Pet Mod Multiverse - Gen 9 - Slate 10 FINAL

DPP OU(protean funny)
DPP OU(funny speed boost)

:floatzel:Floatzel (SV NU)
:heatran:Heatran (BW OU)
:skuntank:Skuntank (SM PU)
:yanmega:Yanmega (DPP OU) (SV)
:rotom-mow:Rotom-Mow (DPP OU)
:luxray:Luxray (SV NU)
:infernape:Infernape (SM UU)
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Aight, here are the winners! Congrats to the following:

Pokémon: Heatran
Niche: BWOU the GOAT
Stats: 86/110/101/125/101/77 (-5 hp, def, spa, spd, +20 attack)
Type: Fire/Steel
Abilities: Divine Idol / Flash Fire / Flame Body
New Moves: +Aurora Beam, Magical Leaf
Removed Moves: none (Based off BW movepool)
Effect: Halves damage taken from Ghost or Dark - Type moves

Descriptions: A Pokémon defined by its typing, this unique typing made it one of the most threatening Pokémon in this gen. Gives an exellent check to gardevoir that makes it slot focus blast on it. Since steel originally resisted ghost and dark, this does too. Helps vs gastly, cacturne and absol. It recieves an all stats down for this tho, exept attack because it also very rarely but used flame charge, and flame charge is funny

Abilities: Swift Swim, Water Veil
Stats: 85 | 105 | 65 | 85 | 60 | 120 [BST= 520]
Movepool Changes: N/A
Description: Offensive Water (because the closest we have so far is Starmie), Physical Water and a potential speed ceiling for the meta. We don't have a rain setter at the moment but Water Veil is also a solid option, preventing Floatzel from being shut down by a WoW or letting it more safely switch in on Ho-oh's Sacred Fire. If rain doesn't end up panning out, Band sets are the way to go with Floatzel.
Yo what’s up it’s me, infamous aerodactyl rule ignorer(yeah mb about that) here with a serious suggestion this time.

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Pokémon: Luxray
Niche: SV NU Wallbreaker
Stats: 80 / (-10)110 / (-9)70 / 95 / (-9)70 / (+36)106 (536)
Type: Electric/Ground
Abilities: Intimidate, Volt Absorb, Lion’s Pride(-Rivalry, -Guts)
New Moves: Earth Power, Flamethrower, Flash Cannon
Removed Moves: fire fang and thunder fang
Luxray has never been good due to its low speed and uninteresting Stat-Spread. I started using it in SV NU as a joke with webs and it actually put in serious work… until I realized that Raichu performed significantly better on part of its speed and actually good moves.

With this submission, I’m hoping to make Luxray a formidable opponent with physical volt-switch, and moves that actually do decent damage off of its alright offensive stats, while being unable to out speed notable members of the metagame like Mewtwo, Absol, Magneton, and the Gastly-duo

Any moves used by this Pokémon will use whichever offensive stat will do better damage.
Pokémon: Garchomp
Niche: SM OU
Stats: 98 / 110 / 105 / 88 / 85 / 114 [600 BST]

Abilities: Rough Skin / Sand Force
New Moves: Toxic
Removed Moves: Scale Shot, Spikes

Descriptions: a fast rocker that this meta seems to lack. can also use sd as a sweeper/wallbreaker
Pokémon: Yanmega
Niche: [DPP OU] Offensive Lead/Cleaner / Specs Breaker
Stats: 96 HP / 76 Atk / 96 Def / 126 SpA / 66 SpD / 95 Spe | BST: 555 (+10 in hp def spa and spd)

Abilities: Speed Boost | HA: Tinted Lens
New Moves: Aeroblast, Earth Power

Based off of gen 4 movepool

Yanmega was a very potent offensive pokemon in DPP OU which was an unfortunate victim of stealth rocks. With no true wall barring blissey, this behemoth of a special breaker clicked bug buzz and air slash and won the game, simple as that. When gen 5 released, it wasn’t a receiver of hurricane, which is a move it definitely deserved. So I gave it some stats and aeroblast, and now it is extremely potent offensively, while losing to stealth rock still, as it was in DPP OU. Both abilities have their own uses on offensive styles of teams, and overall yanmega provides a great option to both styles.
Pokémon: Drapion
Niche: DPP UU (Swords Dance Wallbreaker, Bulky Swords Dance, SpDef Tank)
Stats: 70/110/110/60/75/95 (+20 Attack) (520 BST)
Type: Poison/Dark
Abilities: Battle Armor/Sniper/(Vessel of Ruin)
New Moves: Ruination, Superpower, Switcheroo, U-Turn
Removed Moves: No

Descriptions: Quite good bulk alongside a useful defensive typing lets Drapion setup Swords Dance easily and wallbreak. However, its low Speed and lack of reliable recovery makes it more of a short term threat that breaks a hole in the opponent's team and gets revenge-killed. It can run more offensive investment or can use its bulk to outright wall mons trying to kill it. However, it also has some versatility besides breaking with Swords Dance. With moves like Knock Off, U-Turn, Toxic, Toxic Spikes, Ruination and Whirlwind, it can run bulkier utility sets, though once again, those lack recovery so it act more like a buffer. Speaking of its defensive utility though, Drapion's typing is pretty decent at handling our current offensive Dark types, Gastly, Absol and Cacturne and it can also use its typing to take advantage of defensive pokemon such as Hypno and Venusaur. Besides that, it's just generally bulky, but has to be careful around Ground types and mons that can burn it. Aside from that, it has a pretty good movepool to make use of sets like Choice Band, Choice Scarf or Assault Vest, but those might end up being more niche.

Abilities: Motor Drive, Iron Fist, Neuroforce
Stats: 85 | 110 | 70 | 105 | 70 | 90 [BST= 530]
Movepool Changes: +Grass Knot, Ice Beam, Knock Off, Plasma Fists, Superpower
Description: Infamous for its great coverage and er, being dogshit, Electivire did get some time to shine in Gen 5 when it got an actual physical STAB in Wild Charge. Of course, by today's standards that move isn't great, so now it has Plasma Fists, which not only lacks recoil and is slightly stronger, but its secondary effect synergizes with Motor Drive to punish Normal-type attacks (most notably Rapid Spin) and proceed to outspeed any non-Scarfed mons. Alternatively, Electivire can utilize its coverage with Neuroforce for great damage, or run a pure physical Iron Fist set with boosted Plasma Fists and the Elemental Punches as coverage. Held back quite a lot by a lack of setup options, however.
Edit: Forgot the Vote Counts

