Pet Mod Eramons [Slate 5 - Industrial Revolution and Apocalypse Eramons] (Submissions Open)

Early Civilization
1. :lapras: Lapseus
2. :magearna: Mahogana [sv]
3. :Centiskorch: Tikitorch

Far Future:
1. :Baxcalibur: Autocalibur
2. :Florges: Borgus [sv]
3. :Lilligant-Hisui: Stellagant
Slate 1 - New Eramons WINNERS
Early Civilization
| Lapseus:lapras:
| Mahogana:magearna:
| Rebabee:ribombee:
| Claywheel:claydol:
| Tropion:tropius:

(G-Luke, zxgzxg, PQRDG, lavarina, Orangesodapop & Mossy Sandwich)

Far Future
| Clefquifer:clefable:
| Mushacryo:musharna:
| Probophis:probopass:
| Planeknight:corviknight:
| Autocalibur:baxcalibur:

(Beebos, zxgzxg, lavarina, flareth13, Gaboswampert & master oden)
(Click the mons above to view their subs!)
Congrats to all of our winners! With that, the Early Civilization and Far Future eras are complete (for the time being) and that wraps up Slate 1! We'll now give you all the floor for a 24 hour discussion period on the winners, how they'll gel with our Returning Mons, and overall what the individual Eras might look like before we start up Slate 2!
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Slate 2: Urban Fantasy
Welcome to Slate 2! With the rise of civilization and the peak of humanity's accomplishments behind us, we're taking one step forward and one step back. We'll be looking at the ages where civilization really got its footing, and where humanity's apex had yet to be reached.

This slate will be focused on the :aegislash: Medieval and :porygon2: Present Day eras! To help further elaborate on each and give some relevant themes...

:aegislash: Medieval encompasses the time period after the fall of the Roman Empire, but before the Renaissance and Age of Discovery. You could look to monarchies and knighthood for inspiration, or high fantasy inspired by the era. But also consider looking at other cultures during the time period, such as Japan's medieval era, or the reign of the Scandinavian seafarers known today as vikings.

:porygon2: Present Day, like its younger brother from last slate, is very nebulous in its definition. Consider conveniences, technology and standards we have today that we didn't in the past, without getting too sci-fi and reaching past what's currently in our reach. Feel free to reach back a couple decades further if needed, although make sure the age of choice you pull from is closer to the present than any past era. Additionally, this era is perfect for inserting Pokemon that don't seem to fit cleanly into any other defined time period.

The above are simply guidelines to help give a creative jumpstart. They are not strict paradigms your submissions must fall under, although straying too far from the era's concept and themes are grounds for vetoing a submission, at the council's discretion.

Slate 2 - Returning Mons Phase
And with that, submissions for Slate 2's Returning Mons phase are now open! You have one week to submit up to three Pokemon for the two eras, with this phase closing on the 16th. Check the OP for details and templates on how to submit for this phase. Vetoes will go up the same day, and after a 24 hour grace period, voting will then begin.

We'd also like to announce that we're reversing the rule on only being able to buff a Returning Mon's stats. You can now buff a mon's stats by 50 or nerf them by 50, as long as your adjustments don't go over or under that limit.

Good luck!
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Pokemon: Revavroom
Era: Present Day
Type: Steel/Poison
Overcoat | Rough Skin
Stats: 80/119/115/54/77/95 (540) (+25 Def, +10 SpDef, +5 Spd)
Move Changes:
Role: Good offensive pivot, with a great defensive type, amazing pivoting ability in Rough Skin, which lets it punish physical attackers when switching in, and it can take some hits from them still with its decent 80/115 physdef, decent STABs, and pivoting in Parting Shot, and can also work well as a Shift Gear sweeper, but has some flaws, like its weak 80/77 special bulk, as well as its 4x weakness to Ground moves, more specifically eq, which when off a decent enough atk stat, can probably ohko it, and also bypasses Rough Skin
Era Justification: Its a car engine! Cars are very common in our actual society

