Announcement np: SV OU Suspect Process, Round 8 - Toxic [ Tiering Note Post #2 ]

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So, after reading ALMOST every post in this thread (as I was suggested), I finally realize that the majority of you have lost it and are completely on the fringes of insanity. First, Gliscor ISN'T banworthy; at all. The fact that THIS suspect test is happening before the "other" suspect test (because of a Tiering Survey) is beyond me. Especially considering we all, for the most part, know WHO the problem REALLY is.

Second, all I've seen presented, thus far, is suboptimal reasonings as to why Gliscor should be banned when superb counterplay options have ALSO been presented here several times. It's not ANYBODY's fault if whomever you are can't adapt to the meta. Learn how to strategize and play better, and you won't have any problems.

The fact that I keep seeing Tera "Everything" getting shot down and placed into a black-and-white category, when it comes to Gliscor, let's me know that the most of you simply aren't playing Gen 9 right. There's a whole mechanic, and then some, to take advantage of, yet the lot of you don't even wanna make use of it. That's wild.

At the end of the day, my perspective and stance towards Gliscor, currently, remains the same. If what I've read so far is supposed to be "convincing", it's not. Sorry not sorry. I mean, what're y'all gonna do when DLC2 drops, and none of this matters? Smh!

Btw, thanks for the clout, Haha Reactors.
i genuinely did not see this and will apologize for my harshness in response to a joke, but i have seen anti-ban arguments legitimately advocate for unbanning pokemon such as chien-pao and urshifu in the recent past so i was quite reprehensive upon seeing that at first. but i was wrong on that and will apologize for my mistake.

Yeah it’s all cool. Unbanning Chien-Pao to deal with Gliscor and Gholdengo is like drinking bleach to treat cancer. I apologize if it came off as a serious suggestion.

Another thing I don’t think I’ve seen mentioned that makes Gliscor banworthy in this meta specifically is that there are *almost* no ways to get rid of status once you get hit with Toxic. It’s one of the reasons Garganacl is good defensively with its ability and signature move, but its pure Rock typing is the only thing dragging it down. Gliscor is better because it heals itself if it's poisoned, which it always will be, and has a solid defensive typing to boot. Unlike Garg, Gliscor doesn't need Tera to be a nuisance. Furthermore its passive healing can't be knocked off like Garg's can. Because Aromatherapy, Psycho Shift and Refresh were axed from the game, status conditions are permanent, so getting the opponent's team afflicted with a status condition goes a long way to ensure they can clean up. Yes, niche options like natural cure and take heart exist but they are so poorly distributed that it's a non-issue. Our only options to get rid of status are the Blissey line, which have access to heal bell, which is a rather big investment, or using Lum Berry when you'd rather be using anything else.

If Gliscor was a mon that needed set diversity to handle various things like Dragapult, it would've been manageable. However, it 1v1s a lot of things well and makes a ridiculous amount of permanent progress in the game with just one set by getting spikes up and clicking toxic or earthquake on anything that tries to get rid of those spikes. Spikes, Toxic, Protect and Earthquake with excellent chip healing that can't be removed without worry seed, skill swap, or neutgas tech is overwhelming and suffocating for the metagame. The other options like Taunt, Swords Dance, Knock Off and U-Turn are just gravy to a draft player like me.

I don't think all the issues that plague the metagame (in particular lack of hazard removal options and lack of clerical support) will be resolved with the ban of Gliscor, but banning Gliscor will at least make the metagame less stale and repetitive.
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Second, all I've seen presented, thus far, is suboptimal reasonings as to why Gliscor should be banned when superb counterplay options have ALSO been presented here several times.