Feel free to discuss the winners. Slate 6 will start in a few days. Have a nice day!
:heatran: Suddenly every fire type is running Earthquake, including itself thanks to the attack buff. Should be a very good mon.
:floatzel: Probably my favourite winner, having a mon as fast as this provides great speed control for the meta, as well as a premier revenge killer.
:luxray: Looks pretty decent, Electric Ground is honestly a very good offensive typing for this meta considering our barren grass type options, might struggle to fit in a team with so many other great ground types tho.
:garchomp: Its gen 8 Garchomp, not much else to say. The prevalence of stuff like Gardevoir and Solrock probably means that Tankchomp is better than its sweeping sets, although sweeper sets only really need to slap Iron Head to them.
:Yanmega: Funny bug, Tinted Lens seems like the default set considering the aggresive anti-bug nature of the meta.
:Drapion: Does look pretty goofy. Vessel makes this very specially bulky so its Dragon Dances are pretty free once you eliminate the opposing team's ground type. Then Again this meta is loaded with great grounds so that should really keep this in check.
:Electivire: Not a fan, I guess it has enough potential as a mixed attacker, especially since Neuroforce gives it a way to hit grounds, but otherwise doesn't look any viable.
Aight, after looking at the builder and marinating my thoughts, here's my review of the subs
:heatran: - The best Pokemon added. It is extremely efficient with its high Special Attack and utility options in Taunt, Toxic and Stealth Rock. I honestly believe that Fire Blast is better on it here than Magma Storm, because of the accuracy and you don't need to necessarily trap opponents. However, the extra power and especially the chip is nice. I can also see it running Rock Slide to get rid of Ho-Oh fast, although Toxic is better if you're not running offense. It will probably be the best Pokemon in the tier, since it forces Cacturne and Gastly to run Fighting coverage and every Pokemon that is walled by it, needs Ground coverage now. 8/10

:floatzel: - Simple and effective sub. It struggles with Venusaur, and Venusaur is also improved by this slate, but it can simply Flip Turn out. The speed stat is also nice, forcing Magneton to run Timid to outspeed. Water Veil is also useful defensively, if you really need to switch into Ho-Oh's Sacred Fire or Lanturn's Scald. Now, these are still strong attacks and Floatzel fucking dies if you cough at it, but it can do that and in some situations it's useful. 7/10

:luxray: - I really saw nothing in this Pokemon and I still do not see anything in it. I get what it is supposed to do, however I think it falls flat, because we got another Electric that does similar things and does them better and the way that it is a mixed attacker is really awkward and not useful. Lion's Pride is worse than I thought because you have to spread your resources. If you go full special and the Venusaur has lower defense, then you use your uninvested Physical attack. Not to mention that it really has a 4MSS. It wants STABs and from there on it wants Flamethrower, Ice Fang, Psychic Fangs and Volt Switch, plus it only has Earth Power, so not Earthquake, meaning that it has to be mixed with Psychic Fangs or Ice Fang, so it can hit Venusaur and Garchomp respectively, so it needs to do less speed, which especially sucks cause it's not bulky, or less attack meaning that Psychic Fangs or Ice Fang don't do much against their targets. 3/10, I really have so much more to say but I want to finish this.

:garchomp: - This is a solid Pokemon. The speed is nice because you outrun important Pokemon like Gengar, Latias, Raikou and Gardevoir. SD is nice for wallbreaking and TankChomp sets have a really solid speed stat for a fast set, which is nice because it checks a lot of Pokemon naturally and with Rocky Helmet + Rough Skin racks up a lot of damage and it allows you to check stuff like Cacturne, Absol, Mewtwo, Luxray, Floatzel, Ho-Oh, Ursaring and Machamp, even if you take heavy damage since you outrun all of them except Absol. I really like this mon and it is ripe with potential. 8/10

:yanmega: - Like with Luxray, I don't see the appeal in it, but it is a lot better than Luxray. Speed Boost sets are probably the worst sets you can run, because you are unable to freely spam your STAB, especially Aeroblast. However, to be fair, the best checks to Yanmega like Regirock, Ho-Oh and Latias do not resists its STABs, except for Aeroblast on Regirock. Meaning that Speed Boost has legitimate use even though Tinted Lens is still better in my opinion. I, personally, dislike the addition of Earth Power because it makes it harder to deal with and it is a potentially volatile Pokemon that gets out of hand if you give it one turn. 5/10

:drapion: - My favourite sub out of all. The special bulk is appreciated and gives us needed counterplay against Gengar, Gastly, Latias, Raikou and Starmie. The lack of recovery sucks, but Switcheroo, Taunt, Toxic, Toxic Spikes and Swords Dance are all really nice and STAB Knock Off is always great. Checking Absol and Cacturne is also nice, but with the addition of Heatran, a lot of Pokemon like Venusaur, will run Ground coverage so it has a harder time to to get in, but it should still have a really solid place in the meta. 8/10

:electivire: - This one pulls of the idea of an Electric mixed attacker better. It decides what category its moves have and thus it can EV much better. The lower speed is really wack for it, but it is much stronger with Iron Fist or Neuroforce boosts. It still has a 4MSS. It wants Psychic for Venusaur, Ice Beam for Garchomp, Grass Knot for Lanturn and Quagsire, Earthquake for Raikou, Knock Off for general coverage and its STABs. Not to mention it has solid utility moves with Taunt, Toxic and, if you're insane, Teleport. It has its significant issues but with the right moveset, it can steamroll through a team. 6/10

I give this slate a 6.4/10. Overall a solid slate but not my favourite.
Slate 6: Big Wave
In this slate, you can submit and vote for up to seven Pokémon.
A new rule for submissions! Every sub has to explain what they do in the meta or what their purpose is in the meta and, optionally, provide interactions with exsiting Pokemon, which can consist of cores, checking or being checked by exisiting Pokemon. You can still include flavour, but competitive insights have to be provided.
Good Luck and Have Fun!