Pokemon: Obstagoon
Era: Present Day
Type: Dark/Normal
Reckless/Guts | Defiant
Stats: 93/90/101/60/81/95 (520)
Move Change:
+Slack Off, Kowtow Cleave
-Surf, Ice Beam
Role: Strong offensive wallbreaker, with a huge Guts-boosted STAB Facade, and being able to hit Ghost types with its STAB Kowtow Cleave, as well as being able to deal with its longevity problems with Slack Off, being able to shut down walls with Taunt, and pivot in Parting Shot, but has a serious 4MSS due to its high amount of coverage and its need to use Slack Off and Parting Shot, as well as a very bad defensive type, paired with a lacking 95 Spd, and 93/101/90 defenses, and if it doesnt manage to get its Flame Orb burn, its got a very bad 90 Atk
Era Justification: Rock is a very popular genre of music in the present

Pokemon: Garbodor
Era: Present Day
Abilities: Stench/Weak Armor | Intimidate
Stats: 110/95/82/60/102/75 (524) (+30 HP, +20 SpDef)
Move Changes:
+Rapid Spin, Knock Off, Taunt, Recover, U-Turn
-Dark Pulse, Focus Blast, Thunderbolt, Giga Drain, Drain Punch
Role: Utility pivot, has a great defensive profile, with big 110/82/102 defenses, boosted even further by its new access to Intimidate, as well as many utility moves to take advantage of this, like Knock Off, Taunt, Toxic, Haze, being able to hazard control with Spikes, Toxic Spikes and Rapid Spin, pivot out with U-Turn and heal with Recover
Era Justification: Humanity currently produces tons of trash per year

Pokemon: Rapidash-Galar
Era: Medieval
Type: Psychic/Fairy
: Natural Cure/Pastel Veil | Anicipation
Stats: 75/110/70/80/80/115 (530) (+10 HP, +10 Atk, +10 Spd)
Move Changes:
+Magical Torque, Psyblade
-Mystical Fire, Calm Mind
Role: Fast phys wallbreaker and sweeper that doesnt care too much about being burnt or paralyzed due to its access to Natural Cure, its also got a decent defensive and offensive type, with great STABs in Magical Torque and Psyblade, good coverage in Megahorn, Wild Charge, High Horsepower and Throat Chop, access to SD to become a scary sweeper, and can do some team support with its access to Healing Wish
Era Justification: Unicorns are a popular medieval myth

Pokemon: Chesnaught
Era: Medieval
Type: Grass/Fighting
Overgrow | Iron Barbs
Stats: 98/112/122/74/75/64 (545) (+10 HP, +5 Atk)
Move Changes:
+U-Turn, Stealth Rock
-Giga Drain, Leaf Storm
Role: Great bulky phys offensive mon, with a huge 98/122 physdef, paired with recovery in Synthesis, it can take repeated phys hits, while setting up Spikes and Stealth Rock, boosting with Bulk Up or SD, dealing damage to the opponent, knocking off the opponents item, or pivoting out with U-Turn, as well as damaging them with Iron Barbs, and resists EQ, balanced by a weak type, and a low SpDef
Era Justification: Its a paladin pangolin, paladins were part of the medieval era, as knights from the christian church

Pokemon: Slowking
Era: Medieval
Oblivious/Own Tempo | Regenerator
Stats: 95/75/80/100/110/30 (490)
Move Changes:
+Knock Off
-Brick Break
Role: Regenerator utility mon, has many tools like Knock Off, Scald, Foul Play, Twave, Trick, Future Sight, recovery in Slack Off and pivoting in Chilly Reception, and a good 95/110 spdef, basically ur regular Slowking
Era Justification: Monarchy was a huge part of the medieval era
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Pokemon: Dragonite
Era: Medieval
Type: Dragon/Flying
Abilities: Sheer Force / Multiscale
Stats: 91/134/95/100/100/80
Move Changes: + Defog + Superpower + Swords Dance + Dual Wingbeat \\ -Iron Head -Dragon Dance -Tera Blast - Body Press
Role: Physical Wallbreaker, Special Tank, dragonite the way GOD intended it to be. Sheer force + stats look good until you can’t sflo due to pointy stones, and stabs (barring based special sets) are not sheer forceable. This doesn’t detract from its immense wall-breaking potential, and pure brute force is definitely something a dragon would do
Era Justification: do I even need to explain