i have not seen a single form of reliable counterplay to gliscor actually get listed in this thread. having to run substitute on every ground resist just so you dont get fucked by this thing (all of which still risk losing to SD variants) is not very healthy in the long-term
i have not seen a single form of reliable counterplay to gliscor actually get listed in this thread. having to run substitute on every ground resist just so you dont get fucked by this thing (all of which still risk losing to SD variants) is not very healthy in the long-term
i'd find it best not to interact with a troll this obvious. all they're doing is driving undecided people into the arms of the pro-ban side, so why stop them? "never interrupt your enemy when he is making a mistake."
To annoying. Knock/status immunity pivot and hazzards is really oppresive. Gliscor stall is pretty strong and just because this guy is checking every physical attacker, plus being inmune to spike and at the same time get neutral damage for rocks ¡in this eceonomy!
Lets be real, the bes ice type in this meta rn is ninetiles and he is not even offensive, and we all know who is running the random ice spinner so the 4x weakness is not even a problem that you cant just olay around.
Gliscor is a really big deal. By himself he is capable of take many hits and randoms stab eq is not something you can ignore, hazzards and toxic is pretty much and he can destroy many offensive cores.
Have a nice day
Gliscor wrote this post
First, Gliscor ISN'T banworthy; at all. The fact that THIS suspect test is happening before the "other" suspect test (because of a Tiering Survey) is beyond me.

Not out problem... gliscor was suspected because it had an immediate negative presence in the meta... that is none of our business to wonder who came first

Second, all I've seen presented, thus far, is suboptimal reasonings as to why Gliscor should be banned when superb counterplay options have ALSO been presented here several times. It's not ANYBODY's fault if whomever you are can't adapt to the meta. Learn how to strategize and play better, and you won't have any problems.

Can you list counterplay? I can say "ursaluna blood moon isnt ban wthy because counterplay exists" ... but no one is gonna think jack shit of it if i dont back it up. Can you back up ur statements?

"It's not ANYBODY's fault if whomever you are can't adapt to the meta. Learn how to strategize and play better, and you won't have any problems." Just play better 4head sounds like the argument being made here.... peolpe have adapted and yet gliscor is still fucking over OU. What are your qualifications to make that people haven't adapted to it or tried to.

The fact that I keep seeing Tera "Everything" getting shot down and placed into a black-and-white category, when it comes to Gliscor, let's me know that the most of you simply aren't playing Gen 9 right. There's a whole mechanic, and then some, to take advantage of, yet the lot of you don't even wanna make use of it. That's wild.

If i have to run tera flying (or ground resist) + sub on everything to setup on it or run specific pokemon (that still may lose to a tera gliscor) shows that is pretty unhealthy... you cant deal with spikes and trying to nitpick counterplay to it is just not smth that should happen (god forbid u have to burn tera on smth else).

Again... where is ur proof of "There's a whole mechanic, and then some, to take advantage of, yet the lot of you don't even wanna make use of it. That's wild."

At the end of the day, my perspective and stance towards Gliscor, currently, remains the same. If what I've read so far is supposed to be "convincing", it's not. Sorry not sorry. I mean, what're y'all gonna do when DLC2 drops, and none of this matters? Smh!

"why should we try" We try because we want to make the meta healthier while people play it is prob the reason... no one wants to sit through shit just to be told "its not even gonna matter in a couple months" We should at least make those months fun and enjoyable for the average player.

I was gonna think jack shit of this post but i think people deserve to know that arguments without any evidence to back themselves up are worth shit in a suspect test.... saying "people aren't playing gen 9 right" or "people just dont know how to adapt" are the most bullshit arguments ive seen
“People simply aren’t adapting to Gliscor”

The adaptation:
I find it funny that, as an avid Gliscor hazard stack converted, I actually don't care if those hazards end up on my side of the field. If you're using Cinderace, hazards clearly effects you more than it does me. Gliscor is so effective at setting that Court Change is a mild inconvenience.