The slate will last 5 days​
Pokémon: Scolipede
Niche: SM OU
Stats: 95 / 100 / 99 / 55 / 79 / 51

Abilities: Swarm / Speed Boost
New Moves: Headlong Rush
Removed Moves:

Descriptions: a speed boost sd sweeper / spikes setter, and another bug added. unfortunately it's very slow (fast speed boost is kinda stupid anyway) but at +1 max speed it outspeeds base 100s like gardevoir and slightly slower things like drapion and electivire.
Pokémon: Kyurem-Black
Niche: SMOU
Stats: 125/140/95/120/75/75
Type: Dragon/Ice
Abilities: Teravolt
New Moves: Thunderbolt (Based on SM movepool)
Removed Moves:
Custom Elements:
Effect: If the user has the move freeze shock, allows you to use a one time z-move of 200 bp
Descriptions: the classic stat stick, with one move: outrage and z freeze shock, notably one of the strongest moves seen in modern ou formats. Due to this fact, I have reduced its overall stats while still preserving the immense power seen. Its speed puts it just under dragonite and cacturne to keep their roles more intact.
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Pokémon: Zweilous
Niche: Offensive Tank(BW NU)
Stats: 100/105/80/65/100/40 (+28 hp, +20 atk, +10 def, +30 spdef -18 spe)
Type: dragon/water
Abilities: intimidate, adaptability
New Moves: liquidation
Removed Moves: N/A

Zweilous, in BW NU, was a special tank. It's job was to set up substitute for itself, press toxic, then spam outrage. It suffered from a lack of reliable recovery, but made up for it with it's sheer bulk with eviolite in the NU tier. I replaced it's dark typing with water in order to make sure it would be able to take minimal damage from the mon in this tier, with some still being able to break it over their knee(I.E. Gardevoir, Dragonite, ursaring). With it's new typing, it will be able to take some damage then return it with medium-proficiency. I aim for this pokemon to be able to safely switch into specially-offensive mon and force them out or eliminate them.


Pokémon: Frillish9eviolite incompatible)
Niche: Physically defensive wall(BW NU)
Stats: 90/50/110/85/80/40(+35 hp, +10 atk +60 def, +20 spatk, -5 spdef)
Type: Water/Ghost
Abilities: Accretion, Rain Dish
New Moves: (BW MOVEPOOL)
Removed Moves: N/A

Frillish was not a great pokemon in the tier of BW NU, it was too slow, there were better spin-blockers than it most of the time, and it suffered from being setup fodder more often then not. Scald or status were the only reasons to not swap in for free on it and press swords dance, nasty plot, etc. So I aimed to make this thing better as the role it was used for in NU- being a physically defensive spinblocker. It's reliance on eviolite leaves it very vulnerable to knock-off, and with recover only having 8pp this mon would not be able to sit there and eat every hit. And if it does suffer from knock off and survives, it still has some use as a mon with 100/110/80 bulk, reliable recovery, and being able to spam scald.


Pokémon: Zoroark
Niche: BW UU
Stats: 55/95/45/110/45/125(-5 hp, -10 atk, -15 def -10 spatk, -15spdef +20 spe)
Type: Dark/Fire
Abilities: Illusionist
New Moves: Fire Blast
Removed Moves: N/A

Zoroark was a niche wallbreaker in BW UU, relying on illusion to both survive hits and get KOs. It used illusion to get knockouts, even though it lacked the punching power in comparison to the other wallbreakers of the tier, baiting in more defensive mon by pretending to be a more passive teammate. it relied on coverage, and often used flamethrower to delete threats in the tier it would normally be unable to touch, such as Coballion or Ferroseed. I aimed to make Zoroark rely more heavily on it's ability while outspeeding most of the mon in the meta.
Illusion, except that while the illusion is active all moves used by this pokemon have a 20% boost to their base power. losing 1/3 of it's health or more dispells the illusion until this mon is swapped out.
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Pokemon: Simisear
Niche: SM PU
Type: Fire/Grass
Blaze | Gluttony
Stats: 78/84/75/105/80/111 (523)
Name: Simisium Z
Effect: Works as a Z-move, only works on Simisear, turns Fire Blast into Inferno Overdrive, notifies the opponent if the user is holding the item when switching in
Can Be Knocked Off: No
Ignored By Klutz: Whatever Z-crystals do
Fling Power & Effect: -
Movepool Changes:
+Energy Ball, Giga Drain, Leaf Storm, Leaf Blade, Mega Drain, Absorb, Razor Leaf, Aura Sphere, Calm Mind
-Nasty Plot
Description: Very strong wallbreaker and sweeper, we currently dont have any special attacking Grass type, or a fast special Fire or Grass type, as well as a Z-move user, added the Grass type due to it constantly using Grass Knot on its sets, as well as its use of Grassium Z on one of its sets, and Aura Sphere cus of its constant use of Focus Blast, with a kinda mid 105 SpAtk and good 111 Spd, and access to Calm Mind, can be a threatening sweeper, also has a decently fast Taunt and Knock Off, good STABs in Fire Blast and Leaf Storm/Energy Ball/Giga Drain, and its Z-Crystal which lets it use Inferno Overdrive, which when boosted by Calm Mind, can be devastating for opposing teams, balanced out by weak defenses, weakness to Stealth Rock, a big lack of coverage, and Fire types completely wall its STABs, specially Ho-oh which can also take on Aura Sphere/Focus Blast, can pair well with stuff like Donphan, which can spin hazards away and can deal with stuff like Heatran and Rapidash, Hitmontop which also spins hazards away and can switch into Flying, Rock and Poison type moves that hit Simisear supperefectively, and Solrock, which deals with any Fire type on its way while also giving it hazard support, can also switch into Flying types that deal supperefective damage to Simisear

:firium-z: Z-Move Sweeper :firium-z:
Simisear @ Simisium Z
Ability: Blaze
Tera Type: Fire
EVs: 252 SpA / 4 SpDef / 252 Spe
Timid Nature
IVs: 0 Atk
- Calm Mind
- Fire Blast
- Energy Ball / Giga Drain / Leaf Storm
- Aura Sphere / Focus Blast

:Heavy-Duty Boots: HDB Sweeper :heavy-duty boots:
Simisear @ Heavy-Duty Boots
Ability: Blaze
Tera Type: Fire
EVs: 252 SpA / 4 SpDef / 252 Spe
Modest Nature
IVs: 0 Atk
- Calm Mind
- Fire Blast / Flamethrower
- Energy Ball / Leaf Storm / Giga Drain
- Aura Sphere / Focus Blast / Taunt

Possible Team:
:simisear: :donphan: :lanturn: :heatran: :regirock: :luxray:
The team is focused on chipping the opponent with hazards and status for Simisear to sweep late game with CM + Inferno Overdrive, as well as protecting it from hazards with Rapid Spin Donphan and Defog Regirock, can also alternatively try to sweep with BU Brave Bird Regirock
Pokemon: Swoobat
Niche: BW PU