Pokemon: Aegislash
Era: Medieval
Type: Steel/Ghost
Abilities: Stance Change
Stats: 60/50/145/50/145/60 (+5 def + 5 spd)
Move Changes: (based on gen 8 movepool) + Will-O-Wisp +Hex - Close Combat -Psycho Cut
Role: does aegislash things, with wisp and hex in its toolset for an even nastier sub hex
Era Justification: another non needed expl


Pokemon: Klefki
Era: Present day
Type: Steel/Fairy
Abilities: Prankster/Opportunist
Stats: 77/80/101/90/87/85 (+20hp, 10def, 10spa, 10 spe)
Move Changes: + Encore + Moonlight + Taunt -Tera Blast - Facade -Psyshock
Role: Screens lead/ Defensive Spiker
Era Justification: again do I even need to explain it’s literally KEYS everyone has KEYS nowadays


Pokemon: Toxtricity
Era: Present Day
Type: Electric/Poison
Abilities: Punk Rock / Plus / Technician
Stats: 75/118/70/114/70/85 (+20 atk +10 spe)
Move Changes: Mortal Spin, Powder Snow, Close Combat -Tera Blast -Hex -Facade
Role: Specs Breaker/Shift Gear Sweeper
Era Justification: it’s literally just a punk rock dude


Pokemon: Fearow
Era: Present Day
Type: Normal/Flying
Abilities: Aerialite / Sniper
Stats: 65/110/65/61/61/130
Move Changes: (Based off of gen 7 Movepool) + Boomburst + Swords Dance , - Curse - Pursuit
Role: Fast Pivot/Breaker
Era Justification: do you ever just go outside and you see one of these? yea they exist
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Pokemon: Whimsicott
Era: Medieval
Type: Grass/Fairy
Abilities: Prankster/Infiltrator/Chlorophyll
Stats: 70/67/90/97/85/116 (+10 HP, +5 Def, +20 Sp. Attack, +10 Sp. Def)
Move Changes:

+ Wish
- Stun Spore
Role: Prankster Mon. Could run Chlorophyll if we get a Drought Mon (pity Desolate Land ends on exit).
Era Justification: One of the possible inspirations for this Pokemon could be the legendary Vegetable Lamb of Tartary. This plant was said to have sheep as its fruit. It first was mentioned in the 11th Century.


Pokemon: Houndstone
Era: Medieval
Type: Ghost
Abilities: Strong Jaw/Fluffy
Stats: 72/111/105/50/97/98 (+10 Attack, +5 Def, +30 Speed)
Move Changes:
+Jaw Lock, Bulk Up
-Last Respects, Yawn
Role: Poltergeists and bites things.
Era Justification: The Gelert Legend.


Pokemon: Raticate
Era: Medieval
Type: Normal
Abilities: Poison Touch/Guts/Hustle
Stats: 60/91/70/50/80/97 (+5 HP, 10 Attack, +10 Def, +10 Sp. Def)
Move Changes:
+Gunk Shot, Poison Jab
-Thunder Wave, Thunderbolt
Role: Physical Wallbreaker (Guts)
Era Justification: Rats were one of the vectors of the Black Death.


Pokemon: Garbodor
Era: Present Day
Type: Poison
Abilities: Corrosion/Weak Armor/Aftermath
Stats: 80/105/92/60/92/85 (+10 Attack, +10 Def, +10 Sp. Def, +10 Speed)
Move Changes:
+Mortal Spin, Gastro Acid
-Seed Bomb, Rock Polish
Role: Status Spreader, Hazard Clearer
Era Justification: is Trash


Pokemon: Cetitan
Era: Present Day
Type: Ice
Abilities: Thick Fat/Slush Rush/Sheer Force
Stats: 170/113/75/50/75/73 (+10 Def, +20 Sp. Def)
Move Changes:
+Mountain Gale, Iron Head
-Tera Blast, Hyper Voice
Role: Future Slush Rush mon with a little more Sheer Force Utility.
Era Justification: The Cetoddle line may be based in part by the Ningen, a piece of Japanese internet-based folklore.


