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Okay so I'm pretty sure this was asked before, but has there been any consideration for a 'NUBL' sort of tier for every Pokemon that is UU but unviable? I noticed a damn good chunk of UU isn't at all listed in the VR rankings for the tier, either version of it, (Some good examples include Sneasel, Girafarig, Shiftry, and Quagsire among some others) or ranked alongside or even lower than some NU tiered Pokemon. If changes between Gen 3 UUBL and OU can occur, is 'disrupting' Gen 3 lower tiers the main reason this hasn't happened yet?

Granted, its not like we're dropping obviously broken for NU standards stuff like Sharpedo into NU by doing this, nor would using the VR as a basis for such a tier (this would be done similarily to how a shift for the unofficial ADV PU occurred; it'd be dropping B- and lower UU Pokemon to this theoretical NUBL) necessarily meaning moving Glalie up to UU which would be a massive disruption for NU and highly unnecessary. (Similar to why Nidoqueen and Clefable never moved up to OU in Gen 4 when they became notable threats there (at least for a while in the former's case))
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Why is Sceptile still ranked in the viability rankings? What tiny niche does it have?
It's an annoying pokemon with substitute + leech seed due to its great speed (Similar to jumpluff, but sceptile doesn't have sleep powder, instead of that, it has a decent spA stat, so u could use it with leaf blade, hp ice, etc). Endeavor and roar are also interesting.
Weird thread to bump now, but I respect it.

And why should we ban soundproof, what it's correlaction with baton pass?
Roar is a move that forces the traget to switch out of the battle, it's quite useful versus set-up users in general since it denies their boosts.
Pokémon with the ability Soundproof are immune to sound-based moves. Roar is a sound-based move. Thus, Pokémon with the ability Soundproof, like Mr. Mime, are ideal Baton Pass recipients, since they're immune to (one of) the most common way of dealing with Baton Pass.
Weird thread to bump now, but I respect it.

Roar is a move that forces the traget to switch out of the battle, it's quite useful versus set-up users in general since it denies their boosts.
Pokémon with the ability Soundproof are immune to sound-based moves. Roar is a sound-based move. Thus, Pokémon with the ability Soundproof, like Mr. Mime, are ideal Baton Pass recipients, since they're immune to (one of) the most common way of dealing with Baton Pass.
It's seem a cool strategy. I can do it still or it was already ban? Do you know if it works in gen 3? I only play gen 3.

And I bump this thread because I'm searchhing for batom pass threads, because I'm very annoying with the ban of baton pass chein teams.
Bans are necessary for a healthy metagame, for example Zacian is banned from OU because everyone would use Zacian otherwise and the meta would become centralized. BP is no different.
But Zacian is a legendary, that I understand be banned for OU, but you can still play with him in Uber tiers.
But smogon rules of SleepClause, Baton Pass Clause, Double team clause and On hit KO clause is in all tiers, there is no tiers who allowed a player who want to play with this rule. I'm not against some rules, I just want a tier where we can freely played with no that much rules, at least a tier. (Preferencial a gen 3 free tier).
Those clauses are all in place because those moves reduce the amount of skill in the game. They allow players who do not inherently understand game mechanics and team building to win through luck and matchup fishing, and reduce the amount of interaction in the game (you know, the fun part) down to just "I hope I get lucky and don't miss because of double team" or "I hope I get lucky and crit this vaporeon through acid armor".
Those clauses are all in place because those moves reduce the amount of skill in the game. They allow players who do not inherently understand game mechanics and team building to win through luck and matchup fishing, and reduce the amount of interaction in the game (you know, the fun part) down to just "I hope I get lucky and don't miss because of double team" or "I hope I get lucky and crit this vaporeon through acid armor".
Okay okay, maybe double team and One hit KO moves make this game very lucky.
But how about the Sleep clause, I would like to sweep everyone with my Smeargle with Spore, Endure, Endeavor and ExtremeSpeed but when the foe change his pokemons sleeping, I can't put the another one to sleep, making my Smeargle with spore useless. And all pokémons who learn spore is weak (As Parasect and Brelom) they don't need a rule to nerf they more then they already being.
But of all rules, the baton pass clause is who make me more annoying, because when I start to play pokemon showdown (in 3rd generation) was allowed to have multiple pokemons with batom pass and isn't so overpower, just a roar or Whirlwind was enough to broke all my strategy. But now it was abollish. Also my Umbreon with Mean Look and Baton Pass is also abolish (I used him as the only baton pass in a Perish trapeer team, to use with pokemon who doesn't learn mean look as Lapras and Altaria. But now I just have the saves of my computer to see this team battling)

