesn't open unless you beat her. Are you not allowed to leave once you're inside?

Oh. It turns out if you return to the centre of the web and press A, you'll jump up and climb out. Got it.

Haven't acquired any berries yet so I guess I'm going in dry. But Floette is now level 13, which I think is a suitable level. I approach Viola and the awful gym leader battle music kicks in as we begin our battle. Her Surskit gets in a tiny hit with Quick Attack but otherwise goes down easily. Then her Vivillon is up next - it strikes me with Tackle twice as I 3HKO with Fairy Wind. Well, that was nice and easy. Viola comments on how my Floette has shown her "a whole new depth of field" (yeah, I'll bet) and hands over TM83, Infestation. Bah, can't use that.

Time to head on out! As we leave Santalune City a woman called Alexa stops me and gives me an Exp Share, rather rudely turning it on without asking. As soon as she leaves I turn it off, where it will stay. We don't have any truck with those devices in this house, thank you very much.

Also I've only got one Pokemon on my team so y'know, what's the point.

Onto Route 4, then, where there are items and trainers aplenty to sweep up, though I ultimately end up skipping most of the trainers. The labyrinth and the gigantic fountain are nice touches, though this route really could have been a little longer.


Making a mental note of this for the next time I need a pseudo-deep Instagram caption.
The gates of Lumiose City are ahead, flanked by Sina and Dexio. Astute readers may remember them as actual characters in the Alola region. Here, they're basically props, but whatever. They ask me if I've ever seen a Pokemon called Flabebe (well, technically no, but... oh, never mind) and then give me TM27, Return. Eh, it's better than Tackle but I still probably won't be using it much.

They then ask if I'd like to be taken to Professor Sycamore's lab but don't actually take me there, so I have to do most of the walking myself. Rude.

I've never particularly liked Lumiose City. It's way too big and the lack of a far-out, overhead view means that every street looks more or less identical and I always get lost and end up spending loads of money on taxis. Fortunately, however, Professor Sycamore's lab isn't too far. Sina gushes about how far I've travelled. Get a grip, Vaniville isn't that far away.

Sycamore's lab is full of scientists, all hard at work on various mysterious pursuits.


Dude, spoiler!
On the top floor I meet the man himself, who proposes a Pokemon battle but warns me that he's not very strong. Well damn, you've got me really excited to fight you now. He uses the Kanto starter trio and once I defeat them all he offers me one of them, which is one of my major irritants about this game. Seriously, this really overshadows the starter Pokemon you already chose not that long ago.


Why are all of the paintings in Sycamore's office of Unova species? Just out of shot is a picture of Audino, too. Between this and his Kanto fixation, I'm starting to think the dude has some sort of fetish for Pokemon not native to his region...
Never one to turn down free stuff, though, I pick Squirtle (obviously). All the rest of the gang arrive and Sycamore advises us to go out into the wide world and live our truth, being whatever we and we alone deem "the best trainer" to be. It's a little odd to hear from someone who not thirty seconds ago insisted that I use a Kanto starter Pokemon, but whatever. He then counsels us to accept the ways of living and thinking that may conflict with our own. To be honest, in 2022 that's pretty sound advice, so he gets a point for that.


It has been said. Bye for now, gonna Wonder Trade your Squirtle first chance I get.

On the way out I spy a man with extraordinary, flame-coloured hair in a spiky, swept-back style. Striking. He's questioning Sina about the children gifted a Pokedex by the professor, and dubs me one of the "chosen ones" when Sina beckons me over. Gee, all this praise is gonna give me a swollen head. He introduces himself as Lysandre, then tells me that he's determined to make a brighter future and that people and Pokemon must work tirelessly toward that goal before abruptly leaving. That's right, game, jam that exposition right down my throat, why don't you?

Anyway, things to do, namely boxing that Squirtle. Tierno tells me that Camphrier Town is the next place we're headed - really, we're leaving Lumiose already? - but Serena wants to chat in Cafe Soleil. Sigh, fine. I head outside and try to find Cafe Soleil. Predictably, it takes me about five minutes longer than it should.

Yeah, Tierno was right. The sooner we leave the better.

Current team
Floette - level 16
Just so you know, I think Strength is needed to complete the game, and there might be one or two points where Rock Smash is needed to do it, although it is a TM not an HM - luckily your starters can learn them when you need to.

There's also an additional, optional challenge as to whether you allow the other HMs for field use or not, because the Psychic TM needs Waterfall and the Energy Ball TM needs Cut, and both might be useful at different points in the later game.
Are you intending to use Light of Ruin once you get to level 50? On one hand, it's a thematic signature move. On the other, recoil moves and solo runs don't go together well.

Certainly am! If nothing else it'll be handy for short fights, but Calm Mind and White Herb are both options to counteract it.

Just so you know, I think Strength is needed to complete the game, and there might be one or two points where Rock Smash is needed to do it, although it is a TM not an HM - luckily your starters can learn them when you need to.

There's also an additional, optional challenge as to whether you allow the other HMs for field use or not, because the Psychic TM needs Waterfall and the Energy Ball TM needs Cut, and both might be useful at different points in the later game.

I believe Strength is only needed to create shortcuts and reach items - I'm reasonably sure it's not actually required to get through any areas, but I might be wrong. Either way, Squirtle learns it (I was kidding about Wonder Trading it, at least for now) and I'll likely catch something that can use Cut as I am, indeed, planning on picking up the Energy Ball TM.
Certainly am! If nothing else it'll be handy for short fights, but Calm Mind and White Herb are both options to counteract it.
I think you might be mixing up the side-effects of Light of Ruin and Fleur Cannon. Light of Ruin causes recoil damage to the user, while Fleur Cannon lowers the user's Sp.Atk with two stages.

Anyway, this seems like a fun challenge, so I'll follow along. It has been 8 years since I last played through the main story of X/Y which means I have forgotten a lot about the story in them. Is it as bad as I remember it and as the fandom makes it out to be? I guess we'll see. And as one of the few who loves X/Y, I'm glad to see them get some attention... even if might not be in the most positive light. Please don't be too negative towards them!

Nah, you are entitled to your opinion.
I think you might be mixing up the side-effects of Light of Ruin and Fleur Cannon. Light of Ruin causes recoil damage to the user, while Fleur Cannon lowers the user's Sp.Atk with two stages.

Blargh, you're right! I always get those two mixed up, Magearna and Floette even look quite similar in a certain light.

Anyway, this seems like a fun challenge, so I'll follow along. It has been 8 years since I last played through the main story of X/Y which means I have forgotten a lot about the story in them. Is it as bad as I remember it and as the fandom makes it out to be? I guess we'll see. And as one of the few who loves X/Y, I'm glad to see them get some attention... even if might not be in the most positive light. Please don't be too negative towards them!

Nah, you are entitled to your opinion.

It's been a long time for me, too. I'm weirdly attached to my current save on Y so I've always been reluctant to restart it; finally I just took the plunge and decided to download X as that actually seems more future-proof than a cartridge atm. I'm curious to re-examine Kalos, will keep an open mind.
Part Three
Une conversation intrigante entre deux inconnus mystérieux, et une promesse de temps étranges et incertains à venir
Having finally located Cafe Soleil, I find Serena stood outside. She says "could you come here for a second?" and walks inside, leaving me behind. Well, yeah, that was why I... oh never mind.

Inside, however, we're distracted by the sight of Lysandre and a woman Serena identifies as Diantha. I seem to recall seeing her face on a billboard a little earlier. Is she someone famous? Why, yes: Serena clarifies that Diantha is one of the most famous movie stars in the world. Well I've never heard of her, but I'm sure that she is, in fact, very famous.

Lysandre compliments her for making a stellar debut performance (presumably some years ago) as a young girl. He then, not unlike some grifter selling health tonics and vitamin pills, asks her if she would like to remain young and beautiful forever. Diantha, being a professional actress who takes her calling seriously, says that she finds this a strange question. Everything changes, and so must she - she expects that she will play different roles when she gets older. Reminds me of an interview Sean Bean did where he said he was learning to embrace no longer being cast in the role of the young, fit leading man, but more frequently as fathers and grandfathers.


Y'know, that's a good point. The plot of these games might be a little lacking but at least the writers are taking the time to spit out some dope truths.

Anyway, Lysandre disagrees, stating that Diantha's duty as a film star is to remain beautiful. Pretty sexist, my man - have you SEEN some of our leading men lately? He then says that his desire is to make the world unchanging and eternal so all beauty will last. Because I'm sure everyone on earth becoming immortal would solve all our problems. Yeah, I can't foresee any way that could go wrong.

Having finished their debate, Lysandre and Diantha depart, and Serena babbles some inane crap I can't be bothered to remember right now.

On the way out I get a Holo Call from Tierno. He tells me Route 5 is full of wild Pokemon and to come check it out. I was already headed that way, big man, but sure. In the gatehouse I get accosted by a man in a lavender suit who introduces himself as Mr Bonding. Uh... slightly creepy name there, fella. Maybe don't approach children? But it seems he's actually nice. He gives me a present in the form of the Attack and Defence O-Power! Nice. I doubt I'll be using them much, though. I'm not fond of them, they feel a little like cheating. Except the Stealth O-Power whenever I get it, it's cheaper than buying Repels.

Emerging onto Route 5, I bump into Korrina and her two Lucario. In an extremely unsubtle piece of setup, Korrina tells me that one of her Lucario likes me before skating away. Bye then. The first trainers I meet on Route 5 are a pair of twins, who regretfully tell me they can't do battle with only one Pokemon. Yup, that's the tragedy of this run. No Sky Battles either...

I head up through Route 5, taking time to explore and collect all the items, but not fighting any of the trainers because I don't want to get too overlevelled. But Tierno is waiting in the middle of the route to challenge me! He's not too difficult, only has a Corphish which would rather use Swords Dance than actually fight. Honestly, in terms of sheer affability and style, Tierno is genuinely one of my favourite rivals. He's not all that complex, but that actually kind of works.