Pokemon: Palossand
Era: Present Day
Type: Ghost/Ground
Abilities: Storm Drain/Sand Veil
Stats: 85/75/130/110/75/45 (+20 Def, +10 Special Attack, +10 Speed)
Move Changes:
+Sandsear Storm
-Body Slam
Role: Basically its role in regular Pokemon except with an actual Water-type immunity.
Era Justification: Sand castles are still popular today.
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Pokemon: Alcremie
Era: Present Day
Type: Fairy
Abilities: Sweet Veil / Triage
Stats: 70 / 60 / 85 / 110 / 121 / 54
Move Changes:
+ Flamethrower
- Drain Punch
Role: Set-Up Sweeper
Era Justification: triage mwahahaha. in all seriousness this is double dancer with priority triage
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Pokemon: Ceruledge
Era: Medieval

Abilities: Sharpness | HA: Weak Armor
Stats: 80 HP / 125 Atk / 80 Def / 60 SpA / 110 SpD / 85 Spe | BST: 540 (+5 HP, +10 SpD)
Move Changes: -
Role: Physical Wallbreaker
Ceruledge packs a wallop with Sharpness Bitter Blade + Poltergeist+ Close Combat, shredding into potential bulky squads.
Flavour: A knight in blazing armor

Pokemon: Rotom-Wash
Era: Present Day

Abilities: Levitate
Stats: 70 HP / 65 Atk / 107 Def / 105 SpA / 107 SpD / 86 Spe | BST: 540 (+20 HP)
Move Changes: -
Role: Physically defensive wall.
Rotom-Wash combines it's stellar defensive type + Levitate to operate as a defensive or offensive pivot. 70/107/107 is pretty great bulk.
Flavour: Modern Day Appliance

Pokemon: Kingambit
Era: Medieval

Abilities: Defiant / Intimidate | HA: Pressure
Stats: 100 HP / 135 Atk / 120 Def / 60 SpA / 85 SpD / 50 Spe | BST: 550
Move Changes: -
Role: Physical Wallbreaker, Revenge Killer
We all know what Kingambit can do. Ax Tera and Supreme Overlord and it's a strong ass breaker instead of a end game super sweeper.
Flavour: Instead of European Medieval era, we jump to Japanese Medieval era. Gambit represents both Shoguns and Samurai of that era.

Pokemon: Pawmot
Era: Present Day

Abilities: Volt Absorb / Iron Fist | HA: Natural Cure
Stats: 100 HP / 115 Atk / 70 Def / 70 SpA / 65 SpD / 110 Spe | BST: 530 (+30 HP, +5 SpD, +5 Spe)
Move Changes: +Drain Punch, -Body Press
Role: Physical Wallbreaker, Revenge Killer
Pawmot is fast, strong and can smack around teams with it's unique STAB combo and high BP STABs.
Flavour: Its a modern day defibrillator.
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Pokemon: Cinderace
Era: Present

Abilities: Blaze / Libero
Stats: 80 / 106 / 85 / 55 / 85 / 119
Move Changes:
+Extreme Speed, Knock Off
-Iron Head, Shadow Ball
Role: slightly bulkier cinderace. i mean ace doesnt need much changing but i wanted to give it some funnies so i did. enjoy
Era Justification: ronhaldino socser

Era: Present

Abilities: Dazzling
Stats: 100 / 77 / 77 / 128 / 128 / 90 || 100 / 90 / 77 / 128 / 77 / 128
Move Changes:
Role: usable pirouette form waow.
Era Justification: hatsune miku
Pokemon: Gallade
Era: Medieval
Type: Psychic/Fighting
Abilities: Steadfast/Sharpness/(Justified)
Stats: 78/125/75/65/115/100 (+10 HP, Defense, +20 Speed) (558 BST)
Move Changes: +U-Turn, -Will-O-Wisp
Role: Choiced Attacker, Wallbreaker
Era Justification: This is a knight.

Pokemon: Grafaiai
Era: Present Day
Type: Poison/Normal
Abilities: Technician/Poison Touch/(Prankster)
Stats: 83/105/85/80/72/110 (+20 HP, +10 Attack, +20 Defense) (535 BST)
Move Changes: +Mortal Spin, Spikes, Tail Slap, Toxic Spikes, -Baton Pass, Nasty Plot, Shadow Claw, X-Scissor
Role: Offensive Pivot, Support
Era Justification: Graffiti Artist
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: Medieval