Oh you feel good about having me spend 3 turns setting, just to send them back at me? I'm fucking Gliscor, they're going right back up and you can't do shit now. And rest assured, if 3 layers of spikes came up, they went up with no resistance at all, cause Gliscor. Plus everybody is wearing boots. Boooooots. Corviknight is more of a bother.
Ban this mon, sure Gholdengo still remains on the table, but all the other hazard setters aren't as bad as Gliscor. Samurot-H has suboptimal bulk, Ting-Lu lacks reliable recovery outside of lefies, and Glimmora has the defenses of a square of wet toilet paper.

Gliscor, has it all. Fantastic typing, good bulk, reliable recovery, and all the damn hazards. It also doesn't help that all the best hazard removers either can't do shit to it (Corv), can only really do it once (Cinderace) or get a toxic for their troubles (All the damn hazard removers besides Corv and maybe Glim).

As soon as this thing hits the field, you know what it's going to do. It's going to maybe protect to guarantee that sweet sweet poison heal, vomit all the damn hazards while protecting, and then maybe cripple your spinners if not just outright switch to something else. Toxic already puts an enormous amount of pressure along with the hazards, and if it's facing a steel or poison type then hello earthquake. Hell, it doesn't even need tera to kick your ass, but on the off chance it does, then congratulations! That's another mon that's going to be put on a timer.

I don't care if DLC 2 is soon nor if the metagame there will be radically different, as of now, this mon is an absolute menace and should be banned.
Can you list counterplay? I can say "ursaluna blood moon isnt ban wthy because counterplay exists" ... but no one is gonna think jack shit of it if i dont back it up. Can you back up ur statements?

He's literally just looking to get a rise from you lmao, he's said so himself.

“People simply aren’t adapting to Gliscor”

The adaptation:

When I first saw the news of Gliscor being suspected on a few YouTube channels, my first thought was honestly it's "just a skill issue lol." Gliscor is versatile but manageable in the draft format. Tons of things get ice beam, ice spinner, and could dispatch it before it becomes an issue, partly because it's not a tera user. But it made appreciate the obvious differences between a ladder meta and a draft meta a bit more. For a draft matchup, you have to be optimized for up to 12 pokemon depending on the league format. Given that they also are prepping for you specifically, you can whittle down the possibilities to 7-9 viable options. The same is not true for ladder. You have to prep for multiple threats in the same meta. You can't just bring Ice coverage to deal with your opponent's Gliscor because it impedes your performance against the rest of your opponent's team members and the rest of the meta at large.

I think the term "zugzwang" is ideal to describe the situation Gliscor puts you in when it gets on the field on something it can 1v1 by mere virtue of switching in. No matter the move you make, you're left in a worse-off position because Gliscor can make permanent progress with toxic, spikes or earthquake chip regardless if you attack or switch out.
Got my reqs abt a day ago, I can officially talk in this chat. Despite LameLiarLeo asking for no ban, I will be voting BAN. There is no reason for this, I just don't like how it looks. Also, my team will get better if I do this so yeah. All jokes aside, here is the real reason why.

It has passive recovery that cannot be removed (Trick + Pecha Berry Gholdengo trust), is immune to Spikes in a hazard central metagame, Is able to set hazards AND threatens the things that are able to remove/ignore its hazards. This comes in the form of Eq (for Cinderace) and Toxic for Great Tusk. It also leads to Gliscor stalemates which is no fun (watch the SCL games LOL). The Gholden that goes is also a big factor on why Gliscor is getting tested as Gliscor loves this type of meta.