Maybe here isn't the right threat to complain about that, but I'm new in this forum and don't know yet where to complain about.
First of all, I'm against all kinds of ban.
I have a Breloom in my team and he is not that overpower, he is slow, weak and have 4x weakness against flying type.
We already have a sleep clausule in this game, who just allow one foe sleeping per game. What make Breloom very useless if the sleeping pokemon switch out. I believe what should be banned is the sleep clausule, to make a Breloom more usefull.

Another pokémon who use Spore and anyone say in this thread is the Smeargle, he should be very overpower without the Sleep Clause. But with this clausule he can just kill one pokémon. The moveset of my Smeargle is Endure, Spore, Endeavor and ExtremeSpeed. I add a Salac berry to give it 1.5 speed.

I want to know why there is too many banning in this game? To avoid sleeping the foe should have pokémons as Primeape with the hability Vital spirity who make sleep moves useless. But, not a rule to make impossible to make the enemy sleeping.

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Your account is about 3 days old and you are continuously bumping threads to try to advocate for uncompetitive rulesets that go against years of established principles of competitive battling across several generations. Your one example of a sleep absorber, Primeape, can’t switch into any attack that Breloom runs + mach without being KO’d. Sleep can also last many more turns than current gen mechanics.

If you are insistent on playing games without any bans, there is an ADV ubers ladder currently spotlighted, and you’re free to get involved with the Anything Goes community.
Your account is about 3 days old and you are continuously bumping threads to try to advocate for uncompetitive rulesets that go against years of established principles of competitive battling across several generations.
Indeed I'm very new in this forum, but I play pokémon since 1995 when it is released. So, I'm a veteran player as you.
I make this account just to complain about the Pokemon Showodwon rules, since is the only website I know who I can play pokémon Online, since I don't have any friend in my homecity who play pokémon, I can't play with anyone with a Game Boy and a cable link (I have both, but I don't have friends to play).
And I always wonder how should be this game with the game boy rules, I already tryied a One Hit Ko team in battle frontier in Emerald, but I was never allowed to try the same team in Pokémon Showdown since it is a banned move.

But, of all rules, the rule who make me join this forum to complain about is the Batton Pass clausule. Because untill last year was possible to have a chain of Baton Passers in my team, and this year there is this new rule of just one BatonPasser per team, so my favorite team is banned of OU gen3.
And my second team is also banned, it have just one Baton passer. But is a Umbreon with Mean Look+Baton Pass, that I don't understand to be banned because isn't that strong.
If you are insistent on playing games without any bans, there is an ADV ubers ladder currently spotlighted, and you’re free to get involved with the Anything Goes community.
I guess this Anything Goes is a gen 8 tier, and I would like to play a gen 3 free tier.
I am alreadying playing in gen 3 ubers nowadays. But still the same rules of OU. Without my chain of Batton Passers and with this sleep clausule make hard to have a cool synergy in the team. I can't construct a properly team, I just have 6 pokémons who the only thing they can do is attack and defend, no strategy is allowed with so many rules.

why are mew latias and latios banned in gen 3?
mew has got the exact same stats as jirachi and celebi,neither of which are banned.

also latias and latios are pretty balanced without the soul dew item,why not just ban soul dew instead of banning these 2 pokemon?

I know that some years ago arceus got unbanned from gen 4 for one year and people had to vote about if they wanted him to stay unbanned or wanted him to go back at being banned,why can't we do the same with these 3?
I was reading this thread before my arrival, and found this question.
I agree with Soiramio3000, why these pokémon are banned?

Mew doesn't learn all moves, he doesn't learn Baton Pass, for example, in ADV (If yes, where?).
And Latios/Latias is weird because is allowed in OU of gen4, why not in gen3?
And I don't think SoulDew should be banned, should be one pokémon without leftovers.