Abilities: Klutz | Unaware
Stats: 87/57/98/77/105/121 (530)
Movepool Changes:
+Bug Buzz, Haze, Moonblast, Dazzling Gleam, Fairy Wind, Misty Terrain
In BW PU, Swoobat actually used Unaware instead of Simple + Calm Mind strats, this adds an Unaware user to the meta, as well as a bulky Fairy type, and a fast wall, added the Fairy type to help it with its role, as its old Psychic type not only hurt it very much, but gave it competition with Hypno, Fairy/Flying is a very good defensive type, it also has a good utility movepool with Future Sight, Knock Off, Taunt, TWave, Toxic, Roost to recover, U-Turn to pivot, Defog to give antihazard support to its teammates, and Haze, which pairs well with Unaware as it lets it remove boosts from setup sweepers for other non-Unaware walls to take on, balanced out by its weakness to Stealth Rock, forcing it to use HDB most of the time, and its kinda low defenses for a wall, also gave it Bug Buzz due to its use of Signal Beam, kinda more on the flavor side, pairs well with Donphan which switches into Electric and Rock moves Swoobat is weak to, and Swoobat switches into Grass type moves Donphan is weak to

:Heavy-duty boots: Unaware Wall :heavy-duty boots:
Swoobat @ Heavy-Duty Boots
Ability: Unaware
Tera Type: Psychic
EVs: 4 HP / 252 Def / 252 Spe
Bold Nature
IVs: 0 Atk
- Haze
- Defog / Toxic / Thunder Wave / Roost / Knock Off / Future Sight
- U-turn
- Roost

Possible Team
:swoobat: :donphan: :drapion: :raikou: :heatran: :latias:

Slow-paced balance team, Swoobat plays more of a support role as being a ground inmune mon in a tean with 3 good ground-weak mons, stops Pokemon like SD Mewtwo, SD Absol and SD Garchomp

Pokemon: Sigilyph
Niche: XY RU

Abilities: Wonder Skin | Magic Guard
Stats: 87/58/90/103/90/97 (525)

Movepool Changes:
+Hurricane, U-Turn, Knock Off, Psycho Shiftier (based on Gen 7 movepool)
Just Psycho Shift, but not dexited
Description: We currently have no Magic Guard mons, so here's one, Magic Guard is an insanely useful ability, it lets the user be a status absorber, very safe hazard remover due to its inmunity to hazards, and uhh whatever Clef does with it on OU, its overall amazing, but Sigilyph adds more to it, it has a good utility movepool, with Future Sight, TWave, Toxic, Knock Off, Trick, Psycho Shiftier for Flame Orb/Cosmic Power sets, Roost to recover, Defog to help its team against hazards, and U-Turn to pivot, and it can also work as a special sweeper with its decent 103 SpAtk, Calm Mind and Cosmic Power + Stored Power, and its got a big coverage movepool in Dark Pulse, Dazzling Gleam, Ice Beam, Energy Ball, Heat Wave and Shadow Ball, and has good STABs in Psychic and Hurricane, balanced out by its kinda mid stats overall and ehh type

:life orb: Offensive :life orb:
Sigilyph @ Life Orb
Ability: Magic Guard
Tera Type: Psychic
EVs: 252 HP / 4 Def / 252 SpA
Modest Nature
IVs: 0 Atk
- Roost / U-Turn
- Psychic
- Hurricane
- Dazzling Gleam / Dark Pulse / Ice Beam / Energy Ball / Heat Wave / Shadow Ball / Roost / U-Turn

:leftovers: Defensive :leftovers:
Sigilyph @ Leftovers
Ability: Magic Guard
Tera Type: Psychic
EVs: 252 HP / 252 Def / 4 SpD
Bold Nature
IVs: 0 Atk
- Roost
- Knock Off / Future Sight / Defog
- Thunder Wave / Toxic / Knock Off
- U-turn

:flame orb: Sigilyph™ :flame orb:
Sigilyph @ Flame Orb / Leftovers
Ability: Magic Guard
Tera Type: Psychic
EVs: 252 HP / 4 Def / 252 SpD
Calm Nature
IVs: 0 Atk
- Psycho Shiftier / Dazzling Gleam
- Cosmic Power
- Roost
- Stored Power

Possible Team:

:sigilyph: :gengar: :drapion: :regirock: :cacturne: :mewtwo:
Sigilyph acts as a supporter in this one, with access to Knock Off to make progress and scare off opponents when trying to remove hazards for its teammates with Defog, as well as an MGuard pivot, being able to switch into Will-o-Wisps and Scalds directed to Cacturne, Regirock, Drapion or Mewtwo

Pokemon: Garbodor
Niche: SS PU
Type: Poison

Abilities: Aftermath | Accretion
Stats: 80/105/120/60/82/75 (532)
Name: Corrosive Trash
Effect: Only works on Garbodor, while holding it, all items from opposing Pokemon stop working
Can Be Knocked Off: Yes
Affected By Klutz: Yes
Fling Power & Effect: 30BP, none
Movepool Changes:
+Parting Shot, Earthquake, Recover
Description: We dont have a Poison type physwall, so here's one that can also disable items by just staying it, which is huge, due to it being able to stop healing from Leftovers/Black Sludge, being able to switch into strong phys attackers using Choice Band, Heavy-Duty Boots from working on opposing Stealth Rock weak mon, etc, based its item on its optional use of Corrosive Gas on its main set, which is a move that sees about zero use, but it seems to make it work, can still heal with Accretion like if it was holding Black Sludge, and if it doesnt wanna use Corrosive Trash, it can equip Black Sludge for big passive healing, has an ehh utility movepool, Toxic, Haze, Recover to heal up, Parting Shot to pivot, and hazards like Spikes and Toxic Spikes to help its teammates with hazards, has also a decent 105 Atk which it can use to throw out a decently strong STAB Gunk Shot for a wall, and good coverage in Seed Bomb and EQ, added EQ cus of its use of Stomping Tantrum, b
alanced out by it never wanting to switch into a Knock Off ever, being mono-poison type, which lets it be weak to stuff like Heatran's Earth Power, Gardevoir's Psychic, Ho-oh's Earthquake, Donphan's Earthquake and its low SpDef

:toxic orb: Defensive Pivot :toxic orb:
Garbodor @ Corrosive Trash
Ability: Accretion
Tera Type: Poison
EVs: 252 HP / 4 Atk / 252 Def
Impish Nature
- Parting Shot
- Gunk Shot / Earthquake
- Toxic / Earthquake / Spikes / Toxic Spikes
- Recover

:toxic orb: Hazard Setter :toxic orb:
Garbodor @ Corrosive Trash / Black Sludge
Ability: Accretion
Tera Type: Poison
EVs: 252 HP / 4 Atk / 252 Def
Impish Nature
- Toxic Spikes / Parting Shot
- Gunk Shot / Earthquake / Parting Shot
- Spikes
- Recover