Up the hill and into Camphrier Town! I've always quite liked this place, and I think it's because 95% of the NPCs in it give you items the first time you speak to them. I poke around for a bit and collect everything. In the hotel I find Mr Bonding again, and he imbues love on me or whatever by giving me the Sp. Atk O-Power. There's not a whole lot to do in this place other than receive free stuff, but I'm not allowed to leave the town without seeing the castle. Sure, why not.

I head inside and meet... ugh, Shauna. She pesters the owner as to whether he knows anything about Mega Evolution, but he's got nothing. Well, that was pointless. Then a guy bursts in and despairing cries "it's back!" I'm assuming he's referring to a rash somewhere intimate, so I don't pry for details, but the owner of the castle and the guy swiftly leave, and Shauna suggests we head to Route 7.

There are some berry fields on Route 7... meh, no, not bothering with that. Too fussy. Let's get to what we're all here for...'s a Snorlax! Asleep on the bridge. It's cool you encounter one so early in XY. But the Pokeflute is missing so we have to do stuff to get it. It's at Parfum Palace, which as luck would have it is just up the road to the north.


This guy gets it.

I head up the shady tree-lined path, expecting bushes to rustle and for Pokemon to jump out at me, but... nothing. Well, that was anticlimactic.


Mmm, Parfum Palace looks like shit.

Outrageously, even though I'm here on an errand of goodwill, we have to pay to get in. I do like how much Shauna calls it out, though. As soon as we enter we're told that something has gone missing in the gardens, but I'm more concerned with pilfering the place for stray treasure. Sure enough, after a bit of exploring I find an Amulet Coin for Floette to hold.

Right, out into the gardens. It emerges that there's an escaped Furfrou on the loose and we have to get it back. Shauna proposes that we team up to catch it and after a disappointingly short puzzle, we do so. The owner arrives and fawns over the poor puppy, which doesn't seem all that enthusiastic to return to him. I can't help but be forcefully reminded of this:

To thank us, though, the owner proposes a firework display in the gardens, so I proceed up to the balcony to watch. Shauna is there, too, and rather dreamily implies that this is a special moment for her. Wait, what? When did Shauna of all people become my designated love interest? I didn't sign up for this. Tierno is far cuter and Trevor's totally a bott-

Never mind, not important. Once the fireworks are done with, the owner and the butler appear and give me TM17. Honestly, I'd sooner have my entrance fee refunded, this place kind of sucks. But we're actually here for the Pokeflute, and the owner hands that over, too. Cool. Time to go wake the big boy up. I return to the bridge and get ready to face it down.

Refreshingly, Snorlax is... actually an extremely tough opponent. It starts off by using Defence Curl - "ha!" I say, smugly, "I'll simply keep using Fairy Wind!" - but then it uses Amnesia too, turning it into a freaking unkillable titan on either end of the spectrum. Its Tackle is tremendously strong and takes a massive chunk out of Floette, forcing me to heal. Fortunately Lick, its final move, is nowhere near as powerful, and Floette recently happened to learn Razor Leaf which has a higher-than-average chance to get a critical hit. It still doesn't do all that much when it does, but it's better than nothing. After four hits and an application of Super Potion, I manage to drop the Snorlax to 50%, but it eats its held Sitrus Berry and recovers 25% of what was lost. Grrrr.

Luckily, once it uses that up it has no further method of recovery, so it's just a matter of hammering away until it's finally brought down. What? No of course I'm not capturing it, don't be silly.

With the road ahead clear, we can access the Day Care and the Battle Chateau. Neither holds much interest for me right now. At the end of the route, Serena reappears and demands that she and I take on Tierno and Trevor in a tag battle. Sure, why not. Her Fletchling does sod all while Floette takes out all three of the opposing Pokemon. Wow, super teamwork there. So glad to have you with me on this journey.

Next up, our journey through the Connecting Cave! What wonders lie inside? Well, mainly a lot of Zubat and Whismur. Can't wait, looking forward to it already.

Current team
Floette @ Amulet Coin - Level 19
Last edited:
Part Four
Dans une nouvelle frontière - la côte de Kalos ! C'est parti pour un combat épique pour obtenir notre deuxième badge de gym!

Through the Connecting Cave, and it is entirely as boring as expected. A nice lady scientist offers to heal Floette, so that's cool.

Emerging into the sunlight on the other side, I've barely taken two steps before I'm stopped by Sina and Dexio. Like the utter props they are, they rush up, upgrade my Pokedex to display the Coastal Kalos Dex, and then immediately leave without another word.


Great, that's the next third of the Pokedex unlocked. Also, fun fact - the Coastal Kalos Dex is the only Pokedex in the series you can view without having seen or caught anything in it, since all other games give you a Pokedex after you've obtained your starter (the same isn't true of the Mountain Kalos Dex as there's no way to avoid seeing Pokemon in the listing before you get the dex upgrade). That's kind of cool. If I ever play X or Y again I'm kind of tempted to challenge myself to fully complete each third of the Kalos Pokedex before moving to the next area.

Time to explore Route 8. I gotta say, I think this is my favourite route in the whole of Kalos. The unique layout, the panoramic views of the beach and the sea below, and the way in which you have to traverse it twice - going south along the clifftop and then north along the beach - is incredibly cool. Also the music absolutely bangs.


No, YOU'RE looking at the future Champion - oh god, I feel like a child even typing that out

In Ambrette Town. Serena runs up behind me and says that we should go to the Fossil Lab to ask about Mega Evolution. Just to be contrarian, I decide not to and instead go looking for items. A kind person in the hotel gives me TM96, Nature Power. Hmm... might come in handy, that. I teach it to Floette instead of Return, which I wasn't using much. Another person gives me TM94, Rock Smash. Well, someone else can make better use of that. I also run into that pink-suited creep, Mr Bonding. After the screen goes dark and horrible things I don't want to discuss happen, he gives me yet another O-Power.

I skate down onto the beach (how exactly does one skate on sand?!) but am stopped by a swimmer who's lost her fossil. Okay, guess I have to go back. In the Fossil Lab, Serena asks the scientists about Mega Evolution but they (shockingly) know nothing about it. But they tell us that one of their assistants went to Glittering Cave on the outskirts of town and hasn't come back. Well, looks like we're off to Glittering Cave to find him, then. A woman in the gatehouse gives me a Rocky Helmet. Ooh, that might actually come in useful later down the line.

On Route 9, the land is craggy and impassable, so we can't pass on foot. Luckily, there's a Rhyhorn... just chilling here, ready for anyone to ride it apparently. No, but all jokes aside this is really cool, and something I cannot believe took 17 years to be a thing in the main series. The Alola games get so much recognition for having Ride Pokemon that it's easy to forget that Kalos started it all off. I cross Route 9 in style and dismount at the entrance to Glittering Cave where a couple of people are hanging out, including the first Sky Trainer we'll encounter.


Except I do, though. Floette clearly levitates... oh, you know what, let's not get into THAT debate again.

For someone ever so slightly directionally-challenged like myself, Glittering Cave is (to put it mildly) a total headfuck. Every branching path has me questioning which way I came, and more than once I end up doubling back to the cave entrance before realising it's the wrong way. But at least the main cave is fairly short, and I soon come to the inner cavern, where a man dressed in an incredibly unsightly red suit is waiting. He introduces himself as a member of Team Flare and states that I shouldn't be here meddling. Hey, I'm just hanging out. But if you want to battle, sure. He has a Houndour and a Zubat, and Nature Power proves to be extremely useful against them both, becoming Power Gem which smacks the dark doggy and the poisonous bat into unconsciousness.

But there are more of them here. The next grunt manages to poison Floette with her Gulpin's Poison Gas, though I defeat her quickly after that. The way ahead is barred by two more grunts, who pair up to take me on - but Serena runs in behind me and teams up with me. The grunts send out Croagunk and Scraggy. Well, Fairy Wind will take care of Scraggy, and Serena's Espurr should be able to deal with Croagunk, so I take out Scraggy...

...and Serena uses Light Screen, leaving Croagunk open to smack me with Feint Attack. I hit it with Fairy Wind, which it survives, and Espurr...


Look, Serena, any time you wanna start being a competent trainer I'd be thrilled. I'll wait.

I finish the Croagunk off myself, and Floette levels up enough to learn Magical Leaf, a massive upgrade over Razor Leaf. Nice. Heading on to the final part of the cave, I discover the assistant is tinkering away in a rock wall, having not even been troubled by all the Team Flare grunts. Serena rushes up and says "did you find him?"

...oh my god, what does it look like, you dunce?

The assistant thanks us for coming to look for him and reveals that he found two rare fossils: the Jaw Fossil and the Sail Fossil. Being as I'm the one who found him, he lets me pick the one I'd like to have. Uhhh, Sail Fossil, please - Aurorus is ace. Though of course I shan't be using it here. I just don't want Serena to have it, I'm a little spiteful that way.

...why doesn't she use the revived fossil as part of her team, come to think of it? Does she give it to Trevor? He's the one who uses Aurorus and Tyrantrum later on.

Anyway, moving on. Serena suggests heading to Cyllage City and obtaining another gym badge. Way ahead of you, girl! Quite literally since you're always catching me up. I Escape Rope out of the cave, head back through Ambrette Town, dash across the beach and get thrashed by a swimmer because I forgot to heal Floette. Oops. Still a better trainer than Serena though.

Some time later, I arrive in Cyllage City. There's a lot to do here, but it's been so long that I'm chomping at the bit to get my next badge, so I'll look around later. The gym is up atop a steep cliff, but I've got good legs so I climb up. I get stopped by a strange fellow with sparkly crystals in his hair, who hands over HM04, Strength, and then introduces himself as the gym leader, Grant. Cool, thrash you shortly.

Now, THIS is what I call a gym. Cyllage City's gym is a gigantic cavern filled with rushing waterfalls surrounding an immense spur of rock which I have to clamber up to reach the leader at the top. Dynamic camera angles, attractive visuals, and Rock-type Pokemon... I can get on board with all of this.


