Metagame Trademarked

Haven’t played yet this gen, why was trick room banned? It was a fun strategy last gen, but what made it more oppressive this gen?
Haven’t played yet this gen, why was trick room banned? It was a fun strategy last gen, but what made it more oppressive this gen?
Trick room was banned as a trademark, because it would allow slow offensive mons (w acces to trick room) to only invest in bulk and "outspeed" everything. An interesting strat would be to have a low level mon w trick room as an ability die and have a free switch in
2 things. Trickroom teams are awesome in this meta, as most mons are fast/use some sort of speed boost. Hatterene is also awesome with its normal Magic Guard ability (and is one of the best trick room setters), as so many people are running hazards/status. There are some great mons to take advantage of trick room, like soak Bellibolt and curse Avalugg-H. (Shelter Av Goodra-H also works and so tanky, and has good mixed attack stats as well!)

Here’s a team that I’ve been running, although I’m not sure about Meowscarada lol, love some suggestions if anyone has any.
Bellibolt @ Leftovers
Ability: soak
Tera Type: Water
EVs: 252 HP / 252 Def / 4 SpA
Relaxed Nature
IVs: 0 Atk
- Slack Off
- Chilling Water
- Volt Switch
- Thunderbolt

Hatterene @ Focus Sash
Ability: Magic Bounce
Tera Type: Steel
EVs: 252 HP / 4 SpA / 252 SpD
Sassy Nature
IVs: 0 Atk
- Trick Room
- Psychic
- Draining Kiss
- Protect

Avalugg-Hisui @ Heavy-Duty Boots
Ability: Curse
Tera Type: Ground
EVs: 252 HP / 252 Atk / 4 SpD
Adamant Nature
- Body Press
- Earthquake
- Ice Spinner
- Rock Blast

Goodra-Hisui @ Assault Vest
Ability: shelter
Tera Type: Flying
EVs: 252 HP / 4 Atk / 252 SpA
Quiet Nature
- Ice Beam
- Thunderbolt
- Iron Head
- Dragon Tail

Meowscarada @ Focus Sash
Ability: leechseed
Tera Type: Grass
EVs: 252 HP / 252 Atk / 4 SpD
Adamant Nature
- Flower Trick
- U-turn
- Trick Room
- Sucker Punch

Decidueye-Hisui @ Heavy-Duty Boots
Ability: Defog
Tera Type: Grass
EVs: 252 HP / 252 Atk / 4 SpD
Adamant Nature
- Leaf Blade
- Knock Off
- Triple Arrows
- Sucker Punch
I agree. I found it pretty weird how WoW was banned but TWave wasn't even considered.
Why we voted on Wisp, moreso than thunderwave, is primarily because of, without swords dance, would be too much due to the lack of immediate power to break through the burn debuff. They were two sides of the same coin more or less.

Thunder Wave is something we are looking at, but considering moves like agility, tailwind, and dragon dance are still legal, will be hard pressed to find a reason to ban. Given that Thunder Wave has more options to be immune (e.g. Ground/Electric types as opposed to just Fire Types) makes it actually subpar to other paralyzing moves like Stun Spore. Plus, Thunder Wave does not influence how hard pokemon hit, which is why we looked at with SD, NP, and Wisp.
twave spam does cripple physical attackers, as well as special attackers and defensive mons , and often causes the game to be decided by rng. The counterplay to speed boosting tm should be having your own speed boosting tms, or tms on mons that allow checking fast offensive mons, not easy para spam with little counterplay.
Why is gravity not seen in this meta? Specs Valient can spam 100% Accurate Focus Blasts, Garchomp cannot be walled by Corviknight...?

After taking a look at the teambuilder, im gonna say lack of distribution- Sandy shocks seems to be the only thing that gets it that might be able to take advantage of it
:corviknight::scream tail::chansey::toedscruel::toxapex::ting-lu:
Bad team I have been using to great success because, like always, it doesn't matter how bad stall is in a format, is good in ladder. Leech Seed is an underrated trademark tho.