But, at least, is possible to play with they in UBER tier, I have a Latios and it's pretty strong with levitate.
But, of all rules, the rule who make me join this forum to complain about is the Batton Pass clausule. Because untill last year was possible to have a chain of Baton Passers in my team, and this year there is this new rule of just one BatonPasser per team, so my favorite team is banned of OU gen3.
And my second team is also banned, it have just one Baton passer. But is a Umbreon with Mean Look+Baton Pass, that I don't understand to be banned because isn't that strong.
Please read these three threads to understand the nuances about baton pass. The game here / on Pokemon Showdown is entirely different to what is in the cartridges.
Do not post in these threads. Post here for clarifying questions, if you have any.

I guess this Anything Goes is a gen 8 tier, and I would like to play a gen 3 free tier.
This tier basically doesn't have a playerbase, so you are not going to be able to play it unless you set up a server and find some people to play it (and this is not the place to ask how to set up such a server)

I was reading this thread before my arrival, and found this question.
I agree with Soiramio3000, why these pokémon are banned?

Mew doesn't learn all moves, he doesn't learn Baton Pass, for example, in ADV (If yes, where?).
And Latios/Latias is weird because is allowed in OU of gen4, why not in gen3?
And I don't think SoulDew should be banned, should be one pokémon without leftovers.

But, at least, is possible to play with they in UBER tier, I have a Latios and it's pretty strong with levitate.
Read the responses to his questions.


Please keep this thread to asking questions to understand how things work here. Complaining without any substantially informed arguments is essentially not going to get you a response, devolves this thread, and takes away people's attention from beginners who truly want help from this thread. Not to scare you, but your future posts may be infracted if they do not conform, for the sake of others who truly need help here.

edit: I have updated the original post of this thread to more clearly define and guide the conversation in this thread.
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I've seen people talk about Venusaur being a good lead, what in particular makes Venusaur good in the lead slot? Is it just that sleep is good so early sleep is good or is there some other reason to lead off with it?
I've seen people talk about Venusaur being a good lead, what in particular makes Venusaur good in the lead slot? Is it just that sleep is good so early sleep is good or is there some other reason to lead off with it?
To me, in ADV, most teams are made by balancing the 6 first then choosing the best lead among the 6. In that regard, the question becomes more of what makes a good Venusaur team, which has been talked about a bit here

But if the question is specifically about why use Venusaur at lead compared to anything else in the team, I'd say that generally the earlier you use sleep, the earlier you create a weakness (since presumably you have just disabled their spinner, physical wall or whatever), and the earlier you're able to exploit it. Late-game sleep is more of a trade-offense idea where you use something like a series of booms or traps to get down to a 3v3 scenario and then proportionally they're losing 1/3 of their team which is huge, and then Breloom becomes better there.

In general though, you can have better reasons to lead something else, like a Spiker since Spikes also likes to go up early game, or Swampert if you're using a Forretress team just so that you're protected against Tyranitar and Metagross leads. A lot of it depends on what you can fall back on if you face a bad lead matchup. Some people (like the prominent player thelinearcurve) have found success not using it as lead in Spikes teams.

Although I said good things about early-game sleep, I think one should be judicious about it and cut losses where possible. On this Venusaur team I have, I only attempt to sleep Tyranitar and Skarmory. If I miss sleep vs Tyranitar or get neutered by Lum Berry, I Giga Drain the next turn. I pretty much switch to Charizard vs Metagross so that I don't have to deal with missing and attack Zapdos with HP Ice for fear of Substitute.

Why Baton Pass + Mean Look is ban?

Because the playerbase wanted it to be banned is the short answer. The slightly less short answer is that thread.

For a longer answer, a simple browse through the adv forum threads and the policy review threads about baton pass shows the many years players have been debating baton pass and the many ways we have tried to address a desire from players to do something about it.

Here are a sample of threads that discuss, in whole or in part, baton pass in adv, to give a glimpse into the history of the dicussion
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Thanks for the links, but I can't comment there and need to stick this discussion in this thread.
Also, these threads are about Baton Pass chain (What is also a question for me why it is banned).
But, I ask specifically about Mean Look + Baton pass.
I used to have a Perish Traper team who starts with a Umbreon with Mean Look + Baton Pass to aid other pokémons who doesn't learn Mean Look but learn Perish Song as Lapras and Altaria. But this year this team was banned.
I don't think a Perish Traper team is broken and cannot understand why it's banned.