Quick gripe:
I'm a team rater for the discord and forums (u should covert too!) so seeing the same Gliscor balance or Boots Spam or team that can't break Gliscor is really sad for me. It sucks the fun out of rating too :(
finally got reqs, I was on the fence on what to vote for a while but after watching that SCL finals game and multiple ones which have 60+ turns of gliscor dittos, games which didnt include the yellow made of money mon REDACTED, I've changed my mind on gliscor, by itself is really oppressive and unhealthy for the tier so i will voting ban
I played a few matches against that Xavgb team which really highlighted how oppressive Gliscor could be as a Spiker. I used Corviknight against that team, which theoretically should do fine as a Defogger vs Gliscor, but the combination of Knock Off support from Mandibuzz, Sticky Barb support from Clefable, and taking constant rounds of Stealth Rock damage led to it getting worn down incredibly fast and unable to consistently Defog. And really, Corviknights options against Sticky Barb Clefable (which is also setting up Rocks) are fairly limited if it gets Knock'd off (which it often will given that it is typically a Knock Off absorber). What is it going to do, not attack? Just never click U-Turn? You'll burn through Defog PP and lose the war of attrition eventually. I think this really sements to me that Gliscor is the problem here, as its natural immunity to spikes and ridiculous longevity lets it ensure Spikes stay on the field and win the war of attrition when supplamented with the right teammates.
I like the tier having a singular reliable wall and I disliked Ting Lu Hrott spikes meta. I prefer Gliscor OU. Way more interesting approaches in builds. I wanted the tier to have a defensive toxic knock off user for a while to compensate for the aggrevating and flat out stupid imbalance imposed on defensive play. Gliscor feels good to use and beating it feels rewarding. I like it.

Still voting do not ban.
Gliscor getting spikes?

Screenshot 2023-11-09 at 10.21.03 AM.png

Anyone, I think a sentiment shared among the ban-Ghold community is that we all like Gliscor for its nice defensive capabilities, being a status and knock absorber in a meta where those often mean permanent progress. The issue is that Gamefreak made the baffling decision to give it Spikes and Toxic, because gliscor's problem was that it just really wasn't good enough at making progress lmao. I hope that by banning Ghold, hazard removal will become a lot better and Gliscor's stupid spikes-setting shenanigans stop strangling this section of smogon, seriously :D. That being said, this tier feels really horrible to play right now due to spikestack, and I don't want to gamble on the Ghold suspect failing like the Kingambit one did. I'd vote Ban but I'm also not gonna actually get reqs because I'm bad.

also, shoutout to the absolute fucking chad running no-roost choice scarf corviknight that is apparently .28% of corv usage. Funny as hell.
I'm going to keep it short and sweet.

I think it should be banned. Versatility, very useful benefit of Poison Heal, Excellent Typing, Can be great for stall, offense, defense. I personally run Gliscor with a Toxic Orb + Fling, Acrobatics, Sword Dance and Facade but I know there are a good amount of other strategies. Though I love Gliscor, facing one is incredibly tedious for the most part. There's the argument of Terastalizing but I don't think it's that necessary for Gliscor. It's really good on it's own and you could terastalize a completely different mon on your team. It loses more than it gains when tera. I'm open for polite criticism. I vote ban. Comparing it to a good amount of mons currently in OU, it's a stick-out for sure.
I like the tier having a singular reliable wall and I disliked Ting Lu Hrott spikes meta. I prefer Gliscor OU. Way more interesting approaches in builds. I wanted the tier to have a defensive toxic knock off user for a while to compensate for the aggrevating and flat out stupid imbalance imposed on defensive play. Gliscor feels good to use and beating it feels rewarding. I like it.

Still voting do not ban.
How the hell is it more interesting? Gliscor is a better spike stacker than HRott and Ting-Lu combined- if anything it just aggravates the problem. Hell, Ting-Lu and HRott at least have actual, tangible, crippling flaws to them- that's better than can be said for Gliscor, whose flaws mostly just come down to "Kind of low SpDef and Quad Ice Weakness". Heck, Ting-Lu and HRott actually have hazard removers that can deal with them (Both in particular lose to Corviknight- as opposed to Gliscor whom Corv can't do jack to) That's just one of the reasons it's banworthy. Hell, Gliscor's not even a passive wall. It either forces massive hyper offense, or WAY too many HDB just to deal with it, and even then it can STILL cripple a key player on your team with item removal or toxic.