Some of the people I faced asked how to even beat stall in this format, and these are some easy answers that anyone can fit into a team:
:typhlosion-hisui: :iron moth: :walking wake: :samurott-hisui:
Weather is great at wall breaking, is a damage boost that isn't removed by Haze and you can and should carry a second mon that can abuse the weather, a Focus Energy user with a weather boosted stab is a nightmare to switch into.
:hydreigon: :zapdos-galar: :roaring moon:
Focus Energy by itself is also great against defensive cores, being able to ignore both Haze and defensive boosts like TM Iron Defense is a big deal, and you can run boosting moves in the same sett to wall break much easier, a common mistake people make is having all their boosting moves as trademarks only, when using them as regular moves is still effective, Focus Energy NP Hydreigon is a living nuke, but there is other stuff you can try like QD CM Volcarona.
I have seen plenty of Enamorus in ladder, but for some reason none were using Superpower, I get that you all are using a Tailwind special set, but there is no reason to not have superpower in the last moveslot to snip Chansey/Blissey that is so popular and walls you otherwise, mixed Enamorous has almost no defensive answers.

Now some stuff that I think should be discussed:
While it is less broken now it is still quite scary and have seen a lot of people asking for a ban and it may be justified, there aren't many answers to it, defensively is mostly Pex and Dondozo, while in the offensive site is mostly just trying to win the speed control game, but almost anything slower than BU Urshifu-R just dies.
While I wouldn't oppose to a full Thunder Wave ban, I would prefer action on Pult, is the best and most common abuser of paralysis thanks to its great stats, typing and STAB Hex, this thing just click U-turn until everything is paralyzed and then spam Hex, unless you run Chansey/Blissey and manage to not get cheaped to dead by U-turn.
:scream tail:
I still think Wish is dumb too, but I guess with HO being this strong, it is hard to want to nerf balance anymore, either way Balance/stall mirrors are too likely to last forever, and you have to analyze well if it is worth playing the match, as sometimes there just is no way for either team to generate enough progress and offering a tie ends up being better.
Why we voted on Wisp, moreso than thunderwave, is primarily because of, without swords dance, would be too much due to the lack of immediate power to break through the burn debuff. They were two sides of the same coin more or less.

Thunder Wave is something we are looking at, but considering moves like agility, tailwind, and dragon dance are still legal, will be hard pressed to find a reason to ban. Given that Thunder Wave has more options to be immune (e.g. Ground/Electric types as opposed to just Fire Types) makes it actually subpar to other paralyzing moves like Stun Spore. Plus, Thunder Wave does not influence how hard pokemon hit, which is why we looked at with SD, NP, and Wisp.

Made an account just for this. I'm absolutely loving this meta otherwise, but T-Wave is making me not want to play it. The speed drop isn't the issue, it's full paralysis combined with a practically-zero opportunity cost of running it. I realize RNG is just gonna RNG sometimes but it feels so much more oppressive when the cost of a move slot and a dedicated turn for inflicting the status aren't required. You can splash T-Wave Dragapult on just about any team and suddenly you've turned the whole game in your favor because every time you switch in you cause a mon to be dead weight every 1/4 moves. Having an immunity doesn't really mean much since the good spreaders have enough offensive power and coverage to chunk or outright kill your immune mon, plus you can't just switch into your immunity whenever you need it since the status gets inflicted immediately on switch in.

I'm running a trick room team (so I don't care about the speed drops) with MBounce Hatt and two immunes and I'm still dropping games to the other half of my team (or one of my immunes that have tera'd) being full para'd turn after turn. I literally had one game today where 1/3 of all turns I was full para'd. Again, I know sometimes the dice just don't roll in your favor when you play this game but with mbounce and two immunes I'd expect losing to para-fishing to be far less of an issue than it's proving to be. It just sucks the fun out of playing this mode.

Stun Spore is technically the same issue but the distribution on stun spore is so much lower and the mons that get it aren't nearly as good as the t-wavers. Big, splashable offensive threats (notably Valiant, Gholdengo, Dragapult) can cripple for free just by switching in. Dragapult is the most annoying of the bunch since it can also pivot out quickly. So you either bring your own para-spreader and pray for RNG to play out in your favor, run a full team of immune mons, or you run Heal Bell Blissey/Chansey on every team.
Haha yellow magic amirite?

