Tournament 1v1 Premier League VII - Discussion Thread

Bilan of this pl, player by player.

- fragments : gg for your wins, good player.
- denis : unlucky like me, gg and ty for the help
- krytocon : quite good potential, specially in sv, gg.
- part : nice but bad.
- Clem : bad.
- cdlc : funny but bad and he wants to bomb some players.
- w2s : extremely bad.
- extrazy : delete pokemon and sell your 1v1 major.
- landon : i didnt believe to ghosts til i draft you.

conclusion :
- one of the worst team ever
- unlucky af, to change.
- average level fell.
- a lot of players who had nothing to do in a PL (w2s, gawain, eevekid, motogp)
- sv meta is catastrophic and boring.

Rooting for nobody, i hope there will be a giant lag and pl will be cancelled.

ciao, see you next year heatrans.

I'm ngl, I really grew to appreciate strav and bale for taking me on when the original plan was me potentially playing for two other managers I had prior contact with. I feel really bad I kind of lost motivation pretty early on which didn't help my team (I'm usually a big contributor in teamchats in both presence and building), and having to deal with a community that's heavily soured my perception of a tier I've been enjoying for a while makes me reconsider participating in it again.

This is no way a reflection on Heatrans btw, I've genuinely grown to appreciate the team and the people I've played with and y'all deserved better. Strav retaining confidence in me from helping him out and chatting with him is about the only thing keeping me from perma-quitting, but it is extremely telling how bad the 1v1 community outside of a few names are to outsiders. Xsc's posts in this thread only justify this perception to people interested in this tier (to say the least of the other toxic behavior from other teams that I've noticed, also how is CDLC not banned for committing two different hate crimes? And then both them and the manager doubling down in the public tier cord?)

I really hope this community gets over itself and reconsiders whatever the fuck it's doing, because it's genuinely a fun tier that's just full of more bad eggs than good ones but I honestly wouldn't want to return to it with its present community, nor will it attract new people who continue to remain turned off by the way people in this community behave.

Peace out, s/o again to Heatrans, I wish I got to talk to y'all more and play a series for y'all that wasn't unlucky as shit and hope that the 1v1 community will be more like the people in there than the rest I've interacted with. special s/o to stravench again for at least making me rethink if playing future tours might be worth my time and energy.

might want to elaborate @ bolded part

don't think you've specifically been caught in any obvious drama but don't doubt things soured for your view on the community; so it might help to elaborate on if you wish for changes to happen regardless of whether you stay or not
long form post inc

i dont tend to take this game very seriously anymore so as such i will also not take this post seriously

legitimately happy i didnt literally lose 4 times though


swag god was a pleasure, sorry i couldnt win more i know the burden was on you super hard to pop off and set a good example, dont feel bad about missing out on the 7-0 because i think everyone was pretty tired of mons by that point and theres not much you can do as an individual. i know there are many other oras players in the sea but i would not mind being your teammate again, think we work well in ss

XanderUrBoi well played, i wish you were more active but im happy to see that you still got it in the ss slot, missing out on going positive kinda sucks but not gonna super fault you for it as you were literally a top 3 player on the team lol

SwordIsBored brah i literally gave you a better team of a team that you brought and it wasnt 3-0d by diancie some reading comprehension would do you good
i know how shit it feels to have your wins put down but the pa series getting that close was inexcusable, PLEASE read your channel

NTG Cuz IDK fair play for your first pl, i think you can get fairly far, always remember to ground yourself in reality tho and do not load mons like pinsir with mono flail

zo oh wait thats me. i may as well talk about myself tho. lots of words if you wanna read:

i dont think i did that well, my record should be 3-2 or similar, i definitely fucked myself up with my sleep schedules + having just come out of a medical procedure that left me unable to resume my daily schedule until just after pl started, which gave me a lot of other shit to direct my attention to. i didnt intend to perma start, but im glad strav kept giving me chances because i think ending 2-3 is like, not that bad given prior public perception of me. though i obviously want to do better. i learned a lot about myself as a starter, such as how quickly i can burn out with no one beside me to help me do things, and i intend to ask any manager in the future to make sure im not completely isolate in a channel because if that happens for another 7 weeks i may go insane lmao. i also need to fix the thing i do where my brain literally short circuits at game 3, if you compiled all my throws i would probably have lost an additional series 3-0 or 4-0 on throws alone. sorry for not going ultra positive but i accepted that it was either gonna miraculously happen or i would get to break my 1 win barrier at minimum, so im not entirely bummed out.