Abilities: Overgrow, Long Reach
Stats: 80 | 110 | 75 | 100 | 100 | 70 [BST= 535] {+2 HP, +3 Atk}
Move Changes: +Flower Trick, -Hex
Role: Very similar to vanilla Decidueye, main addition is Flower Trick for a fun and stronger Grass STAB compared to Leaf Blade. Psuedotrapper w/ Spirit Shackle and offense utility guy
Era Justification: It's an archer owl - more specifically, its design takes inspiration from Robin Hood

: Medieval

Abilities: Battle Armor, Iron Barbs, Steely Spirit
Stats: 70 | 115 | 110 | 50 | 80 | 55 [BST= 480] {+5 Atk, +20 SpDef, +5 Spe}
Move Changes: +Sucker Punch, -Body Slam
Role: Physical attacker guy idk
Era Justification: I mean the medieval era probably wouldn't have even existed if not for the fall of Rome from Norse and Germanic sackings soooo

Porygon2 (:eviolite: Eviolite compatible)
Era: Modern Day

Abilities: Trace, Sticky Hold, Analytic
Stats: 75 | 80 | 90 | 105 | 90 | 60 [BST= 500] {-10 HP, -5 SpDef}
Move Changes: +Spikes, Toxic, -Double-Edge, Zen Headbutt
Role: Does Sticky Hold make any sense flavor-wise? Nope! But it means Porygon2 can't be shut down with Knock Off, though you are missing out on two other great abilities in order to do so, and also its bulk is tuned down a little to compensate. Outside of that it also gets two great progress tools in Spikes and Toxic.
Era Justification: Wow the Porygon line is so popular they made 3D graphics real can you believe it?

: Modern Day

Abilities: Levitate
Stats: 65 | 65 | 107 | 105 | 107 | 86 [BST= 535] {+15 HP}
Move Changes: Overheat -> Lava Plume, +Heal Bell, -Stored Power
Role: Not 100% sure if changing the moves of the Rotom appliance forms is legal but Lava Plume is a much more spammable move compared to Overheat which can also be used for moveset compression. But yeah its a defensive pivot and potential cleric mon
Era Justification: let him cook
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Guys, I'm not obsessed with Crown Tundra I swear

Pokemon: Slowking-Galar
Era: Medieval

Abilities: Toxic Chain / Own Tempo | Regenerator (HA)
Stats: 95 / 65 / 90 / 110 / 110 / 30 [BST: 500]
Move Changes: + Vacuum Wave, Volt Switch
- Gunk Shot, Waterfall, Weather Ball
Role: AV Regen! What a way to start Ikr?
Era Justification: It's a king, that's one. It has dark magic (as its signature move, Eerie Spell), that's two. Lastly, it also has the element of potion making as stated in at least one dex entry. I solely related this to PvZ2's Dark Ages which has all 3 of the aforementioned elements and is based on Medieval (I think), so be mercy on this.

Pokemon: Moltres-Galar
Era: Medieval

Abilities: Flare Boost
Stats: 90 / 85 / 90 / 100 / 125 / 90 [BST: 580]
Move Changes: + Roost
- Nasty Plot
Role: A strong wallbreaker with sustainability, but has a very limited coverage.
Era Justification: To be fair, I looked at other eras and don't know what Goltres would fit in the most, so I chose this one with the excuse of dark magic.

Pokemon: Calyrex-Ice
Era: Medieval

Abilities: Defeatist
Stats: 100 / 165 / 150 / 95 / 140 / 50 [BST: 700]
Move Changes: - Swords Dance, Trick Room
Role: A big stat stick mon with bad ability, boot-locked and also is a slow Ice, so it's not hard to wear this down into Defeatist range. No, Calyrex can't synthesis. Just to let you know, Weakness Policy can work as a Defeatist nullifier, especially with 6 weaknesses.
Era Justification: It's a cavalry.

I exist, you exist, these Pokemon exist.

Pokemon: Alomomola
Era: Present Day

Abilities: Drizzle / Hydration | Regenerator (HA)
Stats: 165 / 75 / 80 / 40 / 55 / 105 [BST: 520]
Move Changes: + Toxic
- Baton Pass
Role: Big HP with Wish + Regenerator + Flip Turn.
Era Justification: Fishes are in fact, existing today.