Wanting to avoid excess experience, I avoid the trainers and climb as rapidly as I can to the summit. Alright Grant, give me your best shot!

He leads with Amaura and I decide to see what Nature Power becomes in this building. To my surprise, it becomes Power Gem once again, which gets some solid damage on Amaura. It responds by paralysing me with Thunder Wave, and Grant heals it with a Hyper Potion the following turn while Floette is unable to attack. Dammit! I'm all out of anything that can cure paralysis. Oh well, have to go on as I am. I get off another two artificial Power Gems, and it's done for.

Tyrunt up next. Should be easy enough, it's a Dragon-type after all. But it outspeeds and gets a flinch with Stomp. Ugh. And then it does the same with Bite. Double ugh. On the third turn, it doesn't flinch, but... paralysis gets the better of me. OH MY GOD enough with this. By now I'm in the red and desperately need to heal, so I use a Super Potion and try my luck again. The next turn finally goes my way, and I get off a Fairy Wind! Surprisingly, this leaves Tyrunt with a shred of health. It flinches me again with Bite the next turn and gets a critical hit, so I need to heal again - but next turn I'm able to attack again, and it goes down to a second hit.

Floette levels up again and tries to learn Grassy Terrain. Ooh, interesting... but probably better on paper. Takes too much time to work and doesn't help me too much. I'm probably better off just straight-up killing things.

Finally some challenge! Pretty neat that Grant utilised the paraflinch combo, that's some good boss design right there. Grant bestows upon me the Cliff Badge, one of the better-designed badges in the games overall. I like how much the Kalos badges make use of 3D.


Initially I snorted at 40, but Floette really is levelling up rather quickly.

I've actually been fairly positive this time around! Didn't expect that... let's see how long that lasts.

Current team
Floette @ Amulet Coin - level 28
Part Five
Un champ d'anciens menhirs! Une grotte de miroirs étincelants! Oh, que de merveilles la région de Kalos recèle!

With my gorgeous second badge affixed to my shirt, I do a sweep of Cyllage City for all the items I can find. Mr Bonding's in the hotel and I let him touch me up in exchange for sweets. Or something.

Oh yeah, I can get a bike, too! Yellow or green... green. (Duh.)

Now that I can use Strength, I retrieve Squirtle from the PC and quickly shift a few boulders, including the one in Connecting Cave so I can cut back to Camphrier Town more quickly should I need to. Doing this nets me a couple of TMs: TM73 Thunder Wave and TM40 Aerial Ace. Neither are likely to be much use, sadly.

Once Squirtle's safely back in the PC, to the north we go! Route 10 is another sumptuously lovely route: a vast grassy field full of ancient, towering stones imbued with a sense of history and mystique. But I don't have time to enjoy it for long, as a Team Flare grunt pops out ahead of me. Apparently he recognises me from when I foiled their fossil filching earlier. Outrageously accusing me of knowing nothing about history (lets be fair to the man, there's no reason he'd know I just got a master's degree in it) he challenges me to a battle. He has a Golbat which proves an unexpectedly tough foe; Nature Power turns into the laughably ineffective Energy Ball, and Fairy Wind's no good either. Conveniently, I bought a bunch of Soda Pop in Cyllage City, so I'm able to weather its beatings and slowly bring it down.

Once he's defeated, it starts to rain. I thought this might be a story thing, but it's... just random, apparently. Ominously timed, though.

Oh good, more Flare people. The second one has a Croagunk, which poisons me before I KO it. Ugh, curse these resilient Poison-types! I'm able to sneak past the third without incident, though. Discretion > valour. Arriving in Geosenge Town, another Flare grunt obnoxiously informs me that they're going to use the stone formations in the centre of the town to make everyone happy. Like some sort of music festival? Now I'm just thinking about what Pokemon's take on the Fyre Fest scam would be. Seems the sort of thing one of their evil teams would do.

Apart from another gruesome encounter with Mr Bonding, there's not a whole lot else to do here. So I head to the eastward exit, but Korrina appears again and asks me to battle her two Lucario. Agh, no! They're Steel-types! No!

Sure enough, Fairy Wind barely does one-third of damage, and the first Lucario makes use of the sponged damage to boost itself with Power-Up Punch and then Feints twice, significantly damaging me. The second one does the same, bringing me to 15 HP, but luckily I'm able to KO it before it does the same to me. Phew. Well, great. I've defeated the next gym leader, where's my badge?

Oh, apparently that fight didn't count for some reason. Lame. Professor Sycamore calls me on the Holo Caster, telling me that someone who knows about Mega Evolution lives in Shalour City, the next city on my path. Well, I guess we're going onto Route 11 and into Reflection Cave then.


That's an amusing coincidence, matches where the odds are unfairly in my favour are the kind I like best.

Into the cave we go. Another super-swish location. Look, most of the locations in Kalos are... good, actually. It's just a lot of other things that happen to fall short. The whole gimmick of trainers spotting you in the mirror is a fun trick, and I'm a big fan of the jutting bits of stone from the wall which briefly obscure you as you move through the passageways. This is a fun, psychedelic sort of place where I can just hang out and enjoy the scenery and relax...

...and then I get killed by a Wobbuffet.

Let's try that again. Oh, Tierno's here too. He gives me TM70 and tells me wild Pokemon will avoid me if I use it. Which sort of goes contrary to logic, if I'm using a massive flash of light in a dimly-lit area. But whatever. Floette doesn't have room for it, though she does learn Petal Blizzard upon levelling up after beating up an Ace Trainer's team. Ooh, Petal Blizzard... oh right yeah, that's physical. Not sure how much of an upgrade over Magical Leaf that'd be, but I opt to take a chance on it.


Jeez, I'm amazed you ever made it out of your bathroom... oh wait, you're a Backpacker so you probably don't have a house. That works.

I try to avoid most of the trainers in here, but it's more difficult than expected, so I end up taking nearly all of them on.


Well, when you put it like that... yes. I'm a floaty, flowery fairy, a freak of nature doomed to wander the earth eternally and never grow or change.

Eventually, after much running around, getting pounced on by lurking Pokemon and ferreting out all the items in here, I make it to the end.


Remember when everyone thought this room would have something to do with Diancie? Simpler, more naive times.

Shalour City! Cool city, cool visuals, cool background music. Just cool all around. Tierno and Trevor run up behind me and excitedly talk about how we have to go to the imposingly-named Tower of Mastery to ask about Mega Evolution. I'm more interested in going to the gym to finally deal with that tease Korrina, but apparently she's at the Tower, too. So that's that, then.

I don't go immediately though. I heal up in the Pokemon Centre and poke around a few of the residents' houses, enjoying the vibe of the city. A boy in one of the houses offers a swap: my Sitrus Berry for his Leppa Berry. Mmm... no deal.


Hoooo, does this sure hit differently today.​

I even head east to the gatehouse to see if there's anything of interest on Route 12, but some busybody forbids me to pass, saying it would not be wise to leave while I still have business with Korrina. That... sounded rather like a threat. Okay then. These gym leaders sure do use some dodgy tactics to force people to challenge them. That kid who wouldn't let you leave Pewter City seems almost tame compared to this.


Look at that, a big impressive building that doesn't look like shit.

I enter the grand old tower. The big Lucario statue in the atrium is cool. It's kind of a shame ORAS retcons Kalos's lore about it being the first Pokemon ever to Mega Evolve so soon. Whatever, Rayquaza is pretty cool too.

Inside a tiny room under the statue I find Korrina with the Mega Evolution guru, Gurkinn. After some introductory talking, the other four kids arrive, and Gurkinn tells us how to Mega Evolve a Pokemon. Unfortunately, due to only having one Mega Ring, he can only enable one of us to do it. Tierno, Trevor, and Shauna all decline, citing their different interests other than battling. That just leaves Serena and I.

Well, it's obviously going to be me. Right guys?

...right, guys?

Serena proposes we battle for it, since we're evenly matched as trainers. Hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha...

...oh my god, she WAS serious! Alright then. *cracks knuckles* Bring it on, girlie!

She sends out Meowstic, which irritatingly sets up Light Screen and shrugs off a couple of hits from Fairy Wind. Ugh. This move is rapidly starting to become too weak for purpose. I opt to take a different tack and try out Nature Power. Turns out, in this building, Nature Power turns into Tri Attack! Very nice. The higher power of Tri Attack cuts through and finishes Meowstic off.

Next out is Absol. Fairy Wind would probably KO if not for the damned Light Screen. It responds with Bite which, while nominally ineffective, takes off a larger chunk of health than I expected. But Light Screen fades and I finish it with a second hit.

Finally up is Quilladin. Hmm... is Quilladin Fighting-type yet? I hit it with Fairy Wind and it only does about 30%. Oh, I guess not. Gah. It hits me with Needle Arm and leaves me on 3 HP. Crap! Time to heal. But I needn't have bothered, because when I opt for Tri Attack it gets a clean KO.

Defeated, Serena accepts that I'm better, and tells me I'll definitely be able to Mega Evolve my Pokemon. Oh yeah, that. No, I'm actually not going to be bothering with that. But hey, them's the breaks. I just enjoyed humbling you. Everyone takes their leave, and Korrina says she wants to fight me in her gym (at last). I had totally mixed it up in my head and thought you fought her here first. Well, without any further ado, let's go get badge number 3! A Fighting-type gym; should be child's play.

Another gym with great visuals. Roller-skating as a Fighting-type thing is... weird, but it really sort of works (though it might work better if there were a skating Fighting Pokemon. Ironically, Surskit is used by a different gym leader in this game).

...oh, for fuck's sake. Do I have to defeat all the trainers here before I can battle Korrina? Uggggggggggghhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh.