In the context of the current metagame, Gliscor is absolutely suffocating OU, and that just ain't healthy. And no, it isn't just that other thing that's a problem. Gliscor spells trouble for OU all on its own- the tier just is not equipped to deal with it.

I definitely won't be able to get reqs, but if I did, I'd vote to boot this thing from the tier in a heartbeat.
i have not seen a single form of reliable counterplay to gliscor actually get listed in this thread. having to run substitute on every ground resist just so you dont get fucked by this thing (all of which still risk losing to SD variants) is not very healthy in the long-term

You don't have to, that's just an option. Gliscor is exploitable with setup sweepers because of its reliance on protect. If Gliscor goes for a swords dance, as long as you have an anti-setup mon (Gliscor has a pretty meager attack stat, so you could even afford it getting to +4 if you have an anti-setup option), you can just beat swords dance.

In fact, if you think about it, there are situations where a mon does not beat all sets of another. Great Tusk doesn't always beat Kingambit, Iron Valiant has effectively next to no hard counter, stored power sweepers can run coverage for common checks, and so on.

Your options for beating Gliscor are definitely beyond "substitute on a ground resist."

Yes, substitute on a ground resist is definitely a thing as a check, and other checks could be taunt users and setup mons.

As for counters, you have Corviknight, Hatterene (even IF Hatterene gets knocked, it still beats hazard setting Gliscor), take heart Manaphy, and magic guard Clefable as options for pretty much every set, and then options such as air balloon Heatran and air balloon Gholdengo for non-knock + earthquake sets, and then for non-toxic sets (which are somewhat rare), Great Tusk, Ogerpon-Wellspring, Zapdos, Enamorus, and RIllaboom can beat those.

A common argument against these options is that many of the counters can be toxic'd or knocked. However, Gliscor has an annoying case when selecting its moves.

Gliscor has to run protect pretty much, or at least every serious, non-pivot set does, and then if it wants to be a support option, it should have spikes or some hazard. From there, there are really 3 options for the last 2 moves, which are toxic knock, toxic earthquake, and earthquake knock. Even if you don't account for Gliscor's sets, you probably have at least some usable counterplay against Gliscor, at least by figuring out the set.

second off, i think losing defog and roost were, paradoxically, both net benefits for gliscor. if it hadn't lost roost, it's likely that we never would have truly rediscovered how annoying protect spam is on a mon that heals that much, especially when roost is much easier to pp-stall than protect this gen. having defog would turn gliscor into the meta's premier defogger due to its general splashability and capability to take on ghold, which would mean it would run spikes less often (because as good as it is, gliscor has a bit of a 4mss problem, so if you're in the market for a defogger you might as well run one of the other ten million spikes setters and use the defogger that matches perfectly into… spikes gliscor), and it matches up so well into other hazard setters that the hazard meta would become less of a problem overall. so my theory is that gliscor managed to find a fucking behelit sometime between gen 7 and the dlc and the loved ones it chose to sacrifice for power were roost and defog

No???? Gliscor definitely took a blow when losing roost.

Yes, protect sets are and have been usable on Gliscor for a long time. People have used protect in gen 5, for example.

I also think people would have considered protect due to roost having only 8 pp, but all of this just talks about why losing roost doesn't matter.

The real downside of losing roost is that it really does make specially defensive sets a whole lot worse. Yes, they are viable to some extent, but as it feels right now, specially defensive Gliscor feels like it just takes a bit too much damage from everything. You still don't get one shot by ice spinner Great Tusk, but at that point, why would you want to take one?

I know a lot of people have mentioned Gliscor coming back from incredibly low HP, even if you don't KO it, but this is, in practice, difficult to pull off against teams that do have decent offensive pressure can naturally force you into tough positions, such as setting up on a crippled Gliscor, force you to make awkward switches that lose you momentum, or sacrifice some of your other mons' HP (or even sacrificing them entirely) if you really want to do such a thing.