Pokemon: Dragalge
Era: Present Day

Abilities: Poison Point / Water Bubble | Adaptability (HA)
Stats: 85 / 75 / 90 / 97 / 123 / 44 [BST: 514]
Move Changes: + Synthesis
- Play Rough
Role: Drops big Draco Meteors with Adaptability or big Hydro Pumps with Water Bubble. A lot more sustainable than normal Dragalge due to HP buff (+20) and Synthesis.
Era Justification: Algae are in fact, existing today.

Pokemon: Mimikyu
Era: Present Day

Abilities: Disguise
Stats: 55 / 90 / 80 / 70 / 105 / 107 [BST: 507]
Move Changes: + Moonblast, Poltergeist, Tail Glow, Tidy Up
- Light Screen, Psychic, Thunder, X-Scissor
Role: An unpredictable setup threat that can either go physical with SD/Tidy or special with TG. Also has some utilities.
Era Justification: Dolls are in fact, existing today.
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Pokemon: Chandelure
Era: Medieval
Type: Ghost/Fire
Abilities: Flash Fire | Flame Body | Infiltrator
Stats: 60/55/90/145/90/80
Move Changes: -
Special wallbreaker
Era Justification:

Pokemon: Conkeldurr
Era: Present Day
Type: Fighting
Abilities: Sheer Force | Guts | Iron Fist
Stats: 105/140/95/55/80/55 (+15 SpDef, +10 Spe)
Move Changes: -
A strong wallbreaker thanks to Guts-boosted attacks
Era Justification: respect your construction workers, they work hard everyday.

Pokemon: Weezing-Galar
Era: Present Day
Type: Fairy/Poison
Abilities: Levitate | Neutralizing Gas | Misty Surge
Stats: 95/90/120/95/70/60 (+30 HP, +10 SpAtk)
Move Changes: -
Neugas mon, defogger, status spreader. Defensively acts as a switch-in to most physical mons from the other eras.
Era Justification: factories and poisonous gases are pretty prominent in today's age.
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Pokemon: Druddigon
Era: Medieval
Type: Dragon
Abilities: Rough Skin (Storm Drain)
Stats: 80 (+3)/ 60 (-60) / 90 / 130(+70) / 120 (+30)/ 40(-8)
Move Changes: +Meteor Beam, -Dragon Claw
Role: A pretty drastic change from Druddigon's normal role, it becomes a special attacker with a way of boosting in Meteor Beam and a useful immunity with Storm Drain.
Era Justification: Druddigon is based off of medieval gargoyles, which were used as ways to divert water away from buildings, hence Storm Drain.
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Pokemon: Sirfetch'd
Era: Medieval
Type: Fighting
Abilities: Grassy Surge (H: Scrappy)
Stats: 62/135/95/68/82/75 (BST: 517)
Move Changes: +Play Rough -Iron Defense
Role: SD Grassy Glide Fighting/Fairy dual stab
Era Justification: He's a knight.
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Pokemon: Goodra
Era: Medieval
Type: Dragon
Abilities: Sticky Hold / Hydration (H: Gooey)
Stats: 90/100/70/110/150/80 (BST: 600)
Move Changes: +Recover -Sludge Bomb
Role: Tanky Guy
Era Justification:
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Normal Sprite

Pokemon: Hariyama
Era: Medieval

Abilities: Thick Fat | Guts | HA: Sheer Force
Stats: 144 HP / 120 Atk / 75 Def / 40 SpA / 75 SpD / 50 Spe | BST: 504 (+15 Def, +15 SpD)
Move Changes: +Mach Punch, +Liquidation, -Belly Drum, -Chilling Water
Role: Physical Wallbreaker, Bulky Set Up
Flavour: Sumo has records dating back to around the AD 700s, putting it well into medieval period.


Pokemon: Coalossal
Era: Present Day

Abilities: Water Absorb | Flash Fire | HA: Flame Body
Stats: 110 HP / 80 Atk / 120 Def / 90 SpA / 120 SpD / 30 Spe | BST: 550 (+10 SpA, +30 SpD)
Move Changes: None
Role: Mixed Wall
Flavour: Coal is a common fuel source for power plants across the world.