Still, it doesn't take too long. After I reach the central platform, Korrina descends and our fight begins. She leads with Mienfoo, who postpones the inevitable by using Fake Out and then gets promptly OHKOed. Machoke falls similarly quickly. And then comes Hawlucha, who survives the first hit from Fairy Wind to use Power Up-Punch. Korrina heals it next turn, but I use Tri Attack and get a lucky freeze! Not that it's needed. A second hit sends the luchador birdie packing, and Korrina admits defeat, handing over the Rumble Badge. Meh, it's not as nice-looking as the Cliff Badge. But I'll take it all the same. She also gives me TM98, Power-Up Punch. Awesome move if your name is Kangaskhan. Too bad I won't be using it.

Having lost, Korrina requests one final bout, this time on the roof of the Tower of Mastery. Back and forth we go! But fine. I agree, then hop onto the grindrail and sail merrily down it, arriving back at the front door of the gym. Ever onward!

Current team
Floette @ Amulet Coin - level 38
It's kind of a shame ORAS retcons Kalos's lore about it being the first Pokemon ever to Mega Evolve so soon. Whatever, Rayquaza is pretty cool too.
This line genuinely threw me for a loop. I hated that about XY. It felt right up there with how much SwSh push Charizard, but worse for me personally because it's a mon actively obstructing a more interesting type that Fire from getting any other spotlight. I'm not the biggest fan of Rayquaza, but I at least wasn't deleting Dragon Ascent out of disgust (Yes, I did actually toss the Lucarionite in XY).
This line genuinely threw me for a loop. I hated that about XY. It felt right up there with how much SwSh push Charizard, but worse for me personally because it's a mon actively obstructing a more interesting type that Fire from getting any other spotlight. I'm not the biggest fan of Rayquaza, but I at least wasn't deleting Dragon Ascent out of disgust (Yes, I did actually toss the Lucarionite in XY).

Yeah, I know what you mean. It's like... Lucario already has the whole aura thing going for it, maybe let someone else have the spotlight when it comes to being the first ever Pokemon to mega evolve? Would have been great if it could have been a Kalos mon, but oh yeah, none of the Kalos species can mega evolve except Diancie, who didn't get a mega form until ORAS. I guess we should be thanking our lucky stars that the first Pokemon ever to mega evolve wasn't a Kanto species given how hard XY glorifies Kanto.

It's more fitting for the first mega evolution to have been a legendary Pokemon overall; neither Lucario or Rayquaza are massive favourites of mine so I'm not too fussed. But someone on here said a while ago that ORAS's take on mega evolution completely blows XY's out of the water, and I agree; it's used much more organically and effectively.
Part Six
Un choc flamboyant de méga évolution au sommet de la tour de maîtrise!
Une ville sur une falaise surplombant une mer étincelante!
Et un véritable assortiment de cadeaux gratuits!

Time to return to the Tower of Mastery. Gurkinn tells me that Korrina is waiting at the top of the tower. Gee, thanks, I'd never have worked that out for myself. Since I'm having to ascend a tower to battle a powerful boss, I'd expect to fight some preparatory NPCs on the way, but instead I just find a few bedrooms containing people who tell me some backstory.


Wow, check out that lore - so rich, so deep.
Since I've only got a non-Mega Evolving Pokemon with me, that rather begs the question: what happens if someone gets approved to study here but doesn't have any of the appropriate species? Or can they only study here IF they're training one of those Pokemon? So many questions! I'm sure we'll be getting a bunch of satisfying answers soon.

Anyway. At the summit a door leads out onto a balcony with a gorgeous, sweeping view of the surrounding area. Korrina's there with her two Lucario. She bestows upon me the Mega Ring, but one of the Lucario suddenly comes over and stands beside me. Korrina initially seems sad that "some travelling trainer" has a stronger bond with her Lucario than she does, which speaks pretty poorly of her skills considering I've barely spent two minutes in this Lucario's presence. But she goes with it and suggests that we do battle: Lucario vs Lucario. Yes, for this battle I will be forced to use a Pokemon other than my dear Floette. I already know that if I fail to Mega Evolve Korrina will simply demand we battle again until I do, so to avoid pointless delay I send Lucario out and watch as it evolves into Mega Lucario! Given that yours is scripted to be faster, it's a pretty easy fight: two Power-Up Punches seal the deal.

After I beat her, Korrina proposes I take Lucario with me and train it. I'm really not a fan of being given such a powerful Pokemon this early on for basically nothing. But I had incorrectly remembered that you were forced to take it, so when the question is asked I say "no" and leave, pausing just once to enjoy the dusky view.

Well, that's that done! I head out of the Tower and back through Shalour City, intending to leave, but Serena runs up to me as I reach the eastern gatehouse. Ugh, you again. My initial irritation at her presence fades when she just straight-up gives me HM03, Surf, for nothing. She then leaves immediately after without wanting to battle or talk more. Sure, whatever.

Right, off we go then. Oh, right. Route 12 has a wide channel of water that must be crossed to proceed, and Floette can't learn Surf. Oh, but wait! The man who blocked my path earlier has a Lapras he thinks needs to be taken by someone who'll show it the wide world. Man, all this free stuff - it really is my lucky day. Jokes on him, though. I'll be using it to Surf a couple times and then sticking it straight back in the box. But at least it has a unique Surfing sprite. That's cool.


Across the channel lies the Baa de Mer ranch, which is... fun, but otherwise not that interesting. It does let me avoid all the trainers on the route, though, which is very welcome. Not much to do here, so I skip quickly into the next location, Coumarine City, where - oh, GOD, just leave me alone already! Serena calls me on the Holo Caster and challenges me to a battle in front of the gym. My god, just give it up, girl.

Coumarine City is really nice, though. I like it a lot and I'm not really sure why. Probably the extremely soothing vibe. Most port towns in Pokemon are bustling, thriving sorts of places - this is just a jazzy, chilled-out sort of town. I dawdle around and talk to the locals. A girl on a cliff overlooking the sea gives me TM62, Acrobatics - another TM I can't use, yay - and a lady in the hotel gives me a Lucky Egg! Damn. Honestly, I'll never understand the thinking that made this item rarer than gold dust until Gen IV and then something easily obtainable from Gen V onward. So strange. I won't be using it, anyway. Don't want Floette to get more overlevelled than she already is.

I expect that omnipresent predator Mr Bonding to be here, too, but for once he's absent. Oh well.

Time to ride the monorail up to the high part of town! I head into the station and meet Professor Sycamore and Diantha, who're engaged in a deep discussion about the mysteries of the Pokemon world.




However, they soon break off their discussion so that Sycamore can give me HM02, Fly! isakhejgirnsraefjjffdjkdj so much free stuff today I can't-

Okay. Breathe. I'm fine. Feeling a bit like a spoiled child, but I'm fine. Sycamore departs and Diantha hangs back for a moment to muse on her acting method, then suggests we battle the next time we meet. Gosh, can't imagine when that'll be.


I'm sorry, what caused you to assume I was listening?
Anyway, with them both gone, I board the monorail and head up the hill. Pity I couldn't get to actually, um, watch the monorail in transit, but oh well. Ah, there's the Pokemon Centre. Let's put Lapras away-

-agh! I'm jumped by that creep Mr Bonding again. Well, actually no I'm not, he's skulking in a corner, but that's what I'll tell the authorities. He gives me the Befriending Power and vanishes. Eh, not so useful. So far the only one I'd want to use is the money-increasing one. Must remember to activate that before the next gym.

Let's see if there's anything else to do up here before I need to head on over and humiliate battle Serena. The clifftop view of the city below is lovely; I'm quite taken with the way it shows the lower city at a right angle, that's neat. An NPC in one of the houses plays "An Unwavering Heart" from BW, and that's always worth a listen so I stick around.


Anyone else think the layout of the houses in Kalos is really weird? Kitchen and dining table at opposite ends of the house, bed right next to the fridge.
To the south is a desert route, but I'm not going there until I have to. Once and once only please. Right, that's about everything here. Let's do this. I approach the gym, which interestingly despite being a Grass gym is carved out of the cliff face, and Serena approaches me. She requests that I show her the power of Mega Evolution - hoo, honey, I think you're gonna be very disappointed.

It's really lame (and dull) that her team hasn't changed from when I fought her not that long ago. The battle pretty much goes exactly the same way - Meowstic sets up Light Screen, dulling the potency of my special attacks, but otherwise isn't too troublesome. Absol is a 2HKO with Fairy Wind, though gets a critical hit with both Slash AND Sucker Punch, the bugger. I heal so I can survive Quilladin's Needle Arm, then take it down.

Cool. Done. Boom. Foosh. Pwazzam. And other noises. Serena cries like the little girl she is and swiftly departs, wishing me luck for my next gym battle. Oh yeah, that! Let's get to it. time.



Current team
Floette @ Amulet Coin - level 40
Part Seven
Une salle difficile et une salle pas si difficile! Un désert incroyablement odieux, et un retour à Lumiose... ah, l'excitation.

More unavoidable gym trainers, is it? Very well. The Coumarine City gym is a vast, airy cavern housing a gigantic tree, the side of which I must shimmy up via various well-placed ropes. It's a rather lovely place.

But the trainer's Pokemon actually pose some serious challenge! The first, a disarmingly powerful Simisage, brings me to low HP before I kill it; the second has a Roselia, which none of my attacks are effective against and repeatedly puts me to sleep with Grasswhistle. Repeated healing and chipping away with weak Fairy Winds eventually does the job. Sadly, in this gym, Nature Power becomes the utterly useless Energy Ball.

And then the final trainer has a Gloom! Argh, curse Grass for having so many part-Poisons. Gloom is somewhat more manageable (no Grasswhistle) but it paralyses me and keeps shrugging off the damage I do to it with Mega Drain. By the time I make it to Ramos, I am thoroughly beaten and bruised, low on HP and PP. Right. Better heal. Aaaand... maybe choose a different item. Amulet Coin's no good, I need some serious firepower for this fight.

Hmm... what do I actually have? Metronome? Sure, let's try that.