tl;dr i can win games if someone eases my burnouts and ill be more willing to accept ideas from now on if theyre not terrible

stravench im sorry about your performance man, everyone has a bad tour, i legitimately hope you can find your gen and what you really enjoy about this tier and hopefully itll get you into a better mindset to perform next time
youre a good kid but i agree with your self criticisms and i hope if you manage again that you pull off a better draft next year

Miyoko kinda whatever, sm builders not existing really stung for that squirtell series, nice try imo

Baleblaze i hope your irl stuff resolves eventually, being cursed to be unable to manage pl is extremely fucking unlucky LOL. same thing as strav wrt drafting, trust yourself to get the occasional good player because fantastic players make great anchors which i think this team severely lacked

cold illusions with you we move onto teammates id actively want to avoid. not listening, ignoring pings apparently (?), hiding team tour series, the list of the things you do that annoy me grew exponentially the longer i had to stay on a team with you. i hope to whatever deity above that exists that your next teammates find you a better teammate than i did

LeCehlou maybe some time in the distant future you will be able to actually start the tier with the second most demand for players. being relegated to an 0-1 sub is ROUGH.

Jabiru i was under the impression you need to be free in order to sign up for pl

motogp ill keep it succinct. please dont sign up for a team tour again.

if you ever do try for one, for the love of god, TRY to be open minded. for some reason you chose to attempt to flame your opponents and your teammates for irrelevant nonsense and your own mistakes, respectively. rock head aggron would maybe be excusable if it was the default ability, but you have to choose rock head as an ability, so keep it to yourself if not one person catches it because its quite literally only your fault.
motogp also well played bringing 3 teams 3-0d by fire types exactly like i said you shouldnt, nice job on that one, theres a 12 page document of screenshots of corrections i made to your teams and sets / feedback i gave that you apparently deliberately ignored. do better and maybe you will beat part in 3 or 4 instead of losing in 5
motogp finally maybe dont suggest tinkaton directly after the advent of klefki. what does tinkaton even do

BlackKnight_Gawain i dont know much about what you did but apparently you didnt bring prep according to someone so please do that next time. sorry lmao im sure youre a chill guy but i literally only tuned into oras and ss

Eeveekid10 im a they :c

i sincerely wish you all good fortune in your future endeavors, i hold no grudges (except maybe 1 or 2) and i dont mean to come off as overly critical to anyone. if you think im too harsh and youre not one of the two people i actually intended to direct my annoyance at then you can dm me @10isafuneral

im gonna sleep now. byeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee


How was ORAS this tour? Would be cool to hear someone cool ranting about a tier :]

Bilan of this pl, player by player.

- fragments : gg for your wins, good player.
- denis : unlucky like me, gg and ty for the help
- krytocon : quite good potential, specially in sv, gg.
- part : nice but bad.
- Clem : bad.
- cdlc : funny but bad and he wants to bomb some players.
- w2s : extremely bad.
- extrazy : delete pokemon and sell your 1v1 major.
- landon : i didnt believe to ghosts til i draft you.

conclusion :
- one of the worst team ever
- unlucky af, to change.
- average level fell.
- a lot of players who had nothing to do in a PL (w2s, gawain, eevekid, motogp)
- sv meta is catastrophic and boring.

Rooting for nobody, i hope there will be a giant lag and pl will be cancelled.

ciao, see you next year heatrans.
Ok mais ça ne change rien au fait qu'il y a 48 millions de kangourous en Australie et 3 457 380 habitants en Uruguay. donc si les kangourous décident d'envahir l'Uruguay, chaque Uruguayen doit combattre 14 kangourous

I would like to start by saying that as Tournament Organizers we do not condone toxicity toward teammates and hosts. What was done is completely wrong. On a more personal note, I would like to apologize to everyone that was hurt while playing a game they enjoy. I unofficially lead the tournament team and believe that we messed up: our hands are not clean here by picking XSC and we've indirectly contributed to this.

