Pokemon Scarlet & Violet - 18th Nov 2022! **OFFICIAL INFO ONLY**

I think it'd be time we stop dozing on copium that the PLA mechanics (any of them) hit the main series.

They existed for the sole reason that L.A. has a different combat system and no PvP.
Mystery Dungeon mechanics never made it to the main series for same reason.

Drowsy, Frostburn and weather that makes you miss 50% of the time unless you use - accuracy moves will never hit main series (luckily) outside of encounter-specific gimmicks.
I think these comparisons wildly forget context of the games in question to the point of unintentionally strawmanning.

Mystery Dungeon for example is a 100% different system and game type, since the Dungeon exploration entails resource management, freer use of items, and a completely different turn economy from Dungeon to Dungeon. Legends Arceus introduces changes like the Strong/Agile style and the differing turn system, but at the core the game is still built on small-party Turn-Based Battles. MD Hail being nerfed to "~5 HP every few turns and no auto healing" from "1/16th health every single action" is specifically because of how many more actions a floor of MD takes compared to a Battle in either Pokemon game. MD's stuff like Status and other Weather are incompatible with main series because MD's base gameplay systems and loops are a complete overhaul, where LA is closer to a different take on similar principles., Try comparing several classic Final Fantasy games like 4-9 to a game like 10 and Tactics: 10's differences from the prior games are still similar enough to go from one to the other with the Turn-based system and principles like Character Speed on Turn-Rate, small parties, and Player-to-Enemy stat ratios (think RPGs where Player dealing 3k while enemy deals 800 is considered normal because of things like healing, stat scaling, and tank class options).

Meanwhile, Drowsy, Frostburn, and Accuracy-down Weather are not comparable mechanics to each other for a different reason. Drowsy again affects the turn-economy in a similar way to Paralyze, but arguably less detrimental depending on the Pokemon (Paper Cannons don't care about taking more damage vs a Speed loss), rather than completely robbing Pokemon of turns (an effect strong enough that even official games have Sleep Clause). Frostbite same as a Burn clone vs a "you don't get to do anything" status in Freeze. The status effects have consistent effects that are also not so powerful as to limit their distribution, making them potential strategic options to try inflicting as Burn and Paralyze are. Accuracy down Weather is dedicating a moveslot or such to adding more coinflips to the battle, taking yet more time out oif the battle on misses and player input/strategy out of the outcome without specifically preparing for anti-evasion (as opposed to anti-Status being a lot more generalized). Again, these have completely different design purposes for the game state, and compared to the previous statement, nothing about these are even incompatible with the Main Series mechanics the way a lot of MD stuff is (hell, we have the Accuracy Down Weather already as Fog in Gen 4, limited in appearances though it was)

At this point the attitude towards "Copium" of PLA mechanics in the main games feels almost stubborn or contrarian. PLA is the most compatible battle system with the Mainline that isn't a 100% match, and despite confusing branding, people like Joe Merrick point out very frequently that the Japanese branding puts it in the same category as main line games like Let's Go (which more so changed the capture and encounter system), so it's not even like there's major brand distinction to bar mechanics entering into the equation.

Ok so I looked through the part with the sleeping Farigiraf to make sure nothing was misinterpreted and uh. It very visibly took chip damage from Sleep

Yeah ok this is something else
I also noticed Chansey's HP bar seems to kind of jitter on the bigger hits, making it look like it drops in 2 smaller chunks instead of one hit from Drifblim's Shadow Ball (everyone was using a Single Hit move). Besides that, the battles clearly seem to have other mechanics at play, considering the time bar below Chansey's HP and we know they're not working on the same turn-based system as normal battles or past raids. My immediate point of comparison is PoGo raids, where the Pokemon have a Fast Move to spam akin to Auto-Attacks in other action RPGs before filling an action gauge or something for their Strong moves. The two get an icon flash suggesting Chip Damage, but their HP doesn't show any visible movement from it, which almost makes me think it's something inflicted by the damage-anemic Chansey rather than a Status effect that would presumably be percentage based or scale in some manner.