I approach the mild old gardener and begin. He starts with Jumpluff. The Metronome proves a sound choice, as the first hit from Fairy Wind does ~40%, and the second KOs.

Curiously, Ramos opts to switch to Gogoat instead of the more logical Weepinbel. Well, I won't look that particular goat in the mouth. It's a bulky monster, though. My first Fairy Wind barely does anything and it slams me with Bulldoze. Agh, I thought I'd be doing more than that. It hits me with Bulldoze again and takes me to ~20%, forcing me to heal and thus lose the Metronome boost. Ugh. Luckily, my second hit brought it to ~40%, and Ramos considers this sufficiently low to heal as well. Right. Both at full health, then. Let's do this.

Even at -2 Speed, I'm still fast enough to go first, so I get in another hit before getting struck by another Bulldoze. My next hit is enough to bring it in range of a KO next turn - if I can sponge two more hits from Bulldoze. I decide to risk it and squeak by with a few HP left, getting the KO.

Weepinbell last of all. I heal and take an Acid, which does less damage than I expected. My first hit brings it to half health. Could... this be easier than I thought? The second Acid hit gets a critical hit, but it's not enough to KO - and I KO in turn with Fairy Wind.

Whew. That looked a little dicey but we got through it. Luckily this is the closest Kalos has to a Poison gym. Ramos bestows on me the rather stylishly-designed Plant Badge and TM86, Grass Knot! Not the most useful move for Floette, but never mind.

Let's be off, then. I heal and head south, but Lysandre calls me on the Holo Caster to congratulate me on mastering Mega Evolution. Uh... thanks. But he quickly makes it weird and proclaims:


Sigh. You just couldn't be normal for a little bit, could you?

Sina and Dexio ambush me in the gatehouse and upgrade my Pokedex, giving me access to the Mountain Kalos Dex! Since Ramos used Weepinbell, there's already at least one species registered in it. Boo. Once that's done they leave, because writing is hard.

Ugh. Oh god. Oh no. It's... it's this place. I hate this route so much. So very much. When I first played this game, it took me ages to twig that the burrowing Pokemon could be avoided. I thought there was no way to evade them, and so each trek through the desert seemed to drag on forever because I couldn't do more than five steps at a time. And then when you get jumped they all have Arena Trap so you have to fight them. And the wind hampers any momentum you might want to make with your skates, and the anonymous landscape means it's easy to miss items, and... I hate it, alright? It's a very obnoxious desert route.


Remember when everyone thought these bits would have something to do with Volcanion? Simpler, more naive times.

Right, let's get out of here and to Lumiose. Oh, wait. I have to sort out some trouble in the Power Plant. Ugh, right. I challenge a Team Flare grunt who rather annoyingly has a Golbat I struggle to fight, since Nature Power becomes Earth Power here. It uses Confuse Ray and savages me as I attempt to hit it with Fairy Wind for minimal damage, and I end up using my last three Soda Pops. Graaaaggggghhhh. I never thought I'd be rooting FOR Fairy-types, but here we are.

Once beaten, the grunt tells me he's lost his door pass, and that it's nine steps to the east by a big boulder, and that someone with a Dowsing Machine could find it. No, really, that's literally what he says. Like, he spells it out. Why didn't they just abandon all pretence and have the game director walk onto the route and hand it right to you? Jeez.

Once I've located the stunningly well-hidden pass, I proceed inside. Another couple of grunts ambush me, but these ones are much more easily dispatched.


You must be new here.

It turns out Team Flare has been redirecting and siphoning the power earmarked for Lumiose City. Heading deep inside, I find myself on a walkway overlooking a room full of blazing power lines, but before I can properly admire the view more grunts challenge me. Luckily, in here Nature Power once again becomes Tri Attack, so the ones who have Golbat are easier to fight. I circle the room, fighting every grunt in my way, before making my way to the central platform where two rather bland-looking admins stand at work. Given that both have Dark-types, they're easily dispatched. K cool, let me go to Lumiose now.

As I leave the desert, I spy a strange-looking man, freakishly tall and unkempt. He murmurs something about a flower Pokemon and leaves. Well, that was both tremendously unsubtle and exceedingly opaque. I head into Lumiose, and Shauna tells me they're going to celebrate the power being back on by using a gigantic amount of it to garishly light up the Prism Tower. I might be paraphrasing that last bit. But I'm headed that way, so off I go.


Kalos might be a global hub of fashion, art, and Pokemon, but it's important not to neglect our noblest tradition of all: mocking Americans.

At the foot of the Prism Tower, Shauna spies the gym leader, Clemont. He orders the tower to be lit up, and it... doesn't really blaze with light. It just gets a bit whiter. Maybe this scene looks better at night, idk. I can't help but think a gym in the Pokemon world's equivalent to the Eiffel Tower deserves to be gym number 8 rather than 5, but what do I know.

The puzzle (such as it is) in this gym is supremely obnoxious: identify a Pokemon from a silhouette, then fight the trainer with the number corresponding to the right answer. If the Pokemon in question were even remotely difficult to identify this'd be somewhat interesting. Not being able to skip the trainers annoys me, too. Blaine's gym did this so much better.


No, I just have functioning eyes.
Once I eventually pass all the quiz floors, I make it to Clemont on the final floor. Let's get badge number 5! He opens with Emolga, which is swiftly dispatched. This causes Floette to level up enough to learn Moonblast - a significant improvement on Fairy Wind! I gladly replace the move, and slam his incoming Magneton with it; it's powerful enough to do ~60%. Magneton lays down Electric Terrain, but a second Moonblast drops it. And then out comes Heliolisk, for whom Moonblast is a clean OHKO.

Mmm, I'm gonna put the Amulet Coin back on. Let's not get too overpowered.

Clemont gives me the fairly ugly (but very well-named) Voltage Badge, and TM24, Thunderbolt. I'd hoped Floette could learn this, but no joy.

Leaving the gym, I get a call from Sycamore, who wants me to come to Lysandre's cafe. Sure. I head there to find Sycamore and Lysandre, who tell me all about how the ancient king of Kalos was a greedy meanie and did some bad stuff. Lysandre says that the world being divided into those who give and those who take is kind of like how Kalos has two legendaries, one who gives life and one who takes life. Yes. That is true. He then says that the number of people and Pokemon shouldn't increase. Y'know... I'm really annoyed he didn't get a third game. Neither Xerneas or Yveltal seems to be entirely his cup of tea. I think Lysandre would really have meshed with Zygarde.

Oh, well.

Current team
Floette @ Amulet Coin - level 46
Part Eight
Un clash dans un entrepôt industriel! Mon sixième badge de gym! Un résultat inattendu au combat, et Serena encore plus inattendue à la rescousse! Sacré bleu!

As I leave the cafe, Trevor calls and asks me to meet everyone on Route 14. Glad to get out of the confusing maze that is Lumiose City, I bike over to the North Boulevard and exit through the gatehouse.


<insert ironic emo joke here>

I find Trevor waiting by a rather depressing-looking playground. Serena's there, too, wanting to battle. Sigh. Let's do it, then. Once again she hasn't changed her team (besides her Quilladin finally evolving into Chesnaught) so the match goes the same way as every other one we've had so far.

Tierno shows up and says that he's been doing dance stuff at the Fighting Dojo and that he's very nearly put together his dream dancing team. Well, that sounds cool. Too bad we didn't get to see it. The group head off, and Shauna hangs a lampshade on her lack of a personality or goals by questioning why she's on her journey.

Anyway, time to head after them. The Laverre Nature Trail sounds like the sort of place that should be stunningly beautiful, but it's rather dark and dank and has some decidedly creepy music. I've had a weird irrational prejudice against this place ever since my game randomly froze here when I first played Y. Also the squelchy ponds make it hard to avoid the trainers here, which is not what I need. But you can catch Goomy here, so it's not all bad...

Upon reaching the end of the route, Shauna drags us into a spooky house, where a man tells us a boring story and nothing else happens. Well, that was pointless.

But never mind that! We're at last in Laverre City. Finally somewhere cool. This city, with its distinctive massive tree, charming music, and abundance of fairies, has always given me major Peter Pan vibes. And to the north of town is a really interesting location - the Pokeball factory! Unfortunately it's blocked by a Team Flare grunt for now. There's a girl in one of the houses who offers to tell me which Pokemon were with me when I obtained each badge. "The Bug Badge... just Floette. The Cliff Badge... just Floette. The Rumble Badge..." Yeah, I'm gonna save you some time, lady. It was just Floette for all of them. Speaking of which, badge number six is in this town too!

Heading inside the Laverre gym, it's all done up to resemble a massive doll's house, in which teleport panels will transport me between different rooms to eventually reach the gym leader, Valerie. Right, so this is just Sabrina's gym in 3D. Cool. I teleport around for a bit and destroy the trainers before making it to the final room where Valerie awaits, clad in a sort of butterfly costume. Does anyone else remember the "does Valerie actually have arms?" debate. That was definitely a thing at one point. People were arguing that her wings were held up with wires and that she was disguising her disability...

Anyway, not important right now. It's time to take on some Fairy-types with my Fairy-type. This could get tricky. Valerie sends out Mawile first, which resists everything I can throw at it (Nature Power once again becoming Tri Attack in here). I go for Tri Attack anyway to try and fish a status condition and succeed in paralysing it.

Hilariously, it turns out that Mawile doesn't know any STAB moves, so its Crunch doesn't deal too much damage. But Valerie heals it and I'm forced to spend more turns whaling away until it goes down. Bulky but not threatening. I can deal with that.

Mr Mime comes out next and immediately sets up a Light Screen. Once again, my next move fails to KO and Valerie heals it; it then hits me with an annoyingly powerful Psychic and gets a Special Defence drop. Since I can now only 3HKO, its next Psychic brings me into KO range. Okay, Mr Mime being a legitimate threat was not on my list of expectations! God damn. I hit it once more and drop it. Valerie brings out Sylveon and I heal. Luckily, Sylveon's Dazzling Gleam isn't too bad. But even without Light Screen, it's a tank. I go for Tri Attack once again and slowly chip it away, eventually inflicting a burn. Slow and steady wins the race, and after a few more turns Sylveon falls too.