Thunder Wave is restricted as a trademark!

Yellow magic does what yellow magic does best. With a wide distribution, with mons like pult making the most of it, it’s starting to be overbearing since we restricted the other broken free status on switchin. Furthermore the Twave trademark effectively bails switchins when the full paralysis chance activates. If you play the trademark ladder you know what’s up at this point.

tagging Kris to implement
Managed to hit the top 5 with this team, so I thought I'd share it.

:Great Tusk::Decidueye::Mew::Volcarona::Greninja::Corviknight:

Screen Shot 2023-06-15 at 8.40.49 AM.png

It's a balance team with a pretty straightforward recipe. Two bulky pivots, two nukes, and two offensive* utility pokemon that can also pivot but more rarely. For both the bulky pivots and the nukes, one is physical and one is special. The goal is to dance around with the pivots until an opportunity arrises to unleash a nuke. Greninja lays spikes to take advantage of all the switching this team forces, and also provides revenge killing and priority. *Mew is offensive when it transforms into an opposing hard-hitter, but its primary effect is to force switches through Imprison Transform, while also offering a tool for weakening stall. Also it CAN be an obnoxious win-con if it's still alive when the opponent is down to their last mon, but for this you more or less need to play a 5 vs 6 game so it doesn't happen often.

Most of the mons are pretty self-explanatory. The main innovation I suppose is RoostVest Decidueye. I really wanted to explore the new Regenerator-style mons provided by this format, and was hoping to find one that provided pivoting, Knock Off, and no weakness to Stealth Rock so that it can actually use Assault Vest comfortably, similar to Flipped Mienshao and Cyclizar. To my surprise, Decidueye ended up being the one to fit the bill. While its typing does have a lot of weaknesses, it pairs really well with Light Screen from Corviknight, which allows it to tank an amazing number of super effective hits, which it then heals off next time it comes in. Remember that its job is to absorb special hits and either Knock or U-turn the switchin. Decidueye usually can't stay in long as it doesn't have much attacking power, can't handle physical switch-ins, and needs to switch to stay healthy, so it's very rare for Spirit Shackle's trapping effect to actually get utilized, but on the few occasions it does, it's pretty sweet. I also tried the Hisui version but found it much worse because it just got destroyed by Hurricanes, and I like the immunity to Choiced Fighting moves and Rapid Spin. A couple (albeit rare) pokemon that Decidueye's typing does completely block are Sandy Shocks, Rotom-W, and Regieleki (very nice when the opponent uses the latter as their spinner). I do sometimes use Tera on Decidueye if the opponent has a lot of special attackers. Tera Water greatly expands its staying power, though I only do this if I have to.

The team struggles against certain attackers like Urshifu-R and DD Baxcalibur (as well as para spam but that'll be gone soon), against which my main defense is to Tera Water on Great Tusk to absorb the hit and KO back, along with wearing them down with Rocky Helmet and Spikes, and Transform Mew if I can get it in safely. The other two mons I Tera are Ground Volcarona if I see a window to sweep with it, and Water Greninja in case I really need more power behind its priority. I have never Tera'd Corv or Mew (as you can see by their lack of Tera assignments).

A quick aside. I don't see too many pokemon using Roost as a Trademark here, maybe because most are weak to SR and can't use AV, but I do see a decent number of Roost Corviknight, which seems like a good idea thanks to its SR neutrality, pivoting, and great typing. But I think this is a terrible option for Corv, because it completely invalidates its ability to switch into Ground attacks. All Flying types have this problem (this is another perk for Decidueye) but it is particularly bad for Corviknight. Whenever I see a Corv with a Roost TM, I prepare myself to go to town with Headlong Rush on Tusk.