I know, people have seen Gliscor go from 1% to 100% during the course of the game (I have seen it firsthand too), but the truth is that the cause of these scenarios are teams that allow this to happen because they are really fat, such as the xavgb fat team or stall, or they were played poorly.

In my case, I saw a tera blast ice Cinderace deal 99% to my Gliscor on my reqs alt. Here, my opponent should have tried to keep up pressure by getting up rocks and, since now my primary Cinderace answer was severely crippled, use Cinderace to snag some damage on my team. However, my opponent failed to do this, which ALLOWED me to get my Gliscor to full HP.

This is also, in theory, incredibly similar to regenerator; if you don't kill something with regenerator outright, it has a very real possibility of just being able to rejuvenate itself throughout the course of a game. In fact, this is even easier to do with a regenerator mon, considering that regenerator outheals rocks or 3 layers of spikes, doesn't require you to waste a turn on protect (so you can just switch out immediately after taking your HP), and has an overall greater burst healing.

If Gliscor had roost, however, it would very comfortably be able to run specially defensive sets because it has a button to press that just undoes the damage it takes, making it an incredible wall from both sides, even if roost PP got halved.

Despite this, I will give you defog Gliscor because I do think defog Gliscor would be sick. However, people would still complain about its ban because now, you would still very much see Gliscor mirrors, and they would be even more common. Now, one Gliscor is spamming spikes, while the other is clicking defog every 2 layers of spikes to keep hazards off. The hazard stack aspect would be nearly utterly neutralized, but not the Gliscor mirrors aspect.

I will say I wish Gliscor kept defog, as it does seem like a nice defogger into Gholdengo as well, but that's besides my argument.
Gliscor beats hat esp with rocks up... u dont want to take a knock nor do uw ant to switch into it over the course of a game.. this is just asking to lose ur hatt at what? them jsut being able to set them up later?

Yes... u have options but they either dont want to take eq + toxic, a knock off on switch or are just niche asf... I dont think you can make that argument. Teams kinda have to shove answers against gliscor... you either run boots stack... because you cannot affrod to run into gliscor, run hatt + insurance, or run superman teams in the hope that gliscor doesnt do that much vs it, or just out offense it.

(magic guard clef kinda is spikes fother and ice beam is a very specific option for it)

Gliscor losing roost is a downside ofc... but the meta being so anti balance friendly because you can just be setup on by gliscor and just be screwed over is not a nice feeling. Sure you can hit it hard but is it really a cost you want to have to run tera blast ice cinderace.... what if cind was just pyro ball and you just ate the hit or predicted the switch out and u gain a spike or u hit smth with knock, toxic, or maybe even an eq.... I dont know if its really smth you want to keep in the metagame
Gliscor beats hat esp with rocks up... u dont want to take a knock nor do uw ant to switch into it over the course of a game.. this is just asking to lose ur hatt at what? them jsut being able to set them up later?

Most rockers either cannot get past Hatterene in the first place or don't have good longevity (signifying a somewhat poor Gliscor hazard stack partner); if your Hatterene takes rocks, you probably screwed up somewhere. Also, you have draining kiss to recover damage as well.
Most rockers either cannot get past Hatterene in the first place or don't have good longevity (signifying a somewhat poor Gliscor hazard stack partner); if your Hatterene takes rocks, you probably screwed up somewhere. Also, you have draining kiss to recover damage as well.
Yeah yeah... ting lu can ruination it and cause it to not want to switch in well... great tusk can knock and swith out and all of a sudden ur taking a lot more damage.. even smth like lando-t or garchomp which dont threaten it as much (it cant threaten lando-t much) and even then garchomp usually can just eq it down... + u have teammates to counter hatt to.... while they also have teammates hatt isnt ORAS mega sab lvl of fucking over removal.