Valerie confers on me the Fairy Badge (ehhh) and TM99, Dazzling Gleam. It's a good move. But Floette is now only a whisker away from level 50, and I have a hunch it'll learn an even better move there...

Right on cue, Shauna and Trevor bid me to come with them to the Pokeball Factory. Cool, let's. But when I get there there's some kerfuffle with the Flare grunt guarding the door, and everyone runs off. I head inside to find out what's up. A grunt inside challenges me, but Serena enters and - finally making herself useful - fights her for me, telling me to go ahead.

i will.jpg

I quickly traverse the walkways around the giant single room. Refreshingly, it turns out you can actually avoid every single one of the grunts in here if you want to, so I do. That's nice. In the office in the northeast corner I find the factory's boss being menaced by three incredibly forgettable admins. The first is swiftly defeated, and Floette finally hits level 50, prompting her to try and learn the super-secret exclusive move Light of Ruin, which I use to demolish her Houndoom. Well, it's even better than Moonblast so yeah, g'wan then. The two other admins attempt to take me on together, but Serena bursts in and teams up with me to take them on, even managing to land a good diss in the process ("are you even scientists?").

The two fake-scientists send out Liepard and Manectric, and I promptly take care of the former with Light of Ruin. Unfortunately, the combined recoil from using it twice leaves me low on HP, and Manectric then uses Spark on Floette... and gets a critical hit, knocking it out. So that leaves Serena to complete the battle alone while I watch from the sidelines.


Oh, this is just hilarious.

She battles so incompetently that her Meowstic faints (though I'm no position to judge) and she ends up sending out Chesnaught to finish the job. The fight continues, but I have absolutely no effect on it - yeah, I'm starting to see why earlier generations counted the player's team fainting as an overall loss.

Still, it's a lesson well-learned: go easy on excessive usage of Light of Ruin.

Once that's over, Team Flare clears out, and the boss gives us a Master Ball and a Big Nugget each for our assistance. Sweet! Though I'm really better off trading the Master Ball to ORAS, with its absolute myriad of legendaries I've still yet to catch. Nothing in XY really justifies the use of a Master Ball IMO.


But you didn't! I relied on YOU! C'mon girl, have a bit of well-deserved self-esteem for once.
Time to leave. Hmm... what did I forget to do? Oh, right. Mr Bonding is in the Pokemon Centre, so I let him feel me up in exchange for another O-Power. Some traditions never get old.

Current team
Floette @ Amulet Coin - level 51
Part Nine
À la ville complètement inutile de Dendemille, et les terres enneigées au-delà! Des PNJ hypocrites, des réceptionnistes pseudo-profonds et des esclaves HM aussi!

Route 15 is a cheerily autumnal-looking route, covered in deep drifts of golden leaves. Some containing items, but several containing trainers! I have to reset a few times to avoid all of them and creep through unseen.


It's really strange how many NPCs talk like this ("omg you only have ONE Pokemon? So weirddddd") considering how many NPCs in the games have... only one Pokemon. Including her!

Halfway through the route, Lysandre appears on the Holo Caster to exposit about Mega Evolution. Are these live or pre-recorded? Did he just suddenly think "I need to impart my musings to this child" or is it more like a PSA? It's so odd.

The southern end of the route leads to Route 16, but we won't go there. Instead, to Dendemille Town - a thoroughly pointless place with a backing track I feel like I should like because it's so jaunty and swingy but for some reason just irritates me instead. Professor Sycamore ambushes me as I walk through the gatehouse and tells me all about the Kalos region's legendary, Xerneas, since apparently it's what Lysandre wants to find. He comments that it would be thrilling if I found it and then buggers off. Once that's done, Trevor arrives, frets that he just missed the professor, and then says he's going to go to Frost Cavern and look for new Pokemon. It's passingly subtle. Wait, what am I saying, it's about as subtle as a fist to the jaw.

Anyway. I look around town briefly to see if there's anything good to be had out there. The Move Deleter and his wife the Move Reminder are here, but I have no need for either of them right now. Mr Bonding is in the Pokemon Centre and gives me an O-Power, but still not one of the good ones. And a nice man gives me a Sitrus Berry. Ooh, that's actually useful. After the debacle last time with Light of Ruin's recoil, I've decided that Floette needs an HP-restoring item. That'll do for now until I can get something more reliable, like the Shell Bell or the Leftovers. Where are those, anyway? ...oh. You can get the Shell Bell right here, except you have to have seen 70 Pokemon in the Mountain Kalos Dex. And the Leftovers is on Route 12 but requires Cut. Eh. Both a job for later, then.


Do you think they deliberately go out of their way to hire people who can seem inspirational and deep when they recruit these gatehouse staff?

As expected, the way south is blocked, so I head north to the Frost Cavern where the town's utility Mamoswine is upset about... something. I have a hunch what might be wrong, and it's not long before my suspicion is validated by the sight of three people in red suits. They're tormenting an Abomasnow to make the snow around the cavern fall more thickly, which is... actually surprisingly dark. And Trevor has a delightful arm-flapping animation, which I adore. The admin orders the two grunts to attack us, but disappointingly the actual fight is 1v1 rather than Trevor and I teaming up. Why do you despise Trevor and Tierno so, Game Freak? Why?

The first Pokemon out is a Golbat, but handily, in the Frost Cavern Nature Power turns into Ice Beam, so it goes down hard. Next up is Manectric, which is similarly easy to deal with. Then Mable, as the admin turns out to be named, challenges me. She has a Houndoom which sadly does not mega evolve - but Light of Ruin gets a critical hit so it's a quick KO.

Maybe that Hex Maniac earlier had a point - eep, Mable! How come you only have ONE Pokemon with you?

Team Flare leaves, and Abomasnow, in gratitude, gives me an actually really cool reward - the Abomasite! Too bad it doesn't offer to join your team, too, but this game is already full of freebies so never mind.

Southward! The route south of Dendemille is a deep valley beset by a freezing blizzard, where deep snowdrifts have piled up, and we must traverse it on a Mamoswine. It's very cool and much more engaging than the earlier similar Rhyhorn route. It's also much more enjoyable than DPP's take on snowy routes. I find a Calcium here, which Floette definitely appreciates. At the end of the route the Holo Caster goes off, and... ugh, it's Serena again. Challenging me to a battle in front of Anistar's gym. Mmkay.

Once we reach Anistar City, which is somehow more or less free of snow except for a very light dusting of ice crystals, Sina appears and tells me that someone who knows about the legendary Pokemon is here. That's it. Could... could you not have just taken me to him? Jeez. I haven't healed since the Team Flare battle, so I head straight to the Pokemon Centre and obtain another O-Power - this time the Exp Point Power! That's a pretty good one, albeit one I won't be using now.

Anistar City is cool, though. Very sleek sort of vibe.

Right, let's get this battle over with. Serena appears as soon as I reach the gym and to my surprise, she's got a whole new Pokemon on her team - Vaporeon! Nice. Sadly, Floette still knows Petal Dance which handily 2HKOs it. This leaves me vulnerable against Chesnaught, who brushes off the third hit and blasts me with Seed Bomb. I use a Full Restore and go for Light of Ruin to KO it. Okay, got about 45% of my HP left... should be enough to survive OHKOing Absol. But it hits me with Quick Attack! Sneaky bugger. I grit my teeth and hope I've still got enough HP to survive the recoil and watch as Floette unleashes a second Light of Ruin. It OHKOs Absol and the recoil shreds my remaining health...

...but leaving me on 7 HP. Oh phew. Serena kindly heals me before she leaves. Nice. Let's get badge number 7!

So this is, to put it bluntly, a mindfuck of a gym. It takes full advantage of the 3D capabilities and winds up producing a maze which feels much more complex than it actually is. Which is neat. And makes me a little seasick. Which is not.

The first trainer uses a staggeringly powerful level 46 Exeggutor; I get it to 50% with Tri Attack - and then it gets a critical hit with Wood Hammer, nearly KOing me. Eeesh. Luckily he's the only one I'm forced to fight. I make it relatively quickly to Olympia and begin the battle.

She starts off with Sigilyph so I go for the only move that's any use - Nature Power/Tri Attack. It, annoyingly, uses Light Screen, blunting my attacks, though it just means that Tri Attack takes a little longer to KO than expected. Its Psychic attacks don't sting too badly. Slowking is up next so I go for Petal Dance, which falls just short of doing 50%. Ack. Though I get all three turns of damage and finish it off, by the time it goes down I'm on ~20% and confused.

Meowstic is up last, and uses my healing turn to raise its stats with Calm Mind. And then it gets a critical hit with Psychic, so I have to heal again before I can attack. We trade blows and guess whoooo comes out the victor?

Defeated, Olympia gives me the Psychic Badge. I can't decide if I like this one's design or not. She also gives me the coveted TM04, Calm Mind! Nice. This, I will definitely be using at some point soon.

Once I've left the gym Serena comes up to me again. geigknlasglka;slltegidhgighwighidgshighoah just disappear already. She says that we should have a rematch and I claw my face until there's nothing left but shredded ribbons of flesh. But thankfully before we can, there's an interruption! Lysandre makes what has to be the least scary or threatening proclamation ever - Team Flare is about to launch "the ultimate weapon" and life is now over for everyone not in Team Flare. I would note that none of the population of Kalos seem to take any notice of this, and I can't decide whether this is lazy writing or genius writing since everyone seems to write off Team Flare as a bunch of crazy kooks.

Y'know what, I'm in a mood and feeling uncharitable. Let's call it lazy writing.

Serena says that we have to stop him, but then questions where he might possibly be, rationalising that we should start by looking in Lumiose City before running off. Just in case I didn't quite get the message, two Flare grunts have materialised nearby and they tell me how much they enjoy sipping espresso in LUMIOSE CITY, specifically around LYSANDRE CAFE in that place known as MAGENTA PLAZA.