Here are some replays that do a good job at showcasing Decidueye:
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Teach me how to be as effective as you
It was real validating to log onto Showdown today and see the announcement in the Other Meta channel ngl haha

In other news, I’ve been really enjoying this Roaring Moon set. I opted for Jaw Lock over Crunch because I think it’s a neat move but I haven’t gotten a ton of mileage out of trapping. I might consider running Lock _and_ Crunch to trap and fish for def drops against stallier mons but idk what I’d even drop for it since ground and steel are both nice coverage for it to have. I didn’t put a ton of thought into the set so there’s probably room for improvement but just wanted to say that AV roostTM Moon is a nice special sponge

Roaring Moon @ Assault Vest
Ability: roost
Tera Type: Fairy
EVs: 252 HP / 4 Atk / 252 SpD
Careful Nature
- U-turn
- Iron Head
- Jaw Lock
- Earthquake
I think urshifu-r should probably be banned. before that happens I wanted to post this urshifu team that has yet to lose. I'm currently #6 with it

Adamant banded tera water urshifu-R at +1 in the rain is guaranteed to:
- OHKO offensive Zapdos with aqua jet
- 2HKO max defense haze pex with surging strikes
- 2HKO max defense tera grass Ting-Lu (which doesn't exist, but just as a data point) with surging strikes

Its only defensive check is dondozo: 252+ Atk Choice Band Tera Water Urshifu-Rapid-Strike Surging Strikes (3 hits) vs. 252 HP / 252+ Def Dondozo in Rain on a critical hit: 204-243 (40.4 - 48.2%) -- approx. 3HKO. Even so, dozo can't do much back especially with shifu at +1 defense, and spamming surging strikes as dozo switches in will force it to rest the turn after it switches in and force it to switch on the 5th turn.

The rest of the team is built around supporting urshifu and giving it opportunities with voltturn from corviknight, zapdos, and thundurus-t. blissey and corviknight keep hazards and status off of the offensive mons and alomomola keeps them healthy as well. switching +1 defense urshifu into a physical attack with wish coming on the next turn is a great strategy too, although you risk losing to a crit.

Specs agility thundurus-T is also very strong. it outspeeds +1 pult and a lot of common tailwind and agility users besides enamorus, iron moth, and valiant. volt switch chunks almost everything for at least 35-40%. Grass knot hits tusk harder than Psychic but Psychic's neutral coverage has saved me a few times against clodsire and dragapult.

Notably KaenSoul 's stall team that's been running around loses to this team in about 5 turns. having a trick user on the stall team could probably fix that matchup. The team is also good at outstalling frailer offense builds and cleans them up with urshifu or thundurus.

Similar balance teams with lots of sustain and lots of power can be scary and the team of course has nothing for adamant band urshifu, but nobody does. Alomomola can check other variants from full HP, especially with chilling water. Trick is the most annoying thing for this team--losing their choice items weakens the attackers considerably (although urshifu can still break a lot of things) and in certain matchups having a scarf on one of the defensive mons can swing the game. Specs agility Iron Valiant has to be played around carefully as well, but i haven't seen too much of it recently.

My team with which ive managed to reach about 1350, so nothing to boast about, but still I think its a decent team.

Pult: Mixed pult does pult things. I believe this mon is kinda broken. Speed EVs for whatever benchmark you want to reach. I have just enough to outspeed Volc at +1(and other base 100's)

Iron Bundle: Endure allows you free switchins, scout for choiced moves etc while keeping up momentum. You do need to scout for rocky helmet tho. (any status and Trick TM kinda destroys it, unless enemy has no hazards for whatever reason)

Corviknight: Corviknight.

Clodsire: Haze bot.

Scream tail: Wish feels a bit too strong, and it has insane utility even besides that.

Sandy shocks: sets spikes and switches 90% of the time. baits in grounds, which is an easy predict to double into corv, which allows a slow uturn into pult.

Win cons are either stalling with corv+wish+endure or dismantling entire teams with pult, given how difficult it is to answer.
Rocky helmet and hazards can bring most physically bulky mons in range of ohko from status+ hex.

Gameplan is to sub on sth passive and cant break sub like a pex, corv uturn or blissey, then proceed to watch the enemy team keep switching mons.