"if your Hatterene takes rocks, you probably screwed up somewhere"

uh huh... much easier said than done
"if your Hatterene takes rocks, you probably screwed up somewhere"

uh huh... much easier said than done
no, i actually agree with that. rocks in particular don't have many setters that match up well into hatt, so bringing her in on a rocks user every time it comes in isn't very difficult to do. besides this, if you were to theoretically predict your opponent's actions perfectly every turn, and you had a magic bounce mon, they would literally never be able to get hazards up outside of hamurott or kleavor, so technically any hazards existing on your side of the field when you have a hatterene is a sign of imperfect play (and this is nothing to be ashamed of, since it's not actually possible to perfectly predict everything your opponent does)
As for counters, you have Corviknight, Hatterene (even IF Hatterene gets knocked, it still beats hazard setting Gliscor), take heart Manaphy, and magic guard Clefable as options for pretty much every set, and then options such as air balloon Heatran and air balloon Gholdengo for non-knock + earthquake sets, and then for non-toxic sets (which are somewhat rare), Great Tusk, Ogerpon-Wellspring, Zapdos, Enamorus, and RIllaboom can beat those.

A common argument against these options is that many of the counters can be toxic'd or knocked. However, Gliscor has an annoying case when selecting its moves.

Gliscor has to run protect pretty much, or at least every serious, non-pivot set does, and then if it wants to be a support option, it should have spikes or some hazard. From there, there are really 3 options for the last 2 moves, which are toxic knock, toxic earthquake, and earthquake knock. Even if you don't account for Gliscor's sets, you probably have at least some usable counterplay against Gliscor, at least by figuring out the set.

I'll try to explain why half of the mons you've suggested aren't actual counters in the first place.

1. take heart manaphy does NOT like switching into spikes (that you set yourself) and if it happens to be KO gliscor and gets knocked on the switch then it's incredibly to wear it down with HALF decent offensive pressure since it doesn't have the consistent lefties healing it.

2. i hate to break it to you but hatterene is just straight up not the answer u think it is gang. Hatt legit takes a quarter from an uninvested eq (MINIMUM) and all gliscor has to do is switch out to its teammates like a dirge, milotic, heatran that's a fairy resit and hatt is forced out with ease. (yes milo is basically a fairy resist at this point). Also wearing down hatt is stupid easy. it has 0 reliable recovery and if you don't want to get spiked or hazard spammed on you practically have to throw it into battle to make sure that it and it's teammates don't get rundown by the spikes/ rocks users. And if you don't predict correctly then hazards are going up and you're using hat to stop those exact hazards. So in reality the mindgames "do i click hazards or not" are just skewed in the attacker's favor.

3. corv is an unserious mon whether you have a gholdengo or not. in general it's a huge momentum sink that flails around bulky defensive teams OR it's a pokemon that gets overwhelmed pretty easily against offensive teams that threaten it. Simply put, corv feels like a do-nothing mon in most match ups and I do not rate this mon highly.

4. MG cleff does shit on gliscor but spedef gliscor can make it waste moonlight pp which can be costly if you're playing against a bulky team that NEEDS your clef to manage the 8 moonlight PP that it has. but yah mg clef is by far the best gliscor counter.

5. for things like balloon ghold and heatran are literally do nothing about the spikes gliscor sets down. Like you're acting like we're playing a metagame where we can't just switch out of the MU. there are bulky waters everywhere like emp, milo, mola that don't give up momentum and allow for a pivot into a pokemon that threatens it out. and as for milo it just beats both those 2 mons outright. and remember gliscor very well could have just spiked left and then next time all of your other mons are getting worn down.

All of your counters "work" against gliscor to a certain extent for sure. there's a reason why gliscor didn't get quickbanned to the shadow realm instantly.

However, we play a 6v6 metagame, and gliscor's ability to wear down it's checks and counters WHILE making progress for your teammate's checks and counters is what makes it problematic. That is why every Ban voters have been screaming there's no GOOD counterplay against gliscor.

hope this actually makes sense mate :-;
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