Again, it's passably subtle.

Oh, rats. I don't have anything that can use Fly. Guess I better catch something that can, or otherwise have to backtrack all the way through Route 17, Dendemille Town, Route 15, Laverre City, and Route 14. I seem to recall Delibird can be caught on Route 17, so go tromping through the snow until one appears. It takes so long that I may as well have just gone on foot but sod it. Useful to have it for later. As long as I'm catching HM slaves, I root out a Klefki, which Bulbapedia surprisingly informs me can learn Cut (well yes, I suppose that makes sense) and head to Route 12 to get the Leftovers!

Right, back to the box with you. I guess we'll go to the Lysandre Cafe, since I have a feeling there's something of interest there.

Inside, there's no one but two wait staff, who both tell me to leave before attacking. But like everyone else, they only use one Pokemon each and are quickly dispatched. It turns out that the fancy cabinet at the back of the room is a hidden door, and... to get it to open, I have to just say "open sesame" to it? That seems tremendously insecure, but whevs. The cabinet reveals a passageway to an underground complex - the Lysandre Labs.

God, this guy really has an ego, doesn't he? Lysandre Cafe, Lysandre Labs... maybe Lysandre is just every "group project" meme made manifest, who knows.


Well, no sign of Serena, so it looks like I'm gonna be storming Lysandre Labs alone! But that'll be for next time.

Current team
Floette @ Leftovers - level 56
Part Ten
Lysandre! Toi coquin, sale canaille au cœur noir! Un plan désespéré, une rencontre légendaire et une course ridiculement longue dans l'antre ennemi!

Upon taking a few steps into Lysandre Labs, I find - the man himself! Well, that was easy. He states that the world will end today, and asks if I'd like a ticket to join him and his chosen few, or to perish alongside the rest of mankind. Honestly, I'd like the ticket please.

But he instead decides to battle me, and sends out Mienfoo, which is quickly 2HKO'd by Tri Attack. Next out is Gyarados, which comfortably takes 25% from Tri Attack and slams me with a super-effective Iron Head! Ack. Another of those will KO. I check my bag - fortunately I have an X Defend. Applying that allows me to narrowly survive the second hit and then heal, allowing me a little breathing room to hit it with Tri Attack again. C'mon, I need a status infliction here. Literally ANY of them will do.

No such luck. Gyarados hits with Iron Head again, bringing me to just over 50%. Luckily the Leftovers Floette has equipped are helping, a very little bit. I get in another Tri Attack but it'll take another three hits to KO; I daren't risk using Light of Ruin because Iron Head is doing so much damage. After healing again and getting one more hit in, I'm at ~10% while Gyarados is at 25%. I take a deep breath and hope the last hit will KO - it does! Thank god. Not looking forward to facing that brute again.

Thankfully, Lysandre's third Pokemon is Murkrow, which proves incredibly easy to KO with Light of Ruin once I've healed again. Last of all comes Pyroar, which hits me with Fire Blast but fails to KO so I 2HKO it with Tri Attack.

Chastened, Lysandre leaves, telling me that I'll need to beat everyone at his other HQ before I can stop him. I'll do that, then.

I'm left to explore the spin tile/warp maze, but there's a grunt before I've hardly taken a step. Argh, she's got a Swalot, and I should have healed...! Okay. Breathe. Need to remember to heal before proceeding again.

Taking the spin tile takes me to a room with an admin. She recognises me from the Power Plant... oh, was I supposed to recognise you? Because I don't. You did and said nothing of note that distinguished you from any of the other Flare members. Soz. She's added a Druddigon to her roster, though, which is nice but makes her easy pickings for my lil fairy.

Turns out Sina and Dexio are here in their incredibly lame disguises. They give me some Revives, which unfortunately won't be much use.

In one of the back rooms are two more forgettable Flare scientists. I trounce them both, but run completely out of PP (well, for Nature Power and Light of Ruin - nothing I've fought down here is weak to Petal Dance), forcing me to use up the Ethers in my bag. Gonna need more of those for the Elite Four, I think. Once I do, Floette levels up and tries to learn Solar Beam - eh, nah. It's even less useful. But the scientists let slip that the stones on Route 10 are key to Team Flare's plan. Cool. The final scientist, who presumably has the elevator key I need to obtain, is in the final room. She says she recognises me from Frost Cavern... goddammit, these people all look and act the same. Anyway, I blast her team to death and she forks over the key, allowing me to take the elevator to the lower level.

I emerge in a gloomy hallway and find Lysandre in front of a cell containing... hey, it's the giant man we ran into earlier. How did they catch him? We'll never know. He starts to relay the story of the long-ago war, and how a certain Fairy Pokemon lost its life in that war before being brought back by the machine that would later become the ultimate weapon. For all my criticisms of these games, this part is very nicely done.


Lysandre tells us that the man is AZ, a king from long ago, and invites me to join him in his quarters. Pre-annihilation nookie, is it? But when I get there, it's nothing so enjoyable. He makes us fight yet another tedious scientist (though, for a refreshing change of pace, this one is a man) who promptly slaughters me with his Crobat's Cross Poison. Erp.

Okay. Let's try that again. After blacking out, I return to the basement and the scene replays as if nothing happened. This time, fully healed and fresh, I'm able to get the lead on him and knock Crobat out before it can kill me, then one-shot his Malamar. The Team Flare scientist shows me that there's a red and blue button behind him: one will activate the weapon, one will not. Well, I've seen the Matrix, so I know how to play this. Blue. It was the right one, but they activate the weapon anyway. Well, that was pointless. I watch on a screen as the scene plays out: the weapon bursts from the centre of Geosenge Town, knocking over a couple of the houses there (but, y'know, not any of the important ones you can actually enter or anything). The scientist excitedly proclaims it a victory for science... um, sure.

Better head over to Geosenge, then. I grab my Delibird and quickly fly across the region. Sure enough, Geosenge is absolutely trashed, and the ultimate weapon towers above it most unattractively. The way south to Route 10 is blocked, and one of the grunts standing guard tells me that the weapon can only be powered by Pokemon life force. Jesus, that's... actually really dark. Nice.

Knowing that the hideout is to the northwest of the town, I head up the path and... oh, look who decided to show up. Serena appears and says that we'll stop Lysandre together. And then lets me go in alone. Y'know, it would have been cool to have her accompany you like one of the stat trainers from DPP, but I guess that would have been too cool.

Anyway, Lysandre's waiting for me in the main area. He and Serena have a protracted ethical debate before he challenges me to battle, having magically evolved his Mienfoo in the few minutes since we last fought. Right, I know how this is going to go... not going to get caught out again. I apply my last X Defend and an X Sp Attack for good measure and then heal up before taking Mienshao down. As expected, Gyarados comes out next - but thanks to my boosts, Iron Head does only a third of my health, while Tri Attack is enough to 2HKO.

Murkrow too has evolved, into Honchkrow, but it doesn't do it much good - Tri Attack is a quick and dirty KO on both it and Pyroar. Take that, ya big ginge.

Serena and I head down into the lower level, in which Lysandre has apparently imprisoned the legendary Pokemon. It's quite lame that we didn't see it get found/captured, I suppose at this point we're just taking "the evil team gets the legendary" as read. Oh, NOW Serena joins up with me... so we can do some tag battles against more anonymous Flare losers. Bit of a comedown after facing Lysandre, but mmkay. And she doesn't even heal me after each battle like Cheryl would do. Honestly...

After a couple of fights, Shauna shows up. Serena asks what she's doing here, and Shauna says that she knows she'll only slow us down, to which Serena... doesn't contradict her. Rude. But accurate. Anyway. She then just stands there like a lemon while we proceed. Cool, so glad you could stop by and help, Shauna. We make it to the bottom level and Shauna attempts to justify her presence by opening the door. Truly, I am sure no other character could have accomplished such a thing.

Inside the chamber, the legendary Pokemon waits in the form of a vast white tree... and looking oddly like a Cursola. Huh. That's funny.


Who wore it better?

Before we can approach however - yes, you guessed it, more tedious grunts to fight! Shauna and Serena run off, causing some to chase them, but there's still four to beat. Yawwwwwwwwwwn. One of them very nearly KOs me when his Golbat gets a critical hit, but the fact that I'm allowed to heal between them makes it unimportant. Now if they'd rushed me and not given me time to heal... could have been a different story. But nah, you're allowed to fight them at your leisure. Really amps up the end-of-the-world tension, that.

Once they're gone, they all flee, calling for Lysandre. Y'know what... lemme just quickly teach Floette Calm Mind instead of Petal Dance. Just for insurance.

In a truly spectacular display of light and colour, Xerneas awakens, transforming from its dormant state into its radiant Active Form before attacking me.

Much as with Reshiram and Zekrom in Black and White, you're required to catch Xerneas here, which... I think is kind of stupid, honestly. Zekrom and Reshiram had a plot-related reason to go with the player, but Xerneas doesn't know me from Adam. Yes, I'm trying to save it, but there's no reason I can see it wouldn't just want to return to the wild. I just find it quite forced.

Nothing on you personally, Xerneas. You and Yveltal are still top-tier legendaries IMO.

Anyway. Gripes aside. Since I'm forced to catch it, I don't bother attacking. I have the Master Ball, but as I said in a prior update nothing in this game really justifies its use. Relying on Xerneas' pleasingly high catch rate, I throw balls, and my fourth makes a successful capture. Cool!

Lysandre enters the room, clad in a truly ridiculous outfit with a Cyclops visor and three bizarre cybernetic attachments. The way they buzz and flutter just makes him look like he has enormous flies around his head. What's even sillier is that he doesn't explain it at all; Shauna calls him out on looking ridiculous but he just brushes it off.