We've been monitoring the community closely and we're trying our best to take action on insults directed at other plays or anything close to toxicity but some stuff to fly over the radar from time to time. Toxicity level has decreased but I do agree it's still present for no reason. On a first note, my DMs are open on Smogon/Discord if you're a host, or a team member in a team tour if you have concern about the players / managers, we take these reports seriously and will move as soon as we can to fix the issue. Please, next time your manager is being toxic and ruining the team environment don't be afraid of reporting them so it doesn't ruin your experience as a player. It was also decided, unrelated to this topic, prior PL that we will have managers surveys post team tournaments to assess the choices that we took and give us a better image on every person that managed for the future. I would like to note that both the mid-tour reports, and the survey will remain anonymous.

With that out of the way, I would like to sincerely apologize to Clementine, Wait2Seconds, and mrextrazy for being subject to toxicity during your time in Drive-By Dragapults. I would also like to apologize to BlackKnight_Gawain for any remark that annoyed them whether it was personal or general.

As a community, I would like us to reflect more on our words, in the end it's just a game and really there's nothing serious on the line. Being competitive is important to keep the tournament exciting, but nobody deserves to be harassed when they lose, remember that there's another human behind the screen. Being heated is understandable, but have some respect for others and yourself, it's not worth it, you don't have to take it on your teammates.

My DMs are open if there's anything that is unclear or for any future complaints.
I would like to start by saying that as Tournament Organizers we do not condone toxicity toward teammates and hosts. What was done is completely wrong. On a more personal note, I would like to apologize to everyone that was hurt while playing a game they enjoy. I unofficially lead the tournament team and believe that we messed up: our hands are not clean here by picking XSC and we've indirectly contributed to this.

We've been monitoring the community closely and we're trying our best to take action on insults directed at other plays or anything close to toxicity but some stuff to fly over the radar from time to time. Toxicity level has decreased but I do agree it's still present for no reason. On a first note, my DMs are open on Smogon/Discord if you're a host, or a team member in a team tour if you have concern about the players / managers, we take these reports seriously and will move as soon as we can to fix the issue. Please, next time your manager is being toxic and ruining the team environment don't be afraid of reporting them so it doesn't ruin your experience as a player. It was also decided, unrelated to this topic, prior PL that we will have managers surveys post team tournaments to assess the choices that we took and give us a better image on every person that managed for the future. I would like to note that both the mid-tour reports, and the survey will remain anonymous.

With that out of the way, I would like to sincerely apologize to Clementine, Wait2Seconds, and mrextrazy for being subject to toxicity during your time in Drive-By Dragapults. I would also like to apologize to BlackKnight_Gawain for any remark that annoyed them whether it was personal or general.

As a community, I would like us to reflect more on our words, in the end it's just a game and really there's nothing serious on the line. Being competitive is important to keep the tournament exciting, but nobody deserves to be harassed when they lose, remember that there's another human behind the screen. Being heated is understandable, but have some respect for others and yourself, it's not worth it, you don't have to take it on your teammates.

My DMs are open if there's anything that is unclear or for any future complaints.
i got future complaints breh sleep would genuinely solve all of SV problems bro and i can use jumpluff
when i give you free 3 0 to win the week, dont pick a 0 3 kid. The garchomp was a 3-0, if you dont believe me, ask to someone else, yache chomp sword dance beats snorlax.

Worst manager? with all the teams i gave you? without me we would be 8th.

Dont reject the fault on me, i did my job, you just are terrible in games.

I won pl twice, + 2 semi, i think i have no lessons to get from you.
So yeah, i can win a team tour, i just hate players who doing nothing + bad in game.

As i said, it was lost from the draft (our fault + landon afk) .

Yes, i m aggressive I know it, but believe me, even in real life, it s better to be honest and say what you think than saying nothing and being a snitch. And for real, a lot of guys in 1v1 community say nothing but think it. Me, i say it.

You know, i wont be a liar, saying "thanks you are cool you were a super mate".
It happens, we were bad from beginning to end, unable to win a week after 4-1 twice, we were alone with Denis to give teams to entire team, and i see no results. It's normal that i m unhappy.
I say it again, it's not barbie world with me, it s not "everybody is cool everybody is good, everybody is nice". No, it's a PL, we play for win that's all. If you wanted to play with your friends, then go play fortnite.

To be totally honest, this kinda sucks. Time for the ramblings of a lunatic.