You almost always lead with sandy, except for pult in games where you know they lose to it on the spot.

here are a couple replays:

Pult 1v6:

endure Iron Bundle puts in the work:

My team with which ive managed to reach about 1350, so nothing to boast about, but still I think its a decent team.

Pult: Mixed pult does pult things. I believe this mon is kinda broken. Speed EVs for whatever benchmark you want to reach. I have just enough to outspeed Volc at +1(and other base 100's)

Iron Bundle: Endure allows you free switchins, scout for choiced moves etc while keeping up momentum. You do need to scout for rocky helmet tho. (any status and Trick TM kinda destroys it, unless enemy has no hazards for whatever reason)

Corviknight: Corviknight.

Clodsire: Haze bot.

Scream tail: Wish feels a bit too strong, and it has insane utility even besides that.

Sandy shocks: sets spikes and switches 90% of the time. baits in grounds, which is an easy predict to double into corv, which allows a slow uturn into pult.

Win cons are either stalling with corv+wish+endure or dismantling entire teams with pult, given how difficult it is to answer.
Rocky helmet and hazards can bring most physically bulky mons in range of ohko from status+ hex.

Gameplan is to sub on sth passive and cant break sub like a pex, corv uturn or blissey, then proceed to watch the enemy team keep switching mons.

You almost always lead with sandy, except for pult in games where you know they lose to it on the spot.

here are a couple replays:

Pult 1v6:

endure Iron Bundle puts in the work:
I love teams were almost every mon has heavy-duty boots, they’re the funniest thing.
Looks like you guys are planning to end the team without samples, so here is another of my teams:

:enamorus::slither wing::garchomp::iron treads::typhlosion-hisui::lucario:
Hazard stack offense, wear the opposite team down, stun everyone with slither and sweep with the other 3. Enamorus is a great cleaner and even if it fails it can support the others for a bit thanks to Tailwind. Lucario can literally switch into anything (*as long as it can survive hazards and isn't burned) and proceed to counter sweep or scare something out. Sunny Day Typhlosion-H has very few switch ins as no one is using Flash Fire on their Heatrans here, just look at the funny numbers:

252 SpA Choice Specs Tera Fire Typhlosion-Hisui Eruption (150 BP) vs. 252 HP / 252+ SpD Blissey in Sun: 404-476 (56.5 - 66.6%) -- guaranteed 2HKO
252 SpA Choice Specs Tera Fire Typhlosion-Hisui Eruption (150 BP) vs. 252 HP / 4 SpD Eviolite Chansey: 294-346 (41.7 - 49.1%) -- 82.4% chance to 2HKO after Stealth Rock
You still have to watch out for Light Screen and remove hazards from the field before bringing this thing out so it may fit better in anti hazards teams, aka defog/court change support instead of hazard stack.


this is almost definitely not a good team but its a real fun one imo.

the team is sun, because 252 SpA Choice Specs Tera Fire Iron Moth Fire Blast vs. 252 HP / 4 SpD Eviolite Chansey in Sun: 362-428 (51.4 - 60.7%) -- guaranteed 2HKO and 252 SpA Choice Specs Tera Fire Iron Moth Fire Blast vs. 252 HP / 64 SpD Toxapex in Sun: 201-237 (66.1 - 77.9%) -- guaranteed 2HKO after Leftovers recovery. moon seems like the best sun setter since it packs uturn and some very useful resistances. ace hits pretty hard in the sun, helps a ton against hazards which this team hates, and can pivot (i dont think i clicked sd even once). moth is a horrifying monster in the sun and with agility+pivoting (hint hint) you will get multiple opportunities to nuke someone's face. wake is here cause its broken and busts through garg (as well as pex with tera) and also helps a lot against rain. the two ebuttons are most likely suboptimal but hilarious since you proc it on like tusk's spin or something and moth gets to nuke someone's face. id on corv over a screen because ace, and over defog since i really need the bulk here against like dd pult.

this team is definitely not optimal. moon can probably run something like eq on the last slot though i do like dtail. ace's sd can be sucker or wisp or something. moth can legitimately run 3 fire moves (overheat+fblast+flamethrower) esp since i clicked the discharge/solarbeam slot literally never and fire blast misses have costed me games multiple times. wake can literally run spa boosting protosynthesis lmao (its ddance since moth is agility) or scary face/noble roar or whatever and i suppose you can run hydropump>flamethrower for out of sun and against rain (i never clicked flames either). if you are sane youd probably not run ebutton on bliss and/or corv but its hilarious.