Possible Team:
:garbodor: :donphan: :lanturn: :magneton: :solrock: :starmie:
Garbodor wants to set as many hazard and do as much chip damage as it can with Corrosive Trash, with a bunch of mons that force switches like Specs Magneton, Lanturn, and Solrock, then sweep late-game with CM Starmie

Pokemon: Serperior
Niche: SM OU

Abilities: Overgrow | Contrary
Stats: 75/75/95/75/95/113 (528)
Movepool Changes:
Description: Contrary is very funny, we currently dont have any special nor fast Grass types, so here's one if not the coolest one, its basically just Serperior with a small buff with its access to Incinerate due to its constant use of HP Fire, and a kinda big hit as it looses Glare, it can steamroll weakened teams with STAB Contrary Leaf Storm, has a good 113 Spd, coverage in Dragon Pulse and Incinerate, utility in Leech Seed, Knock Off and Defog, but its balanced by the many bulky resists to Grass on the metagame like Heatran, Venusaur, Hypno, Cacturne, Ho-oh and Drapion, and its iffy defenses

:choice scarf: Scarf :choice scarf:
Serperior @ Choice Scarf
Ability: Contrary
Tera Type: Grass
EVs: 4 HP / 252 SpA / 252 Spe
Timid Nature
IVs: 0 Atk
- Leaf Storm
- Incinerate
- Dragon Pulse
- Knock Off

:leftovers: Defensive Sweeper :leftovers:
Serperior @ Leftovers / Light Clay
Ability: Contrary
Tera Type: Grass
EVs: 4 HP / 252 SpA / 252 Spe
Timid Nature
IVs: 0 Atk
- Leaf Storm
- Incinerate / Knock Off / Light Screen / Reflect
- Leech Seed
- Substitute / Light Screen / Reflect

Possible Team:
:serperior: :lanturn: :hitmontop: :donphan: :solrock: :gardevoir:
This team focuses on chipping down the opponent with status and hazards for Gardevoir or Serperior to sweep late-game, Donphan and Solrock take care of any Fire-types trying to wall them, early and mid-game Serperior can use Leech Seed or Knock Off to chip down checks trying to switch into a Leaf Storm

Pokemon: Whimsicott
Niche: XY UU
Type: Grass/Fairy

Abilities: Chlorophyll | Prankster
Stats: 70/67/85/110/75/116 (523)
Movepool Changes:
+Leaf Storm, Synthesis
-Leech Seed, Cotton Guard, Toxic
Description: Offensive Prankster mon, which i think is a very cool concept, this gives us a Prankster user and an specially offensive Grass type, has access to good STAB attacks in Leaf Storm/Energy Ball and Moonblast, coverage in Psychic and Hurricane, and priority in Nature Power and good utility with Encore, Taunt, Switcheroo, Knock Off, Stun Spore, Synthesis to heal up, U-Turn to pivot, Defog to help its teammates by removing hazards with priority, overall a very cool attacker, can pair well with Magneton as a VoltTurn core, Magneton takes on Poison type attacks directed to Whimsicott, and Whimsicott takes on Ground and Fighting type attacks directed to Magneton, and both of them are very fast, can also pair well with both Gengar and Hypno, Whimsicott takes on Ground and Dark type attacks directed to them, and they take on the Poison type attacks Whimsicott fears

:choice specs: Choiced Attacker :choice specs:
Whimsicott @ Choice Specs / Choice Scarf
Ability: Prankster
Tera Type: Grass
EVs: 4 HP / 252 SpA / 252 Spe
Modest Nature
IVs: 0 Atk
- Moonblast
- Leaf Storm / Energy Ball
- Nature Power
- Hurricane / Psychic

:leftovers: Prankster Offense :leftovers:
Whimsicott @ Leftovers
Ability: Prankster
Tera Type: Grass
EVs: 4 HP / 252 SpA / 252 Spe
Modest Nature
- Moonblast
- Energy Ball / Leaf Storm
- Encore / Taunt / Nature Power / Defog / U-Turn
- U-turn / Taunt / Encore / Nature Power / Defog

Possible Team:
:whimsicott: :magneton: :donphan: :absol: :lanturn: :gengar:
Balance team with stuff like Magneton, CB Absol, Lanturn and Donphan, Whimsicott can make specific Pokemon get stuck in stuff like a Psychic directed to Gengar, Encore that, then pivot into Absol, or take an EQ from Magneton, and Encore that, or force a switch, then it can deal good damage and pivot out, for CB Absol to clean up late-game when most mons are para'd by Lanturn and Gengar

Pokemon: Klang (:eviolite: compatible)
Niche: BW NU

Abilities: Clear Body | Pulse Gears
Levitate + No Guard
Stats: 60/102/95/70/85/70 (482)
Movepool Changes:
+Bolt Strike, Deep Sleep
Description: Physical Steel type sweeper, Pulse Gears is based on its use of Magnet Rise and Gear Grind, Bolt Strike as a better Electric coverage than Wild Charge and Deep Sleep referencing its RestTalk set, which it can still run viably, it has a decent starting 102 Atk and 70 Spd, decent 60/95/85 Eviolite-boosted bulk, and Shift Gear, which is an insane boosting move, and can probably get at least one out due to its good defensive profile and Eviolite-boosted defenses, then dealing big damage with No Guard STAB Gear Grind, also has a big coverage move in Bolt Strike, can also pivot with Volt Switch, balanced out by it only having one STAB, and its coverage being very poor, only having Bolt Strike, and if using Eviolite, it cannot use stuff like Leftovers or Lum Berry to keep its longevity, so if it wants to stay healthy and use its defensive profile to help its teammates during a battle it has to use RestTalk, which limits it off from using coverage, and if it doesnt use Eviolite, 60/95/85 isnt very strong bulk, and cus of its No Guard effect, mons like Heatran, Machamp and Ho-oh are very good against it, as their inaccurate STABs will always hit it, and supperefectively, can pair well with stuff like Heatran, which helps it deal with opposing Heatran and Ho-oh, while it can switch into its Ground weakness and use that as a setup opportunity, or Gardevoir, which deals with Machamp, resists its Fighting weakness, and Klang resists and its inmune to its Steel and Poison weakness

:eviolite: Set-Up Sweeper :eviolite:
Klang @ Eviolite / Leftovers
Ability: Pulse Gears
Tera Type: Steel
EVs: 252 Atk / 252 Def / 4 SpD
Adamant Nature
- Shift Gear
- Gear Grind
- Bolt Strike
- Volt Switch / Thunder Wave / Toxic / Iron Defense