Rhyperiors season ends in semifinals disappointment once again. Quick shoutout to the Barras for a week well played, was quite fun prepping for y'all and stuff. So anyways, shoutout time.
Elo Bandit I still have no idea what spurred you to draft me last year. I still also have no idea what spurred you to start me every year last year over Sky of Doom. Honestly, even though I have no idea what was going on there except for me being super active, I would have not gotten anywhere near where I am as a player without you, so thanks so much for everything. You're also someone who I consider one of my closest friends in the community, so additional thanks. Sucks that we couldn't clutch it out though, but I'm incredibly lucky to be friends with you.

Murman We really need to play unite more often... Anyways, thanks for always being the pillar of the team, both this time and last time. It's been quite a weird time lately, and similarly to what I wrote in the Bandit shoutout, I have no idea why you decided to draft me last year. You're still like, one of my closest online friends and even as I step away from playing in as many tournaments going forward, I hope we can still be friends with Unite and stuff.

Urfgurgle Sparing you the triple ping this year, but I know that the season didn't really go how you wanted it to. I consider you the person who really taught me how to play 1v1, and you're an amazing player and an awesome person to boot. Reading how in depth your prep notes were was absolutely amazing, and really showed me how much I had to grow as a builder throughout the season. I still have a lot of work to do to catch up to you for sure! Thanks for all the help throughout the season, and also that Iron Treads is not good it has a weird threatlist. I know I liked it after I first built it but it's not a good Pokemon idk why you like it so much.

AlyssaVGC The fact that the teams you built in 30 minutes before a series carried me throughout the entire season because I reused the absolute life out of them is amazing to me. You're such a talented builder, and it still shocks me that you didn't get drafted. Actually, I'm quite glad you didn't get drafted cause idt I would have gone undefeated without you. We've known each other for quite a while now and you're genuinely my closest friend at this point, so I'm glad that we were able to prep together and stuff throughout the season. Also, thanks for helping me calm down when my anxiety was getting the better of me so many times throughout the season, and dealing with me while I was going through the craziness that I was going through irl. It genuinely means so much to me to have you as a friend and I really hope that we can continue to be friends going forward.

Itchy We've known each other for what, four or five years now? God that's terrifying. You're like one of my oldest friends on the site in general, and I'm so happy that we've been in touch for so long. You've always been there for me when I was figuring shit out, and talking to you always lets me recenter in a way that I don't think I get with anyone else. Anyways though, I'm challenging you to more Wikipedia speedruns those things are so fun what the heck... I know the season didn't really go too well for you either, and sorry that I didn't help out too much with BW prep this year, I really wanted to but the combination of being busy irl and having motivation and burnout issues really got to me, sorry. I hope that we continue to stay friends even though I'm taking a step back from playing mons as much going forward.

Bernian Despite what you think sometimes, I think you're a fantastic player. I know that burnout hit you really hard throughout this PL and stuff, so I was just wanting to tell you that you're a lot better of a player than you think you are. Honestly, you're probs a lot better in a lot of aspects of 1v1 than I am, which is honestly terrifying with how new you are to teamtours and stuff. I hope that your first team tournament experience wasn't too terrible and once again, sorry for not helping out as much as I probably should have with prep.

Career Ended holy shit you're the goat and probably the Barraskewdas' worst nightmare. Playing 1v1 with you this season was a lot of fun, and you always bring so much fun to teamcords and all! If I come back to playing tournaments and stuff one day, I hope that I'll be able to team up with you again. Maybe I pick up OMs one day, who knows! Anyways, please don't use triple arrows again in STABmons seasonal I might actually cry.

Lucario I've known you for super long now as well, and I know that you've grown increasingly jaded with 1v1 as a whole throughout this tour, sorry about that. Sorry that we didn't really start you too much this season either. Thanks for always being there for me, whether it was after my less than amicable exit from the Trivia room or with all the help you do with C&C and stuff. I'm super glad that I'm friends with you, and good luck with your NU endeavors as well!

Close Sorry we couldn't get the chip this year, I know you really wanted this one. I didn't get to talk to you too much this season because we play pretty much mutually exclusive tiers, but your games are always amazing to watch. Going 4-1 is really cool as well, thanks for all your contributions throughout the season, such as all the SS prep you did when we had to sub Career Ended in against Potatochan and all the team checks you did for Bandit in various parts of the season. I'm glad that I got to team up with you!