View attachment 528915lol
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Disable Lock

Here's a strategy I haven't seen other people explore, which I think is a lot of fun to use! Instead of trying to win through offense or pure hazard wars, this is a prison-style team which aims to restrict and deny your opponent's choices. It's not stall,'ll see what I mean.

:dragapult: :meowscarada: :toxapex: :heatran: :alomomola: :roaring-moon: <-- click me


The cornerstone of the team is Disable Dragapult. The strategy is to click Protect on one of your other pokemon (all mons on the team know Protect or some variant) and then switch into Dragapult, preventing any damage from being dealt.

This counters choicelocked pokemon, as it forces them to struggle or switch out, so we pair Pult with...

Trickscarf Meowscarada. Donating a Scarf neutralizes a threat, and you need to choose your target wisely. This can be stop a non-choiced threat, or de-bootify the enemy defogger.

Meowscarada has nice type synergy with the team and a fast U-Turn. I think momentum is suuuuper important in Trademarked, which is why the next mon has Eject Button as its item.


With Protect + Disable, you waste a lot of turns, so Toxic Spikes is a wincon, and Pex has Baneful Bunker and Toxic for even more poison. Infestation prevents switching and forces the opponent to commit to an attack which can be potentially Disabled.


Heatran is a rocker which breaks stall with Magma Storm + Taunt. Magma Storm actually doing damage while it traps is very valuable for making progress.


Fishy is Wishy, not much else to say. He also has Eject Button to help with positioning, and recovery helps keep everyone alive.


Dragon Dance Roaring Moon rounds out the team. This guy can sweep once its checks are removed, but in the early game it forces switches and can pivot out with U-Turn to set up more hazards and get the prison going

Here's a replay showing how the Disable lock in action:

Bonus replay for the fans — last gen, when Encore was legal, I built a Disable lock team which ended up winning in OMPL finals:
Made it to number 1 with this stall team with a few unusual sets.


Ting-Lu @ Heavy-Duty Boots
Ability: spikes
Tera Type: Ghost
EVs: 252 HP / 4 Atk / 252 Def
Relaxed Nature
- Rest
- Ruination
- Earthquake
- Sleep Talk

I pretty much always lead with this. If the opponent has Great Tusk or Iron Treads, I Tera-Ghost first turn and bring their health down with whichever move is most effective. Ting-Lu is bulky enough to survive multiple Knock Off if they use it. The only time I don't Tera is if Imprison Mew is on their team.

Scream Tail @ Flame Orb
Ability: trick
Tera Type: Fairy
EVs: 252 HP / 252 Def / 4 SpD
Impish Nature
- Fling
- Wish
- Protect
- Stealth Rock

The unexpected MVP of the team! Will-o-wisp is banned as a trademark, but not Trick + Flame Orb! ;)
Scream Tail comes in on physical threats like Urshifu, Baxcalibur, and Roaring Moon, and gives them a burn that not even Heal Bell can fully cure. Fling may seem weird, but it allows me to get rid of beneficial items so I don't Trick things like Leftovers and Heavy-Duty Boots onto the opponent. In this way, I can keep stealing their items until they have no passive recovery or ways to nullify entry hazards.

Corviknight (F) @ Heavy-Duty Boots
Ability: taunt
Tera Type: Ghost
EVs: 252 HP / 252 Def / 4 SpD
Sassy Nature
- U-turn
- Spite
- Roost
- Tera Blast

Taunt is a great trademark that I haven't seen anyone else use. It stops opposing Corviknights from using Defog, and shuts down recovery and setup from pretty much anything. This set is specifically tailored for Imprison Mew, who can break stall teams if you're not prepared. Taunt stops Transform, Tera-Ghost lets you escape from trapping moves (can't use U-turn as it's usually imprisoned), and Ghost Terablast can 3HKO. Spite can act as a pseudo-pressure, helping to deplete the PP of other stall teams.

