SPOILERS! Scarlet & Violet Leaks Thread - Data/Mechanics

The “Once-in-a-lifetime” Ribbon from Surprise Trading is intriguing. It was likely added to incentivize actually raising a Pokémon that is lucky enough to arrive to you with it, rather than attempting to get it onto one of your own Pokémon (which is nearly impossible outside of hacking of course).

GameFreak probably knows that most people have simply used Surprise Trade fodder to breed their own perfect Pokémon since Gen 6, but now if the Pokémon has the ribbon then one might consider raising it up if only for the rare title. It’s sort of like how they added Marks on wild Pokémon in SS to encourage raising something caught in the wild instead of breeding for everything.

QoL improvements such as the ability to have Egg Moves on anything and the Ability Patch complement this perfectly as well.
It's kind of funny because it's absolutely like, a fun random thing to happen to your WT mons when you send out some good stuff, but it also doubles as pure pain for anyone ribbonmaxxing
I don't think so but I can make one. Now that Centro actually 1) credited me 2) linked my sheet I might as well do as much as I can on the one sheet

Has anyone grabbed dex shape / colour? They're my favourite misc data


Added Egg Groups and Regional Dex # to this. Might add other stats too though there's other sheets with that that already look pretty so I might not bother

So was the national dex order we had before just the index number order? This DOES make a lot more sense.
View attachment 465396

Ummmm, this is fake, right?


lol. lmao even.
It's kind of funny because it's absolutely like, a fun random thing to happen to your WT mons when you send out some good stuff, but it also doubles as pure pain for anyone ribbonmaxxing
It's ok just Surprise Trade away your Perfect Pokemon that originated as a Purified Shadow Pokemon in XD / Colo and track down whoever recieved it and ask them to bring it back. Rinse and repeat until it finally gets the special Ribbon. Only slightly less insane than using the fan servers to connect the Gen 4 DS games online and having to win against Wonder Guard Spiritombs for that Ribbon.
It's ok just Surprise Trade away your Perfect Pokemon that originated as a Purified Shadow Pokemon in XD / Colo and track down whoever recieved it and ask them to bring it back. Rinse and repeat until it finally gets the special Ribbon. Only slightly less insane than using the fan servers to connect the Gen 4 DS games online and having to win against Wonder Guard Spiritombs for that Ribbon.
Wonder Guard Spiritombs can be beaten with the right strats. Getting the Surprise Trade ribbon in addition to all of the other ribbons is basically impossible and perhaps not even a gratifying process.

So basically Ubers has to deal with teams running what is effectively 5 Zacians at the cost of 2 Pokemon holding Leppa Berry.
Can’t wait Ho-oh to learn this in the DLC too.
Except that Zacian will be at half HP and Pawmot has to not be revenge killed/outsped by a Scarfer/etc.
First of all, there are a million of other ridiculous trash to make mons "rare" without impacting gameplay like ribbons and shinies.

But none of those make a Pokemon stronger. That is the whole point about finding and getting rare and special Pokemon. They're better in battle.

Sure, we can remove EVs because it will make things more flat and fair but it would be kind of boring. I half suspect that will be the case in the next generation. They're kind of moving in that direction with the spin offs and I half expect it to be brought into mainline.
But none of those make a Pokemon stronger. That is the whole point about finding and getting rare and special Pokemon. They're better in battle.

Sure, we can remove EVs because it will make things more flat and fair but it would be kind of boring. I half suspect that will be the case in the next generation. They're kind of moving in that direction with the spin offs and I half expect it to be brought into mainline.
You're confusing EVs and IVs. Also the whole "That is the whole point about finding and getting rare and special Pokemon. They're better in battle." thing doesn't jive at all with competitive play. At all.

And the whole point of the rarity drops is to stop people from genning all their VGC Pokemon.
Also this. There isn't any "rare and special Pokemon" since people will just find any way to get them at which point they cease being "rare and special".
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Had a few other questions that I'd like answered if you don't mind.
- Does it restore the fainted Pokemon's PP?
- Can you use revival Blessing on another Pokemon with revival blessing?
- Can it be used in battle multiple times?
Revives don't restore PP so I highly doubt move version of it would.

They're making the game so easy. It takes the rarity aspect out of Pokemon and throws it out the window if everyone gets a trophy. It also kills the whole point of trading aside from the handful of version exclusives.

I think it was fine in Sword and Shield.

I don't really understand your logic here.

You want to spend 500 hours painfully breeding perfect iv mons with egg moves? Quality of life changes like what they are giving us just make competitive more accessible to more people which brings more ideas and bodies to our community.

Not to mention it gives us more time spent in online queues battling instead of breeding. You know, the ACTUAL game part of this game.

Easier access to competitive breeding and mon acquisition also helps to cultivate creativity. Make that weird choice specs hairyama babe, it will only take a couple of minutes.