:eviolite: RestTalk Sweeper :eviolite:
Klang @ Eviolite
Ability: Pulse Gears
Tera Type: Steel
EVs: 252 Atk / 252 Def / 4 SpD
Adamant Nature
- Shift Gear
- Gear Grind / Bolt Strike
- Deep Sleep
- Sleep Talk

Possible Team:
:klang: :heatran: :gengar: :lanturn: :latias: :gardevoir:
Balance team with the goal of throw out big attacks early and mid-game like Max SpAtk Heatran Fire Blast or Max SpAtk Pixelgreat Gardevoir Hyper Voice, setting hazards up and late-game win with Shift Gear Klang or one of the remaining wallbreakers, stuff like Wish Lanturn or HWish Latias can keep Klang healthy during a match, its also inmune to Ground type moves thrown to its weak teammates like Heatran, Gengar and Lanturn
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Pokémon: Cofagrigus
Niche: ORAS OU
Stats: 58 / 50 / 155 / 105 / 85 / 30

Abilities: Mummy / Sticky Hold
New Moves: Body Press, Earth Power, (Based on its ORAS movepool)
Removed Moves: None
Descriptions: Unova has probably the coolest ghost types in the series, so I am subbing the ORAS GOAT. Cofagrigus provides a different niche than the Gastly family in that it works as a strict spinblocker, toxic spikes setter and wall, being able to really annoy physical attackers between its increased physical bulk. Distinguishes itself from our other ghost by being harder to get pursuited. Also now has stuff like Body Press to take advantage of its gargantuan physdef, and Earth Power in Case you are a maniac running Trick room. The choice between Sticky Hold and Mummy is slightly favourable to Sticky Hold, but enough physical actakers can get ruined by mummy as well. Special bulk was nerfed a bit to specilize Cofa more by adding phydef and special attack.
Lefties Cofa
Cofagrigus @ Leftovers
Ability: Sticky Hold
EVs: 252 HP / 252 Def / 4 SpD
Bold Nature
- Will-O-Wisp
- Hex / Shadow Ball
- Pain Split
- Toxic Spikes / Knock Off / Body Press

Mummy Cofa
Cofagrigus @ Colbur Berry
Ability: Mummy
EVs: 252 HP / 252 Def / 4 SpD
Bold Nature
- Toxic Spikes
- Body Press / Will-O-Wisp
- Shadow Ball
- Pain Split

Pokémon: Vanilluxe
Niche: SS RU
Stats: 71 / 70 / 85 / 125 / 95 / 89

Abilities: Cold Sweat (Snow Warning + Changes the weather to rain if any opposing Pokémon has an attack that is super effective on this Pokémon)
New Moves: None (Based on its SS movepool)
Removed Moves: None
Descriptions: WTF M4A reference? Anyways I am kinda obessed with SS Vanilluxe's UU analysis being Blizzard, Freeze Dry, and Sleep Talk, literally just those 3 moves, even though this sub is mostly based on the RU Variant. The main idea behind this mon is of a "greedy " weather setter which uses the weather to boost its moves futher rather than just support its team, which seems really good in this meta. Cold Sweat makes Aurora Veil less reliable, but it is still possible to do. It might seem weird to have yet another mono Ice after Glalie, but their playstyles differ enough to feel sufficiently diferrent from each other. Mostly you might want to run stuff like Specs with Freeze Dry Weather Ball. Floatzel might appreciate the support, as well as HO do from the Aurora Veils.

This mf is Cold as Hell
Vanilluxe @ Choice Specs / Never-Melt Ice
Ability: Snow Warning
EVs: 252 SpA / 4 SpD / 252 Spe
Timid Nature
- Blizzard
- Freeze-Dry
- Weather Ball
- Aurora Veil

Vanilluxe @ Heavy-Duty Boots
Ability: Snow Warning
EVs: 252 SpA / 4 SpD / 252 Spe
Timid Nature
- Blizzard
- Freeze-Dry
- Weather Ball
- Aurora Veil
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Pokémon: Landorus
Niche: SS Uber (Mixed Attacker)
Stats: 90 / 95 / 90 / 90 / 80 / 105

Abilities: Sand Force / Sheer Force(HA)
New Moves: Diamond Storm
Removed Moves: Nasty Plot, Swords Dance
Descriptions: funny mixed attacker with edgequake sf. removed np to encourage the use of mixed sets and diamond storm for a strong sf boosted rock type attack
Mixed Wallbreaker
Landorus @ Life Orb
Ability: Sheer Force
EVs: 4 Atk / 252 SpA / 252 Spe
Naive Nature
- Diamond Storm
- Earth Power
- Sludge Wave / Knock Off / Stealth Rock
- Superpower / Explosion

Special Wallbreaker
Landorus @ Life Orb
Ability: Sheer Force
EVs: 252 SpA / 4 SpD / 252 Spe
Timid Nature
- Earth Power
- Focus Blast
- Psychic / Sludge Bomb
- Calm Mind / Stealth Rock

:sv/vullaby: (Not :eviolite: compatible)
Pokémon: Vullaby
Niche: SV LC (Physical Attacker)
Stats: 100 / 125 / 105 / 50 / 85 / 80

Abilities: Overcoat / Weak Armor / Terrestrial(HA)
New Moves: N/A
Removed Moves: N/A
Descriptions: bulky physical attacker with defensive options like roost, defog and u-turn. weak armor is for full offensive while terrestrial can be for some defensive option. terrestrial because it usually runs tera ground
Electric- and Rock-type attacks target the user with a halved attacking stat
Vullaby @ Heavy-Duty-Boots
Ability: Terrestrial
EVs: 248 HP / 252 Def / 8 SpD
Relaxed Nature
- Roost
- Defog
- U-turn
- Knock Off

Vullaby @ Heavy-Duty-Boots
Ability: Terrestrial / Weak Armor
EVs: 248 HP / 252 Atk / 8 Spe OR 252 Atk / 4 SpD / 252 Spe
Adamant / Jolly Nature
- Brave Bird
- Knock Off
- U-turn
- Roost
Pokémon: Kyurem
Niche: SM UU
Stats: 120 / 110 / 85 / 115 / 105 / 85

Abilities: Pressure
New Moves: Earthquake, Icicle Crash
Removed Moves: N/A
Descriptions: mainly a subrooster but can run choice specs if it wants to. ice / ground is one hella typing tho. big ass stat stick
Kyurem @ Leftovers / Heavy-Duty-Boots
Ability: Pressure
EVs: 56 HP / 200 SpA / 252 Spe
Modest / Timid Nature
- Substitute
- Ice Beam
- Roost
- Earth Power