A bit intrigued by the wording.
Specifically "while visiting your friends".
Makes me wonder if I accidentally saw right in the camping not really replacing the breeding, just some extra way to get pokemon not otherwise present in your game (kinda like Dynamax raids let you get version exclusives from the other game)
You can find them while visiting friends or while picnicking alone

A bit intrigued by the wording.
Specifically "while visiting your friends".
Makes me wonder if I accidentally saw right in the camping not really replacing the breeding, just some extra way to get pokemon not otherwise present in your game (kinda like Dynamax raids let you get version exclusives from the other game)
This is going to be a weird comparison but I remember a lot of RPGs (both "character" ones and Monster ones) where you could link-interact with friends and then might get the chance to recruit their characters or monsters to your roster, straight out of their party. This was to the point that it was the only way to complete a Bestiary through either Version-exclusives or Duplicating rare monsters for Fusion chains. Since Pokemon, for multiple reasons, probably wants to discourage that as pseudo-cloning, maybe the Eggs are a compromise.

So if I really like Mark's Perfect super-strong Charizard Nidoking, but he doesn't want to trade it to me, then I can get an egg while picnicking in his game that will hatch into a Nidoran that is essentially a baby version of his (IV inheritance and Egg moves mainly) to raise up myself. Doesn't have an overt "given by X" world-role, benefits the Player Interaction aspect, and organically keeps the system to non-Breedable Pokemon (so no worries about stacking Legendaries or Mythicals in the Pokemon-version of that system)

You can find them while visiting friends or while picnicking alone
While true, specifying Eggs in the post about group interaction for Picnics in what seems to be the latest "Multiplayer Hub" (Union Room, Join Avenue, PSS, Festival Plaza) does make me wonder if there's a specific interaction or behavior here compared to Solo, as a way to further encourage socialization.
This is going to be a weird comparison but I remember a lot of RPGs (both "character" ones and Monster ones) where you could link-interact with friends and then might get the chance to recruit their characters or monsters to your roster, straight out of their party. This was to the point that it was the only way to complete a Bestiary through either Version-exclusives or Duplicating rare monsters for Fusion chains. Since Pokemon, for multiple reasons, probably wants to discourage that as pseudo-cloning, maybe the Eggs are a compromise.

So if I really like Mark's Perfect super-strong Charizard Nidoking, but he doesn't want to trade it to me, then I can get an egg while picnicking in his game that will hatch into a Nidoran that is essentially a baby version of his (IV inheritance and Egg moves mainly) to raise up myself. Doesn't have an overt "given by X" world-role, benefits the Player Interaction aspect, and organically keeps the system to non-Breedable Pokemon (so no worries about stacking Legendaries or Mythicals in the Pokemon-version of that system)

While true, specifying Eggs in the post about group interaction for Picnics in what seems to be the latest "Multiplayer Hub" (Union Room, Join Avenue, PSS, Festival Plaza) does make me wonder if there's a specific interaction or behavior here compared to Solo, as a way to further encourage socialization.
I think it's just being pointed out so that you know it can still happen, since if they didn't specify there's a chance you wouldn't know otherwise.
I think it's just being pointed out so that you know it can still happen, since if they didn't specify there's a chance you wouldn't know otherwise.
I feel like when they already cover that Picnics in general can yield Eggs, that it goes without saying that eggs can appear during multiplayer as well. Another potential interaction is everyone gets the "same" egg (loose use of the term ranging from same species to a bunch of shared traits/numbers under the hood).