Blissey @ Heavy-Duty Boots
Ability: softboiled
Tera Type: Normal
EVs: 252 HP / 4 SpA / 252 SpD
Calm Nature
IVs: 0 Atk
- Seismic Toss
- Flamethrower
- Calm Mind
- Heal Bell

With a superior form of Regenerator, Blissey can switch in on special attacks repeatedly. Calm Mind + Flamethrower lets her stop Nasty Plot Gholdengo, who can pose a threat if it doesn't have a trademark since it can block Trick and Taunt.

Umbreon @ Heavy-Duty Boots
Ability: wish
Tera Type: Steel
EVs: 252 HP / 4 Def / 252 SpD
Calm Nature
IVs: 0 Atk
- Light Screen
- Protect
- Foul Play
- Snarl

Umbreon passes Wish around and is here for Hoopa-U. Yes, +1 Focus Blast does a huge amount of damage, but with smart plays from Protect, Light Screen, and switching to Toxapex, I can deplete Focus Blast's measly PP.

Toxapex @ Heavy-Duty Boots
Ability: haze
Tera Type: Poison
EVs: 252 HP / 252 Def / 4 SpD
Bold Nature
IVs: 0 Atk
- Baneful Bunker
- Recover
- Toxic
- Infestation

Standard Toxapex with a focus on Toxic trapping. Infestation is also useful for preventing the opponent from manually switching, so I can bring in Scream Tail without worrying about Tricking the wrong opponent.

Scream Tail shows its usefulness by burning Baxcalibur, and switching in again to regain Flame Orb so it can burn Urshifu too.
Stall vs stall, but Scream Tail and Corviknight come in clutch removing items and stopping Mew. Getting rid of Alomomola was huge as the opponent can't benefit from free heals anymore.
Managed to hit the top 5 with this team, so I thought I'd share it.

:Great Tusk::Decidueye::Mew::Volcarona::Greninja::Corviknight:

View attachment 526767

It's a balance team with a pretty straightforward recipe. Two bulky pivots, two nukes, and two offensive* utility pokemon that can also pivot but more rarely. For both the bulky pivots and the nukes, one is physical and one is special. The goal is to dance around with the pivots until an opportunity arrises to unleash a nuke. Greninja lays spikes to take advantage of all the switching this team forces, and also provides revenge killing and priority. *Mew is offensive when it transforms into an opposing hard-hitter, but its primary effect is to force switches through Imprison Transform, while also offering a tool for weakening stall. Also it CAN be an obnoxious win-con if it's still alive when the opponent is down to their last mon, but for this you more or less need to play a 5 vs 6 game so it doesn't happen often.

Most of the mons are pretty self-explanatory. The main innovation I suppose is RoostVest Decidueye. I really wanted to explore the new Regenerator-style mons provided by this format, and was hoping to find one that provided pivoting, Knock Off, and no weakness to Stealth Rock so that it can actually use Assault Vest comfortably, similar to Flipped Mienshao and Cyclizar. To my surprise, Decidueye ended up being the one to fit the bill. While its typing does have a lot of weaknesses, it pairs really well with Light Screen from Corviknight, which allows it to tank an amazing number of super effective hits, which it then heals off next time it comes in. Remember that its job is to absorb special hits and either Knock or U-turn the switchin. Decidueye usually can't stay in long as it doesn't have much attacking power, can't handle physical switch-ins, and needs to switch to stay healthy, so it's very rare for Spirit Shackle's trapping effect to actually get utilized, but on the few occasions it does, it's pretty sweet. I also tried the Hisui version but found it much worse because it just got destroyed by Hurricanes, and I like the immunity to Choiced Fighting moves and Rapid Spin. A couple (albeit rare) pokemon that Decidueye's typing does completely block are Sandy Shocks, Rotom-W, and Regieleki (very nice when the opponent uses the latter as their spinner). I do sometimes use Tera on Decidueye if the opponent has a lot of special attackers. Tera Water greatly expands its staying power, though I only do this if I have to.