Kyurem @ Leftovers / Heavy-Duty-Boots
Ability: Pressure
EVs: 56 HP / 200 Atk / 252 Spe
Adamant / Jolly Nature
- Substitute
- Icicle Crash
- Roost
- Earthquake

Kyurem @ Choice Specs / Choice Scarf
Ability: Pressure
EVs: 252 SpA / 4 SpD / 252 Spe
Timid Nature
- Ice Beam
- Earth Power
- Focus Blast
- Shadow Ball

Kyurem @ Life Orb / Loaded Dice
Ability: Pressure
EVs: 252 Atk / 4 SpD / 252 Spe
Jolly Nature
- Dragon Dance
- Icicle Crash / Icicle Spear
- Earthquake
- Substitute / Roost
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Pokémon: Volcarona
Niche: SM OU
Stats: 85 HP / 60 Atk / 65 Def / 135 SpA / 105 SpD / 100 Spe | BST: 550

Abilities: Swarm | HA: Flame Body
New Moves: Mud Shot
Removed Moves: Giga Drain

Descriptions: Quiver Dance Volcarona is a scary threat, especially now with access to Mud Shot, meaning Heatran isn't a slap dash check. Lack of Giga Drain however makes Water types alot easier to check it. Latias also gives it a run for it's money.

Pokémon: Ferrothorn
Niche: SS OU
Stats: 74 HP / 100 Atk / 129 Def / 54 SpA / 109 SpD / 20 Spe | BST: 486

Abilities: Iron Barbs | HA: Anticipation
New Moves: N/A
Removed Moves: N/A

Descriptions: Ferrothorn is a really good defensive glue that can set hazards up on alot of targets, while still not being an omnipotent hazard setter.

Pokémon: Jellicent
Niche: BW OU
Stats: 105 HP / 60 Atk / 85 Def / 95 SpA / 105 SpD / 60 Spe | BST: 510

Abilities: Water Absorb / Cursed Body | HA: Damp
New Moves: N/A
Removed Moves: N/A

Descriptions: Bulky Water that can spinblock some threats. It's matchuo versus the likes of Donphan and Hitmontop is fantastic, and can even bully Ho-oh ino not clicking it's own defog in a pinch if necessary.

Pokémon: Kyurem
Niche: SS Ubers
Stats: 125 HP / 120 Atk / 80 Def / 100 SpA / 85 SpD / 95 Spe | BST: 605

Abilities: Pressure | HA: Ice Body
New Moves: Chill Factor - Ice type 10 PP Recover clone
Removed Moves: N/A

Descriptions: Kyurem in Ubers performs as a PP Stallbreaker with its solid bulk and interesting defensive typing combined with Pressure. DDance + Icicle Spear is has high PP so bith in combo together tend to put in alotbof work. Of course special sets are still feasible but do not carry the same RAW power they fo in standard.
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the remaining will be done later

Name: Gigalith
Niche: SS PU (Specially Defensive Tank)
Stats: 85/135/130/60/90/25 (525)

Abilities: Sturdy / Sand Stream | Sand Force (HA)
Move Additions: Recover, Taunt, Teleport
Move Removals: -
:Leftovers:Specially Defense:Leftovers:
Gigalith @ Leftovers
Ability: Sand Stream
EVs: 252 HP / 4 Def / 252 SpD
Careful Nature
- Rock Blast
- Earthquake
- Stealth Rock / Toxic
- Recover / Toxic
General Role: Adding Gigalith gives us a sand setter and another Rock-type, which admittingly screams desaster. It differentiate itself from Solrock and Regirock by having better Special Defense with the sand boost, and by having a pure Rock-typing. Being weak to Ground isn't ideal and Solrock looses a Fighting weakness while Regirock looses a Grass weakness but both of these are unable to check Gengar even without Sand.

Synergies & Good Match-Ups:
Garchomp is an obvious partner. Sand Force boost on its attacks is amazing for it since it can get away with EQ, Stone Edge and Iron Head as coverage. The sand chipping its targets is also nice. Ho-Oh is also a nice partner for it since it resists all of Gigaliths weaknesses, except Water, and Gigalith can take the hits from moves targetting Ho-Oh. It pairs also well with Raikou, but only because of Weather Ball. This is admittinly not good, but I thought it was funny, so I mention it.

Competition & Bad Match-Ups:
I mentioned Solrock and Regirock giving this competition and they are really high. Solrock has better offensive typing and utility options, making it a better fast pace Pokemon. Regirock is a slow set-up sweeper. Gigalith only really has sand going for it and it has worse typing defensively. It also does fairly poorly against Hitmontop and Donphan, which are the best spinners in the tier.

Potential Cores/Teams:

This team focuses on getting its heavy hitters in as fast as possible with Teleport on Gigalith, Flip Turn on Starmie and Eject Button and Donphan. Sand helps chip checks to Starmie, Raikou and Garchomp into range of their attacks. The Raikou runs HDB to give it more longevity and the Ho-Oh has triple status, which it can use depending on its situation. Garchomp's coverage all get the boost from Sand and hit everything in the meta at least neutraly.

Name: Escavalier
Niche: ORAS RU (Swords Dance, Assault Vest, Choice Band)
Stats: 70/135/105/60/105/20 (495)

Abilities: Swarm / Shell Armor | Overcoat (HA)
Move Additions: Leech Life, Blitzkrieg
Move Removals: -
:assault-vest:Assault Vest:assault-vest:
Escavalier @ Assault Vest
Ability: Overcoat
EVs: 248 HP / 176 Atk / 84 Spe
Adamant Nature
- Leech Life / Megahorn
- Iron Head
- Knock Off / Close Combat
- Blitzkrieg

:choice-band:Choice Band:choice-band:
Escavalier @ Choice Band
Ability: Overcoat
EVs: 172 HP / 252 Atk / 84 Spe
Adamant Nature
- Leech Life / Megahorn
- Iron Head
- Knock Off / Close Combat
- Blitzkrieg

:Leftovers:Swords Dance:Leftovers:
Escavalier @ Leftovers
Ability: Overcoat
EVs: 248 HP / 8 Atk / 252 SpD
Careful Nature
- Leech Life
- Rest
- Sleep Talk
- Swords Dance
General Role: Escavalier is gives us a defensive Steel and also Bug STAB, in a meta that needs those, moreso the latter. Escavalier differentiates from the others by being an offensive Steel that focuses more on attacking utility rather than supporting utility. Heatran is better at trapping, setting Rocks and nuking the opponent. Escavalier heals with Leech Life, has Knock Off, Blitzkrieg and has set-up with Swords Dance. Overcoat is also useful for defensive purposes, unfortunately Shell Armor is only useful for Gengar's Thunderjolt and there's an obvious issue with that one.