Also, I'm pre-empting this: Someone's gonna draw a Picnic/Cooking comic where the punchline is "Character finds Pokemon Egg -> Egg Based food is being eaten" before Saturday is over.
Something really weird that has come up

The English trailer seems to be using a much older buld than the Japanese one. JP runs at a much better framerate and doesn't have the 3 minimap mons visble (Also the Wooper in the picnic scene stays the same form)

I have no idea why the trailer is like this but at least we know the framerate is improved in more recent builds
I feel like when they already cover that Picnics in general can yield Eggs, that it goes without saying that eggs can appear during multiplayer as well. Another potential interaction is everyone gets the "same" egg (loose use of the term ranging from same species to a bunch of shared traits/numbers under the hood).
I didn't make that assumption (before seeing the website mention it) because my assumption was "oh this is a breeding related mechanic, and they would keep that as a solo interaction while the multiplayer focuses on the pictures and sandwiches"
Rest PP being nerfed probably means all healing moves will have their PP halved. I welcome this change honestly.

It doesn't mean that at all. In Gen 4 Recover went from 32 PPs to 16, no other move was affected (granted, Recover was the outlier here as the only recovery move with 32 PPs, but still).

And I don't like this at all, going defensive is already hard enough and Rest was the most balanced recovery move.
Yeah, here it says strike as in attacking moves.
"Strike first" has nothing to do with being an attacking move or not according to the pokemon.com glossary. There are also status priority moves like Baby-Doll Eyes and Prankster stuff that Dazzling/Queenly Majesty block as well.


Also the Tsareena page uses the same wording as the giraffe page, nothing about attacks or striking.
https://web.archive.org/web/20161018174129/http://www.pokemon-sunmoon.com/en-us/pokemon/tsareena/ (use inspect element to delete the loading screen)

Apparently this still managed to trick people into thinking they would have a difference back in October 2016 though and now even today.
I feel like this could mean they heard the backlash against the wifi 20 minute timer so they're bringing back the unlimited battles but still want to limit how long a battle goes on.
I don’t think it’s about the timer. The timer issue is that animations took forever to play out. It may be that something in SV can abuse Rest hard. Or maybe they just randomly nerfed it. They did nerf Flamethrower, Thunderbolt, and Ice Beam.
Anyone try mathing out what base power Tera Blast could have? Is that sort of thing okay here because it is possible it may not have that high of a base power.
We can’t exactly know the BP of Tera Blast, but it looks pretty weak from the trailer since it has similar damage to Icy Wind even when Terastallized.
Updated Paldea checklist:


Color code:
- Green: this Pokemon is present in the Paldea Pokedex,
- Dark Green: this Pokemon has a new Regional Form
- Light Green: this Pokemon is likely to be present in the Paldea Pokedex.

New confirmations:
- Grimer, Muk,
- Numel, Camerupt,
- Litleo, Pyroar,
- Rookidee, Corvisquire, Corviknight,
- Toxel, Toxtricity,
- Snom, Frosmoth.

Notably, a Johtoan Wooper could also be seen in the trailer which suggests that it and Johtoan Quagsire can be obtained during normal gameplay.

Farigiraf is amazing – I really love the idea behind its design! I am also pretty happy that they are making regular evolutions again. Also, its existence greatly increases the chance that Kleavor and Ursaluna are present in the Paldea Pokedex.

EDIT: Added the Numel line.
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Notably, a Johtoan Wooper could also be seen in the trailer which suggests that it and Johtoan Quagsire can be obtained during normal gameplay.
SwSh had trades for all of the non-Galarian versions of galar Pokemon so it would make sense if there was something similar in SV. Would be interesting if you could catch non-Paldean Wooper in the wild though, since you couldn't with previous regional formes.
SwSh had trades for all of the non-Galarian versions of galar Pokemon so it would make sense if there was something similar in SV. Would be interesting if you could catch non-Paldean Wooper in the wild though, since you couldn't with previous regional formes.
Technically base SWSH only had trades for base Meowth/Yamask/Mr. Mime so that you could get Persian and Cofagrigus to complete the regional dex, and the rest of the formes were added in trades in the Isle of Armor DLC.