Normal Sprite

Pokemon: Rotom-Fan
Era: Present Day

Abilities: Wind Rider
Stats: 50 HP / 65 Atk / 107 Def / 105 SpA / 107 SpD / 86 Spe | BST: 520 ()
Move Changes: +Defog, +Hurricane, +Tailwind, -Will-O-Wisp, -Poltergeist, -Night Shade
Role: Bulky Pivot, Hazard Removal (Defog), Tailwind Support
Flavour: Modern electric-powered fan. Wind Rider makes more thematic sense than Levitate (and is also less memeworthy)
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Pokemon: Overqwil
Era: Present Day
Type: Dark/Poison
Abilities: Poison Point / Toxic Debris / Intimidate
Stats: 100 / 125 / 100 / 70 / 70 / 90 [BST 555] (HP + 15, Atk + 10, Def + 5, Sp. Atk + 5, Sp. Def + 5, Speed + 5; BST + 45)
Move Changes:
+ Baneful Bunker, Explosion, Knock Off, Mortal Spin, Recover, Sucker Punch
- Agility, Aqua Jet, Aqua Tail, Blizzard, Hydro Pump, Shadow Ball
Era Justification: While the first sea mine was designed by ancient china in order to fend off pirates, this iteration of the sea mine seems more reminiscent of the modern variation which played a role in World War II, some of which are still washing up on random shores to this day.

Pokemon: Tinkaton
Era: Medieval Times
Type: Steel/Fairy
Abilities: Mold Breaker / Sheer Force / Pickpocket
Stats: 96 / 88 / 81 / 81 / 108 / 96 [BST 550] (HP + 11, Atk + 13, Def + 4, Sp. Atk + 11, Sp. Def + 3, Speed + 2; BST + 44)
Move Changes:
+ Earth Power, Moonblast
- Foul Play, Stone Edge
Era Justification: The master blacksmith who is not afraid to bring her smith's tools into battle as her perfect weapon.

Pokemon: Haxorus
Era: Medieval Times
Type: Dragon
Abilities: Defiant / Mold Breaker / Unnerve
Stats: 90 / 150 / 90 / 60 / 80 / 100 [BST 570] (HP + 14, Atk + 3, Sp. Def + 10, Speed +3; BST + 30)
Move Changes:
+ Behemoth Blade, Kowtow Cleave, Stone Axe, Waterfall
- Counter, Focus Blast, Grass Knot, Surf
Era Justification: One part dragon, one part battle axe. Both a creature that survived into their myths, and a weapon that may have been used in the era.

Pokemon: Grimmsnarl
Era: Medieval Times
Type: Dark/Fairy
Abilities: Prankster / Intimidate / Pickpocket
Stats: 100 / 120 / 70 / 100 / 90 / 60 [BST 540] (HP + 5, Def + 5, Sp. Atk + 5, Sp. Def + 15; BST + 30)
Move Changes:
+ Darkest Lariat, Hex, Knock Off, Memento, Moonblast, Snarl, Will-O-Wisp
- Body Press, Chilling Water, Fire Punch, Focus Punch, Focus Blast, Ice Punch, Thunder Punch
Era Justification: A Pokemon that is somewhere between a goblin and a troll, this Pokemon and its pre-evolutions likely ambushed peasants to steal their gold.

Pokemon: Scrafty
Era: Present Day
Type: Dark/Fighting
Abilities: Reckless / Moxie / Intimidate
Stats: 75 / 100 / 120 / 45 / 120 / 75 [BST 535] (HP + 10, Atk + 10, Def + 5, Sp. Def + 5, Speed + 17; BST + 47)
Move Changes:
+ Axe Kick, Body Press, Cross Chop, Darkest Lariat, Parting Shot, Power Trip, Sucker Punch
- Dragon Pulse, Focus Blast, Focus Punch, Grass Knot, Sludge Bomb, Super Fang
Era Justification: Some punk just walked up to you in an alleyway and asked you to hand over your wallet.

Pokemon: Incineroar
Era: Present Day
Type: Fire/Dark
Abilities: Flame Body / Intimidate
Stats: 100 / 120 / 90 / 80 / 90 / 70 [BST 550] (HP + 5, Atk + 5, Speed + 10; BST + 20)
Move Changes:
+ Beat Up, Burn Up, Fire Lash, Final Gambit, Sucker Punch, Switcheroo
- Endeavor, Focus Blast, Focus Punch, Leech Life, Thunder Punch, Toxic
Era Justification: The king of the cage match, this cat probably gets prime airtime on ESPN.
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