The team struggles against certain attackers like Urshifu-R and DD Baxcalibur (as well as para spam but that'll be gone soon), against which my main defense is to Tera Water on Great Tusk to absorb the hit and KO back, along with wearing them down with Rocky Helmet and Spikes, and Transform Mew if I can get it in safely. The other two mons I Tera are Ground Volcarona if I see a window to sweep with it, and Water Greninja in case I really need more power behind its priority. I have never Tera'd Corv or Mew (as you can see by their lack of Tera assignments).

A quick aside. I don't see too many pokemon using Roost as a Trademark here, maybe because most are weak to SR and can't use AV, but I do see a decent number of Roost Corviknight, which seems like a good idea thanks to its SR neutrality, pivoting, and great typing. But I think this is a terrible option for Corv, because it completely invalidates its ability to switch into Ground attacks. All Flying types have this problem (this is another perk for Decidueye) but it is particularly bad for Corviknight. Whenever I see a Corv with a Roost TM, I prepare myself to go to town with Headlong Rush on Tusk.

Here are some replays that do a good job at showcasing Decidueye:
The month of Trademarked is now over. It was great using a last respects meme team for the first half and then a modification of Flying Moose’s team for the later half. I will be only covering the changes I made from Moose’s base team. Corv is a general wall, and Tusk is a spinner that also kills things while spinning.

The team:
The first modification to the team I made immediately was switching the quiver dance volcarona for trick assault vest Gholdengo. Plot/Recover Gholdengo is my favorite variant to use as it is one of the hardest counters to stall known to man. Switch into a Blissey, they have assault vest, you have leftovers, and you win that 1v1 plus hopefully the game. Another thing that’s really fun to against non-stall teams is to trick an assault vest on a corviknight as 134% of teams have them. Now that the Corv can’t heal or Defog, its only option is to U-turn out, giving Mew free momentum. Corv is also most teams Tusk answer, making it that much more threatening. Against faster teams tho it doesn’t do as much, maybe tricking an assault vest onto something and being deniably useful.

I also gave mew volt-switch over stealth rock as a way to switch against opposing imprison mews, and my response to stealth rock is usually that I’ll deal with it when I deal with it. I also found the usefulness of mew being a full momentum sink for the opponent if they wanted to use switch moves pretty useful.

The team was the same except those two changes, until I realized I had no way to deal with faster teams. My solution was a mon I had experimented with a bit, agility valiant. While I started off with mixed attack life orb, There wasn’t enough EVs to go around and the life orb damage started to really add up with things like stealth rock. This would lead to me bringing it out to try and deal with stuff and in the end just leaving valiant with less HP than it started. Specs special attacker on the other hand has the nice thing of doing a lot of damage to non-special walls. This thing perfectly complements Gholdengo in being able to easily deal with fast offensive mon that Gholdengo doesn’t have the immediate power to deal with, while Gholdengo sets up on the mons that wall Valiant(I love having a special attacker the wins the Blissey 1v1). With the greatness of the Decidueye set, there was no way this team could get better.
Then I lost to stun spore amoongus and gave up on rational thought. Welcome heal bell Blissey, a mon I was the first to post about(I think), and most definitely not the first to actually use. This thing can wall more special attackers on its own without the use of light screen, and paralysis is devastating when you only have one fast Pokémon on your team. I also love calm mind Blissey, as if the opponent tries to set up on you with their special attack, you simply pull a uno reverse. If the opponent has only special attackers left, there is a good chance this thing just wins.

In the end I am sorry for replacing decidueye, and for not giving example battles as I always forget I can do that.
This is to notify you that this is somehow still legal in Trademarked despite Nasty Plot being restricted off the item slot.

Manaphy @ Choice Scarf
Ability: Tail Glow
Tera Type: Water
EVs: 252 SpA / 4 SpD / 252 Spe
Timid Nature
- Scald / Hydro Pump / Surf
- Psychic / Ice Beam
- Energy Ball / Ice Beam
- Flip Turn / Knock Off