Synergies & Good Match-Ups:
Thanks to its lack of Ground and Water weakness, it pairs better with Lanturn and Ho-Oh who complement eachothers weaknesses well. Solrock and Regirock are also great synergies for it and it can also remove Gardevoir, Gengar and Gastly from play, allowing some Pokemon that are checked by it to thrive.

Competition & Bad Match-Ups:
Heatran is a big thorn in its sight. Heatran not only provides defensive and support utility but checks Escavalier itself, since it switches into everything except CC and CC can be punished by PhysDef Heatran with Flame Body. Ho-Oh and Rapidash are also good and common. Its low speed also hurts it since it will always receive a hit before it can attack and while Leech Life is nice, it cannot reliably heal.

Potential Cores/Teams:

In this team, Escavalier helps you trap Hypno and Gardevoir so that Latias can start to set-up and sweep late game. Ho-Oh and Donphan forme a Regenerator core, with the former building a great type combo between it and Escavalier and the latter is a great progress maker alongside Escavalier thanks to Knock Off. Gardevoir can also sweep lategame and adds Speed Control while Garchomp is a defensive/offensive wallbreaker.

Name: Mienshao
Niche: ORAS UU (Choice Scarf, All-out Attacker)
Stats: 75/95/60/85/60/115 (490)

Abilities: Inner Focus / Regenerator | Reckless (HA)
Move Additions: -
Move Removals: Swords Dance
:choice-scarf:Choice Scarf:choice-scarf:
Mienshao @ Choice Scarf
Ability: Reckless
EVs: 252 Atk / 4 SpD / 252 Spe
Jolly Nature
- High Jump Kick
- Stone Edge / Ice Spinner
- U-turn
- Knock Off

:life-orb:Life Orb:life-orb:
Mienshao @ Life Orb
Ability: Regenerator
EVs: 252 Atk / 4 SpD / 252 Spe
Jolly Nature
- Close Combat
- Knock Off
- U-turn
- Fake Out / Ice Spinner
General Role: Mienshao is the fastest Fighting-type but also the weakest, which is also further noticable by the fact that almost all of them can boost their Attack with the nature and the only other one, Mewtwo can boost both its Attack and Speed with Swords Dance and Trailblaze respectively. Mienshao is an anti-offense Pokemon. Regenerator is an ability that is already present in this meta, but it was not used on a purely offensive Pokemon.

Synergies & Good Match-Ups:
It works best on offensive teams but also fits well on bulky offense teams as a great option for speed control and wallbreaking. It can pair with SD Garchomp, Specs Gardevoir and Choice Band Absol who can mainly focus on wallbreaking, letting Mienshao focus more on its match-up against offense.

Competition & Bad Match-Ups:
With its low attack and reliance on Reckless High Jump Kick on Scarf sets, it either deals to little damage or is hard checked by certain Pokemon. Gastly and Gengar are pretty annoying against it, especially Gengar who is not only immune to HJK but also nullifies Regenerator, which is useful but it can be dealt with via Knock Off.

Potential Cores/Teams:

Mienshao and Absol built a great offensive core that beat each others checks and they are both naturally fast. Pair this with other fast Pokemon like Garchomp, Raikou and Latias who all have defensive utility while being dangerous offensive threats. Everything Pokemon here has a way to deal with defensive teams and pair extrenely well against opposing offense
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:kyurem-black: - This is too strong. 170 base attack combined with Fusion Bolt, Z-Freeze Shock and Outrage/Dragon Claw hits incredibly hard and its SpA isn't too low. It can even run Mixed sets with Ice Beam, Fusion Bolt, Earth Power and either Roost or Sub. Hone Claws with Freeze Shock is also good and it can run the intended Z-Freeze Shock. Not to mention that it is bulky so it can freely set a sub against most Pokemon and ruin them. Also, Ice is a really good offensive typing here and the Pokemon that aren't too bothered is set-up fodder for sub or Hone Claws. I'd massively reduce its offenses to below 140.

:frillish: - This Pokemon is really minmaxed. I'd lower its physical bulk a bit and bump some into attack.
:zoroark: - This Pokemon really does not need an improved Illusion, so I rather keep it as is, since it is also the second fastest Pokemon in the tier and is massively strong.

mf stole my formatting, lmao
:serperior: - This Pokemon really does not need the buffs you gave it. It is already good enough without the SpA boost and Flamethrower. Heatran and Ho-Oh are the best checks to it and with a bit of luck. SubSeed sets with Glare can ruin both of these. Ho-Oh is better since it can heal with Regenerator and its STABs hit more reliably, but it can also loose in theory. Flamethrower just makes stuff like Magneton or other Grasses like Cacturne and Venusaur even less of reliable checks than they already are.

:landorus: - We had Landorus last year and it was really great... With lower offensive stats, lower speed and lack of secondary STAB. Your Landorus is really strong and it cannot be realistically checked. I would seriously lower its offensive potential. Right now, it has great offensive STABs boosted by Sheer Force, good SpA and Atk for the Ability + Item combination and its speed is also really good. It has to lack in one or two of those areas. I recommend reaching out on discord to find a proper fix.

:kyurem: - Assuming that it has SS movepool since it wasn't specified anywhere. It has great offensive typing, amazing stats and great moves in Dragon Dance, Substitute, Roost and great STABs for either side. It can run anything it wants and it will all do well. If it is the SM movepool, it looses out on Dragon Dance and Freeze-Dry but it does not need them, since it pairs well against Waters and Sub helps against offensive Pokemon. Also reach out for this on Discord.

:kyurem: - It has immense stats and set versatility. I would lower its bulk and attacking stats so that counterplay is more realistic against it. Also remember that it has Loaded Dice which makes Icicle Spear and Scale Shot great moves to use.

You will have 2 days to fix these subs. Also, editing is only allowed for these subs. Any post that will be edited from this point onwards has to be reported to me. This is specifically to avoid secret buffing of submissions.
Here are the voting rules:
Please note that this is the most points you’re able to get through self voting, since can’t vote for your own Pokémon in first place, and if you SV for second place, you can’t put another one of your submissions in third place. Another quick reminder that the position you put these in matters, as first place gets 7 points, second gets 6 points, third gets 5 points, and so on.

You cannot vote for the following submission:
:zoroark: - Hatchil

Voting will last for 48 hours. Good Luck!