Blurmpt Hey, I hope whatever happened irl resolves itself as soon as possible. Hope that you're doing okay and all as well. It was always fun hanging out with you in VC and stuff even though we really didn't talk about too much. You and Urf's prep sessions together were always super cool to listen in on. I hope that you're doing okay. Watching your games was also quite a lot of fun throughout the season, and I hope that I can see you continue on in 1v1 to some extent.

rumia Hi rumia you're always super chaotic and enthusiastic and stuff, and it genuinely terrifies me at times! I have no idea how you end up being upbeat all the time like what even... I'm glad we drafted you, it was really cool seeing you do teamchecks in SM in later weeks because god knows I cannot do teamchecks in any gen to save my life. Wish we still had an SM2 slot so that we could slot you more, though.

Roginald I still know like absolutely nothing about you. You're probs super busy with WCOR and stuff, which makes that super understandable, so wishing you good luck for all your randbats stuff! I hope that you continue to come back to 1v1 to play in teamtours and stuff, it's always quite nice to have you around!

Here Comes Team Charm! Thanks for the SS support throughout the season. I don't really look at SS a lot, but the whole thing where we protested discord's username rule change was quite fun, so thanks!

clerica Thanks for the ideas that you gave me for semis when I was running on zero, it really helped me out!

Waylaid stravench realaccountami? Eeveekid10 Kentari Thanks for joining our cord and supporting wherever y'all could, it was really appreciated!

Theia aaa forgot to add this sorry, thanks so much for hosting the tournament.

Rhyps as a whole, thanks so much for the opportunity to play alongside all of you. I'm genuinely really proud to call all of y'all my teammates and know that y'all will find your own successes in the future!!

I wanted to also just... make a personal note section here... so uh.. yea-
Writing this honestly feels a bit surreal... I had pretty decent runs in Global Cup and Ladder Tour, and both of them ended without me winning the tournament, but it's this one tournament that probably stings the most. My 8-0 record this tournament is something that isn't just me, it's a product of everyone around me... everyone on rhyps, everyone who joined to support, etc. It really just sucks that we couldn't take it all the way and stuff, but there's not much we could do at the end of the day. Sometimes the coins just don't flip in your favour, and the gods of Pokemon RNG refuse to give you their blessings.

Reflecting back on important tournaments for me, I probably look at PL VI, BW No Johns, Global Cup, LT, and PL VII. I went 4-4 in PL VI, which honestly is a bit insane given that I had only been playing 1v1 for a really limited time. I learned so much being on the Rhyperiors for that PL and all. I think that BW was a fantastic starting point for me. The BW games were my favourites and despite knowing almost nothing about competitive Pokemon at the time, I found myself thoroughly enjoying BW 1v1. BW No Johns was probably the first time I realised that I could probably actually take 1v1 a bit more seriously. I did end up using mostly my own PL teams and stuff throughout BW No Johns, but I think I realised that the fundamentals of 1v1 are what really matter most. Global Cup was my first *real* tournament success. I ended up in the top 6, but I think that I really had fun building and playing those series. Sadly, what I did not realise was that my irl was slowly falling apart, and I was doing nothing to stop it because I was focusing on things like mons too much. OGPL and Majors were bad. I was dealing with irl situations. Not too much more to say. I somehow didn't go negative in OGPL, which still surprises me to some extent. When I was laddering for LT, I was still living at my parent's house, which uh... isn't the best place to be... Anyways, I think I really qualified for LT as a fluke. I was initially not wanting to play LT because I hated the format of ladder tournaments. I ended up trying to snipe someone on my ladder tour alt because it was the alt I had with the closest elo to the person I was trying to snipe, and, by pure chance, I ended up qualifying. I think that LT was probably my breakout tournament, but I attribute my LT performance to just moving away from a stressful environment and starting living on my own, which was really nice. I think this PL was a continuation of that. Basically, your mental state while playing 1v1 really matters, and as that gets better, your play gets better. That's pretty much all that I've realised. However, making it to playoffs in two WCs and two PLs and not ending up with any real accomplishments does sting...

I'm not going to be super public about what my plans are for after PL at this specific moment, but I'll say that I've got a lot of things I've gotta really look at... I do think that I am oddly content with how much I've played though...

Whelp, that was a lot of writing (sorry!) but yeah...

Last thing, be nice to each other! Uh, that's about it, bye!
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