So, annoyingly, the game forces you to use Xerneas against Lysandre, as it gets placed in position one without so much as a by-your-leave. Well, fine. I may as well kill Mienshao since Floette would do so easily anyway. Once that's done, Lysandre switches to Honchkrow so I send out Floette again. I'm reasonably confident Floette can survive anything Honchkrow throws at it, so use Calm Mind as it strikes me with Steel Wing. Painful, but survivable. It goes down to a beefed-up Tri Attack, and Lysandre opts for Pyroar, who similarly quickly falls. Ah, of course, because he's mega evolving Gyarados he's saving it for last... duh. Sure enough, Gyarados' Mega Stone activates and it becomes the terrifying Mega Gyarados... for about a minute, because Light of Ruin utterly annihilates it. I figured it would anyway, but I wanted to make absolutely sure.

Anyway, defeated, Lysandre throws a tantrum and refuses to listen to reason. Classic. He threatens to imbue us all with eternal life by using the ultimate weapon, but Serena tells us all to run out of there. Hey, I want eternal life...! Spoilsport.


Apparently, if you squint really hard you can see the Paldea region in this picture!

The ultimate weapon fires and appears to blow up, leaving a giant, smoking crater. Tierno, Trevor, Sina, and Dexio join us as we gather in front of it. It transpires that with Lysandre defeated, Team Flare has dispersed without a word and his control over the Holo Caster has been halted. Nice and neat.

Everyone leaves, but AZ suddenly appears and sorrowfully talks about the man who created the weapon, and the Pokemon he used to be friends with, remorsefully asking what he has to do to meet it again. Hey, I've got it right here. You want it back? ...never mind.

To borrow a phrase from someone I can't remember right now: well, that was dumb.

Current team
Floette @ Leftovers - level 66
Xerneas doesn't automatically go to slot 1 if it ends up in the PC because the party is full. I would have recommended taking some of the HM users to day care to get 5 eggs and clog the slots that way.

And for what it's worth, one of the side rooms in Lysandre Labs is a rest area with beds you could use to heal, rather than stick with the weakened state after Lysandre 1.
Xerneas doesn't automatically go to slot 1 if it ends up in the PC because the party is full. I would have recommended taking some of the HM users to day care to get 5 eggs and clog the slots that way.

And for what it's worth, one of the side rooms in Lysandre Labs is a rest area with beds you could use to heal, rather than stick with the weakened state after Lysandre 1.

I probably should have known both of those things (and probably did, once).

This all shows how long it's been since I last played through... should have twigged about the beds though, that's really obvious in hindsight. I knew I could probably send Xerneas to the PC if I had a full party but I hadn't realised or remembered that the game forces Xerneas/Yveltal into slot one, though - I just assumed (not unreasonably) that I could add it to my team and not be forced to use it.
Part Eleven
Une forêt sinueuse; pas idéal pour ceux qui manquent de patience. Un pont sur un marais - puant, mais impressionnant! Une ville entourée de cascades rugissantes - comme c'est pittoresque! Un affrontement glacial titanesque - passionnant! Ah, les sites épiques de la région de Kalos!

Right, we just saved the world, what next...? Ah yes, gym number eight. I grab hold of Delibird and fly back to Anistar, but I've barely taken a step before I get a Holo call from Sycamore, requesting we meet in Couriway Town. The roadblock to the south has conveniently cleared itself so southwards I go onto Route 18.

Ooh, Inver's house is on this route. I'll skip this for now, but I'll have to put a bit of time into this before the challenge ends. Terminus Cave, too... but there's nothing useful in here until after beating the game, so that's also to be skipped. It's not like Zygarde's that useful in Gen VI anyway.

Right, so. Couriway Town. Lovely place with splendid views.


Genuine question. What is it about waterfalls that makes them so entrancing?

Sycamore shows up and thanks me for saving everyone from Team Flare. S'alright, no biggie. I'm not expecting a parade or anything. He then admits that one day the amount of people and Pokemon in the world might become so large that the planet's resources aren't enough to sustain them. But hey, that's not a problem! The REAL problem was Lysandre's honking great ego. Oh well.

You know, ironically (given my distaste for XY and SwSh) it's similar to Rose in Galar - yes, his plan might well be horrible, but at least he's actually recognised a problem and is attempting to do something about it. All the so-called "good guys" are just cheerfully bumbling about, saying there's nothing to worry about and everything will be fine.


Case in point, five minutes later.

Anyway. Sycamore then challenges me to a battle, in which he uses Venusaur, Charizard, and Blastoise. None of them Mega Evolve, though, so I boost once and 2HKO them all with Nature Power/Tri Attack.

There's not a whole lot worth sticking around here for, especially since I can't use Waterfall yet. A lady in one of the houses asks a repetitive quiz and then gives me... a Mystic Water?! Really late in the game to be getting one of those. Mega-Evolving Lucario before the third badge? Absolutely, step this way, sir. But an item that increases one type of attack by 10%? Hot damn, better save that until after badge number seven.


But in other news, Mr Bonding is lurking on the second floor of the hotel, and after a quick fumble he gives me the Stealth O-Power! Finally one worth using.


With no further context, this is... a bit creepy.

Onto Route 19. I like this place. It's unusual to get a swamp area this late in any region, and the sweeping vista you get as you cross the big wooden bridge is really nice. But I don't have long to appreciate it before Shauna turns up and demands a battle. Well, alright. She leads with... Delcatty? Ew. What is this, Hoenn's Victory Road? But then Goodra. Okay, that's better. Both are easily despatched, though. Delphox proves trickier to take down since it resists Tri Attack/Energy Ball and Light of Ruin, but a few repeated blows from the former do the job in the end, leaving me with almost no HP by the battle's end.

Suddenly Tierno and Trevor show up, and Tierno demands a battle without even giving me the opportunity to heal first! Badass. I heal straight away and boost up, but his Talonflame is similarly difficult to take down, and inflicts some massive damage. Next up is Roserade, which similarly isn't easy but only has... *checks notes* Petal Dance, so that's no big worry. And we finish with Crawdaunt, which goes down easy to one Energy Ball.

Then it's Trevor's turn, but he heals me first instead of rushing in. You just couldn't be cool, could you? No, I can't get too mad, since it's in character. But it would have been cool to have to effectively battle nine Pokemon without a break. I boost against his Raichu and proceed to tear his team apart.

The three of them congratulate me on being the bestest trainer ever ever and head off, but before they go Shauna gives me HM05, Waterfall. Nice, but we'll be needing the eighth badge to use it.

Speaking of which - Snowbelle City! Interesting place, especially since it's apparently not naturally snowy - it's just the Gym which caused the place to freeze over. Has this place always been called Snowbelle City, then? Sort of implies that the town grew around the gym rather than vice versa.

Anyway. I do a bit of exploring. A lady in one of the houses wants a Jigglypuff for a Bisharp, which has to be one of the most hilariously one-sided trades ever, but I haven't caught one so whatever. The gym leader's out, so we have to go get him from the Winding Woods.

Bleh. I truly do not care for this location. I hate these tricky sorts of places. FRLG's Lost Cave is cool because it actually follows a strict pattern, but this is just pointlessly perplexing. But I've no choice but to navigate it, as two things I want are here - Wulfric, but more importantly TM53, Energy Ball!

Oh, you're kidding me, I have to use Cut to get it-?!

I refuse to take a second trip into this place so I spend ages finding and catching a Zoroark to use it. Frick's sake. But it's worth it when I finally get the TM. I think. I'm assuming I'll want to use this at some point. Maybe not, but good to have it just in case.

Eventually I come to Pokemon Village, where I find Wulfric. He's conversing with a bunch of abused Pokemon, but once he hears I want to fight him he leaves and goes back to the gym, telling me I should stay in the village a while. No thanks, I've got better things to do than go rooting through bins and be told I can't access the Unknown Dungeon yet. Back to Snowbelle!

Now THIS is what a final gym should look like. Properly epic. And the ice theme is used well and the puzzle is at least somewhat challenging and you're forced to fight every trainer. Yeah, just full marks all round, Wulfric. I head down the stairs and start solving the puzzle while knocking out the trainers. Hmmm... the constant HP-burning from Light of Ruin isn't ideal, but Nature Power won't be much use in here, as in this gym it becomes... Ice Beam. As luck would have it, the second trainer has two Pokemon who are actually weak to Ice (Delibird and Mamoswine) but I still opt to replace Nature Power with Hidden Power (Dark) before I challenge the leader.

Wulfric muses that ice can be both hard and soft at the same time. He then makes the quite reasonable observation that depending on which Pokemon I have, he could be the greatest challenge I've yet to face or a total pushover. That's apt and quite a good metaphor! I like it. Let's roll. He slaps his belly and sends out an Abomasnow, whose Snow Warning ability effectively makes my Leftovers useless. But never mind. I boost a couple of times while it whales on me and eventually slaughter it with Hidden Power.

Next out is Cryogonal, who tears me a new anus with Flash Cannon. Argh! Floette, already weakened, survives with 2 HP. Best be healing, then. I heal up and grab a couple more boosts, but it inflicts confusion and I have to heal a couple more times. Hidden Power only does 50%, so it uses Recover a few times before I finally manage to bring it down, having used up all of my HP-restoring items. Great.

And then Avalugg. Deciding that I have enough HP left to stomach the recoil, I go for broke and let loose a powered-up Light of Ruin, which drops it in one. Phew. Not too tricky, but that Flash Cannon caught me off guard.

Wulfric turns over the Iceberg Badge. Nifty design. Is that real water inside it? I've decided Wulfric is very cool - understated cool, but nonetheless.

And a big old bridge appears to send me sliding back to the entrance. Another thing the best gyms have - shortcuts. This place rocks. Or, er... is chill.

Wulfric advises me to head to the Pokemon League. What a coincidence! That's exactly what I was already planning on doing. The route out of town heads across Route 21. But there's no need to bother with that when I can fly to Santalune! I grab Delibird and return there, ready to proceed to the final challenge...

Current team
Floette @ Leftovers - Level 72
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