Smogon Simple Questions & Suggestions Thread

Hello, I feel that the order in which some Pokemon's sets are listed on the Smogon Dex can lead to unnecessary confusion. When someone new to the uses the site for the first time and looks up their favorite Pokemon, they will probably assume that the first set listed is the best or most common set for that particular Pokemon. However, for some Pokemon this simply isn't the case, for example, the Dragapult set that is listed first is its Light Clay set or Meowscarada's first being its Sash Lead set. In both of these cases the respective Pokemon's Specs and Band sets (or even Boots for both) are the more prominent set. I think by having these listed higher up will paint a better picture of how these Pokemon and are the best sets to plug and play with for new players if they are making a team. Now that being said, I don't know how you could objectively decide which set is the most important for each and I would also like to apologize if this is in fact already being worked on during the post-Home update.

Also also, one more semi-related question, why are the Balloon and Cloak/Boots sets for Gholdengo separate if they are all the same other than the item?
*question about in game system*

Try reposting your question in this thread. It's the simple questions thread for Orange Islands, which is the part of Smogon where people talk about main series game stuff like Ribbons/Home/Breeding/etc. It's likely that someone who reads that thread will have the answer, even if nobody who reads this thread does.

EDIT: I also noticed several years ago my avatar changed from a picture of Mew smoking a blunt to a small Pokémon sprite. Was there a reason for that? If it's not offensive I was thinking of putting the avatar back up.

The software that Smogon runs internally has changed a few times and profile pictures weren't carried over during the changes. All good to change it back.
Hello, I feel that the order in which some Pokemon's sets are listed on the Smogon Dex can lead to unnecessary confusion. When someone new to the uses the site for the first time and looks up their favorite Pokemon, they will probably assume that the first set listed is the best or most common set for that particular Pokemon. However, for some Pokemon this simply isn't the case, for example, the Dragapult set that is listed first is its Light Clay set or Meowscarada's first being its Sash Lead set. In both of these cases the respective Pokemon's Specs and Band sets (or even Boots for both) are the more prominent set. I think by having these listed higher up will paint a better picture of how these Pokemon and are the best sets to plug and play with for new players if they are making a team. Now that being said, I don't know how you could objectively decide which set is the most important for each and I would also like to apologize if this is in fact already being worked on during the post-Home update.
Usually, the sets are mostly in terms of importance. However, as the disclaimer in most analyses says, the analyses on the website are outdated and are being reworked, so there's a good chance that the sets that were "finished" got uploaded in rapid succession and left as is without too much thought until the metagame settles down a lil' bit; you can see that this is true in almost every single old gen and lower tier where things tend to be more stable once they freeze from a generation passing (don't look at SS OU analyses- they just aren't there!).
Usually, the sets are mostly in terms of importance. However, as the disclaimer in most analyses says, the analyses on the website are outdated and are being reworked, so there's a good chance that the sets that were "finished" got uploaded in rapid succession and left as is without too much thought until the metagame settles down a lil' bit; you can see that this is true in almost every single old gen and lower tier where things tend to be more stable once they freeze from a generation passing (don't look at SS OU analyses- they just aren't there!).
(Or if they’re there they’re horrifyingly outdated and incorrect lol)
could you please make the forum rules more specific?

some of them can easily be missinterpretated.

for example the part where you forbid "doubleposting".
you are not explaining at all what "doubleposting" even means.
at first glance it looks as if we are banned from posting the same comments twice in a row or posting the same comments in multyple parts of the forums.
it turns out that we are banned from posting two comments in a row.

and the ban on "junior modding" is not very clear.
are we banned from asking the modderators to punish someone? are we banned from telling someone that they broke the rule and should delete their comment?are we banned from something else?(I really am not sure what is junior modding).

and what exactly are the admin reports suppossed to be?how do we do them?
are we allowed to do them on situations aside from being asked our personal info from an admin?
My avatar keeps resetting to the default every few hours without my involvement. I am not logging off or clearing the browsing history, cache or cookies. It seems to happen regardless of what device I am on. Can someone give me an explanation of why this is happening?
I want to create a discussion post on the smogon forums, but I'm not so sure how to go forth. Can anyone help me with this? This is the context for my question:

I want to start a discussion on what the best generation to play competitive pokemon is, and the reason why I want to discuss this is because I want to provoke forth a discussion on the entire structure of Showdown, like how it is formed by the most recent generation, and whether or not this is something that should be changed. What do you think would be the appropriate subforum to post in?

As you probably see by the structure of my writing, I haven't made my own mind up on much here, and that is partially why I want to create some discussion on the topic!
My avatar keeps resetting to the default every few hours without my involvement. I am not logging off or clearing the browsing history, cache or cookies. It seems to happen regardless of what device I am on. Can someone give me an explanation of why this is happening?

Just tagging on to this to say I've also had this problem for quite some time. After a while, my "chat self selected" avatar changes back to the one i previously clicked on in the default list. If the avatar is selected from the default list, it remains - but if not, it doesn't.
any ideas what is causing this/ how to fix it. I know the servers aren't down as I asked a friend to see if he could get on. I've tried different browsers and different devices and nothing works

Why is the ability to "leave" reactions on profile posts disabled?
Profile posts do not add messages onto your message count for the forum so there's no need to add reacts that don't count their either.

Iirc Messages in conversations don't add to your message either, however, Reacts are allowed in this instance for what I assume to be a way of voting. This has come in handy for different things such as identifying support for an idea within said conversation.
Can I get my username changed cuz I found out someone from 2014 was using it on Showdown effectively blocking me from using mine
I have a suggestion for a forum change. I would like a simple "dislike" or "disagree" reaction button. Whenever I read a person's post I disagree with, I would prefer simply reacting to show my disagreement rather than writing up a whole disagreement essay to clog forum posting space. There are some alternatives to a 'disagree' but they dont really represent my feeling in the moment. A simple post that I don't agree with does not usually make me feel very angry or bring me to the point of tears lol so neither of those are something I want to react with.

The thing I see most people react with when they disagree is with the Haha emote saying that you're laughing at their take for being stupid and wrong. Sometimes there are some pretty dumb takes on here, but for most people that post I am genuinely trying to read and understand their point of view and treat it with respect. I dont want to have to laugh at them and pretend their opinion is laughably stupid. I just want to be able to signal a respectful disagree to them without typing it out in the post. I feel like if that existed it would also just help to make the forums less toxic.

Perhaps make the icon just a pyukumuku projecting a thumbs down with its weird hand thing? I'm not sure of the art but I would like the option to peacefully communicate in this way.