If you want rare and unique teams become a shiny hunter. That's still challenging and rewarding. You want unique and rare pokemon? Get to high ranks with something weird. Build a set we've never seen before and dominate with it. Be the rare and unique you want to see in the world, but let us have our easier access because a lot of us are nearing or above 30 and have jobs.
You're confusing EVs and IVs. Also the whole "That is the whole point about finding and getting rare and special Pokemon. They're better in battle." thing doesn't jive at all with competitive play. At all.

No, they're certainly on the path to remove EVs if people keep applauding efforts to make it more "accessible". Removing EVs would make the game more flat. Legends had a watered down system and at this rate I fully expect it to come over to a mainline game.

If you want rare and unique teams become a shiny hunter.

Yeah but that too is kind of pointless with the breeding changes. And even then they aren't any better in battle.
Had a few other questions that I'd like answered if you don't mind.
- Does it restore the fainted Pokemon's PP?
- Can you use revival Blessing on another Pokemon with revival blessing?
- Can it be used in battle multiple times?

-Doesn't restore PP (it works the same as Revive)
-Can't check because I only have one but I guess so

Thank god Pawmot doesn't learn Recycle!
So was the national dex order we had before just the index number order? This DOES make a lot more sense.
The order all the datamines have come out in is Index. This National Dex order I've used is speculative, but given where the coins land I'm pretty confident in it. At most, a few things on either side might shuffle a bit.
Without meaningful breeding you can't get better Pokemon. Everyone is essentially on a level playing field. This is going off topic anyways so may as well end it there.
Is a level playing field not the point? Why do you want it to be difficult to get into competitive? The easier it is to see eye to eye the better because it allows you to feel more accomplished when you win. Its more satisfying to win knowing your teams and sets you came up with yourself were able to beat a team made by someone with the same tools and resources you had, right?

You're starting to sound like an anything goes player that uses a team of 6 Arceus.
The “Once-in-a-lifetime” Ribbon from Surprise Trading is intriguing. It was likely added to incentivize actually raising a Pokémon that is lucky enough to arrive to you with it, rather than attempting to get it onto one of your own Pokémon (which is nearly impossible outside of hacking of course).

GameFreak probably knows that most people have simply used Surprise Trade fodder to breed their own perfect Pokémon since Gen 6, but now if the Pokémon has the ribbon then one might consider raising it up if only for the rare title. It’s sort of like how they added Marks on wild Pokémon in SS to encourage raising something caught in the wild instead of breeding for everything.

QoL improvements such as the ability to have Egg Moves on anything and the Ability Patch complement this perfectly as well.

Here's hoping that this ribbon doesn't count for ribbon master projects, as I'm planning to start one sometime after Christmas once the S/V hype dies down.
"The 20 minute timer sucks! I wish they'd make it possible to actually finish a 6v6 battle before it ran out!"

*monkey's paw curls*

"We heard you, we'll make sure that the 20 minute timer never ends your battle early by adding so many broken things that no battle lasts longer than 20 turns."

The thing is in previous generations with friends it would last longer wouldn't it? I do understand why for casual battles they want to speed it up. A lot of people might get disconnected over 20 minutes. But removing the option entirely wasn't the solution.
No, they're certainly on the path to remove EVs if people keep applauding efforts to make it more "accessible". Removing EVs would make the game more flat. Legends had a watered down system and at this rate I fully expect it to come over to a mainline game.
They've removed the 10 Vitamin per stat limit and have made it easier to obtain both them and the +1 EV wings. They've done plenty to make EVs more accessible short of acknowledge their existence and even then commentators have alluded to them by talking about players training their Pokemon in certain stats. The EV system is fine and they seem to have enough knowledge of the competitive battling community to know it shouldn't be touched.

IVs on the other hand tend to either be 0 or 31 with few extreme exceptions... That can generally be handled with EVs anyways. That stat seems more likely to be in danger of being removed as a result... Although I doubt they would be willing to just go in and change the stat formula in their traditional mainline games without making other, deeper changes to the battle systems like they did for the less traditional (aka Let's Go and Legends) mainline games. Heck, they're more likely to either change it so Bottle Caps allow you to pick between 0 and 31 or introduce some other new system (That one leaker did mention some kinda pkhex-like mechanic coming in DLC) to allow you to change IVs.

tl;dr: They've shown that their approach to making things more accessible is by removing the tedium or pain points in making battle ready pokemon rather than removing the more important things outright.

Without meaningful breeding you can't get better Pokemon. Everyone is essentially on a level playing field. This is going off topic anyways so may as well end it there.
Well yeah. Putting everyone on a level playing field the the best thing to do for competition in any game/sport/etc. If you would like to see what it is like when things aren't on a level playing field... look at Gacha Game PvP.
Here's hoping that this ribbon doesn't count for ribbon master projects, as I'm planning to start one sometime after Christmas once the S/V hype dies down.
I mean, I feel like ribbon master is one of those things that are player-defined challenges, right?

Though from what I've see, even those who are "arbiters" of ribbon master status are reasonable and don't count the Wi-Fi Ribbon in gen 4 because it relies on the mercy of RNG on fan servers giving you a beatable trainer from a pool that includes stuff like Wondertomb. So I don't think they'll count a ribbon that's a 1/128 chance when receiving from a complete stranger.